4 TM OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, February V3, 190+ BRITISH BRIEFS int the Dalkeith depot, Before NAMED ARCHITECT AWARD WINNERS Four winners of Ontario sone Saturday night, Left to Association of Architect | right sre; Jon Michael Plumb scholarships for 1060 are | and Andrew Zdanowicz, both shown chatting after recely- ing their awards at the asso clation's annual dinner in To- | Lead League | in wo ree [Hunting AJAX = The Ajax 'Stetsons' of the Ajax Rod and Gun Club with a total of 32656 points, This| gives them a 46 point lead over| the two second place teams who each have 3219 points, The Toronto Hunters and Anglers are tied with the Leaside In. by eurrent events, it meems dians for second place. These) (fq we in Southern and Cen totals are ns of Feb tral Ontario, may slowly lose Bill Edwards has brought furor hunting privileges, and our ther distinction to the AJ 8X offspring may never enjoy the Club by scoring first place for|gpporsunity and satisfaction of a standing target In "Marks: becoming skilled in the handl men' class at a recent Sunday! ing and use of firearms." meet, of the TAHA In Toronto.! He went on to point $200 first prize among Univer: sity of Toronto school of By GRACE MILLS AJAX = It was remarked the other day by Ken Smith, one of our leading Rod and Gun out; Gordon Found was top shot in|*Farmers and cottagers in this jand Women's Institute to a re. Make sure of yours before it Is the "'Sharpshooter' Jus foripart of the province, particu. standing targets at the same! larly Ontario County, are asking meet, taking another first in the for, and getting more curbs and prone event, edging out Larry restrictions on hunters every Huot who collected second place year | honors. Not content with these The most recent legislation in prizes, Gord, Bill and Larry en. this direction has been Intro ge hunter takes a gun to the Elgin School are pleased to $1080 of Toronto, co-winners of the | dore Tdshima, Taber, Alia, | winner of the $100 award for third year students and Peter Bowslaugh, St. Catha- rines, who won $100 _for the rree------ Curbs | architecture students; Theo. Are Opposed 18 General Blackwell, In the form iA of an amendment to the Tres pass Act, The amendment Ine creases the fine for trespass, Club members, that = "Judging from the present maximum of $50 to a new maximum of $100, This will become law after it receives third reading In the legislature at present In ses sion, - The amendment was requested by Simcoe and Ontario Countles and probably had some basis in a resolution from the Sunder forestation commitiee of On tario County Council, No person wants his buildings, signs or livestock shot at or up, as occasionally happens when the inconsiderate and irrespon highest standing among sec ond year students at school of architectural technology, Ry- | erson Institute, Toronto, | ~CP Wirephoto | Ruxiliary Plans Meet By GRACE, MILLS AJAX =~ The Hospital Auxil:| will meet at the nurses residence on Monday evenign,| February 13, at § pm, Mr, David Karry and the Girly Cholr of the Church of the Holy | Trinity will present music and song Mrs. Honey would like mem bers to bring along any used Christmas cards they have to spare, She will explain how they are to be used, Tickets for the Valentine Dance on February 17 are still on enle from members too late Mrs. C. Walker, Toronto fis spending a few days with Mr.| and Mrs, F, Cruse, Beech! street, | The pupils of Grade 1 at Lord| tered the three man team event duced by Provincial AUOIrNeY | ria1ds or woods, This type of per. have their teacher, Mrs, Ger to win the top spot, A deadly [son should not be issued with a trude Hood, back after a two Germany are to be connected This will be the first liner serv Communist state, ed Baltic State Line, which Loningrad, with calls at Hel hagen, There fortnightly calls at the East German port of Rostock, hunting licence or permitted the week's absence through fliness use of firearms, It usually fol.| Mr, Roy Wallace, Oak street, lows that they are just as dan-|/ls in the Toronto East General gerous and inconsiderate with Hospital, where he has under: a power boat or automobile, gone surgery, A speedy recov: The Department of Lands and ery Is hoped for him, {Forests have taken the Initial] Nice to see Mr, Jack Ruddy, step in correcting this problem Glynn road, out again after be: by instituting the Hunters Safe|ing treated at the Ajax Hos: ty Training Program, It now pital for a heart ailment recent. lies with the organized rifle|ly, trio these boys, The recently organized On Rjax-Varsi tario Sporting Rifle Association jax- arsity held seting Sunday, Felt a amen wee weeies 1s Chapt, Meets contact the 250 or more Sport i ing Rifle Clubs in Ontario, | PETE bg Bi with the intention of getting bet of the Ajax Varsity Chavter, ter acquainted, The immediate yapm 'Was held in the pad aim is to advance Suggestions yar on dnesday evening. for the betterment of these (following the regular monthly clubs to carry, out this program We are very glad to be able clubs, The president of the OSRA is movng.. from the executive! training (which they are do-|{to report that Mr, B, C, Falby, {ing) and police the law break:-our town clerk-treasurer, who Rudy Schultz, of Norwich,land conveners were read and " Rudy is a gunsmith, has his accepted, In reply, Mrs, J, P,|0r8 and trigger-happy minority hag been seriously ill in Ajax "Master" or top rating as aled the members for the work|®F8 A & group, « |Weeks, 1s improved to the point national competitior, they had done in the past vear,| Speaking for the Ajex Club. where the rest of his family - ee | agD00Al thanks 'to Fleanor|Mr. Smith went on-to say, "If'are now allowed to visit him, C C lid Armstrong, the treasurer, [vou wish to shoot groundhogs My, Falby will remain there ars 0 1 e {then held, with the following fo[YOU should first identify your: (pe. a lengthy period of rest at hold office for 1081: Regent, self to the landowner and ask "alo ' "home Is Indicated, amage Joan Walsh; 1st vice regent |his permission, Most farmers - June Webster; 2nd vice regent, are ordinary people with a cars driven by two Bowman. Armstrong: Fehoes secretary,| lly they will go to considerable ¥ ville youths, Russell A, Wilson,|S.and ra Brownlee; education, |trouble to protect this property, | Service Set 10, of 36 Jane street, and Wil-| Veronica Dunn; standard bear|On the other hand they are liam Bates, 20, of 11 Flett street, er, Nancy Laneaster; services happy to keep the groundhog| By GRACE MILLS came into collision at the cor-|at home 'and abroad, M a ry|and rabbit population under con+| Ayax"__ "On February 15 an Saturday night and World Affairs, Betty Colm, nis ""hure Wilson recelved minor cuts publicity, June Smith; hospital: BAR BISHOPS on Ro Quire of the when thrown from the car, Thelity, Norma Slater; Immigration BERLIN (AP) = The East/Perkins at § p.m. Followin id car continued on without the|and Canadian Citizenship, Roser | oy A | as p.m. ' ng |German Communists barred six|service, the Women's Church pole on the southeast corner|Betty Petrie; program, Nrenda evangelical bishops and was stopped by concrete Gove; telephone, Betty MeGillls| Germany from enterin Fast/ 8 n the basement hall of the steps at the Davis Grocery|vray and Alice Chambers, fash: |p i 8 (church, The program for the store lon show, Fran Conant, mile of | Berlin Sunday to attend a spe: evening, will be a talk and de: $1500 was reported, |" Honorary Regent Mrs, J. P, (held on schedule, however, It derman, a local florist, on floral Constable Ronald Parker of|{Allan installed the new execu: marked the opening of a week: arranging. A welcome broak In the Bowmanville police force|tive, and refreshments we re|long session of the Evangelical wintery weather, investigated, served, {Church Synod, This year the Women's World own retail shop, and holds a Allan. Honorary Regent, thank.|Who generate hostility to hunt-'Hogpital for the past four | The election of officers was|or rabbits in a farming ares, for at least two more weeks, BOWMANVILLE ~ No serl:|Joan Max; secretary, Pat Ste.|large investment in machinery,| h Ww d ous injuries were reported when|venson; treasurer, ¥1e ano r/buildings and livestock, Natur. S e nes ay ners of King and Ontario stfeots| Parker; conveners: of Empire trol. |Ash Wednesday service will be driver, breaking off a tele | y smber river, breaking off a telephone mary Miller, membership, of West| Year will hold its regular meet. An estimated total damage of pennies, Mary Grubb |clal service, The service was monstration by Mr, Paul Koen: - « [Day of Prayer will be held in St. Paul's United Church, on February, beginning at & p.m, and has been prepared by the Central Day of Prayer Commit. tee of the USA, The theme Forward Through the Ages In {an unbroken line. The service is interdenominational, All faiths are welcome, Fire Kills Two Girls OTTAWA (CP)=Fire Satur: day night claimed the lives of Debra, 3, and Patricia, 38, daughters of LAC and Mrs, Kenneth Schmidt, The father, 27, is in RCAF hospital here recovering from Injuries suffered while attempt. Ing to rescue the children who succumbed to suffocation, fire men said, The father sald he was sitting watching television about 7 p.m. | with the two girls while the mother was out, A flash of fire apparently appeared from the kitchen and the girls fled to their bedroom upstairs while the London Service To E. Germany By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON = London and Eas! by sea with the introduction of & passenger service in April fee between Britain and the It will be maintained by the Russian-own rates between London and Stockholm and C sinki, open will be regular NO CHILLY BUSES o EDINBURGH ~~ Scottish Om- nibuses, 1Ad., have started a new idea to provide s warmer welcome for thelr passengers leaving the depot every day, ench bus will have hot Peter Pan in Kensington Gar (inued and will not be held in| offigers and ten. men of the TASTY EXPORTS - [mcture books have 8 wide read Royal Sussex Regiment is to, LONDON ~ The first straw- ership among China's millions undergo five 'weeks of winter | berry plants' ever to be ex of peasants and iis 140,000,000 raining i Norusy. Each wan 84 from Britain to aa ave school children, is contributing towards the pped from Cast Lg cost, They will be taught to skiling, Norfolk, They are of the BEAD BY ADULTS and how to fight in the snow, (Cambridge Favorite variety, Pane sre Mouth in Svidencs 0 KLITCH TRIALS OFF IThe Halians will use them for where book ; {research to ses if they can be '8Tke stocks on Sale, generally wIC -- "| y with a fairly wide of BA Rn The an. grown successfully over there titles, Groups of sia ted for flitch of bacon is being discon. | =~ -- [be Sein Seading them in fhrks dens has been defaced, Park , " : * me | #dults read them too, either ine Wards ound sent. pe tare, Wen Wickham commu Chiimege COMICS iviaeaiy or m groups + Peter Is playing has been stolen. |i enter the trial, in which they and the statue daubed with red! y naint, The last time this hap re lo convince a jury that oened was in March, 1952, when the pipe was stolen. It was re-| covered six years later in a MORE WOUSES BUILT second-hand shop at Lichfield, | LONDON -- The number of strip cartoon comic books which SHELTER WANTED at ELOY. Tenants of Toon 21,378, compared with 2843 in|ism and communism. have been asked if they can Décember, icle in The People' give shelter to stranded fami, "hole of 1960, 207818 homes article in eople's lies, brought into the town hy|rers tompliiea, compared with the main Chinese national news- and contain from HM to y / " | | A random selection of the Te h Marxism >» from a Peking shop ine ac {cluded classical tales from Chis By CLARE McDERMOTT nese history and literature, or, 7 ur, jes of the antiJs PEKING '(Reuters)~China is i | Chinese civil wars, life |producing large numbers of communes today and . les about foreign countries, combine -easy reading for the, come showing hardship and $x Iploitation in "capitalist states" according to a recent, The books are generally about Daily, four by six inches in page " the, have not had a cross word for a year and a day, | permanant houses completed in| (Britain in December, 1960, was masses with education In socia 19599. During the, But, aper, many of these books pages. the promise of immediate hous. ave "failed to fall in line with, They have brightly - colored ing. Many men came from Lon. | on and the North 10 IBARRED FROM VOTING |Harlow when they were prom. ised homes would be lable] st once, Some of "them have trY of Housing, five town coun. munist ideas, air| mped into the interior until it SOLDIERS IN ARCTIC po / LONDON ~ British soldiers a suggestion thal certain coun. 1958, some 120,000,000 copies of joie and good, with plenty of s a 8 comfortable tempera-| ture, Dalkeith is the first trial area for this new machine, IMPORT JELLIED EELS LONDON=Y.ast ¥nders may soon be getting their favorite jellied eels from Timaru in New| Zealand, A frozen six-pound ee), | a sample of what can be sent, | has been flown to a firm which markets eels in Britain, But the don, The only difference the| customers will notice is in the size. The New Zealand eels are bigger. | END HOSEPIPE TAX | BURY ST, EDMUNDS, Suf folk = Bury $t, Edmunds town counell has decided to abolish a "hosepipe tax" of just over two dollars a year to people who water thelr gardens, It was found that the tax produced) $1060 a year, but cost $1400 In overtime claims by the offl- cinls collecting it PARK AFTER 11 YEARS AYLESHAM, Kent = for 11| years the chairman of the vil-| lage council of Aylesham, be:| tween Canterbury and Dover, | has pleaded for a park for the children, By this summer his dream will come true, An area of waste ground In the heart of the village is being levelled and sown with grass at a cost of CAN'T GIVE MONEY DERBY «= Trustees of a char- ity set up In 1714 to further children's education In three vil. lages in Derbyshire are econ. cerned because they cannot glve aay the money they have accumulated, Too few children are claiming the grants which help to pay for fees at univer: sity, or a farming school, and for school books, WINDFALL FOR OLD LONDON « Sixty old people In Southwark who could do with a little extra spending money each week will soon be recelvieg a bonus, The trustees turles ago to help the poor, are looking for 60 needy pension: ers, For years, they have paid a little over a dollar a week to 200 pensioners from the fund, Now increased income will make these gifts available to 60 more old people, STATUE DEFACED LONDON = The statue of Population 0f Moose Reduced population In the interior got a says w. the moose Newfoundland good start this season, wildlife director Capt, H, Walters, "In the logging area of cen: tral Newfoundland, the area we are moat concerned with, we have in the first year of our plan reduced the moose popu. lation to five or six per square mile," A 1050 count revealed as many as 12 moose In a square mile of what has been desig: nated as the moose = removal Tone, The government last August drastically relaxed hunting laws in a bid to cut the moose herds by 1500 animals, The decision was taken after a survey showed that forest stands were being heavily damaged by moose feeding on tree bark, Trees are the lifeblood of the province's two newsprint mills] The moose « removal pone runs in a triangle from central Noel Paul Brook district to Garia River on the south coast near Port Aux Basques, Capt, Walters said that when the hunting season in the ape: clal zone ended Jan, 21 hunters had removed 1311 animals from a 40 « mile district south of Millertown to Lake Victoria No statistics were available for the south coast area, Special licences were sold to father attempted to fight the 0, | Then he ran outside for help, | elville Featherstone told po-| {lice he was passing by when he| {saw the fire and got to the top| of the stairs before becoming [unconscious from smoke, He [was pulled out safely. { Three homes were affected by| J the blaze in west-central Ottawa and 18 persons left homeless, | A coal + gas explosion in a kitchen stove might have been the cause, firemen said, Firemen, who fought the STOLEN MACHINE RECOVERED Dr. Gordon Clark checks ) London last Thursday wa | ; recelved an anonymo n over his oxygen inflation ma. found Saturday in a hallway i chine, stolen from his car'in | after a telephone operator 1,404 persons but Capt, Walters sald probably another 1,000 hunted In the area with regular $10 licences which entitled them to one moose, Hunters were allowed three kills in the restricted area with the purchase of three $5 1. cences, Non « residents paid the regular $35 fee to take one moose, But they had an option to buy a maximum of three licences, each for $35, for hunting in the removal zone only Four moose a square mile is «CP Wirephoto (flames for 114 hours, estimated considered a high, undesirable P {damage was close to $30,000. 'density. : will soon be making their own|cillors could be held to have a9000 different igloos -- 300 miles inside the|financial Interest in planning Were produced, Arctic Circle, A group of three! matters, « jellying will still be done in Lon-| 7 work in| the spirit of our times," It has covers of sturdy paper but the upon the publishers 10 story pictures, one to & page: spread of Com- gre printed in black and white, The narrative is printed below been barred! The newspaper said 600,000,000 or alongside the picture, There BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Suf. calle folk -- By order of the Minis. Intensify the leillors here have | Suvi ying for five and six from voting on rezoning pro. copies of 20,000 "serial picture are 8 few words of dislogue in posals for a new town map, | books" have been published in the balloons, The ruling was given following Chins in the last 10 years, In| nme drawing is simple, real- cartoon hooks getion, Only foreign "imperial ists" and "capitalist exploiters" | The People's Dally sald serial appear to be caricatured. es of a charitable fund set up cen | ST JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP) = A| three - year program to reduce SUCCESS 1s being able to take it easy .. . in the years ahead! WILL YOU BE ABLE TO TAKE IT EASY? One of the nicest things about success is knowing that when the time comes to retire, you will be able to enjoy the carefree leisure you so richly deserve. But this kind .-of leisure requires money. That's why so many men guarantee it with life insurance. \ It's a good feeling to know that your financial future and the future of your family is secure. . , to know that regardless of what happens, you have built a guaranteed income that you cannot outlive, How about you? If you don't have enough provision for your later years . . . maybe it's because you don't own enough life insurance with valuable savings and income features, Look into. it. Your life insurance man is a most important person to talk to regularly on your road to success, Save and be safe with life insurance. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA