Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1961, p. 2

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Februory 9, 1961 2 § OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, ese Parliament | Retroactive Pension _* Hospital Plan | pp [At-A-Glance For Veterans Sought Cc i 4 that the government make its ister Churchill had planned to term disability pension, I | TORONTO (CP)~By 1963 the going to find the money is the. prime Minister Diefenbaker § [provincial government's share |§64.000 question. announced that, the next federal-| 000004 inoreases in veterans' bring it in Tuesday night but 3 of the cost of Ontario's hospital Officials of the Ontario Hos- provincial fiscal conference of insurance plan will be up more pital Insurance Commission| premiers will be held in Ot than $100,000,000 from the figure|placed charts and postersiiawa Feb, 23-24, in the last fiscal year, Premier around the committee room to he WOuld rather refer to it as an earnest desire a de. people to prin db for disability pensions retroactive couldn't, simply because to last year was voiced in the|resolution still was bring |Commons Wednesday, | bated, The same thing happened illustrate the plan's extent, | Pinance Minister Fleming im-| It came from William {Frost said Wednesday, Details of the plan's costs| A total of 5,350,000 persons | were presented to the legisla- 015 per cent of the province's ture"s committee on health and|population--paid premiums at welfare during a three - hour|the plans inception Jan, 1, 105, meeting which Mr, Frost de-|As of Dec, 31, 1960, a total of ljections from the Liberal front plied that the Commons opPosi-|igick son (I, = Kenora - tion is holding up governmentipivery who, himself an RCAF designation of areas eligible for|yoreran claimed that the gov. new Industria} tax benefits-- co nmont had promised two bringing forth' a stream of ob | years ago to provide the in- Ben |W y. Rainy| Mr. Churchill, who also is Yin monthly premium rates, 000, of which Ontario will pay the scribed as an "information" session, ! "This study is to show you the magnitude of the problem , , we should know we are! aced with," he said, ! The premier didn't indicate whether revenue or an increase] 5,832,000 were insured--or 94.9 per cent of the population, Projected figure for Dee, 31, 1963 is 6,415,000--0r 97 per cent of the population, GIVES CURRENT COST George Gathercole, deputy the needed extra minister of economics, sald the money will come out of general|plan in the current fiscal year| will cost an estimated $252,400 {prompting opposition members |$165,300,000 through taxes and to suggest the announcement was intended as a feeler of pub-| Le reaction to the need for the| funds, | Premiums at present are $2.10 a month for a single person and | $4.20 for a family, COSTS 200M UPWARD | premiums, Federal contributions of $72, £00,000 in 1959-60 are expected to rise to $136,000,000 by 1963-64, Health Minister Dymond told the committee Canada's biggest current medical problem is {treatment of the mentally ill] and retarded, But he sald one Total operating costs of the pright side as to cost is the n in the 1050-60 fiscal year|(reatment of tuberculosis pa- leva $213,000,000, of which On-|ients {tario paid $140,200,000 through! 'The need for be {tax revenues and premiums, BY patients is steadily decreasing, {1963-64 the plan is expected 10 ha said, "Almost e'ery tuber. |cost an estimated $388,700,000, cylosis sanatorium has con. ds for these " benches, Introduction of a bill raising disabled veterans' pensions was delayed again as debate stalled iat the resolution stage of the | measure, | Thursday, Feb, 9 The Commons meets at 2:30 {p.m, EST to eontinue debate on disability pensions; Senate meets at 8 p.m, veterans' No Law On | Ships' Waste | OTTAWA (CP)~The govern. ment indicated Wedr»eday that no federal regulations govern- hip- be| f 1 ! ritie ered have gener-\nensions, the House . proposed until a current Can criticisms offered h [7 got a lly United States study has ing disposal of waste from sh ping on the Great Lakes will ada - {heen completed, creases in 1060, The one-year delay has been costly for disabled former serv- icemen, Mr, Benidickson said, The government should make up for this loss by retroactivity [that would be of "utmost bene: fit" to veterans. This was one of the new direct criticisms of the government resolution preceding introduc- tion of the actual bill, which {will contain details of a pro- iposal that so far has been sketched only in 8 general way ~in accordance with parliamen- {tary tradition, The resolution has been be- {fore the Commons on three sit. ting occasions and M4 MPs-- {most of them veterans, and 22 of them from the government a part of their physical well being given up in service to the government Ho se leader, pro-|Country. posed at the 6 p.m, adjournment Wednesday to get "rst and sec- ond reading of the bill launched in one sitting today, Normally, a sitting day separates those | two legislative steps, i The minister's proposal ap- peared to meet Liberal Spotl tion, Mr, Pickersgill said of- ition would prefer to ficial with normal procedure, stick This would mean waiting until Friday to debate second read- ing, or approval in principle, of | the bill, | Disability pensions range down from the $1,500 paid to a veteran who was 100. per-cent disabled in a theatre of war, The lower the percentage of disability, the lower the pay- ment, These Jenaions are sep- arate from the "burned out" pension, designed to bring needy veterans' income up to $145 a month, | short this month? Seoboard mokes both small and large Loans from ranks--have risen to debate the | ssue, | As the discussion whirled] | Almost all have praised the Wednesday around the techni-| {proposed increases, The few calities of awarding disability | lally followed the line taken inling symbol of why the prvments {briefs submitted to the cabimet|are made, He is Cyril ¥, Ken. $50 to $5,000 Speciol loons to home of which Ontario would pay|yerted some of its accommoda- | BUSMAN'S HOLIDAY | buses from Toronto to Port Alberni, Here they check part of their 3000-mile route, Denys, Indian school principal at Port Alberni, B.C., are get. ting $950 to deliver two school John Denys and his wife Louise, are about to combine business with pleasure, Mr, le rot Russian Minerals Can Cut Canada's Prices | OTTAWA (CP)~Russia is in selling Canadian producers in committee, the Canadian Pulp a position to move into world/the western European market--|and Paper Association called mineral markets in a big way, 'presumably as a matter of pol- for creation of an economic ad- undercutting Canada's export|icy." visory council to "engage in and osition with low-priced offer . report on all aspects of Cana pon from Communist sources, PRICED 10 UNDERCUT ... (dian economic problems." Its| the Senate manpower commit n the ast wo or t ree ye ars, members would be drawn from. tee was told Wednesday sald V. C. Wanshrough, presi: industry, labor, agriculture, the Some Canadian producers/dent and managing director ofl universities and government, | have already had a taste of So0- the ( anadian Metal Mining As- viet competition, witnesses said | sociation, lead, aluminum and Competition from Iron Cur-/S0me other minerals from be tain asbestos, especially the hind the Iron Curtain have Russian product, has become made their appearance periodic- serious, sald A, L, Penhale, ally on the markets of the West, president and managing direc-| They were always priced to uns tor of Asbestos Corporation Lim.|dercut the Western product, ited, Mr, Wansbrough did not htink The Soviet Union, he said, is|economic aggression was in- Among possible measures ad- |vocated by the Pulp and Paper Association to combat the re cession was gradual expansion of the money supply to ease in-| terest rates and provide "a lit | tle more elbow room for indus. try to grow." | Replying to a question from producing about 1,000,000 tons|volved ~ Russia from time to|Senator David Croll (L--| of ashestos a year and is under-time simply has needed foreign| Ontario), association President S b cor sell to Jot. {ovelgn exchange! 1 iefs, should be making a she will se ' " ? { t Ann p that| 'much more coherent effort" to raw erry | He warned, however, get the economy rolling again, hd further, "as an actual matter of mission by the Canadian Labor 1 Ies deliberate policy and as an ag-|Congress that "social" invest. gressive attack on our markets ment in hospitals, schools, roads| Alta. (CP)=John Strawberry, a/they are in a position to dojup, Cree Indian who neither smokes that." | Both the metal mining and nor drinks, and claims 'the SK ADVISORY COUNCIL the pulp and paper associations| anyone," has celebrated his \' ~ | expansion and development, | 111th birthday, | DEBATES POPULAR ---- " Mr. Strawberry was born in DEBATES did | 95,245 Employed Regina Feb, 5, 1850, and came| watched the televised debates " 0 | : to the Rocky Mountain House between presidential candidates| [ny Winter Works He now lives on the Sunchild{John F, | reservation, 40 miles from here,' Nixon last year, | day night, 95,245 people re ' y ---- \ y 95,245 people were -- Se. , lemployed on municipal win. ter works projects, Richard {itary to Labor Minister Starr, 'sald In the commons Wednes- {exchange, "and anything sheip wm Fowler, who presented | Russia could carry the practice pe aoneed with an earlier sub. | | ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, |if they so desired--and I think|and the like should be stepped white man's liquor would kill In another sulim sion to the called for tax incentives to spur the Qu'Appelle Valley north of| About 120,000,000 Americans district in 1855 Kennedy and Richard| OTTAWA (CP)="Ip to Tues- | Thrasher, parliamentary secre. |day. ai 'Unsold C Unemplo DETROIT (AP) = Alfred Bo- gel 1s a 47 - year « old, rough: hewn man who used to be an auto worker, a column of figures to spell out the story of unemployment in this auto capital and the state of Michigan, Bogel, a father of two, lost his job in an auto plant last No- #1! [vember In a wave of layoffs { [that is still continuing. He had 24 years seniority, He hasn't worked since and now faces the future with anx. fety, "I have only $400 in the bank," he reports. "I have my own home but I owe $3,400 of it and I'll probably lose it if WHICH I don't think they will, things don't get better soon-- I don't see anything to look for- ward to except losing what I've been able to save," By the most recent official count there are 165,000 persons out of work in the Detroit area =a jump of 40,000 over Decem- ber caused mainly by layoffs re- sulting from inventories of un. sold cars, MORE LAYOFFS PLANNED Even more layoffs--some of them permanent--are scheduled for the next few months, But the most frightening as. pect of the unemployment scene here is the probability that Al fred Boge! and thousands like him -in Detroit will never work year-old daughter of Mr, and |in an auto plant again, even if Mrs. William Cody of Ottawa, the U.S. recovers its economic enjoys her "bicyele ride" with health tiie funloving The rapid spread of automa ie fun-loving Berman tion in the car industry in re LEFT HIS 'PHONE Comedian Shelley Berman took time out while in Ottawa | Tuesday to entertain handi- capped children and adults at the Rehabilitation Institute of Ottawa. Leslie Cody, four i about $252,700,000, "This has to be looked at in| hospital use provide actommodation for 500,-1000 in 195 nown, tion to some. other type of Tabled in the Commons in re- {ply to a question by Paul Mar. relation to other problems," the| TB patient maintenance. costs tin (L--Essex East) was a let- premier sald, "We will have to|in the sanatoria fell from $6,140,- ter from Deputy Health Minis. J. W. Pickersgill (I, -- Bona- 960 to an estimated |ter G. D. W, Cameron to J, B,| 000 new school children in the|$5,209,000 in the current fiscal] Adamac, city clerk of Windsor, Mr. Cameron wrote that it|has been "talked pretty thread. = would be "unwise at this time bare already," Frank Howard to suggest a specific course of | (CCF ~~ Skeena) suggested it action" until findings of the|isn't necessary to 'beat this| study being conducted by the resolution to death," wa countries were made| They both wanted to see the It was expected that Canada and the US, would adopt sim- ilar regulations, said Mr, Cam- Iby the Canadian Legion, and|nedy, Conservative MP for the |deal more with administration Nova Scotia riding of Colches-| {of the pension act than the act|ter-Hants, | itself CUT OFF ARM I As a major with the North] ova Scotia Highlanders during the Second World War, Mr, Ken. | nedy was struck in the right] arm by shrapnel during the Normandy invasion, Using al clasp knife, he amputated the |arm above the elbow and re-| RA 8-6283 [turned to action with his com | 29'/2 SIMCOE ST. §. pany until collapsing { " A a of aang trom pain OSHAWA "He does not feel that this| SEABOARD country owes him a living," FINANCE COMPANY owners for complete down payment, to close wining mortgages, end to consoll. date debts, No bonus, no pre-payment charge, Terms arranged up to 60 months; Life Insurance protection, PHONE |vista - Twillingate) complained] | Wednesday that the resolution | Water Controls sald J, Chester MacRae (PC transpogt official sald Wednes- day, provement division, sald apart cumulation of were suspende tend the or more, door to life insurance compa. common stocks and annuity insta by nat pam soc. ht. man 'muses Takes Drivers superintendent of |to extend investment powers of| their new powers to any extent, | [fleld, insurance companies are not! Holding Up pose of entering the field of {competition of trust companies ister Fleming implied Wednes.| He sald Le doesn't want to designation of areas eligible for(ment 1s "enthusiastic" about to driving, A 5hould be able to provide. them, Behind the brief feud was Mr, [the existing limit placed on next five years, Where we arelyear, eron, OTTAWA (CP) =~ A govern: cles -- involve plans whereby ment bill which would open the contributions are invested in » nies to enter the field of vari- payments vary depending on Point System able annuities was approved/the changing value of the ing and commerce committee, to act as a hedge against infla- But K. R. MacGregor, federal tion, insurance, The new powers are set out| Off Th R d said it remains to be seen iin a bill whose main purpose is e oa whether the companies will use | , insurance companies, especially Variable annuities--a contro-|in the mortgage and real estate| versial question in business cir- is [REASONS EXPLAINED Opposition | Mr, MacGregor said the life] | variable annuities, Their pur. . ] (pose, Instead, was to meet the Tax Relie {In offering pension fun. plans, OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min.|**Pecially for employee groups. day that the Commons opposi-|'eave the impression that the tion is holding up government Bovernment's insurance depart. | new industrial tax beneiits, [vatianle winuides But i people wan y y © 0 His statement © pen : a | rem, the companies stream of objections from the| A Liberal front bench, | The bill makes no change in| Fleming's Dec, 20 baby budget an Insurance company's invest. announcement that new and ex-/ments in common stocks--15 per TORONTO (CP) -- The de- merit system, introduced April {1059, has taken 1,241 drivers off Ontario roads, a department of Willlam J. McIntyre, execu: [seeking the powers for the pur.|tive officer of the driver Im. from drivers banned for the ac- points, 470 more for failing to at. interview required when they collected nine points Another hundred were sus- pended when interviews showed they had an unhealthy attitude Speaking to the Optimist Club of Toronto, Mr, Mcintyre said there might come a time when every driver would be tested at five-year intervals, although he May Be Used LONDON, Ont, (CP) ~~ The| current' water shortage in cer. tain areas of the province has prompted the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission to consider implementing controls provided under existing legislation on the use of water, an OWRC official indicated Wednesday, C; 8 McNaughton (PC Huron) said the OWRC is con. sidering regulations defin ing water rights and the basis for controlling water use, He made his remark during a panel discussion at the Jniver. sity of Western Ontario as part of a tour of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority by about 30 MPPs, Dr. James Vance, OWRC commissioner, sald there would have to be some regulation of the division of water when wa- ter tables drop below the level of shallow wells, but warned against a move towards exces: sive restrictions, He sald the OWRC is watch. ing water tables closely, A survey by rural authorities of wells in their areas was ree- ommended by Dr, Vance, "I think the knowledge we York-Sunbury), 4 Said Mr, Kennedy: "It is hard for me, as a pen-/ F. RICHARD BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE N, AT COLBORNE The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses Children's Visual Training EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419) THERE ARE SAVINGS IN THE AIRI Now he is a statistic put into -(CP Wirephoto) icent years has peragenty panding industries in areas of chronic unemployment will be When, asked Paul Martin (L--| Fssex East) Wednesday, will the government designate the | areas? | Mr, Fleming sald the areas will be named in due course, He was well aware that six weeks had gone by since the budget, And he suggested that the announcement could be Imade sooner if the opposition {showed 'more co-operation" on {budget resolutions now before {the Commons, ars Mean cent of total assets--insofar as Insurance funds are concerned, sion plans now offered by trus- tee companies necessary. Ino further trouble, INTERPRETING THE NEWS The long United States fight to keep Red China out of the United Nations may be de. feated by the facts of life on disarmament, U.S, leaders are leaning to yment eliminated tens of thousands of Jobs, Other factors which have con- tributed to the staggering load of unemployment in the auto in- dustry: Consolidations in the industry which have ended such opera tons as Hudson's and Pack. ard's in Michigan; The change in defence con- tract emphasis since 1958 from vehicular (tanks, weapons car- riers) to aircraft and, now, mis. siles, In 1953 there were 220. 000 persons employed in Michi gan In defence work, Now there are less than 50,000 employed The rapid decentralization of the auto industry, This was spurred by a defence depart: ment ruling some seven or eight years ago requiring auto firms, then holding most of the defence contracts, to disperse their plants rather than risk be- ing wiped out in a single blow in an atomic attack. WOKRERS DIDN'T MOVE The ' great majority of auto workers in Michigan didn't move out to the new plants "The auto plants," one em: ployment official sald, 'thus got away from wornout facilities and wornout labor," | When sales began to fall, auto {makers used the new, more ef ficient plants for more and more production, while cutting back in such old, established centres as Detroit, | the idea of inviting Red China to the disarmament conference table and, In the view of some UN diplomats, this would be the first step towards seating the Peking regime in the UN, State Secretary Dean Rusk of the U.S, made it formal Mon. day when he said his disarma. ment experts are studying when and how the country of 650,000, 000 might be brought into disar- mament talks, Many UN diplomats have long held that attempts to reach dis. armament agreement are futile without Red China in view of its growing Industrial might and potential for nuclear weapons, While conceding that actual disarmament negotiations are held outside the UN, they main- tain that principles must be laid down by the world body and the exclusion of Peking is thus un. realistic, Some sources predict Peking would in any case demand UN membership as the price of en- tering d 1s ar mament negotia- tions. This is a prediction that causes the faces of US. lead U.S. Must Talk To Red China with such vigor that they threa. tened their country would leave the UN if Red China were ad. mitted, but Chester Bowles, the new US, undersecretary of state, has rejected this. It's possible that all this will be discussed in President Ken. nedy's forthcoming separate talks with Prime Ministers MacMillan of Britain and Die. fenbaker of Canada, personally did not think it was Since the introduction of the allowed double depreciation on| But it wipes out that limita-| points system, warning letters eapital outlays in any one of the tion on the investment of sep-|for six points or more~had been -- three years started last Jan. L.larate funds for the type of pen: sent out to 25,080 persons. Of [these, 82.4 per cent had given have of dug wells in Western Ontario is totally inadequate for our purposes today," he said, Rastafarian Murder Trials KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reut- ers)--Howard Rollins, an Amer: ican who was acquitted last Og- tober of the killings of three members of the Rastafarian sect, Tuesday night for murdering a Chinese grocer, Evidence was given that Rol. ling held up the grocer, George Lue, and his father and brother last May 10, Lue and his brother were shot, but the latter sur vived, Did You Know .. . In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con nove o Full.course Dinner for ONLY 98¢. was sentenced to death| § pw ' 2 FLY TCA LOW-COST ECONOMY SERVICE on TCA's North American routes available every day, all year! NEW ECONOMY EXCURSION FARES UP TO 25% LOWER THAN ECONOMY FARES on TCA routes Inside Canada! Good from Octos ber 1st to May 31st, Tickets valid 23 days for weekend, 24 days for weekday travel, Your fare includes full-course meals excellent service new speed and comfort on TCA's great aircraft including DC-8 Giant Jets, powered by Rolls-Royce! First Class Service also, of course! COAST TO COAST IN CANADA To the U.S.~FLORIDA Mi Cot) A an 16 SIMC( SWEET PICKLED ~~ CRYOVAC WRAPPED -- 214.3 LB, AV, Coltage Rol SLE 2 PLN 24 AN Si § » 3564 JEST Ne OSHAWA n ; NASSAU-BAHAMAS-WEST INDIES GREAT BRITAIN and EUROPE When YOU travel: COMPARE THE FARE - YOU'LL GO BY AIR: For details, ask your Travel Agent - or contact TCA at 130 Bloor St, W,, Toronto, Ont, TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA OUTER-RIB ROLLED ~ BON Pol Roasts ELESS Ib. 69¢c SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Thomas Meadows Co, Canada Ltd, 22 SIMCOE ST, S. OSHAWA RA 3.9441 ers to harden with forbidding resolution, Peking was an ag- gressor against the UN itself in Korea and has repeatedly threatened to take Formosa by force, The U.S.--backed by Britain, France and Canada ~ managed to block discussion of the "Chinese question" in the UN Oct, 8 for the 10th year, but by the smallest margin so far. Auto employment in Michigan| has dropped from 503,000 in 1953) to 209,300 last December and is! still decreasing. | It was freely predicted that Red China's admittance was only a matter of time and since then there have been indica. fis BONE IN Plate Brisket 1b. 23¢c R. J, LUCAS «= SKINLESS ~ Wieners 2-10, BAGS Book Through . . . DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS E,--WHITBY--MO 8-3304 2 lbs. 79¢ PEAMEAL | Thousands of men still in the/tions of pressure on Washing. Back Bacon plants are working onl time, y partiton, Some U.S, spokesmen reacted | BY THE PIECE CENTRE cuTs LB, 63° LB, 69 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements 57 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA RA 8.6201 ge

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