Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Feb 1961, p. 19

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EATON S ] ond trainer, seid the seloven (ihe round ond fis Lostded the by the Losing Crown calyed po over Wis eys while sum Pine, Simpoed by 1 T Ti il pm Dick Bishan "EARS mow Nh out Are C ose 0 1 e London, who arrived in Foros came the Londons, dictions on #8 wpeoming fig turing the Oshawa Moor Hock- Balsam, Kirk, Glasspell, Lind 2, A's: ngand (440) ,. KW George Chuvalo Wn Maple Law the howl, held Wn Vorean, us kiociom one! Bowmanville Arena (Dawe, Pelors, Yahm, Bishop and Mille. Tres) 7 pur ed rien point with more then wet &1 Ahowt 75 per cont of the ! J » point Hides; { 5 or Ly pple dog Trip, forwards, 15 Duras; Westiah hun? orother duck, spmrring perines The tremor wes knocked Wiored, the week Tran, oe i Ba he week-\T Fy aud Heh, A ist Period 6, Dirpa's Gry ot sm, second place Ns ( LGERY) rrrverrserreeer The Juveniles, & hardiuck out 1, Juves.. Bishop (ih), Peraities ~~ Myles $0, Ber yille Memorial Hospital pis) r wd Belsom 19.17 {riage MAJOR LEAGUE Sontdon Cove: |. 27a im, dui thm W019 : y Look the Babolicsl Wheny' tn IE 16 Ding the Defeat A 9 stopving the bout alter he re. "IRE TROMN tm nh urno 8 ' Boning Board of Comes) figiting KuFropenn resulied trom the fracas, TORONTO (EP)="A SW Riberdoon kept is title 008 Charis," oid the 15-9007 78 ql liberty" Is the vesson Brian the three Londons swillly We London, "and | don't make pre 4 / Ahm pp), Werks by plane recently 16 Bit Ca swept Wie the ring and began Jud | came over here 16 wi Wig 1a y his oP si op a A 5 Babonds | I. Dunas oe ried (15th) 7M nadisn heavyweight champion thiowieg punches, They sad. Which fist docs he consider Lom, Lorwards, Konorowskd, Wel| "Penalties ~ Barnage WM, Gardens Veh, 19, Mid not cop Wales, should not have been! "The one thet lends fast) any Oban A A's 7 n 4 Watt, Macdonsld, Fury 2. Pars 8 Sarid oom | ( liasre the Burovesn benyyweiah soph wd supported WE i wo le mee Wilson Landon, who lew In with Wie fon words wih Wich arto 10 sawers lle ares of Cor _h iy Gorn omen wnd|" HTS CIPY - WIDE ~ pon), Godd 4 Duwrng's. Westall hi fine Tack, WMABREET ndirabner die In sothern Asia is virgn defence, ¥, Cockerion (Mills, Tureskd) 111s the A's and one more win or al Delves, " s, Ng kami Tureski, M8). 1110,» IN ne ha Wa; ig on Saowehd ) Pepalties ~~ i of A twinbill City-Wide Answer |Cockerion, ¥ 4' Bervits moved tv within bro Scoring ~~ None (Middleton, Brown) ;:: Yl out & 34 win over] Penalties ~~ Delve, 7, Durno's: Wi (Ith Oshawa City dasgue Juveniles Io PIE sll season, sow netminder] (Doe, Belson) hoor yA (Lawson) +, rr ny Markus taken to Bowman Pensities ~F, Coc or Ties fis 8 Wd Period all 19.2, Englan Mid heing Wit on the head hy » fH 2 cide 8. oe ! a5 194, ng puck, Markus returned ator diston 1944 and Kayan ted 10 he just (Sadowski, Delves) ,, 286 Officigls ~ Tom Wilson, iy y 4 } $, C. Wide: Tran (th), Suddard, Charlie Marsh A wp, Jimmie Hinkson con ror ses 5 ome iim HEAT SEALED BEANE FEBRUARY 13th, 14th & 156h, 196 Sauerkraut & Wiener Dinner MOTH CRY ETAL CONTANER " Flt LENGTH ZIPPER Fi 7 1 4 Protect your out-of -season in Peter Babando, The former NS DUBRNO'S Detroit Red Wing great has Se Westfas working ' LONDON (Reuters) = Results, 1 Connor missed last night's|third in-a-row } I potion as his wile presented] DURNO'S GARAGE »~ goal, |of Baturday's soccer GRIMES} at 17.85 minute mark in thelfall Bolton 0 Blackburn 9 final period, to give City-Wide "osawA NB = gop), Furmiey 4 Sheffield W 4 Court tinued in the Juvenile cage, (G, Myles) Baker; Scorer, Juveniles also displayed sn 4, C. Wide: G, Myles ,,/ 17,36! Shaw other "well known' name coach] Pengities = F, Cockerton 315 Y ined the coaching staff of (four = gos) pe OFIANCE FPeR oug Turner, Dune. Brodie headed Duma's Garage 19 an SOCCER SCORES fed O'Connor and Frank Wil-leasy 64 win over the slumping! 2 Oshawa A's. The loss es Ak | m with 8 haby girl | Melnick; defence, Hughes, Dies INGIIS 7 AGL " JUVENILES » rv. mmr nuk, Cole, Barrage, Price | oo He " ExWhithy Dunlop Gord|forwerds, Middleton, Brow nis const 2 Cardiff 3 Myles fired an unassisied gon! foray, Mills, Tureski and West: |For" Villa § Tottenham 3 Answering Service thelr uphill 32 win over the Juveniles, City: Wide trailed one stage In the game 249, ney; defence, Edwards, Filiott Keenan, forwards, Arnold, Lew son, Myles, Garrard and Dods worth, Canada' & Football Inter-Loo WINNIPEG (CF) Following| is the 1961 Canadian Foothall League schedule as approved atl the league's annual meeting It ealls for each team in the Eastern division to play games and each Western team to play 16 The schedule Eastern Division August i (Fr) Winnibeg at Montreal 12 (Bat) B.C Ottawa 14 (Mon) Winipe at Toronto 15 (Tues) B.C. at Hamilton 20 (Bun) Hamilton at Torontg #85 (Fri) Toronto. at Montreal September # (Bat) Montreal at Ottawa 4 (Mon) Toronte at: Hamilton ' (Fri) Saskatchewan: at Mont eal 0 (Sat) Edmonton at Ottawa 10 (Bun) Baskatchewan at Tor onto H (Mon) Edmonton at Hamil; ton 16 (Bat) Ottawa at Montreal | 2 (Bat) Montreal at Hamilton 84 (Bun) Ottawa at Toronto 20 (Fri) Calgary at Toronto #0 (Bat) Hamilton at Otlawa October 2 (Mon) Calgary at Montreal 7 (Bat) Toronto at Montreal § (Mon) Ottawa at Hamilton 14 (Bat) Montreal at Ottawa 16 (Bun) Hamilton at Toronto $i (Hat) Montreal at Hamilton, Toronto al Oliawa, 86 (Bat) Ottawa at Hamilion 20 (Bun) Montreal at Toronto November 4 (Bat) Toronto al Ottawa, Ham {iton at Montreal Western Division {nipeg at Edmonton {80 (Hat) Baskalchewan st Win | p Dates 10 (Thurs) Calgary at Basket chewan 14 (Mon) Baskdtchewan at Fd | monton 17 (Thurs) Ottawa at Winnipeg (10 (Bat) Basketchewsn st Cal gary, Montreal at Edmonton 21 (Mon) Montreal at B.C, #4 (Thurs) Edmonton at Winni peg, B.C, at Baskatehewan Ww (Bat) Ottawa st Calgary | 25 (Bat) Ottews st Baskalehe wan, 'B.C, al Edmonton #1 (Thurs) Hamilton st Winnl: | PER, | Beplemher | 4 (Mon) Winnipeg at Baskatehe:| wan, Edmonton at Calgary § (Bat) BU, iton at Calgary, Toronto st Kd monton (18 (Mon) Hamilton at Basket [chewan, Forontn at B.C, 25 (Bat) B.C, at Calgary, Win # (Mon) Edmonton at Badket chewan nipeg, Edmonton at B.C, Oetoher 7 (Bat) B.C, at Winnipeg, Cal gary al Edmonton § (Mon) B.C, at Baskatchewan| 14 (Bat) Winnipeg at Calgary, | Haskalehewan at Kdmonton 16 (Mon) Winnipeg at B.C, 21 (Bat) Calgary al Baskatche wan (Mon) Calgary at Winnipeg 26 (Bat) Baskatchewan at B.C #0 (Mon) Baskatchewan at Win Inipeg, Edmonton at Calgary November WES 7 (Mon) Winnipeg at Calgary, Edmonton al B.C, 4 (Bal) Winnipeg at Edmonton B (Bun) Calgary al B.C, OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS MOTOR on NAR BUSINESS Hops ful Bix won the Aid section with points, withers were Birikers nl Ban Aces 10 thlh those di AVE WOH A seelion wimdingers s five wo and heey bh 15, Rack: ets 11, Dukes 1 High Triples were Art Smart 118 (34, 87), Fiien - Wikgine 677 (41, 48, Harbiay Hajeman Mh aly, all, Fred Fusea 641 (846, 311), Bert Trek B41 (ada, 438), Baris Len 080 (93) Wy Gy Meirey 619 (386, 01) and Ed Hol: man MIS (Mn High singles were Doug Cooper B66, Hy Congratulations Paug! Gwen Kane Jim Novels 847, Fred Melee 833, ith MeRvide 833, Koy Mills 336, Mary alker 38, Irene Hurtibese 319, Mi fred Apa ong 418 Hite Crawling 315 ote on $01) ae 306, Bil vo er 208, Madeline Marvisen ii, a tu + Dave Meteo 403, PH Vo eon B01, 300 and Bev, Thomas CRA LEAGUE Sandings Iharptons aa, Hd fens Ham HE 8, Alama HE Wutlen Pushers Ri "Abstain Bpades 48, Avg arkers 83, 8 40, Sunshiners 48, Toubleshaniers 47, Rascals 48, alls 44, Blarie 43, Sunnyside 48, Histas y Arisiacraly 37, Oulsiders 8, Apples 4 orth M, Halhe No, § 8, Chivas Harman les" 84, Composites 3 Hoi Bliders 18 With twa weeks ta #9, It Is Thorntons and Has Hees running onetwa, hath OFS ShULOULS aver AISA rale ang ps Hom Hers hung on hy spiik with inuhishasiers Oihey shat i wein Hasoals, Hiloas and Oulsid Bingo Markers, Sliders and Swine were Rulian ALINE, BURY aide, Pathe No. 3 and Argonauis, the losers ny Blarie, Absiainers, Rpaits, Apples, fran! 03" ane) Characters "A hee, a the Hist Wis week bs TY Bi) Wllewed hy ebie MW yg ha {A HE, 7), Rusty award 190 (363), Ken dahisan 810 (034, 410, Poh Andrews 667 (88, 934, i, Hole Aoksan 637 (380), 1 ih a i, 457), Pons Trivedi 6 Ay Rio Mareh Jp, 631 (339, 204, i Bill Clark 845 (356, 330 Borns i. +39 (54), Helen Yinek fh bhai] hatin B34 (00, 380), Javes oily $11 (318, 210, 308), Pel shi AE (BS, BWI Reser y BM, Marien Dingman S81 (349, Bode Nathan 683 (548, a1), Harl x Mikdiod Handa LAL poked 817 (38, WT), i Huechinr 614 (338), Mon Fenton (RAR), 18 Clark S16 (297. 318), Seve Iniehuk B00 (HAY, Ron MeGille 608 CRM, Mavis Taviar 803 (3%) and Len Byrne MA (360), 4 ] AMES Were walled hy Genre | Wil ARI $13, Gladys Harker 378, Joan 3, Boh Weeks 345 Fd # Guisale A, Boh. Davis B31, dean Uatiter B38, hd hth Basehier th a Av oul B88, 3%, AR le a UR APE Shemilt 313, Edna Cutler 831, Hm Water B38 35, Ed Shamil 238, Rev Pa ® Siow Linton 334, Hil Row Cathy Smith 238 314 alt » ho Gord Fel Mal, \ HOS! We, Herman Wuls ped oh HeRaTTol BE, 300, hy oa A Vie Willi: (60 1 sod 8, Rombhaiyl We Betty Bye 830, 818, Righ March 8p, 318 Jim Clements 815, Keith {Sith 914, Bilella Patterson 314, Max Hoekert B14, 308, Bah Germand 814, Boh Cartep 314, Bhivley Weeks 311, 84, Wes Ogden 311, Chuek Lock 811, Olga Jahn son 300, Tea Welsh 306, LI Linton $00, Huby Lane 808, Dave Davis Clark 307, Ellen Densmore 800, S04, Jog France 308, Marg Germand 304 Ossie Weeks Bia, #elty Franes 808 Gen. Taylor 804, Jean Ouden 301, Mary Williamson #01, Cust Russell 801, #01 FH ul, Andrews S08, | Chelsea 2 Blackpool 2 Leicester § Neweastle § Man City # West Brom # Notts ¥ 1 Birminghem # Preston 2 Pulham § West Ham 4 Everton § Wolverhampton 2 Man United 1 fecond Division (Bristol RB 1 Derby | Charlton 8 Lincoln 0 Averpool § Leyton Or 9 Norwich 8 Portsmouth 1 Plymsuth 2 Huddersfield 1 Rotherham 4 Scunthorpe § Sheffield tJ 2 Luton | Southampton 1 Ipswich Bloke 1 Swansea 3 Sunderland 2 Middleshrough 0 Third Division Barnsley § Bradford C 3 srentford 2 Chesterfield 8 le olehester 1 Notts C 2 Grimsby 8 Queen's PR 1 [Hal fax 1 Bhrewshury 1 {Newport 2 Bournemouth 0 Reading 0 Coventry 0 Swindon 1 Southend 1 Torquay 1 Port Vers 1 Pranmere 1 Walsall 4 {Watford I Bury 1 Fourth Division | Ardershot 0 Millwall 3 {Bradford 0 Gillingham 8 [Chester 0 Crewe Alex § at Winnipeg, Ham: Crystal P 4 Rochdale 1 Darlington § Mansfield § Doncaster 1 Carlisle § Hartlepools 0 Wrexham 0 Nosthimbiin § Barrow 0 Oldham Aberin ton 8 Peterhorough eter 1 |Houthport I Stockport 0 SCOTTIEN F, A, CUP Hecond Round | Aberdeen 4 Deveronvale 8 Alloa 2 Dumbarton 0 Ayr U0 Airdrvieonians 0 {Brechin 5 Duns § Buekie Thistle 0 Raith 8 Celtie & Montrose 0 Cowdenbeath 1 Motherwell 4 Dundee 1 Rangers b Dundee U 0 Bt" Mirren 1 Hast Pile 1 Partick § Forfar 8 Morton 0 Hibernian 16 Peebles 1 Kilmarnock 1 Hearts 8 Queen of 8 0 Hamilton 3 Stranraer 1 Dunfermline 8 Thd Lanark § Arbroath 8 SCOTTIAN LEAGUE Division I Johnstone 0 Mylsion 1 Albion 1 Berwick 2 (brought for ward from April 80) postponed IRISH LEAGUR Ards 8 Glepavon 8 Coleraine 8 Derry City 1 Crusaders 1 Ballymena 0 Glentoran 1 Distillery § Linfield § Cliftonville 0 Portadown 8 Bangor 8 Clyde 0 Bt HORKE ESCAPES and Esther Davis 800. The Lemans Wore 10d by Ariens May shall With 8, and laelude Gerry | Hirimblehy 83, a, Linton 86, Welsh 80, Jae France BF, and Dan Cul ley 89, { HARMAN PARK LEAGUE | Roundabouts took the third section ta Jain the Beatniks and the Allis an qual Hen for the Championship, Now let's sen the alias five 10ame id un 8 eal haitle far fourth geetion Honors nal Team Standings Round Ahauts 31, Herring Chokers 18, Alia | Wy Beatnik 16, Sappy Seven 14, Bove | 3 ah Hy Hapiy Wang 8 and Ravens | Rasa Godivey ance Again had the Men's High Triple with iN (BAL, B48), while Kon Lliine 100k the Men's High SR fi Triple was thiawn by | Magi fa FErell with BUA (046, 308) Hes 46 alka sel the Ladies' Wikh Mingle | 00 Triples Gail Ralinson 631 (884, | S30) Juhi Caw B16 (311, 306), Llayd Flume 813 (853, wad lune Mais | LUM ARH 00 Club Gerry Gadivey 340, Joni | Carey 87, Hen Page 837, Sammy Plume | 0, Brian Weiss 334, Pearl Ms ne | 438, Fred Carey 313, Bdlth Cavey 310, | Benny Weiss 205, Bud Hl 306, Lary | Weiss 208, Adelie Rabinsan 208, i | Wassoll 300 and Joan Curran 20 Believe It oy nal, only Wiese Leman JEM n (hin week 19 set & Rew Jaw | ho enlire sean me CATHOLIC LEAGY doe O'Mailey showed un all that the MER fo ATR 4 heal 9 he peckened | With When 11 eames 19 howling. Jos | SAME WR wilh a hh Wipe $n the | FOOD of TAT with a Wish sige of 314 | Rachelle Podneault saved the WOM | rom complete disgrace hy a 06 Wile | ARE A single of 370 LASHT What has happened a tam | No KT 04 seems 19 This Willer as if they feed a Hood eam eapiain ta IRaple | hem 1a seater helglits. Op sla he Ist needs 4 well allel Kish Han hw ving Nap sland bg 1, Bia ha ¥ Halls 3 Eker WW Powers | Houston §, Harsiman | WITOWS 4 ans Giles | hy eA Aver B00 = 1. Powers 84, P| sof 3. A. Kennelly 308 3 | Eikey 31 KN. Pedueaull 308, 200, { Ehker 880, 4. Molex oN 1h Al4 it i) Hh RK, Me Powers LAR he I "Wall ih |] 2 ny, M Ahersh Ftiy an Loman Loavuers LaPierrs #7, \ A. Mewdivk 88, RB wl \] J. Dianne ¥. Newman $1 Friar 8, J Martell 309, 318, OCEAN CITY, Md, (AP)= Adios Butler, one of the fastest harness raein time and a $600,000 winner of the nation's leading FRAOBWAYS, escaped harm Saturday night when a fire voared through a winter quarters barn at nearby Ocean Downs, killing seven horses, Adios Butler accupled a ital two -barns away from the horses of all Smoked 2 WIENERS i, Fancy Quality 2 SAUERKRAUT BH SCALLOPS comsitrneins #59: Rn -.»» AP) Super J CTCL E LEP WL ABILITY AoW EAN THE GREAT MILAITIE & PACING TRA COMINGY LTR, DOES YOUR CAR INCE? Smooth out the bumps with Firestone -SHOCK ABSORBERS Poor shock absorbers can be dangers ous! Firestone "self-adjusting" Shock PER PLUS INSTALLATION cor mm safe ride you want at @ meneys saving price, Guaranteed for 12 menths er 12,000 miles, Installed A Absorbers will give you the --t A by expert mechanics, PAIR Be sure your car is safe for closed soene of the five, The hams are 10 feet apart, SALUT TOMORROW'S LEADER TIMES CARRIER Is Leaming To Become A Your Help Will Be Appreciated window driving =~ come in for our FREE MUFFLER CHECK Play It safel Let us check your muh flor, and exhaust system new, Ne charge er abligation, FULLY GUARANTEED resfone UFFLERS iin Buy on EASY ii TERMS at - road sheek, vibrar tion, carresion and Heavy-gauge metal w= reinforced inside and eut te ress § 9 Mh lion PAY DAY Firestone; STORES 190 KING SAYY wee RA 5.6566 43} 19 clothes from moth domege ,.. "BERMOTH" By Ber-Sar STORAGE BAGS offer protection from moths ond larvae ® Heavy gauge Nylonized Vinylite ® Screw-cap moth crystal compartment mesh bag extends for 10" down inte garment bag for excellent fumigation Complete with 12-02, Moth Guard Parag dichlorobenzene crystals Full size bag holds up to six suits; has full length zipper closing, EACH 6.98 Ld EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT; 222 PHONE RA 57378 Exciting Special Values From "Helena Rubinsieln" V3 Price | Reg. 4.00 Helena Rubinstein Hormeéene Hand Loffon Helps keep hands beautifully smooth; discourages wrinkles caused by dry skin, promotes growth of healthy tissue, 8:08, bottle, SPECIAL, such 40% Off! Reg, 7.50 1.9 ubinstein Estrogenic Hormone Cream in helping keep fomplex xiow soft; smooth and unwrinkled; use regularly i best re. sults, SPECIAL, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 a.5 PHONE RA B7878 Be up to date on Hearing Aid Development... Have An Audiomelric Hearing Tes! EATON'S Hearing Ald Clinic offers a complete hearing analysis , + + one of aur trained representatives, Mr, IK, Jakowidis, will be in aftendance all day Saturday, February 18th, Mr, Jakowidis will check your hearing selentifically and thoroughly, and recommend the hearing aid that's best suited to your particular needs; ald, or assist you In receiving the utmost satisfaction fram your present hearing Nayar PHONE RA 5.7373, STORE MANAGER'S OFFICE, FOR AN APPOINTMENT ON SALE AT 9.30 A.M. while quantities last PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Women's Full-Fashioned Nylons 300 pairs only ! Much below usual price ! Quality full-fashioned nylons in practical walking sheer-45.gauge, 30-denier, a good: wearing weight for dress and daytime wear, Reinforced at h toe, with neat heel panels, slim dark seams; twa flattering shades, Classic beige and Tender beige, Sizes 9 to 11, eel and EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 20V EATON Roy Value, Store Hours: 8:30 a.m, to 6 p.m. Monday lo Saturday Open Friday Nights until 8

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