Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1961, p. 16

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V6 VF SUnAWR view, miwwwy, swewery #9, rVwy Mondor's cols io for oF focr Sesser fad iy fi of grees FORGONE FI AM. STHCRE By The Conadion Frew Toionin Bock Eishaoge pk ind Bo 8 wh, a8 For Avo At Rh at fT INDUSTRIALS Eis 's iE worse wwii ler ARE 3 RA Ret lv Bore on he ay CRnRran Bessng Wis ves by £ ow or Elen » WIE DASE 19 BROW whieh Soy of Ihe wash wis Rey th Sus | Bany he p08 her Nepwiant rd | BA for yoy ERAA p Elsie. AS A § ng Ties ets wi peisde the Dame oF Io oO, he) Ray Wh week, MOREE PEK TREE HA BITE Se EEN p08 shar VAM Ielorme Lah. A ERE IRESERER FRE RSI E § primpnent reesif in Baby's t Foire 0 ny Svs 4 Pork Aint pF taser # bila fins Aialras pr Adalsns w ad Ve #5 w Wa $ wn 77 $M Wy # Is place » notice, phone RA L190 ELARBE ~ Woon snd Lote sre Bapoy| & PERI cs Whe pve of thelr Range' ier, JNNan Lune, mm Bundey oR er, Bosplini. A sates tor Jamie spd Dascy far GREK) Gust and dope pre Bagpy fo pnnounce the serio oH # paar for iene pad Carmi, on Betws | #80, Fapusry 18, 151, pt lhe Osbaws irenpanl a. Mother snd Songer Anng fine. Thame to Dr. Ross DEATHS LORIMER ~ Entered inl rest in the fssawe Gepersl Hospisl on Sunday Janunsy 15, IW, Perl Meliwall, be pyres wile of William 4. Lorimer, ard mother of Dr. John Lovimer of Dat mowth, Bove Scotia, Wn her Bh year Besting st the Armstiong Fuperel Home, haw, Wh memarisl service 5 the chapel Tueslay, Janspry 31, # 2 pm. Inierment Mount Lawn Ceme tery, Oshaws AINONN - AL Sunnybrook Hosp Toronio, oR Sunday, Jenssry 4, George 6G. Demons, in bis ih Bushand of the ple Florence Osmond, dens lather of Florence | Faonard Taylor), Wikkiam, Maude J Williams) snd Frank. Resting ol the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville Service 0 the chapel on Tuesday 200 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilie Ceme tery TOPE ~~ A bis residence. BR Ng Newtonville, on Saturday, Jenusry #8, #1, Lorne €. Todd, in bis #9th year. | beloved hushapd of Lottie Connell, and dear lather of Cart snd Eileen (Mry fion Stapleton). Besting #i the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie. Service 5 the chapel on Mondey #t § o'clock Interment Lang Vayit, Grone £8) #5! yenri| Janel Mrs. | [Mr LOCKES FLORIST Funerel errengements floral requirements for sins and sll HOUR PHONE SERVICE EEE RA B-6555 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 5 GERROW FUNERAL © CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM BOYNTON ik In loving memory of » fear father, Frederick Boynion, wha passed away January 3, 1853 Calm snd peaceful, he is sleeping, Sweelest rest that follows pain: We who loved him, sadly miss him Bul trust in God ta meet again Always remembered by Norman, Margaret, Jimmie, Fatty and Norma ' | DEAN ~~ In loving memory of » dear son and brother, George, who passed AnAY Janusry 28, 1906 As angels keep their watch up thers, Flease God, Just let him know, We down here do not forget, We loved and miss him #0 Ever remembered by Mother and Dad, brother Ast, and sisters Doris and Gwen DONSWORTH of William Dodsworth, whe Sway Janusry 3, 1948 We often sit and thi hen we » #lone, For memory is the only thing Fiat grief con call its awn Lavingly remembered by his family In loving memery seed ak of him . MeBNIGHTY = In loving meiory of # fear husband and father, John Wesle MeKnight, who passed away Jabusry 30, 1946. Bametimes it's hard to unde Why some things have to be But in His wisdom God has pl Beyond our power to ses A day of remembrance sadly recalled Without farewell he left us all 10 he with us In the same old way Would he i den resi wish taday ing placards picket the US Sadly missed and ever remembered ate or 17 hy wife Flossie, son Fred. daughter. | consulate at Toronto Jan. 27 Iaw Rose and grandehildien Ruth and| In A sympathy move for Barbara CARD OF THANKS | Guard Man Orn oe hin he midst of wus With Secret Of Murder clation for the many acts of kindness, | expressions of sympathy, floral tributes HAMILTON (CP)=A formes conviet claiming to have (he and condolences fram our relatives, | friends and neighbors during the previ. | pus lness and sudden passing of loving husband and wonderful father. | Special thanks to Dr, Vipond, Oshawa General Hospital; Special Nurses Mrs Mary Van Driel and Mrs, Julia Thomas h solution ta the three-year-old murder of a wealthy real estate mvestor went under a 24howm police guard Raturday Police indicated they placed some credence in the story of "Mr, X" self-described one-time ITU, Local 968, and" stali of Oshawa underworld muscleman, whose Pimes and Oshawa Free ethadist Chureh, Thanks alse to the Armstrong identity has not heen disclosed publicly hat who has heen talk Funeral Home fav their kind considera tan and to Rev, W, A McMillan for INE 10 newspapers here and in Taranto his consaling words A A detective is, 5. B. Griffith and Family constanly, but he was believed to he moving freely about the city, though his wife described him as "not in a very healthy spat The ex-convict has given eity police the names of two Hamil ton men who he says were ims plicated in the slaving of Kd ward (Eddie) Shore, found hludgoned and strangled in hi apartment Dec. 28, 1057 Robbery apparently was the motive. An opened safe held only a sheaf of deeds to prop orties The man has tald police twa men approached him about he time of the crime and asked him to join in robbing Shore He said he refused City police have stated Want to question the pair nd ned Portugese Canadians carry TOHNSTON « Mere words are in| whequate to express our gratitude. To pach and everyone wha his helped us through these days of sorraw with heau fal flowers, words of sympathy and deeds al infinite kindness, we can anly sy ARK you sa much." Mrs, Jennie 00 Walnut Street, lahnston Whithy Martin Lauds Free Trading WALLACERURG (CP)=Paul Martin, Liberal member of the Commons for Essex East, Sat: urday night said an Atlantie free trading area could reduce Canada's dependence on the United States market and con tribute to the economic unity of the free world Addressing the Wallaceburg Chamber of Commerce, he said the world trend towards region alism, exemplified by the Com mon Market and the European Free Trade Assaciation, poses the greatest threat to Canada's travde In North America there are tremendous pressures towards Canada US, regionalism, he said to free warld nations in achiev Three objectives of Canadian ing economic growth and Cana policy shauld be: Economie Wan assistance to undevdevel growth and stability 'in Canada oped countries for econamic de unfettered hy threat of '18, Velopment p i 2 Canada, he said, must not domination, ( £518 > anadian assistance stand still in world currents of . Shack regionalism, but ' should associ DAILY BULLETIN ate herself with Western Eure Lloyd's List, daily shipping pean unity, The interests of the intelligence bulletin of Lloyds of|free world call for establishment London, was first published in'ef an Atlantie free trade area 1™ 'he said, was al his side they 1} \ " hort § Wish low ow Cb pr the | #rirs oy ie My a St Maria. The pickelers who said they did not recog nize the present regime In Portugal WETS demanding Banta Today's Stock Mar Wgh Low sm Wa Ed PICKETING CONSULATE ket Listin frien Bigs oe i ne Wis We 0% VE ie » ww nN oy 7 re Sim Vite yi ad 5.4 Vim 56 9 iw wily iH Ue. Fow pm CF ge ad i fm fone Wan 6 Wasivione W Besaie i aida ada ON J halt ated tals ade apna Fp i od aE A & Fivw wo digas wa Fama Faginy WE La iad » ad ad . ip # ed ed " Ld hy sh ed IR id us 3h ad -------- Lar Share Capital Increase Noted The of the "Credit the UAW meeting dance The (Credit sheel dated presented at sixteenth annual meeting Auto Workers (Oshawa) Union 144., was held af Hall, Saturday. The was followed hy a Union Nm he tH] 1960 $83,267.78, Total assets were $2 070.01760, and total revenue for 1960 were $158,720.12. The net profit of $83,287.78 was al located as follows: 20 per cent to the Guarantee Fund; 78 per cent to the Surplus Account and two per cent 1h the Educa tion Fund Treasurer-Manager Leon Da vey told the Credit Union mem hers that the share capital had reached 81,857 006.18 an increase of $600,000 from the previou year, The amount provided in {loans to members this year was 181,746,760.75. He added al though we did have In ask a {member to wait for a loan, we (did find that the share savings {were nol sufficient to meet the loan demand, consequently {had to horrow $368,000 The Credit Union started with 20 charter members, now has a {membership of 5,128 NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dome Mines 14d, vear ended Dec, 81; 1060, 81,047,082, $1.00 a shave; 1060, 81,884,328, 97 cents International Petroleum Co lad, year ended Dec, 51: 1060 $0,000,000, 82.06 a share; 1050 28,000,000, 81.64 Waterloo Trust vear ended Dec 027, $2.95 a 081, $2.20 Ww we that the U.K Navy refrain from interfering with the San la Maria and Savings Al: 1060, $241 (CF Wirephotn) share; 1060, $274 Broadcasters New Rebels Claim Drama Sponsors I'he Canadian on a budget of $30,000 to $60,000 OTTAWA (CF) As taken over major the Dominion drama fe was announced Saturday He sponsor tival Fhe association speceeds a li quor tem as the main financial supporter of the big Canada wide festival made Brown af he announcement jointly by Murray 1 London, Ont, president Canadian Association of Hroad Castor assa of Moftreal president the Dominion drama made no mention of the amount of money mvolved Ihe festival==the only Kind in the world. ane is MARKET PRICES TORONTO (0) Churning cream and butter print prices $400 for winning groups and $100 were reported unchanged today Fhe egg market was steady level and $300 for the author at With offerings barely adequate the final for a fair demand Country dealers hy the federal department of agriculture an Canada grade offs, delivered Tavanta, i. fihee oa A large 35:36; A medium HA small 3520; B 9%; C 2% Butter prices: Canada, first grade Ontario tendevable 64 non tenderable 64, in hight trad Ng: western 64 (nominal) are quoted CHICAGO (AP) Grain fu tures started off the week with prices generally higher at the apening today af the Hoard of Trade Saybheans were bushel higher, March $2 6914-63 wheat unchanged ta 4 higher, vestigation oom | cent ta dancing Maveh $2,154 Mgher, March nats 14 to 4 highe Ta-08, ile $1.15:18) | aviation of Broadeasters has a of uted hy It eities of the ieenery specialists taking part, (dor to | festival, | substantially | Unite 4 10-3 cents al said Sunday March 63 Manitoba border | 'Laos Victory TOKYO (AP) Leftist rebel forces in Laos Sunday claimed capture of Muong Hien, a post east of the royal capital of Luang Prabang adin 0 \ government through the Canada ¢ adie Pe King, duated the bre: Council Saying 40 of Gen, Phoumi Nosa home 100 plays are entered WM van's government troops were regional festivals in communi: killed or wounded and 121 were ties across Canada each year captured ' With an estimated 2,000 hopeful! The el young artists, stage crews and throp G The money is contrib many sources, such as provinces and the federal yeur am was made as Win Brown, U8. ambassa M08, left Bangkok in the winning groups neighboring Thailand for Wash ight of and 14. Col. Yves Bows from 14 regional festivals this|ing to consult with State Secre ary Dean Rusk Brown said he expected ta be Trophies donated by the liquor In Washington two or three company eight years ago will he days. He was in Vientiane, the renamed (he Dominion drama administrative capital of Laos year will be chosen to enter fin als in Montreal May 15-20 OF festival trophies and presented ring the August coup hy Operates ta vogional and final winners self-proclaimed neutralists and Phe winning group in the final Stayed through the heavy De receives a 81.000 cheque and the "ember fighting in which pro main Dominion drama festival \ 8S1ern troops recaptured the trophy oity fram leftist elements he Rebel troops, fighting back since the December loss of Vientiane, now hald the strate glo northern aveas round Xieng Khoaung and the Plain of Jars Peking's broadoast said large amounts of weapons and mil lary goods were captured at Muong Hien. It said loss of the POSE caused a government de Wail a few miles away in Phung Hay ta surrender to rebel ( ant Kong Le's forces Canada Council awards for top authors al the regional National Ballet In Trouble Wit U.S. Police TORONTO (CP) I'he Cana dian vehicles in which the Ca The FRI informed the bald nadian National Ballet and its/it had broken US law by tak fauipment travelled on a recent|ing two trucks and two "buses d States road trip caused/of Canadian manufacture and some trouble with the G.men ownership across the U.S. bo stage manager Andre Dutvesne!der, and doing business with night them in the USN Federal Bureau of In 'They were nice about it descended on the) though," said Dufresne. "After troupe in Milwaukee sorting it out for a couple after shadowing them from the OVENINgs aver same beers decided to lot us go. Bul We knew we were being fol (tld us not te do it aga lowed, but we didwt know what It was all about," said Mr. Du fresne The halanced Martell annual new meeting showed a nel profit of 48y night announced plan af al Canada they 1a they Canada L] gs on Toronto Exchange WN Ae Wgh Low sm EW so dg v4 "we iw Fd "w $wies Sad wy id ad " MINES wb Tiny Paper Fights Fdward the Liny old Sun for the organization of ga consortium which he claims might provide ufficient funds to outhid The Daily Mirror offer for Odhams Pre he New the only Britain free frade union Martell, chairman of the es tahlishment committee of the proposed consortium, ap proached a number of busine leaders Baturdas whose repu tation and financial standing are al least equivalent to those of Mr. Roy Thomson and Mi Ceell King he Daily an novneed homson, Canadian owner of Thomson New Research (Reuters) of month Dail LONDON publisher nine Fhe eireulation paper Broun Dail daily of claims i Is newspaper combines and New horn SPApers 'Brainwash' Drug SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A Swedish medical researcher sald Baturday he is experiment ng with a drug that concely ably could brainwash a nation's population In hours or days Dr. Holger Hyden said the in itial effect in humans 1s to in crease their acceptance of sug gestions, 1s (esting has been under way only three months so its power have heen far from fully determined Added to the this drug might profound change or behavior of a community fore anyone was aware of workings, he sad Dy functioning, addressed a sym posium on contral of the mind, sponsored hy the University of California medical centre, Dy Hyden is from the University of (ieteshurg The drug compound: « water supply hring ahout in the thinking he Is In AN Inexpensive allied trieyano Dief Should Invite Kennedy To NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CF) Prime Minister Diefenbakey should invite President Kennedy of the United States to make Canada the first country he visits, Liberal Leader I, RB Pearson said Saturday night It is high time some of the underbrush is cleared away from Canada-US. relations, he sald in a speech ta the Southern Ontario Liberal Association "I's time hath countries had a fresh look at their velations with each other," Mp, Pearson sald There A new CON OOUS young tion in Washington creative basis for aperation should he established with it, That new administration should realize Canada is not just another country, but ane of great importance an this conti nent. and of significance in the warld HAS GREAT INTEREST 'The United States has great an interest in consolidat mg a new, friendly and operative understanding with Canada as with any single coun try Wm the free warld. The new administration--which has in i many understanding friends should give thought should we in energetic administra A strong and positive co is on this=--and so "In Canadian-American rela 9 hh Hyden,-a specialist in cell] (BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT " Se Wgh Low sm. CW ge ws ws " ad #5 "a # By FORBES RELDY Wan Press B K Wh one month of 1981 end Ing, lorecasts 108 the remainder othe year have changed Wile from what they were at the 1966 TERY NG They stil hopstully look for HIRE IRI YEIREN. IR he letier part of the yess, bt so far ntl ng shows on the horizon to ideale mn res advance i can be remembered, how ever, that forecasts siller from # 1erl handicap, which George Shen of the Well Street Journal ms Wp ws 1otlows The proviem of economic mm whys Is thet sithough i seeks fo look forward i can do »o mity by looking backward in other words, analytic fore CREE are BKely 18 he prajections lof past statistics and trends They are losth to lake chances iH maaesming imponderahies, and stich things as hunches or inti fon are regarded as not qe speitihie UNKNOWN FACTOR One. of today's wnknowns the success or otherwise which the new United Slates adminis ration will have in guiding the METIERN economy, mnd what happens neross the horder ko much that will hap, For the moment, at leas tatisties from aeross the hor der wre rather dismal Amang Canadian forecasters C. Gill, president of Canada Assurance Company, 6% reversal of inventory Hagidation in the latter part of the year, and a modest element of firmness, He also looks for wird 10 an increase in Gro Produet in 196) ahout two per cent from 1960 his increase would he in the % PEFCERLRRE Fane the 1960 increase aver 195 1( 1 i | Most alher forecasts are around Mr, Gill's figures, and &0 indicate continyance of a sort Limited, and King, chairman of of high-level recession, in which the Dairly Mirror group, we make some advance but not dre locked in a hattle for con trol of the Odhams group MEETINGS ARRANGED A of interviews and ve already heen ar he New re is key here ¥ Fife poet ational of Hine As fiant Serie meetings ha ranged for tomorrow Dail aid If hy evening it is found that wificient initial support is forth COMINg the paper said an approach will he made through! HAMILTON (CP) = Ontario's the post (mail) to about 1,100 Golden Horseshow = the pros elected companies, sev er alipepous Industrial concentration thousand private companies and siretching along the Lakeshore of influential private fram Oshawa (0 Hamilton = is on the verge of hecoming a slum, a planning authority warned Baturday night #@ numhey invesioy Commenting on the Martell consortium nroposal, H Bradley, general secretary the National Union of Journal: ing of the Southern Ontario dis ists, sald Sunday night' "It will [yigion of the Canadian Associa: he With utmost veserve ion of (Geographers, Norman hy working on news: Pearson, director of planning PANETR for Burlington; advocated four er Tests of lewed all people (emergency measures in the ab: |e | sence of a regional plan to keep |the Golden Horseshoe golden Bensible open space Areas must be maintained and pro (tected, he said. Planners and landscape designers must be trained at a faster rate, hous ra areas needed 10 years hence must be acquired and a per manent standing committee of j|municipal planning dire {tors should be formed to recom [mend action to the province and municipalities | | propene, It works hy changes in the chemi cal strueure of ribonucleic acc (KNA), an important consituy ent of all living cells, In this lease it works on nerve cells Failure to check the growth particularly when they have." ne" Golden Horseshaw, Mp heen stirred 10 acLvity by stress poaicon predicted, would result or same other stimulant in an all-engulfing suburbia In small quantities the drug "It will soar out along is non-toxic, the researcher ve: ported, In doses of a little more] than a thousandth of an ounce Jobless Dr, Hyden called attention ul Irked By | what such a drug might de in| a police state, Doctoring ii Si { { Aminn CHUBINE | the | il caused remarkable changes in less than an hour in the RNA composition of nerve cells in ex: perimental subjects country's water supply might make the population more| amenable to the imposition of austerity measures, he said modifying the behavior of neu-| bringing together 6 delegates ratie or otherwise mentally dis:(from 11 communities, Sunday turbed peaple, he added [called the vepart of an econo: mist with the Senate manpow or [eommitee "a slanderous at: tack on Canada's unemployed) [ workers," [port of Dy Canada tions, this is & time not for a hecause "they need to work,' new deal (we do not need thal)| They vated ta send a but far a renewed determination gram "ta Prime Minister Dief (0 make our present co-aperda:|enhaker urging him to repudiate ton close and construetive Dr, James' statements "This 15 a good time, indeed| The delegates meet the pro it i5 high time, for both neigh: vineial government and opposi bors to clear away some of that tion today to ask what can be underbrush whieh could make done to merease jobs and aid this velation a jungle unemployed, The conference "For this veason, and there alse farmed a central Clearing are others, Canada should becammittee to co-ordinate infor the first country for President | mation on unemployment and to Kennedy and his secretary of assist unemployment stale to visit "I hope our prime minister fgre and insurance claims, will extend such an invitation," Trustee Asks | Equal Chance For Education FORONTO (CP) ers registering as unemployed | MINE DISASTER The world's worst mine dis aster killed 1,548 workers in the Honkeika Colliery in Manchuria, | April 26, 1942 he in certificates, 11 students [elalists' Grade 2 ad a Bpeaking to the annual meet:| {ment | Siok The delegates blasted the re: onto, on phenylketoneuria or Warren James in PKU, a liver disease which des [which he said that many work: [teriovates brain cells, source } tions were continuing, adding that it appeared the twa eouns {tries were close to concluding « afficials declined comment Forecast Made By Looking Back cnimigh 18 tally employ wr ox Browing FRAG Even the forecasts of moder: wie overall advince, however, ERVISRER SOME INCIRRIE I #%- ports fe the United Slates (9 off se the possiiniity of a dechine in exports to Europe. Accord ngly, some good news from Rerons the border wowld he most Wee CONSTRUCTION MEN GIAM The ptmosphers wt the anial meeting of the Canadian Con srnetion Association seemed rather gloomy. This, however, wes more on the basis of costs nd the miny to make » profit under very competitive condi Hans, than on expected volume, Volume 1s expected to hé whout the same as last year, and this "ose 10 the record figures of jo Outlook for a growing word CEONGIMY TEMAING unchanged, and in the longterm Canada should share in that, However, this doesn't remove short-term concern, and even dynamic fae lors, such as the developing Kuropean trade press, present CHFrent. wornes Both Mr, Gill and C. FF, W rns, president of Crown Life Insurance Company, as well ss other commentators, emphasize the necessity of Canada making stable arrangements with the Kuropean areas--the so-called Inner Bix and Outer Seven Mr. Gill, at his company's an. nial meeting, said; "The only wiy 10 overcame the limited size of Gur markets and 10 achieve large-scale production 15 to exploit new markets," Mr. Burns, st Crown's meet ing, stated: "Unless our politi: eal and business heads exert every effort to find some way to include the North American trading bioe of Canada and the United Bates in some working association with the European groups, we may find ourselves the faraway two'" Gold Horseshoe Becoming A Slum new Highway 401 to link up with Kitchener and Waterloo and make that complex an aps pendage rather than an entity, swallowing Brampton, Georges town and Action as It goes, with a hacktide into Galt and tor wards Dundas," He warned of possible engulf of Ancaster and Brant ford, London and Stratford, "It will produce an undifferentiated linear sprawl between Toronto and Hamilton, and a smog al y between the escarpment and the Lakeshore, It will destroy fruitlands and fine farmlands," Mr. Pearson said the need for # regional plan to control the growth of the area has heen proved, He complained there are no studies of the Golden Horseshow as a whole; respons sibility for the problem has not heen pinned down, and there is no person or group working en # plan for the area Talks On Retarded Children KINGETON (CP)=Mare than 100 delegates, mostly parents of retarded children, met here Hat: urday for a one-day conference on research in mental retarda- {tlon, the first to be sponsored hy the research committee of the | TORONTO (CP) = A confer | Ontario Association for Retarded It might also. be useful in/enee of Ontarie's unemployed, Children Delegates represented most of the 70 OARC-affiliated organ: leations The program included & speech hy Dr, Michael W, Pare tington, research divector at the Childven's Hospital, Tor He said an expensive diet is are not genuinely unemployed the anly way to control the dis. ease and there is no "absolute tele: cure, Wheat Sale To Russia Unconfirmed OTTAWA (CP)=Reports that associa: Canada has sold a large quan tions with such problems as wel: Hy of wheat to Russia could not be confirmed heve Saturday, department that negaia- An agriculture sald only A wheat deal, Russian Embassy In Winnipeg, the grain firm subjects by teachers with spe: af James Richardson and Sons sald, | Limited said substantial Cana. other dian wheat sales in the last 10 the vetiving schools may receive instruction|days included 200,000 tons to chairman af the Ontario Schoall fram ne move than one special: Russia Saturday fist toward rustees Council called for measures achieving equality of tional apportunity for students|there is to be any in all parts of the pravinee YOu feel this exists at pres: suggested recently.' on," said Dy, FL. Baviett off Dy. Bartlett, divector of Kingston, at the council's an: department of physical nual meeting. "1 da nat.' In contrast to many urban versity, said the tendency areas where Grade 13 and 13 specialists to gravitate to lav students are "1 consider this ta be a prob ser ! the 'the and Russian wheat purchase would health education at Queen's Unis be credited to the new or the of old The firm's weekly market re. (part sald his completes the pur educa: lem which must be faced itlehase of 400.000 tons provided rearganisa:| for in a Canadian-Russian trade ton in Grade 13 as has been!agreement. that expired in 1959 However, afficigds here said question of whether any trade agreentents was a MAN pont in the continuing diss \ taught all theiriceftres has increased recently. cussions

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