~~ Sole [18--Avtomoblics Wonted (50 Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Febroery 13, 1961 17 FARTED -- fond weed GU cov, cae | TITER. Geen sles woh rate; Taiopwome BA SAW] alter 4 Tamonstention Teiephons FIANG Wiliams wnitoding, ARS War] De wie B wa | i COS water dnlivared, speci rates jaan quantities Triepnone ae [Waren rng THA FRA, ow | HOA, RARER, (RHR INVWEY, IRIE, Lond and a6 eam, Phooimng Rates, AoE, Iongs, BA 37008 4 [FOR the how Ivy In rigs ER aad {fry Howey RA 4AM . LB. F GOOPRIEN Srommg ~ lives, hat [teries, Ke oIAw oF retegeraary, oJ vision, Thotty Budget Flan | #45 BOPHE Gedenom 1A fod | Iciuday Arasaays, Aas, ARAFE, ad fronoviin Worst, KA p 17 --Automabites ¥ For Sale R #i & CHEV pt w Pisin eo. 7 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ED. E, Your AUST'N 2 Dealer RA 5033) We hove 6 good assortment of Used Cors Vik EWEGRAEN Raiding, § cylinder, Liseostin, toutes win sutews. enon | @9==Automobile Repairs Framre comin, Cask, Wide & ad 1 Biante Motor Sey, wy 1 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP E iidd w FoRy godin #0 per 5 oot set MO CaN, (ETRE a fel Complete antl igiom Radiator 18p6i1% Fomtine 68, 10 Vontiss 440; Dials Motors Seles, Wintoy, wo, 5g. Wrest ER aldd Frame and wheel 98 Easmtiens tone Ans, OPS Burnley May Upset Tottenham Hotspurs » M. MANTYRE BOOB (cassie that would he Villa, Brodie may Special London, England, | 1 Bumiey succeed fn going 1806 frst team serv Correspondent in Jfather ] the European Cup, Wolves, {they will have the 14 support The Ochawn Times = {oon te Gouthall fans of Bri" TOABBLE AY FULHAM LONDON ~~ Tottenham Hot ol in their efforts to bring A Gressingroom squabble he spurs may have the double goal|that coveted trophy to Brita, tween Fulham players at hall of the English league Cham-for the first time [time in their mateh with Chel plonship and the English nev GOALKEEPER {sea at Stamford Bridge, brought Waynes, BA prs sitar hwiw So brig ATH. Tiegh Rawity Coven 144 Tei a WE, AIREY iow fomily with swe 3 = waar. fancnt yas. Fol Gown swyment ox ween gay, 08 Lane prick, $ILN08. Bown peymenc $108 ov view Aoenwe. RA L6H) ; a 2 wwe) 110YD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THER CALL YOUR MOVER wae Hone BA #950 after 5 pm ti Avy or temo Wamidifier oh t. » Ning Bt wR fhe mew lies from $4005 wp unt Weavi new, BRgie topos or vg tov ware nieve fon. WE, Sma n wad Roniing seo has, new and weed, (arms [6 per sent down, Dominion Tive store, #8 Bond | ap Sredut West, KA S611 7 OWIER Wrooder oy swie, 56 sapeity.| _LGRAVIVY Tuvnnce, square, good sondh. fn good cnaion, fuss like pew, Tole fiom with pes #A4 610 I Rey, wit on shone TE ple i 417 wal ofier. Aus fheket Taster. WA EAEW atomatis winetric signees yond. ME machine. Chepp for Hoek sis CREW fives, mast of ies, 0 on "Hi #04 99. | Phone IA [al wi ay Pro e, 109% 1954 WERNER, good im, 85 Reo net, 1R-ainaGes Posi as Tory and tives, VES. VIS Taoedsie faton Wwitwy, Mey BI1I8 vi FORE Friene Recdioy, Lovionte oils, wm RATION, fod ot rary, Phone Mew BINS for | wba mation : fenma | yA Finer Davtn foaneril Watows, vary resumen. | Frome BA A996 PRIVATE -- flor weiss Boris Wes | An CHURCHILL AVENUE LW PRICED PIT AEVE Sir grok ariered ENE E of 1aGy Here is 8 rest Fnry iad roms hE gorege. Balt om 8 fond apd or, Patio fomme. Can bs pened o $3 0006 gown tr hem 19 as $4 MHA mongoge Bi FA dd and aligriment. straint ap IL - o-- { onan ade, fie pow. Cam, Worm Gwins, "IHREN AGEN Fake and rane Just (ade ov levee. amie Watt, Wer BA Bi! a PORN we seden, A condition radvn, wwiawalie. WEL fake sider ow) ge Ae _peyment. Reseonewie "A | a iad CHEVRAET Twn Anons eckone, } be, best offer, Tole | EXCELLENT STE On Glendale Ave oo by 110, schists sores nd (rant iation wg STEVEMSOMW'S FD. § Millar FA £4451 Vroria a 85123 -- BODY WORK~ PAINTING Meshonics! work in a Furry of low prices or time poy merits MARIJAN'S GARAGE 290 Cordova Rd, (acres chose 19 FULL PRICE $11,500 FULL PRICE Boyes, sinroom with gle tached garage on 16ige YY x 2000 londscaped Wn lacking city, Low teres aires only $2,000 Bolonce on Gne MOrgeGe Ces this immaciote home Colt Bill Horner ot FA efter hours EA ld _RAS-4939. For REAL ESTATE Phone DON 5, SMITH Mar Vickery Rasl Ectots Business EA B.4778 Fes fA 5 4879 HOUSE FOR SALE-WHITBY 3 bedroom brick burgelow, 3 years oid, $600 down, take over ot and small 2nd mort ge. Full price $11.900 Give Box A438 Oshows i f i" 1s FORE wise This ovr 18 Sesnmy a of Weiors 148. Whithy. MO § WH FORTIN sedan, £660 SEROTOR Can gunn #0 WI Vimy Avene 1688 PONTIAC [avrention, we Row. BE CTIRASE Ra manE, te (one, Tals, wewtas, ola, Telephone BA 45% be [tween § fem | South Plant ful EHEYROLIA Rel Air, lowe door, [ 01 > wintewsile, Iain, Jom mie RA 5-5101 LL] "War ewles Hid PRP (50 Articles For Sole "oi witairatin, Keyiinder Vi yio ™ aia, SAVIRIEE YACCUM cawner Foprins BA 55125 aftéy 7 parts, SA hIEms ris aniae | tae FERRE Ral ines, Estimates free, © herding, V6, swlamaiie, Rentals. Yacwom Clesper Repsis Boro Must be seen (9 be Mivige, KA B-0%1 anytime Cash, trsde or hme Mies Sales, Whithy, MO B68] wavy duty wood shaper motor and sonia iad YREWAGES 11 mior snd 1 A Wer BARTS GRY Fas 4 Aran, s from Nd £85123; #2236 OOWM bey En 1 will not, be responsible for ony debts contracted in my name by my wife, GLEMNOA P< MARLENE MILNE, from this date my writien BARRY MARTIN we, 4 $500 DOW lovely Crd w f Wer PR st seit vi POVEIM id ud {oh FAA ow ' To Sovkerman, ¥ Yores $115 6 year only forward without see this hom A €, CO Fenry B-5123 F consent [ abi MILNE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors 'ond others having claims against the estate of ROBERT ARTHUR FUDGER, late of the Township of East Whithy, are required 16 send | full particulars of such claims | fo the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, on or bee | fore the Ist day of March, 196}, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis tributed hoving regard only to claims that have been re ceived ERNEST Solicitor, 17 King Os hawa, Lioyd Realty Lid RA B-5123 FA RA 85125 1 19) METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King 5t. E Dial RA 8-4678 MILTON AVE h Cimcoe Ju VIAL Axiune periaet eonition # af A was transfeered to it with him, Yet another of his records is that every captain under whom he has served since 1923 has given him the highest possible rating of "superior" on his sers (vice documen's, OME; FXPERIENCES In 1040, Parker was serving in the eruiser HMS York when she was sunk in shallow water at Buda Bay In Crete. He was one of & handful of men ple to stay on hoard the wreck tn man the guns, As he had lost his hammock, he used the ship's battle ensign as 8 pillow, afier a bomb blew it off in an en- gagement, Today that enaign is carefully preserved in the Units ed Services Museum In Whites 4 yy Jo # "CHEVIOT Ld aie, radia, wie condition, Vin LR - Hse YAURNALL Viet fry door sedan, excellent condition, T00 miles, whe Telephone BA 307% d for fu are DIDEMOBILE standard transmis | BO PubL, aust mater, menfice Fasy lerw fry Slew' HA HA 51887 174% FONTIM phone © chutes, pet recovered, All in rel good RA 81272 MAN'S avercont, nearly new, sie 42 $26, hahy earvicge, ®H, hoth In good condition. Telephone BA 56073 MARCONI sets highest tradein »l Aen used sets Wr and up. len and) Simeos South, RA SALE Products ot |eemdition. Reasanatie of the Alaminum ' best quality fully hung Call now Lymer Aluminum Co RA 8.5385 BREF pRrtiey the guaranteed dows only LU lowanee possihie ranging from 83% fov's TY wi BTR44 4 {CHEST of Arawers for wals, lh Hon. BA S876 fgr more Intorme FOOD & FREEZER, wan TTY PAN AT ae telephone HA SA084 LOYD six Hom, wh 3 bedroom brick bungalow in 1066) locals 44 for quick sale with $2500 screens, decorated and landscaped coll Dick Barrioge BA 5-6243 EASTHAVEN fy 19 Of | » 50 Yeoia MARKS | Qc $45, gawd mater ye for mere pRrtien in good Joep CHEVROLET sedab, tn good eon dition, $125, Apply Jan's GRrage, corner of Athol snd Albert 1991 HODGE 50 ar Lake BY BA 81177 an [56 CHEVROLET Bel Al nodel, first come, Hirst served. terms oF rade Mar Whitt MO BAL §t, East, Ontarie STREET i move Inte with ne work left to choice residential ares bungalow. Call now far appoimn $13,600.00 with $3500.00 do y morigege ao All ent This Is the home reac Modern 7 m bung extras possible go with thi to see oll this for only Balance on | NHA. 6° #ix, spotiess condition, er payments, Telephone time ®, KF. Goodviak Bioves, ARAN ir Ih the ew Elastin : ON nt eos eo rs apis Paradies from 0 8 wp. Wes dhend of oni Ar ey ie Idershot. lost to Bloke fn the FEDOTIs that the members of the p wi Hamm, Am LB trite. TOW Th round of the English Cup Fufhem Joam wanted the Eng [pudh 3 oducts me [PIONS Gre making & iple-| open' bl cocond replay of this 1nd ohnny Haynes |S LEIRG Tavnitor? Wel boy A. i. A i cup tie was staged ai the Fah awn 4 fA hohe Doors, windows, shower 665% | ohics in the soccer world. By Hava, od ' fact 1h Wrines Stewel, Phone ur iia, wast, motion down inews Park. They lost not onl anager has - Ore i, AGTH Whe replay nthe fifth wy for | . 11d sien Goble ve 994 i te For frew estimates call the new English League Cup," Some, but alsa their brik (feared the air, and the players is ROY SepOwer matory A |Chick Brodie, who od Dieyed dens in Haynes as their skip- RAT sickange, ow Ta, + [of hat competition. la sensational game, org hy Ad Rn sia eng RA 59365 ANYTIME They are among the last four Piven "Thorsdy Prides to V0 lon & 7 seeking that trophy, They are Wolves' manager, with Brodie's| he players, sa South, Whithy ound now in the last eight for the performance that immediately] *The dressing room row was tion. Telephone BA 57008 oF #t {trent and Bimene, Rewasn. Telephone op { lead in take ino the second 15 iam Hows North for 'Tucther, tn RA $401 with why _Tnllrmeion phi final with Hamburg Aldsroul manager, made nthe heat of the moment, hut | : |deal with him for Brodie, and am sure hy was all forgofien he WE poy Wghest - - --- wen Fen) -- pions by 3-1 in the first game of the rest of his team had left Johnny Ha nes is joes anon ture Bove, KA 49711, 444 Bmeoe Sowth the round. And Burnley #re Wolverhammt y FAINT, Wievier, exierior, 1 mpton. A fee of overito captain England he at, How " 7, en nie h, hte in the English FA. Cup compe As" Wolves first team goal-ling my 16 years in a tition, and very likely 10 stride keeper, Malcolm Finlayson, is have known quite a few Ci, Buran VIRSY i 14 i show iy blog 1 hihys ; h 5 th Fringes, Inrast selectio " They have Swanser, near the wave just sold their second! exception it wil soon bl - ow Yili, FORRLORE mr RANGERS, S15 OMY, bottom of the second Avision goalie" Sidebottom, to Aston over," holt price cleprance 0, Play Pens Felephone springhitied mattresses 6.08, Wilson opponents at home in the fifth on comaition Furmiturs, 40 Church Mt . round, which would ensure an CLEARANCE hark lowe Aone swiamatie terial, $27 width, regular 84.0% yeild, of wringer tips washers, Y bp motors bry her this dandy CERrng at $1 8 yard. Royal Howse V6 1s $5, gusreniesd insonditioned RIGHT ON FORM 4 wor Bins, Whithy, MO ELECTROWOME RCA Victor, Ad 'amiton, CO 324 At the moment, Burnley are arne im Flag mitral, The finest tn TV, Bit) snd ser: WIFE record pinver, Dominion Elects. Hi orient | Ie, WERES bikie in © wilowanes Wt home, $50, Telephone MO §-461 of giving any teams In Britain : North, Colow TY la hard battle, They are too far, By M, McINTYRE HOOD Ark wm display ed Wh olor Ferlest condition, We, le. hardtop 8, fans fur Sout, mama oy if ont. Jun Feicohime oO E2007 tar mere niirme catch wp on the dashing Spurs, | LONDON A. iver od . but in cup foothall when the is-| Raval N and mattress, two wine chesterfield sue is settled by a single game, sallor of the Royal Navy of the [the Furopean Cup, the skill of rating who has the distinction of (this talented football side might being allowed to have his own [highest honors, With any kind of| oil oo wion ve serves Is to re: {reasonable luck in the draw, It tire, He is W, H. "George" {might well be Tottenham Vh Darker 4 [We bley, and whal & soccer mye - [his home In Camberwell in 1018 |5g--Legol [In 1923 he became an Able Sea retirement, he Is stillfan AB, way tiny carmnes vein] TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW and white, like new, $36, Telephone KA | yw for y King A | pronged assault on three tro Lirigar mors, wishars awnings, TV towers, paving. | Gefeating Southamplon {verhampton Wanderers RY nn the Fulham AHIRAL, woright freezer, nh ji have voted oe I Seal Co. | they qualifipd for the semifinal i, 25-year-old keeper, HARRImOus . confi ' Aluma Sea pressed was Stan Cullis, the. ior professional speaking for Spanien aw es (orRer, | PHILLIPS recorder, In cveelient "condi | WEDWING rand, lowi vicinity of King European Chip, and have & 1%o0- after the game he sought out the |owickly over, Sots were sald " foo rs liom wo T ( Fria To po |52--Lagel (They heat the German eham-\ihen signed the player before fore the SAME WAS Over, (for weed barmitire #1 n W N. Inarior, exterior, 414% getion alo in the last 16 teams left 29 000 was Whvolved in the deal, {enough to skipper Pulham pe es, ch Street BA 27004 0 through Into the quarterfinals. on (he injured list, and (hey ing-room quarrels, This was ne them now from #4, larke fall panel ' of the Fnglish League, as their armiate S08, steaiiers $5.86, Wigh chairs 7.08, . sloth drapery ma USED paris and repairs for SN makes easy passage into the last eight Deeds Of Sailor car. Cash, terms or FOIRISRIng, 19 Coline birest wishars wud stoves, Paddy's Market, right on top form, and capable 3595, Telephone EArkwny Television, 4ih Simeon Brest TABLE iw henvy duty Bone. {behind in the league race 10] Kpecial to The Oshawa Times or olier, RA formation THREE. piece bedroom sulle, springs lor two games, as is the ease in first world war, the only naval| {well carry them through to the flag, which is hoisted on. any {Burnley in the cup final at ney Pafker joined the Navy from man, Today, on the eve of his | SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL AWNINGS, 6) re n because he has never sought promotion HONORED IN 1045 You may have tried the rest Mow try the best. Eat better for less. BO% groceries sup 8 serves Canh, Sales, ih services, CANVAS, promm rentals lies estimates, Chalr, table Wients COUNTRY LIVING 1% $ oom home with all city cone veniences, Low taxes, doubles garage, fruit trees, strawberries, raspheries, aeparag etc, property well lendscoped, Close $9,000.00 worey | Hk (T VROLEY Biscayne four door (vs, sutomatie, radio, like new; '8 Chevinlet deluse twa door, slematie land radio, Trade and finsnee. 85179 {AL LATATE Auto Insurance. Bave wp ia 20 per cent, Bix months to pay plied, ali well-known pro ducts, highest quplity meats Lifetime warranty freezer the only ene guarantesd by Good Housekeeping Ha down payment, Call now for Clave Fox, 413 Bimeos North INFORE fixtures, steel bins, cash regis ter, adding machine, Hight fixtures | Apply Ward's Auta Bupply, 19 Bimeos | Street North |RERLING furniinre? Well buy Ww Hingeratars, TV's, washers, "He BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF OSHAWA Separate sealed general contract, mechanical and electrical tenders will be received by the Architect and the Business Ade 4:30 PM, EST, It was In 1945 that "George" was accorded the distinction which 1s still his, and it came to him because of his remarkable exploits as a sallor, He was then serving on the destroyer HM hall, His next ship, the minesw er Fareham, was sunk in Ma harbor, Then in 19044 he joined the frigate WME Strull which to schools and highway end if outside of city limits, Alstr 5:30 call Joe Maga 'at RA 191, RICHMOND STREET EAST Only $635.00 down =~ attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow, Hy. kitchen with dining eres, many extras, Belence on one A, mortgage SUBDIVISION LAND AND BUILDERS LOTS FOR SALE AFTER 5:30 CALL; Dick Barriage RA 5.6243 Everett Jos Mage RA 5919) Marion Joh Kemp RA 8.2392 WILSON Realor OSHAWA SHOPPPING CENTRE GOT A PAINT BRUSH ? We hove a broom home located at 165 Elliott Avenue, It is In need of painting, but the location can't be heat, The price is $5,600, and the owner has agreed to finance with only $400 down, The balance can be paid at $65.00 per month, Call RA 56588 today LOW DOWN PAYMENT FARM 150-gere farm in Newtonville area, Barn and Jouse, only $15,000, Will take house ay dois Sop call today, i ministrator of the Board of Education until on Thursday, February 23, 1961, for the construction of a Senior Public School consisting of twelve classrooms and audis torium aot Ridgeway Avenue, Oshawa Drawings and specifications will be available en or after 4.00 P.M, February 9th, 1961, at the office of the Architect upon deposit of o certified cheque In the emeunt of $50.00 made payable to the Architect, Demonstration » ne tion RA 5-3709 BEST QUALITY 'Won't Confirm FURNACE FUEL OIL I's 2 ) move on | Price Reduction EXPERT SERVICE | OTTAWA (CP) = Agriculture . ' Minister Alvin Hamilton de DIXON'S clined Saturday to confirm pub RA | 3 4663 lighed reports that he has sub» mitted to cabinet a plan that "would reduce huiter prices 10 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, Loonts a pound after April 1, He told a reporter following a 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE eabinet meeting that the govern. ment's price support program for dairy products "is some: SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5 5332 thing we are working on." SICKROOM EQUIPMENT Mr, Hamilton did not say whether a proposal has heen, FQR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, submitted to the eabfhet, The newspaper said It would) involve paying subsidies to but. ter producers in Ontario and invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes; crutches and , €anes, alse roll-away beds Ald Portal BA Betsad Quebec.alone of more than $42, 000,000, 20th Century FOOD PLAN Mr, Hamilton has already in. dicated a program of that na: ture 45 under study £7 his de: partment, He told the Commons last month that he is trying to find out whether retail butter prices can be reduced to increase con: sumption while at the same Our BATADLIGHED 1983 in [time maintaining incomes of the food and freezer business producers, ossures vou of the highest The government has heen quality brand food products, holding large stocks of surplus and Ieading. name Canadian |butter purchased under its price) made freezers of your choice, |Support program, Latest figures Compl line of meats, vegetables, fruits, and gro- cery items supplied, Budget terms available Freezers $279 and u CALL RA 8.1128 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION sank four German submarines in one patrol, "George" does not think the modern navy Is as as it was when he joined, sailor of today is getting soft," is his comment, At present, "George" Is serve ing with the Navy in the Medi. terranean, but is likely to be home for retirement in the spring or early summer, when he will make his homs at Bracknell in Berkshire, obliga ft. Kitts, Admiral Mountbatten then suggested to her captain that the ship should fly a dis. tinguishing mark to show that "George" was one of her erew, A copper ball was specially made In Chatham Dockyard, and was hoisted to the main mast, After serving on the St. Xiit's for 12 years =~ another record for this sailor = he was trans. ferred to the destroyer HMS Camperdown, and his "flag Br stoves, ele. For lop cash offer od [personal service at your home esl! BA " tact 10 Prines Street, Phone KA 81131 | 52802 | 16bs METEOR and 1088 Calling, excel lent condition Blo take trade, Tele hone RA B68 'FORD _ Ci "eondliion, and family ear or terme. heals Mokar Bal Whithy, Mo B00] CURTOM (In (he dush) transistor esr rading from $39.95, Try Dominion Fire Stores, 46 Bond Biyest West ith CHEVROLET four por sedan, Vike {new Inside and oul Barlow Motors, "| King Street West {88 FORD fordor sedan {week, $705, Barlow Motors, | Birest West Mi FORD four dear sedan, looks and runs iike new, Barlow Motors, 488 King Blreel West Li #0 TRA overdrive, many mors sxiras, low mileage, New ear warranty, -Make offer, Smith's Buoris Bupertest, eorner of Conlin Road and Simoes Blrest North, RA R682 SELLING or buying "Blew" Ts warth trying, Cash for your sar, liens paid {oft ur payments redu. Will trade up lor down, Better used sary, $58 down, |. {Easy terms. RA 58101 CAR AUCTION 10 am, Good se 1961 less Tenders will be accepted subject to approval of the Osh ewo City Council and the Ontario Municipal Board, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted CLIFFORD & LAWRIE, ARCHITECTS, 1999A Avenues Road, TORONTO 12, Ontario, 3.9290 57610 Elliott RA Dpew RA special this | 48 Wing | |= RA 5.6588 Every Saturday, Buy or sell here fection Including king Chevrolet and Corvalrs vilaars OF IT!... i Lu awl Lar Asan RA 8.5170 25 Grenfell St After Hours Please Call Lioyd Corson ., RA 3.2537 Wes Elion RA B-058) 46--Reel Estate Wanted CASH Or substantial down paymerg for 6-r0om brick ranch style bungalow, garage Narth west section preferred, Poss session within 4 months, ies poner ve. [ sandard transmis Vite Box 349, Oshawa |slen, very wood condition, private, Tele imes phone HA 5.8358 A7--~Automubiles For Sale 'n HEY. soup coupe, © sxoellont motor, tres, body, Good for hotrod, Special, 408 oy beat offer, RA 8.6780 evenings only 1050 MORRIS Oxford, In fale shape, iy ApR.y Mr. N, Knapp, RR 1, Brook N FOR JUST A FEW ENTS A DAY A CLASSIFIED AD HERE COSTS ONLY PENNIES A DAY, YET IT CAN BRING YOU PRICELESS RESULTS . .. Use (and read) Oshawa Times Want Ads regularly, You get fast results when you sell through these little but mighty ads , , . and you'll find loads and loads of big bargains every day, So, for jobs, for merchandise, for services , . , for the usual or unusual , , , turn to the class. ified section of The Oshawa Times, BUYING OR SELLING SER TED CAMPIN MOTORS 407 KING ==OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3:4494 Res. § 4 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, | STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN | SALES and SERVICE ~ » SON * NAGY MOTOR SALES | 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH MERCEDES. BENZ DKW Tel.: RAndalph 3-346) Sales and servies, Showroom | 48--Automobiles Wanted open until 9 pm, at PRIVATE party will pay cash for one 1088 PLYMOUTH sedan, hue, sxestiont 408 KING ST, WEST owner 'i or '8 Chevrolet, Must be lng Order, no pus i ie ives, $305 RA 9, 7132 WHITBY CLASSIFIED WANTED = A oneowher, unie od '51 or "81 GMC; aise Re Kart 3 mater. Dave, RA 52836 Yoh RENT » Fiveasamed house, ail nd gos Boating. Apply 119 Wel heton ment. BARING, cope to achoots, ihn. (VAREARORE "Aue LAKENHORE Auta Wheokera wani fae ample parking, Brooklin OL Toh RAL - - Chevialel Bel Al, | LL oars for wreoking, Highest prices paid, |™ RA Sain beige, six eylinder Handard shift, | AEDRITTING voor and hoard, wash RA i MERRY MENAGERIE Eada, sonsidered. Phone RA ran {Ing done, Broek « Palmerston disiried, 1050 «108A oar, BM ar ard produel pre. [3 {Bus service past doar MOL #3883 WARM Tah ~ tarred, others considered, Phone 1 Tein With Brivate shirance. tar ont TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, Telephone #0580 or apply $48 Mary tow everhead, low priges. Call us for Sireet Bast 3 hme, Difive, demehatration nin = -- | milton hun, i FOR RENT > an, Brovkiin apartment, parking [ron RENT Three bedroom mod washer and drye OM bungalow with atiached garage, #0788 near high sehonl, residential area, $100 {TARRY MO adie [FOR WENT = Marek 1. Two bedraom Apartment in apartment hullding, [Have Forvigeralor, washing facilities, King, adults preferved, Telophone Mo LL] Diek Young RA 3.7183 Charlie Rankine RA 8.3682 47 Automobiles For Sele - 106% OLDEMORILE sedan, in good Son Aibion throughout, Telephone HA 58673 or apply B84 Oxford Strest 1058 DODGE sedan, Bnish, autamatio, elderly couple's ¢ Absolutely beautiful, new AYjon Hie Ioan, 8603, King West Motoss, apposite Shopping Centre 1 Mayfaly arlginal | showed their value at $46,000,000 last Dee, 1, Meanwhile, consumer use of butter has been declining, Total stocks In storage at mid-Janu: ary were some 25 per cent higher than a year earlier, RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The home. of quality, tradi« tional end modern age furs niture, Complete room groups available, 295 Simcoe St, South, Bradley's former lo cation == RA 8.3171, POPULAR PONY CARDIFF (CP) «= The Welsh) pony is continuing to gain popu: larity in Britain and overseas, | says the Welsh Pony and Cob! Society, More than 200 were ain last year, 44 to Can:| ada What would you pay te have your child's puppy returned if he strayed away! How much would it be worth to find exactly the job you wait? Would you be willing to pay a few cents to sell oll the clutter of used items around your home for cash? : $30 ONE bedroom apartment in apart "Wreck 5116) a HOUSTON' S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 47 KING ST, W, RA 3.7822 hi ALL CASH : For glean carn we deal up or Liens paid off NICOLS MOTOR SALES S512 BROCK ST, N., WHITRY MO 84-8001 SPOT CASH PAID FOR d clean cars, Trade up or d Liens paid off bf ) - € LODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §. "RA 3) "eomed heated os, TV pen 5 monthly 0 alterations perfect HL guaraniesd No Has SEPTIC tanks deaned the * sanliary Way, few tanks installed, Walter Ward, i» . 4 Chestnut West. phone MO § 2503 [FOR MALE = Neat reclpimer, double : - WAIL will heat three roams. Twe years FoR RENT - nih Basement, hed sURKIald, past $150, sale $50, oompiete With am and Kitohenette, private entvanes, | pipes, One hot water tank, siectrte, 810: vefrigeraion, stave and telephone Also iNrve burner gas stave. MA; 1.velt ream Central. Telophane MO BOHN batiary, $67 all goed condition. Phone | Jon RENT « Two reamed apartment, {MO #3vmy amily ar single man. Far information AUN, garnne Mr. J. dnwny, BIT Bronk Samitete 'ih lar ona" sue Toot Now. [phoma MO A431) [FOR RENY hoses, Mra PHONE RA 3.3492... A PROFESSIONAL AD-TAKER WILL GLADLY HELP YOU =| The Oshavon Times YOUR "MARKETPLACE" AT HOME down sale Tele Whithy apartments and | modern ane and twa bhedream | Wuites sleptrioally squipped. drapes | ITV outlets, washer, dryer. tookers | [waving Rentals S83 to 3100 monthly. | Alta modern three and four hedroam | Rehgslows $30 ta A108 monthly. A J Sehats Realtor, Contact 4. A Daley IN RATES | ROGFING, Shine, eavesironEning, Vo Slaton, panting, onaral re atie | Winter prices, Haroer, MO #-dao8. | FOR SALE moten, boat twilers and canoe FOR RENT we Bon, boat and cabin trailem, chain 'saws, skill saws, sanders ete WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES sn § MO 83224 Used boats Gox wh } ¥n, H