Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Feb 1961, p. 15

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14 THE OSHAWA TWAS, Tussdey, February 7, 196) BIRTHS WRG ion and (Fas YL BIE BRORY 8 PORE ER of a Sewehier. ane Pans on Baiustay, Feary 4, 1% shane Genern) Hosphsl A he ies ior Bathy. Thasks to I Bopha wen 4 # re i WASEY Massey Ipex Baik 18 IORAUREE BE FIPS Foams Berit, § he Fahoiuni : ang Gepeswi HWorpis tor Larry anf Jape Freres ooo hei wie om The ad Mine A bile Bimthe Thanks 0 fm Lew and Mice (pes ia annonce the pil Betly boise Femripry Hue BEVIN Hotint) pie happy al of their Aesghies § Ihe 10 mis. oR Saturna 4 106 a the lLihawe Generdl pial. Thanks to Wir Gipnier ' ' Perry » be prrivm of # oe BURAE the Oshaws Grp: | sinies Ir Bim PERCY Bon snd Far Baws 10 BBRONREE sh i mr. Baby Fahey 5, 196 # pl Haspie , tad Thanks (n For. MuLisn fs Pb wa Mi (ner Beveily WAlman Fuasap Felrunry Wesiern Wosphsl KINBON Wilkinsan ier, OB Yoramin wii J » Apu 1861, wi ihe IMPORTANT: Choos yar ERI shew a wad hers | chuck »" NAMES ARK BE # Bammer be 2 ee pleas want 10 Know hile BE RICK ae the Indy an Oshawe Times ment Just ral) Depaitment Ld § 'the ' ' ou ed BamE ABDGUBLE Classitind facin Ll | we » Aid Birth ! ¥ y and Volek na Wirth Just ml pb wm pest edition DEATHS Entered ia rast in Ine Hospitsl on Tuesds » BARON Oshawe General Februpry 7, Peles hard wl Mary Fi father of Lainhyn of Oshaws, I» y YER the Armstrong Funers Home Genrge's wa in "nm Fhursda terment Bt Fen mm Gregory's Cemelsy sndden Mr. debe PHILLIPS, Wael Eleme al the home ni Nes cousp Haves on Supday, Feh 1961 ©. Philips of 2} Dundas Whithy, loving mister | of Dy Thompson, [buaue lowe Mrs, Phillips ne felntosh Anderson Wome, Oshawa. Service ) United £hurch on Wednesds a Interment Bt. John's | ome ry Toronto, Casket will ye man in the Chapel from | o'clock hour wives Came Mis, Harel SW Howard he lale al 2pm Norwe open uphil of PRESCOTT Entered inte res 8 Hillsdale Manor, Qshaws, on Manda February 6, 1081, Ruby Gladys Bel san Prescott, beloved mother of Mrs Zendrowskl (Marion) of Cobourg Leanard and William of (shaws, in hel Slat yep Resting at the Armstrong Fuperal Tome Oshaws, with Meme ial Berviee in the Chapel Wednesip Fenruary 8, at 2 pm. Interment Osh saws Union Cemetery Aller # Oshawa General Fehrupry 6, 1961, (of 208 An beloved hus SEABORYN, Richard ¥ short iliness at the Hospital an Manday Richard Francis Seshorn derson Street, Whithy) hand of Mildred Andrus, dear athe: of Mrs. B. Killens (irene of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) in his 66th year Resting al the LC. Tawn Funeral Chapel, Whithy, for service In the Chapel an Thursds Fehupry 9, al 2 pm. Temporary entambment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Interment later in Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton Min joter the Rev, J. Bmith Minnie Mereer A her residence, 4th Concession Audie Road, RR 1, Pickering, Ontaria, a Tues February 1 1961, Minnie Mercer, aged 81 years, beloved wile of 8. M, Sorenson, dear mother of Rich ard and Rita, dear sister of Mss. Rita Pertson of Torenid, and Sisters Mai tha, Jullanng and Florentine of Ar hark, Resting at the new Wil liam E. Sherrin Funeral Home, Ne Highway, Pickering Cust east of Har wand Avenues North, Alas! fram Roen Wednesday, Funeral en Thursday af 090 am. then ta 81. Bernadeiie R.( Chureh, Alax, for Requiem Mass al ih am Interment Si Francis De Sales Cemelery, Plekering. (Closed casket by sequent) SORENSON 4 LOCKES FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements fer fCCesions 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8:6555 and all SHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all RA 8.6226 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM FOREMAN, Frank A in loving memary of & dear hushand and fathe A. Foreman, wha passed away i aur alare holds a place For no ane else CAR ever he Mare cherished in our hears Lovingly remembesed wile famil 190 of memaries He apart hy and VARTY In loving memary of fear wile and mother, Mrs. James W Varty (Edith M. Tharhy) whe passed away February 7, 1038 suffered much, you murmured day hearls day hy broken AWAY vilee val with pass your witehed al last SAW Yau silent ¢ vhaly home miss dead Nat last and vacant is lonely withaut everywhere lave hot you a you 0 us, we you still hut fife Far we know that fn that happy, olden shove Sadly miss 4 and loved hy anid family WOORWARD In loving memes n dear mather Kathleen Allge Wanilward, wha passed away February are walling hushand We little knew wien we woke (hat morn The saceaw the day would being {he call was sudden. the shock severe Ta part with ane we loved aa dear anmretimes - it's hard 1a understand Why some things have ia be In His wisdom God has planned Revond sur paver (a see missed and always hy daughiers Patricia and son Garden remem Vera WOODWARD In loving remem hranee of a dear mother, Mrs. Kath foen Woedward, who passed away Feb pany 1, 1a In my heart your memory Hinges Always tender, fond and true Tasie \s not & day, dear mother, I da net think of you Ever remembered hy May Harel daughter ving wha Memory passed WOORWARR n Kathleen Wondwaid Away Feohivuary ie Peaceiul he thy rest. dear 1 is sweet 1a Breathe (hy In life we laved you dearly In death we da the same Ever remembered hy won daughter-in-law Mariya and daughter Elisabeth Kathleen CARD OF THANKS REE The family of the late Win field Bosse wish 10 thank Westmount neighbors and friends for their flaral Irhies, cards, and many Kindnesses shawn ducing heir hareavement st Baptist Charl thelr Wikies Fh das and Roberla Begs and fam ly of mathey name Ted wrand Today's Stock Market Listings 1] 1h Wai (left TRON IN INDUSTRIALS udent ABN ks ) An be nui 1] fd rs 5 Ontario Minister AY Wigh bow sm DR. M. B. DYMOND BREAKS SOD Lill Ha) Health Jetliners Will Lay Off Airline Men TORONTO adla day {inet VOar erat I" Vang Air 1 104 Is whe wi on A ha ward CRITYIng first plane of By W in lot i" n ordered each i the I] Trans-Canada Ne Hines 10by man hived while British Eurvapean mterviewin In now Wve ey arly ¢ TS mi said hy npen 100 al I R! (C11 announced 1 { low the wrho:-prop aplanes and thelr alli " led ad Fhe £pnebion Pres gh -- Kira Pe Ladd Wiogh \ Bri line Public Cor Mini ran flight jobs 10's I Vi capable RONPETS turh mntraduced 4) already Ireland Vacancies men toy \ Vice pilot tod A I \t eh an tn \ have ro \iy 1] nell sey Lan Mon en thi new nap cher ol I'he prop nto | fd en find HIN heen nm Way \ Jah 15 expected to Win he spokesman said the men will furloughed during the next six months and the airline will da find jobs for everything them possible to CARD OF THANKS KIN i 1s si of Kindness beautiful and fram recent af an woukd ey AMAN Stanley ACeTe friend aad like ta of Fay the serviee | alsa Aidways ofl Cl special stain which helped & grea) as Molnd were sible eal AMY the \ LAL] hank ihe Gy We h on ter Alsp. Ww aah Ang Kid alsa \Matars LL) and hane and East Kinsman thanks far the i family wish flaral tributes and nelghhors here § ha he We thanks he Ie WAR fas We shaw nent ad hank nd help wo af he he deal dike a wh wo Wy aoe NARS af» i" i he we late Press 1 Wat 3 AT Bur inlied and aunted the Ewpn 4 4 BH Ieiier vom ina ! ' i in i» Matthew Dymond as ground is | heard under. the Ontario Hos hroken for the Nightingale School of Nursing in Toronto School will be operated hy a Letters Demand 'Replace O'Leary' OTTAWA Vancouver Prime sUHHesting O'Leary he man of the publications mission aan Ihe letter is signed Hell and A. H. Roberts and wa tabled in the Commons Monday Douglas Fisher (COF--Pan Arthur), wha asked to somal Viren eamplaimts the chatrman of dont I've wes! have writlen Minister Diefenbake: that M. Grattan replaced as chal royal commission on and that the cum start 11s work over (CP) men hy Jahn ar about hip ul LLLIRAEN mn My, O'Leary LRA RI RIN] I With a O'Leary I. Roy (LLL thie Tournal the or letter direct pelerence One other letter fram Hdstad of Quatsinn BCL urged Mr, Diefenbaker i appose antl American sent ments expressed at the hearin and prevent acts detyimental to Ameican publishers I'he prime minister Hdstad personally, He sad would bring the matter to the attention of the commission and added "1 would that in any Lahled il Wi tn replied to My he however, paint action taken hy the gavernment in respect of een nomic matters, such action | not based on antbAmericanism but on pros-Canadianism, and 1 generally so understood in the United States" TAKE OTHER VIEW Fhe letter fram My Mr. Roberts expressed ulity aver what the letter called Mr, O'Leary's protests against anti-American references' he letter vontinued hose datements cannot be classified insignificant but vather by their outrageous content indi cate the ehatrman is completely prejudiced and incapable of ex eculing his duties in a proper manner." ' Claude Gauthier, ane of Diefenbaker's secretaries same aul Rell and mnered AS \\ §) re Te Ta ot Wigh tow p.m. EW ge #5 % » Slack a diglatd bomb Aap dang Angie Wer A AE Lap ed dS Bakr bh Farppt and da Fors JHA pe ery Hom Deimite Denison 1hensn ame Falcon yaaAY el % 4 " " wi " 10 0 LL Lake Ling a Langa Boies igh Low em : on Toronto Exchange dd fom bhgr o a Epies Wigh Low hm 7 vi i" 54k 5% 4 id "0 ot w # od Wi 2% » Ld ed 4" Tw | 4 Fd Y © 7# : f Hts resemtatives tion fight Mergers ' | (add p44 Ba bigom 4 fie Rip Bochwin rand Foy ; Sherriv % ' Bearhiy seep R Bios gann a Biv am fee Feritiry Vom 1 Ashesine i'n Keng Y api Cl Wate f ( i {) Ih { I' ha bed Pi Ih AFL, PLANS EXPANSION HOUSTON (AP)~K. 8, (Bud) Adams, president of the Ameri: can Football League and owner of its champion Houston Oilers said Monday night Cincinnati is heing seriously considered" for i franchise hut thet the AF], probably won't take official ae tion until mid-summer, Other cities mentioned for possible AVL, franchisse mre Chicagn, Kansas City and Atlanta, Adams said f / = Resort Operators Move Or Die Not Frightened TORONTO (CP) Canadian tourist officials and resort oper alors expressed no alarm Mon day at United States President Kennedy's proposal (0 reduce the value of ax free good which American 1ourisis may hring hack to the U.S, to 8100 from #500 Alan Field, director of the Ca nadian government travel hu vreau, said the restrictions likely would affect Kuropean coun tries more than Canada, since UR, citizens buy there large items such as art works and automohiles + BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 'Advice For Retailers "Change or die is the order the day," says J. Gordon Dakins, executive. vice-presi dent of the National Retail Mer chants ' Association, Retailers cian do much to insure & bright er future for themselves, and the first thing is to "reaffirm his belief in the basic truth that his sole purpose is to sell and he must recognize the fact that elling is evervhody's husiness,' Mr, Dakins said, "Strive con stantly for greater efficiency in your operation and set your goals for perfection, not for just the average Among other ac | tions merchants can take, ae cording to Mr, Dakins, are John Fisher, executive direc tor of the Canadian Tourist As sociation, predicted the move would hit hardest at Europe and Mexico, However, he said the association had asked unsuc sfully that Canada he ex cluded from the proposed move after getting advance word of i" George A, Martin, past presi dent of the Association of Tour ist Resorts of Ontario, said We don't think it's a serious factor; it may even help us" He said fewer Americans would he inclined to go to Furope Business Costs Should Be Told By FORBES RHUDE MONTREAL (CP)="The cos of doing business should be ex plained frankly to the public, ¥ I, K, Nelson, general manager of the Canadian Retail Federa tion, said Monday in an address to the Canadian Consumer J Credit Conference [specially in the field of-gon sumer credit, Mr, Nelson stated there is need to tell the public that carrying charges are hased not just on the cost of money hut on the cost of the various services involved YAS a retail representative Mr. Nelson added, "it annoys me very considerably to hear peaple in responsible positions refer to carrying charges for re tall credit as 'interest,' "Phere Is an interest element and this reflects the cost to the vetailer of the money invested in the credit sale, Bul there Is another important and inescap able element, and that is the vost of the clerical and physical requirements involved "There 18 no Necessary con nection at all between the cost of harrowing money from a chartered bank and the cost of supplying retail credit for a commodity purchased on a pay ment term of anywhere from 1 helieve evening Ca. one to three years." hould get down on Mr. Nelson referred specifi and thank toed for cally ta two private bills before netghbo Parliament, One, introduced hy pital Bervices Commission (CF Wirephotn) that gave Ded Ih when the (CF Mr, O'Leary lverish prejudgment reply said in part All com missions, of course, determine their decisions after hearing th evident I'he Hell-Roberts letter exception to a statement tributed to Mr, O'Leary quoted him an saying the ministe) to Mr. Fisher MIP suggested had been guilty of That ply prime Look al I'hey every nadinn their knee our good Lockheed Fined For Unsafe Planes (AIM Lock Lockheed had conducted a ma jor wing modification Western's inspection of an other Kleetra last April dis closed cracks in a wing section ranging in length from 4) to Winches and a sealing com pound in seme of the cracks The Federal Aviation Agency said it penalized Lockheed $6 000 stead at the possible maxi mum of $17,000 because the company had put a "more eof fective quality control program ia operation WASHINGTON heed Aroraft Corporation of Burbank, Call, has paid 86,000 in fines for delivering to three airlines a number of Kleetya planes that had heen so inade quately imspected they were considered unsale . Airlines, inspecting jets last April son alter their delivery, found ype vacuum in the fuel tank of one of SquoeEe the fuel tank anothey found a rivel gun and a plece of a pa in they MN sorews POF OUD STARRED A MATRON FORONTO (UP)=Mrs. Jean Hall, 36, pleaded guilty Thurs day to wounding a Don Jal matron and she was sentenced 10 two years in Kingston pent tentiary, Matron Matilda Kim ber was stabbed in the leit shoulder with a pair of scissors Mes, Hall had hidden wn her jail uniform American Alvling Ho Bleotra asl April, found the . planes of bolts with the nuts missing bolts of improper length and bolts that had worked loose Western Air Lines in October 1908, found trash Wn the left Wing area an Electra after spectin March and in Hal missing halts HISLAROeS of {5 the "business must be curbed and re: | Express confidence in the economy and instill the same confidence into the customer Demonstrate your confidence hy going ahead with your plans for expansion and modernization Get this confidence across lo your customer hy letting her know your optimism and what 1060 n/ YOu Are doing to support it Develop a good store person ality, Give it an identity, an [image that differentintes it from all other stores in your| be fully and clearly disclosed, Tom al | and that the relationship be" qo your customer tween the total money cost andi. oj proper perspective, It| the outstanding ha lance Beye heen said "People will shop| Senator David Croll in Senate, and re-introduced this year, would require that the total cost of any credit granted ; 4 workers employed by Odhame i 3 3 ' 3 Press y Ji ew spay Wonday 9 Dock » planned merger Ww merger and takeover proposals publishers of The Daily Wersid { might announced that is formal aay services Union Plans . Merger Block worth whol £1.00899 for pre feryed shares in Odhams, iis will include both cn tegories of COdbams prefered shares~those for 5% per comb and those for 0; per com This will mean the toisl Od hams offer, induding the 12 000.900 common shares, will be worth abo £7998 99% Meanwhile, Thomson in #8 tel evision interview swid he would favor an mawiry ie restrictive WRC IcEs Ih the Rewspaper in dustry Replying 10 a questian by Lib. eral party leader Jo Grimond, Thomson suid there were re sinictive practices in the indus try and added, 1 do not think the unions could reasonably deny that LASDOR (Rewters) i mien present ative s of 13099 ed - onl, posting and slednes) The Dwsly Mirror coming Ihregiened 19 strike W necessary anf Hving the 19g Erowms A slatiement hy the Ron rep said that an "ae commitiee was st 4p 19 the takeover Wids nd thieatening the ens nee Of REWSPRPETS and mags ines," The {ohlow ed unions' getion oncerning the Odhams Erowy nd the Sunday newspaper, The eople, ws well as a host of sagannes and other puhhica one First i was announced that Yihams and the British news waper chain owned by Canadian wiblisher Roy Thomson woud he merged. This followed hy a takeover Wid hy the Mir or group for the shares held by ydhams' many small stockhold ys The ---- OVER 500 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS HAVE BEEN SERVED THROUGH THE FACILITIES OF STENO SERV ESTABLISHED 1958 PUPLICATING MIMEOGRAPHING TYPEWRITING MAILING LISTS STUFFING EMYELOPES MAILINGS LETTERS FOLDING STAMPING STAPLING PUNCHING CUTTING INSERTING Phone or visit the Office for Free Estimotes 10 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA PHONE RA 8-634) WAS Mirror group Monday offer 10 Odhams stockholders is ei pecied 10 be sent out Wednes and will include » hid CENTRAL COLLEGIATE PRAMA NIGHT SOLD OUT! Thurs & Fri, Feb, 9th ond 10th TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 11th Adm) 50¢ Time 8 pm 510n LT Gi Owing UT} Int 51 Shing P UES ON THE « Chery | [7 l A | 0S LOVELY! SULTRY! SENSUOUS! i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING! CCIE rf Zemin ASE TURN OVER" (Adult) ed--"ALL THE YOUNG MEN" / I" / { | ADULT ENT, Pd [J --- shown in terms of "simple An: \whope (hey are invited and will nual interest," The other bill, ipyagome good customers. where! introduced in the Commons bY| (hey are treated best." Hazen Argue, would place a ceiling of 12:per-cent A year on the cost of evedit to & customer; "There is, | fear, the very veal implication in all this thal Amalgamate stricted.' Mr. Nelion said, As Two Highland on 'Regiments trade, 1 reject that implication I don't maintain that every re taller in Canada 1s a saint, but| : y 1 evervihing 1 know tells me that ED | NR un GH, Seotlane the great majority are honest (Reuters) I'wo famous cen a men and women: that| ries old Scottish regiments the ' it thal i (the Seaforth Highlanders andj Hey cone be Jemacives (ror the Queen's Own Cameron ably in their business a Als: | iighlanders are to be amals and that they seek to establish] gamated today, the Scottish A relationship with their cus:| gammand announced tomers based on confidence and, They will form the Queen's | good service {Own Highlanders (Seaforth and My. Nelson said one of the ap:| Camerons) parent oddities about vetailing 1s] The new regiment will wea the contrast between the obvi | the peiengie Kill of the Nea that the individual stoves eron (rows achieve, and, on the other hand, | the general attitude towards the M k { Cli b Is significant," he contin ued, Uthat restrictive legisla T E d ton in any business field 1s al omes 0 n | {rade Joncormed and Almost port: taking sent the stock mai he yo! oa Sigg COMPANY [ka skidding downward Monday may ho thal we must 108M asap a long elimb hisinesses a y h Thiath oy! AS haa of the whole was slashed from the quoted . value: of stocks listed on the New York stock exchange SHELBURNE, N.§. (CP) -- 8ociated Press average Wildlife officials fear thousands, The de cline embraced the of Canada geese have perished steels, autox rails, oils, rubbers low food supplies in southwset: equipments, aircraft = missiles orn Nova Neola, Dr. Havvison electronies, tobaccos, building Lewis, retived federal game con: materials and drugs | West Middle Sable, said Monday (off 37 cents at $83.73, Ford §1 al [thousands of the birds ave be: 867.50, Goodvich $1.12 at $d lieved to have left their Nova search of food, Many may have died, some may have reached New Bagland ous goodwill and good relations| forth lighlanders and the Cam retail trade as 4 whole ways divectegd toward the whole NEW YORK (AP)=A surge of to think more of our individual Alc estimated §2.500,000000 FEAR FOR GE \ hased on the decline in The As as a result of cold weather and!favm i m ple ments, electrical servationist now Hving at nearby! Among losers were US, Steel Nootia wintering grounds in Don't Miss | HORWICH| JEWELLERS SMOKE SALE NOW ON !! SACRIFICE PRICES! KINSMEN CLUB VALENTINE BALL Wed,, Feb, 15th, 9 to 12:30 p.m, MUSIC BY Art Hallman 83%aevaa No man or waman can face these fair-haired children No force on earth can resist them Is this the end of our World? METRO GOLDWYN MAYER mea GEORGE SANDERS BARBARA SHELLEY « MICHAEL GWYNN The strangest sian, feenonFiation has aver told! TOMORROW ADDED FEATURE DAN KEENAN DURYEA WYNN "THE MARAUDERS" A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE IN TECHNICOLOR Today Only: 'Subterrancans' (Adult) 'Imitation General' JUBILEE PAVILION

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