Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Feb 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OHAW my --- Harkness Told By DOS BANREIGHT Canadian Press tlall Wikicr prope OFEAWA (EF VAR Wrens ifs TORE LOMB RI PF pry frm the Commons "Thrste produced two CLF ad that Defence Mimster Barres TESTER BY R156 TRIPHARIE RIFERAY SHIT RAR, BA RIRETAS BLT AR 14 Win hb # RATT TRESS BWNET Wr, Harkness Ba pewher, # thoweh he renersed that pw Bahed reports hore Bo Close Fe latiomatniy 1n what he Rete y a daa With Prime Mipister Dieter baker sting wordless Res 4 the defence minster rapped erties for MIRE #» 1 mountain ot of # motel, and i repeied bis pvowed oppoHion id i. | WISDOM SEAT OPENS IN OTTAWA Sapientine Centre » seal of | Carding Leger, Most Hey wisdome--in Ottaws Tuesday, | Joseph Mane, Archbishop of Shown here are (eft to night) } Oliawa, Mayer Chariotie Whit Ontario Hydro State ton and Bey. Henn ¥, | #gare Rector of the University (CF Wirephols, Second Windsor Blast Charge The University of Otawe opened iis new $1,500 M00 Sedes Dike 169 nerahem and pReifism A PRVY TESRIVE DUbHE rele tims oficer wnwniingly warned the political fray last weekend by reporting that Mr. Herkness 18 reservists at BR Selirdey fer (CCF BEAT THIS ED SULLIVAN! PARIS (Rewters)--A heal ful 18-venrnid blonde 'opped out of bed completely mide Millions of viewers saw Bis ole Paquin hecome the first fully - undraped woman mM French television She was playing the part of a Gestapn REENV'S MISITRSS who had succumbed to the charms of # French resistan hero in the Second World War French movies are known for their nude scenes hut the state-owned Leleyvision service is usually far sirieler Nicole told reporters she watched the TY il with her father, a physies teacher "Papa thought 1 was very good," she said The nude scene lasted only two seconds, Viewers saw a rear view of Nienle A Paris newspaper said she had revealed "the most fetch INE posterior ever seen r INTERPRETING THE NEWS wer id on the a hydra was cheaper in £m tario than any other jurisdiction America nd Il wa all the Lime Macaula D Opposition Ire p WINDSOR (CF) A second TORONTO (CR)=Government chairman of Hydro in ol potential wile) power Riis simmons was issued "Tuesday siatements on the slate of Answer 10 ue sitions hy the op / Heing hy gf ay Aipunia against Charles Ingam, order hydro-electric power in Ontana position, The HAL A A oy Yo he better 4 ated INE mm 1a answer charges of drew some sharp criticism | department of energy re SONI LE perkons w Mm Ih he 2h al breach of duty in an October ex Tuesday from appasiliinnWere approved hy 1h wi thi ¥i ft oy . plosion of & Metropolitan sore henches ture during the first part oF the Ero Ten were killed and more The opposition Aescrihed si Session i contrast oF BA Mr. Macaulay anid Wider EuF thin 50 Injured in the hiast "preposterous! B slalement hy Premier Fro "a led ol oa rent methods therma p in Yhlamed on natual gas. Mr. In Energy Resources Min iste yi gestions by LBErE A A were cheaper for ns ng " HE gram was Installing a natural Macaulay that the Hydro-Elec | 16rmeyey that £he hp ' hybro Inad Fequiremen Wk WHER! gas furnace at the lime tric Power Commission hag tol rates he given INGUSIAES he, | TEES voltage lines were In 00" A coroner's jury blamed his nay taxes on electricity crew them from moving 1a Que Ihe eration power elecinieiy would negligence as a factor lated through the United Biates GNIANG lh OE he carried from harthern ia The first charge against the tn another part of the province with the price io di f | southern Ride al less than cost contractor was dismissed Mon He said his department 1s ne-| DeCause nf Quebec's aun; 0 CONSUMES day on # technical point of pro gotigting with the federal gov The 48-page hydro report said) cedure ernment for removal of the ex: » Ontario's self-sufficiency In 10 cise tax on the "involuntary" | ment tal energy will drop to B.4 per exported power, The excise (aK ar 1d cent hy 1070 from 11.8 per cept is estimated ai $400,000 with @ now, Dependence on the rest nf projected tax of $676,000 in 1667) Canada would increase (0 72.8 and $600,000 in Iai. t- - ance per cent from 43.8 per eent Mr, Macaulay said IL 15 im-| ; / oroper thal @ federal Lax should] oo wp CANADIAN PRESS VHEN NUCLEAR 1070 48 per he levied on a provinelal organ Jan, #1 Caf ONLAFins electric ization, publicly owned and 0 Tuesday, Jan, i cent nm di 3 he di wl erated at cost, parteularly! The CCF demanded that De: would he pro ees hy 4) i | when the "involuntary power fepce Minister Harkness either | pei A ig A i is not sold deny disarmament statements and 14 per cent from nucle ANSWERS QUESTIONS attributed to him or resign his Mr. Macaulay, second vice: portfolio Mi By ALAN HARVEY Mr, Harkness sald (hal pub: | EFARE Canadian Press Blalf Writer | lished reports quoting him a a Britain has stopped "walling Vosburgh Case {inviting military reserve offi. 0 North tor Kennod Now the question |oers tn "dip their feet into pol | EC1HINE cheaper MAY : ities' nm war against pacifi m| Hydio is experimenting WIth gi (has fling young man Opens Friday hare na clase resemblance to high voltage lines (hat wil Ty, months, Whitehall has his actual remarks cary from 460.000 tn #00 000 wen looking Tor # lead rom SWEETSBURG, Que, (CP) Liberal defence eritie Paul voll A eompared tn nes now Nashirnton: Adaibiedis, minis Abel Vosburgh made & hrief(Hellver said he agreed with the eam ng 1a000 and # (ors could he found. who Fe appearance in court Tuesday to defence minister in his hale apr YY gratied the hreaking up of what he notified formally that his pre. pation, jo : anadion ne Wiraliom . they ealled the "ald hay nel liminary heaving on a charge of In Ihe Jasi-Wes. §lHIEEIE V Pl work! linking London with the i my his 4/4 and 11 off H, W, Herridge (CCF-Konl arsity ay While Het "he their 16 children will apen Frisjenay West) declared (hat ve-| 522 | Privately, however, responsi: day, Remains of the victims ports of the Harkness remarks Writing Contest (hie Britons welcomed a new were found in the ruins of the disclosed ohvious contradictions hand on the helm in Washing Voshurgh home at Noyan, Que. (between the defence and exter:| LENNOXVILLE, Que. (CP)=[ton. They liked the look of Dee, 3 nal affairs departments. he Canadian Inley Varsity President Kennedy and they Neither defence counsel row The Commans defeated 168 10) Drama League announced Tues: nodded approvingly at the re Gotlieh of Montreal nor Crown|hb a Liberal motion of non-eons day its first university play: habilitation of the eughends prosecutor Claude Nolseux was! fidence dealing with federal-pros writing competition, apen to all implicit in his cabinet appoint present vinelal fiscal relations students at Canadian colleges ments Voshurgh, charged last Tues! Paul Martin (To~Fssex East) | which helong 10 the league And British newspapers gen day, appeared in order to ful:{ sald he suspects "an under: The deadline for entries to the erally weleame the tone of the fill the legal requirement that|standing' on federal-pravineial| competition 1s May 16, the an:(State of the Union message tn an accused man appear for pre-|fiseal relations exists helwes nl nouncement sald, Judges will hel Congress. 1t is hailed variously liminary heaving within elght the Conservative governments! leading Canadian theatvieal andias a stirring call to action, a days of his arralgnment untess|in Ottawa and Taronta literary figures, but their names message imparting new PART hath defence and prosecution| Wednesday, Feh, 1 will not he announced until after{the Western alliance, a replace agree to a postponement, as inl The Commons meets al 2:80) the judging ment of hromides hy eandaor his case pm, EST fo continue debate an The league's annual drama And vel eauld it he that When the hearing 15 post:|setting up a hroadeasting com: | festival is ta he held at the Uni: Kennedy 1s travelling a litle paned, the accused must helmittee; the Senate meets at 8 versity of Western Onlarin inlton swiltly far Rreitain's liking? formally notified within a week. p.m London, Ont, Feh, 16:18 [Offi ial comment is. naturally - {polite, hut there is Just @ [possibility that some of {he i mare experienced hands in i (Whitehall may feel that the {president 1s heing a little preci pitate | 1 would he wrong to aves emphasize any suguestions of {British veserve, It is far ton {early to make an assessment Far the time heing, any British {worries about Kennedy are oon centrated on his probable ap proach ta Africa Denies Using | Typewriter TORONTO (OP)=Joseph Dg} laora, 41, of Hallandale, Pla admitted Tuesday an extortion letter to a wealthy Taranto WAMAR was written on his type writer, hut denied heing its au thay 8 The letter demanded $10,000 {far silence about "certain per sonal meidents" which ave al legged 10 have taken place while the woman was vacationing in Florida Dellaera is one of two Florida men on trial here far extortion He told the court he lent the machine ta a "My, Lantz" wha later returned the letter ta him and asked him to mail it He sald My, Lante, wham he met in a Miami bar, alse asked Mm 10 complete same business Bin Toranta--the veturn of jew i elry insured for $35,000 ta Mrs Helen Glass, wife of a Tovonta butlding contractor Dellaera testified he had we knowledse of any extortion a! tempt. His oh, he said, was to arrange for the veturn of the jewelry to Mys, Glass and piek wn twa sums of money totalling 131.000 for the retum, He was 12 got 3300 he said i Jointly eharged with Dellaera Cape Fla Fred Zakvie, 3. alse of Hal haids the wale chimpanses | The hyvearald animal is 1 did VW ndale. Dellacra d Tuesday which rode a Mereurv-Red: | 31% pounds, The kite had not been invelved in stone rocket on a Hight through | Aeronautios and AY WAY In the transaction space after being launched | ministration, releasing Zakrie will testity later, Alvman MO 1 LL. Beacham | fram Canaveral POLS & \ i pace | ALE dA | this | phate) | J. F. K Too Fast For Britain? British officials eurvently are sensitive about their record on Yenlonialism Fears that Kennedy may he whether she can keep force the pace in Africa are Harkness' probably premature. The new wesident 1s obviously going tn wave his hands full in dealing with domestic problems and the hroader pleture of Kast West relations Neverthe less, the rejoicing ahout Kennedy seems greater| (on the left than the right, Prob: | ably nobody In the government would go so far as Lahor party| intellectual BR, H, 8, Crossman, | Just back from a visit 1a Washington, where he found the atmosphere "wonderfully Lexhilarating." Crossman writes:| "At one fell swoop the new president has replaced the {dreariest by the ahlest admin {istration of the century," Goa Once More: 'Trouble Spot ROMBAY (AP) The Free Press Journal says Portuguese authorities In Goa have placed ion alert all military personnel and civil officials and recalled those on leave The newspaper says "under ground organizations In Goa are ald to have intensified their ae: tivities against the regime" {since seleure of the Portuguese {Hiner Santa Maria | Goa, the capital of the three Portuguese enclaves on the wes! const of India, has heen a paint tive" of friction between India and Portugal sinoe India won inde pendence from Britain in 1047 The enclaves are Goa, Daman and Diy daser 19 the than the regier fovaes GARAGE an the nanan they dfists and a dd CLAIM PRICY SVIET The CCF tack was thet Mi Harkness Hatement Wp opery ane members of the prmed forces 1h wee powtical influence WHA Aen TEVERIES RB PREY sel. Wetwesn the defence and external #fairs Aegartments in the end, noting came of the CCF charges They were levelled ml B #ags when DRINRIMETIGTY RELR@IRES opened the chance (or indsyiduz) ENRY 3 KE The socialise ErieyapeR--~wih ne (ormal mation of ceRswEe wl tached--ied with the 8 pm House adiomrmiment Carlier Tuestny, Khar Be Burnaby » Cog am) ined 16 move the salon ment of the Howse on # "def inile matter of Wrgent pai importance' --wing the reserye fieer Wh Ielease p88 RA foundation for changes of ron fused policy HITS PROPAGANDA Al that time Mr, Harkness re ferred 19 a considerable amon of propagands of #& newtralist and pacifist type=""and by pac fist | mean in favor of wniiat eral disarmament and so forth He added "A considerable number of people wha sre putting forward thal propaganda re taking part in 'han the bomb' movemenst putting RAvertisements in news PRPETE, ENEAEINE WN Iharehes and things along that line "im my opinion heir purposes in Aging this is to undermine the will of the Canadian people 19 resist pgaression and to weaken Canadian resistance,' Speaker Roland Michener ruled Mr. Regier's motion out of order. But that didn't prevent the CCF member from raising the issue again later 1IBERAL COMMENTS Al that time he drew only one Iaheral eomment from Paul Hellyer, the party's defence eritic--=whn slated "I would like to (ake this ep portunity to say on hehalf of those of us on this side of the House that we agree with the minister of national defence that this 1s no time for pacifism oi neutralism. The Canadian tem perament 18 neither, It has not heen in the past and Is nol now." Kxcept for Mr. Hellyer's brief intervention in the debate, the entire altack was carried hy cer memhers Mr. Regier charged that Mi opposition a "han the bomb movements indicated an obvious govenment division in the matter of nuclear weap ons heing In possession of Cana dian defence parsonnel He appealed tn Mr, Diefen haker (0 say whether Canadian troops should be given nuclear | WEAPONS, | Mr, Regier alsn objected vig orously (0 My, Harkness mak: | ing such a statement to mem hers of the armed forces "A minister of the Crown ap:| pealing to peaple on his payroll to come to his defence is a viola tion of our heritage," he sald Mr, Harkness reiterated that he Intended to continue voleing his opposition to 'neutralism and to pacifism as expounded hy those who advoeale unilat eral disarmament and so on as far as Canada 1s con cerned " He interjected that "1 quite understand that the CCF party has # neutralist and pacifist oul lank and policy Phat 1s baloney and you know i," eountered Mr, Re gley Harold Wineh (CCF Van pouver Kast) called on Mi Harkness to deny that report Is sued by the public relations of fleer ar resign "He has evaded and dodged but he has not denied it," My Wineh sald He viewed My ported statement as a dire that veserve officers should use their influence to Yappose these movements for peace in Canada along the lines of the han = the = hamh move ment." Harkness' pe PHONE M OVERSEAS IN 1961? Sailing dates now --- available~Book Early DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITRY -- OSHAWA ~ SEE BROOKLIN 0 8.3304 (Oshawa Naval Vet Annual Banquet & Dance rans' Association) 184 Bond St, TIME 6 pm, till 12 p.m, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th Knights of Columbus Nall W.--0shawa PRIZES-REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION 5.00 per couple 2 \ FOR FRIENDLY PERSONALIZED SERVICE oh ol mors to sok, Buy Wt --ond buy sever: in your fresxer for wi fon keep future enjoyment, Red Brand Beet--Canada's Finest Grade Round Steak Cut and trimmed 19 give complete sativiaction 1. RED BRAND---~CANADA'S FINEST GRADE Porter House Steak SIRLOIN WING OR ROAST 19 Cut and trimmed to give somplets satisfaction Fresh OYSTERS PORK SAUSAGE 148 PUG, BARBECUE CHICKENS Deliciously Cooked at Sproule's Take your exira savings in cash SPROULE' WALKER'S FRESH SALTINE SODAS HEINZ TOMATO SOUP CLARK'S FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 1:10 Cc PACKAGE 10-0%, TIN 48.01 TIN C LB. 39° 3 al { LOOK' 10- 23: Save in cash--7¢ ROSE BRAND 4 far Margarine Save in cash 16¢ AYLMER BRAND 6, 80 Save--26¢ YORK BRAND Meat Pies FROZEN 4. 8c off pack SNOWFLAKE Shoriening Viol Tins 6c off pacl Ched-R-Spread 16:03, dar 49¢ Save in cash 6¢ BEANS with PORK 20:05, 29¢ Tins Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables New Brunswick No. 1 Quality POTATOES 50.1.8, BAG 12 FIRM COOKING ONIONS ..' 29° Fruit baskets attractively made up for all eccasions, We are big enough to serve you = Small enough to appreciate you YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE PROULE'S FOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY. AT PRICES THAT SATISFY

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