Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Feb 1961, p. 4

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similar observances throughout could be given drugs and sur- | {the Commonwealth, at the insti- 4 nstead of the treatment, / gation of His Royal Highness To Patients Dr. Clark said, but for others i an eas ere the Duke of Edinburgh, Shr © would mean longer hospital Meetings were held in Ottawa _ MONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Dr. stays, possibly even loss of toes this week of federal and provin- Gordon Clark said Friday the or limbs {cial officials to lay the ground. theft of an oxygen - inflation p. cag has used the ma- * work for observance of this spe. | hine from his car Thursday in. for the last two years and Y Il V a 123 em er cial week throughout Canada, Mght could have serious effects , treating 20 patients three 's who were being | - TW OSHAWA YIS, Mbvamy 31. 94) tREPORT FROM PARLIAMENT oon in conjunciion wih 1 REIL PR Koy gr Spier eft Dang son On Monday, the Minister of , cated with it times a week Public Works, Hon. David Wal '™** iy 5 Dr. Clark said the machine | By MICHAEL STARR, MP |of a type which were being or Housing Act for elderly persons. yar (old the House that housing The $2,000 machine was used', ould be impossible to sell and | Minister of Labor could be manufactured here. |increase in pensions for railway carts and loans financed , dangerous if used by an un- Friday, February 3, was ob-| On Monday, the House de- employees; establishment of a (hrough new amendments to the more than 3000 -- financed, ed He said he will |served by the House as the an-|bated a private member's reso-| Department of Industry; Atlan-|National Housing Act had in throvsh amended lending poli. "ned person. He sa {niversary of the destruction of{iution which would have the ef-{tic Provinces capital invest- creased considerably for De cies had made December a rec. Order another and hope for {the House of Commons by firejfect of making unemployment ment fund; municipal loans cember, The number of units-- ord month quick delivery, {in 1916 insurance benefits available to/fund: National Development ---- -- u -- airman + Mr Speaker instructed the|the widow of a claimant en- Fund; greater assistance for |Sergeant-at-Arms to bring intoltitled to such benefits education; expansion of techni ithe House a wooden mace) cal and vocational training; na- {which was used by the House] MANY SUGGESTIONS tional flag and national an {for some months after the fire, This was one of a number of them. Canadian sports council; {while waiting for a new mace resolutions dealing with unem-|o,mmunications council; Na Ito be fabricated, ployment insurance. tional Health Insurance In so doing, the Speaker s o| Others included a resolution " . ¥ + slr see soe OO Tr vr le voter | paps crew oryrn ANNUAL MEETING "I thought perhaps all hon, authorities the question of mak- fea acy companies; em members did not know that we/ing unemployment insurance 0 oo. aider workers {had two maces, the second be- (benefits available to Canadian iin expenditures for OF THE ing the one which is on the table|#oodsmen working in Maine and | © "020 oaions: juvenile de today and which served the New Hampshire. linquency traffic accidents ° House as the symbol of its| Another resolution provides nd kindred subjects of social authority during the interval for unemployment insurance for snd economic interest between the fire in February) persons unemployed on account| ae 0 of the subjects mention : and the presentation of the new of illness. ed were already under consider mace in June of 1916. ! There was also a resolution to! ation by the Government: and » | TARIFFS DEBATED limit that coverage to persons some had already been dealt y The House went on to the con.| Making $4000 a year or less: and vith WILL BE HELD IN THE sideration of budget resolutions|2150 to disqualify married "wo-| 1, .,, (ico (he members : : 'hose husbands earn in ave {} y (relating to tariff duties cover-| Men hig hfe concerned would have their day . Pp. ling goods of a "class or kind|€Xcess of $4000 annually. This |i, court; and would have the ed fice, 0 umbus on on. e . ' {made in Canada'; the object of | resolution would also disqualify) .icraciion of having a full teen, residing at home, where A up on manufactured goods | : subjects in which they or their B and}. head of the household earns| civ ents were vitally inter election of four Directors and Auditors and any other business. may be brought : 3 oo (iil) DISCUSS OWN PROBLEMS iin Sxcemn of MON. ote ested. before the meeting in the interest of the Company , Es | private members' resolutions TECHNICAL TRAINING ading to Ler children, Gayle, | widowers and divorced people | Port Perry currently on the order Paper. | Meanwhile preparations were 17. COL. R. B. SMITH, V.D., THOMAS J TEMPLE A 7 ' 1 persons under the age of eigh ost debate . se » i 7 / the resolutions being to tighten| dress debate in the House on To receive ond dispose of the Financial Statement: for the year 1960, the " equipment coming into Canada A year ago two divorced | re Toronto mothers decided that | 3, David, 9, and Pamela, 10, | with children to discuss their | lone parents needed help with | joined with Mrs. Honey Lipson | difficulties and share solut- | an a OTHER IDEAS {going ahead for the observance their child-raising problems. | to organize Parents Associat- | fons. About 120 members at- | nn | ine! N | re, a a Jee Mrs. Elsa Myer: "shown here | ed, It brings together widows, | tend monthly meetings. e | Others included a _Nationallof Techni ] Training Week is -- so ------------------------------------------ Rh ade mses | PORT PERRY -- On Tuesday |evening a meeting was held in |the new Court Rooms of the Kedron WA UK. Trade | Port Perry Municipal Building, |Perry St., to organize a Town | . |Band. For sometime several in- . Ba it terested citizens of the village (0) S eetin |have been anxious to contem- | [plate getting a band started in | - KEDRON ~- The Kedron WA are the parents of a new son, By Strike {and women of the district were this community so about 20 men which met in the church on William Albert {present including prospective Wednesday enjoyed a talk by, Mr, Richard Walker, of Har} By M. McINTYRE HOOD [members, to discuss the subject Mrs. C. V, Thomas. Mrs. Thom- mony road, who suffered a Special to the subject. as and her hushand and small slight cerebral hemorrhage The Oshawa Times Various local organizations daughters lived in the Nitrate three wees ago, has returned TONDON -- The 27-day strike were representated by one or Company town of Maria Elena to the Oshawa General Hospital of 1500 tally clerks at the Lon- mcre members. Some of these in northern Chile for two years. after spending two weeks in the don docks last fall has cost the were the Port Perry Chamber There were only 12 English- Toronto General. He is making United Kingdom millions of of Commerce; the Canadian speaking families in a_popula- a satisfactory recovery and pounds in hard cash and even Legion, Port Perry Branch, Fid- tion of 25,000, but the Thomas hopes to be home soon more in lost prestige. It did elity Lodge, 100F and Scout Or- quickly learned to speak Span-| Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Mr. crippling damage to. Britain's ganization. The chairman for ish and made many Chilean and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Mr. export drive for 1960 the evening was Mr. Frank God- friends. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon and fam-| That sums up a comprehen: ley, In his remarks he brought ' Mrs. Thomas spoke of the dif- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mount. sive report that has been pro- it to the attention of those pres. 6 " ferences in life on the other side joy and family, and Mr. and duced by the London Chamber ent the fact that Mr. Geoffrey of the equator. They lived in Mrs. Bill McGregor on Satur- of Commerce, dealing with the wallace, of Ajax, had consent- 4 an earthquake-proof houses; there day evening attended the win- effects of this unofficial strike./ed to be bandmaster, giving were 32 minor earthquakes inter reunion of the Langmaid- This damage hit markets for |eadership as well as instruc. 4 their first year. School began Brooks families at the Solina British products as far away as tion to the 'members. 3 y 2 WORLD'S in March and ended in Decem- Hall the United States and the Far| nr. wallace is curre fl 'a ber, with summer holidays get-| Mr, Jack Arnott, of Arva, was East studving ~ 1sic i ba fren y i ty ting into full swing around a weekend guest of Mr. and| In compiling the report, the ershi En: Foi Nir ac gers gh Christmas. A two-hour siesta in Mrs. Stan Ogle, London Chamber submitted Mr Png? i ligance 0 1 the afternoon was taken for, wr Harold Werry and Mr. questionnaires to more than 1000." ¢ SMe! greaves, a r CAR 14 'helm: 2 ' aiar np graduate of both Kneller Hall i granted, and dinner wou Clarence Werry with Mr. Ernest firms. From the replies, came, 4 the University of Lond eaten around 9.00 in the even- A wWerry of Enniskillen were in out the following stark facts Rabia 4 Cave anton, : e TITRE] n a England. Mr, Hargreaves is a ing. Westmount, Montreal on Friday! FIGURES OF LOSSES mount, Montreal on Frida . very well-known musician, who Mrs. Thomas showed the 1a- ror the funeral of the late Royal] Figures supplied by 32 ship-| =: Wirt . ' Yhilas h alo ) ! . . recently lived in the Oshawa dies a Chilean national costume frnest Carl Werry who died Ping companies, about a quar area before moving to Toronto which her little girl had worn. ddenly at his residence on!ter of the Chamber's shipping g 8 no, Chilean handicrafts were not'wednesday evening, Mr. and membership, showed a loss of] With the support of the lfad- very numerous, but she brought Mrs Rov Werry have been fre. $3,640,000 to London shipowners ership of Mr, Wallace in mind, along a lovely sample of a patch- qant visitors in the community alone. Some of them paid from the chairman called for the elec work rug made from llama and 4nd last summer attended ser. $700 to $1000 a day for ships|tion of officers to carry out the alpaca skins from Fcuador, vices at Kedron Church while lying. idle in port necessary work behind a town and some pieces of silver jewel: oy octs of Mr. and Mrs. Harold! One grain importer sustained band, thus leaving the musi- ry from Peru, Werry losses of $56,000, a timber im. cians free to practise, The re- The meeting was arranged by "several people from this com. porter and a meat importer sults of this election were as fol- Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Mrs. munity were attendants at the $33,600. lows: President, Gary Tum. Merton Walters and Mrs. Cliff wadding of Carol James and The scale of the losses ls fur monds; vice president, J ohn Hopkins The theme of the wor- wavne Norris In St. George's ther illustrated by the diversion|Orde; secretary, Frank Godley; ship was "The Bible". For quiet Anctinan Church on Friday of 196 vessels .to continental treasurer, Wentworth Watson music Mrs. Ross Lee played evening ports, and the sailing of 125| Mrs. Frank Hastings along "The Lord is My Shepherd more which were either not with Mr. John Orde agreed to and Mrs. Hopkins read a poem worked at all in London Docks, assist the band by acting in an How readest Thou?" and were responsible for the fine ©F Were only partially load-|advisory capacity on musie passage of scripture, Mrs. Doug-| faste ed or discharged where possible las Love sang "I'll Walk With skating rink at Kedron School al | God" and later in the program To make the sheet of ice, some COURTING DISASTER All present were unanimous print vine Of the water had to be trucked, The report says in appointing Mr. Victor P. Christopher Robin Is Saying . "ni A ) > ' His Pravers". Mrs. Merton in: The school boys and girls This report seems only to Stouffer of Port Perry, the for. Walters introduced the speaker Nave made good use of the ice, show what it means to shut|mer Town Band "Leader and a and Mrs. Jack Glover thanked and on weekends there is a the door through which passes well-known outstanding musi her a. u . four-way trek to this spot with a third of our trade. To await cian, an honorarve& ember of The WA decided to hold its Hie 20l.30 Young participating as the next eceasion with indiffer the newly formed Town Band bazaar in the fall this year in." ih, 3 n > a urday 1¢ senior ence is to court disa ter : At the moment the prospects stead of in May, and to sponsor So Boil team from Kedron) The tally clerks' strike. Ia t{l0ok goofl for the band which . , School defeated the team from ing almost a month last fall.|is planning to take up where a community supper in the yoo 11 Height i ; spring. All the organizations of axwe eights in an afternoon was unoffic ial An independentithe previous band of a number the 'church will be asked to 850°... commitlee of inquiry condemn-|of years ago left off; but, can choose a representative to serve,' r. and Mrs. Glen Nol e, 0 ed it as "wanton" and having achieve this only with the sup: on the committee' to plan. the Joronto, sient 8 Weekend with "no valid or reasonable grounds [port of the community. Instru- and Mrs. isle Noble. for grievance {ments and music are in great supper, and the proceeds will go' as directly to the general fund of == |demand and financial donations \ for these requirements will be the Church. . . It was announced that the CG t H i | greatly appreciated. | World's Day of Prayer will be overnien in S | With the plannning of a future | observed in the church on Fri. |executive meeting the members| Appreciation is due to a few community-minded citizens who day 17th at 2.00 in the afternoon, |adjourned. Band practise is when the speaker will be Mrs. M V t H | {scheduled for two weeks time Stephen Saywell., ore °] -- 2) P = Toesday ovehing. Feb, 21 at| PRES CYHOLD : 7 p.m, and will be held in the * ENT POLI ERS DOUBLES CLUB : : | ; By JACK VAN DUSEN ing th tages. M .|court room. x I aro sao E ny | to WILL SHARE TOTAL NEW SAVINGS OF $384,000... turd | bout 30 : x | em o the members of the Doubler Saandien Preus Sf Weer fata. consyderation "in 'his rer| lps THE SECOND SUBSTANTIAL RATE CUT WITHIN A YEAR! Cl y to the Bell| Y : a TE 2 A Be ho Weis government, introducing legisla- gard, and there is no pat for- Wile Charged R! very interested to 'learn what tion to increase pensions to dis- mula for arriving at degree of a happens when a local call or a 2Pled veterans, has hinted disability. . Are you a careful driver? Chances [™ State Farm now has 108 such classifications! Jong distance call is made, and Strongly at further action to bet-| Biggest increase would go to With Murder are you too may qualify for State | LOOK! A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE NEW SAVINGS That's how detailed and fair the new rating plan how much of the operation fs 'c¥ the lot of the ex-serviceman the 100-per-cent disabled veter- Farm's f i t : ONTARIO POLICYHOLDERS WILL ENJOY THIS 1 | 1s. That's how we can afford to offer such new done automatically. 'After. the with not-so-visible scars of war. ans. There are 7000 of these in! KAPUSKASING (CP) -- Sam. m's famous low-cost car insur. YEAR! low rates ...especially to the better classes of | Disabled veterans will receive Canada uel Dingee, 26, died in hospital @nce. Call a State Farm agent now! {is ths ism Ing of the saviegs they've shways hed by lnsering with Stats Farm) risks among the careful drivers. tour, the Bell Telephone Com- " : i basic intrease of 20 per cent! A totally disabled veteran Friday threes hours after h : pany served a delicious lunch. |? Irs after he was 4 re eful d 2D td lin their pensions under a bill with a wife and two dependent shot in the head you a caretu' driver? Lo you want de- mein lig avoning was Foaged bY iven first reading in the Com- children, for example, would| police char ged lis wile pendable insurance protection for a truly low | Driving Characteristies | Ottawa Toronto | Windsor | Niagara WORKING FARMERS! YOU GET AN EXTRA 20% DISCOUNT! Bron and appreciation was, mons Thursday. have his annual pension raised Norma, 21, mother of three price? Call your nearest State Farm agent i Falls | Note to Present Policyholders! The new expressed by Mr. Elmer Parks.| , [ne other veterans, not so vis- to $3444 from $2820. A 50-per-| children. with murder today! New Rating Plan! How can State | | [1 3a | rates will be reflected In premium notices on At the regular morning DIY scarred but nonetheless im- cent disabled person who isi"p Cg TO Farm, well known for its low rates, now offer | & 'i pers | up to | up to | m to | up 0 | hich payment is due January 1, 1961 or after church service, Rev. Ronald H paired bY war, dre given hope ingle aly Teceive Sig Som: | curred in the Dingee fe. even greater savings? The answer is a new | miles yen 1811.20 $13.00 | $14.40 $12.80 | Three out of four of you will realize new savings. Tova preached the sérmon. The! Churchill an "*"labout one mile north of here taling 2ysten at fesulls in pin-pointed, fe oe wo If you happen not to be one of these, remember holt Ang iMore Like the Sa. "while he could make "no OTHER CHANGES aiter what appears to have been| !allor-made rates. They're fixed more precise- | [AVM EMIT | yp to | up to | up to up to | the chances are you're still paying less with viour n w ch a Jee a par promises at this time," Mr. Other proposed pensions, witha famiiy quarrel. ly than ever to suit your individual circum- | exch way: total mileage $4.80 $7.00 | $8.40 | $6.80 | State Farm than most folks pay elsewhere bi Mr Willi Hanna Hg Churchill said that a study was the Present pension in brackets:| Police said a quarrel devel. Slances, Your rate depends on how good a | ude 7S0ayer | °° : : : on, Mrs. » MT Ip egun, last November into the Ninety-nine per cent disabled, oped when six male friends of M8 are, not on how poor a risk | Car used primarily bor | [| If you own a ** " s ; t| Degun, ove ; | | y a "compact Sa Spencer and Mr. Robert \. Veterans' Allowance Act to J a per cent, $i Mr. Dingee visited the home may Ss is! Busines: otal mienge | $9.00 $16.80 | $20.20 $16.40 | car (foreign or Canadian), f sTATE FARM Mr. Love announced that at determine how the act, cover.|'2 ( )i- 70 per cent, $1512 Friday morning. His friends : . YL TAR J State Farm gives yon an extra the Sea of one Sunday School|N€ "burnt-out" veterans, could (81260); 60 per cent, $1206 (81-| took him to hospital after the For example, if you drive for pleasure, you'll Examples are based on full coverage for # 1960 Ford Fairlane, V-8 4-door sed 10% discount in most Hi Tuett of ! 30 Sunday oe N00! be amended |080); 50 per cent, $1080 ($000): |shooting and police were noti- be classified only with other pleasure drivers, (Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, limits $10,000 20.000 at Soot uy 8: cases, training session fol Sunday WILL CONSIDER [cents $048, (Roto (720); 30 per fied and you'll pay the low rate that's fair for you. | wadiesl Payments, limits 3500; Comprehensive ful; and $100 Daduetiie | Own two ears? State Farm's School teachers this Friday Mr Churchill himself an or to ad 3 pet ened The bullet lodged in his brain,| !f you drive less than 7,500 miles a year, you'll | Collision Coverages) No male driver under age 25. Savings comoarisons bsed mn | socond-car discount applies | |nsurancs . \ 2 ' per cent. §2 whee said be classified with other similar low-mileage | I rete inlormation available November 1, 1960 to collision insurance as well ry ! evening, Feb. 10 from 7.15 to overseas veteran of the two! ($180) \ Stat 8.15 at the church. . world wars, said the study willl Extra payments made to dis Irs. Dingee was remanded to| drivers and again pay the low rate you deserve, [_ "70! any auestions concerning your rate, sae your local sute Farm asnt. | a liability. PERSONALS consider 'how quickly these abled veterans for their wives Feb Ei BROONALS 1 Citis: Skice amendments might be under. and dependent children will also wk $ sad the Saath weapon STATE FARM the careful driver's (and careful buyer's) CAR INSURANCE / State Farm Mutual Automobila Insurance C ompany, Canadian Head Office: Toronto ovarie} e Oshawa General ° e Increased. These, too, are|% > 8 -¢-calibre ril : gitared b Friday for ronsilec: Increases in the disability graduated according to disabil S {pensions, to cost. the federal ity Increases also are planned for tomies. {treasury $31,000,000 a year, will The { s ,000, year, ayment to these veter. pension dt ive: On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. affect 154,899 pensioners and 31,- ans for their wives is reread death Rov ag Yidows aud Contact Your Local State Farm Representative: 203 Oshawa Blvd. N Stanley Qile attended she > 0 widows and other depend-'by $120 a year to $720. For one/children. The bill also extends 4 \ A ents child the payment is hoosted by henefits of the act to Canadians 584 Bowmanville, Te date Mr Ds The pensions are paid accord. $84 to $324. for two children by who served with Allied armies PHONE RA 5 | borne was Mrs. Ogle's uncle. ing to percentage of disability, $144 to $564 and for each addi- even if the recipient does not ® ! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tregunna with medical opinion determin- tional child by $48 to $102. |live in Canada. |

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