Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1961, p. 3

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OSHAWA HEALTH AND $ TRENGTH CLUB IN ACTION rt aad Weight Lifting Builds Character By GEOFF, HUSSEY The dumbbells end barhels are ringing three nights a week for & group of local men and their muscles at the Commumiy Recreation Association Hall on Gibh street There g wating of tential members wanting to jon these local stalwarts al the Osh awa Health and Birength Club of refuting Canadi lot disposed and dissipation things have the hody One contention Hs iy one wa ne that overfed toward onesit Many disparaging heen said { building is that because 8 man worse with weights, he marcissist clod hell for ther the he SET RECORD STRAIGHT After a chat with a few these unassuming, modest well built fellows the night, this reporter proposes the straight Bodybuilding aims at the viahle everlasting goal of "sound mind In a sound body And since it 1s Impossible to 2 divorce the mind from the hody Photos wen & man 18 using weight re sistance exercises, hoth are brought into play. A consider ahle part of the will to succeed | he it to lose 30 pounds and elim inate that spare tire, or 10 gAIN 80° pounds, is mental and emo {tional ' Radio Park Names | New Executive Officers for the ensuing year were elected at a recent meet which 18 § cent a laz cla ahou 1 peapie out an har fi must he a with ana a } g hrain who tur entirely unfit for any of necause competitive sports uscle-bound ! is "m and slow of and other 0 Good yedl PICTURE iron sling the Osh birength | George Blayone, Don fellow, Alec Yurkowski ed, Joe ¥Vieischer, In the er picture It's "hooray and up she rises' as Ron Lace hoists 185 pounds aloft for & standing This exercise hack THE SNOWS B group ers members awa Health Club, This picture at their headquarter Communit Hecreallon elation building on Gibb street They are from the left stand ing, Hon Lace An UPPER of of low and set record taken the ASKO Wa en in a press develnpe shoulney cles And arm mus 18 Oshawa Times I OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF ARTHUR AYRES The memorial service al ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme tery Al Pallbearers were Donald Me thur Ayres, who died at Hills-|Murtry, David Lagerquist, Ted| dale Manor, Thursday, Jan, 26, Paynes, Reginald Ayres, Hohert in his 84th was held from| Ayers and Arthur Ayres | the Armstrong Home A 'Bl Salurde Sh The death occurred Friday 4 Jan of A, Gordon Hudson ister of Albert " " "i dale Church, conducted the of 476 King George street, Peter {ing of the Radin Park Neighbor borough, He apparently suffer He was assisted by Hev {hood Association, Those elected t part at ile Mitchell, minister of sb. sy do attack while Were o L t Churel Ai ah President, M1 Street Baptis hureh The deceated his 03nd Gireatrix Ar Funeral 9 GORDON HUDSON fan, 38 al Atkinson, min: United | services A i Htreel g Alan Cox; vice Anne Weeks Stella New Mrs, Dorothy in |YEeRY, 1b the form Mrs. Pee Dave he ack RUM South MerRing RUMMAGE sale { pm. Centre & Group MAGE sale Viithy of i East i January eh onda aay 4 of BINGQ GERTRUD AUDITORIU I in | Lake FARE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT RIZE re the Co 30 f FRES A Ab 4 ILION CEKPOT JUBILEE PAV laronta century On his mond took af the ihe Van My hand ie con will retirement Os over as Rowman sion o salvation Army | He predeceased bh | wife, Florence Jane, in 1851 §0Y Woodview Divi Community Centre BINGO TONITE 8 PM JACKPOT NOS. 51.53 JACKPOTS PAY DOUBLE | IF WON IN 52 OR LESS | REGULAR GAMES PAY | DOUBLE IF WON IN 17 OR LESS $2,350 00 TOTAL PRIZES \ "THE NEW ! RED BARN * EXTRA BUSES NBEAM CHAPTER QO.ES holding the ann * ARD PARTY at the MASONIC TEMPLE /EDNESDAY, FEB 8 EM geant | Surviving are two daughters land two sons: Mrs. Leonard oourse an is service ¢ i val i | | Quatt [1924 in 1 Mrs de the of af late Ist esl a pre or Retreahmentsy POP CONCERT tha the wesident, Mrs survived by his wife Lids 0d COMING EVENTS |i 'ome inn' oe 14 seman and a son, Roy Hud-|warme - gon, of Budbury, Three grand Kitchen Conveners SUNNTHIDE Nelghi rhaod Fark have | children David, Deborah andiples and Mrs, Kraltus in the ( He Attractive | ilalne also survive Sports Chairman, Mr each me Mr, Hudson was the son of the Peebles street late Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Hud It was decided to hold a eu ednesday gon, formerly Burketon and|ehre party twice a month, alse Peterborough a dance twice a month on Sat Funeral service was held to-|upday nights to help raise funds | at p.m, at the Lomstock| for the park Funeral Home Peterborough He J, B. Bpencley at (James United Church, will con: : [duct the service followed hy 1g ven 4 terment in Little Come: | tery | 'For Scouts GEORGE G4, USMOND | A dongtime Bowmanville sident and 2% years with - | Goodyear Tire and Rubber | nnounce KINSMEN BINGO [George G. Osmond died Sunday| VM \ sn TUESDAY TAN. 31st Frag _ i Jum hrook Hospital The Oshawa District Council ADMISSI Born in Bristol England. My [of the Roy Scouts Association TH A Bl Osmond emigrated as & hoy and 18% announced the dates for EAM married in King City, north of the holding of a number of im around the tum of the wrtant events in the Oshawa area during the coming year On Monday, Feb, 6, a ference of distriet elergy be held at Camp Samal Boy Seout Week will be ob nig served from Feb, 20 to 98 and {the Distriet Counell will hold an apen house at Camp Samae on Friday, Feb, 3 Taylor(Florence) and Mrs, ( The annual group committee Williams (Maude), both of Ogh.| Conference will be held at the (awa; William, of Oshawa and|"®™MP Monday, March 6, The Frank of Bowmanville, There| TOO SCOUters hasic LA' course are four grandchildren ah be held | Wasi The body is vesting at the Anril PRR i Morris Funeral chapel, Seevice| yy planned to hold the w he Ned her ing Wa LET tres pining etemony Captain Narman Coles will con A Samac on Saturday Ju ne manvi . ne WI he District Camporee will be wi " en held May 18 and 14 and the District Cub Rally on June 3 MI iit, Wil LIAM 3. LORIMER The biggest event of the year awa Gereral Hospital, Sunday {tor scouts and guides = the an January 3, following a shart |AWal Chureh Service--will be serious fliness of Mrs, William held an Sunday, June 4 1. Larimer. of 340 Mary street it 1s alsa planned to hold the Horn No 1808 at Snow | Hast RB Sours for Jroap Road. Of former Peart Soouters on Sept. 23 and M and MeQuatt as the daughter] h® Pack Scauters Rasie Course Ante d the fohn Me. [Oh Det Mand B Sie § married Oct, 2% Perth mouth, N.§. Two grandehiidren Lorimer has been a Charles and lan, alse survive { Oshawa for the past The remains are at the Arm Bars. She was a member of St strong Funeral Home for mem | Andrew's United Church and alarial service in the chapel, Tues {member of lessie Pantoniday, Jan. 31, at 2 p.m, Rev, Dr group of the WMS and a mem: |George Telford, minister af St ber of the WA of the chureh. [Andrew's United Church will She is survived by her hus |eonduct the services. Interment band, her mother and one son, [will be In Mount Lawn Come Dr, John Lorimer, of Dart-ltery, ---- 206 ot aoe, April ® and the) Orono Lodge 'Holds Meeting OROBO On Wednesday the. OB motion of Slmpson na regiilar meeting of (rons | #7773 Forrester the secretary was n Be. 46 LOOF was held with Bre, structed ta write the Depariment Bice Myles WAG, in the char of Health have them Bean Lodge opened in regular orm (ake & survey of Weler ana 56v imi es of last meting read Wy age Msposal in the Village, For- the secretary Bro. Rainey PG, ester pointed owl that HK wee wha apprevEs five years nen thet the last wir A large number from Cobrk vey had heen taken indge Bo, 16 were welcomes, The chairman also Grew sien alterwards conferring the first tion to the fact thet Orono wae degree on # Cass of candidates paying en smownt of close 19 in & very fine form, Bro. AL $108 to the Gansraska project Perfect of Cobourg DU. Grand yhile i was not even in the Warden Fleet was duly installed fmits of the authority, 1 was in his office by Br. Hollings pis ovinion thet this money worth DDG, of DUMa could he used for & similar por Pistriet Bo. 47 pose along the Oronn Creek and On Wednesday, Jamiary Th gesistance In this could be ob-| the second degree stall of FIor- joined from the Parks Integra! ence Nightengale Todge No, 05 gon conferred the secmd degree O80 ¢ F Simpson snd BR, C. For the class of candifales EXE ester moved that the Trustees fying the Devine lesson of Bl coot oii the facts in connection manity In an ekceNent Manner ois incorporation and i the with beautiful floor werk 108 wrusices find this information which They ed mented cosistactory that they then form RPPlaLEL a citizens commitiee to petition 5 i rece) THY i today and Tuesday throughom THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Joinery 39, 196) rom, w PEN WEATHER it will continue 16 he cold HA OFFICE | Ontario and Quebec, Variable | flurries while will be cloudiness | 5 expected In | mainly sunny in Quebee southern Ontario with snow: (CF Wirephots) ATE PARTY for Incorporation The Orono Amelent G, E. Simpson of the Orono held their { Hydro Commission chaired the ! wrday last with & goo0yy PUTNEY | 4 dyn jeeting and, Press med! in attendance even though the for which weathern dropped the Tem oo os to for the Athietic his party on Ba n mille ay ment CITY AND WEATHER FORECAST DISTRICT $74.10 h J The s ginounted to over $1600.60 i the the on perature considerably below HWE r The gridit of When f ary freeing Mark fist aver $60.00 will be rink during this winter the eve Hing off with @lizen HMEOr the ison VRE 1 ¢ ied Was inne with other exleEnsions fi n sed 10 hel used to help vletion sh pri of new £ oith, Riong n ary ed mil ng that Liagnstormes a WAS OINEY RATERS ile, Church twenty 1 hockey nn g 107 on § RAE Lhe ouia RRme wi ribute Aeterming i Aer The ahility CL IFRININE DYOETRIME the of healthy clise A Man's ed hy non charac hy was 10 er hockey rong ph 4 such as will - power he Ban per in ¥ fi Chi the team on BYE) ¢ SIV ENE We ini earns S400 feit normal operation AUring the veal manager also pointed oul tem had grown from in 10 020 In considerable during and courage tn ad ponreq here to sir to obser hing health whieh 'm ENERGY BUILDER Bantam nel 3 would come 73 law cared from the the The i the comprised Ho Hhai aples nd Ko correc siuff and eLorion Watson 1h Io Dao 14) of Gordon ani Ab, W fidaieton J habits the men Are ne € { usele en' tho 0 pL his Tester HPOLICH he Orono Po their on Monday | Hydro office J Lower Ler the training nption weigh nd or! nee TRUSTEES g period meet) Lamina Energy Jin I ! IeR0INE 8 letie trainers Ingugura Ii I fn s Lowery tated hat the Manag emed low (tn Orono § I and moved that an addi ional 8200 he applied to his sal thi The motion onded C. Yorresier Orono United coaches and ath 0% ELE held 16d ; oate that ers alpey & advocate tf ening in th wn Ad k Charge off SpOrLEMe use the ont 5 1] errelan A coming the 'Trustees { were taken mee Ww yith Hj For I of f 0 their *" re Milison prajer Were 7 vol 4 thal faEON A 7 wa nh Wedne Al ar i day H performance 0 dy with few weight, ha lzed iron in thelr i Bodybuilding the principle hat jected ded clses | nutrition first replacement improve 6 hoy itil ahead resent Program winds On cass} ave a exira for ine ! 7 | sled hy on the nm RHEE ng with the president Mr Mitchell, presidin I'he Becrelary ii OG son read the minutes of the | meeting which slgneq and aetior ome Wi the corre sub. | was received from the secreial weight exer. for ' of gall and protein This was referred to the budget Muscle followed addition yonder i lelier hased muscles upon Car to gr A Bala nerease given Were Ie ina is meeting h The of Lower Village Lawnship Vive A request for Orong Lomunity aronn I'he Brownies are isfactory arrangement Orono Girl Guides the Centre on Tuesday nights i, C, Forvester presented to |the meeting a proposed plan of projects for the year which in will Re Ii supple the! i chairman appeinied J gnd KH. C, Forvesiey Beniativer at torn and cusie purchased balance of arte had ] report muse heen 0 " hank more Ligsue repr Alex the Oshawa Health and Club, sald that members "worl out" three times week! Mon day Wednesday and Priday SIMPLE EXERCINER Mr, Yurkowskl sald thal he ginners would start off with half| a dozen simple exercises, each one broken down into three sels of eight or ten repetitions, With:| in & few weeks It should he pos sible to add welght onto the har", "and by this time any man should he feeling the im provement in good health, gen leral fitness, skin, complexion land muscle tone," Mr, Yurkow ski added The OHSC has heen In exis there v $106.62 The appointed for President Vice ae Commitiee the Centre sidént of rength Yurkowsh pre of by the the granted hy following officers were 1661 i President Becrelary Brownie Wh Donald Blap Mr, R to make gal with the! '¢ Witton | | (ey; Librarian, Mrs. G, Carson; {Soprano Convenor, Mrs. C Jones; Contralto Convenor, Mrs tension to present street Nght work at the Community Centre, purchase of properly where test drilling found sul lable supply of water for Mum cipal use purchase o land mittee. Mrs R. Hancock. Mrs under the Parks Integration I. Bowing. Mrs. R. Sutton Board for conservation and park tence for elght vears and Ii Use ey of the Village re MONTHLY MEET facilities ave enjoyed hy 65 water and sewage disposal BY! The usual monthly meeting members the Department of Health, i ve: of the Evening Auxiliary was | vision In the payment to the Gens held in the Sunday Behool Aud [ |araska, Investigation into the|itgsium on Thursday with Presi Agricultural sewage proposal by the Federal dent, Mrs, Margaret Arnott in Mr. W, Mitchell or, Mr, EE. Rainey to secure music, Mrs, Workman Mr. Don Staples, Mrs, G son; Convenors Social Com Bass Conven Ing, | of a su Government and also that of sel: the chair | meeting of the [gate the desirability of proceed: the minutes of the Reach and Beugo Society was held| the January 28rd and started with Turkey Dinner in the base now that 80 mile Hmit signs had corresponding secretary ment of Manchester Church, Al been erected, Mr. Simpson also] President, Margaret the conclusion of the dinner Mt recommended that the Trustees Viea President, Kthel Bdgar Leask, who had vetived | Pek up the two sites on which a Ree, Secretary, Joan [ast year as a Director of the| fufficient water supply had been Car, Secretary, Thelma Vage as ) [Fai was honored by the presen (found This, he sald, would eer: Treasurer, Kathy Armstrong / [tainly be used in the future &s|Librarian, Eileen Billings; Pian: | [tation of an Agricultural Service| 4 \ : R the source of supplying water 10/ist, Stella Carson; Group Lead Christ tewardship, | | i! pps | {Diploma In recognition of ser the Village be nole doubt obtained lesser Group 11 Mrs. Long, assistant Khel Tyrrell; Missions and Sup {vices rendered both to the Port| | COs | plies Group Isobel Challice, | Perry Fair and to the Commun lity, Mr, Fred Christie, who Imade the presentation, spoke of] | assistant. Reity Chatterton Citl M- hewits Yon agi Oshawa Bo [lzenship and Temperance, Group hitor of cattle and later As a ' Kay Chapman assistant, 1 Alleen Baivstow; Band; Audrey | I Second {Rutherford and Helen Wood with the Fair S Phose present were then in 1] . | vited to continue with the an: n own 1 nual meeting in the hall, Afler| | speaking briefly the president, My \. KR. Johns, called on | Originally scheduled to be held| first time for a good many years gunday at the Oshawa Ski Club that the Annual Meeting had! Kivhy, the trials were moved been held in Reach and vemind: [tg Cralgleith's Blue Mountain| od us that at one time the Fair Ski Resort because of the lack held here The annual [Port Perry [Agricultural Amott; Lyeett Couvier; could A and a now n director, Mr, Leask offered his thanks to the Hoard and sal that he had enjoyed his work Carl Campa, Ritson road novth| inished second Saturday in the| peeve Oyler who weloom | Reeve Oy he loomed the {Boys under 14 Downhill class of Association te Reach Fawnship| our: Way Championships Hall, He sald that this was the Wa of snow | "We did well," sald Ivan Rich manager of the Oshawa Club, as reported that The Carvespondence was read and a donation voted 10 be pald|#ivs to the Crap As: | OKI sociation, it alse maved| over NM campetitors were enter that the membership fee be paid lin he, h of the eve 10 the Ontario Association iv, Richards said hoya Agricultural Societies were at a disadvantage, having| bt aol Sink ad only two weeks ing at he Financial Statement had only two Weeks of skiing a the Kirby lavout this winter read and was followed by WH he haped a : \ ne Auditor's report school could be held Warden Anson Gervow otfered) coa, greetings from the County of Ontario and Mr, G, HE. Nelson told us that this year we had limpravement fie Was nt the of in your savings Got extra rash Wa the high this sald meet later oy ! completed the praject, 17 mem bers entered the Dalry Calf Club the biggest RB 0 White! > gest Black and White}, 4's t, The tractor 1 the Shaw in the Distriet [olub was attended and Reports were heard from the junior Farmer Chairman of the different com! Grain Classe ? mittees with recommendations Mr. Fair thanked the Board for or changes and tmpravementsiihe Support given these argam for another year, Mr, G. H, Klzations Kerry suggested- a moment aff Mr silence in tribute to the late Mr. the Wilmot Shea, & good sparismaniiy thew and a highly respected visitor at'executive jour Fair Mr, Fair ald of the +H olubs. vice-pres Because of weather the!tie Ind vice pr grain elub was late in completion Honey: secretary {but of the 11 whe started, 10Fred Lamb LIEURY EY LUANN up to k 4 completed | well $2500.00 Forage and 5 We sasiactony sometimes more NIAGARA FINANCE the Fair election 286 KING ST, WwW, RA 8.1634 Open & pom, Friday Closed Saturday Branches throuphout Ontaria on the Was President, A. HR dent, D 3 el | Pod Are treasurer 1 { Ii fron i] his 1 I by required for me, thal 1 am the Lord which Lf of ment il I an nore pip The ed duri An Church Choir held their annual FIED the astiout of his car on Albert street 1h approved | And dragged him from his car alter Mrs. Carson read the financial gm of wa I ela Or Lo clo (T i i 4 Treasurer, | Street south, Whenever possible Tuesday who a8 USE wie Diane Gilbart; Becretary these streets will be open 10|ries Tuesday afternoon and of Flower Fund, Mrs, E, Rain:|loval traffic | f cluded road work, sidewalks, ex (W, Cobbledick; Tenor Convenor, Wits estimated al Iy Committee 81 the corner of Zion and Taun an Car: Bunday mohiled vina iy Va Bowmanville wa UNITED fhe called her meet: (AF) . {ting up an Industrial Committee, ing to order with a hymn, fol:|cil was summoned Raturday for Societ Meets | To this lst G, KE. Simpson lowed by prayer added that the Trustees investi The recording secretary read) uss the situation in The Congo [] previous Omar Loutfi of the United Arab gl Ing for Incorporation contacting |vear's January meeting and re Republic Ontario Provincial Police 10{ports were given by the group January check on speeding in the Village jeaders, librarian, treasurer and ng er 1 oud south, from Gibb street late Tuesday CHRISTIAN BCTENCE SUBIR nenetils are I Cloudy Today vit: Scattered Snow ried upon gt Chin i f ol God as all ni hension g 4 Official am YORONTO (CP) issued gt Cold aly still covers province, with tem ahout 1H degrees he normal for this date, Skies are mainly clear except over mithwestern Ontario, where here is variable cloudiness and ional snowflurries in the of the Great 1akes, Cold weather will continue in all re gions today and Tuesday, A dis afternoon, trbance moving f astward is ex overheated pected to bring cloudy skies 10 tern Ontario Tuesday ' weslLerty 1s \odey mh mah (9:24) on Punda Tex | i J ervies south esteny 5 i wa » him th knuweth forecasts Tuesday Haliburton. Kirkland Lake Timmin Kapuskasing, James regions, North Bay, Sud bury; Mainly clear today and Tuesday, Continuing cold, Wind westerly 10-15 Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight, highs Tuesday: Windsor iL] % St. Thomas 1) London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton 8, Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe ssenver Muskoka ,, North Bay Sudbury Farlton Kapuskasing 2 Jt ¢ Golden n re Bynopsis glonet ary I entire in inderstandet and Fatires Bay Kinane Entegusng Fine mE / i ee lee AMBULANCE Oshaw CALLA Department alarm Lo 260 Lake Bunda 1 ' FERRER RRRERS he a Fire werea ar road heel here agmnhulance a was no damage, |SOUINWES evening Lake Huron gion Ariverg ansy cal #1 southern Lake Lake Ontario Windsor, London, Ham Toronto: Variable cloud today and Tuesday, hecom cloudy Tuesday evening, {Beattered snowflurries this af {ternoon and Tuesday afternoon Continuing cold, Winds westerly hecoming southeasterly 16 late Tuesday Northern Lake Huron, south-| ern Georgian Bay regions; Mainly eloundy with neeasional| SAL | | I FIRES CLOSE] snowflurries today and Tuesday f : Minis wees | OLOTIUOR following streets will be| Continuing cold, Winds westerly LEADER. . . Fri Niagara fi routing the imhilance J weekend serene re rrr ERE CHARGE aul DISMIssED charge against nes RH 1 Magistrate Bsdla got i Hor Oshawa, | NE 1 VF, Bri ed bh Friday ant aismi hh compl Neve alr uid Bray some confusion over the he sed Lo traffic today: Bleven:|15, hecoming southeasterly 15 the CPI Blevenson south! northern Georgian Bay, fd al the CNR. Athol atreet| white River regions: Mainly from Charles to Mary! clear today, Variable cloudiness Oceasional snowflur: { evening, Continuing cold, Winds uses NOTHING LIKE COAT OF PAINT two cars collided With a paint job now fin: ished, the Capitol dome Is now whiter than usual, It took 1,000 galls. of white paint to do the job Cover the whole town with # sales message from your Service business by using an attention » getting Oshawe Times Classified Ad, It's easy and Inexpensive on the low cost business rate, Dial RA 50408 today for Inform. ation NO INJURIES SOWMANVILLE $600 when road, just east of Taunton al 0.26 pm, The auto: were driven by Nel: Hardie, of 61 Aberdeen Oshawa and by Peter| eer, 4h Neugog street Neither driver| TIMES CARRIER Is Learning Te Become A BUSINESS MAN ] Your Melp Will Be Appreciated TROUD! SENSATIONAL MEAT FEATURES! Tuesday and Wednesday Only! SLICED 39 Breakfast BACON 29 c SKINLESS 39: WIENERS TENDER CLUB 3 Ibs. 1.00 You can borrow STEAKS $50 10 $5000 LEAN-MINCED Without endorsers or bankable security ael § Injured WILL DISCUSK CONGO NATIONS UUN Beourity N.Y.| I'he Coun meeting Wednesday to dis counell president for set the time confer with others in the 1l-mem counenl BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE Ib PHONE RA 8-468] NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREEY from PTT A: 00 LI BTN H THE FASTEST GROWING ALL.CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY 17 SIMCOE ST N CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.454)

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