16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, February 18, 196) 253] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS -- ONES Se arponl Service : CLASSIFIED 10 KATES Vion 2 gr, 1 a mt, ovr fy 1.7 1 N EW B USI N ESS Ao =A ad dr { Fa Vd " p said EE a a a et B COMISECLIT IVE BA 57413 iit i 245 248 Ay lreren wos oy Worse Blanes b Ontans Jim . 2 are 5 ; Pra » CORvk / (LE ad Lord TT FRIEDIANDER, RUNIER, ' walty inenronee, Ui Bing Blres oy 42 N | D NUMB 10 cepimiapts sad Aamiops ARTO 7 8 AS Kiowive. Rh Gm, Reo RA S08, NA SUH p-- U wales 5 Bemewiiey, oH not pale within "is tre : porn Hen oo iy To righ SHIRT LAUNDERERS | " b. acid for oneec dive wom" hi Fe > go ZIPPERS REPLACED ' Co, yx ere. B BA wt oon ae Henmick, Shatten or lengthen germents, ! ANN % FABRIC LANG'S 136 Biman Bizeet North, Denaws; box | cries pry East. KA 3710 fo ond pockets renewed, SH 3 ; Adtrach ARSion 7.40 TT ar 7d { i oP tent SA A «i Cid active 6 room home om ¥ toh ---- " Fiotemionst Seto 95 ow | FIRST nd crn ie Weiss Complete vives of bution, | ii SRO. & MEAT MARKET lms wm ar] aw rr © Quist 1asidentish street fags Bim Eudes ca wt Th on Hones hne $45 pr Ht s1e00 Wii Videsemink GILLARD'S ! WHITBY =O BB152 272 MEBERT ST poring, Bh Tn toon y oo tung © org kitchen, living (ors Ganet, okaw, Onions, RAY Soe / our ¢ CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. |. SPECIAL THIS MONTH HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES [FOR - bath BI ------------------------------a---- Each wwiial letter Gikrsvtion RY Toney 1a eek 9B FAR mer. RA 5.3555 UNE SPRING y p : oh ow AF WHEN snd Burrows, | Chertered] § ond & vgn, Daun, coamis on @ Qsee. Mongo eX womens ol sole | i NEW SPRING PRIMTS OUR SPECIALTY eer Tieng Rs! ute Gori | $e Vo Bon 6, ibis Nicest ik, mitets set TTVV » Radio Repairs | KEG 4% NOW Yc pwr v6. | WE DELWER--RA 247) EE r 3 8) T1500, Tony 1k vee one ry 4 ow, ' EE la) head 7 ' od k, », Wiss bstoms ch, Wo BL © | md vo 57.5 wr, 4 Gg be No pa Ao EB WT # Envoy RESTAURANT| YEON PAZA ipa pe THE oy te A AA ior Sh BiH Ears, 5 4 A : BL, SERVICES ~ Complete bookkeep | sit, P57 CrT of Triaks which lo vores ve fits st fend Avenis, RA SIR (Fre SEA COVE rod Soe. Ba Soils room 1 Kellett BA 3.3770, IF ovis 'er be dusisnd Siaommegt STS oF vas oh nied soe ame owe 40) ho ls, to . 7 dy da d # v7 " or Lost end Found ong BRE wo svie. Lows THER AD TOWERS $45 CHICKEM IN RESTAURANT da 4 HARRY MILLEN 2 lbw lboBlunmilond |g UR JU LY dudalen w 8 ROOF ANTENNAS $30 ROUGH" Lien i ri | REAL ESTATE BOB CLANCY'S Ontaris Acomming | REGULATICAVS- sos ! $ THE UGH 'OLD ENGLISH STYLE" Bervicss oller comiiele Doskhestiol he Oona Times WW [elo MONEY TO LOAN | 1200 ROOF ANTENNAS $22 522 RITSOM RD. § FISH AND CHIPS Shopng | El poem ! RA 8-1679 services for small Tueiness, 134 responsiie for errors 5 bizest Wet Room | Offics BA on, manip womited othery " then 4 EL $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for : i WE DELIVER--RA 58978 ! WE DELIVER BA 6-351 i498 or Bh 49) a sienct, ; wing, pr Vor ware thon ore § FORE OTC er ond Completely Wwiohed |. VE DELIVER--RA 3.8778 | THREE soos basement : Lz 2--Barristers ticoment, nor beyond the oF "a Second Marigeges Ayres: With 2-Yesr Warrenty i RUDY m-- " --- mri Reis ate wimrenen, hth, Bove, og is yA (aad DOUGLAS i. } a : =~} chorged for 8 ngs Weenie " ments for Sale, mn yosont ond 3 ow F AOL | 76 Llar. Guaraniasd warm snd Pg 4 iu GROUND 7 A THOWAL W. RUNDLE. berries, sok | Phe sovyrisemans i whir wick | improved "property," revdens LEN & LOU'S | rrsmon nam srame | Jui On NROUGE 107 nner Sod i Heo Ars Fd ' GOWER Street East Phe BA 81780 to classify edvertisng eccording 19 tic! and industriel city, sie ] AND BARBER SHOP CATERERS ht room Turnichad, basement thiveat yd ad REALTOR He own clowification lL wrben end country, end Sums CITY T V offers the newest ond best in apartment; mn ' ha SET ARES, sive TY US second yo peer) of 4 9 adv pry ' ' § " " We Dliabie Inr ehpie BRE: | 4 : mer eottages hairgressing for each ond | BOWLING EAMNOUETS or Ay B98 Hawerd Shimet, eek Hp igi vs I " +4 MM, A569 GREER snd Kelly, Barristers, Sobel) ors, wis 1% Bimene Brest South ' Dist BA 20/8 Residence phones, ' #0 wn Summeriand Securities Lim. RA 5 8 | every member of the tomily, | WEDDINGS id VET RRARD perl] 2 Xa Ba se, RA Fo, Te on the wctial sor ll Glog TTY Teimoos Strest 7844 Satisfaction Guaranteed PRIVATE PARTIES | GROUSE Ton, Ewe - slarey home, pri. |A0uite only. Helene RA Sso00 | o ri] Chali an ol o ey North, Oshows, Phone RA "» & MEET & For app. = calf RA 8-238) | PA B.4361 vile soirence wed drivewsy, Wh serv THREE ~ Foom swssiment, with Bal TY now 6nd get your down BALPH JONES, BA, Thomas WI 1° reprcduce oll ody a motte gd | B02 SIMCOE 57. 8 ! A436) cai paid. Share Balhioom. C08 PLE cong, priveie shisshee sid beth, hesvy| PIVEN! back In rent, Large Greer, Associate Berristers snd Sail} correctly bot lis 53568, i YA, Service Calls, $3.00 prairies. Weiophone RA 51094 Sty wining. Timmedipie pecspaney,| duplex, four 1ooms down end Gor, Vp King Sirest Fast, RA 19240, ] 4 ingecigim 0 oY Jo a bee 36--Female Help Wanted | : MODERN healed iwotwdrmom oad | Kessomabie vont, Bh S097, ser b, | both, § rooms up ond beth Ft ake [ORRA YAIRI, 4 ' ' -- DEN AEIn BERIIBERIS, CARYERERSES | MODERN wg bedroy CREIGHTON, FRARER, DRYNAN 204 | 4 CASH SAMSON EXPERIENCER female cook snd pas 37 --~Male Help Wonted inte slave, TRIngerpion, TY open: |bedmom spartments, pros I n A dow fon poumn, A VoPY MURDOCH, Barristers, Salciiary, No Ley maker for modern semmer lodge in HOW TO WM and more, That is whet 18 #0 Vemidyy, Thome wid CoRR clude wove, eran, WY snienne| EONS IE Wl price ond terme dary Public Bark of Commerce Bag, | PHONE FOR A LOAN T V TOWERS swarths Diwisict, wering dum Le Jerse mamher of mr' deviers ait Mille preferred phone | (20d ends." Fhomes nt dnd Cedar fal 10 be orronged. Immediote § Bimene Street North, # I : Viease enclose relerences, ele., wih making in their Mslricts. ¥ vou bie i iit veleried Whine Al POSE ESI6 B. Croighion, GC; N.C Fraser, Qf ry. vepy to Box 401, Oshawa Times terested In starting with np oréamice. \EWA beduiom spariment iu new brick HE 4 - 8 on nd Ligoiig GK. Dryren, 6. I. Murdoch, BHA |= = y $50 to $5,000 1 8 | [Hon where you could work (9ll me busining, hardwood themuehout, Vo \ DESIRABLE second finer an rented right ewey, Wortgnies srranged = RA B-B8180 RELIABLE women, 35 10 40 years, 107 ond yeorsound, wets ue immedintely | oot valle Bow, Close 14 if Fara if on aot Sow) = For more information coh MANNING F, BWAREE, Bariwier,| anc | RA B.6283 0S maineriess ouniry home: all EOBVORL-| Yous age must he between 25 #04 45 schon. Telephime BA 503 Ae ll wy Youd vine, Selly Wallace, Bolicitor, Notary, Money to -10an, Asso HAWA T V. Joncas, amit Fenuinate poh [4 RO SEpEnEhce pi saites heeded, Brel ign, heat i Wa b 3 3 on chi, # ¥ ite i, as Wii WR + room ppertment, sh ld J AVedw glate, Bruce V, Mackey, BA, Hepry (rE gE 4 lox '$40, Ooohaws. Himes. Wh, nn dan Roig tii i lences, Dembng Grapes, cepirsl, Apri |, #60 kA BHI76 Must be sold, five-room buns Block, ls King Breet East, RA| - (Seaboar in | NS & wales, parking free, Bh S010) oF 3 Fg vie elon, ust north Na, 2 high. hia Residence, Dial RA 34H. | Noy, Alverations Remade) - . | CLERK © typist; knowledge of Kensral BATONS in Oshawe require young 44070 \iranee, Besied, hydro hie oh $l way, Al conveniences, half JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, p clerical work, sermons. WI man with st least three oF more years | manth. Barrister and Solicitor snd Notary Pub-| 22 ROWE. TRE 1 i co OF CANAD A SUPERIOR and ull particuias te B43, OWhpwe fetal hardware experience gi ul ne did BR hast, i... yd fennar' miarmaam T or acre of fond, rege, Fol hie. T Com | A wh Ki 29 £ Vimes BA 7974 10 piven nh i 2 4 A natin Wl i be. The Commercial Building, 2 King) | 29V42 SIMCOE § 5 | ap irER SERVICE 0 BEFRDES Interview _ vate entrance, bath, FY outlel, range (FOUR - room heated periment 18 Vil 00 oi f 4 Dor Wasi, Oshawa, RA B.6706 ! SHAWA EXPERIENCED middle - aged cok | 3g & Boord Wi Bimeoe Borth, RA BA676 Voge of Little Britain, bree pie ee bath. | a very low down ads : A ------------------------------------ ' d | Television Radio Fangs | housekeeper with references for smell --hoom oar. [AVAILABLE March 15, two bedroom | 5€harsle entrance. $46 Amy poyment, Immediate possess RUSSELL J. MURPHY. BA, LLB, (| 13--Gorde i & Supplies! | Washers - Dryers and Oven | #dult (amily, Wve In, Telephone BA ROOM 4nd board for two business. Spartment, will sublel, equipped with (Thomaor's Hardwere, nh writen. | won. Coll Sally Wallace, Barn Her and gallcitor, 5 King Street araen) ng pp! | Control Repeir Specialists 130154 iris mr leacher. Hivedsy week, close Hove snd frig, bamboo drapes, #96 | [4 - ast, Oshaws, Ontario, RA B-2971 {AFT Wine of garden work by ad M NEY T0 { Ge specialists WE on nt [1 SAGOPA Ceiirn and school. Tele. | montily, BA 32779 oN phe Blreet howmanille, three Alter 9 p.m. Phone: JOSEPH FP. MANGAN GC barrister | reasonshic rates Rh 81584 | PH. RA B-4873 part-time work, average esrmings of Phone KA B44 |MOPERN, bacheing fosriment, "eon. (Foomed hepled apartment, ful golicitor, Money to losn. Office 144 . ! 49 BURK STREET 5 per haus, three hour working per: \WOUNG Lil veleried, hams 9h, V6 monthly, Mrs. Welnherger, |#fh, piivale (hice piece vein, fele-| Ossie Martin Mary Cl | 0 Anarnoone ar avenings, No ox: privilenes single or 7) dg, Tame Ia es "A STI Wear: fe MA 5100 for further (norms Mary Sig 1a NOONE OF H » #8 or room lo shire, ' P. ot Patterson, Doug Gower King Street East, Oshaws. RA 39032. | £ £ { Reeldence, RA 59405 LOAN Fost Service - Sensible Rates [00 Ce iessary, ax we (ain you. (win beds, parking snes Teiephine Resi Esato y PORECE BARE none whine Bo investments Car on asset. Wilke iA 5.5065 for further Information, NEW modern Dwi ed - Syver RA B-465) snd Solicitor, 6% King Street East {Box 702, Owhaws Times ROOM and hoard for gent) [in Rew spastment ding, rel piety wlan Wand, south, overlooks FECHA : : . ' Fe as Telephone: Business BA 3200). Res | Monies for gll types of mort TV TOWERS sewires | clenn at home, good ood. Telephone |8lor and wove, paved barking, i vine, Telephone RA S98E for further dence, KA 8-8073 SIDEWALKS CLEANED gages for first end second [PROGRESS YE pany wi 8 pm | RA B34 minutes walk to General Motors, $89|PRFticulsrs | JOHN A. J. MeGIBBON snd BASTEDO, Barristers, . mortgages on all types of real | Telephone can monthly. 255 Malags Road, RA SH674, TWO uniurnished "Bi y 7 eT & | 199 0. g I Bnd Saturday morniig 4 $16 PER week lor 10 id honrd | unlurniohed or partly Furnianed Solicitors, Clients' funds svellanie for | FAST SERVICE estate including vacant lands; 40-ft self-supporting towel, | essing Salus » LU commission. TeI8: | nests decorated rooms Voy will find (CENTRAL, private sel - contained [878 rooms with hath, parking space, LA first m aniusgss 3 8imeos Street orth Short tarm' cmardaan. fOr Hot dip galvanized. No paint, | oione RA mornings only {hospitality at Te Moulln Ross Motel | #Rartment, three rooms and bath, evp- |SWilable for couple with one RA 9 3-006, pias Melibbon, QC) it Fini 4 We cond Complete with new Moring |BENTAL Ware veply In handwriting, located ot Thornton's Reed South, {Poards wnd sink In Wiichen, stove and (P7576, 108 Bruce Slrest an | Raney OSHAWA HOME mA'ders; Hirt on 4 1 oll - channel antenna, eating age, mantel sists, previois 40) Keirigsraier supplied. Adults Abstain: | {APARTMENT buliding, Give > vom, LIMITED BOWMAN, David L, Barrister, Bollel mortgages and ggreements Totel price, installed and experience (any snd salary expected. [5s Gi PER week, room and haskd for. tY Huron Bireet bright snd clean, parking, washer, 4 REALTOR INSURANCE tor, 8% Simeone South, RA 50502. Resi le purchased Apply 1 tal. Write Box 504 Oshawa PRIVATE 1 f, 1 [ho near Bho Cent, i » 3 2 oT rt £7 B( Ping essential, Wr i three, or lowr - men io Sing) spariment, three rooms and pone entre, adulls on) pres RAI ih rn el LANDSCAPING | M. Swartz, 264 King Street i +p for yaar $57.50, |fimes | beds three mets Pes day, central, BA relies popes level, pave nd es Blevenson Bouth 167 SIMCOE §, i arrisier, ao | $0 prompt set service wid Ladd 4 ' » East, Oshawa, Telephone RA ¥ f FULL or parttime female sales "help. of ation, | FIVE © room upper dn #59, radia for and Notary Public, 164 King Street 1 39k Oshawa P TV Ent Ladies of "nest appesrance with €6F ROOM wid Topi (oF RORIRTIAR, OF | oornine HA 5676 wr oil hes, rellbbly whl, plove, RA 5.6544 ol RA | 0 6 | n erprises ut dispossl, 16 sell the fabulous NeW \iwo couples, nice, clean, quiet home, |¥1% INCLUDES utilities, ely "bwa, | Fefrigerator ol, Closed In porch, Ari gaEes ITAA b . {Cathedral fine ching and cutlery ha Telephone HA 63304 {bedroom apartment, private entrance |Wilshie to share, $0 Charles sires! HOMPHREYS, Bovchys fd Wilms, -------- 1Ba--Mortg i Lag fi Sess ot jest commissions pad SOLVE. metsiandies™ pivhienis wih | 4, Bath, a, Piet, parking, bus ot 448 Rooms For Rent BROCK [ 3 DIVISION istats, $4000 AVAILABLE for » Tivsl of second ! sldd es | (R8E-RCHOR © Osh Ll Classified]. ---- Fhisys, Wit _ Bg dB any NOW IS THE TIME MOTIEARS private Telephone OL vain ---- ; i Ads, Call now BA 33968 tor special NEW modern (wo. - bedroom spsrtment, | SEE Fira sed Tait Wowsekesping Foam Cleon 7:room brick, suitable Phones: Office RA EIT) "Has, BA| TO GET MEN SERVICE WHIN YOU WANT ATTENTION { busines thes Ho oan nein: king ond with sieve and reirigerstor, fo one| 197 duplexing, Heavy daly 84604 or Whithy, MO 8976s BA 68008.) Av vip CALL MORTGAGE IT -- DAY OR NIGHT | ' ROOM snd board, for entlemen, Ith TV outlel, Velephone HA 81260, adult only, parking wp Apply 9) stove cable upstairs for extra Monty lo omic £ OR T.V, and RADIO hams rivilekes Apply "ete Simone pom LS avy ain. Brest Kan, Ema apenmant 100! In basement, EV MERE WA Farrier, fr REPAIRS OR REMODELLING | MONEY AVAILABLE CALL RA 8 5286 Avon Cosmetics are in LOL alep isos. RA Hilt wiring, Telephone RA" 84676 Tor Wavy THRE Furniahed Roweekosping 1 few oll fumace, Will take or, ey Lid = i mam in nme, 4 LARGE OR SMALI 2 information Bm witer # pom, of why time Bor | oo eliore? ROYMenk Fal Bil (4 Office BA 5-3741; Residence, RA 55542 PAYMENTS TO SUIT demand, Customer t= 15 5iinout board. fine gertiemas, 567 BA 8:5477 FOUR room apartment sell-contpin- (doy and Sunday CALL AJAX--THAT'S ALL] YOUR BUDGET All Work Guaranteed ceptance highest in Dean Bireet, # b . i! OSHAWA hol ONE week free! | od LL private entrance, newly decorated, FURNISHED "single "ouseke re N [4 TE J 4 ¢ ree! Large, warm roams, dr FO w ALLIED INVESTMENTS ELECTRONIC history Territories now with board, in new home, good meals, laundry putin id I. J i with washroom, "% i 8 facil NE DUPLEX COMPANY 2h available for women to [beds Tunches packed Also furnished (ply 657 Varkione Avenn Rn yory. centesl, Apply Consists of two §-room d housekeeping room, 708 Carnegle Ave - 7 oot, aR y th 4 nie CLEAN, hasement uapsrtment, Pear psp EE oi ie ou Meney ah oo Trig oA 8-4 hd own town, $55 monthly Includes 1e8 wath an priva ' ; JAX REPAIR AND aria Ak ut ( call LE 6-0627 ' : trance, 10 minutes' walk th Gen SUNNVBRAE, of Oshaws, Care for oid colii% ,} EPA AND Member Ontario Mortgage SPENCER Foundation sarmente. Tn now, al Lb Mi 43--Wanted To Rent hydro and parking space, Call RA §-8226) 3701 Motors, Linens, to veivigera:| Brick construction, fully erly people, RN supervised, inquiries CONS | Brokers Association dividually designed, slsn Bpirells Hes collect, immediately WANTEI = Wari 7, tor, Hove supplied. Also single room leased, good revenue, Asing invited, able rat A B23 -- dershot, 32 th vite Joasonatia Teles Ld 3 | corastier, Mrs, John Hendershot, 34 house, unfurnished Wonsiand iid ADELAIDE TERRACE a housek win "Tom, AIR | $16.90 am oy down ok ment, a now, ac EUDERLY folk welcomed Tn ouF Home 14---Household Repairs (19-~Personal (Amirat_Road -- .|37==~Male Help Wanted venson district, Phone 57015 New modern 2 + bedroom |furnished or unfurn Gieneral, Motors, 91 oo Hovd South, ARplshy of RA 56544 or Nursing care \f necessary Excellent | TERATATERY is B i Ww ------------------------ i A references, Telephone RA 83286 Ai at tls hest for ey od VREH Health minded persons, | D5 we NEAT, Intelligent men, aver 81, to train y > ' - w|WPacialize in che folds, re-covered, [yours for the asking, Healthiyl Li 25 Pets ond Livestock #8 managers, far well Known argeniz Ade Houser For Rent apartments, 29 Adelaide RA Ave W, Stoves, "rigs, TV. room house, 225 Clarke Bireel, ( re-maodelled, repaired. Free estimates, YT I 6 5.3 gest, Applied Nutrition, Heme Doctor (BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready foriobion. Up to 810.000 yearly, Car Suen, y Optometrists ----- oe ee adn 3s i iil tt or both, Write Nature's Health, Ring, talking at Fe ' doviy Mv. [tisl. Call BA 80366 belween 8 and 7 bi) heated suitable for two couples Bt outlet, drapes, includes ios 4 ANTRHED ama hausthesping IF YOU LIKE I / " 1 p TOWARD ~ BLADK, Doster of rebuilt, recovered, Post Office, Box 2 dase) #in iret Ens pm. nme | 000 TONthLY. 435 King Street East water, parking space Flin East, RA LUXURIOUS LIVING 5 MONTHLY five-room bungalow, laundry facilities, ey, ja SINGLE, furnished Bees Ur od Optomet the nati f like new, Why pay mors? Our rales! -- --- = iin Hy 19 Simeon North, at are yeasonable, Satisfaction Wuaranieed | yoonLe, Buy a had Temes Colborne, Evenings hy appointment, | Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery | ELECTROLYSIS male, All registered stock, Reasonable YOU heated, Apply 200 Pacific avenue, oF No, 2 houses pin ¥ desir eparale & You'll love this beautiful RA 54181 Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA Phone Cedarview Kennels, RA 5-5068 AR telephone HA B:0008 evenings ore trance, well heated An Ane ranch style home, IV's son- struction is above reproach, MURKAR, NEIL 0, RO, aplometrist, | Removal of fluous halr / SEVEN - room house, four hedrooms ® itt Wiliam Sipeet Ea Suite 3, The Dundas Bldg, 308 Dundas |CHESTERFIELDS and ald chalre re | Removal of super "MN i 26--Farmer Column LOOKING FOR newly Hecoraled pv FR fil TWO BEDRO: M TWO furnished room able fori Th J livi room West, Whitby, MO 83671. Closed Wed eaverec like dow Ja the heat fat less Marie Murduft will be In VERT Form Shoe Dieied" i Tv futlet, Felngaratar, whshing ne fingle irs > working les oe lo ph ge Finis. o ther ¢ pha meee ] arm whos ol up promplly chine, stave, 71 La Salle Avenue, Wh Ll entre 50207, . ew oTow, RO, _onlameirial Fieass |Bouih, Call RA B4051 Tor 5 free $6 Oshawa, Feb, 21st and 28nd, | Ehons conc: Hamplon: Colas 39781 A BIGGER 30016 . APARTMENTS Elgin Wes in mepane picture window and Bonk rT mark rent Tnvatits a | mate Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone THREE Taree ranm spariment, privaie| Excellent location, New build: | THREE a vaams on bus line,| Stone fireplace, There are amined at home, Dial RA 54587 YOUR focal ehimney cleaner. Chim:| Phone Genosha Hotel on these PALER wheal airaw, Telephone COIfex | FUTURE? nath, heavy duly siove, bulll-in eup ing, with er without lease Lid and cuphoards, television outlet, | 3 bedrooms with S-~Nursing Services CEDARS Convale "and Nursing RA B-5103 Home, 24-hour gradusie nursing serv Brooklin, OF, 5-483] | fee, Quiet, beautiful surroundings 110 KING ST. FE. OSHAW | 51 KING 57 RA 3.3993 23-Women's Column earn good income. Act neys bullt and repaired, gas linings in hoards, el $70.80 § anth, im Isundry voom, heat and hydra, adult 7 Surveyors Hailed, raat a) vacuumed. Free est dates for appointment, | HO pe M 4 imeoe 8 | hy LLOYD REALTY Abply dol Gibbons alrest, hv 8 Closers wo 4-pe , / males 997 27 --Fuel & Wood Bauth. RA 55453 or RA 5-2 FURNISHED Haht hous with tile and eolored fixtures DONEVAN AND FLEISORMAN, On pROFESSIONAL painier and 20--Cartage " a ' 1 0 d paper ] Available immediately, Can CENTRAL seven room oy we suitable for ge ady, large attached garage an Sario Land Surveyor, commercial bide: hanger Guaranteed work and mate: | FoEis Moving and Brags. oh we, 11 PIECES of hardwood firewoed, All joie oo gutstanding line |store house far rent with aition to RA 8 9123 near North Ge li ih basement, The ex- printing, 13 Bloor Street East A :) reasonable prices, For further info #4) Mila, Free estimates, Al Conroy, RA iyhithy' "Heasonahle vates ica Pall RA 8 0308. APHHRY TTOFME:| of adveriTsing calendars, |PV¥. Low down payment, garaie, new ---- R.A] Yerior Is brick and stens, - b - d 1 ured, Ph A a 001 furnace. HA B-3N 3. PROFIT Dy Teaching 10an Prospects | FURNITURE Tevatron anf veivnar. | Coupped and insured, = Hine ie PRY hardwood nds, ¥ilianie for far.| specialties, wouter -sheek lH ito 7 ; x |HKTRA i 8 orniged housekaniie located on beautiful lands daily with & Wh interest, low mOAUNIY |tared, See aur Materials for ve cover SOOTIAN Cartage, for (ast depends Me | nances, slaves, fireplaces Wie] hooks, COMNINUOUS "THYME (raaieaian af 1 Ein lL fei $ 100 REWARD +00. Simone eel Horn RA 248, seaped lot plus mony added Joyment Oshaws Times Clasiified" A ing, Bruce W, Dalian, 78 navies Street, [VCVEN, ond delivered. 'Faane HA" 83014 Company established over 60 eves, aituched garage, apily 76° Hav FURNIRHED wo large hed : antyres. For 04ditionel Ine W. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land JOAN'S Moving and Sworage Oahaws, | 29-=Summer Properties year a Avene - . Foams, hulltdn euphoards, nihil ormation ask for ware AJAX small home, clean, goad 1a:| A crisp, new, hundred dellar Hanh hee on hus ti line, Simeone fick 2" RA 5.6544 or L 8342. LB Nl Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East 8S & CHESTERFIELDS Whithy. Reasonable rates, Fully equip If you have a car and are 3 6 l Ph RA 83 A ation, gas furnace, aluminum storms, Fhone RA 5.6881 RUG E h LDS |ped and insured. Phone hi For Sole willing ta work, chere is your KH Nn averaion \ Telephone bill, to the first 4 people, whe [RA -- 6. T. HORTON and Associates, On CLEANED 21--Personal Service LOTS for sale, close to waler, ideal oppertunity Large repeat |WHitehall 33006, Alas send me the name of @ persen pat a LT ep ------ of Oshawe od sn oa tario Land Surveyors, Professional En location, reasonable, three miles fram i ne " wo \ business utive ill be SIX room house, harn, stream, 10 pletely furnished, close neering, 306 Dundas Street West Professional Cleaning Trenton an Bay of Quinte. Write Box ising Executiv acves of arable land, 850 monthly to re that signs a lease for a med: norl General Matars, park - o Distriet Real Enotes Ll hithy, MO 5001, Ajax 798 Home or Plant BAR.B otk > eHICKE N #4 Trenton or i phone Exeier 39063 available for Interview sponsible enants Available April 1 eam, centrally located aparts any RA Lay suitable Yor souple or \Wo a Members of the National 9) : ----- i= Annie . ; Telephone WHitehall #3007 . \ . 1 viding ly Institute of Rug Cleaning Chicken plate, half chicken N-- -Aticles For' Rent --_---- on ! NY With pariculons regen: THREE nity of Nal tar an ih fogtonalre ean; Rati) prvi or i pallens a H uy LLOYD REALTY i and heating Mois { viginity oi 1 rite L awa ; tings, fixtures, new and used, _NU- WA Y - RA 8-468) with french fries, fish and FLOOR SANDERS BOX 403, OSHAWA TIMES ae te schol. Phone Belmont 14681, Times ' Apply 18 LIST WITH LLOYD ¢ fram septie tank fo ---- -- -- hip bi a ety Tata fations at Bobo B, rales. chips, hamburgs, het o LA CUPBOARD SANDERS SIX - oom two - slaray house, double . fing ron and hte aes wil ir oh gt THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Bh. type of plumbing. Dial RA S484, J . MODERN GRILL tian h Phe PAINTING & DECORATIM a an hinds. 163 Ritson Road South or ia! A NG ECORATING WE DELIVER -- RA 5.3887 REDUCED RATES SALESMEN telephone RA 80861 FREE RENT Roow "Tor Ia y 45 (0 i. iichen Sid $2,000$2 oo | --- a Modelling, Recreation woms, roofing, Painting, Paperhanging, make Enamel and Paint n 3 #alow, oll heated with garage. Children | Maden ones. and twa » bed. : 4 mater We gauss Tow | gyprew, Full Wall Murals, | WATCH REPAIRS | WEBBING HARDWARE | Fioresed expansion program (Kaisa, fiom" faba Kak 16% room aparimante, $88 ond [ON NE Li bin pray {l A d ( f ( WOME Owners roofing, siding, saver | (Eo 6 SBE opie | J. CORNISH RA 3.4873 high calibre salesmen, Grows [GTX = roam hous, gargs, three bo | UP: Best location, Phone pp:1, furnished sof ih i orf 82 Ne ra hii 8 0 My ALL type. building repairs, roofing, NIGHTS RA 5.7426 wecializing 32--Artie | Wanted 5 housefumishings, draperies, [E54 - carpets, T.V.'s and applians TORE for rent, = dni All Mii trim and nelling, Hollywood style Infarmation and estimates free on Any DODD & SOUTER milk shakes J ep - - oll heated. TV ant frigerator, vlaye and FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT | EXPERIENCED [sara ai nested, TV anions, vee! ~~ ONE MONTH ity vee YOU SAVE ALL types of home Fepairs and re CONTRACTOR 30% discount on famous AVAILABLE Mareh 1, five + roam hun wa fr logon, contr mates, HA 33418 ALL ig MK M {roughing insuleton. painiing Phil OAR IB | 299 KING ST, WEST ing firm selling furniture, jooma, Ol haat, are elk Jan pet RA 8-8676 Rina, Prats hen eaveatronghs, chimneys, fireplaces, side: |= Automatic Watches PIAND wanted Immediately, any mak ! BIGHT: roam modern house, five bed: 2 BEDROOM on! established bh walks, stoops, RA 80084, Gordon May | $ 2 Ld or sige, all eash, HOward 63313 AX. hidily roams for vent, on 486 Mary Streel, Hon oF sult athe all by : 4 ' geome, ot weir, gee, tt. SEGERS | RA 3.4545 [uit Sell i al be The men we wan wit nave [Ve litte Wns APARTMENT [sad i'oH ther Yt 1%) ich' wi, lun" dig 4 , ' . i -- a chance to make hi = |NIX . eam house, centrally lagated, on FURNISHED | area, folding losers ing fram uspte tank io sewer o dhe id lumber, §0 pieces 3 hy shance to make high sein Bruce Bree \ newly Aochraled, ean: AT BUS STOP hip MEN Toon, warking raking throughout, Built i. 8 vanity Aliy. Tnstal » \ N | vith i eh f i nite RUG and UPHOLSTERY | WATCH REPAIRS [f* hy 818 feed Tong; 150 Lin toet i snes ror |abie. Apply 804 Front Bireet 4 SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND fa, vin oral ET minutes with triple ol olen b Nedieing bn CLEANERS 9 hae, 4 also will be considered possi Stave, refrigerator, parking, Haine ne o y Ni oy a J. Cornish EAGER-obuy prospects are wailing bly on a part time basis, We FOR RENT RA 5.3302 AA a ------ hi tk PY ns td oi at a Pa Professional cleaning ot 99 Wi for you in the "Heal Estate Wanted! ask for neatness, a pleasant houaties LJ | } » 299 King St. West colymas of Oshawa Times Classified] porconality, o desir fo mee! 30 taina 'Street 12, $50 full price w 4 ction. N.H.A. mortgage, fd a, fitting; desting and 'sngineer: lower prices pe or for rent with fam o rest Bow \ ¢ Specializing automatie . people and the ability to werk . "10 wo shed housekeeping roam Ww. WARD RA 5.7488 watches. under direction. Reply giving option to buy OFFICE SPACE hedronm ahd kiichen Sih re ra Mitler PERE ot RA 31) 000 WELL DIGGING, BY [PAINTERS & DECORATORS RA 3.4543 WANTED a tas St uma. in ny Ake i MACHINE \ Industrial, Commercial, STOP SCRAP IRON, POULTRY martial Wats and telephone IN AJAX FOR RENT 4 a a, mn MBER AVE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | - po DBamestic AND FEATHER TICKS Suber, anaritws Wil I 2-3 BEDROOM Passenger elevator serves, Mr ron WRG EE Broom brick bs epairs and Alterations : low HOMARKET Food and h o New build: Centrally lew i avaliable kirehen : Mgnt + ONTARIO " ani Toe Bos {rantar oi ny fi dd? n RA 3 bTARNR 3374 Ri EAA Fikes" 4 BUNGALOWS freq In downy Bh Phand Voi or ner | hier: podem, lon 105 on mont 204 CHESTNUT ST. W T. W. PHILPOTT CO, I 318 He inh {ood , . Fully Hodis a iy " TWO Tooms, ground floor, aise hres Including interest, pt ihr ' (collecty serviced, excellent ) P.O. BOX 329 A DUNBARTON brand groceries, Steaks and " ---- OFFICE CLERKS schools, wonderlul commons Thome. seeand | liney, fn i Ei Bi Y1--Business Opportunities EENINGS lg ad roasts to delight the eye, At SHAW ity, Rentals from $75 to THE TIMES chine and tele oe % LL et VENINGS ~-- TE 9-2364 | low prices, Hind quarters eur 95 monthly VERY peniral, nediminriahle DOWN $2, 000 DOWN LUNOW counter, Bria, chicken, fish| and wrapped, S55¢ |b, fronts AUTO WRECKING CO. ired b clean furnished Be vont meron oon steel! FURNACE SALES | 42¢ 1h: We hy ially de- fequired by CALL BUILDING ane Ten 114 Wat Wve Pr Country living, stone's throw ow vent, UVing* quarters. RA $5104 oF aE 1 ave Shatin Wants cam for wrecking 3.9767, #73 Simcoe North signed HOMARKET home Government J A VONDETTE ' - om aity, 114 storey, rs ' N AND SERVICE freezers from 294.00, No | Ports for sale, alse scrap iron A, Contat 1. WILSON [LARGRLRIRERAE, Mobsatoioes 'hae| With otinched "garage RLY HEATED slore for renl In Western Ar ae, as Kink Wel. Parking M. Mackie Cov Lid depanit, Lifetime warranty, A | and mately; ate, bought, Open | Departmen ts, REAL ESTATE BROKER | Phone RA 3-3474 [3° iim, hm seatemen, arsir| 3h PEN 50 chon Al A 1607 ar RA 48 N family of four can live well Saturday all day, Phe 2:10 RA 5-5954 and own a freezer for $16.00 | 03 ¢ or 1 go oO Oshawa, Ontario Days = WH 2:1100 WARN, furnished ream J oa wel Full price only $11,500, Sev COIN operated Sn established ! : Rann i en] csiablished Clana Sich I I at RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. { Evenings = WH 2.227 hilo home, very oentval, Ki vib! this immaculate 13%. now, elias Cull we, ha 4 4 Biahend $7 labor plus parts Co HOARE OA ak [an 11 Salary $2100 A 32020 or WH 2-117) APARTMENT HEP A shone BA CSUR cal ml ore, RA 83130 Hoar RA 300 borne West, hithy, H FOR SCRAP 1" Salary necreases emis In well kept buildi that I ---------- -- SHIT ENTLOTNENT ws NE Ti--tnstruction 8.4430 WE BUY Annual WA--Apts, & Flot provides; . i ATTRACTIVELY ok. ot Hou Ry oo bie hag sn the $15,000 tem HRA = ath or SY Richard Moyock RA 3.7448 STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, For hall articulars no i i Rent , | + bats of cupboard spare, FURNISHED ROOMS Hora and screen, hy Flos obra fo te a" My a" | PAPER. RAGS. Etc el par iu as THERE'R no work 0 apartment hunt Modern kitchen close to four corners, Carle: Loutpville, 1 fudent caunsellar, | SCHAPELHOUMAN Ope All Da % | i Ye! bu bi oauan oe § Rodin hy) Rent JR a Excellent floor plan Available in private home. for $70 a month principe rience, hy Interview oly. | > co MBIETE BOOKKEEPING n y Saturday Tulramants hi apy Vin RW wim ane eed on Balcon 82 Park Read Nerth, Call ond interest. See this he 12 Dressmoki Act we ion, i SERVICE. = INCOME TAX M, GREENBERG & SONS the Tate] tn nS RAY J Tinanta 1h haw. apartment: build: | bd da between 8 and 7 pm, home by calling Henry RRERIMARER -- Alterations 5 Ta | wi nal RETURNS LTD. Be nite] tag Park Rand, Adelaide Seael, hiwad. | Rwvad variing RA 8.8671 Spvkerman, RA 8» JE ' 3 . wrvice and Past Offic 4 stefully "decarated, are R ¢ x . Fone RE See fehne hail] 686 OSLER STREET | RA 3.7333 308 Boor 8 Apply before FEBRUARY 20, hal eiescail, sane waipert dn 3 comets lunery facies Lays Realty Lid, Realtors i dy. Masants Temple RA +738 he 5 or, paved parking. Must see to ap Central location ALTERATION TT yo AY Riot BE OSHAWA, ONT, 35--Employment -- : +) Sonica ammission Btls. NA HR. : | PLEASE PHONE 43---Real Eutate For Sele RA 85123, RA 85124, woman cht ry - | Register -- King FX TW RT 8% Si. Clair Avenue East [Twa hedrior Arartmant A Simoes AY INE 0 Tor Ake, holes soraer Tooation, in RA 8.512% 3 RAR en RL RA 59953 [SVERIGE TR Tow or ven ©" (RCIA ITINA IR MO 84270 GRRE 0 te , *