Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1961, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Febraery 9, 196) 3 |CAPSULE NEWS Cardinal Sees Pope AIDS CONGO COST UNITED NATIONS, NY (CP)~The United States gave the United Nations $19,645,211 Wednesday 10 help pay the 1960 VATICAN CITY (AP)~Pope| John Wednesday received in pri- vale audience James Charles Cardinal McGuigan of Toronto, The Vatican newspaper 1/Osser- vatore Romano reported the|cost of the UN force in the audience without giving details, Congo, The costs totalled $48, | VERS RAISED m; GUELPH (CP)~Tuition rates| GIVES DAMAGE TOTAL {have been raised for the second] QUEBEC (CP)~A fire on the time in six months for degree|fourth floor of the Quebec leg courses at the Ontario Agricul-|islature building did at least tural College,. the Ontario Veti-|$14,045 damage Tuesday and the erinary College and Macdonsld| figure may reach $20,000, the Institute, it was announced Wed-| public works department said nesday, The $50 raise brings| Wednesday after a preliminary we fees to $240 a year. | Investigation, N Civitan cl ub BLAMES WATER LACK | | [= ZY LL SIMCOE, (CP)=~An increased i ' y A THE WEATHER OFFICE | disturbance moving southeast . ' Will Assist incidence of infectious hepatitis . in Norfolk County may be linked| gays it will be very mild and | ward from James Bay will . id with the current water shortage,| mostly sunny throughout On- | bring cooler temperature ¥ri- (CP Wirephoto) 4 bs, Dr, J. R, Mayers, county medi-| {ari and Quebec today, But 8 | day, This system will bring Wy : by cal officer of health, said Wed-| MAJOR INNOVATION » # » : With Brochure WEATHER FORECAST Toe game of lenis, 48 now ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE CERTIFICATES PRESENTED lim nt ast pa 170 37 10 Two members of the Osh- | in the brigade training, Dr. R, { right, Division superintendent | ing Officer to Miss Kathleen |dent of the Oshawa and Distriet| Ok cHAnGE ws din awe Branch, St, John Amby- | J. Kimmerly is seen accepting | (Nursing Divieion), Mrs, Wil- | vandborg, SRN second from |Association for Retarded Chil} T JRONTO a hx Jou "i lance Brigade were presented | the certificate for Divisional | liam Badour, left, Division Of- | 0 formerly of Australia, dren, and a star pupil of the were charged with assault and| of the Civitan Club of Oshawa os et Tighter he SHOULD PROVIDE Members and two Civitan ex-| TORONTO (CP)=Dr, Andrew! ssued by the weather office at!Sudbury «vvvevisoes 20 ecutives were treated loa mo, | Stewan ld Wednouday night 4 20 a.m, EST [NOTth BB8Y +0 vvv0res 20 vie fyear nald| C televisi ations ' FIRE IN OVEN He told plice it was parked at|Y}¢ Shown by 15-year old Doi anadian television Synopsis--Colder air is push | Kapuskasing ...... 5 The Oshawa Fire Department the lot of the Western | answered a call to an oven fire Store, on King street west Lh Ral 1 aR Lat LA EE SE SE EB I aT LAE 8 J BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE Consider Plans For New Church =a Te nesday ight, The disease be. comes prevalent when walter played, was adapted from court C 1 A tennis by Major Walter Clopton with certificates following | Surgeon, St, John Ambulance, | ficer, is shown presenting the Glenholme School for Retarded| robbery Wednedny after omen] . completion of & special course | from Mrs, Lloyd Masters, ' certificate for Division Nurs Oshawa Times Photo [children were head table guests| Lambe, 19, sald he was bea Moving So tl | Wednesday night at this dinner L Tire Sloman, who is now 8 licensed| should provide suitable pro-jue" southward across Northern White River ....0.0 0 "eloshawa Film Council projec:| grams for children, even If they| Ontario accompanied by a band| Moosone®ue vs ..: 0 levels are low, Dr, Mayers said Wingfield in 1973, {and robbed of 50 cents and a) CITY AND DISTRICT | meeting held at Hotel Genosha TORONTO (CP) = Forecasts Earlion ae | tionist, cost more than filmed adven| of clouds and some snowflur- Stewart, chair- The annual congregational meeting of the Harmony United Church was held recently, The evening's activities were begun by a church family meal, & de- lightful roast beef supper, pre- pared and served by the Har- mony Men's Club, The men were thanked for their good efforts The various reports of the church were reviewed from pre- viously prepared copies. The minister, Rev. N, T. Holmes acted as chairman, and G, M, Hart was appointed secretary, The meeting was opened with scripture reading and prayer followed by brief memorial serv-| ice for those members who had passed away during the year The minister gave a summary of the vear's work, calling to mind some of the happenings of the previous year, and urged that the congregation seek to continue the work of Christ in this place, that, visible and in- visible, men shall know that the Church of Christ Is at work] among us M7 MEMBERS Church membership stands at 347, with a Sunday School en- roliment of 422 Active work was conducted |cated a {ian Education Groups {were the Explorers, the CGIT land the YPU, The Scouts, Brownies and Cubs also hold regular weekly meetings in the church hall under capable lead ership Chairmen and leaders of tne |various organizations within the church were thanked for their faithful work, The choir mem bers, organist, Sunday School teachers, and other whose serv ices are rendered week by week were thanked for their constant faithfulness |WA ACTIVE GROUP The Woman's Association, al |ways ready and willing to carry lon in their particular worl have contributed much to fellow ship among the ladies in regular meetings, and in working to. gether, Their support of the Stewards, and. hence, the church, in turning moneys over to be applied against the loan, Is greatly appreciated The treasurer's report indi constant development toward the goal of freeing the Church from indebtedness, The) balance remaining was brought down to $10,000, which, it is| hoped, may be completely writ-| ten off during the current year, | | by mid-week groups: in Christ. COMING EVENTS | SEEK CHURCH DESIGN Considerable excitement and interest was evident as the there! Bt 323 Verdun road, Wednesday afternoon. Damage was minor The Firefighters were also called to flush gasoline from the road on King street west, 1044 a.m, routine ambulance calls POOL, CRACKED recent cold spell unscathed, it as reported to the Oshawa Board of Park Management A fat owned by Wayne Rob-| oq ca Doyle, chairman of the inson, Allwas after an accident. gfies Ambulance crews answered six early this morning stable P, J the south The statue of a nine-year-old hinson said the gauge had re | gir], at Lakeview Park, despite|gistered empty before It was {her lack of clothes, survived thel stolen from his driveway Mrs David Mills, governor of the J 20) RY i | AUTO RECOVERED |Ontario-Quebee Civitan district 251 Greenwood Aavenue,| jie io membership committee, recovered five minutes) oo. niroduced to the group by 8 was Koported olen, |p, president, Elmer Williams, pi Thy a ro Mr, Mills reminded the mem- car parked on Park road|Pers that it is necessary to in- y It was out of gas, Ro. crease the membership if com- RY Ld munity work is to be stepped {up appreciably, He also extend- ed an invitation to attend the | Ontario-Quebec and Great SONS ON EXERCISE {Lakes district council meeting Alfred Wilson, of 461/to be held in Flint, Mich,, Feb Wednesday, However, the pool,| Finucane street, today reported | #4 to Feb, 26, | n which she s0 well, Park tands, didn't dolghe has two sons aboard Royall Superintendent| Canadian Navy ships currently|dlemass Ted Mid-| A motion by Civitan with) to co-sponsor Herb Bathe sald the frost had|on exercise ""Wintex 61" in the I0DE a brochure of welcome cracked the pool TOOLS STOLEN Oshawa, reported $7 worth of goods stolen from his car, Wed: nesday night, The items in. pliers and a hunting knife, He told police he had left the car parked at the rear of the E, A Lovell Public School, CAMERA STOLEN William Nichols, of 227 Cor dova road, reported a camera stolen from his car, Wednesday OBITUARIES |the exercise |eluded a screwdriver, a pair of | Atlantic Croix and her younger son, Gor-| carried, Thomas Patterson, of RR 3 ldon. 21 arried Kooteney, also participating in|taking by the club would be re- picture of the Bt on the front page of The Times! Wednesday, Her eldest son, Rob- and salutation to new Canadian 20, is aboard the HMCS 8t,|citizens on Citizenship Day was Mr, Middlemass was is aboard the HMCS|of the opinion that this under- Mr, Wilson saw a|presentative of the creed of Croix carried| Civitan, Mr, Holdsworth, on behalf of |the Glenholme School, extended ture shows, Dr man of the Board of Broadcast Governors, gave the first lec ture in an Institute of Ethics se- ries at Beth Tzedec synagogue SCHEME, APPROVED SARNIA (CP) = City council learned Wednesday that both the federal and provincial gov- ernmenis have approved an agreement covering the Blue wa- ter redevelopment scheme, in- volving relocation of about 450 families from a residential area surrounded by heavy industry The federal government will pay half the net cost of the pro- gram, estimated at $2,000,000 and the provincial government and the city 25 per cent each FAIR YEAR FREDERICTON (CP) =~ The New Brunswick department of agriculture has classed 1060 as "one of the better years" in farming, Farmers earned $35, 702,000 in the first nine months of the year, compared with {will be in the cooler mass, {noon or evening ries, The cooler air will move into Central Ontario tonight and by late Friday all but the south western sections of the province Lake Huron, Lake Erle, Ni- agara, Lake Ontario, southern Georgian Bay regions, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: TORONTO (CP) ~~ Frederick Ferguson, 48, of Toronto was charged Wednesday night with theft of $8,400 worth of jewels from n Yonge Street store Sat urday, CHARGED THEFT SERVICE PHONE Mainly 'sunny and very mild today and Friday, Winds west 15t0 20 Northern Georgian Bay, Hali- burton regions; Mainly clear and very mild today, Friday sunny, cluding over by noon, turning colder with a few snow- flurries Friday afternoon or evening, Winds west 15 to 25, be- coming northerly Friday after Kirkland Lake, region, North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny with a few cloudy periods and very snowflurries tonight, Sunny with cloudy periods and colder Fri- northerly 15 Friday, ORGANIST 9-12 NIGHTLY Johnny McMann NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET HOTEL LANCASTER oon mild today, Cloudy with a few|d day, Winds west 15 to 25 today, 8 IT'S NEW !! IT'S "FAMILY-FUN" IT'S THE " NEW VICE-PRESIDENT [ John W. Henley, a former resident of Oshawa, has been ap- pointed vice-president of con. {sumer products of Canadian |Westinghouse company, Mr, |Henley, who joined the company {as industrial relations manager |in 1052, is In charge of company: |wide relations, personnel de- ting appointed a committee BY Coin Laundry X Speed Queen hung ad. in for free wash, ok Street, Lucky prises. E will be a rummage sale in the Salvation Army store basement, in Whitby, Thursday all day. February 16th, muary 8, North Oshawa Park, 8 and $10, Heven Jackpots, Extra bus at door EUONRE Rcout Hall, Gibbons Street, on Friday, February 8 p.m, Prizes and refreshments, 50¢ KINSMAN CLUB OF OSHAWA DANCE FEBRUARY 15, 1961 IUBILES 9 12 $5.00. PER COUPLE Bar privileges, Tickets avail able from any Kinsman NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M, at ST. GEORGE'S HALL | y Sts) }, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 TURKEY SUPPER SAT, FEB. 11th 4:30 TO 7230 PM ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH Sponsored by Friendly Doubles Club. Tickets at door $1.50, 75¢c and 35¢ DANCE N.UPSE, LOCAL &0 Friday Knights of Columbus Hall (Bend St. West), 9 to 1 p.m, Door prizes, refreshments, $1.00 Per Person THE MEMBERS QF THE WHITBY AND DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD cordially invite you to the official OPENING OF ANDERSON STREET HIGH SCHOOL Friday, Feb. 10---8 p.m. Speaker: ARNOLD DAVID. SON DUNTON, LL.D./D, Se, President of Carlton Univers My. OSHAWA & DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB VALENTINES DANCE UAWA HALL MAIN AUDITORIUM BOND ST. E, OSHAWA SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1961 8 PM, == MIDNIGHT o ddmision $1.50 February 10th, 1961," | to consider plans and design for a new church, which, we hope, shall rise at Harmony in the FUNERAL OF MRS, WAZEL PHILLIPS The funeral service for Mrs velop t, salary and wage ad- ministration, employment, safe. ty and plant security, His moth. {er and sister, Mrs. Fdward not too distant future, Members| Hazel Phillips, of Whitby, who Storie, are residents of Oshawa named to this committee are died suddenly at Columbus last OE em Mrs, ¥, Michael, Mrs, C. Twin:|Sunday night, was held in Whit- BINGO ai the Avalon, Thursday, Feb. |ing, Mrs, Geo, E, Jonah, Mrs, (by United Church at 2 p.m, Wed: F, Farmer, Mrs, R, Luke Mrs. Wm, D, Major, with Mrs, | Chas. Nichols named as an al: iternate; and H. W. Hoskin Al W. Nundle, R, 5. Bone, Wm,| |Ridgely, KE. W, Reynolds and] iDr, W, G, McKay | H.W. Hoskin was appointed as conference and presbytery representative with Mrs, G. E | Jonah as alternate, 'Mrs, N, C, | Greentree is to act as 'Observer' ..|representative, and Chas, King las the M, and M OFFICERS ELECTED Other officers elected or ap: proved by the meeting were: | Session - Mrs, H, W, Hoskin, Mrs, G, E, Jonah, Mrs, Fred I, Davidson, Chas, King, and Chas, Twining Committee of Stewards - Wil:| {bert T, Graham, Douglas Green | tree and Willlam Ridgely, At the conclusion of the meet: {ing, Mrs, Holmes was presented {with a beautiful plant by Mrs Farmer, president of the WA, 1] Delayed Action | | Twin Doing Well BELMONT, Calif, (AP)=A 40- {year-old mother has given birth {to twin daughters 22 days apart, Her obstetrician said Wednes- {day it was the third longest time {lapse between the birth of twins In recorded medical history, The first twin was born to Mrs. Beulah Swift Jan, § and weighed only 23 ounces, It died two days after birth, After the normal post « natpl recuperative period, Mrs, Swift returned to the hospital Jan. 20 and give birth to a twin girl Jan, 31, The infant weighed 30 ounces, Now eight days old, the baby is reported to be in fair condi. tion, despite 'a drop of three ounces from her birth weight, treasurer, | | | Stepfather Faces Murder Charge TORONTO (CP)~James Hil. nesday, Feb, § The services were conducted by Rev, John Smith, Interment was in St. John's Norway Cem etery, Toronto The pallbearers were Owen St John, Royden St, John, George Hayes, Ray Hayes, Jack Hayes and Harold Moase The arrangements for the fu eral were handled by McIntosh. Anderson Funeral Home, FUNERAL OF memorial service was held at Armstrong Funeral Home, Wednesday, Feb, 8, at 2 pm, for Mrs, Ruby Gladys Prescott, who died at Hillsdale The |Manor, Monday, Feb, 6, in her/on the 61st year Rev, 8. C, H, Atkinson, min ister of Albert Street United Church, conducted the service Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery, Pallbearers were Harry Hous. ton, James Houston, Fred Carey, Kd. Jackson, James Sawdon and Ernest Smith, Elliot Lake May Recover Under Plan ELLIOT LAKE (CP) = Offi cials and businessmen said Wed: nesday if the Ontario govern. ment combines its $4,000,000 in. terest-free four-year loan with previous promises, the town might get back on its feet, Chamber of Commerce Presi: dent Ed Blaney said: "We're not looking for handouts, but if [the government combines this loan with previous promises of a penal institution, provincial them," "All we want is an opportun- ity to get up from under our present financial difficulties," he said, Premier Frost announced ary Young, 21, was committed for trial Wednesday on a charge | of murdering his two-year-old stepson Dec, 23, { Dr. Chester McLean, a pathol | ogist, testified at Young's pre. | liminary hearing that the boy, | George Wallace Young, died of | a brain hemorrhage caused by | a blow. He sald the boy had two broken bones in his left arm 'for at least seven days before he died." , Evidence was that bruises on the boy's buttocks were so ses vere that gangrene had set in. Tuesday that if the four-year loan plan does not work, the province may write off some of Elliot Lake's debts But Mr, Blaney said it's nearly a year since the govern ment announced the town would get the penal institution and pro vincial park, Cancellation of U.S, contracts for uranium last year caused layoffs in the mines resulting in many citizens leaving. Federal and provincial governments shared In financing the com Ruaity. park and highway, we'll show | AIR CADET NEWS Cadets Will Play Basketball Game By WINGLESS WILLIE | This coming Thursday eve: {ning the members of the squad: {ron's basketball team will meet {the Columbian Squires at Done: | MRS, RUBY G, PRESCOTT |van Collegiate Institute at 7.30) p.m, It is hoped that we will have a good turnout of cadets at Donevan, Instead of using one {court the game will be played bhoys' court and the other court will be used by the rest of the cadets who wish to play Again the general feeling is that we will get "warped" but we'll give it a good try, FLOOR HOCKEY Next Sunday afternoon 172 York Squadron, from Toronto, will pay a visit and play us at floor hockey, The game will be played at 2 p.m, in the "Rec" Hall at the airport, Before the game can be play. ed the hall will have to be cleaned up, Cadets who volun. teered for this job are remind. od to be there at 10 am,, Sun. day. This year, more than ever, sports has increased in popular. ity among the cadets, Hardly a week goes by without a sports parade or a game with some other group, Because of the great interest in sports the squadron is order: ing 15 sweaters with the squad. ron's name on the front for the various teams, The sweaters will also he used when we go to summer camp, Thanks go to the Ladies Auxiliary which is donating the | warm thanks to the Oshawa- |Civitans for their efforts in the past, He sald the results were well worth the care and pat. fence shown by trained help, Don Sloman showed the film featuring Walter Cronkite com- mentating on the progress made by the National Association for Retarded Children, The film, sponsored by the NARC, moved through cause and affect, men. tal therapy, body and rhythm exercises, and finally the most inspiring theme of all-improve- ment, (money for the sweaters, We've been wanting the sweaters fov a long time and I think we ge finally going to get them, NCO MEETING The NCO has the right idea, Most NCO meetings are known for their rowdiness and nine times out of ten they get little work done, Well the next NCO meeting will be held this Sun. day evening at Dave Jubb's pad, Don't forget we play 172 $30,119,000 in the same 1959 per- fod, Quartet To Rid In Rally Six male students from Hough- ton College, in New York State, will be participating In a week. end rally in the Oshawa Free Methodist Church on Frie street, off Simcoe street south, Beginning Friday night of this week and continuing through Saturday night and over Sun. day, the services will feature radiant singing and instrumen- tal ensemble music by a Hough- ton quartet, along with speaking by Doug Warren, of Ottawa, a gifted young minister-in-train- ing Doug 1s a cousin of Dr, R, B, Warren, editor of the Canadian Free Methodist Herald and a grandson of the late Bishop Warren of the former Holiness Movement Church, A younger brother, Don, comes to play the piano, While the services will have a special appeal to young peo: ple, visitors of all ages are wel comed, Houghton College is an evan: gelical liberal arts college near Buffalo, It was founded over 75 Timmins - Kapuskasing re-|& gion: Mainly cloudy today with a few snowflurries this after. noon and evening, Sunny with/& cloudy periods and much colder|& Friday, Winds west 156 to 26,8 shifting to northerly this after noon, TORONTO (CP) «~~ Forecast| temperatures: Low tonight and High Friday Windsor .oevevsene 40 St, THOMAS seveees 20 Kitchener voveseees 18 | ICE This brand NEW WINTER SPORTS Hem designed on lee ond pocked snow for all members of the family, THE ICE SKEETER , , , Canada's newest, most thrilling winter spert, You'll skim over ice and packed snow , , , § wn slopes , , zoom safely along at 35 mph, Real winter fun and excitement for oll ages. An extremely low centre of gravity and rugged unders carriage provide balanced stability , , Wipiini you fo . sweep Into wide, graceful arcs or turn sharply end smoothly, And you een pull or carry loads up to 350 lbs, SKEETER jor "loads of-fun" Ll Features Powered by goseiine 2V4 hp, 2-aysie Clinten-Panther engine Goaredriven sentra drive wheel , , , with rubber tire end sheln Alrplane type stesring whee! linked te 12:Inch steering vene for easy sontrel, Steal runners and vane removable for sharpening, Long-lasting Mereury eluteh, Allston] hood opens for to engine and gos tank , oo dirests engine hoot warmth, Steel guard reall for added protestion end safety, - Operates approximately 114 hours on 3 PINTS OF GAS, Kaslly sarried on car-top ski sorrier 4 , 4 or In station wagon, IDEAL FOR SKIERS AND SKI-CLUBS, MAKE ICE AND SNOW WORK FOR YOU, 664" long, 38" wide, 23" high, Shipping weight Just 120 pounds, DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED See It Today at: RADIO WHOLESALERS OSHAWA WAREHOUSE ~~ Located ot Bloor St, ond Simcoe St, 5. (ot 401 Mi ) SAE Wingham . Toronto vveevvenss 28 Peterborough eves 20 Trenton oveeeivens 2 St, Catharines «.... 20 Muskoka .. w 20 Killaloe FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL TOU ON A & THE spoT ALSO ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS EL York Squadron in floor hockey Sunday afternoon and after the game I'll predict that none of [the NCO's will feel much like "hovering around" during the meeting and we should get quite a lot accomplished, (What 1 don't now.) For the benefit of any who do not know Sgt, Jubb's address it is 59 LaSalle Avenue, CLEANUPS Don't forget that the recruit. ing campaign is still on, A first prize of $10 goes to the cadet who brings in the most new re- cruits, Cpl, O'Connor is in the lead with a score of three, At present we have a total of 53 cadets on roll, It's getting bet. ter every week, The NCO's, and especially Wayne, would like to wish Bon. nie a happy birthday (belated type == happy birthday.) Don't forget Gallagher, our "w" warrant officer, is leaving cadets at the month's end, Fun. ny how he keeps hinting for a going away surprise present, Lot's really surprise him, We won't give him a thing, The list for camp is up for 'AD BRINGS OWNER $1500 When the Ford family | was restoring the early | home of Henry Ford, they used Classified ads to lo | cate rare authentic pieces, A California woman answer. ed and sold one plate for $1500 Get cash to buy things you want by selling things you aren't using with Osh. awa Times Classified ads. { Make a list then dial RA | 33492 to place your ad, A any cadets who wish to attend summer camp, Again this year camp will be held at. RCAF Station Trenton and it will be of two weeks' duration, Last week it was announced that Sgts, Wayne Dittmar and Keith Branningan have been nominated for the Senior Lead. ers' Course at RCAF Station, Camp Borden, The Senior Lead. ers' course is of seven weeks' duration and it is well known for its high standards in train. | ing cadets, | In the last two years such] greats as FS Bohaker and Sgt, Seeley have graduated from this course with high honors, oh yes, Gallagher was there, too. yoars ago, 04 SIMCOE ST. NORTH GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 2 18S. 25¢ Margarine 23% 29: SALT WATER TAFFY cP. ' kan 31,00 Delivery Service Shop tor your $20 and over FREE hd $10 to $20--25¢ $5 to $10 -- 35¢ Under $5. -- 45¢ ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS eo THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS ib. PRIME RIB CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF STEAK LEAN MEATY LEAN CROSS CUT SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET 6th and 7th SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF LB, 99: 69 49 39: 99: 39: 09 SHOULDER Lamb Chops CENTRE LOIN Lamb Chops ROASTING OR FRYING Chickens 24 TO 3.LB, AVE, FRESH (LEG OF PORK) HAM Halt or Whole TOTS WTH rem SEE SaEarT |] TES mm ann Sams SSS SESS TENS WS GIS SS Sm wa al

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