Wearing their dark red cor: sages five smiling student nur- ses of class 1068 of the Osh: awa General Hospital are seen following the acceptance cere: mony held at McLaughlin Hall Normally Gentle Father Has Frightening Temper Tantrums Dear Mary Haworth October, my hushand's brother Ariying while drunk, managed tg wreck his car, killing wm (74 \ehitdren, ages 5 and 7 | As there was No INSUIRnCE, and we are the only relatives ahowt your hushand's untypiesl: display of destructive Tage, Certainly it suggests that which emotions! turmoil is be ginning to overthrow civilized |we took the children into our habits of self control {home and have done our best to, rovids for them, We had a difficult time with them at first | and they with us, as they are different from our children | However, after a stormy he land sll was going smoothly, | Ithought, until last night, when an incident occurred that dis turbs me terrible | My hushand always has heen # very gentle man, very fond of children and very good to them But last night he happened 10 go into the recreation room where the children play~long (efter they had gone to hed, Tt was littered with toys, as the (children often leave i SURFACE MOOD? | Aer pushing tricycles and \wagons aside to make 8 path, he flew into a rage and stamped on the Tyear-old's very large |doll until he had smashed it, 1s this a sympion of something |seriously wrong? Or was it just lelenring the air of his pent-up {resentment of recent months? We don't have a family doe: tor with whom to talk and we couldn't afford a psychiatrist nor would my hushand consent {to go to one Am 1 worried unnecessarily? \You read so often of cases \where a quiet person suddenly |does violent harm to members {of ms family, Is last night's oul (burst an indication that such a [thing could happen to us? |=B, W DUTY DRIVEN | Dear B, W It makes good 'Teen Marriages Rarely Settle Into Comfortabl | Are Americans marrying {earlier than ever hefore? They |eertainly are says the statis [ticians If your great-grand mother {married at 15 she wag an ex As to the nature of the war it is # conflict between a sense of duty on the one hand and distaste for (his duty on (he other hand, | gather Also mixed into the turmoil furious impatience at his late brother for living se irrespon- sibly~as to drunken driving, driving, financial carelessness, ete ~that he left nothing hut a {legacy of problems to his. heirs and survivors SEES NO RESPITE In addition, at the very time when your husband's breadwin- ner burdens were doubled over: might, his supply of repose--of| peace and mental rest at home ~was cut in half, So, figura-| tively speaking (or as he feels ity, he got it in the neck from|™f two directions at once through no fault of his own He is caught in a cross fire of relentless wear-andAear on) his constitution and sees no es. cape from being more tired more exploited, more angry and more frustrated with each pass. ing day. He needs very intelli-| gent, very specific help fo change this mood pattern He should have a medical checkip to see if there is a physical or organic ailment back of his irritability, Vitamin therapy may be indicated to compensate for the recent drain on his energy. Such books as Adelle Davis's Let's Fat Right to Keep Fit (Harcout Brace) and Dr, ¥, M. Abrahamson's and A, W. Pezet's Body, Mind e Married Life and warmth which is missing | #nd Sugar (Holt) Huminate the! relationship of diet (0 morale TEACH CHILDREN The children's regime should he slanted towards peace and order when he is home, There should be & place for toys, and toys in their place, after play, with the children trained to put Last sense (0 be acutely concerned them away Be frankly solichous who your husband's fatigue symp. Wis toms and met openly to remedy Sim and Wis wile, They left two nerves are on edge, due 10 8 the situation in every way pos-|who ! private war within Wmsel, In sible, Be urgent, but In & spirit st making coffee cakes, breads of love, not of fear ~ M, H THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jenvery 30, 1967 7 'Melt in Your Mouth' Muffins Are Flavored With Orange Rind An ever increasing number of homemakers are becoming aware of the many delicious treats that can he made from a ple yeast dough. Anyone has already tried her hand! {and buns will want to add this | unususl recipe for Oranfe Yeast THE STARS SAY By ENTRELIITA FOR TOMORROW This is # day when the gla ginning, things had settled Bown, qoubt, is a hall-smothered,|morous takes precedence over the routine, However, don't pur- sue bubbles, Gorls may he un substantial and lead you on # merry chase, . FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the year ahead will be reward ing because you will be hard at work This spring should sparkles with social activity, but put your friends through a sieve to be sure which ones you want to cultivate, If you should be approached shout any propos tion, take it if it is clear, out in the open, If the person making the offer is evasive, comph cated, shun the proposition as it will lead to one mare's nest after anohter Te confluence of Iwo streams, social activity and fi nancial interest, nesr the be ginning of April, will make pos sible gala occasions and large scale activities Next September, cash in on your talent for understanding what is in the background, You will wind up the year with no obstacles in the path of your individual abilities A child born on this day would make a good secret gov ernment agent or sailor HOUSEHOLD HINT To make decorative window shades, paint them with & plastic-hase paint, The paint is washable as well as colorful {from the home environment, | And, today there is less to pre. | vent young couples from marry: | ing if they decide its what they | {want to do, Wives can supple DIAPER SERVICE Diapers supplied san- Hush-A-Bye | Muffins to the baking file, And (women who have never baked {with yeast before will find this |decipe an easy Initiation, as no kneading or shaping of the dough is necessary | These feather-light yeast muf- fins are lightly sweetened and flavored with orange rind and a touch of mace, The batter can Ibe prepared as easily as any of the more conventional muffin batters, which use baking pow- der as a leavener, However, ex tre time must be allowed for the risings, The muffins are af {their best served directly from the oven, or reheated, They make a tasty accompaniment for a fruit salad, a simple pud- ding or gelatin dessert, They can also be served plain, or {with jelly, as a teatime snack, ORANGE, YEAST MUFFINS Yield--ahout 1-% dozen muffins 2/4 cup hot water } 4 I | thsps, grarulated sugar tsp, salt V4 cup soft butter or margarine Va cup lukewarm water tsp, granulated sugar envelope active dry yeast 1 well-benten egg 1 thsp. grated orange rind 1% cups (shout) presified #ll-purpose flour Measure the 2/3 cup hot wa ter; stir in the 3 tablespoons sugar, salt and butter or mar. garine, Cool 10 lukewarm Meantime, measure lukewarm water into a large bowl, stir in the 1 teaspoon sugar. Sprinkle with yeast, Let stand 10 minutes, then stir well. Stir in the luke- warm butter or margarine mix ture, wellbeaten egg and orange rind. Add mace to 19% cups of the flour and sift into Haquids, Beat until smooth and elastic, Work in sufficient addi tional flour to make & very thick batter--about 1 cup more, Cover with & damp tea towel, Let rise in 8 warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk about 1; hours, Stir down bat- ter, Cul out rounded spoonfuls of hatter and drop into greased muffin cups--ahout half fill the cups, Let rise in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk ~~ about 25 minutes, Bake in a» moderately-hot oven (375 deg. VV.) 18 to 20 minutes, UTIFUL FOR BEA ORTRAI 40 King £. RA 5.015) Vs tsp. ground mace KARN'S edical Mi Fat o0c 004 iar anor) Mental Work ® Radioactive Iodine ® Pyloric Stenosis 8 Doss hard mente! shorten life? A, Apparently net Swedish Bro aren a study of 2000 persons engaged In various eccu- potions and concluded that men Ital work, such as university pro- fessors undertake, does not shorten life, Ner does mental | work (ception, In her day the AVErage ment their husbands Income, (age of women at marriage Was Insurance plans help cover baby 122, Today it's 20, In 1800 the loots, Prevailing economic con- {average age of men al MAITAIEE ditions have provided a basis (was over 26, Today it's 2%: for a young couple to make a The United tates now has the gnanoial goal of married life, v lf work Incregse the tendency fo brain tumer, or strokes, accord ing to these doctors itized and fluffy toh. | (Q, Will you pl discuss the (use of rediouctive lodine in Gift Certificates | OALL RA 3-2138 treatment of thyroid trouble? on Friday afternoon, Reated from left to right are Joyce Cook, Oshawa and Ann Kay, Saskatoon, Standing from left to right are Ena Robbins, TT ------ | New! Kathryn Mil KEEP IN TRIM Try This Slimming System To Guarantee Lasting Results Meet a remarkable woman, fhe planned her reducing sys tem and worked her plan, She reduced in '"230-pound-lots,"" then held that weight loss for a full year before tackling the next 20 pounds, This spirited dieter writes: "For years your column has been the first thing I turn te in the paper, It helps me to stay slim, I am sending you my story hoping It will encourage someone else "AL age 18, 1 weighed 105 pounds for §' 2" and 1 meas ured 44:37:45! Today, 1 am 45, 1 burn, Toronto and Sharon Nor. | Rita Heard (left) and Gail throp, Trenton, In the lower | Gurry (centre) both of Osh: pleture, Mrs, R, P, Matthews | awa, while Miss Gladys Hill, and Mrs, J, A. Nicholson, re. | associate director of nureing presenting the Gideon Noclety, | education, smiles approval, present white testaments to | Oshawa Times Photo were many years when I suf fered as all overweight people do from the jibes " This business woman's novel way of controlling her weight and her wardrobe is the best possible plan for living happily | ilim ever after, Ro, more about her story tomorrow, | ically, Since I make most of my ™ COVERAGE clothes, I could keep my ward TY COVERAGE | robe up-to-date, and the change, ONDON (CP)=There will be always caused lots of comment, [no more low-cut necklines on When my clothes would begin BRC television, Officials decided a, eed repacng 1 wld, KS womens oki mus ve mor a new wardrobe, 1 continued Modest after complaints about this plan until now I buy size|the appearance of Italian actress 10 patterns and wear size # and| Lisa Gastoni on a program 10 ready-made, I began with a see 4d! ; HOWLING FAILURE This. plan of reducing a size WICKFORD. Iinals oO at a time and holding that loss CKFORD, England (CP) until I needed to sew for a new|Remma, a lioness in a private wardrobe made the whole thing| zoo longs for a mate but so far rather exciting and taught me per Jove calls have attracted weigh 110 pounds, and measure 32:32%-004, 1 have maintained this weight for well over a year and see no reason for not hold. ing from now on, "1 do not personally know one reducer who has succeeded in holding her weight down after to control my weight in the in 3 i terim, Anyone who can hold/®"¥. complaints from nearby their weight steady for a year residents who are organizing a loan successfully keep slim, 1 Petition for her removal, The seriously question if anyone else Wher threatens to replace her can stay reduced, with an elephant "You probably would not ap prove wholly of my eating pro , riage age Mog Drie B n 1058 I'hen how do these early mar- 40 per cent of all our brides rages work out? A large num- / rg [Der of them don't, The couples ar J (3 Veto {vehugery and 4 Jerge who were under 20 at the time younger, One hundred ninety of the To dink dave Wehr thousand of the bridegroom Re oa a A ny hes re J @ (J ete 3 oF Jounser, igi try. In an age where education ! K : is more and more important stratum of American society, teenage marriage invariable though more among high «co Lol can etion plans to be schoolers than among hoys whol downward Most high school ul Jehgol By 10 work Towa ftudents who marry do not even ge Xo uv hod i qb it finish high shool, College boys A NVOrmiLy HOCLOI0RISY | apan must take jobs to help pay who has studied early marri for wife and baby; many of Age reports many (OONAEOTS | {hom don't graduate either, are marrying to escape unhap: Marriage } bord ' py homes, unsatisfactory school age 1 a burden to put experiences or from communit:[On #ny teenager, Like three les which they don't like, For|legged race horses early marri- some, marriage offers an un-|age might work out but it's questionable source of affection! never a good bel A. This subject is very Involved Briefly, radioactive iodine is used in place of surgery In certain coses of overactive thyroid and in conjunetion with ether thetapy in treatment of thweid tumer, The use of radioactive or ""atomic" medicine is relatively new, This type of treatment holds great promise and many di centers are conducting research on the therapeutic uses of several varieties of radioactive materials 9 | have twe boys whe each loped pyloric sh (pro« joctile vomiting) whan they were four weeks old, | om Answers do not necessarily reflect For Further Information Canisters available personal physician, 97, Termine} "A", columns when possible, Kan 28 King St | A FINER BLEND . YOU'LL BE PROUD 10 SERVE! losing any given amount of gram, but knowing me ax well weight, 1 know there are peo: as I do, I have to consider my ple who stay slim after reduc: self a 'food-alcoholie.' One taste ing, but those I know who havelof the wrong food calls for eat taken off weight eventually ing the whole thing -- be it & Ir BAck AcHES Try A KiDNEY | diagnosis and treatment of disease Is the function of the Questions directed to Selence Editors, oronte, Ontario, will be incorporated in these 2 0 (ror (vfs Thronah QD Koowivdey, expecting my third child, Is there anything to do to prevent oppening again? A. Pyloric stenosis Is en obstrue: tive narrowing of the passageway between the stomach end small intestine, This congenital (pres ent at birth) condition Is found most often In Infants two to three weeks old, It occurs more often in boys than in girls but the reason for this is unknewn, As might be expected, ons symptom of pyloric stenosis is projectile vomiting, The obstruction pre. vents food from passing down. ward through the narrowed open- ing, The full stomach contracts and explosive vomiting occurs Surgery is the only way to correct the condition, There are no pre. cautions that can be taken dur ing pregnancy to prevent the occurence of pyloric stenosis, Fortunately, the chances are slight that the condition will occur In three successive ehil dren, the opinion of ell doctors, The tient's 0, Box Ay! Ochawao CLOTHES CARE "HousecLEANING' {wind up bigger than ever, 1 had quart of ice cream, a whole p ' h | " 3 Do you suf " that trouble, ton, s0 here is|or a hox of candy, So, I do not| pe Nights Frequsnt or Passages, Blvong Cloudy what 1 did [take the fist taste, ever, All aver the bladder, and Rheumatis Paing "1 reduced in '30-pound lots' |My friends know that I do not| due to Kidney and I RAL TO SIZE 48! Ry ANNE ADAMS Exclusively designed for hip slimming flattery plus comforts in-fit! Classie shirt, pedal push ers, shorts, slacks all are QARY-SOW In orisp cottons, Printed Pattern 478: Wom en's Rizes 3M, 36, 38, 40, 42, 4, 46, 48, Size 3 shirt takes 1% yards Minch; pedal pushers 34 yards | Send FIFTY CENTS (30¢.) in| coins (stamps cannot he accept: | ed) for this pattern. Please rint plainly SIZE, NAME, AD. RESS, STYLE NUMRER Send order ot ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept, Oshawa, On: tario ANNOUNCING the biggest) fashion show of Spring-Summer, 1961 ~~ pages, pages, pages of patterns in our new Calor Catalog = just out! Hurry, send y Me, now! Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Slestelyan @ - of worry and ember ement, FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will ba In Ohawe ot he Genasha Motel, January 31. Fob. In HONE RA 3.464) p for appointment on these dates and held the weight loss for a open my mouth for food of any full year in order to learn to kind between meals control my weight, It really was| "It is fun to have a nice fig fun for that lost poundage took ure, and I really do have me down a whole dress size/my age, all my friends and sometimes a bit more, Re: were once neat and trim are ih ing a business woman, 1 need now fat. This isn't gloating or| to replace my wardrobe period: (pride, just satisfaction. There! FR i You AWNINGS NOW! I Auch oases the very first dose of OVATEX usually starts to work immedis ately ta help you In 3 ways: 1 ature remove certain Irritating nan specie germs tn acid sonditians, 8, Re loves Rieumatio Paina and tired, aoh feeling dus to ealds, al ¥ LU day and night, Get " drvusist today, Fas! better fash, [ AOR UY R ALUMINUM hi "Save 20% | Free Estimates eo LES EVENISS SALE 15 PRINCE §T. RA 5.4632; Ll! SEARS Exper! Installation * S LTD. EVENINGS RA 3.2707 PLASTIC COATED Sunworthy PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS SAVE YOU HOURS IN DECORATING All you need is Water Tray Sponge and Scissors Ask for aur simple Instructjop Folder, It's free! EDGAR'S PAINT. & WALLPAPER 34 KING ST. W, -- OSHAWA RA 3.7351 RULES To Look Your Best, Have It Cleaned and Pressed. Guard Clothes Against Perspiration Wear underarm shields, Watch out for permanent wave solutions, steine which can come from dente! sprays, perfumes, colognes ond shampoos, These are usually invisible at fint, but appear later on, Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & BOWMANVILLE AND CLEANERS Oshawa DYERS LTD. CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD., Whitby HARWOOD CLEANERS, Ajax PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby