Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Feb 1961, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS "A ¢ | A In Jail TORONTO (CF) Charle Rae, 61, of Toronto, was found hanged by his belt in a Toronto : police cell Sunday, He had heen arrested Saturday on charges of i driving while his ability was im i paired FIND FIVE DEAD TAMPA, Fla. (AP) Four teen-agers and a two-month-old bs. : baby were found asphyxiated in 4 a car parked just east of Tamps Sunday, Sheriff's deputies said ; 3 they died from earbon mono J ide fur ENGINEER DIES ' NGSTON (CP) Matthew Lan Garvie, 48, chief engineer at the Ontario hospital in Brockville was pronounced dead on arrival hospital here Sunday night Jafter 'his car ran into a ditch the junction of Highways 38 and 401 le was believed to have suffered a heart atiack, KENNEDY ON TV SHINGTON (AP) --~ Presi { £ i wt Lal | 3) MAYOR THOMAS OPENS NEW MODEL HOME Christine Thomas | the new model home at the | the members of the Centre | A Hebb, W al Lamson, C. Keon, at Mayor Thomas, D. Crotin, H Ross and J, Swan < ~Oshawa Times Photo Mayor last Saturday afternoon cut the ribbon to officially open | Worship is seen with some of | left are R. Litz, J. McMullen, Jr. Garden BITUARIES Club Seeks . a ------ with the Cg an Pacific Ex New Members : Service fo Isabelle Elizabeth Thomp- Co, for roximately 40 N He worked for the com An interesting program has|... oh, died at the family in Oshawa as well as To been arranged for the Junior, ijence 655 Christie street and Burlington Garden Club which will hold it's pebruary 9, in 84th vear ytnbet first meeting of the month Mon held from Armstrong BS day, February 13, at 4.30 pm Hon Feb at the Children's Arena, rn "Dish Garden's of Cacti and| p Planters" using any other lv. of N ing plants, will be the subject. conducted "A competition for both of these ment wa classes will be held later in! Cometers May at the Spring Show Pallbearers A very active membership burn, Willian drive is going on at present Temple, Harvey among the club members, To|lAustin and Norval Cros date Rayna Morrison and David! Hedge are battling it out for POLITO NASSO first place, each having three' Seriously ill for the past si nthe, Polito Nasso, of § Mill Oshawa Shopping Centre, Her Merchants' Association, From wA WA dent Kennedy's ne ference wi held 7 pm EST Wedne and will he carried on live television by the NBC and ABC networks, the White House announced Satur day pres J § con I be al aay FUNERAL OF oj1 ISABELLE E. THOMPSON for service ress The morial A ears LUMBERMEN MEET MONTREAL (CP)~The 8rd annual convention of the Cana i dian Lumbermen's Association § opened here today with more than 1,000 delegates in attend ance, The three-day convention will wind up Wednesday night PICK A CANADIAN? SYDNEY pointment of Zealander il of by pany ronto He was a me Church of England dian Order of Foresters and the 3rotherhood of Railway Em ployees During the First World War Mr. Gunnell served from 1914 to 1918 with the 40th Battery of the Royal Canadian Artillery He is survived by his wife, the ormer Leonorah Atkinson and daughter, Mrs. F. M. Bots ord, of London, Ont; brother Alfred Gunnell, of Oshawa, and two grandchildren, Lindsay and] Timothy Botsford, of London,| of ( her he e, Saturday, 3.15 p.m. Mellow, minister United Church Inter Union the was ange ¥ se the in vice 8s Oshawa (Reuterg)~The Canadian as tralia Bydney ap or governor was Sug Sunday Kil Tow Alfred man Jack 'oreman Pas ne were p ] Ne Au the Gener gested IAPR SRERKER Edward V. Rippingill Man Hanged Is Injured 5». IN THE LEGISLATURE 10shawa 1 1 ad omAws TIMES, Mondey, February 13, 1961 3 \WEATHER FORECAST Cloud, Drizzle WHITBY (Staff) -- One man Predicted Here was injured and two cars heavy | fly damaged as 8 result of 80 TORONTO (CP) ~~ Forecasts Trenton ,. "" accident, at the intersection of j.cueq by the weather office at St, Catharine {Kine and Colbourne streets, is om, EST © HamiIon +... early Saturday evening Synopsis--A disturbance cen- Muskoka .., '" LABORE, Pakistan (Reuters) Suffering from head lacera- sured in Minois thi€ morning is Kilaloe) eosssssnes Prince Philip Sunday played tions is James Cruikshanks, 26, expected to move rapidly east: EATON vovvesresrs for the Pakistan Polo Associa of Arbour Court, Oshawe, His\ward slong 8 track just south SUdViEy ..eever tion, which defeated the army car went out of control careen- of the lower lakes. Warm air|North Bay ... commander-in-chief's team #2 f the other vehicle and has invaded the lower MissisA Kapuskasing sees in a hard-hitting match, "The struck a fire hydrant, a stop sippi Valley, while tempera- White River ,..s00 prince's pony tumbled during sign and a street sien tures have risen only slightly in Moosonee ....v0 pre-game practice, but Philip| Driver of the other vehicle, 'the Great Lakes area n S------ got up unhurt, The prince and Bryce Youne, 37. of $10 King! Western Lake Frie region, the Queen arrived in this an street, Whithy, and his eight | Windsor; Cloudy and milder MOTHERS WATCH MORE TV SHOWS cient Mogul city Friday, | o'd som, James, were not day with occasional light driz- Mothers of small children Es linjured, Ze, Partly cloudy and a little, MARKS ANNIVERSARY | nage was estimated to be cooler tonight and Tuesday, VATICAN CITY (Reutérs)-- g1500, {Winds east 15, shifting to north| Pope John marked the 30th an-| police Constable spend 32 per cent more time watching TV than do other women. A study made by Cell [At Whitby Mirror in a leading article Sun day. PHILIP UNHURY ol Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesds Windsor ..oovvvnees 26 Thomas seeeees 26 vessanees 30 20 20 GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12.2 HOTEL LANCASTER jy: a0 30 30 30 a0 3 new members to their credit If you would like to become street, Oshawa, died at the On Hospital, Whitby, Satur he was sia Costs In By T. D, THOMAS MPP Oshawa Riding When the commitiee on health mel last Wednesday morning, the members were ' presented with some Interesting figures regarding the hospital plan now operating In Ontario, and pre dictions of the future financial requirements It is forecast that the cost of operating the plan will increase by $40 million a year. for the next four years. This is a large increase and the isons for will 'demand clariication at & future meeting. There will, of course, be an increase in the population of Ontario, This will take up some portion of the $40 million I suspect the gov ernment is aware of the great hortage of hospital beds and is area rd year Town Funeral , for service in the | Chapel on Wednesday, Feb, 15, af 2 pm, (View commencing 2 pm. Tues day), [4g 2 Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- Oshawa (minister, the Rev rhett), ut share of the cost of construction $18,000 PER BED This also will take up a good |1y portion of the $40 million, The estimate "of 'the commission is that it costs $18,000 per hed to build, and then $7,000 per year to maintain the bed The prime reason for such an increase is natural growth, and the prime minister stated: "It is fair to point eut these rising costs are to an extent attribut able to the growth of the pro vince' I believe the time has arrived when the plan should be com pulsory, but the minister "of health stated most emphatically the government was opposed to compelling anyone' to join the plan, To me this reply has no validity at all, for at the present tintfe we have 93 percent of the {population of Ontario insured {under the plan, Of this number 71 percent are in groups in in. Idustry, 6 percent are covered hospital avenue had been checked at 4.55 a.m. | ™ break-in was discovered at! day, Feb, 9, in His 77th year,|0.5 aws held from the Armstrong am, | ws \ LETTERS PATENT | Funeral Home, Sat, Feb, 11, at ? Letters of Patent eve been | Rev. D " a issued to three Oshawa and dis Band Jone Visen, ant trict companies, it was reported hrc conducted the service ih the current Vash of the On| i) : nterment was in Oshawa Un.|..: . SMbRNES 'Tee Feb 1, followed by interment|ion Cemetery ceiving Letters of Patent In in st. Gregory s Comotery. Rev Pallbearers. were clude the Greater Oshawa Com J , A Pereyma conducted the Maurice Proctor, Tom Bouck. unity Chest Jesse Hann and Serv e. Hbea ; {ley, Walter Devenish, William |, 1 4 1 ns ue lon Ltd, Oshawa, he pallbearers were John Ellis and William Beaton "ohn L. Lay Insurance Ltd Gonta, Harry Petryszym, K [Aux Mikowski and John Moshaluk MISS EDITH E, BENNETT The death occurred Satur-|member of the EUHUND M. 1. ul NEL _|day, Feb, 11, in Bowmanville! Church Hotpttal Le curred a a Me morial Hospital of Miss| She any Feb 11 of id ar Fidith Bennett, Her death at|thers, William J. Bennett and| ; Yi ut 0 ' i "en i on 67, followed a lengthy illness. | Benjamin Bennett, both of RR| dndsay Gunnell. The deceased! Miss Bennett was born on a4, Bowmanville | had not enjoyed good health for|farm in Clarke Township, She] The remains are resting at some years : was a daughter of the late Wil-[the Morris Funeral Chapel, | : A son of the late Luke and/liam Henry Bennett and Matil-[ Bowmanville, for service in the Sarah Gunnell, the deceased w as da Pryor Bennett, Following the|Chapel on. Tuesday. Feb 14, at born at Altofts, Yorkshire, Eng-|death of her parents she spent/2 p.m. The serviee will he ton {land, and was married in Eng [the last 54 years on a brother's| ducted by the Rev, W. K. Hous.! land in 1010. He had been fn|farm at RR 4, Bowmanville, {lander. Interment will be in Canada 41 years, Miss Bennett was an active|Bowmajpville Cemetery. | Ont The funeral service will be| president and general mana & member of the Junior Garden|tario held at the Meclntosh-Anderson| ger of General Motors Diesel Club and find you cannot attend|da® Feb, 1 A Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Tues Limited, London, Ont, who the Monday classes, there is an.| Born in Italy in 1805, he day, Feb, 14, followed by inter-| will address the Industrial other identical class held on the|the son of the late Mr. and ir ment in Mount Lawn Cemetery.! Accident Prevention Associa third Tuesday, at 6,30 p.m. at|Dominico Nasso, He was a resl-ip ~~ 1 rector of 8t.| tion's Oshawa-Ajax section at the Children's Arena dent of Oshawa for the past 35/00, 00's Anglican Church, willl 8 dinner meeting in. Hotel in years lo n { Genosha, Wednesday, Feb, 15 Wind Wishing Jo farther El Mr, Nasso was employed as a onduct the services Rippingille has titled his Sandford at RA 5-376 [section hand by the CNR untlll gARRY CLINTON BARRY | talk, "Safety in the Sis (his retirement in 1956. He was] v or cud.| The meeting will be attended | »mber of Cross Roman| Harry Clinton Barry, died sud-| 2% ; : a member of Holy Cross { Ne 'hick.| PY representatives of indus 't} , denlv at his residence at Thic DEATH Ctholic Church | ..| trial companies in the Osh He is survived by a brother, [son Point RR 2, Whitby, Sun awa-Ajax Michael, of Oshawa, and a|day, Feb, 12, He was In his 53rd Me PARRY, Harry Ciision - Sudden brother in Italy. ' |year 08, pksons Point, ' | 2 ' 5 "3, Whitby, "on Sunday, Feb, 12, The remains are at the Arm-| Born at Farren's Point, Osna-| CITY AND 1061, Harry Clinton Barry, beloved hus-| 4 ono Funeral Home for High|bruck Township, Ontario, his Dn Requiem Mass in Holy Cross/parents were the late Mr. and Roman Catholic Church, Tues-|Mrs. Alexander Barry DISTRICT day, Feb. 14, at § a.m, Inter] A resident of the Fommnity ment will be in §t. Gregory's|for five years, he was a genera . ; . - Cemetery. Rev, P, Coffey will|insurance consultant, Earlier he WIN SECOND PLACE celebrate the mass. had attended Syracuse Univer-| The O'Neill Collegiate and sity and also the Marine Law|Vocational Institute Band, di DAIR, Jabs L. «= Aller & prolonged MRS, JESSIE KNIGHT [School in Chicago. rected by ¥. J. Francis, placed fines at the Fairview Lodge, Whihy,| 1 failing health for some| A member of Faith Baptistisecond in its class in the Kiwan 0 Baturgay, Tshriaey A. lol: Amy | time, Jessie Knight, wife of Al|Church, Whitby, he is survivediis Music Festival in Toronto on Letitle Quick, dear father of Mrs, }\hert A. Knight, Byron street by his wile, Sie former Hiatne Saturday (Jean) of Ajax, and Douglas y ' ied 8 p sough and two sons, Peter o " Berry , in his 82nd Resting | north, Whitby, died Saturday, jn : NAME, (OTARY PUBLIC * ' C. Town Funersi Chapel, | Feb, 11, at the Oshawa General| Ridgeway, New Jersey and NAMED N TAR) : Whitby, for service in the Chapel on | gro epital James at-home, . Bruce Vipond Mackey an Monday, , 31 , mM, . ¥ ' . g 3 shaw awve as Be D Manday, Fenrsry U4, 3130 p Broun. | The former Jessie Skinner,| The body is resting at the Oshawa lawyer, ha heen ap- Minister Rev. T, M. Webb, Branch|nfre Knight was born in Lind-|W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, pointed a Notary Public in and Boral canadian Lashom, Wt oid is 50Y, Her parents were the late Whitby, for services Wednesday, |for the Province of Ontario i change in service {Alexander and Margaret Skin- Feb, 15, at 2 P.M, Interment will was reported in the current Is. ---- (ner. She was married in Lind.|follow in Mount Lawn Cemetery, sue of the Ontario Gazette Isay i Oshawa, yey OPEN PLAYOFFS say In 1911, h . 5 AMBULANCE CALLS Whitby Hillerests will open| A Whitby resident for eight Funeral services will be con Any crews from the their Eastern Ontario Junior B|years, Mrs, Knight was a mem dycted by Rev, EC. Corbett, Oshawa Fire Department an semi-final playoff against Belle- ber of Whitby United Church|PRS or of Faith Baptist Church, swered five voutine ambulance pov McFarland' at He Whithy|and active in church work for| MRS. HELEN MOFFAT calls. during the weekend § {S017 yea | , iia Muga ™ A son, John Albert, predeceas.|, Mrs. Helen Motfat died at her| $225 DAMAGE led her in 1920 family residence, 31 Bucking An estimated $225 damage re COMING EVENTS | Surviving besides Mr. Knignt/am avenue, Sunday, Feb. 12,|,,jt0 from a two-car collision lare two sisters, Mrs, W, M h her Wik Year. She had been! qt Bond and Simcoe streets, at 4 Grant, Birmingham, Alabama wor health for several years. |) (5 nm. Sunday, One car was * Guild of Bt, Luke Presby. | kB : oo ' Ay Eh 51 F EE als holding a rummage |and Mrs, D, A MacKenzie, Red) The former Helen Elizabeth driven by Tonay VanDevalk, of nd sale at the CRA on Thurs | pe arta & ther |P€ANS, her parents were Alex-|; i Tha Tw {Deer, Alberta, and a brother 661 Taylor I'he driver day, February 18 at 1.00 pm {Willlam, of Orillia ander and the late TYsabella| ¢ {po other car was Jack St eit Go hades wil oe Heid ai| The body is resting at the Dénns ; : |John, 649 Hortep: avenue Guide House, 123 Simcoe Street South|W, C. Town Funeral Chapel in orn May 3, 1905, 'in Aber-| on Thursday, February 16, at 8 pom. (whithe Chapel service will pe deen, Scotland, she had been al RECOVER STATION WAGON 4 Ba MC EBL he 414 Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 2 p.m, Rev {resident of Oshawa for seven, A station wagon reported 1 Smith of Whitby United| Years The deceased had also|stolen from James Jeffreys, 51 SUNNYSIDE Neighborhood Park have Church will conduct the service, [1ved in Whitby, Toronto and|MacMillan drive, early Satur their weakly him ub aYary Tosyday 5 Interment will be in Riverside Montreal day morning, was found at 10.15 me, Cemetery, Lindsay She Is survived by her fa-lam. the same day It was iu . {ther, Alexander Dean Mont: [parked on the north side of PANCAKE SUPPER | TONY PETRYSZYM soak Eh Saughters, ig Jo [Marland avenue Following a short illness the|/cr,r phcker (Barbara), Toron.| : ! February 14th--5:30 to [death occurred at the Oshawal'® and Mrs, Joan Wright, Osh l DRAWERS RANSACKED 7:30 p.m General Hospital on Thursday awa; a sister, Mrs, Margaret] Conant Public School was en RIES Ch Foose Foaps Pein & | Dincens of Toronto; m brother, [tered on the weekend. Drawers 31. MARK'S CHURCH I in Tas Soy aot SEYIN. [James Deans, of Montreal, were ransacked in the princi. by the Department of Public (Stevenson Rd. North) |™ Born at. Rukaket. In' the Uk and four grandchildren, {pal's office and four of the/Welfare, and 23 percent volun. ADULTS $1,00--CHILDREN .50 |... dd Th | She is resting at the Arm.[rooms, Nothing was stolen, tary subscribers raine, the deceased was a son \ : FAMILY ~=$3.00 of the late Yaskn b : 8.4 ![strong Funeral Home for ser-| Principal John Galbraith ve.|_ 4 . -- - - {Petryszym Coming ne om dik [vices in the Chapel on Tuesday, ported later SHOULD BE COMPULSORY BINGO in 1019, hb lived M Cn | Feb 14, at 2 pm, Interment] : For the contributors in indus. ) dad Tu ha in Montreal| win follow in the Oshawa Union| CHANGE STOLEN Niiry the plan is net optional at 5T GERTRUDE'S {Osh or re moving 1to/Cemetery, Rev. W. N, Aitken,| Damage totalling $150 was/all, but compulsory. Therefore, AUDITORIUM IThe deceased wi pastor' of Calvary Baptist/done during a break-in at Starr's/if it is compulsory for 71 per. r J | ie deceased was an employ-| Church, will conduct the ser-|garage, Bloor street west, early|cent of the populatio it should 90 KING EAST AT lee of the Of M p | poy n, it should : FAREWELL a Co a Hane Aalleably vices his morning, About $7.50 in|be compulsory for all, thereby VEL _ |Tro ly years anc change was taken from two!reducing "eos 'w 1 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT [later worked for the Board of| FUNERAL OF HAMLETT soft dgink machines a iy Wo educing thie cost. As with ail Fee « i owkon > A Ines and a cig- forms of Insurance, the greatér GOOD PRIZES Works Department, A resident (BERT) WOLFRAME . firet 'machine, Entry was gain-{the number participating, the ---------- : tm -- Laid . i ; h a | ) KINSMEN BINGO of Nassau street for some years,| The memorial service for|ed by removing a piece of glass| ~~ ha -- TUESDAY, FEB. 14th [on "aacinaele to work due to| Hamlett (Bert) Wolframe, of(from a window. The bullding| o : i an accident and for some|Oshawa, who died in Sunny- FREE ADMISSION Heaths had lived at Hillsdale|hrook Hospital, Toronto, Thurs. : S Manor, Jeckpot Jos 56 ond 56 His only relative In Canada Is EAM a nephew, Harry Petryszym, of JUBILEE PAVILION ers Oshawa. Other members of his {family are in the Ukraine, The funeral service was held at the MciIntosh-Anderson Fu. neral Home at § a.m. Saturday, $50 Without endorsers or bankable security 'Woodview Community Centre BINCO TONITE 8 P.M, JACKPOT NOS. 53.55 JACKPOTS PAY DOUBLE IF WON IN 52 OR LESS REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IF WON IN 17 OR LESS $2,350.00 TOTAL PRIZES "THE_NEW" RED BARN EXTRA BUSES A. Toms, | | United| Trinity lowmanville 1s survived by two bro THE 17 SIMCOR Hospital Plan preparing to assume a greater|, You can borrow from Pg A RT. 0 Frole tonight, | niversary of the Vatican radiolgtoneman took Cuirkshanks to astern Lake JFrie, Niagara service Baturday, saying theithe Oshawa General Hospital|lake Huron, western Lake On-| medium typified the universal for emergency treatment, Cpl. lari regions, Toronto, London | Pulse, Inc, showed that brotherhood of believers, | James Barte | on; Clo tle! ' ames Barter assisted with the milder today with occasions Women with children under y ix devoted an average of light snow. or drizzle. Cloudy #\% Gevole Bp Ld WASHINGTON (AP)--Three {and cooler tonight, becoming| five hours, 17 minutes each add a badun 4 {sunny with cloudy intervals) weekday to TY viewing Democratic senators said Satur na T wi Wind y 15 today | day night that racial discrimin NF ehehed hs {Fuesday, Winds east 12 today, new TV set? Sell your oid ation in the U.S, probably is the| " . ) ' a iastern Lake Ontario, Georg! one with 8 resuli-getting Viggen barrier b better moun Big Rift Seen lian Bay, Haliburton regions, Oshawa Times Classified Ad rstan 4 i we wan) y A p- ' la & ip rash ou get to : : yD ' al NEW Y( APY. o a. North Bay, Sudbury, Kirkland, and use the cash y natlons, Senators Frank Church mV, YOUR Wak) Dost Lake: Increasing cloudiness to start you on your way to 8 ming and Frank Moss of Utah ments show the ideological con-|487 followed by & few snowflur expensive, Just dial RA od Sax rwp4 PXpensive Jus made this obsesvation in a sunny with cloudy "intervals, 20t| 3.3402 between § a.m, and § Sea poi and Communist Ching has heen |#0NY ay "interyva 33402 between n study based on a 22,000-mile trip gne Tors alent pn bitte, than much change in temperature, pm covering 16 African countries Western p wy ia opinion ren. Winds east 15, north 15 Tues 0 ¢ 5 Vark T day ARSON SUSPECTED lized, the New York Times #ald z . pw . Sunday Timmins Kapuskasing re DIRECTOR NAMED Provincial fire marshal Earl] ooo "glo e viet Premier day followed by a few snowflur. Armstrong has been appointed MacLeod sald Sunday night he eh mshehey and Chinese Com. ries this evening Tuesday executive director of the Na was Investigating the possibility) nici leader Mao Tze, - tung|mafnly sunny, Milder today, be. tional Heart Foundation of Can. of arson in a fire that wiped|iaqed bitter accusations in pri-| coming a litle colder Tuesday.'ada, it was announced today, out seven business establish-|yate correspondence and also at| Winds southeast 10 today, be ------ damage in the blaze that lev-|teérnational Communist confer. elled four buildings at $100,000. ences last vear | I'he previous night, he said, ru The Chinese Communists ac. mors were heard that someone| cused Khrushchev of having| ¢t was threatening to burn a snack adopted a revisionist lime that; volved ism, the reports said London . The Soviet leader, at the Mos.| "NENA cow meeting, termed Mao|Peterborough a 'megalomaniac warmonger," | they added | show the Chinese Communists] charged Soviet leaders with] having sought to make a deal | with the United States and to sell out Peking d " . investigation, BIGGEST BARRIER | 8 Have you been wanting a {north 15 tonight and Tuesday, Idaho, Gale McGee of Wyo new one, It's easy and in. flict between the Soviet Union ries this evening, Tuesday NEINGTON y y p pris v KENSINGTON, PEL (CP) "om 07 wspaper sald the docu. zion: Increasing cloudiness to. TORONTO (CP)--Dr, John B ments Saturday, He estimated ihe Bucharest and Moscow in. coming northerly Tuesday bar, one of the businesses in. abandoned Marxism and Lenin. Kitchener The Times sald the documents The Russians, in turn, ac crease |cused the Chinese Communists of having failed to understand (cheaper the premium (the nature of modern war and | The committee is to meet|0! Bitempts to trample over So {some time next week and I hope| Viet leaders for their own neds, {to réport on the discussion in| Western governments appar. |detail at » later date, {ently received full accounts of | ithe Soviet Chinese dispute IBUDGET through leaks by Communist | Although the Legislature wag|PArties in Western nations, The {in session last fall for 3 wenks,| TIMES reported One London newspaper sug- t seems the budget of the gov , ernment will be even later thi gested the leaks may have been 1] " {deliberately arranged by the |year than it was last year : , i " / . es sald, The municipal Kremlin, The Times ald --- | 12 KING E, -- RA 3.3633 SHOP FOR THESE "EXTRA SPECIAL" VALUES TUES. councils and|_- school boards will find them-| {selves in the same dilemma they| y 8 In last year == that is not] LONDON (CP) or 4,000 knowing if there will be any|British firms invited to show| {change in the grant structure, their products at Ta y {thereby having to delay setting|dustrial exhibition in May, only {the mill-rate : "nine have accepted au [At the beginning of this mont (ne of the British exhibliors: was expected the budget of | 4) ey seem Lo ae 0 {the provincial treasurer would!' merican competion. {be presented some time next! {week, but with the announce ment of the prime minister of canada that a federal-provincial 8 {conference would be held on| (Feb, 23 and 24 it will delay the] Need Not Embarrass resentat Many wearers of false teeth have P 5 entation of the Ontario bud | au='ered real embarrassment use | . | their plate dropped, slipped oy wob. | Premier Frost {s expecting pled at Just jhe wrong time, of not [further concessions, in the way| Nim rerinkie s liste PASTERTH the | {of financial assistance, from the| alkaline (non-seld) powder, oa your DT mg n i plates. Hold false teeth wre fipmly, {federal government, In this 1.20 they feo! more gamtortable, Does {wish him well, but no matter| not sour. Cheeks "plate odor" (dens what the offer may be it will] ture breath), Get FARTEETH of any drug counter not be effective until next year, | Therefore, there does not ap [pear to be any reason for the {delay in this year's budget pre sentation |DR, Ww. J. DUNLOP | On Monday afternoon last the {legislature adjourned so that the {members could attend the funer- {al of the late Dr, W, J, Dunlop. He had occupied the important {portfolio of minister of educa. {tion until last year. He was a [man of great ability, and had {contributed a great deal to the {educational needs of Ontario | When speaking in the assem. bly last year, I referred to his PHONE retirement on that occasion and I quote from the official Han sard RA 8-4681 BLADE ROAST | "I cannot let this occasion go by without paying my personal CLUB STEAKS 59¢ | RIB STEAKS 69° 1 [tribute to the Hon. Minister of Educatign, Mr W. J, Dunlop 1] - have, over the years, appreciat: ed his co-operation, his friendly RUG SALES 174 MARY STRERY RIG . * Sirloin STEAK... . 79¢ WING & T-BONE % STEAK .. / J" 89¢ Ib. REG, Cooked HAM .. . 89° and sometimes fatherly advice, SLICED NOT COMPETING | FALSE TEETH That Loosen STEAKS & ROASTS Boneless Round Steak Roast Porterhouse Steak Boneless Rump Roast Sirloin Tip Roast 79m. POT ROAST (PONELESS) LB, 49+ 99 BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE Reg. 8%¢ Per Lb.' SPECIAL! La 1B. I can sincerely say Mr, Speaker, I have always found him to be every inch a gentleman." LJ $5000 SMOKED 'Bacon SQUARES . 39° LAMBCHOPS . 39° . 10° LAMB STEW FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY ST. NL CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5-634)

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