Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Feb 1961, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pebruery 11, 1961 3 Show Film [ig tele tm: snd us, Bow On Whaling BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --- A film on the subject of New- foundland's "'off shore" whale fishing was presented at the regular meeting of the Bow- manville Rotary Club Friday. Dr. E. R. Bowness, advertis- ing manager of Master Feed Limited, Toronto, entertained more than 45 Rotarians with a home movie which described the hunting, butchering and final processing of the meats, fats and olls, | The speaker noted how the meats from the whale were mostly used for mink feed but f arr» few steaks forward- ed for public consumption. "It so .iies beef and contains CONCERT OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA GUEST ARTIST--JAMES MAYHEW CONDUCTOR---FRANCIS J. FRANCIS Oshawa Missionary College Auditorium Saturday, February 25th, 8:00 p.m. Tickets Available -- Wilson end Lee Music Store, Henderson's Book Store, Alte Music Shop. : WEATHER FORECAST No Major Cold Invasion Seen TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts mal, Winds light. issued by the weather office ati Western Timmins. Kapuskas- 5 am. EST: ing region: Sunny with cloudy Synopsis: No major cold out- periods today. Cloudy tonight break threatens the Ontario dis- and Sunday, occasional * light trict in the next couple of days, *10W Sunday, a little milder. Temperatures are expected to Winds light today, southeast 15 continue close to those normal to 25 Sunday, for mid-February, Forecast Temperatures Southern Lake Huron, Take Low tonight and high Sunday: Erie, Niagara, Lake Ontario Windsor «......... 25 30 regions, Windsor, London, Ham- St, Thomas ....... 25 flton, Toronto: Sunny with Kitchener ..ooseeee 20 cloudy periods téday, cloudy to- London ....eesssses 20 night and Sunday. A few light Wingham ... . snowflurries Sunday, tempera: Toronto ......ssses 20 , tures near normal. Winds light, | Peterborough ..... 10 / becoming southeast 15 Sunday. Trenton ... . 10 Northern Lake Huron, Geor- st, C, SEASONABLE TEMPERATURES san Ba, Haliarion, Kiand Lake, eastern Timmins-Kapus- Muskok TORONTO -- The weather { near normal for mid-February | of Lake Winnipeg is likely to kasing regions, North Bay, Sud-| USKOKA veseessnse office says skies will be main- | in Ontario and Quebec today. | affect the Quebec area Sun- |bury: Mostly sunny today and Killaloe ....oi0ees 5 ly sunny with temperatures | A disturbance in the vicinity | day. --(CP Wirephoto) |Sunday, Temperatures near nor- Earlton ......eeee ~10 yor Counterfeit Bills |Redmen Win 1 Found By Youths |e; Donevan NEW YORK (AP) -- Four teen-age boys found 436 counter- By SHERRY HENRICK feit $100 bills Thursday nightl OCVI Bantam Redmen sur- while they were converting a|prised their supporters Friday {lower east side tenement base- night when they knocked over ment into a club room Donevan, 40-19, In the last game The counterfeit money, in abetween these two clubs, the {* paper bag, was discovered when score was slightly reversed. the boys removed a piece off Ron Miles played an excellent wall panelling. They took the/game, scoring 10 points. Brack bills to a police station and the|and Burr did almost as well. case was turned over to secret! 14 he Bantams keep this up they might easily win the finals, high as $20 a ga! of nature's finest." 1961-62 term were J. Dr. J. E. Mann, G Stewart McTavish Stutt, TALLY-HO ROOM A Place To and Relax HOTEL LANCASTER terian Church, are holding a rummage OLD COUNTRY CLUB (and bake saie at the CRA on Thurs BROCK Street South Home and Schools | VALENTINES [sisogisin, sre solaing [ames Sih" i is Si UAW.A. HALL MAIN AUDITORIUM BINGO CORONATION SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1961] § P.M. -- MIDNIGHT TEMPLE OSHAWA & DISTRICT |THE Latier Guid of 8t. Luke Pressy. day, February 18 at 1.30 p.m, | D ANCE SOCIAL Night St. John's Fall, cormer | 4: Everyone is welcome. BOND ST. E., OSHAWA ORANGE Admission $1.50 SATURDAY, FEB. 11th 7:45 P.M, 20 Go -- $8 ST. GEORGE'S SHARE-THE-WEALTH MENSCLUB | 1- HLT & JSHAWA CHAPTER [NEW BRUNSWICK (§ BARBERSHOPPERS DINNER MINSTREL REVUE | AT THE AT | St. George's Parish Hall SANDALWOOD Monday, Feb. 13 | Sot., Feb. 18 - 8:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 Per Perscn 7 P.M. : : For reservations call RA Ajax Rotary Hears A. C. Rae Tickets availcble at WILSON REAL ESTATE OFFICE AT SHOPPING CENTRE 5-91 n before Sunday or PHONE 5.9463 evening. AJAX (Staff) -- As a special| This is only part of the answer. {feature for the after-lunch pro-| The whole Japanese economy is gram the Ajax Rotary Club was| dedicated to earning the foreign read an address titled *"Today's| exchange needed to buy food. No Competition", that was given byiforeign exchange -- no food. {A. C. Rae, vice-president, Mark-| Hence the Japanese Govern- {eting, Atlas Steel Limited, Well- ment will encourage sale of any . | product that can be exported at and, Ont. NUMBERS 56 and 56 {*"The address dealt with foreign a price even slightly higher than service men 'e tit th orld mar-| the cost of its imported contents. 4 --Extra Buses-- Rompe ion on he wor a The net return of foreign ex- Though the Juniors didn't win! their game, they managed to TEAMB 2 | Mr. Rae said {change is the main considera- EAM | "We hear a lot these days|tion in computing export prices OBITUARIES {put up a strong fight and a JUBILEE PAVILION about competition. We have! As long as Canadians will buy 'good defence. High scorer for {chain stores giving away green,| Japanese goods because the JOHN LESLIE DAIR |this game was Ron Burnett with FREE ADMISSION -- TUESDAY, FEB. 14th | pink, yellow and blue stamps to | WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO [price is low, the Japanese will a : 9 . {11 points. _lencourage customers to buy|deliberately keep the price low, A Whitby resident for 40 years,| pyyectations were subdued CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 8 p.m. from them. We have had our|with little regard for actual and in poor health for sone time, | juring the Senior game. Done- leaves Oshawa Terminal -- 25¢ Return Government prosecuting brew-|costs of production." {John Leslie Dair died at Fair-| yan started with a quick 5-0 lead eries for being so big they stifle] Mr, Rae continues, "In sum. vie Lodge, Feb. 11. He was 81./in the first three minutes, but Bus ' SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Go) each horizontal line -- $100 a full card | competition, and we have the|mary, then, we find ourselves Born at Southmuir, Kirrie-ihen the fight began. day-to-day competition between|competing with economies such muir, Forfar County, Scotland,| Donevan hooped 27 to our 10 330 a8 $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $175 IF WON IN 53 NUMBERS local tradesmen. One of thelas Japan, Germany, France, Mr. Dair was a stonemason by in the first quarter. At the third 5 games at $30 -- Clr ot $20 |areas of competition is that of Belgium, England and others, trade. |quarter, Donevan had only a imported goods displacing Cana- highly organized to maintain) He was a member of Whitby small, seven 'point edge. How- | dian products in our home mar employment in their countries at Baptist church ever, final score is what counts: |¢ kets and in former overseas|the expense of our own employ:| g, viving are the|Donevan 50, OCVI 39 0 $250 JACKPOT GAMES 15t--53; 2nd--50: $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door prizes -- Proceeds go to Building Fund / A his wife, } . markets. herall e. told thal met, AM, mn addaion, faced former Amy Letilia Quick: ane] High scorers were Glen, Nich ve generavly ar A J ? |daughter, Mrs. ¥. Berry (Jean)|%), » . oreign n 5S ex- "There can be no one answer|. . to the problem. What is needed|Co184TY: Alerts. a | of the story of competition." |is concerted action by all parts| ere are seven gran children. | The speaker goes on to ex-lof our economy. Labor, manu. The body is resting at the plore some of the other factors Funeral Chapel that exist outside Canada and y and government at all levels| Monday, Feb, 13. at 2 pm. Rev. | need to lay out a program for/T. M Webb, of Oshawa, will for Canadian products here and|our country of full employment | conduct the service. : abroad and for Canadian jobs. |for Canadians in every walk of Interment will be in Groveside| "Let us look at the situation in EVERY MONDAY 8 P.M. some of the major trading na- / : tain. a balance between our Legion will hold a graveside duties to ourselves as Canadians service. | SL. GERTRUDE S AUDITORIUM Suk Japan 3s 2 guuntry we and our international commit. million people, all busy mak- " 690 KING E. AT FAREWELL ing cheap goods to dump in ments CITY AND . x dan} Audi world markets, This may not be Li Sluapitel For y ernment at any level reflects in| its actions the will of the voters, | DISTRICT ee the actual ditions. Jou the responsibility for initiating a ave a Ta e :|combined effort to ensure em-| ; CONSOLATION $20 Japan is an island country. The ined | FURTHER REMAND | north island is close to Siberia 20 GAMES - 16 PRIZES OF $10 Catgdian b Jenders Bl we 17, in magistrate's court, Friday. opinion, be they In Y:|He is charged with the attempt. reasonable in climate, not un-|chamber of Commerce, other | J Py {ed murder of Victor Magar, at 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 like the southern Pant, of ourigeryice clubs, or politics, must ihe South End Grill. gal 22. west coast, However, Japan 18|,0050nize the essentiality of &|pic pail was orignally 'sot atl SHARE THE WEALTH mountainous, with a very small oy aq Canadian economic $10,000, ! tivate every inch of it that will| ' | | grow anything. Even the. shoul.| Accordingly : o | Joseph Clement, 272 Taunton | ders of the roads and borders of| . Without assumption by Cana-| road west, received a suspended jeans of their individual respon-|sentence for six months, and was sibility to help one another, we ordered to make restitution when EXTRA S S RVI {Import 40 per cent of its food are going to BU E CE {or the people will starve. In ad-| } : |dition, Japan is undersupplied|the foreign power that buys ourithe Oshawa Public Welfare Dept- CHILDREN UNDER 16. NOT ADMITTED | with raw materials. They have|raw materials and sells us their| partment. The court was told to. import iron ore, nickel {finished products with complete that his previous record was chromium, manganese, copper, disregard for employment of Ca-| predominately liquor offences, "How does Japan pay for 40| The Ajax Rotary Club will| per cent of its foodstuffs that it|enter into-a general discussion| The following streets will be must import? Let's say it buysjon noints raised hy the author closed to traffic today: Steven- wheat from Cdnada. Our Cana-|of the address at thelr next!son road south, from Gibb street pay in Canadian dolas, To #4) yo SEATS FILLED iret from Sherwood wvenus something to sell to Canada| PELEE ISLAND (CP) -- Tw Bens TO Tick Mohawh| Without natural resources, she Vacant seats on this Island 000" po owen street closed] IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS. (IF NOT, THEN GAME I$ | "So what happens? To enable/the fourth nomination meeting. | REGULAR $250 JACKPOT, Nos, 53-55 Consolation $25) her people to make the things Henry Verbeck and Laurence| 1--$300.00 JACKPOT they must export, Japan has to/Bauhaus both qualified Friday.| ps IE WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS. ($150 CONSOLATION). Must Ge | import iron ore and nickel from Three earlier members failed to ito sell to Canadians, To import 5 GAMES AT $30.00 |ore and nickel, she Needs more| i dollars, hence must make more| $2,350 PRIZES | toys and cutlery for sale in Can: CATOR -- At M I i, "THE EXTRA BUSES | Windsor, on "Friday. February" 10 0 R AR |1961, Elizabeth Alum Cator, Bow.| NEW ADMISSION 1.00 "One| manville, in her 85th year, wife of the | | O'Neill Redmen really gave pensive than Canadian labor - - - - facturing industry, natural re-|W. C. Town within it, which result directly life and to set policies of im-|ccmetery, Brookiin tions of the world. Take Japan In his address Mr. Rae con-| 36 NUMBERS » far from the truth but when you ployment of Canadians rests di-| Harold Willlam Hope, 28, of in climate and is quite inhospi- area of arable land {effort and must influence the | ithe railroad tracks are culti- continue to be he was convicted of obtaining and a host of other basic ma-|nadians," said Mr. Rae in clos-land family court trouble {dian farmers must be paid in| meeting to the CPR; Stevenson south, can only sell things made by township's five-member school (nron day from Dean avenue 20 GAMES AT $40 {Canada to make steel from|find nominees to the board | § {ada to pay for these raw ma-| ' t|late Fuller Cator and dear mother of ADMISSION TICKET GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 DOOR PRIZES their skill and team tactics Donevan a tough time, With all they might even surprise Cen- tral next Friday night. ' RESERVATIONS AT NO EXTRA COST HOTELS * AIR TRAVEL BOAT TRAVEL BUS TRAVEL CAR RENTALS TOURS AND CRUISES NEW YORK THEATRE TICKETS DONALD Travel Service 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY KINSMEN BINGO 20-$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot--$20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5---$30 Games; 2--%$250 Jackpots JACKPOT YOU CAN { BORROW L $1600 REPAY AS LOW AS WHITBY-OSHAWA-BROOKLIN 35.00 MONTHLY Ph. MO 8-3304 ~~ Sa ALLIED INVESTMENTS ANNUAL MEETING OSHAWA -- ONTARIO COUNTY BRANCH OF THE 51 KING ST. EAST CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION OSHAWA DAY OR EVENING Monday, February 13th, 1961, at 8:00 p.m. APPOINTMENTS RA 3.3993 AT THE Y.W.C.A.--CENTRE STREET 17 Affiliated Offices Across Ontarle Member of . . . * EVERYONE WELCOME ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS' ASSOCIATION PHONE ANYTIME FOR fl GUEST SPEAKER FOR THE EVENING WILL BE: DR. J. D. ATCHESON, Disturbed 4 stations to serve you better. We, of Yellow Cab, would like to thank our many customers for their patronage in the past. UNITED TAXI has taken over our operations and stand on "20 Bond Street East. We know you will be satisfied with their well known excellent service. To UNITED TAXI we would like to say "Good Luck' for the fu- ture. RA 5-3541 «uns ® 143 King St. E, ® 20 Bond St. E. ® C.N.R. Station ® Lancaster Hotel WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SUPER BINGO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 53-55 RA 5-3533 2unes RA 5-3534 | Of Course There Of Good Media + +« But, Here in Oshawa and District it's F WON Er effect on Canadian employment. |; and a brother Alexander, of While this is true it is only part sources, industry, agriculture, | Whitby for service in the Shapelt and deliberately in competition ports and experts that will at-| Branch 112, Royal Canadian for example. We sometimes cludes: 'Recognizing that gov- $100 00 JACKPOT look behind that impression to rectly with each individual moronto, was remanded till Feb. table. The south island is quite | "The 90,000,000 Japanese cul-'y vine public and government MUST REPAY MONEY GOOD PARKING vated, Despite this, Japan must economically at the mercy of $55.05 by false pretences from terials for industrial use. ing. STREETS CLOSED Canadian dollars, so Japan must|~------ ~--|closed at the CNR; Mohawk 2--$500 JACKPOTS the work of her people {board have been filled following|s "po con a ane 5 | which to make toys and cutlery| IN 17 NOS. OR LESS, ($20 CONSOLATION) terials." question we have not looked at|oin, FHC, RRA SI SORT TN (Mrs. | Mr. Rae continues: is 'Why do Canadians buy Jap-|m, Hobbw; Jack all of Toronto: Bea. anese toys or cutlery instead of | tric: Mr. E Cain), California; oe a) 1 ' 3 | Edgar a ome; dear sister of op | Canadian?' The basic answer is, 400 (Vive G Kinsmen), Alabama because the Japanese goods are|fannah (Mrs. J. Pring) Toronto: J, cheaper. We think of Japanese Alum, Sueloh, and 2 AE Lu * o 1 geandchildren am , Kren goods as being cheaper because grandchidren. Resting at the Morris i a _-- pry ------ Chapsl, Bowmanville. Ser. § » Mo Nn ste [ B nN Jd O Japanese wage rates are low.|Funeral H vice in the Chapel on Monday 2 p.m i | Interment Bowmanville Cemetery | DAIR, John XL. -- After a prolonged |Ullness at the Fairview Lodge, Whitby, | | |on Saturday , February 11, 1961, Jobn | | | | Leslie Dair, beloved husband of Amy ANNUAL Meeting -- Oshawa Division Letitia Quick, dear father of Mrs, F Council of Girl Guides will be held at|Berry (Jean) of Ajax, and Douglas of | {Guide House, 123 Simcoe Street South Whitby, in his 82nd year. Resting at| jon Thursday, February 16, at 8 p.m. (the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whit. {Films and slides of Jubilee camping by, for service in the Chapel on Mon. will be shown. Refreshments. Public day, February 13, 2 p.m. Interment is cordially invited |Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Minis ter Rev, T. M. Webb, Branch Royal D A N C E Canadian Legion will hold a service at TONIGHT: the graveside $3.00 per couple, Everyone 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11th - ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH KNIGHT, Jessie ~~ At the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, Febru. Ary 11, 1961, Jessie Skinner, of 3 Byron Street North, Whitby, beloved Welcome, wife of Albert A. Knight, dear sister of Mrs, W. M. Grant of Birmingham, Ala. LE MOULIN ROUGE |bama, Mrs. DA. MacKenzie of Red . Deer, Alberta, William of Orillia. Rest. Thornton's Rd. S. ing at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, IS Whitby, for service in the chapel on Tuesday, February 14, 2 p.m, Inter. ment Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. Minister Rev, J. Smith, INAK -- Suddenly Friday, February Znak, in his 15th year, beloved son of | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Znak, Newcastle, and dear brother "Dies and Sue. | Resting at the Morris Funeral apel, | Bowmanville, Service in the chapel 55 Oshawa 'Meaday, at 3.30 pm. Valentine Tea and Bake Sale. Featuring paintings by M, Greene Mitchell, on Tuesday, Feb. 14th, in All Saints Parish Hall: Refreshments 'will be served from 2:30 to 5 p.m. ond 7 to 9 p.m. Under the ouspices of Afternoon Guild, Admission 38a ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 . CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED at Bowmanville on | 10, 1961, Edward Ss Lh a RP Police Administration Building which houses the 8th Division Court, C R i El hou a the 3th Divisie ourt, Court Room, Magistrate's Office

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