Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1961, p. 8

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DANGEROUS OBIVATS [stances thet could young Cosmetics may contain sub. children who sw them, VN SAYA TS, Thwsder, Fibres 3. 1 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES "7 7 ; gp asians HARMONY WA |earemonies at the December|Brownie Pack on Monday, Veh The February maeting ol the meeting and aonounced that the rusty » ™ ; » : _-- " Woman's Association or Winter rummage sale would be rs, Henry InP on, Socih : ? a 7 7 a i By I nell, oo fis a he § RA " Yednerday convener, served refreshments, / "Gr rece in the Chure » Mrs. February 22, at 1:00 p.m, The) COK FTREXT W Z ; ] y ] ; y N, T, Holmes had charge of the usual blitz method of plckup! SIMCOK hued A : #5 devotionsl with Mrs, Douglas will again be held with Mrs | S10 3 of the Woman's Avs. ; ; a Come in and Mclauren snd Mrs, Joseph C, ¥, Cornelius, Mrs, Gordon 440A Sy pr Ashi of re, : - 2 Arvay i Mes, H.W Barker, Mrs Barry low, Mas 'y a Fadi Divicion eireot |B ; , ? : see , . . « Bb WW. Henry Thompson, Mis. Fran ry ' ' 5." 7 d Booth of Toronto who spoke on Ball and Mrs, 1, J. Bays offer. '## Friday afiernoon for the : Be a or sonics yun Wk ther cars fof the pickups, [iors Depot on, J, Ki What a DOLLAR laid " Announcement was made of lg. ; by the United Church, . CD Rey, Mr. Moffatt joined the A short. business meeting fol.| (he Annual Meeting o he Gr for tea, Mrs, Leonard] lowed with the general reports 3" spoclation at GUGE iioher was cohostess with Mrs, | given, House on Thursday, February | yoy e, The next meeting willl The hers were reminded 10, 8nd the Appreciation Dinnerlye or ine home of Mrs, Vdgar {of the "Crocus Ten" 10 he held 3 Nortmilng 4s Uniisa Church Bradley, Bimeoe Btreet North, HE vad ing iA pi? Math pm, Chireh parade for Adelaide!" ¥* Muy aftemoon, March 3, and home baking table st the District Guides and Reownies) ten wil he held a George's For Hot Breakfast The next meeting will be held Memorial Church on Sunday March 1 in the church hall, (morning, February 19, and the on Hare (Brown Ow, srs, 7, 1. 1amie. A Cheese Omelet AY, GEORGE'S GUILD ison snnounced thet Thinking ONION-MUSHROOM BAKE Mrs, ¥, C. Piper phoned the Day would "be held in_the Or Welsh Rabbit ] ; 1 4 ONE DAY ONLY Pebruary meeting 2.8 George's Memorial Church " Cheese dishe i a fe A Delicious, Carefree Casserole (vir: Sidi ivr IR {soviet wrest | ¥ Friday, February 10 The minutes were re by AM is wai) night snack time. A good break Mrs, Donald Fox, and the tress / fa ly, y A i WL oh Ad) st Includes a source of pro- 9 p.m For A Come-to-Supper Party [umes resort v7 "Hrs." ine QUE) (1 nctutes's sure of pro 9 am. to 9 p.m, de? i milk, Cheese also supplies eal: : yd le cholr 4 q . : All Sales Final Here Is an extra - flavorful powder . Wi ware ads for ha Shots i elum, phosphorous and vitamin 4 > hearty supper dish that Is essy|l cup grated old Canadian |p Lo." oonvener "to he held 1 A : a the Sudgss ont us h 1 Hinata Sheets bread on Thursday, February 23; also) / Me iy For breakfast, cheese can be ' - i heigl interes 4 for the dedication and luncheon| % ' g combined In scrambled eggs, | " ) " and skim milk powder add erimbs a [for the sidesmen, y ' 2 omelets, or muffins, or served COME PLAY WITH ME hody to the sauce. Along with|3 tablespoons butler, malic February 19, cubed, with hot buttered toast, | the casserole serve hot rolls or) eel onions, barholt in botling|""s" diseussion followed, regard. ; Welsh Karebit is one essily.| Who can resist Anne-Mare's ( Toya! street, and granddaugh- crusty French bread with herb [salted water mine Drain ing spring netivities and the fall] O17 4 ; {prepared breakfast dish smiling invitation to play ball? | ter of Mr, and Mrs, Prank 7 SHOP ed butter, then perhaps a cheese| thoroughly and place in a broad A { : / 3 Anne-Marie, aged fifteen and | - ; ; tor! shall haking dish, Prehest/neheon i 4% 53 | Welsh Rarebit Vor Vour / A Tegal, Timmins, Ontario tray and fresh fruit, a rem uy ha i "0 i J aa y vod. Mrs, J, A, Marshall's group Ji Melt 1 tablespoon butter in the, ® half months, is the daughter | » ' the family, faney enough for oven to 350 deg nod. dn home baking sale and yy oo) 0) Bll op of 2 deabla poner run of Mr, and Mrs, Steve Semen, | - hoto by Mary's Mudio 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH compa ente), Melt butter in saucepan 4 >' ' ONION MUSHROOM BAKE [a * mushrooms and saute until served tea after the meeting, Vi cups cheddar cheese and slit PRETTY PILOT RA 5-1221 (Makes 8 Servings) ten. vr, Blend In flour, salt] PMA CLUB y ' gv gs into the butter. Melt the cheese RI F Lid a 1 4 - # medium-sized onions papr. 8 and celery salt, Grad| mpue yegular meeting of the { / fi, 3 (and add oneAhird teaspoon sall,| NEWS IN B E VERNON, B.C, (CP)~Tthonda 1-3 cup butter {ually stir In water and skimipioocant™ Monday. AMternoon | Jey) % 4 AV teaspoon dry mustard, « Oliver, 20, is flying high, Chosen Y% pound fresh mushrooms, [milk powder, Cook over fe: oo" oooned with the president, 7 rd d / |few grains cayenne pepper, and ALL IN FAMILY queen of Vernon's Winter Car sliced {dium heat, stirring constantly Mrs, Elwood Bradley presiding, $ sic) ; yh 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce.) CRANBIOOK Be (CPY=A nival, she has a private pilot's % eup flour until smoothly thickened; stir in} The roll was called hy Mrs, | [EEE ; iTd| Mlowly stir in half to three: yomun has succeeded hey hus. C<NC¢ And Is secretary to the V4 teaspoon salt | theese Pour Satice over onlong |g (i, Collison, The seripture ; ; J quarters cup cerenl cream vegan Chief of @ Kootenay treasurer of the Flying Club, Ws teaspoon paprika : ombine bread crumbs andi on vend bh, Mrs, Stanies « ' | When the mixture is hot, remove indian band Mrs, Nick Gril -- | n inkl over ' fag Ry Jnsbotn Celery i melted puller. Sorinle nu Rawidon; id Sheretarys sani RAT {7 i [the pan from the heat ang heat velle, mother of elght and a de | 1 cup Instant skim milk 30 to 85 minutes bet and the treasurer's report ¢y/ [9 i 5 5 Jo ho uve, te |fwendent of Mi hnel,_ Philips, ian re sung of sh (8 | Voamy Cheese Omelet for Three enay, wis elected in December | KEEP IN TRIM for Mrs, Nishet, Readings were 2 [i gL | Reparnte 8 eggs and beat the After her husband completed a given hy Mrs, George Vowler t SO |cze whites until stiff, Beat the iwo-year term as chief, | Mrs, William Collins and Mrs, ud Jd yolks, add 3 tablespoons milk { A Chan e of Schedule Can Nishet, Favorite hymns were | SEs CH or water, % teaspoon salt, and| g sung as A un dash of pepper, Fold in beaten M ' Refreshments were served i yn egg whites, Turn mixture into np ma i d ant ll-huttered frying | Break Habit of Overeating jor George' Withresd "avd BFGHANS ~~ (veluiored trong oun ng "W {until browned underneath, puf, Win "I have & whole wardrobe|meals and this turn will shrink anp PARENTS COMMITTEE By ALICE BROOKS [Ra whad inde noth: hut that I eannot get into, I'll need|your stomach, By this process qphe February meeting of the Bo heautiful, warm, useful the sides ot the PAN y ] AL to reduce between 25 and 90 vou lessen your food capacity, land Parents' Committee was this vivid afghan's sure to he Eo inkle than 'oh : ; | pounds before | ean wear those, Give this some pre « thought, held at Guide House, with the| cherished by all your family JH ele dd we Susser Sup lovely clothes, How can 1 eut| Give yourself a mental set: You president, Mrs. Frank Ball,| Fanof.colors afghan uses up Rralec cheddar oy fy on-'op I this enormous appetite down?|are going to get up from the|ppesiding. The secretary, Mrs.|biis of knitting worsted, Shell. F'lace In a preheated 360 deg, J . Please write something folt- table sefore you have reached wiliam Arnold, and the treas|stitch background, Pattern 7040; [0ven until the omelet fs re WIFE PRESERVERS ing," implores a despairing (hat comfortably full feeling, yrer, Mrs, Douglas Kirkland, (crochet directions for a 9-inely|Puffed and dried and the cheese homemaker This 1s tough only in the he: gaye their respective reports (square; color schemes Ii melted, | ince smell forms a large A Jolt, 0 be effective, would hig hig K. Single Wel Rj Mrs, Arnold also read Several Rend Thirty-five cents (coins), Fold and serve at once, part of what we know we There's REAL SAVINGS to be had this weekend at BUEHLER'S, During our e to "hit you where will _hegin to feel satisfied on je of correspondence, In|fg te )eannot | -- 4 0 y 4 " That is hardly the role smaller meals, Also vou will "ant J En HH letter in tor hia pat m otamy om "| RET 7 |{nste, he sire to Keep Minch RED TAG DAYS prices on meats are the lowest in years , , , take ao look of " - ng A B he a ) to The Awa | FIRST TIME boxes free of stale food odors, Is f kend end then Sh BUEHLER'S for M of a dietitian , , , or within my|find to your surprise that after thanks from Brownie Patricia|Times, Household Arts Dent..| : wr by thorough washing and airing these specials for this weekend end then Shop at or Money= power, The effects of a folt are vou are away from the table| giiohen, on liehalf of the Brown {Cehawa Ontario, Print plainiy| OWEN BOUND, Ont, (CP)=| f an DROul J Saving Values on fine quality meets, foo fleeting to do much good. for 20 to 30 minutes, you'll feel jg pack, for its Christmas re: NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN|Asnes Roy, executive director" er O8CW NEO | ART CN NOB of ho YNGA, syn tho voce p viene N " mn ! | Alig hp Ape do that [be a steadfast help, Re sure tol Mrs, Ball thanked those who| JUST OUT Our 1001 Needle (tion will meet in the Maritimes) | © Suppose you face the possibil:(inelude a protein food, or two,| 100k part in the enrollment| craft Book, Over 125 designs for|for the first time since the JOHN A. OVENS ity that if you don't act to take|at each of the three daily | home furnishings, for fashions group was founded at Saint) Optometrist I Boneless off the excess pounds now, you! meals, Protein foods, because|cheese or skim milk, To out knit, erochet, embroider, weave, [John B. 01 years age, The may never do it, You may think they take longer to he meta: ahead of that all-gone feeling, sew' quilt = fovs, "BiltH, No: fo ' N nt : yeu! I y ol hy HARE OPTICAL Steaks --- Roasis you will wait until just the right holized, 'stave off hunger, (have a purposeful pick » up wane lems, PIER -- six de. V0! convention will be held at 8 BOND §1 EAST, RA 3.4811 opportunity eomes, Friends,| A change of schedule may sometime between 1 and | signs for popular veil caps, |A © 8 dia University, Wolfville, ! that time never comes! Int you to break the habit of Have a glass of buttermilk or ok == ond 23 conta T 8. Now, here's a promise: If you|overeating. 1f you tend to slight skim milk, bolstered with an | Quick = fend 20 cents TODAY, IN Le =... STEAK ROAST ROAST will get excited about reducing|breakfast, take steps to make extra tablespoon or two of skim two sizes, and focus your mind this a rewarding meal, Some milk powder, If you have a Reg. 89¢ Ib, on the joys of heing slim and homemakers find it gives a blender, whip the milk shake | TIP ROAST attractive , , , even the doing|right start for a reducing dayiup in it, Ah, , , dinner, Fat a ean add a fillip of fun to dally|te have a lelsurely breakfast als balanced meal, but keep the! living ter the family are on thelr way, | calories within 400 to 450, Reg. 89%¢ Ib, How do you eut your appetite Be sure to have an egg To stir up the eireulation and | C down to size? Deliberately les:| At lunch, have two protein feel alive, take some exercise h Cc sen the amount you eat at'foods., One might he cottage every day, (] 79 1h -- ---------------- { c . ", A A Ih. SIRLOIN STEAK nec. osc 1s. WING & T-BONE STEAK us. ue 10. 7 Qe fois 9% / © MUFFLERS (5 = ae] =. YOU CAN SAVE 30% OR MORE , , , Check STEAK these LOW, LOW PRICES, UNCONDITIONs ALLY GUARANTEED against bloweuls durs Pot 49 Reg, 99¢ Ib, Ib. ¢ ing the LIFE of the vehicle on which they f Reg. 95¢ Ib, of are Installed, All seams are pb ' SALE ; 3 Eo 3 % 4 L] t DANGEROUS leak } . ip x 10 arevany, DANGEROUS leaking' axhavit Roast ---- & Sones emaimum avenger sevices | ¢ ¢ & fu Ipes for all popular cars, THICK DUBARRY a | [k. Ib | a AS LOW AS Rib 59. . : il wo : : | Roast - wy | CHEVROLET 6 [41.53 § 8.00 | FORD va 30.99 | 4 ENE | ol eM BODGE 4, Ime | 49 i» 7.98 | MERCURY Dual 83:38 1) FR | Buy 1 Ib, Sausage Meat for Ib ; \ i, | FORD, METEOR | 49-54 PONTIAC o | 4230 » GET 1 LB. FREE! " ¢ FORD, METEOR | 55.56 PONTIAC & na FORD 4.8 57 PONTIAC & Le by Richard Hudnut Pa ZANT od | wae | eT AR pT STYLE HAMS Ready-to-Serve lb. 60' She'll love it = love you, too ! i 1A i | INSTALLATION SLIGHTLY EXTRA SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 1b. 39 = for wherever she wears Seven Winds Cams a - ! | N oh o . Shot vp Wares a0 mp | CLEARANCE of All Hockey Equipment ey e-pimdld EN cosh Made) 3 lbs. 100 Cologne Supréme STI Yogurt as, com 8 | | COUNTRY SAUSAGE Ib. 20° 4 Ibs. 1.00 part woodsy, totally devastating Bath Powder Perfume Purses estern SMOKED BACON SQUARES 1b. 39° TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO, = ASSOCIATE STORE 0) EW | i RS § ire A Oshawa « 145 King St. W, Bowmanville - 85 King St. W. Yonder EAT'N AT RA 8.1607 MA 3.3134 TRUE-TRIMBEEF (§ &-%) JOHN KENT AL BOYD 12 Kino Sn EB == RA 3.3633 pu. A bh - clue

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