/ ; : : portunities; you have 8 } THE STARS SAY mind, and tle sare favor a nancial By _FATRELLITA couraging periods are now-and i ough October, ex. FOR TOMORROW fram Fd fe periods \ ; " irs Hop 3 \ : / " : : brief during ! 0 Zz; a : | The stars emphasize good re those months. The sas, dow't Yd ' / lations with those sirrounding do it for you; they yon ; boy "ny you, especially in money mat v you can do it most ally y / 2 oy' ters. Orderliness is the key ie and nimuntal . ad word, but this .should be easy Questions will come fo & i d Dial RA 3.3474 " : g Ha of are encouraged hy #04 the ouicome will be good Jo Aldwineckle, Women's Editor i" A "| ; Vig Ate SCOURGE] DF AL Cd born on this day wil THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 13, 1961 7 | wv 4 (this time have # fair mind, and # fare for Wi) (FOR THE BIRTHDAY writing plays or work in Adelaide McLaughlin H&S Holds pry -_ a tt © 1 gia Well Attended Night Of Cards (F KARN'S: | , . 2 . . The Adelaide McLaughlin/Cullen, Mrs, George King, Mrs, | #0 = aa d | M ; Home and School Association re- K. J. Stroud, Mrs. R King. oe 3 iid € ica irror cently hla is soma Nigh of Mrs. W. Miler, Mrs. G. Kane, 2 STD Cards, Mrs. 1), Kear, Mrs, B. W. Pet | The rooms were gaily decor- ron, Mrs, M, Grossman |mted with haskets of flowers and Miss Cheryl Donald, Mrs. R, / T bh y T a a of Sproule, Mrs f R Say, Mrs, ; om 0 S, ears ed, white and black J.C. Dudley, Mrs. John Brady, " Pg o 4 ey general Mrs, G, K, Drynan, Mrs Porn| and Trousseaus y »/ |eonvener for the event, was as 2d Campbell, Mrs, C. Sproule, 7 , / . i v4 J 5 hate Jt JX ass {sisted by Mrs, G. H, Perry and Mrs. John Richardson, Mrs, y . L 4 Ankls Swelling ill [Ie "AU Mrs. William Carroll, refresh William Rowden, Mrs, T 7 | ® HIVES I JIRA I 1 \ments; Mrs. John Benson, tick. Bryans, Mrs, G. P v A ; ; i d TN ets: Mrs. K. J. Schell, prizes, W. J. Meyer, Mrs, D. O J 5 Q. My 9-ysar-old doughter likes {| | IMrs. John Richardson. dishes: Mrs, Ross Mackie, Mrs, | A " 10 dress in boys' clothes and tries Mrs. Douglas Wilson, candy Stonebridge, Mrs. Fred Parish,! ar to act like & boy. will this weer (Mrs. Mortimer Brown, pub. Mrs. P. Taylor, Mrs, George ; off? | y hope » nd E licity; Mr. Harold Pascoe, prin. Shaw, Mrs, W. T. Gould, Mrs. | ididl 4% A . i drives me 10 tears. ~~A worries AT . dak leipal, tables and chairs Philip Lawrence, Mrs, William 4 : ; we mother ] or impork ¢ snk } ; - A ye 1 £0Us Wy wtors Room hostesses were Mrs. 1. Bovko, Mrs Stanley Gomme # p 4 od 2 A, Most little girls who like to p on urticaria) is food als A. Smith, Mrs. Mortimer Brown Progressive Euchre prizes -- 4 ? we, i lergy. However, hives may be 'and Mrs. Alek Ivanoff and Mr. 'Mrs. H. Davidson, Mr. Stanley A i A be quite womanly, However, it CIEL bony substnace tn which ) Joseph Ward and Mr. 0. ¥. Gaz Prevost, Mrs. John Slater, Mrs ' 4 i 7 " : fg Fo ow ¥ would seem wise not to just sit person is sensitive and is often 7 r ley had charge of the euchre ¥.. Smith, Mrs. Gordon' Farrell des. kARE : im o | Woman's Association of Sim. bock and let noture fakes if associnted with extreme Nervous WW # wv ( room Mr. Bert Grannon, Mr, Bruce Phuong dl HE Valor Bader Cel ores dent go con Street United Church, who se. Encourage gir ih Ms ness. Sudden attacks of hives are : i Approximately 225 guests Hamilton and Mr. Frank Frank id Tea are Mrs. Jelle John Dyer, nvesident of the | opened the fea and sale haviour ut [Frou newimaling: usuolly caused by such seasonal PRINCIPALS were present to lake part in furter Oshawa Times Photo easing, one ming Losi foods ns strawberries, tomatoes, WEDDING bridge, euchre and progressive, The door prize was won 0) measures moy do more etc. Shellfish are responsible for Ju : : Mr. Frank Frankfurter t Sale | han good many cases of hives, Although Married recently at King | awa General Hospital, Is the |euchre . 1 { J E Street United Church were daughter of Mr. and Mrs A total of 43 attractively dec Refreshments were surves by a en ] GROUPS, CLUBS Q. During the recent wit ivi usally Ghvappsat ib the gr | G | ze e the commitiee assisie y the : weather | noticed that my ankles naw a Mr. and Mrs. Donald Alex: | George Stone and the bride- |orated prizes were won by the ! " on y : ander Laing. The bride, the | groom is the son of Mr. and following: Mrs, Robert Barr, executive and the grade moth oriu era pring AUXILIARIES became swollen, Should | eon. Known fo. eonimus tor savarol former Miss Georgina Lor- | Mrs, George Laing, all of (Mrs, D. McMillan, Mrs, Mary|ers and fathers wif o doctor? consists of finding end. avoiding raine Stone, who is a gradu. | Oshawa . | Simcoe Street United Church red awning lent color fn the CHRIST CHURCH WA A. It might be desirable 1a have the particular substance or cond) ate of class '60 of the Osh. ! -Photo by Mary's Studio memorial hall was the setting) merchandise mart area The regular meeting of Christ a checkup, although hot weather tion responsible for hives ---------- " | for a lavish display of hats and| Down the centre of the audio hn WA was held in the swelling of the ankles is not un : : accessories and a lovely fea torium, mobils of red 8 upids parish hall with 26 members commen In healthy persons A was od nel oh + Tig Talks On Community Projects oon the Veni titi at jay dy Mir Wes teem mole bing oF sms Ul he, SH, in Valentine Tea AM Jal am nes, Red 2 Hpeling 8 to Meeting opened with the sing: to go away, even if the, weather in dioghais and a0 "Op o he de e ckel fence # y y continues to sten Hh ol Te Baie ator iy. 4 : ing of a hymn followed Db Yo jo be warm, Lervistent patient's personal physicion, : vices of the Sunshine Group the tea room, Flanking the va 4 . ' ankle swell would, of course, Ot Interest At H&S Meeting | A By Womens ration of fence two white trees proudly prayes by Mrs, J. M. E. Drum iri welling would, e coum Questions directed to Science 4 Simcoe Street United Church. 'waved tiny red hearts in slight Minutes were read by Mi Editors, ro, fox 91. Taruinel The February meeting of|for the carnival to be used for , ; | The tea was officially opened| breezes Harry Pearse, secretary, ar. Sy Whe! couses Wivelt Surely A ' Joronm, Natl, Bd Bn Queen FElizabeth Home andla second scholarship along| A {hy Mrs. John Dyer, the presi Red and white flowers graced rangements were made for the there mun be i ing fo inforporet nthe school Association opened with|with the $25 high honor pupil, oh dent of the Woman's Association|the tea table at the entrance toi bw mo 0" 0 he held on take or apply for relief, possible, the singing of "0 Canada' fol making a #15 second honor | i ~ {who commended the Members the {ba-toom and the astoried Tuesday, February 14 lowed by prayer, Mrs. Carson| pupil of the Sunshine Group on their{tea {able I | | p p " | 4 ite ( A ef Heard, president, welcomed alll Mrs. Aylmer Ward welcomed - / i Bg re HOUSEHOLD HINT | y / members and guests present. the "Barber Shop Quartet" who RT bei TR To add years of service tol 7// '( The secretary's and treasur- entertained with three delight. | ; said that she hoped all the Mrs. Stanley Sargeant who Your mattress turn if often. | dhs er's reports were read, Room ful songs. ! : guests would find something 16! oc ihe convener of the tea and One week turn it from side to 28 K St RA 3.462 Of attendance prize was won by Mrs. Heard introduced Mrs. | .., |their taste and that they would ale was very ably assisted by side and the next week from} 6 King 51 484 Miss Elsie McCullough's room, Norman Gower who spoke on y i» stop and enjoy a sociable cup ars' George Pearce who con- top to hotlom Grade 34 the "Henry Museum' and its Fi of tea before leaving vened the merchandise dis d It was decided that Queen ints of interest from the very 1 / Mrs. Dyer was introduced by|,iay and by Mrs, Roy Bunker Elizabeth Home and School As-\young to the not so young. Mrs. "9% § i # Mrs. Jelle Bakker, the presi-|oyo convened the tea room sociation would send two dele ower showed snapshots of the| © © id : 2 dent of the Sunshine Group. |". 4 of over three hun | gates to the Ontario Confedera- different rooms at the museum. y , 2 : Mrs. Bakker also greeted the), =." Sqvantage of the) tion of Home and School Ass0-| my \ooiine wag turned over] © ho LH guests at the door beautiful sunny and mild weath| ciation's 42nd anniversary con... ar.. cien McGee, health con A A 11 The merchandise for sale was| ep 10 come out and enjoy a cup vention on, April 5-6, Names will| gone "no" in turn, welcomed Wo. ' / 3 displayed on tables at one end|of tea and purchase something be annoimced later, Mr. George Wilson, past presi-| | / Sd i! of the auditorium, The hats pre: tor their sprig wardrobe With the schol rink providing dent of the Retarded Children's © MAS : : ek sented a colorful and varied A -- Association, who gave a talk / ; J : assortment as they stood on dif ENDS OF CHE, J \ 1 good skating for ¥ A R | N the school staff decided it would on what the association is doing| i" 4 : ; / ferent sized hatstands amid Stare leftover pleces of cheese / G { W G not have a carnival this year. (for these children. Oshawa Is ie. " i 4 {hand-made scarves, and gloves, in a evered container: in the A recommendation from the fortunate to have one of the \ Ee {artificial flowers, bells tein Tie ot XY { y T'EF executive was voted on and finest equipped schools which EAE There oe fontume Jowelors: Jeltgerator for ute in macaroni 0 INGS Y PaTIed that the money get aside only ask In turn for under. § J LL : leather handbags delightfully|ties of cheese will add to the| standing of what they are do.| "EE IEEE : in Hes Ji ing for the child of eight years arranged. Over all, an artificialiflavor of the dish LODGES AND |up to 18 years with below 50 a "ou and i dress in b fothes grow up to a per cent IQ | SOCIETIES It is hoped in the near future) {to have a workshop for the over {18 years*to keep them busy. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND [Their education includes the| a " ; . The regular nesting dd phe (Three R's, routine, reputation AND MAKE ME A GOOD GIRL Some youngsters grow so fast that they are always pmthing out Daughters of England, Em-land relaxation, making any : of their clothes and needing new ones. This was the sort of problem e { India Lodge 26 waslc . , All the faith of a little child | Hugh, RR 2, Oshawa. Shel ¥ ; § Y \V ¢ press of India Lodge {change in their daily routine iyi ing § ob Bo Seid 2 faced by the X-Y Company. Not only was the Sars glows held in Coronation Orange Tem-|\very slight at one time. These| 1% shown in ¢ ple oh Tuesday evening, Febru. bit Pi in three classes oe Shelley Louise, daughter of | daughter of Mrs. Royce Fer h phenomenal but new developments in the character ary 7 the independent, semi-dependent| Mr. and Mrs, William Mc- | guson, Oshawa and Mrs. Iva ' v : : of the product--foil and transparent paper--had extended its com- Worthy President Sister Fdith|and dependent Sralistanks, Port ( vedi ing A FINK R Bl I \{)] mon use into foodstuffs, tobaccos and other perishables and even Taylor presided with Vice-Pres- The Glenholme School for Re l-granddaughter o I 4 04 into the hardware and textile fields. The Canadian consumer was ident Sister dna Huband assist: tarded Children is helping these AL NOTICE Wilbert Ferguson, Enniskillen, ' \ I ID . : : : jue tated Chldran Js beipieg thast SOCI | and Mr. William McHugh, YOU LL BE PROUD 1'() NDA (1 increasingly being offered the cleanliness and convenience of having Lodge opened with the offi (dependent on their parents 24| MARRIAGE Newtonville more and more goods pre-wrapped. : cers' march. Chaplain, Sister hours a day and it is doing a , COLTER p10 Photo by Mrs, Bert Boorman j . The X-Y Company's growth demanded more machinery and Kay Large, read scripture les. Wonderful job ate Ainaeg y Sadr space; the new diversity in wrappers demanded new i t. son and prayers. The sick re The annual meeting of the Thomson of Oshawa and Eric The X-Y Company had been doing extremely well, but it had heen port was given by Sister Jean|C anadian Mental Health Asso: Bolland of Toronto was solem owing out-of its financial clothin it Fitches ciation will be held Monday, nized on Saturday, February 4, gro B hi hana o g. When Propositions from new candi February Bb at pio Pm. Atijas1 in the manse of Knox RB § roa : ndustria De Sle dates were read hy Secretary,' west speaker will be Church with the : an or nancial assistance, already Dr. J. D. Atcheson, superinten. Presbyterian . Sister Doris McDonald, also son, uf B. Milroy. officiat. owned a plant which was folly paid for, 'er ; 5 dent, Thistletown Hospital, for|Reverend R ilroy, officia , . ly several thank-you cards from) rice, oon ti ot ehildren Ihe Annual sales were over the million dollar sick members, Reports were yo, and School Council on = po mark, and heading higher, given by the various commit: po ove 98 will be an open ELECTRIC POWER I i The growth in matket demand was most meeting on effective speaking. Dr AR encouraging but in the endeavour to keep up Discussions were held and, Queen Elizabeth Home and] FONDON (CP) - cou { plans made for future welfare School Association next meeting| (Dal) Grauer, chairman of the with it, the company had been unable to set activities, Birthday greetings will be Tuesday, March 7, with| British Columbia Electric Com: | ts © aside funds for adequate expansion, Its assets were sung for WP Sister Edith Mrs, H, L, Haisell, Children's pany Limited, will discuss Can: CARE were substantial but normal commercial T rd Pp or I TAT ; Taylor and VP Sister Edna Reading convener, in charge. caa's electric power industry in Huband Refreshments were served by | w i iti i x i : as not ih a position to issue further capital The evening draw prize was Mrs. Glen McGee and mothers|® Paper he is to present to the D \ od P won hy Sister Ann Coulson of pupils from Mrs. Mary British Electrical Power Con: stock successfully, I.D.B, stepped in to pro- Sister Beatrice Hurst 'an. lynit's class vention nest June. Cay ; vide the needed financing and the produc. === J nonnted tant thers wih bo calm ibaa Nn tivity of the new machinery quickly fulfilled the highest expectations. 'gree practice at the next meet:| AR ! But the Youngster hadn't stopped grovang. and the same situa- ing | tion arose a couple of years later, Again company needed new The next meeting will be " WHY PAY MORE? SHOP & SAVE AT ; T kY machinery to increase production and again LDB provided the on Tuesday, February 21, = t o Look Your term financing for this purpose. The mushrooming chart LEND-A-HAND CLUB ! i Best, Have It took another surge upward, The Lend-A-Hand club, PNG Ce A The X-Y Company has benefitted from having alert, courageous gota No" in ei | Cleaned and managment and fom Lavin the right goods to wll a erie auditorium, with Sister Gladys : - \ 5 Pressed. | time and, when opportunity ked, R, financing helped the company to open the door, Blyth, president, presiding as | ey . sisted py vice-president Sister SUPERMARKET : The LDR. was established in 1944 to assist industrial enterprises Alice Lanning I | i 4 The meeting opened with Always Shop for Quality Dry Cleaning whose term financial needs cannot be met from narmal sources. prayer and roll call, Sister 174 Rit 0 S - 0 on Daily fo 10 m. oliver hand Ry extending financial assistance, IDB. endeavours to help an Goala Couch acted as secretary, son 9. P pm. | The extra cara and attention to details will pay handrome enterprise to take advantage of expansion possibifities and progress : dividends in the long life and appearance of your gare . Several sisters thanked the i J Je club for calls and cards while ments, The dry el thei sp this ge ore through its own efforts, p : ienced professionals who are kept informed about If you are in such a position, write for information and an Hl, Sisters Alice Hayton, Della I ! M n Tues Wed axper : : ) ! pos Spencer, Nelda Thompson and Spec als ! on., 3 : the latest scientific developments in fabric cleaning. explanatory booklet to your nearest 1.D.B. office, or consult your Pearl Peacock paid a visit to Satisfaction" Guaranteed by the following members of auditor, lawyer or banker. Hillside Manor to visi the three WIENER MAPLE LEAF LB, 1 00 DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and reside f J i p a * ~ - - sisters | dent at the flangt. | (LoosH For » CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK --) : ts f the ira dinner on March BUT B FIRST 66 BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD. Regional Office 0p Sis y q | Donald offered to donate the} TE) GRADE Ls BOWMANVILLE TORONTO. .. 250 UNIVERSITY AVE.... Phone EM 81145 would be played after the meet BREAD CHRISTIES 2 33¢ CARDINAL CLEAN ERS LTD. Whitby pe --p tm TOR birthday cake. Court whist! ing , *1.D.R. can consider proposals for financial assistance in these activities: Sister Rae McQuaig thanked | SLICED > manufacturing, processing, assembling, installing, overhauling, reconditioning, altering, the club for its kindnesss to her! CIGARETTES YOUR CHOICE 3 09 HARWOOD CLEAN ERS, Ajax repairing, clearing, Jrckaging, transporting or warehousing of goods; logging, a n LJ sister, Kay, while in hospital CARTON mine or quarry, dnlling construction, engineering, techmeal surveys or scientific res , 3 y | : ¥ drill FELON, J 3 eaych, fey Deir Tout was ey G ™ PICKWICK CLEA N ERS & DYERS, Oshawa | Ly in al i riatg Hee bo 4 ORRIBRE 8 commer ur eign or he snmp reen ONIONS 3......27 | are four beds and wheel chairs! mentioned above available for anvone in need of] them. The meeting was follow. WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby | ------ w ed by bingo and rercesiments | SHOP AND SAVE DAILY AT GLEGOFF'S | £ Luella Bagshaw. Aldred Clary OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M, | ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa Lena Harper and Rae McQuaig