BRTHS Today's Stock M arket Listings on Toronto Exchange mii: To 2 CACKRTRN Barry and Ga wr 9:10 a.m ya were, Apples dirty 125450 18 ™™ OWHAWA TIMES, Mendy, Pebruary 15, 1961 Hamilton: ave Boppy [6 snneince (he TORANER 15 AW. STOCKS "We Net Po yok 4 4 Wamilion) ae WAROY avevel Cros, #) By The Copefinn Prove Sack Boles Wigh Low om We Spek Baler Wigh bow » : wpe Bark Beier Wigh how » AoA Sock Roles Wigh bow 11 a.m. EWES bntash #3 50-4 5 shel, Deli-iy 755 " he. 0 wn Bundey, Fewpisey Vi Toront, Bh A 7 i " % ¥ * oigus 3.05, BL. Delicious Tn 1 Me Cranawn Grenerst Hospital Y Lis # Sony ksernny i an 105 The Tt WI ' Fromm Ww wm 44 Medal LE § Hud Bay We $65 We Who 6.25 8 4 i H per 10-pound Haske Fnanks ta Wr. Walom Andres * hath ion A . PR we 8 WW Bh Pees Wiest Wo 18 18 MW +h Milk City wo» int Moly 1 # '= 9, Biles 0, Russell 4.59; 7% WN / §fifd lot: 24 --~ Fad) Pet sn Sie 16 18 iy y M : fo heans, green 5046.50 @ h No. | 175 hid ry BT LL an Pet pr ka I ly a fine we Vive Th Th NE hie ih 1h Ie Int Bickel HH 92 8 =n (oi ? / # BAmper | gubbard 14.50 # oy RNG are WepRy 18 dl Al GN Gas un TH 80 WW iB Par Peis Sih hy IN risk Ap ww # : yellow "7504, beets, $75 A oes, cello § 501.7% fie Moth of & hoy § Je § INDUSTRIALS J : n 9 Gn Gos wh {0 an we + wow : Fyre ww 76 hshel; broceohi, 19040 # A an Aatweday, Few if, 196i, ® 1 Mh # hr be 9% 7 ih 4 i 3 Ape 449 m case. russel is, 5.25559 waned 1, waxed 105 want Faward, in ®. Marr's Howie Th 1 it us y 14 ov pr 45 7 7i i [ vy hd 4 b LE dain Bis Fr ] ' Ag 4 din i We TH Finn fie 2 / od 27 anh dram, catibage, oid 85, Cal. TORONTO (CF) san Francisen. Woathey ad Baty Amng Mork Bates Wigh Law sm CW ge Jj V i i f i" L¥ ¥ hy IH i Yd fiaddy wil er wed Thames 'n 4 im i We Why l Rivwite 5 i A Kirk Town 8 Vs Lif orma 3.154.145 ved 1.251 50 prices Werk od ' pigs up SE We 1 pa i $175 | 1 Waiss x BOE i ; Litho wilt oda, LENMAY Weer and Joan pee £ead Al | Uke Lite ve J 1 : ! 4 Visa | f J Hrd ' Yau a carrots, Miny 14.35 # bushel, PEL Thpound bags off 4 BARRY" 6 nnminee the BETH oF (RE head A pr 2 2% § "7 inh wa in : 4 0 oho 1 Ms | pi 5h ' washed 1250.50; cauliflower, 82; 10 the trade 2752.8, danier, dulie Ane, wn Manda Fon: Alls fhe w d ; it Seng be fe # iad is 81 ' 5 HA re h ly / 2604 a carton, celery, Cal o truck 1.85 19 the (rade ' # »" i 0 fishaw ArT El He 4 ' ' HH FIRIFN # a M d : ia Pr 0 0 red) he pare rer Beane we a RR tisimes, Va Hie ih fe 8 er can cvs ons| YL, pond bogs olf truck ol ) bitalene w [00 4 3 dia mb AT! Bagtest med a & Thi = 1 i ; ' B LRANLON; Gye () 25 * Wat 6 thts 16 ' ih ; I i ! Hh : WEANNOR Tad and Maddy wish 7 " 1 #i fre " 7 Phe [7% Yeanen Royo i . Advneate p 5 2 ; 5004 per Us; leeks, 175% per WW, ia the trade 35 9 NB, fa anaovRee he served of Their AeiEh A 0 $501. Wis 32 , A 1444 Thar " b , $ Au ' 7% 'nm Te 44 f quart basket, letiuee, a of truck 27 (9 the trade » , te atrial an, 6 he § wiv, oH FR i i : y } Full) dass 4 : ¢ a 3 : . Sends ¥eterunry 12, 1861, #i the Ooh Saal 1 2 ' Yur 1 sts ¥ Waihi wn General Wosghial, A sister fny hile " 8 A zw $i 1 Ars Jey A 3 hip Terry Lown. Thanks ta Pe. Mehivees. | A Ww ' 14 i hy ' Tr Can PA . y 4 4 : 4 Bankers u Eiri v POWERS Pies and Marg (nee) BEDE rw ie a : Frans Wi iW i Barnet J He > ' | H Belson: #58 Goud § BRAeuAEe (he he : : " 4 "h 5 iin fas 7 iy Baka 4 Me tg bw 4 y $ V Wivth af danghier, Susan Jane, oR hd ' i Hk 1) BA tn Slest i 4 Be' (her 4 oh Mies 12% hs Ih TL i ' i y + ' A Walk GW M B ¥ Bet im : . 15h #4 4 Fi Feneuary 1 al The Oh k . ; wa Lheneral Hospital Weis Kap fark 1} i his 10% 14 Wn id 4s Bralorne 4 Bev iund Thom / i x Wi Rew 10 4 pe ZERBA--Biave and Wisie (nee Kriok i § : rH Lied W Gro A y 414 { > Brnawk J mn ah : Ha Fin J, 5 aE Wawwy In BRRIIRCE The ad 4 # 4 : Aire : : Wain #4 F : 8 9 Bultad 5 1% 1% ddd Thi y # on, Fart Wavne, 7 (he fF i ' * ' i 4 4 Wind A To Poi oh Camp hk I] f Barlartie My 2 w - : an They 4 ys ¥ Barmgtal heh A " "l on Satupdas, February 17, 198) L 4 Vy yA "a : g ' Ww fshans General Hospital his y ih i i 1 " } oa i Plaid i : oe Wh anlar in $id he ) DI pas Prt p 4 he abl 3 ' : Rank wm wh king 4 ' oe $ Ashesta ih b Bl This " 5 2 44 : 4 Mondar's, nil 0 Wr of foes Pome Ta tie hr 1 tos ft (sy i nd ih fhe [bs ranithe £4 01" HE) Have You Got that EXTRA HELP oll by Ad wh Will i ; Pik Craw 209 Tuesday's chide fall of grace ths tha ah Will oh I hi Wie (ah MOM A | j oh ) on lake i i i } Que Lith [141 y ] lined up for nHiagns Wilt 7 7 usin 144 7 y Zin z mj Wednesday's oni 1s full of woe il Fo oh E150 18 4 ' s oh RARE hie Ts INV RIAN ih Bayraek Fa Thursday's child has far (a #0 " iW Ks or als ihe 8s 190% + Frdav's shid is Taving #ad giv) Fash i i " [ 1% 4 ith 48 3 7 Ph Hie 4 isch TH Ih Ria AMeom 95% #b b G Arew Lill Hin Rup wi ] I Hall iim i Roche 1169 4 4 hi i & / // ty on Mand [1] x I Roikwin 20m 4 : Ih el All Cf Mosher 1500 | 177 Rawan Con 100 } 3) AP iran hearing this verse by Coun Sannaim 10GB Balellite #) # Iv. >, Him Id | dll" Zeb (02%) IF INOT : y A Pee fn that is Bern on the and "wise, and good, and Saturday's enild works hard for iis en RIwave want ta kpow whieh g ' ; mt . was their Wirth date ' ' p 2 : i fo « nk as he da [ " n ' ' ' I 2 v: 2 HAT REOR how | } 5 BENE 170 i y = j ol GiRer impr ant | , $ HA f oH f : ane ethet i mi ig Ind ' an ' 4 i : #lip Wi 7 Deer Harn 1600 i" Wy sleep WH Eh GC y es PIII BARGURCEER W) ois '; ne 4 $i § Denisan 1340 sis | PIREREID Yn 7 4 LP name of. vA & Ji ¢ " # ' Nicknsn mh i y 1508 16 165 ¢ oe of yONE ch k Hier i § ] i f t fils 7 ps i f iy ! 10 17h i, month and yeas i : . 195 i 817 fs " y i i 1h 3 i 0 § and other vitsl |} 54 r if 4 / i hig od yi A p i Loh 1h TA) oh m il NEARER CRN BECOME it 3 if 6% Hes i § 4 ' . i, " / ¥ Rent n Babe's Bon ' 7 IT 4h asd} i Toe i 4 4 4 bi ¥ i i ? 1 / : ' |] rale in an 1 ] fi ] i a mh ; 0 4 Hu wih 4 " : 4 f ' ah Li) re (| rile notice is only 815 2 h y i ! he "$48 \4 4 ro RAM Y a ' Ae wn ? ' y ( Wl 1 81] witice. phone BA 33401 m4 ' : ! $ {44 hi 3 nh ! #8 hitice. phaRe ' f ' ' k 4 ih f figcn Mines 30 #1 i " rT ih ¥ I] i TTR Wi ' b / ¥ i Ginldrpy mm i Puls 1200 #4 8 { 5 in 8 t 4 / | ] Gull Lead wil » LJ 1 J A HARA bs 780 TH) TH inp n TR TT TT i den I h Page Hern FU FL o t HE mG . # High Bell We un WN i , - y "" Femimng 34 2h Bibs This Ih Tupiier ih 2h VE Hollinge. We ey Bale iinger & (RE § pr TT : ne -- Oshawa RA 6.7062 - Whitby MO 8-818 fle. on Saturda Februar - - | es 10 join them. in a study don't work together (0 increase shareholders will insist that co-operation within European in as high as one-third of the total Edith ££. Bennett, BR 4, Bo E HH wn her Nth sen leper miniey } I and Hen Re Hing #t i Few uropean of what is needed to increase sales hy making products mare management work with labor inidustry, in a recent address, Hi | Fhese are supervisnry EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL AVAILABLE ihe Apel ea / I ---- -- -- TT ITT SE -- RErE a i pA Auk ale competitive, those the repre: a co-operative spirit. | helieye stated wavs separate from those thor] Labor Dis utes ONLY soil HON ent will continue to suffer that umon members will insist Fhere is a three-way ope | vith executive or management IMMEDIATELY ON AN HOURLY DAILY tay. Io : yor who gh fos | thers | feel sure," he added thal that their leaders sit down with! ating relationship involving go unetions, and these lahor direc Ana An is not sufficient trust hetweenlthe people they vepresent willl management ernment, management and | we do nol seek # f : J i 4 ie advice fram GUNNELL, Edmund Milton Vindear By FORBES RHUDI management and union leaders nal he willing to lel this kind ofl J: Roy Garden, pre ident of hor. In West Germany lahe | heir unions nor report hack in OR WEEKLY BASIS, en carday, Fen Hosp -" Canadian Press Business Editor to do this, My. Hees said Ih hing go on, once the know! International Nickel Company) members sit in company hoard | hem information from hoard ¥dmund ve Vindsa ) e'| Visitors (0 Europe come hack imple answer is that if the hat 1s happening. 1 believe'of Canada 14d. also dealt withland the number may represen | neetings." } FR "e dud 1 nah al kinsan. | impressed hy the degree of co father of s FM Botsford Laperation achieved bheiween Noreen), Landon §randiather 'management and labor, and the! Lindsay and Timothy, hinther of Al fred Gunnell of Oshawa. FHesting stipart this is playing Furope's ie Melntosh Anderson Funeral Home, current prosper Oshawa. Service in the Chapel an Ties " rary 16 at a nm Interment Trade Minister Hees deall Mount Fawn Cemeler with the subject in two ad a KNIGHT, Jessie At the Oshawa dresses last week, one (no the » Generpl on Saturday Feh | (Tanz " 3 ors 85 » rene inner, of son |CAnadian Manufactur rs' Assn ¥ Street ) Whithy. helaved | ciation in Toronto, and the other Albert A. Kaight, dea sted (a the Manitoba trade promotor on wm W , LL Grant of Birmin i apt A WIRE | conference in Winnipeg m ' Mrs, Ih A Taehen : of Red Deer, Alberta; William of | Commenting that European villi. Resting at the W. ( Tawr neral Chapel, Whith for serviee COMPEILOTS ave taking orders ihe Chapel on Tuesday. Feorusry [away from Canada, he added pw Temporary entombment . > ' Union Cemetery, later in Europeans have always de. Cemetery, Lindesy Minister known that if a product is nol J Rev: J: mith competitive, it won't sell and MOFFAT -- Fatered into rest sl the naanle won't he employed pro aE dance, 21 Buckingham Av: HEOP ) I " Oshawa, Sunday, February 13, ducing if Faced with the enor Ld . 1961, Helen (Elisabeth Reans Moths, imous task of rebuilding their mother of Mrs. Joseph Kucker (Barhars R R oo' BR & of Toronta): Mrs. dean Wright of (sh economies fram the devastation awh, In her 56th year Resting at the of war, they set ahoul producing Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshaws. | praducts which would he supe with memorial servies in the Chapel on Tuesday, Fehrary 14, 3 pm. In FIOT IR design. better in quality torment Oshaws Union Cemetery and lower in price than the NAKSO Entered inte vest in the goods then on the market \ f A turday ! Ontario Hospital, Whithy, en Saturds As their competitors prod February 11, 1081, Polite Nassa, he faved san of the late Mr. and Mrs (uels improved, they improved Dominica Nass, in his 66th yea, theirs also. As a result their Resting at oe Armstrong nels ' PAA Home, Oshawa, with High Requiem factories today are hooming y im Mass in Holy Cross Church on + their people are employed, and day, Fehruary 14, at § a.m. Interment ig a g x 81. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa they are enjoying a good tand ard of living B i" 1 4 LOCKE'S FLORIST WORKED AS TEAM Funeral arrangements and Vuh A resuli was mel Haral Mauinments for all hrought ahout hy chanee hut hy sien , a planned effort hy manage ' Np OSHAWA SHOPPING ment and labor. Both groups i 4 CENTRE realized that, working sepa | iH HOUR ry SERVICE ately, they. could accomplish 8-6555 fittle, but working together they ] : : ; . | could accomplish & great deal : { f Roo And so they got together as a i | J : v SVS ENGINE, GERROW FUNERAL |i : ---- GMCS KCONOMICAL IS V-4 HOM CHAPEL This teamwork effort has I Ndi CHC gil vad heen carried out hoth en the 9 _ 280 #1, Ibs, 3800 Kindness beyond price indusiry and company level ; To, torque = fy yet within reach of all [Management and labor sit down together and work out wa 0 RA 8.6226 improving design improving 190. KING STREET WEST quality, and lowering cost They know that, hy doing so, they will increase sales and increase jobs IN MEMORIAM (and as profits inerease the I'workers know they will share in GRIFFIN in loving memory of |these profits in the form of in A aM any 1, Jaa" *loreaned wages » are being set an example When evening shades are falling We And we sit in quiet alone which we would do well to emu ¥ Ta hearts there comes a longing : 1 4 f | late in Canada ; ; If she only could came hame ale : § Ut NEW GMC 351 V+6 ENGINE combines Friends may think we have forgotten Mr. Hees suggested that com times they see us smile panies invite union representa ! ip - we 0 y type performance, 180 hp But they little know the heartaches smiles hide all the while | Fie Temenbered by stan Food LOCUST SWARM 313 fi Ibs, torque =3400 rpm a | Optional in €970 and CP80 A single swarm of locust IRVINE In loving memery of w 3 i deat husband, Alived Norman, who May contain 1,000,000 000 of the Fa Series, pesed away February 13, 1831 insects, weigh 20,000 tons and ¥ 10 emery garden: we wel consume its weight daily in sadly missed, Amy green food 23 Die On Roads During Weekend I, 33% MORE COOLING 1, RIGID BLOCK 3, SHORTEST STROKE 4, HUSKY CRANKSHAFT § SHORT INDIVIDUAL Four provinces were free of caught five AREA FOR LONGI ahduE praviates were free uicaushi tae, cL ER FOR GREAT STRENGTH FOR EXTRA POWER ~~ WITH 60% MORE REARING INTAKE MANIFOLD INLETS MIGHTY GMC 4 night through Sunday b | ck ne " 8 ay INGINE Lin he a ts Has. 1 ao an EL Ma yo) Hom i ind wine Canada's figure up to average Mavie Manahan, 17, when their , wi 2 0 NYY eww, . . Ww A A IN 1 for a winter weekend car collided with tractor! Par, ort ai lided. With» tractor: These are no ordinary truck engines, The V.6 200,000 miles without a major overhaul A WOR gers and pedestrians perished day \ : : Hire mi he a aun i. vod is one of GMC's major developments in They're all talking about it--contractors, HE ! RUCK day to midnight Sunday. a Allan Johnston, 17. in FY i a BE tra Prito v heavy-duty truck engineering... a real cost- construction men, fleet operators, drivers and ) * a : Murvey shows | crash near Stirling Friday night} b ree Ontano five deaths, two loseph Znak. 14. when a car i i } Amn a Coo cach a Cut av] busing exclusive, GMC heavy-duty V.6's are maintenance men, Yes, the big news is wee accidental deaths in Al, manville Friday night : i three accidental deatin in Ab manvitio Friday waht, | vilt so tough... te such strict standards of GMC's V.6 engine line, See your nearest TRIUMPH ation in Quebec brought the to: when his truck collided with al quality control, «+ that, with normal vie and GMC dealer and find out what a GMC V.6 \ al lo bus in Bracktille Friday night | Ontaric # 1 ded 5 t | tario had 13 deaths in traf Mrs, Rudy Sitch, 67, steuck by | proper maintenance, you can expect up to engine can deo for you, fic accidents, including three a ui i 18 hal » Lake : that took twa pes each Five head, TRMTYAY oar i £0 I bel persons were Killed in. Quebec Mrs. Phil wa Di about] -- -- on wa in Nova Scotia and one each 32 of NR ary Anna F R 0 M a 1 0 N 1 0 6 0 T 0} N , G M Cc L E A 0 S 1 H E Ww A Y . pW me nn 4 in the industry's mest poawerful i Manisha Sarkatohewan and! Marie, 5, Saturday night when) ritish Columbia their car- collided with a ONR| he count includes fatalities| train in Metrapolitan Taranto wo hii pi " armal holiday activities, ex-! Jahn Brown Edmiston, 50, in i ---- cluding industrial aceidents.ia twocar callisian in To | i" ] dé vonta| i savings and known suicides Saturday night Ontario dead Rartan Mabbs, 17, when a car Gordon Snake, a Muncey In: rolled in a ditch Sunday at ad -~ dian reserve resident, Friday Rewdlev. near Peterborough % W Y night when a truck rolled inte Debra Schmidt. 2. and Pa T RS LIMITED HITB MOTORS LIMITED a ditch tricia Schmidt, 3, when then William Potter, 48. 1n Toronto \ : @ : sat iiam Potter, #4, in Toranta baie burned, ii _wesieoniva 206 KING 3T. WEST, OSHAWA WHITHY: GNTANO