Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Feb 1961, p. 7

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---- en ---- Re ied OSHAWA NAVAL VETERANS WELCOME GUESTS TO ANNUAL BANQUET Columbus Hall, Saturday | awa; Mrs, Adams and Mr More than two hundred at tended the annual banquet of the Oshawa Naval Veterans Association, held at Knights of mig guests were, left to right ¥ ¥ D., Thomas, MLA D. Thomas Among head table Mr i Mayor of Osh | Viwood Adams, president of Association; Mrs, J. God GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES TH PARENTS COMMITTEE The bth's Parents' Committee meeting of the Girl Guide As CAINVARY BAPTIST WMS The WMS of Calvary Baptist Chu rch met recently with Mrs sociation was held recently niHenry MeGhee presiding in the absence of the president The secretary read a letter of Christ Memorial Church Hall The president, Mrs. David St Andrews, presided, The secre tary, Mrs. Roy Fleming, read the minutes. The treasurer Mrs, William McVeelers her report Mrs. John Manning president, gave a reading on the life of Lord Baden Powell to commemorate his birthday on Vebruary 22 The president stated that Mrs Nn. KR. Gunn, provincial commis sioner, of Port Credit will he the new commissioner of Parkwood distriet The three new | LEAVE Vice A representa tives are Mrs. | J, Moore Mrs. R. Leo Gray and Mrs Henry Thompson The next commitlee meeting will he held March 13 at § p.m The Mother and daughter han quel for guides will he held on April 18 and the Brownie han quet on April 26 Church parade will he at the Evening Service at Christ Me morial Church on April 18, A home haking sale will he held alt the Motor City Bowling Al ley on March 2, starting at 1 n'clock It was announced that the guide annual meeting is to he held at Guide House on Febru ary 16 at 8 p.m, The appreciation | dinner ta he held in Northmin:| thar er for a quilt had M Er ks from Mrs which the given her nm W.N and Mrs, A KR Harold Hoop r WMS Aitken led in pray Alloway hrought a Bible study from Exo dus chapter 25 We must have food for the body and also need food for the soul, The disciples saw the Jesus as a light Mount of when on Transfiguration and in heaven we are told there 15 n light of that world is Jesus said 0 need of the sunlight as the she Mrs, Otto Sharrard closed the mee ting with prayer ZINT PARENTS COMMITTEY The January meeting of the 21st Brownie Parents tee was held al Si Presbyterian Church w present welt Mrs Jd. A omed the Laurie members Commit Tuke's ith 21 president, Mrs Ray Magill, secretary, read the minutes followed by the treasur- ers report hy Mrs, Fra livan M re, Laurie asked for ik Bul volun teers to act as social convener and Mrs William Carroll offer: ed to take care of these duties Upon discussion regarding the number of meetings It was sug gested hy Mrs, Mortimer Brown | 14 ster United Church hall on Feb: | that three meetings be held to ruary 21 at 8.50 p.m Refreshments were served hy| Mrs, George Blocombe and Mrs Reginald Pinder NELLIE DEAR The Nellie Dearborn Group of St. Stephen's United Church met at the home of Mrs, Fdward Gresik, The secretary's and (reasur: er's reports were read, Mrs Alex Ferries Jr., consented to he fruit and flower conveners and Mrs, Arthur Ferguson will he the hazaar convener, Mrs Henry Bickle offered tn he pro: gram convener Members were reminded of the 'Warld Day of Prayer" on Feh- ruary 17 to he held at Bimeoe Street United Chureh The group will eater to the AOTS Men's Club dinner on February 25 The theme for the devotional was "Prayer" and was read hy Mrs, Lloyd Jewell, The serip: ture was read hy Mrs. Arthur Ferguson and Mrs, Caron Heard | 04 the Mrs, Laure asked the mem: Year hers to contact her with sugges: ects for next year BORN GROUP tions for money-making proj: report, Mrs, Fred Lean, stew ardship convener told about some of the work accomplished hv the missionary for prayer Miss Joan Des Mrs. Wilbur Bussnell, supply secretary, announced tha group had made quilts and sent to the Parker family when they were burned out. Blankets are need ed for overseas and it was de cided to purchase three through the Toronto distribution centre Mrs. Norman Wirsching, com munity friendship CONVENT stated that 162 hospital and 160 home calls had heen reported Events for Vebruary inclade a Valentine Tea on Wednesday February 15 at 3 o'clock. Guest speaker will he Mr N: 1 Holmes of Harmony. World's Day of Prayer on Vajnuary 17 and on February 22 the WMS Preshyterial will be held al Trinity = united Church, Bow manville Mrs. Douglas Redpath led in a question and answer period on the new group "United Church Women" to he formed in 1062 Mrs, Stanley Gomme led in the devotional period, The theme chosen was "Jesus, the Light of the World", Mrs. Lawrence Al len hased her thoughts for the study period on the word "Ecu menical'"' and told of how the missionary work was carried on overseas hy different churches | working together, Mrs, Wilfrid | Harris told of the early history of the World's day of prayer is now printed in English Chinese and Japanese, Mrs over the necessary husiness for| yi, Muldrew, a member of the WeTU, spoke about its' work | Mrs, Howard Brown told of true | experiences, personal mission ary friends of her acquaintance had heen ahle to tell her of their The trip to Toronto to the Ice work | Follies on February 8 was men:| tioned and details given regard. Ing the bus service There will he two church par Ades at Bit Luke's Church in The Loyal Worker's group will {plan the March meeting, Mrs, Harris thanked the Cheerful Giver's Group for presenting the February for the two Brownie! PYOEFAM, Packs M rs, Jack Barkwell and Guide captain Mrs, James Wal ler, explained the financial stat us of the Pack and asked the mot test hers' ing work for badges co-operation with the It was suggested the Mother and Daughter banquet he cater- ed to hy the ladies organization of Bt, Paul's Church, date 10 be| oad hy Mrs ann ounced later The meeting closed with re fres Joh Kha Bro offered a prayer. A reading "Pray out the Old, Pray in the New' was read hy Mrs. Henry Rickle and Mrs. Kdward Gre sik read a poem entitled Me Live the Way | Pray", Mrs Henry Bickle had charge of games ' wh M | the served hy Mrs Mart hments n Graham, w and Mrs wh KING STREET Mrs Iimer WMS rs, Wilfrid Harris opened regular \meeting of "Let Street United ( King hureh WMS with| CHALLENGER GROUP The Challenger Group of Al hert Street United Church met recently with the president, Mrs, Fred Coleman, presiding Mrs, Vietor Phair had charge of the devotional and opened with a poem, Beripture lesson was read hy Mrs, Coleman "Thoughts for the Day" were Thomas Peters | and Mrs, Stewart Graham George Professional Sport Has No Security For His Family MONTREAL (C1) How a reading, Mrs, Jack Tane read| 4.0 : ) i the 8eCFetAEY'S Tepart and Mr does the wife of a foothall hero y lary! IL, H, Muldrew the treasurer 'S| hushand PORTRAIT OF MARY LUCY Posing préttily for her pic ture is Mary Lucy, daughter of Mr. afd Mrs. Lorenzo Rob & the granddaughter of Mr, and My My M Leonardo Roberto orto, Albert street. Mary Lucy, | Naly one year old last October, is =Phote hy Mary's Studio, job" / Carmine. Pasquale and all of when she hears that her has heen traded after | Mne successful seasons "It was a real shook just as If there had been a death in the family," said Mrs, Sam Eteheverry She was listening to the radio feel when she heard her quar er hack husband, the idol "of Montreal "Alouettes fans, had been traded to Hamilton Tiger Cats Her first thoughts were for her children who have many friends in Montreal, She called Sam in Ottawa, where he was on a husiness trip, ta tell him ahout the trade "1 helieved---and Sam shared this belief--that we were settled for good in Montreal said Mrs. Eicheverry, an attractive brunette s Now that Etcheverry has de cided to move ta the National Football League with §t Louis with the question of where to live, STAYING TILL JUNE Sam. has said they will re main in Montreal at least until the end of June, when the chil dren will be through with school. After that he'll have tol decide whether to continue in| his job with a soft drink oom wany and make his home in fontreal' permanently Although the announcement of the trade came as a surprise it wasn't altogether unex pected "Ta be frank T must admit that last year when Doug (Pea (head) Walker was released as conch and replaced hy Perry Moss, 1 stopped to think that! [in football, as in any other pro fessional sport, a plaver is never completely assured of his Mrs, Etcheverry said | the Oshawa Naval Veterans | Cardinals, the family is faced! child, snd Captain J, Good hild, Commanding Officer, HMCS York Oshawa Times Photo THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februory 7, 196) 7 omer Io Adwinckle, Womens Editor Wish RA 5.5474 'Well Attended "Hawaiian Luau" | Sponsored By Merry Mates Club, Chureh Chnst Memorial Merry Mates Club held Ms an nual dance in the parish hall on Saturday, | February 4 was based on # fuay" The theme of the dance this yepr| Hawaiian Guests had leis placed ground their necks and were ushered 16) | their tables in true Hawaiian! fashion by hula dancers Mrs Malcolm Adam, Mrs Francis and Mrs. Lloyd Stureh Punch was served by Mr, Mal eolm Adam, My Peter Peter Francis and Mr. Lloyd Stureh, whe were also dressed tn suit the ocean auld Spot dance winners were Mrs Edward Davies, Mrs Harding and Mr, snd Mrs, R Pascoe - TAoyd Mrs. Harry Longhottom read # Vntertai it was # the minutes and called the roll, , \ertainment. Was Hphed : 4 hy Mr. and Mrs, Maleoim Mrs, Clayton lee gave the " a A Ad t "Birt Adam, Mr. and Mrs, Peter IFERSUEEr'S YR pO? Birthday Francis, Mr, and Mrs, Liovd greetings SIN Mrs 4 i BM Sree Ings ners dy ul Mis Sturch who sang a short Ha ord oi qe EE FA waiian selection, A group of Plans v / re made for 4 heacheombers led by "Profes Lig ahs ard sor' Jack Bird, with soloist, My shower for the fourth coming Peter Francis, and aceompanied bazaar, also the 8. Patrick's qs, Wh 4 on March 15 FRIENDLY COUPLES CIAB The monthly meeting of the Friendly Couples Club of Albert Street United Church was held lea recently with the presidents Me. and Mrs. Percy Boville pre SINE The Reverend 8. C. HW. Atkin son led in the worship period The secretary's report was given hy Mi Lawson Parks ind the rleasurer gave a finan cial report for the year 1960 Plans made for the turkey supper on February 11 Were hy Mr, Stanley Lawrence, My Gerald Crawford and hula dan er Mr, William Locke SANE # short number the title of which has still not heen deciphered The dance ended with (he Lord's prayer sung in "Hawai ian Among those in ailendance were Mr. and Mrs, W, A Locke, Mr. and Mrs, P, Fran eis, Mr, and Mrs, 1, Glover, Mr and Mrs. M, Adam, Mr, and Mrs. T, Snow, Mr, and Mrs. B Green, Mr, and Mrs, M, Mac fend, Mr, and Mrs, A. ¥vans Mr. and Mrs. M, Broadbent MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Wife Worried When Husband Keeps Money Affairs Secret Haworth: 1 wish write ahout the Dear Mary that you would family and is finances, | love my husband, hut he is so se cretive about our money affairs that it hurts me, He won't even tell me how much he makes I am so worried, | am a good money manager and feel that we would he much hetter off in many ways if we worked as a team G8 Dear 6G, 8: Distrusting him self and seeing others in his image, your hushand clings to money as a substitute for inner security, Given deep psychiat rie help, he might straighten nut and learn to open his heart and his purse to you MH FEELS REJECTED Dear Mary Haworth: While in the hospital getting shock treat ments, I had a very nice doc tor whom 1 liked, I wrote this to my family and these letiers were read by him; also he may pa have heard it from other {tents Y A PRINTED PATTERN A745 3 2 bu Bomibran: Now I am hothered hy this as I think he is angry, He had me return as an outpatient only once, vel 1 know that 1 still need help I wasn't after him in any way; it is just that he was very pice and seemed to give my spirits a lift more careful, The shock treat I should have heen ment seems to have made me a little careless, Should 1 apologize to him? Did I embarrass him and make him feel ill at ease? If 1 wen hack for another month, 1 would want the same doctor, but nex time 1 would he more careful n Dear 1, P viving emotional health patient loves doctor, pleases him, as proof of hi medical skill, Bul It is a sign of re when which § in duty hel edges the patient away, like a mother bird teaching her fledg: | lings {to fly for their own sake, | MH $ lt IDEAL FOR NOW-INTO-SPRING The one-piece dress with a trim, tailored "suit" look is fashion's perfect answer to | what to wear from now through next Spring. Rem brandt evisply etches the revers and waistline of Pats tern AT48 with licarice-black braid ta accent the graceful | shaping of the hodice, Note, 100, how smoothly the pleats | flow aver the hips in a line | that flares gradually toward the hem. In back, the look is princess and that means pure flattery for the Hgure For an all.seasons version of this smart Oviginal, choose tex tured cotton, silk = and - woal combination, sheer woal, or jersey, Printed Pattern ATS is available in Misses' Sizes 10, 13, 14, 16 and 18, Sige 16 ye. quires 6% vards 3dnch fab rie, plus purchased braid trim Send One Dollar for Pattern" AT45 to The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Taranto, Ontario Please print plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE EASY, SIMPLE | | | | | N Printed | Mr. and Mrs. A. Dovie, Mr and Mrs, B, McFesters, Mr nd Mrs. 1. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. K., Harlock, Mr. and Mrs L. Warding, Mr. and Mrs, T Collins, Mr. and Mrs. 8, Tay lor, Mr. and Mrs. B, Annand, Mr. and Mrs, 1. Clock, Wr. nd Mrs. J. Bird, Mr, and Mrs 4. Craving Mr, and Mrs, 5. Lawrence Mr, and Mrs. G, Lean, Mr, and Mrs, KE. Davies, Mr. and Mrs A Gilbert, Mr, and Mrs, J Penfound, Mr. and Mrs. RR! PRINTED PATTERN \ NY skirt flowed headdress of graceful into train, A ivy trails | hridesmaids Miss | Hamilton were | elhow-length sleeves and match (and carried pastel pink earns lace motifs, The fitted hodice| organza with matching seeesso- wis styled with a scoop neckline | ries and Mrs and lily-point sléeves and the brown silk print, sheath style a ach had a corsage of cana erysialitions drops held her circular veil of tulle Hllusion and she carried 8| Mrs, Sarijarvie flew from houquet of white carnations and! ton Airport to Mexico and willl The maid of honor was Miss Toronto | Kathy Fells of Toronto and the| pride chose Kay! check and Miss NB ney accessories and an orchid cor: Esposito, They wore semiAfor:| gaep mal gowns of fuchsia satin with| ing pillbox hats with short veils| By VSTRELLITA | THE STARS SAY | Vor Tomorrow A day for the fantastic; however, don't your path, Count ten mentioning what you do find agreeable with your wishes, Take on a few aetivi lies lean chew For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates for the remainder of the month moody contemplation will hold Away a height of popularity (with {many new personalities added lo your entourage), Forces al By ANNE ADAMS Work around you will bring you i ' Styled-to-slim and cut for free, Diving April, and easy action! No walst/guard your home against any seams, 1s all straight, swift|difficulties which might arise in sewing, Neoop up a special buy|the future in Drelly cation, and NAVE! Throughoui the year there RAL 0 ile mn du Alf will he opportunities which, pro: 2414. Hike 1014 a 40 Jig a viding you don't eounteract the Winch fabric, YATE stellar trend, you will be sharp: v id we RCIA (eyed enough to pick out, Send FIFTY CENTS (60¢,) IN| "A child born on this day will coins (stamps cannot be ACCEL pe analytical perceptive and ed) for this pattern, Please PHD ona petic ' lainly SIZE, NAME, AD. ®heraetic, IRESS, ATYLE NUMBER | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, HEADS NURSES LONDON, Ont, (CP) == Con care of The Oshawa Times,| Pattern Dept, Oshawa, On.[tance Jane Winter has heen tario, [appointed director of nursing at ANNOUNCING the biggest | Westminster Hospital here, She fashion show of Spring-Summer, | ©@me to the city from Ottawa 1001 = pages, pages, pages of | were whe was assistant to the patterns in our new Cole p|director of nursing services in Catalog = just out! Hurry, send) the department of veterans af Ae, now! fairs IMPORTANT NOTICE! FASHION VILLAGE HAVE CLOSED THEIR OFFICE IN THE GENOSHA HOTEL Please make all payments by cheque or money order to; FASHION VILLAGE 35 AVENAL DRIVE, TORONTO, ONT, Receipts for payments will be mailed promptly, Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated 'THANK YOU | off-beat and| he| Wy imaginative about obstacles in hefore not biting off only what you that| ™ activities will be lessened. and [ | With the advent of March, "= (however, symbalical blue skies| "=| will appear on the scene and,| ™ hy next May, you should reach ™= sou should sate. FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR | Hartley, Mr, and Mrs, J, Hum Mr, an Mis 0, Fdgeley, Mr WINNING MODELS # 1s. 4, Taylor, Mr, and) the i p Mrs, B, Mouch, Mr. and wd In the appremtice class # | nosduy last, these models | prize Suzanne Boys, 164 prize 53. Motch, £1 the hairstyling competition pr: : ' / Sturch, Mr. and Mrs, 8 ranged by the Oshawa Hair. | Ver Judged the best, Left to © and Viva Toruk, 3rd prize, Tiler i" 1 dressers' Association on Wed. | NEM. Fdith Vanderheide, Ind ~Oshaws Times Photo wr "h4 wi Javidson Mr. and Mrs. J. Carson, Mp ' ' " and Mrs. A, Cay, Mr. and Mrs hi B k Is B d i voi ir ai Josephine Barnoski Is Bride ~~ ["gocrar notices Siblock, Mr, and Mrs. G, Lite Mr. and Mrs, W. Voreman, Mr a : and Mrs, K. Buchanan, Mr, and I. y vijarvie oronto AT HOME : Mrs. B, Broadbent, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Glad Mrs, J. Button, Mr. and Mrs. B®, Hedwig's Roman Catholic nations, The flow er girl, the man, 3 Cadillac avenue north, B, Haye Church was the setting for the bride's niece, was In pastel will be at home to their relatives Mr. and Mrs. 8. Johnson. My | W€4ding of Josephine Frances pink nylon with matching pink and friends on Saturday, Febru and Mrs, 1. Webster, Mr. and 2noski and Dr, Raymond 0, headdress and carrying fuchsia: ary 11, from 2.9 10 4.90 and 7 to god "- Benn Mr i Bavilarvi, both of Toronte, The! colored carnations # pm, on the occasion of their Men 7 Banker: Ms od Mrs PAE is dhe daughter of Mr. Mr, Peter Gazzola of 'Tim silver wedding anniversary, A. Ma nd Wf i 1, pe md Mrs, Joseph Barnoski of mins was best man and the ush v ry Tor Br a Yip "R Smith | Newtonville and Oshawa and ers were Mr, B, Murgatroyd, Wr od Mrs N. Gifford WH the bridegroom is the son of Toronto, and Mr. ¥. White F474 1714 601 rid of pegging I" k a HFS, N "i Mr, Onni Bavijarvie of South South Porcupine, The bride's, BACKACHE that tonld Archdeacon and Mrs J. Porcupine, Ontario, and the late mother received 150 guests from! YR be the result of Lleverdon M nd, 4 £m Bavijaryie oul-oftown from 1 (0 4 p.m, at! ZUR Jriiteted bladder ginger At, ME 4nd Firs The Reverend Velix Kwiat-| 8 buffet in the Fleetwood Room| They have ( Pascoe, Mr and Mrs, G. Way Louski performed the ceremony| of the Hotel Genosha, A supper | Win lpn Dewirrs ton Mr and Mrs, W Pell, Mr icod Mrs RG Booth played! and dance was held from 6 ¢ KIGNEY & and rs, J Howard Mi Jand the wedding music and sang a Pm, for 225 guests in the Pic: 75° wi $125 INUIT RAIIE Vrs. J. Houghton, My and rs. coin " |eadilly Room, Mrs, 1, Mieto, the) a fe -- K Aames, Mr ind Mrs, G\"wbe bride was given in mar. bridegroom's aunt, assisted in Adair, Mr. and Mrs, J, Blead.| oc vo her father, She wore g the receiving line floor length. gown of white! The bride's mother wore # peau de sole, appliqued with) sheath dress of rose » beige silk Terrific Bargains You Can't Afford to Miss During Horwich Jewellers SMOKE SALE Now On!! NEW! \d tip [ON for ALL | types of hair! Mieto was in For their honeymoon, Mr, and | Mal return to make their home in| For (travelling the a grey silk glen suit, black patent leather Guests were present from Vancouver, Montreal, Port Arthur, South Porcupine, Hunts ville and Klliot Lake, 4 v4 bod ffm hy -- _™ El (in stan coffee mene. Cups to the 0%: re ll, J €,S, SHOP AND SAVE. .. THE CLASSIFIED WAY... WATCH FOR THE MARKET BASKET SPECIALS EVERY THURSDAY IN THE | OSHAWA TIMES 'CLASSIFIED PAGE

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