J ° ove suter fiza 2 i some LJ y THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Februery 17, 1961 27} justification for his conclusions] Joe Discobolus [@=riism Dam Didn't : i " The RCMP and federal gov-/town and there has been little on i vd and other stor ernment have had to Sonsider speculation. sz [cans have tri i building a new police quar-| Both the mayor and Granb | Shocked Montir eal Fon ve tricd fo trace The bis. B O tl ters, barracks and = and add-| MacDonald, pie Bh of the i obolus, oom 1 1 O( yk |ing to the three-man force. Chamber of Commerce, say il Natural History Society pr |" And, where in 1955 the own (Cutlapi's Spurs will continue to assessment was less than $578,- depend primarily on farm com- BY KEN SMITH time of Butler's visit. The fa-|, . / iding fm. Canadian Press Staff Writer | mous writer walked into the Yajely sud pt Ineo hie im By GRAHAM COX 1$10,000,000 already spent on the 000, today it stands at $1,444,- merce though industrial devel. MONTREAL (CP) -- Missing room and saw the statue. of it ever being shown at the| Canadian Press Staff Writer Project. : 0 Tesult oar Tost iopment (ay Sov trem Ie. resumed dead: Joe Discobo- '0 MONTREAL!' museum. | OUTLOOK, Sask (CP)--Out-| However, its people are ready;s Sons Tul on oie po Ie : | 'According to a biographer, Some time after Butler's visit,(l00k is a sleepy, dusty town in for any growth and development UL OP Bydre - irrigation pro- There have been i Occupation: Discus thrower. |Festing Jones, Butler ques-|the museum moved to new central saskatchewan a few Shal Bappens to Jesuit from Sine} Hr gn ii ot re ve suggestions Nationality: Greek. {tioned a man working nearby atlquarters. The Discobolus, miles from the site of the South +55 long a8 ery, : land eat poking PCPR has Identifying characteristics: stuffing an owl. He was told,|draped in rough burlap, was|Saskatchewan River Dam. HAS NEW HOSPITAL PYLAWS SIRICT been considered as a possible When last seen was completely! ones relates, that the statue|carried from his hiding place--| It's a growing community The 1956 howed Out.| Mavor Carter, 78, said the| i. ", hine oe nude. | was not being displayed, had|to another hiding place in the put despite the dam project it) ois i about | 0% is trying to avoid the dis.{*"c lor 2 mac Ty ae Remarks: Last reported seen/not been displayed and would! new building. {hasn't become a boom town and geo poy unofficial estimate 2dvantages of a boom by main- However, the mayor doesn't by Samuel Butler, writer. Ex- not be displayed because it had| Shortly after the beginning of the people who live there dont, » ot 8 W900 EFC taining strict zoning and build.(see any real development un- tensive investigation has pro- no pants and so was not a fit| this century, the society dis-/want it to be. p >" ling bylaws. It requires a pro-|til the dam, reservoir and duced no body. {object to be seen by Montreal banded and the museum in time| "We're looking for steady And there are new houses. | spective builder to take out a/Power project have been com: That's the way a police re- maidens. closed its doors. The exhibits|solid growth in the town, not a new stores and shopping blocks, hermit, then submit plans, Pleted, possibly by 1966. port could be written about one| «stowed away in a Mont. (were taken over by McGilllboom," said Mayor J, C. Car- 1eW cafes and, of course, new prove he owns the property he) of the more embarrassing mo-| rea) Jumber room | University, but there is no indf/ter. "We don't want it. We're People. lintends to build on, and sign an SECOND FOLIO ments in the history .of Mont-| "«phpe Discobolus standeth [cation that the Discobolus madeltrying not to allow it." The new people have necessi- agreement guaranteeing com-| OSLO (AP) -- A Norwegian real -- not always Canada's) ,.q tyrneth his face to the |the second move. | Outlook has always been a tated construction of a hospital|pletion of construction within a|collector has bought a copy of city of sophisticated, bread] yay. | He apparently had been de- centre for farm and rural com- of 30 beds at a.cost of about stipulated period of time. If the/the Second Folio of William minded living. "Dusty, cobweb - covered, |stroyed in the interim, possibly/merce. Civic leaders hope it $400,000 and a new high school agreement is not fulfilled the Shakespeare's Comedies, His- For the Discobolus, a simple| maimed and set at naught, |by an overly modest art critic, |will stay that way, despite the for $200,000 which is already property reverts to the town. [tories and Tragedies for $4,285. plaster cast of the famous| «peayty crieth in an attic but more likely just because helinflux of werkers for the dam showing signs of overcrowding| The arrangement so far has|The book was printed in London i Bg hd kept i and no man ogandelh, | was taking up space. and the flow of money from the !although open less than a year. |kept the quick money out of thelin 1632. , its-ubh,| J 1 face ~ to the wall, in a storage dy = al. it room for about 30 years just|gpouid be noted that Butler may because it had no pants -- Orlpays heen guilty of exaggera- any other clothing, for that mat-| jon for the sake of a good varn. ; ter. The museum was devoted to RENE showing stuffed animals and PUElbr or oo. deby + Mis birds, samples of minerals md antithesis of the life Montreal Othe? Nueral eg Waihi now prides itself on - could cajjeq them. have passed unnoticed and un-| known but for a chance sighi-| WASTE OF SPACE i ' i n : 4 ors " - DIRECTS TEACHING seeing trip by Samuel Butler,| Sir William, president of the Louise Cowan, blind since a { A native of Princeton, Ont,, [tc English nove d poet| Natural History Society some BROADLOOMS, BATHROOM BROADLOOM, SCATTER MA who died in 19 years before Butler's visit as childhood accident, is the | she was CNIB's Ontario su- | pier he plaster cast well as principal of McGill Uni- " " few national director of wel perviser of home teaching Jor while visiting a Montreal mu-| versity, had laid down the dic- a A ANN oS -- fare and home teaching with | pf 4 RW ihe ba. [seum in;1875. He wrote a poem|tum that the museum should : " rs. RB. W. rarper at the be- |about it, so all the world could|not - waste its space showing the Canadian National Insti- | ginning of 1961. know-and Montreal regret. | works of man, reserving itself tute for the Blind in Toronto. --(CP Photo) | About three decades after the| for the glories of the One True poem was written, the statue] Artist. ; kB d Sl CONCERNING WATER apparently had been destroyed; | Under this ruling, of course, 1 rod ump ROME (AP) -- The govern.| Whether as an example of car-|the Discobolus clearly did no av 0 ® ' a om a | rying prudery too far, a aesire/belong in the museum. How- : ment has approved a program to avoid further joshing on the| ever other statues and works of its ar. et aimed at controlling floods and subject or just because it was man Fete displayed Hiere--bit J @ developin, d Jectri not a particularly valuable nz! the denude iscobolus TORONTO (CP)--The stock | oping Iva Te Se Bd piece of statuary is mot know. Edgar Andrew Collard, editor market slumped on a broad|IT8 projects throughout| "mo ctatue was being kept in|ial writer for the Montreal Ga- front at the close of light trad. Italy, The plan will take 25/5 storage and work room in a|zette and authority on Mont- ing Friday. years to complete and will cost museum operated by the Na-|real's history, remarks dryly On index, industrial ff| ! i i .e p . v 138 at $4035 base' metals = $2,000,000,000 'tional History Society at the'that "'there's good reason to be --_-- Loomed from 80% springy wool and 20% rugged nylon for long ; A7| 5.7 4 Bi 2. Gots' gained 35 ai) o 3 NE RR Efte wear, extra resiliency, easy maintenance and fashion beauty. 86 Volume was 1,660,000 shares| i i. Gd 213, IE LY, ' Buol Ordinarily 1 a pied Toppy, i) ER EAR SEL Save 28.80 on a 9 X 12' Rug! Ordinarilv 147.90 » : indy . Shawinigan, off 3; at 281, helped lead utilities down. Dome and Kerr Addison golds f ; er, 5 > 4 4 Jing gains u %s at 2, a0 11%. Rest : ba got) ' ase metals followed Labrador, : é var ata? down half-point at 21. Cominco la 1 ? EL he " SATON Spotlight 1 t 8.38 : . & ale, siesansersanies was off 3 at 20}4, Falconbridge] 14 at 3915. Senior uraniums, too, were Jower. Rio Algom lost 15 cents bate dy é 9 ; : at $8.40, Denison eased % at " > $0 % 7 ER BB Heavy-quality hardtwist, with yarn especially blended to give the luxurious look 10%. : ; : : n¥ 7 y W204 of wool broadloom PLUS the staunch virtues of hard-wearing nylon. Each tuft of 4 pn gn ws Ip % 3 Seer its densely-woven, moth-resistant pile is 'kinked' to give that extra spring-back Bell P roposes wi hea, : : hte, SE resiliency that defies footprints and smudging, keeps your rug looking so wells groomed. Issue Of Stock ey | 1 gd ; « vit : : i» 9', 12' and 15' widths, Ordinarily 11.95 0.49 " Wa (CP) = Fe Bey . p elephone Company of anadaj ; 4 é J" has uaked fhe Pond of Trane , Ys 0, E3000 2 EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE, SQ. YD. unr rmomenesomenene port Commissioners for permis- p ; it : sion to issue capital stock net exceeding 2,150,000 shares, it i i Ho / 3 , ny > ' : hes i 27" Width for halls and stairs. Ordinarily 8.95 7-1 % was announced Friday. 5 % ° 's * TB a Ar | A il EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE, LIN. YD. wpwscncscncemen the issue at a hearing on the 4 ,, W Fh Lb application to be held within the next few weeks. Si A, Cop] | AEA a FOF SR Low Price on Sponge Rubber Rug Cushion had i130 shares cutstand- ing. Its last stock offering was / be Pg $4 Under-cushion to help prolong the life of your rugs, lend buoyancy and give extra in March, 1959 when sharehold- TV » y 3 > Cy ~ oe offered ae a S it ou hi lo b e ; 1 i v ' Pad be 3 depth. Fabric backed for strength, and resistance to stretching and tearing. Ap- stock at $33 a share on the basis ° : b 3 prox. 53" and 108" widths. of one share for each seven { y x8 7 AT G3 vin wt EATON Spotlight Sale, 39. yd .......ccitevevnecccsssssecevsss .. An held. iy 7 ih y i, The lave Yaised Wo Sum. , There will be an additional charge of 25¢ sq. yd. on area rug pads wider than 108", Ottawa Rejects Sarnia Request | | | : BATHROOM BROADLOOM KITS SARNIA (CP) -- The federal FIGHT Plus matching lid coyer government has rejected a Sar- TH nia request for a 17-per-cent OF THE . tonight fee , ? : Get rid of the cold look and feel of the bathroom floor by installin 800,000 treatment sys- 4 : 90P by J $ SEWage Srenimen sys » yi | si this thick, cotton plush-pile carpet. About 5 x é', to fit average bath- grant on the recently-completed tem, it was learned Friday. i > Council had pointed out that rooms -- simply cut and fit around fixtures. Backed with latex rubber at - it started the project when the f i i # ? ) to help prevent ravelling and keep it flat. Colours are Sgverapont Way offering oan: i bn i black, white, cinnamon, grey, pink, yellow, dusty rose, v1 3) Central Mortgage and Housing » ; 24 Nh gt beige, bud green, blue, off-white. EATON Spotlight ® Corporation. ! i ; Sale, kit and lid cover. set Seva Under a subsequent change in " . iv. . government policy the effective : ay? RA ] (Pattern paper and instructions included) loan was reduced to 17 per cent ; of the total. The DMHC indi- cated, however, that the Sarna scheme did not qualify for such J : ] EE = aussie. RRR 8 TEXTURED WOOL-PILE BROADLOOM SOVIET TOUR | lay. he (nt Sh At an exceptionally low price ! Peter Ustinov has been asked i . by the Old Vic company to lead i Ta Hci " The looped pile of this moth-resistant carpeting creates an interesting : Zroup of, Europea Actors on -- ' textured effect that tends to conceal footmarks, tracking, and shrug . summer, i Wie ; off soil marks. Densely woven, it promises easy maintenance and long its t PE wear -- a splendid buy at this low price for an active household! Choose 2 it in colours of light beige, gold, blue, green, rose beige, sandalwood, cameo beige. Widths are approx. 9' and 12' for a ' a [ ; , J ; area-size or room size rugs and wall-to-wall installa- G8 SAL UTE 3 . f gn gs Ia BTA tion. Order for living areas, family rooms, bedrooms! ® TOMORROW'S | : EATON Spotlight Sale, 8g. yd. ..ccoveeacnnancnns 131): 30 - WEEK CF Gi ko id COTTON SCATTER MATS Colourful accents to brighten bedrooms, alcoves, bathrooms, landings, etc. Machine washable, their deep dense cut and uncut pile forms a precise rectangular pattern; latex backing helps prevent skidding. Ends are fringed. Colours: Gold, Off-white, Bleached white, Mist grey, Jade green, Blue Dusty rose, Sandalwood, Black and white, Black and olive green, Beige. Sizes are approx. th . EATON Spotlight Sale: CARRIER | & Le Pua, A 22m, 698 Is Learning To Become A | . PS i BUSINESS MAN TORT re... 1098 ic 1893 . ER EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 272 PHONE RA 5-7373 Yow Help 3) Be Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9