PARADE By GEBEY BLAIR WHITBY SPORTS Tonight's the night for the much awaited special hockey sitraction between the Whithy Dunlops and the Hull-Ottawn Junior Canadiens at the Whithy Commimity wrens. Game time lor this stellar #2 hibition contest js 8:30 pm. Tickets have being moy Ing very well, but there wee some sill available, plus plenty of excellent sanding room Sem Pollack, manager of the Habs is bringing in bis top line from the Hull -Otipwe Canadiens of the Eastern Professional Hockey eagne pnd what » tine! Clikf Pennington. Bobby Bowssesn. and Terry Gray, Penningion is the Eastern Pro lengue's leading senrer, by a wide margin, while Bobby Roussesu hes heen dividing his time between the Eastern Pro Habs and the Montreal Canadiens of the Nations! Hockey League, Pennington scored ane of the Montreal gonls on Beturday night in their 3-3 deadlock with the Detroit Red Wings, This wes Fennington's first gonl in the NHL, I Cliff played with the Canadiens in Chicagn last night, he may have some diffienlty ar ranging transportation ta Whithy in time for the con test, We eevipinly hope he ean make i, Terry Gray the ather especied star, bs the EPHL, Habs second EY highest scorer. Pui these antstanding players in » Your men who have made | on hand #0 a minor hockey | Harold Bo ad y bot game with other notable players, led hy Charlie outstanding contribs in © might the Commumty aon Hawes Ry Be Sadie Burns from the Boston Bruins, and hockey fans can Minor Hockey in Whithy were Arena in Irasem | ae, i i dw shi AE Yo e ofr | Expect a tremendous show tonight at the Community Saturday maht by £ wh of the men h f y ! WEA ra aviary u ; Hock y | 0 honored beng ahsent. | ness, and Yen _Rowey i AFenm Association. Jack Christie shown above, Mr. Christie who | om Vachlion mn rtd The Wi Denke more. this bik secretary of the CAHA WE eft. presents the plagues In ISHRwWR Times LH baby Habs » hare of ¥ i fr f z2ainst the y wha quite naturally the peak of condition hav y played in the Olav ills Senior cireuit sll nd DIS | season, while on the nthe: snd will be the first time together for the former Whithy Dunlop players ". Along with Charlie, plave ke Bobby Atltersiey Hai inde Alf Tres d J Hender ss il » probably provide the ] park for the Dunlo ! Fe] condition Ted VConng Pom O'Connor, Ci f 1 Wwmolenkn and Dune § a4 nould be in relative EHAPE from playing | & Bunday hake Ie I68 Ad ny al Bowmanville The remainder of the hithy. Pu lap inor Hockey Teams «ism imi far tonight fil y : possible ng done tn reconstruc A J en Monahan 0.00 Everyihing possi & don F GORDON " AWYED feAvay, (stile Penallie . , : By CLIFF 6 had is Hudgin. Glover, Philly Gra: Lane 11.00 Conkson 14.00 Ihe scene ag il used to he when the Whithy Dunlhp Ainor hocks gu day ham, Hewer Penalties Monahan 000, were selling records nis A" competition. The grand chim here oy a i WHITBY PEV, WEES Ind Period line farmeatio will be the same before, Bobby ut 44 wn in the local Adam PP Brown, Norwood MINE None 0 Of i Altersle Bus Gagnm Lignrge Samaolenko will mage ' ; eg time ny another Rowland, Harris defiant Penalli Lane 20M, ona he reunited. Fred Fiche £) lie Burns and Tom Alena al on J ture Bryant, Heeson. Gibson, Kee: han 30.00 y nf : . u y oe This was truly a fai ' h (nan, Bremner, Treen, Goddard rd Period rh-onnov together once again fedddaddic Jl) nh and shows the keen infers i als. Shearer. £ Brawn 7. Toronta: Meehan .,..p .. 15 Hasserd nd Sand Gordie Myles, Frank Bop the folk have in Ine : mu Relores Dave Gibson and & Toronto Meehan ello and An th the re ler + e forward ion of hockey player generation hoek ere gti BIE Gagnon Monahan , A $1 being spotted perindicall The Whithy teams while fu SIMMARY 0 Toronto: Dunn, Bzpik 1 " { y ans will ge i f homehre nf fight did not have it in math 1s Hall in Whithy Mitchell hithy tens will gai. y i I with the more experienced (15h Nehawa Conk Bandford, Adams ,..¢ , 12.00 favorite, Doug Williams aga ther crowd please awa and Toronk Edi Fhe (Oshawa: Phillip iWYRY Penallie Dunn 19.40 was Eddie Redmond, the whistle-happ defenceman Pee Wee loam wa fumpsr. 7 Oshawa Conk MIDGETS from Peterbora. Jack Donls will share the training hy Oshawa, the Bantam i Ind Hall HI. Mike's 5, Whithy: | duties with Stan Wavlett the Bt. Mike's (Club 7 An h {. Oshawa: Hudgin, Vischer As was the case in tthe two Ab Barnes and Ivan Locke of Oshawa will handle Whithy Midget WEE n y. Whith (iihson, Bryan! previous games the visitors | i} fficiating they did the past {ims ng 0 Oshawa; Waddell, Graham (had ton much experieyice and| Ne eINCIALING as they did in id i ' Spina In all if was a rand - ening Oshawa. Waddell, Fischer | polish for the Whithy teiam. The Bomething else which would be most appropia . and saw awards fn har 3 he BANTAMA fans however did not give up| 1s that old familiar ery of "Go Dunnies Co Tist in handed out, Jack ry pf the Bi. Mike's 7, Whithy 3 and cheered (he locally players] make everything romplete . OMHA and We swesented! The double hiue from Toronto with keen enthusiasmg Neither Mo i plan "in Gord proved that they haa ton muchiteam managed Io fend the iL TOWN AND COUNTRY Bobby Altersley i nor Hooke ARLY ! class for the Whithy team de: gin in the fast hard fraught first d K y Van J ) tremendous game Saturday night in Kings ! Hawes and OMAA nn a spite the efforts of some of the period as hoth goalies were Played » I the ¥ Ho J Waterlon bib Bobby hard worker in iid gars. | 10cal players. In fael all the making some fine sages. The] 1on again Li 1ENET~ YY Ale hp in this area [or ome 44 years Whithy players tried hard bill visitors picked up a 1dair in thel scored two goals and assisted on a third in the Fron (thers in FRARIVE pladu aud Will have to admit that the To middle tania heljre Bob tenaes d-8 stalemate with the Beaver Harry Binden Harold Boy yerp 4 ronto players were pretty Bond Camphell broke the Ywese egg and Alf Treen continue as the top defence pair with Fd Rowman Minor hockey ex: The Favonio team built up a 44 for the home side, THe visitors the Frontenaes, Harry set up Atlerslev's first power Ihe Whith tat a huffet lead in the first period, Were however had the edge in the lay tally, Kingston plaved well enough to win hut acylive was host a mes, The Planked by Spencer in the local final period as they "eountered| PAY tally, King 14s gaat. 4 Rory. first sho dinner after the gam Whithy cage in the second and then with three wnanswemad falling were vietims of two fluke goa he very first shot minor hockey sel uj i ervey Added three more in the final MoNamara, Harvls, Kirley of the game hy Kitchener was a looping drive from | 16 second 10 none a 4 fine qoh Period, Meehan was the hig Walton and Grale were the To centre ice whieh bounced by John Henderson into the a Int of Phase fo : ! with he! noise for the Tovonto team gel: pant goal getters 'with Camp nets, With the game tied 9-3 midway through the y are doing alon 4 : Ibi : y i the are i on, ga-manage, I four goals, Dunn fired two hell the lone Whithy {marksman final frame, a pass=oul from the Kingston corner; hit men wi tran 18nd Duggan the other. For the FORONTO Moka, Dicinn N nach, coache's helpers, [rain vie was Bell, Adams A si Floyd "Bud" Hillman's stick and trickled into (he ¢ » keepers seore keepers Whithy team it was Rell, YE (in, MeGowan, Frasdar, Harris : Bahl Al toot d a i | a "who heln ta make|@nd Mitchell with ane each Madolt, McNamara, Sharpe earner, Then came RBohby Allersley's secon an HE Fig in Whithy what ot TORON'T() Alla Repik Manahan, Beandiffin:, Grale gamestying goal late in the game, Bobby came within ig Mg 4%) ihe finest sport: Prentice, ¥ aun g Manahian Walton, Micallif, Jesks, Kirley an ace of acoomplishing the hat=trick seconds laler i gins We [ . { i HR in Whith i H pidgin, Helleve W EF Finmgan, Gorman, Sullivan fram directly in front of the net, but his hard drive i) f " id ¢ ,y p The president. of the minn ni, Dua {1A Snencer, | Peluecehin just skimmed hy the post. Yesterday afternoon, Sud hockey this year 1s Fred Ing, A Maundyell Caokson Bryant WHITRY CUA Hama hury Walves gained two valuable points in their at whi alsn|* 1 5 ] really hard waorkey 4 } s Se Stan Lane, Dathy, Reson, flew i y idl ni 0 Neaig tempt to eateh the fourth place Kingston Frontenar convener of the Pee Wee i 8 art, Adams, Mitchell, Sandford, |? Ul Amp be by 'shuttis out Jacques Plante and the Maoritreal in town that pla nme 2h Ral Stes Lane. Rell. Tharndvke. Vorvis, Heffering, Cinlville, Shee 1y Hn g icq urday morning Lartin ! idk i Christi dy, Liddle, Kvans, ¥lassetl, Ree Hoval 1=0 right in the Forum, Kingston meanwhile f '] (a ¥ ¥ early as 700 am. Past presi Referes Ah Barnes and on dvopped a A-3 decision (no Kilehener in the Twin Cif dent 1s Poug Maundrell a Bus Gagnon Referees fim Corner, Joe Their margin aver Budhury has heen eut to § point n I N¢ VO a ' § treasurer 1s Tom y in 4 SUMMARY Mil \ George "Goose Closselin continues his fine goal sean ) | |) ' LL ! y n 1 nn real spark nit in the al ht Period me SUMMA ing, getting a pair in defeat vesterday Tuesday ACURVE dP TH I, Torontn: Dunn, Sepik h p ' . : Moore, Ray Dable (of Fieker gf oti aon mharndvle RCO Ing None, night at the Whithy Community arena the third spot ing) and Harold Brown Li Maundrell 10.00 Ind Perdod Oshawa Majors entertain the fourth place Lindsay Bantam eanvener is A fuel J i. Toronto: Meehan 13.000 1. Toronto: MeNig mara LAT Tumbermen. Came time is 8:80 pm. The Majors will with Tod Lintnei yi al Hy i Whithy: Adam 3. Toronto Jari veeeeny RRL po going all out tn maintain their lead aver Lindsay Midge ji Beedle handling the Joh RIT Randford, Mitohell [6.807 §. Whithy Lam el yay 11.37 as the highest of the twa elubs in the final standings convener is Ted Keenan J v. Toronto: Duggan fed Pet ind 2] i | \ ¢ the OHA Intermediate Juvenile convener | Hadgin (5.01 4. Toronta: Kirlet Ch recive the extra hame game in the WE ale Brown wha ry proud of hi & Toronto. Meehan v Taranto: Wallen 46 A emi-final Whithy Juvenile vha jus Prenfioe 1903 6 Toarontn: Grals 13.9 knocked Lindsay oul In J: 1 } § round at the ag oft A oy 3 Yells of the | members of f OMHA plave alia Henry Girls firade 128 floodgd aver Winter PEE Wi i Wonderland last' {Saturday when Oshawa 7 Whithy 1 5 a : they had their «lass party. Re Oshawa Pee Wee team t g had itl 100 meh class fo ea ickerin freshments wipe served al faniht By JOAN CALDER the Whithy team who Kathy Hamer's Jhouse following i \ | | amely hut gppeared 0 he uf Man has No eanivnt aver the the party fram the jitters al mes natural elem ' : : aking geing so many fans out spowfall has impeded the sport Last year's heer loaders | there cheering for them. How: activity in Henry Street High. | demonstrated tae school eheers| ever they did put up a fair BER Victoria Park was unable 10 far students whin want fo try 1] : 4 8 }, n and wil he a much tougher ops nlay Honey's Girl F'eama oi ont for eheer-led ders this year. anent should the two teams Thursday hecause they were 3 { again. John Conk and Ken: snowed in. The girls had a Inhuman shouts, 0 hoed thraugh| pel age W wddell were the | ar practice instead the gym. But these girls, Barh n for the winners as the The noon hour games are Paate, Gloria Wilida, Gale Laws] # Wr triggered a pair of goals progressing vapidly and are Fam Jones did a good job single cointers going to getimg ta be a roughhoyss ¢ hooks Th h d RS Rillipe and Terry Ocile | brawl. Grade 128 and Grade 1308 our schools They cheers Be on scored the lone! played: recently with Grade 13/our foothall 18 amis on to. vie care | goal an a fram winning. Many of Grade 13 givlsitory and gave 4the schoal a lift Jato) have heen on the school 10ams| Pickering Hijh School gave us AT AWA PEE WEI {some time in (heir Careers, (the honor of Playing a game - son, Bawan, Fischer, so ave fmiliar with good play against them a recently in Henry fashis Wilson LAR 1961 shi, Waddell, Cook. Marr ing tactics and technics Street Schoalvpeym. Henry Girls a | "THREE COACHES IN GAME AYHIE FIORE fa the fied Fh es "5 # ' ERRLENS in 19858 when the 1esm won the Omang Br. B champion shit, and in 19657 when they Whithy Dwlops will také in won the Alten Cup. Centre is | the jee al the Commmwmty | Gid Smith, whe was coach in Arena, st Winthy, 1onight wn | 197158, when the leam won an exhiiition game between | the World Hockey Champion the Dunmes and the Hull | ship, He wes also coach in Htawa Jr. Canadiens, 1&0 | 1996.50 when the team won | Bus Gagnon, whe was cosh | the Allan Cup for the second Triple Link Club Annual Meeting Fhe Whithy Triple Link Unity ed. President, H. H. Wicket Club (100F)y which consists sf} yh president, 1. 6G, Sle all Oda Fellow ind Behekah oh nd vice-president, Greta of Whithy, held their first meet Campbell. secretary, ora Sle mg of 1961 in the main Iodge vens, treasurer. Lens Pellow rom of the 106GYF hall an Wed The noble grands of each nesday BVERINg large at lodge will appmnt 18 members fendance from hoth Indges was tn the executive hoard fram an hand each of their respective Indges President Harold % etl vall- reporting the names to the sec ed the meeting in order gl EB relary immediately following pm. for the transaction of gen their next regular Indge mee! eral husine and election of officer heart me of thanks was Under commitiee reports extended fo the members and those present wers en Ae. elected officers for thelr wimost tals of work dons mee the coaperation during the past last general meeting sich as! yeni the installation of a sump pimp he Whithy Triple Link Unity eambination aluminum windows | Clith, operating inder a charter and thing of the ante room! from the Honorable Provincial floor, ele secretary, in a non-profit club of The finance committee report-lall Odd Fellows and Rehekahs ed they had found it necessary! of Whithy, in gond standing, for tn increase some renls in order! the promotion of sociability and tn overcome the deficit he lwelfare activities of hoth lodges tween recent and expendi Fhe club owns and operates Hire his committee also quol- the huilding at 211 Brock street ed the rates tn he used in future seth (formerly the Salvation when © varion pace require Army Ciladel) and undoubtedi ments were requested hy indi the officigl opening hanguet {viduals and elubs or other or: held on Salurday, Nov. 7, 1060 ganizations consisting of a turkey dinner Fhe treasurer gave Ngures speakers dnd other various on the expenditures and reforms of enterainment, will aeipts for the past year as well always be remembered and covering outstanding mitments .in detail New busine called for nn term. The following were elec il cherished hy the attending ea pacity evowd of Odd Fellows, the Rebekahs and their friends as|hrites 1; {election of officers for the 1061 a historical event in the annuals! Bowl 1 tof gond fellowship Tells New Party To Steer Middle Course | Whirlwinds of rebellion are ed our lessons from previous |shaking the world right now,'| Bo eriments The angel of pro | ress 1s with us tated Hes H. Stainton of # | | Is unbelievable, how, after If ourtice United Church at a all these centuries millions of (at 211 Broek street south, Whit fiving in starvation and nove thy, Baturday, Jan. 98 erty. For thousands of years the { Mr. Btainton spoke on the| Russian people lived in poverty {trend of moral and ethical) After the Bolshevik Revelution values in public office at the! they found themselves in al meeting which was attended by police state. If is unfortunate about 12 elih members that they tried tn follow the here is no political differ: npavxis paliey in thelr governs hetween - the liberals and conservatives, When setting u I We must continue to have a the new parly, be very carefull yuo party system The people's [10 avoid being involved with the! pars 16 now heing formed. The {extreme right wink hi Ai [Onposition in the next govern extreme left wing," stale ment ought ta he the people's slainton ' . party He panied 3 he ne vi Rev, Btainton related some of party is going f i | { WL the instances throughout world | rs port of the Canadian fa story where the masses of we have to steer a middl eolrse hetween the extreme left) {and right [und NEL" re kre coming tn [pens in every civiligation, A | I 500.000 heanln few gluttons of privilege like the ertsls, There are | | "Status Quo' rule the masses." (unemployed in Canada today] "pelt SE anton related the land a lot of other people are| y Rie " 'underemployed i¥ ged FF - a Sentor BaskedPall team won 18 pate : [6 with Joan Pairman searing 13 Me {paints The Junior team at Hen ! Plus Ind ry had ns fugst win of the sea Feature son. The soe was 393 and -- 'CRY [Julie Tweedy scored 14 points § vous | Members off the Senior Girls Raskethall tam ae Elaine ' Pe Campbell, Jefan Farman, Joan snd Fairman, Jog ane Flin, Frances { | Linda Cristal J {Gihson, Katlyy Hamer, Cat hy| LJ ! abi 4. 70,4 By a1 | Menzel, Uta, Mengel, Cathy EASTMAN COLOR | MeKay, Joamne Underwood, and] eh | WN IAAT Oe es [Jeanna Wend ing. The manager - NIGRARL CRAIG: ANNE HEYWOOD |3f the teamy is" Susanne Stone NAMED HIGH SCHOOL QUEEN | Mae An JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE The Andeg son Street farmal) Pretty Carale Dart, 18, was | Holiday dance. the first for Kutght, vight. The queen wa fa ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Was a Se LA Suroste There Friday might named Queen of | mal at the new high school aol Sm Hiak a » Trop vere 80 ticdiots sald and mem the Ball at the Anderson | Miss Dart is shown above with | : bia, 4 00 AR fvening Shows hers of Henry Street Schonl and student in th pecial cam hael 1.00 and 4.20 several oly er people around Street High Schoal, Whithy, an | her two princesses. Jean Loft. | mercial olass mani¢ OWN Were present | the occasion of the Hawatian | house, left, and Helen Me Oshawa Times Photo 1 {meeting of the New Party Club We have learn Nl div ided into | peaple throughout the world are ment people had heen exploited. "The [development of autoeracy hap [Story of Moses and his return {to Israel: "When Moses return {ed to Palestine, the country was 13 governments under one central government [Then came three kings, Saul, [David and Solomon, I leave the royalty 1a your judgment [Alargy under Solomon was at [It worst, he exploited | the {masses of his people "The Holy Roman [through selfishness (neither Holy nor ied Rev, Stainton (| Mr, Btainton, who was at one Hime nominated for parliament (hy the COF Party, conducted a [question and answer period at [the end of his address. Tam Fdwards, chairman of the Whit Kimpire| hevcame| Roman," stat THE SSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jomuory ", "6 » Yond memones of the halcyon Aays of the Winily Drwlops will ihe revived in Wiithy | when practically every member if the team that won the word hen hey (hampponstig and mn two Locennions the Allan Cup take 19 {the ae for possibly the last time eR eam are hosting E ! ori dei | { time, Bight 1s Ted (VConnor who wis coach last season | and led the Dunlops in first place in the Sr. A League here, The Jr. Habs, inciden tally, may be uble (9 got some advice from hs tne for it 1s no secret that they Bre gong aller the Allen Cup his yest WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY AND DISTRICY MEN'S LEAGUY, WEDNESDAY SECTION Mitton Machine 2, Friday Stars 1, Winthy Barbers 1, 14 gion No, 4 1; Fittings 2. Yard rds 1, Firestone 8, Millwork Builders 0,. B. and K. Trans port 2, Alsen 1; Legiongives § Dupont 0, Hoffer Valley Meats 7, Ramblers 1, Bathurst 2 Munns Press 1 Triples over 10 include 190 single Kay Richard 876 (419 Aus), Weg Thurshy 808 (316, i). Herb Chisholm 624 (297 209, 268); Al Morrison 187 (296, 2K); Clarence Monre 786 (269, 00); John Clark 716 (288), i Powell 708 (281); Tes Heed 700 ini) Bingles aver 200; Don Denyer MW, Boh Carter 278, Harald Huntley 276, Ron Childs 268 Bill Wright 268, Jack Price 266 | Boh Giroux 288, Doe Dafoe 264, {dohn Metrik 260, Jim Cherry | 200, George Childs 254, Des Den yer 251 WHITBY AND DINTRICY MEN'S LEAGUE, [THURSDAY SECTION | Legion Old Swenls 2, Red {Wings 1; Donald Motors 2, K of Columbus 1; Arena Sunoco 2, Amateurs 1; Ahner's Esso 2, Dodgers 1; Coca Colas 8, Le {glon No, 2 0; Credit Union 8, Firemen 0; Mowals BA 2, Often Bilversmiths 2, County 700 Triples, include 250 singles Al Hephurn 000 (887, 6, 57); Doug Rowden 702 (200, 470); Myrle Reeson 783 (314 "80); Lou Bteffler 780 (287, 268) Ab, Bamanskl 760 (300); Marty {Jordan 771 (830); nie White YH2 (278); Bill Mowat 728; John Rawdon 716 (818); Bill Brown 708 (267, 268); Harold Moore 708 (204) Singles over 260; Jim R, Ross 404, Harvey Roberts 300, Bruce Corner 816, Dave Walker 201, Doug Smith 282, Al. MeHaffie 470, 366, Doug Allan 376, Harry Barrons 278, Fred Major 208, | Warren Watson 262, Bill Gordon | 407, dim Ross 867, Diek Adams | 264, Jack Keotl 268, Bud Bragg ahi WHITRY MEN'S MAJOR Tuesday night's action al County Bowl produced a couple of shut-outs as Hillerest Dalry took all the points fram Wilson's Food Market and Mercantile Dept, Store led hy Capt. Marly Tordan with a niece B16 triple shut out Basselt's Jewellery, Hambly Tire took two points from Bud Cooke's "Esso" and Burtinsky Florists edged Cours tee Pharmacy by two points to ane With twa nights left in the third section five teams are in contention = Mercantile Dept, Htore 11 pts, Hambly Tire and Courtice Pharmacy next in line fied with 10 pts. Bud Cooke's "Has" and Burtinsky Florists ted with § pls Top shooter this week was Marty Jordan 015 (350, 979, 496); Myvle Reeson 840 (389, SR) Jim Cassels R19 (316, 250); Farl Jordan 780 (310, 301) Glen Rorabheek 775 (320); Al Hepburn ¥64 (270, 268); Clare Hutcheon 780 (16); Diek Adams 762 (306); Hert Mewett AT (80); Manny Swarts 940 (265, 388); Him Kirkwhite 743 (304); Geo, Olliffe 700 (380): A) MoHaffie 726 (360); Dave Rey nolds 732 (373); Kel Wimes 710 (368) Will Goeylls 708 (310) Carse Heard 708 (282) {hy New Party Club, chaired the | meeting and aided Rev, Stain: {ton In the question and answer! A {Period TWHITBY | PERSONALS Miss Margaret Salmon, of Goodwood, spent a few days at {the home af Mr. and Mrs. Mél {vin Perry, Front 8§t, BE. Port) {Whithy On Monday, Garey, son af My {and Mys. MJ, MoKeowan, is oplebrating his 11h birthday His school companions of Kath {lean Rowe school and friends (Wish him many happy returns retuimns ALSO DIRECTS he Jan. 38 episode of Gun smoke on CBS TV 5 directed hy Dennis Weaver, wha plavs the role of Chester in the wes [about reports that the negotia Hons involve up to 32,000,000 by shels of wheat RESULTS LATER OTTAWA (CP).-Negoliations are proceading for sale af wheat tn Red China and any results will be announced in due onurse, \grieulture Minister Alvin Ham ton told the Cammons Wednes day. He was veplying ta CCF Leader Argue who had asked het he Hot awn Ir. Canadians wn eukitition tilt arranged 1n the Dunmes raise enough maney to pay off & defich left when the clih ended operations lust season Since the Duniops have not played as # learn since the end of the 199060 senson, and the rd have been themselves groomed (nn go waiter the Allan Cup this yepr, i would #ppenr that the mitecome of the ERme Is preity certain. Bul, the Dunlops may have some sire prises for the fans tonight (90 Flying in from Boston Is Charlie Burns, now with the Boston Bruins, whe wields # god shiek, ¥ our ther members of the oid Dunlop squad have wen seen regular play this year 10a. Long Jom Henderson, AY Treen, Harry Sinden and Boy Allersiey are all playing for the Kingsion pro tesm in the EVI Coming with the Habs wie » couple of professionals too. Bob Kovsseau, » member of ihe Hull - Olawa pro team and just completing a stint with (he Montrenl Canadiens in the NHL, will probably be on hand CIE Pennington, alse with the same feam and recently on emergency recall to the Nil, may alse be on hand, Both these players will he remember ed by Whithy fans in days of the Br A league Even the referees recognized in Whithy too for they are Ah, Barnes and Ivan Locke who handled the games here in former years Bome of the game is to he televised to be used in a CBIY sporiscast, says former Dunnies manager Wren Blair and he says that sportswriters and newscasters wha accompanied the team (0 Oslo in 1009 will also he on hand for what may he the last look at the team that made hockey history and sl records thal can never he heaten Following will he tonight's game, players and their wives will meet in the auditorium for sandwiches and refreshments HAZARD WITH BARROW BRANTFORD (CP) «= Robert Btremler, 18, of Mount Pleas: ant, was fined $100 and costs Wednesday and had his driving privileges suspended for one year after he was convicted of driving while disqualified, Mag. Istrate John Shillington sald Btremler, aceused of driving a tractor on a road south of here, had nine driving eonvictions in the past 18 months and "would he a hazard on the road even If he was pushing a wheel hai. row." Bunions, corns and hammer (nes are usually the result of ill. fitting footwear, particularly in the growing years, shawa served answering service Your OWN telephone answered. law post 24 hs, daily mobile 2-way radia | DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON SV, §,, WHITRY MO 8.5231 YOUR CLL, Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating Contraction Gyprex, Paperhanging wil Wall Mural | {lern series wake-up service * L * . «Metropolitan medical exchanges | For Information call 8-4601 | A