STARTS TUESDAY, Continues WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EATON'S Family Drug Sale Our biggest drug event of the season. 20M) NOTICE: On EATON'S Own Brands of EATON'S "Vitamor" Tablets Reg, 11.95, Sole, 250 in bottle 1100000: Vitamins, Druas and v TEP or of gh : Cosmetics Halibut Liver Oil "900 Calorie Plan" EATON'S Diet Plan Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Ow own brand for dietory weight contrsh, MM yoy G ter 1 oh need 18 6 spoon and @ Glass of welsr or § smeotn, 1 with many 15 help Geeinst the commen f Winter snifies, lowered resistance, sts, Vitamin Senior Capsules for the 'torty plod' age growp Th id REpetine, Peres, 185HGHER 15 Komen riese tions, gereioty hele promdte ed beam, Each copude coniews 11 mer yHGRIS, bpotrope factors, rio) yaaa" ho. 8 soy, EATON'S Vilamor Tablels | Daily aid to help maintain the proper vitamin intake, Helpful for those who want a higher than usual vitamin potency, A one-copsile-a-doy oid, cious instant diet drink. Esch con helps eve you » D1 - ' ohio proteins, Earbohys " Grates, viaming and mineiels, Chacsiote, Yonhla Each cous Contin, S00 Tok. units of ikon : REG, 3.59 Butterscotch flavors, . £00 $ A i, is Gn 4 Sole, 100 in bottls, pe Reg. 1.09 ig i A Sols, 100 in bottle Reg, 3.98, Sole, 2046, son Reg, 4,29 Sele, 500 in bottle y Boon, ' Uw Reg, 2.19 : \v REG, 6.98 ; Sole, 250 In bottle ,,,,, : 3 Sele, 250 in bottle 0 E10 i ts Rw Eaton's Extrect of Malt Eaton's Ascorble id 8 i yb 25 "Eaton's Multiple Eaton's "Cod Liver Seton A Eaton's Alr Freshener To help buiid up general ress Liver Capsules Vitamin Tablets Oil Capsules er forthe or Tablets Plus Capsules With Cod Liver Of ibis As oe prepara. 10 spa adours of cocking, formyl y amin end minerg! €or Usually taken for commen Aids in building 1p Ihsistance to Contain Yitamin on hap srmulated expressly for the teens Fach fap ie JR vi Homing Especially helpful for school tion with meny es en eid 1a tobacco, fish, otc, alse for sil is same form 5 Yi h i 4 } - 44% | We quantiti i] ar 5 i to pers f h and "i aid in | " Senior, without the lipetropic fae: GnOeMIa , . , to help build ficiency, For adults and children; generous § Gr sed to per Building resistance 16 Winter Mis dren. Ads in sipplying even increasing their intake of Vit: bathroom er sickroom, te tors, Each capsule contains 11 blood, tone-up the appetite these are regular strength far and generally help te promote & amin "'C", Each tablet cone y f t vitaming and 11 minerals, along oo 4 discourage tired feeling, those whose A ore not colds, Particularly help ful to J bf i Ay pr impart a fresh pine scent, other sssentigls to good unusually ow ildren of i oy, trong bedi 8 2.88, R 9 101n Jo gv be acid Reg, 1.19, Sele, 96 Reaith , 2.29, 83 , 2,40, eg, 28 og, 98, Re oF: hot , oe hott! 3.968 bol, Toon bottle 1 A 100m bottle 1.92 a 200 in pkg. 1.43 Res: a bottle 4.99 Sale, 250 in bottle " Sole, 1%b, jor ,,. 18 100 a. n both 1.26 10-05. spray conteiner # ' boa Reg. 2.75 2.19 lov 138 1.08 Io 1% 1.39 , 4,40, 2.98 18 Sols, 100 in bottle '] Sale, 100 in bottle Sole, 3%b, jor ,, Wo Sole, 250 for ,00vv, 0 bo 2 250 bowie BiB Sok 250m vowe .. B08 50% 350 in bowie. B84 100 1» pkg, Mineral Oils Eaton's Medicinal Petroleum Mineral ail for relief of constipation; clear, taste Eaton's V & M Copsules Eaton's Iron end Eaton's Vitamin Minor Easton's HWelibut aid in offsetting commen tigl vitamin te fortify the sys tem, discourage Winter ills RAToN 30 PREWIRS YEAR | TABLETS cal EATON'S i IRON, AND Wing £l | Sale """ ale 09: , Bale . - ™ p: | '4 S 280 n 'bottle J9 500 in bottle 43 Aion. bottle mm EATON'S 6OP LIVER OIL, plan, % k Haveured EATON'S COUGH SYRUP [] $ A T b a re 9 80 0 hy 1 39 a, id Th 96 vi it cd 56 EATON'S AS.A, Tablets EATON'S VITAMIN B COMPOUND TABLETS ool MOUTH Wat Acstyl-salieylic acid == to help relieve miner a help balance the dolly diet with my Reg, 1.00, Sele loss internal lubricant sil, eliments == headache, rheumatic aches and Reg, 216, Sele 1, 72 Reg, 4.95, Sole 9 06 1608, boltle ., 8 REG, 1,00 Sale, 40-08, bottle, , pains, colds and neuralgia 100 In bottle 250 in bottle EATON'S IRON AND YEAST TA REG, 1.75 Sele, V4 gallon 4" Raw 30, tae OF Rou 99, ule 47 | UTIL CANE UGONATE ws a ho "IB Ray Nabe 1,02 | gATON'S Poroleum Oi 100 tor LE] 0 for 250 for Reg. 1.28, Reg 11s, 2 19 EAYON'S- GLE SALTS. VABLETE Heavier weight ell, 0, 450 foi ' h Reg, 98, Sele 8 Sale, 100 or, 4-4 i 09 or Hobbs 3811 63 Re bs, Sole 1 30 REG, 1,28 Sale, 40-08 bottle, ,.,, 99 500 for * 500 for 0 100 for 250 for U REG, 2.19 Sale, 4 gallon ,..... 178 A NIN WN 50H : a = PAA Eaton's Saccharin Tablets Eoton " Milk of Magnesia / ; Eaton's Health Salts for walght and dist conscious poeple; Tobit for mild constipation 4 \ Effervescent sells for the stemach ot wrtls for diabetics Earons L Mra A gentle remedy for milg constipation © ror an \ and liver, A mild laxative fa help he Vi greini Reg, 49, yy acidity, a | keep feeling fit ¥ Sale, 500 in bottle , Sele, 100 for ws Na, Reg, 59, ; Reg, 79, (opgyy . Sele, 1,000 in bottle . , Reg, 55, a4 em oo wu Sale, 1b, tin iy Sole, 250 in bottle .,,,,, EATON'S Fruit Baling = i boy 190. ih of OG EATON'S Cold Croan Buds Reg, 89, Reg. 98, 500 vablets in bottle |, , 1 Sol: 1/000 in bole . A deep cleanser for all types of skin. Apply generously, then ree move with tissue, Beneficial when used as a night cream, a) ho ¥ > 1 Yh EATON'S Wand Lotion EATON'S Egg Crome Shampoo ') REG. .59 EATON'S EATON'S EATON'S For soothing and smoothing chapped hands, Te help banish loose dandruff, leave hair Skin Balm Roll-On Deodorant Splash Cologne rough skin. Creamy pink lotion = use just shining clean, The lather is light and fluffy Ta help protect hands and cam: A frashly-sconted semi-liquid In = As gq bady rub or to stroke on d plexion from ehapping; te seathe plastic container with swivel top 9 drop or two regularly to help keep hands aids in keeping hair lustrous and healthy, A p roughness and soreness, Alse it ov. No tall wrists or brow=--refreshes and soft family favourite, k REG, .98 78 god at 0 powder base or afters at rolls it on evenly, wie oly the skin: A fragrant ing; non-sticky; rells on easily, 'REG, 1,00 Sale, 19 REG, 1,25, Sale, Sale, 14V4-08, jar ® Protests underarm area from pers= treat after the bath, er before 16-08, bottle . 16-08, bottle 1,00, ; \ ; on Véson, bottle , yy, a9 Wee oeouh esiry | : 0 og 1, REG, 55 Sale, 44 REG, ,70, Sale, IAA oy wa ; Reg, 70, 62 Sole, 184.08, sontents 00 Sale, 160m, bottle ,, 9% fe Soe iy y oss" Moth Crystals Bath Salts EATON'S Bath Salts EATON'S Moth Orystals In 5:0b, bags--Reg, 98 Paradichlorbenzene ~-- these strong crystals form a vapour that is fatal to Te help saften the water and scent the skin, About a handful to each tub, A moths and math larvae, Sprinkle under Bl a Th i ong-las n 1] 8! rugs, into chesterfield suites, clothes Wy sate Row oe satis Eaton's Tooth Powder Eaton's Tooth Paste RATONS RRusHLESS Hav ' y y 1808, jor drawers; also for use in vacuum cleans be " scents Reg, 47 With enti-ensyme action to Rey, (45, Salo, 34-08, hl H Peppermint flavoured nen hoin discourage tooth decay tube a4 i wo : 3 gritty «dentifrice to aid In qoid About 214-01. tubes 4 \ EATON'S REG. 93 » : bag brightening the teeth and re: poo oy LATHER Save CREAM Sale, 2.1b : freshing mouth, About b4 ale, 2:Ib, carton i 21302. In thoker type 36 Yale, 2 tubes y hae NS or, jor " tin, Sele, tn EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212, PHONE RA 5.7373 yg ou 19) a8 tube | PLEASE SEE BACK OF THIS PAGE FOR OTHER EXCITING MONEY-SAVING BUYS IN HEALTH AND SUNDRY NEEDS. L] Sale, 8-08, jar