Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1961, p. 8

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MR. AND MRS, GER i i : : ALD A. PETERSON Surprise Parties Compliment Pair on Silver Anniversary Mr, and Mrs, Gerald A, Peter: son, RR 2, Bowmanville, were honored at a surprise buffet supper recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Worden, tn celebrate their silver wed ding anniversary When the anniversary couple arrived they were presented) with # corsage and boutonniere| of carnations, by their three children The buffet table was centred with a three-tier cake crested with & silver cup, White chrys-| anthemums & ur rounded the hases of the candle holders and the silver - flecked candles cast Lavish Use Of Fur Includes Pink Mink! In French Salons a soft glow at each end of the table Following supper Mrs, R. H Broadbent of Oshawa proposed the toast to the honored pal who were presented with silver tea service by Mrs, Peter son's cousin, Mr, Howard Shier of Uxbridge on behalf of the assembled company, Their chil dren presented Mr, and Mrs Peterson with a lazy suzan Previously, a surprise party attended by immediate mem bers of the family was held al the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ken neth Peterson, Switzer drive and the anniversary pair were presented with 25 silver dollars, | Mrs. Peterson left a month's Mr, and last week for tion in Florida SOCIAL NOTICE PARIS (Reuters)=Fur is the Parisienne"s panacea for tired and alling wardrobes this of Whithy: annour winter Its influence is seen in every) sphere of fashion, extending from new (reatments of classic fur coats to trimmings- laden with it from headlir line and we to hem {ma ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, John Burtinsky we the engage Mr of their daughter to Mr. Lloyd Philip Dolimant, Whithy, son of Mr Mrs, Ernest Dolimont of North Sydney, Nova Scotia, The arriage is to take place al All Saints' Anglican Church, | Whitby, on Saturday, February! ment Elizabeth Couturiers believe that fur i505 "1061 at 3:90 p,m good medicine in large doses.| Revolutionary styling can re juvenate old coats, Fur linings steal the spotlight for formal wear, in company with Juxuri ous bands of fur around the neckline or hemline of evening gOWNS The most drastic prescriptions from French fashion doctors are seen in the new styling treat ments, with skins worked on the horizontal, the color baths which have produced pink mink and purple persian lamb, and the initial appearance of such an unorthodox pelt as bullskin I'he newest treatment for classic mink comes in skin worked in horizontal or spiral effects, replacing the once tradi tional vertical lines, Side seams are given vents so that the back of the coat may be drawn lo one side before sitting down Other popular silhouettes gen: erally adapted 'in the costly fur group are Givenchy's fitted: front-with-loose-back theme, and the use of flat-haired furs like| broadtail in Lanvin's teardrop sithouette with inverted hemline helow exaggerated pouff skirt Novelty colors and unusual skins attract their share of at tention in the overwhelming craze for fur, The specialized house of De Rams halls "furs in colorama' with pink mink used for linings or deep shawl col: lars, while Balenciaga launches gold - colored Mongolian sheep lining inside a black satin even. Ing coat The old-time silver foxes step aside today for brilliant new golden-hued shades, an Mrs. 0. M. Alger Honored By Group On Her Birthday Mrs, Stewart Alger entertain ed the Fidelis Group at her home for its monthly meeting in honor of the birthday of Mrs, O, M, Alger, Special guests were the Reverend and Mrs J. K. Moffat and Mrs, Alfred Higgs, Mrs. Harold Boddy president, had charge of the meeting and conducted the de votional period The secretary and treasurer read their annual reports and the flower convener gave a re port During the business lon various projects for the year were discussed, It was decided to hold a rummage sale in the early spring The executive and the group leaders are to remain in offic as follows: Mrs, Harold Boddy, president; Mrs, Harvey Moyer vice president; Mrs. Lloyd Whittington, secretary and Mrs Robert Cowie, treasurer; Ne Mrs, Boddy expressed birth day congratulations to Mrs Alger on behalf of the group Two readings, "Its Faster than It used to Be," and "Our Birth day Wishes" were given hy Mrs, Alex Creighton Refreshments were served by Mrs, Stewart Alger, A vote of thanks was expressed by Mrs Jack Young for a very pleasant afternoon, BABY GENDRON PRAMS Lined Guards, - Sun Visor THIS CLEARANCE of 1960 - Anti-tip WEEK AT FURNITURE VACA: Mary | Mrs. | IGeorge Durno, flower convener, | A) Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial BA 3-3474 B THE OSHAWA TIME S$, Mondey, Jenuwery 30, 196) (GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES | ; SUNSHINE. GROUP church hall with Mrs, Stanley | The first meeting of the New Sargeant as conveper. Mrs, 1 Year of the Sunshine group of Brown stated that if any mem ithe WA, of Simcoe Street Uni-lber had an article of clothing ited Church was held recently that she would sop that it was |with approximately 30 members sent to Sandy Lake [present The Misses Lenore and Phyl- |" The new president, Mrs, Jee jis' Glass sang two 50108 we | Bakker, opened (he meeting companied at the piano by Mrs, (with the WA theme, Mrs, Philip| a Potter {Perry's group was responsible ' m for he meeting with Ws, Cayo 7 7 Parker lads {ton Hewer and Mrs, Herman ood sides on their recent A ehargs of the wor. trip to Yellowstone National| Mrs. Robert Sheffield read pau, Sues Nattonal Bark, Ju the secretary's report followed on. Mrs. William Shepherd) hy correspondence and roll call Af Mr and Mrs. Smith, ! e reminded to con. Members Nios Sargeant re. Tefreshments were served by the group in charge, garding sick members Thr smorgashoard was dis. yAURIE CORMACK GROUP cussed and a tentative date set) pp meeting of the Laurel for some time in April under Cormack group of the WA of the convenorship of Mrs, Robert Presbyterian Church was Smith and her committee held at the Home of Mrs, Cou: son Scott, Taunton, There were The group has been asked tp cater for a wedding on May ¢ ster for a iding on May eight regular members and one new. member present Mrs, Wilfred Hamley and Mrs Mrs. Scott led in the devo- Clayton Hewer volunteered as conveners : It was decided to have a tea tional period, The minutes and and hat and accessories sale on (reasurer's reports were read February #, at 2.30 p.m, in the It was reported by the treasur- er that 100 Presbyterian Calen ane dars were gold by the group. | y FN . It was suggested by the presi- | | drive for new members for the next meeting, The group {will be sent to Mrs, 1, lin Formosa | Dickson | fields which was compiled and read by Mrs. James Grandison The next meeting will be held on February 22 at the home of Mrs, James Grandison, Hillcroft t | street | % \ ARDENT WORKERS The regular meeting of ly with the president, {Ewart Clemence, presiding Mrs Hubert Chase Mrs {charge of the devotional period, Tionettes Mrs the and Mrs by ted by members of the Lion "Grandma's club Mrs, Harry Blakely Scripture lesson, y | several readings, § | Heaven," "We Cannot Get Un less We Give," "A Tribute to & Friend" and "Had I No Friend,' Mrs, Roy Bond gave two read ings, "Don't Sidestep the Real Issues" by Dr. Angus Mac ho Fa Queen, and "Recipe for Happy! Y ear " GAY COZY | A memoriam for Mrs, Fred / ' Proctor and Mrs, FEdward By ALICE BROOKS Weeks was given by Mrs, Wil Lounge luxuriously with this/fred Harris, followed by a hymn cozy afghan! See how cables al- and prayer ternate with seed-stitch blocks, - Mrs, Douglas Redpath gave a ~Creates smart, textured effect (alk on the new organization to Jiffy! Use gay scraps for become effective next year colorful afghan knitted in sep- Mrs, Frank James presented arate B-inch strips. Pattern the secretary's report and Mrs 7180; directions; color schemes [William Ward, the (treasurer's Send THIRTY « FIVE CENTS report | (coins) for this pattern (stamps. Refreshments were served hy cannot be accepted) to The Osh. Mra, Hubert Chase's group i Times, H J Arts ava Times, Houschold Ar HUMORESQUE CLUB Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, Print TUTE Y BVA. J i plainly NAMI? ADDRESS, On Thursday evening, January 26, at the CRA PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUT! Our 1961 Needle. ¢lub celebrated its eleventh craft Book. Over 125 designs for Pirthday, Guests for the evening, home furnishings, for fashions-- Were the 15th Group of the Osh: knit, crochet. embroider. weave |@Wa Boy Scouts, Guests from [sew, quilt toys, gifts, bazaar | he Oshawa Advisory Board, items, FREE six designs for|C:N.1LB. were Mrs, A J, Park popular veil caps, Quick send MIL and Mrs, H, §, Myers he TODAY There he read followed was a sing-song and "THE MORE HURRY THE LESS SPEED" ta the joke to ask a if he was on the highway to New York I've always thought there was a lol of point about the tourist who stopped near a farmhouse nanchalent character City "That's right, Mister," the country man drawled. "Just keep right on the way you're going and you'll see it happen: ing." The tourist was puzzled See what happening?" | PRAMS and STROLLERS of Colors, Fully Chrome Mud Choice NOW ONLY 27.88 LIMITED QUANTITY OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 RA 5.455% SIMCOE §, OSHAWA "I was there once myself," the country fellow seid, "and | saw it happening == people RUNNING to work!" Now most of us don't back away from work as consistently building the! * dent that the group put on a and Mrs don was! Janet Lynn, Janet is the grand Ml asked to bring used Christmas| danghter of ; {cards to the next meeting which! Jack Dodds and Mr, and Mrs games were played, the winner The study period consisted of were a short description of some of Mrs {the missionaries in the foreign Reginald Pike; Passing the Par cel prize door | youngest and Douglas Murray sary, Mrs. Norman Fry and Mr Ch 3 the | Pat [Ardent Workers of King Street! Hunka; Tucky Cups, D United Church was held recent.| Bill Exley Gatehell Refreshments including a large had birthday cake were served by| The week's most cynical com mi ithe theatre," Ram Bs wih # " wi 4 3 Bo ES ERE) " " HELLO EVERYBODY Happy little daughter of Mr Allman Albert Dodds, Glid great-granddaughter avenue, is one-year-old Mrs, ¥, M, Cox and My Mrs, Peter MeGill, all Edinburgh, Scotland Photo by all of Oshawa of and of Roy and Myr, and Mrs Ireland POSSIBLE, CAUSE VANCOUVER (CP) Univer sity scientists investigating lead poisoning as a possible cause of the crippling disease multiple sclerosis are making good prog- They found abnormal amounts of lead in soil from areas where schlerosis prevails and now are testing food sam ples cotton halls in a bowl Percy Mountjoy and Mrs Paul Maunder; Ladies' door Mrs, Eva Wakely; Men's prize, 'Paul Maunder scouts John Dafoe Anniver Birthday and Mr arles Lovell; McConnell Miss ill M Thomas 8 The Truth About Unmarried Men The Digest recently published an article about the emotional problems of unmarried women Now, February Reader's Digest asks "What's the truth about the 'happy The answers will men , and make say: "Well, it's their own fault!" Get your issue of Reader's Digest today i articles of lusting interest plus a highly amusing book condensation and Mrs Rufus Lambert Norman Gower assis bachelor? OVERHEARD Ry Fprise women February People who cough don't go to doctor. They go to the THERE ARE SAVINGS IN THE AIR! FLY TCA NEW LOW-COST ECONOMY SERVICE on TCA's North American routes day, all year NEW ECONOMY EXCURSION FARES UP TO 25% LOWER THAN ECONOMY FARES on TCA routes Inside Canada! Good from Octo ber 1st to May 31st, Tickets valid 23 days for weekend, 24 days for weekday travel, Your fare includes full:course meals --excellent service new speed and comfort on TCA's great aircraft including DC-8 Giant Jets, powered by Rolls-Royce} available every First Class Service also, of course | COAST TO COAST IN CANADA To the U.S.~FLORIDA NASSAU-BAHAMAS-WEST INDIES GREAT BRITAIN and EUROPE When YOU travel: COMPARE THE FARE - YOU'LL GO BY AIR: For details, ask your Travel Agent -- or contact TCA at 130. Bloor 5t. W,, Taronte, Ont, 4 raward Burrows dan and Robert Mac Donatd um Mr. Anthony Meringer, PERSONALS Daniel Rior- der the general chairmanship of The committee in charge of arrangements for the St. Val entine's Supper to be held in St, Paul's Presbyterian Church, Wil (son road, north, under the aus ipices of the Margaret Hamilton) Group, met recently at the home \of Mrs, Charles E. Cornelius, {Baldwin avenue, Plans were made regarding the supper, pro- (ceeds from which will go to wards the church building fund, |The hostess brought the meeting ito a close with the serving of 'refreshments, Mr, and Mrs. BR. G, Collison, Bloor street west, had as a re cent guest, Mr. Allan Twaddle of Toronto, On Friday evening after the concluding performance of 'The Heiress", staged by the student Drama Group of the O'Neill |Collegiate and Vocational In- | stitute, the cast and the entire production staff were entertained (at the home of Mr, and Mrs, iManning Swartz, Sommerville lavenue, SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd, S. - Open Daily fo 10 p.m. Specials! Mon., Tues., Wed. CHRISTIES 2 wi 33° » 66° PKG, 1 * 1 Lt) 1.39 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 FIRST GRADE UTTER TID KING SIZE NEW _ BRUNSWICK -- REG, POTATOES (Limit 10 Bogs per customer) COLORED TISSUE DESSERT PEARS "" LIMA BEANS *""* DICED BEETS "™"* DICED CARROTS ""*"** LEAN HAMBURG STEAK 5057 REG. PRICE 1.53 | Diane Marie, infant daughter (of Mr.and Mrs. Clive 8, Ald- \winkle, was baptised by Flight {Lieutenant the Reverend C, A, McLaren in the RCAF Chapel at Clinton on Sunday afternoon, Mr and Mrs. R. J. (Rie) Cameron, formerly of Dunbarton, and Miss K. 8. Murray of Toronto, wer: the godparents and also present was Mrs, J. A. Aldwinkle, Osh Awa 59 SPECIAL 50-LB, BAG 8 Rolls 15.02. Tins 15-02, Tins 15-02, Tins 15-02, Tins 3 Ibs, A queen of the Mardi Gras will be crowned at the annual dance sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Working out the 'details for the coronation and other plans for the big night are Messrs, George Fairhart, R J. Murphy, William Kinsman, ANNUAL REPORT/DECEMBER 31,1960 1 The Door to Security ... for sixty years ' NEW: BUSINESS IN 1960 $513,833,383 Since 1900, the Crown Life has successfully developed markets for its policies and services in every province of Canada, in the United States, the United Kingdom and the West Indies, : POLICIES IN FORCE $2,832,360,700 which includes One and Theee Quarter Billion on the lives of Canadians and One Billion on the lives of United States citizens, i) TRANS:CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA wo i this character no doubt did, But in my business | often find that many customers are in more of a hurry than they nead to be, People have every right ta expect prompt service, cf course, and we pride ourselves on being able to provide it, A young lady comes in with a formal she hasn't worn for three months, But she has to have it by tomorrow night. A man comes in and wants a rush job on a suit because he's saving on a trip the next day a trip he has known about as FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements 57 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA RA 8.6201 for gt least g week Now we con accommodate such people 99 times out of @ hundred. But by leaving their cleaning te the very lest minute, they have made it physically impossible for us to give their go all the th ah inspecti care and attenti that we consider to he one of the biggest assets of our ser vice, if there's a big event coming up for you in the near future, why not let us go to work soon on anything that will |}! 300 DUNDAS E--~WHITBY---MO 8.3304 Book Throu DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE nead dry cleaning Ken, fidhand Lad TE wT en wate SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Thomas Meadows Co, Canada Ld 22 SIMCOE ST. §, OSHAWA RA 3-944] Ihe Crown Life has brought Canada into the homes of our friendly neighbours, Many of the Company's modern plans and services offered to Canadians have resulted from experience gained in these varied markets, $37,715,224 PAID OR CREDITED TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES Its present building, which was specially designed for rendering efficient service to the Company's policyholders, has been further modernized this year with the first electronic computer of its kind l installed in Canada, : . Thus "The Door ta Security' symbolizes the Crown Life's constant awareness of the trust and eonfidence it har enjoved over the past sixty years, CROWN LIFE te INSURANCE COMPANY rooms Gitte erento, Canada SIXTY YEARS OF CONTINUED GROWTH Is G. CHURCHLEY, Manager, H. J, ROSE, Assistant Manager, Oshawa Agency, Suite 218 W, "D" Block Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa A

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