Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1961, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jemsery 30, 1960 KANS Frank Lane, general mana. ger of the Kansas City Ath. leties, looks over a new-style uniform being modeled by out- | AS CITY % { A'S GET NEW fielder Bill Tuttle, Tuttle had just signed his contract to- day, which is heing held by Lane, The new road uniform has Kansas City across the | "the chief bugaboo, Major league three years, Lynn Cullis Wins 4 * ---- UNIFORMS front of the shirt for the first time, The A's elephant insig- nia also has heen removed from the uniforms Festival Of Football Celebrates Centenary _ By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent to The Oshawa Times w=LONDON - It is still two years away, but the Football| Association Is already in the midst of plans for a great Fes tival of Football to be held in 1063, It will be a joint festival with the English Football Lea gue, In that year the Football Association celebrates its cen tenary, and the Football Lea gue its 75th mnniversary, And Sir Stanley Rous, secretary of the Football Association, is map. ping out a series of events which will start at Easter and will reach its climax in October For this climax, the Football Association has hooked | | the The Football Association will(forward of Manchester City, are 1,380 points, Budbury High [stage the final game for thel/the only players chosen from School was second with 1,146.2 European Cup at Wembly, An English Foothall League will meet 8 Great Britain team There will be an amateur tournament with foreign nations competing in 8 miniature Olym ple Games, A countrywide schools tourna {ment will be staged | Receipts of the Festival of Football will be used to set up a football centre at Crystal Pal ace, to house teams visiting Lon | don and to be used for coaching courses, SCOTTISH SELECTIONS The Scottish Foothall Associa tion and Scottish League are combining In & joint effort to build an outstanding team for English teams The two sides are as follows SCOTLAND Leslie (Air drie); McKay (Celtic) and Cal dow Rangers); Mackay (Totten ham), MeNell (Celtic) Baxter (Rangers); City), Herd (Arsenal), Brand (Rangers) and Wilson (Range rs), SCOTTISH LEAGUE = Ogs ton (Aberdeen); Bhearer (Ran rand (Celtie), Toner (Kilmar nock) and MeCann (Mother: well); Beott (Rangers), McFarland (Patrick Thistle), and Bcott Trophy for schools under Mcleod 450 pupils, The Laurentian Ski {(Hibernians), Law (Manchester|Club of North Bay won the Ki gers) and Cox (Dundee); Cre: Hilley (Third Lanark), Kerr (Kilmar:| nock), Quinn (Motherwell) and 'Baseball In Montreal Passes-Nobody Cares | MONTREAL (CP)---Bigtime games carried by United States The lucrative years, the 1940s, baseball is gone from Montres) ieievision stations near the Ca were the years when the roster land you wow't find many here nadian border pour In On Week ,o.icq such names 8s Jackie whe care, ends Roy | Once this city was the class of BACES BURY 700 Re ohinson, Duke Bnider, the minor leagues, Harness racing proved more Campanella and scores of others Even hockey was shoved into ther tough competition as two. whe went on 10 blossom In the sideshow status, Kids bandedt racks operating alternately Pig time, Y inte baseball fan clubs, The often drew as many as 15.000 #| Montreal's association with (taxi driver whe picked you up|program on weekends, making the IL, granddaday of all minor lafter the game wanted to know deep inroads into baseball, |streuils, renshos back to 1800 (he peor i ey ee | When the Montr 4 pa , 7 5 {franchise in the Class AAA Indium, home of the Royals since| Heavy financial losses ternational was shittedlit wes built In 1004, stands in prompted the parent Los Ange {Saturday to Syracuse, N.Y. the teeming cast end of the les Dodgers to pull out afler (apathy was the oversiding re- city, Motoring there is difficult) last season, The Dodgers turned {wetion, 16 had been obvious for| end there are few parking lots, [the franchise over (0 a private seversl years that | Where in the peak years of the syndicate but the league, any- Hike the shift would be fortheom-|late 19405 the Royals drew 400, thing but impressed with the ng 099 fans a year, the figure slid grou p's financial credentials Television undoubtedly was to less than 150.000 the lost and prospects, quashed the move, | RMC Boxers Win Five Of Six Bouts Two Skiing Titles SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont, hertson of Worth Bay, Hazen fs, won five. " thle i (CF) = Lynn Cullis of Levack also won the cross-country, | irenés REainst University o won two combined titles and| Dod Fudge of North Bay, Toronto at the RMC gym Batur- was runner-up in the third as third in the downhill and first in! day night, Three boxers walked the boys' division of the Nerth- slalom, won the combined for off with technical knockouts em Ontario zone ski champion boys under 14, and all other decisions were voncluded § y o unanimous, Two of the three ships concluded Sunday, In the girls' Alpine, Bonnie perry "oot So RME boxers Cullis was champion in the Haddow of North Bay won the) ""noy coobiene of Queen's Uni Alpine combined (slalom and under-16 crown on the basis of\yercity "won a unanimous deci downhill), four - way combined # first In the downhill and sec sion "over Varsity's Vernard (slalom, downhill, cross-country ond in slalom, Linda Cullis of |\Cataford in an exhibition bout and jumping) and second In the Levack was the under 14 champ! A TKO win went to Allan An {from the Royal Military Col cross-country) for boys under second in the downhill, 19 __- ii the individual events, Cul-| lis was first in the downhill and © = jumping, second in the slalom £ -AP Wirephoto and third in the cross-country, |F% | Marg Stephen of Algonquin|t * {Composite Sehool, North Bay,|? won the Alpine combined cham: plonship for girls under 19 on|¥ the basis of victories In beth downhill and slalom, The Northern Ontario Becond: ary Schools Association Speaker {Trophy for schools of more than 450 pupils went to the Chippawa High School of North Bay with and Kirkland Lake High School third, 1,002.1 LEVACK WON TROPHY Levack took the Williams and |wanis Club Trophy, | The Alpine combined title for hoys under 16 went to Rob. lert Hazen of Budbury who was {first in the slalom and second {in the downhill behind Bob Cuth- Carleton Skiers Win Own Meet KINGSTON (CP) ~ Boxers! Brumel is supposed to arrive Nordic combined (jumping and coming first in the slalom and) derson, the lone U, of 'T, winner, |stopped John McGoey of Tor whe floored O, C, Mottershead onto Baias Jumper| Breaks Thomas' | World's Record BOSTON (AP)~For the first time since he set 8 world high jump record of seven fest, 3% ing fast summer, Thomas stands in the shadow of a rival from behind the Iron Curtain, Valery Brumel of Russia, like Thomas just 19 years old, cleared 7 18, ¥% inches Batur- day In an Indoor mest in Len ingrad, A few hours after learn-| ing of Brumel's fest, Thomas topped 7 11. 5 In, In the Boston Athletic Association games, $0 here's how the score stands until the International Amateur) Ahietic Federation rescinds is rule of recognizing only outdoor records; 2 Thomas still is the world champion, but on IAAF hooks only, Until he heats Brumel's mark--which could be in the {not-Aoo-distant future--he will be second best | The gangling Boston Univer |sity junior added a half inch to {his best indoor mark in the Bos (ton games, in New York for three indoor meets Feh, 14, but a hitch has developed hecause the Russians intend to send along two other athletew the AAU doesn't want, Now it's up in the gir, three times in the first round {before the referee put a stop to {the fight | Bill Lowthian of RMC scored| a second round TKO over Tor: lonto's Ken Chase, and Tom! Spruston, a Trenton product, | [halt Writers Association Satur:| Two Surprise Ties English Cup Play LONDON (Rewters)~Two of (chester United, ended in 8 14 erhimise BOCLET (ig, league Champions Burn The other team from the the fourth round of Yorkshire sites) centre, Sheffield Association United, gained 8 decisive #1 4 [wine ou | Jincon City, wm sh between Bolton and last year's finalists, Blackinrn Rovers, pro. duced one of the five tie games lin the round, They shared six " ng Bowls in 8 hardAought game, EE amy yari, ay round, erish-| i ' Second-diy ng Crewe Mesandra #1, 4/788 defeated Ryg Wi in the wurh Foun vale, # Highland 1 cliih, a8 second " vison pansed| Celtic won 31 at Falkirk, End ; Reader's Digest reports; oomement of too games soie| A New Pill referees called off two others : 'For Family Planning hecase i" elds were tumed Into ' There's a rev hormone a and provi ' to family planning, February (J which wot thio the h wen En wll aor elom study both biochemists and Gynecol: ogists, It in the latest develop. pent in the search to control human fertility, including new hope for ve Hildiens Gr your day, Harry Simmons was ye Reader's Digest today == elected RC reAry ATORSUFeY He| articles of lasting interest, also Is secretary-reasurer and) publicity director for the league The fir tish Cup me The game hetween two strongly favored eup teams, Shef! Wednesday and Man-| HEADS BALL WRITERS NEW YORK (CP)~Al Nickle- son of the Toronte Globe and| Mail was elected president of| the International Teague Base! Employment Opportunities (Civil Service of Canade) FUR MARKETING AND PRODUCTION OFFICER (with a ther ough knowledge of fur markets, types of furs, the produc. tion of fur-bearing animals and the grading, marketing and merchandising of furs), Agriculture, Oftewe, $7920. $9300, Competition 61.523, SUPERVISOR, FIREFIGHTING AND FIRE PREVENTION R- VICE (with many years' experience in a firefighting ergani- zation, several in a supervisory er administrative ity; extensive travelling required), Transport, Ottews, $7500, $8,700, Competition 61-904 SUPERINTENDENT, NAVAL AUXILIARY VESSELS AND YARDCRAFT (with Foreign Going Master Certificate, or 8 Master Home Trade Certificate or a First Class Marine Engineer's Certificate, with experience in commend or 08 o Chief Enainesr In charge), National Defence, Navy, Ottawa, $7500-$8700. Competition 61-249, BILINGUAL EDITOR (with university graduation in agriculture or related science, and a good knowledge of Canadien agriculture, porticularly Eastern Canada) Agriculture, Ottawa, $6420-7140, Competition 61:373, PROJECTS OFFICER (COMMUNICATIONS) (with a good knows ledge of electronic equipment assoociated with communis cations installations and tape relay centres), National Der fence (Air), Ottawa, $6000-§6660, Competition 61-248, NORTHERN REGIONAL PLANNING OFFICER (fo conduct studies in connection with Industrial, commercial and Government development In areas of the Northwest Terrie tories), Northen Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa, $6000-$6660, Competition 61-476, Royal Festival Hall for a Wn: (he coming world cup matches| Tottenham are still, at 7-2, INFORMATION OFFICER (with a number of years' experience cheon and reception on October| 28, 1063, In the evening there| will be a stirring mateh at Stamford Bridge, the home of Chelsea, between KEngland and the world Cup holders, Here are some of the events already scheduled for the Fes: tival of Football, A countrywide youth toruna. ment, with the final rounds sch eduled for south coast grounds in summer In May, England will meet a representative Furopean team chosen hy the organizers of the European Cup, | three Anglo Scots and the International mateh with England at Wembley in April Two teams representing the Scottish ¥, A, and the League have heen selected for the first of 'a series of trinl matches It is noteworthy that only have heen chosen for the Beotland side with the other eight players chosen from Scottish teams Some notable names do not ap pear in either team and the emphasis 1s on youth Dave McKay, Tottenham's right half; David Herd, Arsenal centre for: ward and Denis Law, inside OLD COUNT RY SOCCER LONDON (Results) = Results| of Saturday's soccer games FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CUP Fourth Round Birmingham 4 Rotherham 0 Bolton 3 Blackburn 3 Brighton 3 Burnley 3 Huddersfield vs Barnsley ppd, Leicester 0 Bristol C 0 (Abandoned at half-time) Liverpool 0 Sunderland 2 Luton 2 Man City 6 (Abandoned after 60 minutes) Newcastle vs Stockport ppd, Peterborough 1 Aston Villa 1 Scunthorpe 1 Norwich 4 Sheffield U 3 Lincoln 1 Sheffield W 1 Man United 1 Southampton 0 Leyton Or 1 Stoke 0 Aldershot 0 Swansea 3 Preston 1 Tottenham § Crewe Alex 1 ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Wolverhampton 4 West Brom 2 Second Division Derby 2 Ipswich 1 (abandoned after 40 minutes) | Portsmouth 0 Middlesbrough 3 Exhibition Games Charlton 4 Arsenal 2 Dundee U 2 Dundee 1 Leeds 2 Everton § Exeter vs Torquay cancelled Rlackpool 1 Aberdeen 2 Soccer League Re-elects Pres. HAMILTON (CP) ~-Jack Pa ton of Hamilton was re elected | president Saturday at the an nual general meeting of the International Soccer League Other officers elected include James Munro of Hamilton, first] vice - president; Victor Colella, Hamilon, second vice » presi dent; Harold Small, Guelph, secretary - treasurer, and John Fischer, Kitcheney, Ted But. cher, Guelph and Sam Cox Stratford, directors Bristol R 8 Chelsea 1 {Plymouth 1 Fulham 0 Third Division Bournemouth 8 Southend 2 Bradford C vs Port Vale ppd, Colchester 3 Brentford 4 Coventry ya Shrewsbury ppd, Grimsby 1 Watford 3 Hull City 4 Tranmere 2 Newport 8 Swindon 0 Notts C 1 Chesterfield 0 Queen's Pr 8 Bury 1 Reading 1 Halifax 1 Fourth Division Carlyle 1 Barrow 0 Crystal P § Chester 1 Darlington 0 Oldham 1 Doncaster 0 Northampton 2 |Hartlepools 2 Bradford 4 Mansfield vs Acerington ppd, Rochdale 4 Millwall 0 Southport 3 Workington 0 Wrexham vs Gillingham ppd, SCOTTISH F, A, CUP First Round Alloa § E Stirling 4 Berwick 1 Dunfermline A 4 Clyde 0 Hibernian 2 Deveronvale 1 Stirling 0 Elgin 2 Airdrieonians 3 Falkirk 1 Celtic 3 Hearts § Tarff 0 Keith 1 East Fife 2 Montrose 3 Albion 1 Peebles 4 Gale Fairydean 2 Queen of § 1 St. Johnstone 1 Queen's Pk 3 Arbroath 3 Thd Lanark 2 Steinhousemuir 0 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division 1 Cowdenbeath 2 Hamilton 2 Morton 2 Dumbarton 3 St, Mirren 1 Rangers 1 Division 11 Cowdenbeath 2 Hamilton 2 Morton 2 Dumbarton 3 IRISH LEAGUR Ards 0 Portadown 2 Rallymena § Rangor 2 Coleraine 1 Glentoran 1 Crusaders 0 Linfield 0 Distillery § Cliftonville 3 Glenavon 1 Derry City 3 CAPARLE DOG The Dalmatian dog --- white The léague named Munro and With black or liver spots--in Cox as delegate and alternate/past centuries has served as a Gill University won the Cana League coach dog, wateh dog, sheepdog/dian junior championship with Armstrong 134, 1313, 1843 in J {two upset wins, Seeded third inithe final. to "Ontario Football meetings, or hunting retriever, favorites to win the English F.A Cup, But Leicester City, 6:0 winners over Manchester United have jumped into the reckon: ing, Burnley are second favor ites at 16-2 and Lelcester third at 101, At 14:1 are Newcastle United, Sheffield Wednesday, Manches ter United at Aston Villa, Shef- field Wednesday and Manches: ter United meet in the fourth round, so that ope of these two teams will be eliminated, The other teams listed have easy| matches in the fourth round, and| should advance to the fifth, Queen's Girls OTTAWA (CP)~The Carleton University ski team took the two-day annual Carleton invita. tional ski meet at Camp For tune Friday and Saturday, The Carleton squad had a eam total of 868.00 against 352.06 for Bt. Lawrence Univer: sly freshmen and 520.70 for At, Lawrence University freshmen and 820.70 for St, Lawrence University varsity, both of Can: ton, N.Y Teams from Queen's Univer sity and Royal Military College, both of Kingston, and College Militaire Royal of 8t, Jean, Que took the last three spots in that order, with 244.58, 24187 and 138.60 respectively, | y f NHL LEADERS » A . GETS SPECIAL ATTENTION FOR HIS EFFORT Growing a beard could have | by the admiring glances of | Queen, and the heard growing been a task for Bill Connelly, | Carleton University's Carnls | contest highlighted Carleton 10 of Ottawa, but it also had | val Queen, Barbara Stephens, | University's Winter Weekend, its compensations as shown | 10, Crowning of the Carnival =(CP Wirephoto) By THE CANADIAN PRESS Retain Honors In Badminton Standings--=Montreal, won 27, lost 13, tied 8, points 62; Tor LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Queen's| onto" won 27, lost 16. tied 8 University successfully de points 9, ' ' " fended its intercollegiate girls'|"™ p a ' J w= Geo badminton championship Satur Polnts teoffrion, Montreal, day and for the second year in| a row went through the two-day 10 tournament without a loss, | Assists = Beliveau, Montreal; Queen's with 15 points was Kelly, Toronto, 87 followed by Toronto with 13,| Shutouts=Hall, Chicago, 8, McGill nine, MacMaster five | Penalties--Mahovlich, 98 min. Western four and Ontario Agri-lutes, cultural College, none | Margaret Benson, a third-year| general arts student from Tor | onto, won the first singles championship with five wins for| Queen's Jessie Wallace, an other third year general art) MOSCOW (CP)=The U.8.8.R student from Rrantford, also Hockey Federation announced had five wins for Queen's in| Sunday Trail Smoke Eaters will taking the second singles cham: (nlay games in Moscow Feb, 11 plonship, Hoth won all their|12, 'and 14 against three differ matches last year, too {ent Russian teams, The Soviet Another Brantford girl, Mary news agency Tass reported the Welsh, teamed with Heather| Smoke Eaters will play the {Beers of Nracebridge to win/ Wings of the Soviets, the Moss [five matches and the doubles cow Dynamos and a representa: title, Misa Beers was on thejtive team made up of members winning Queen's team last year. |of other Moscow hockey clubs, Don Legat Is Squash Champ MONTREAL (CP)--Don Leg gat of Hamilton, won the Cana dian squash rackets champion [ship Sunday with a 915, 15.6, [W 4, 15:13 victory over Mont:|oovered with burns and welts {real's Dave Pemberton-Smith, -|hecause of jellyfish attacks, was | Leggat, the first Canadian to| within less than six miles of {win the title in eight years, bat:|completing the 26 + mile cross tled his way into the finals by|over choppy waters when pulled Ibeating Lorne Main of Montreal|into a boat la [15:01, 715, 16M, 159 in the! ™ {semi-finals earlier the tournament behind Milt Street of Boston won the Gorham of University of Tor veterans championship for the onto and Robert Armstrong of third time Hamilton, Adair polished off Calin Adair of Montreal's Mo: Gorham 158, 159, 15.10, 17.15 in the semi - finals and beat Goals = Mahovlich, Toronto, Trail Smokies Get Games In Moscow REATEN BY SHARKS HONOLULU (AP) = Danish born Greta Andersen, 31, said Sunday four big sharks swim. ming directly beneath her frightened her into giving up an attempt to swim Mokolai Chan: {nel after struggling against cur rents far 16 hours and 38 min utes, The Long Reach, Calif, marathon swimmer, her hody te Saturday night, | John] Mealy Pork § SPARE . RIBS f PORK i LIVER JANUARY 30th, 31st & FEBRUARY 1st, 1961 49 29 RE WHE GRRATATIANTIC & MACIRG TEA COMMNY AVR, uper As | CGE FP OMEANS DEPENDABILITY in publicity fields), Unemployment Insurance Commission, Ortorio Regional Office, Torente, $6000-$6660, Com: petition 60-961, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OFFICER (wiih several years' re- cent practical experience in the field of property management or real estate administration), Airperts and Property Man: agement Division, Transport, Tarente, $6000-$6660, Competition 61:T2002, PUNCHED CARD EQUIPMENT SUPERVISORS (with experience in the operation of keypunches, tabulators ond on uipment, and some supervisory experience), $4500, $4200-$4740, $5100-85640 and $6000-$6640, de- ending upon education and experience, National Defence, aw, H.M.C. Dockyard, Halifax, . Competitions 61.873, 61:572, 61-571 and 61-570 respectively AND PUMPING PLANT SUPERIN. TENDENT (with at least ten years' related experience), National Moy Fort Churchill, Man, $5640-§6180, plus Isolation allowance, Competition 61-245, WATER PURIFICATION UCTOR, BILINGUAL (with a number of years of experience in the instructional field or In work related te the duties, |e. assisting in organising and pre: paring eivil defence courses), Civil Defence College, National Health and Welfare, Armprior, Ont, $5460.$6180, Com: petition 61-723, SUPERVISOR, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DATA INDEX. ING (university graduate with completed courses in chemis: try, pharmacy, bacteriology or related sciences, and a knows ledge of the Food and Drugs and Proprietary or Patent Medicines Acts and Regulations and related federal, pre- vincial and municipal legislation), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, $5460-§6180, Competition 60-900, CIVIL DEFENCE INSTR STATIONARY ENGINEER - HEATING OR POWER (with valid 1st Class Stationary Engineer's Certificate or provincial equivalent), National Defence, Army, Camp Borden, Ont, $5400-$5940, Competition 60-T2056, GEOMAGNETIC RESEARCH ASSISTANT (university graduate with specialization in mathematics and physics or engineer. ing physics, or with a good general education, and courses in mathematics and physics, and several years af related experience), Dominion Observatories Branch, Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, $4440.§5160, Competition 61-2081, FIRST CLASS MACHINIST (with four years of progressive training in @ machine shop, sufficient ta qualify as journey. man machinist), Royal Canadian Mint, Ottawa, $4260. $4800, Competition 61-901, SHEEP HERDSMAN (with a thorough knowledae of and management practises with valuable floek: Research Institute, Agficulture, Ottawa. $408 Competition 61.521, Jian 0-$4800, BILINGUAL SALES PROMOTION ASSISTANT, Publications Branch, Public Printing and Stationery, Hull, PQ, $4050 $4500, Competition 60-925 MAP COMPILERS AND COMPUTERS (with experience in sum veying, engineering mapping or other related fields atfering trainin, experience and relevant responsibility), Canadian Hydrographic Service, Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, $3300:$3900 and $4050-$4500, depending on qualifica- tions and experience, Competition 1.588 COMMUNICATORS (ability to tye at 50 words' @ minute net, or teletype operations at 35 words a minute net), Govern ment Departments, Ottawa. Trainees appointed at $2970, 0 do $3270 for experienced operators, Competition 61s Details and application forms at main Post Offices, National Smplermont Offices or nearest Civil Service Commision } ee, Please i b Saad quate os indi

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