East Whitby Township Barn Destroyed By Fire "SECOND SECTION VINCENT MASSEY MONDAY, JANUARY 30,1961 PAGE NINE The Oshawa Times | Family At Church Pupils Enjoy | Ice Carnival Vincent Massey Public School held its first ice carnival at the school recently, All the students took part in the skating and races There were many beautiful and original costumes which made the judging a difficult job The judges were Mrs. George Russell, president of Harmony Home and School Association and Mrs, Ronald Ogden, past president of' that association Costume prizes were as fol lows STORY BOOK CHARACTERS Kindergarten, Jane MeConkey Billy Waite, Ricky Bell Grades 1-111 Laurie Mac Inally, Donna McDonald, Karin Strahl Grades 1V-VIII Susan Peacock and Lynda Griffith Drunen, East Whitby Town- | in Bowmanville, is unknown ship, Sunday night. The origin | No estimate of the loss has of the fire, which broke out while Mr, and Mrs, Van Drunen were attending church ' SEEN HERE ARE some of the hundreds of spectators who thronged to the fire which destroyed the large barn on the farm of Jan Van Church Will Build Education Centre Fred Pearse, of the community committee, to proceed incoming pre erection of a Christian Cubitt on Centre at an approx In her report mi cost of $170,000 Mrs, H Mellow Clifford Theberge forthcoming union of the the committee of and the WA which will announced that the place in 1962 for the present Reports were given the had heen retired various organizations, Miss Iain MacDonald Peggy Cornish reported for the Grades IVVIIL = Susan Me erintendent of the Explorers and Kent Stiles for Conkey. Gary Holmes Ricky reported that the average at- the YPU and intermediate choir Witham tendance at two sessions was 500 i . upils. He stressed the need for OF} I BRE ELE TED ted the COMICAL orge » senile , ydded facilities and expressed 1eorge Ferkin presen Kindergarten recommendations of the nomi d King, Rose Marie his gratification that these : iit he Th , p , nating commitiee and the fo : heritage, they must rem would be forthcoming with the Loin -paraans: wore: eledued. 10 Mary Anie Daniels, Grades 1-111 Kathy are is \ ompletion of roposed new that there is only one ympletior of the proposed ne He yb of the church, that of provin uilding a period of two year Alan lynda Arsenault to the world the truth of God Mrs. Kenneth Dickson, Robert English, Rob. Forbe love ng president of the ert Hicks, Donald Holmes, Peter Grades 1V-VII Alan Dickson ed that there are Makarchuk, Joseph Pegg: for a cock, Carol chairman for the meeting and a he Ean lion i period of one year, C, Church- Pherson Ralph Wallace was elected re./'Ne 186 a il James Cornish, William cording secretary many, she told hat he re had Gingerich, James Parkhill, a broomball game ? heen more than 500 visits made | vo, mple and Michael of a challenge by the teachers CENTRE APPROVED hut-in and ill Persons Th St. Thomas, Re-elected for a and janitor, to the Grade § pu. The congregation approved awell as to new members in the oo ooo orind were: Ewart pils A Cornish, Harry Gibbard, Ralph for the Grade 8 team which con ENQUIRING REPORTER Gulliver, Edwin King, Dr, Doug: sisted of both boys and girls Majority Lik | been made Photo by Elgin } ray introduced the Mr Victor Bhe ident Northminster United Church motion b members held their annual pot building luck supper and congregational with the meeting at the church on Fri. | day evening. Rev, H. A. Mel low, pastor, opened the ing, with a memorial minute for five of the members who had died in the past year In his remarks, Mr urged his people to remember in all social contacts that thes are Christians first and a ich should make their conviction manifest, He stated that church members are to be to those who gave them the poke for WMS of the wMs King take Rowe NATIONAL OR PATRIOTIC Grades L111 Arlene Owen Stuart Spiers, Christine Boyko duca barbara Judy chairman stewards indebted building { meet of ne for Mellow general sup Sunday sche |] if rue their mber ion Lawrence Witzgall, mi King Leanne Wooster, relir WA, report: 180 members Stressing - David Pea Turner, Lois Mc wi elected ley fe ) Edwards, Roe Linda | Meades, Boys Dean gall 12-13 Years, Girls McConkey, Gabriel Alberta Simpson Boys -- Steve Rosnik, Howard| Stone, Robert Bright, 14 Years and Over, Boys Steve Rosnik, Jack Hall, How ard Stone | Backward Race, 12-13 years-- Girls--Susan McConkey, Brigit Braun, Linda Rosebrough Boys ~ Steve Rosnik, Michael Dezsi, Paul Risebrough Backward Race, Girls 10-11 Years Maureen Suddard Paula Mutrie, Judy Roe The pupils were served re freshments by members of the home and school association un-| der c¢onvenors Mrs, H, Rice and Mrs, B, McCarl, Hot coffee and refreshments were served to the teaching staff and ladies who assisted Judy ~ Robert McConkey Kessler, Wolfgang Witz - Susan Kassinger Antique Guns Are Displayed Colored slides and a collection of antique guns provided the en tertainment at the January | meeting of the Mens' Own Club {of Albert Street United Church Club member, Ray Mock show | district, Other garden { W, Edward Warburton | Oshawa, a collector of [ guns, an interesting commentary the collection, He said collecting gre death DIES SUDDENLY His many friends in Oshawa and Ontario County will re- to learn of the sudden f at Saturday don Oshawa and of Mac the Richmond Hill Jan Laren World War Donevan CI | 'French Club 'Has Carnival "mi: The French Club at Dr Collegiate throw, RR 4, other features The auctioneer was importe displayed his collection and gave direct from the cattle markets There was a huge everyone 2, of W The late Mr MacLaren was well known in Ontario County where he was assistant to W George Tubby in the conduct National War Finance campaigns during the Second G By BARB GREEN Highlight of the afternoon was ed several colored slides taken|Ponevan El the result! in Florida, Alaska, Niagara Fall held a carnical Thursday night and Autumn scenes taken in this The many attractions included | colored pictures|a fortune teller, Madame Tasso) all were taken in Mr, Mock's flower(de The, a candy sale, a dart a endersc 4 ; J. Henderson played goal roti and many onjof England | turnout guns has been his hobby since! good time | childhood and some of his col. an and lection includes guns nearly 300/ TRIPLE WIN years old The Bantam, Junior and Sen: from malaria recently can er DONEVAN GAMES P.. Institute had When Fire Breaks Out alone, that the barn was on| cars but it is reported that at W: wo 5 ar lt hei tained Sunday ni in a fire, Oshawa Fire Department and ed by heavy traffic al ing {which started while he and his|Brooklin Fire Brigade respond- for the fire which could he seen {wife were attending church in| ed promptly to the alarm. Liter- as far west as Markham and | Bowmanville, Cause of the fire|ally thousands of motorists did south to Lake Ontario, lis unknown and no estimate| likewise and caused one of the| Stalled in the traffic jam were | has heen made of the damage. |worst traffic jams that area of motorists whe had been pro- | The barn on the farm of Jan! the township has ever seen, |cegding slong Highway 401, six Van Drunen, concession 7, East! The firefighters were not able, miles south, and had ohserved Whithy Township, two miles/to save the large barn which|the flames and had come (9 least of Columbus, was a totallwas on fire from end to end|investigate, loss, Killed in the blaze were when they arrived, a { [dling cars in the jam, which | eight cows, two calves, a sheep| CIiff Pethick, of Enniskillen, lasted nearly two hours, started {and six goats. The farm was did a great service with hisito boil and st least one driver large water tank truck. Mr. found he had a dead battery, Petick"s tank truck supplied! Resourcefully, he hailed a pass water to the firefighters from a ing car who was £NpPed with nearby creek and, as a result, it] jump" cables a got going was possible to save a shed again attached to the large barn. | Firefighters, returning with Three Provincial Police cruis-| oi onuioment, were forced to ers went to the fire from the Whithy Detachment to try to Push several cars off the road Pupils Applaud Drama Club Play teer donors for the forthcoming gy LLOYD FLETCHER (profitable experience for Grade Red Cross Blood Donor Clinie| mpe timetables were changed | 10 - ers, finds society and clinic officials) oy Wednesday and Thursday of FRENCH CLUB {worried that possible failure|jasi week to permit a scene from| Barahara Broadbent is work: could be reflected in serious "The Heiress" heing presented ing hard to lead the Grade 11 consequences at the hospital ifiat assembly, This short presen-| (Intermediate) French Club, blood supplies are not replen:| tation evoked tremendous ap-| The first sfter-Christmas (ished, The February Clinic is|plause and two curtair calls, [meeting starred Charles Love {slated for this coming Thursday) As a result of the timetable and his boys' quartette singing at Bt, Gregory's Auditorium on|change the Wrestling Club meet-| French songs. Not to be outdone Simcoe street north, ing was held Thursday instead Marilyn Markle, besides attend. "At the present time we do|of Wednesday, The Gymnastic|ing to her duties in fhe school not know where we are going| Club met with the Wrestling| play, resented 8 girls this to find enough donors for this Club J song a clinic, declared Robert H | EXHIBITION GAMES Claire Tierney has 8 very ens Stroud, chairman of the clinic Our junior and senior basket: thusiastic Senior Club which at hall teams played exhibition its ast meeting enjoyed the | Beores of busy housewives in games against the Donevan hoys| dramatic presentation of convere almost every section of the city|last week, On Tuesday the jun: gations and short plays. are using their own telephones|iors won by a score of 60 to 36.| All those who know, say that in an organized drive to recruit|The seniors scored 60 points since we do not live in a French {new and old donors and thus|also, against the 58 scored by |' 'milieu, if we wish to speak (substantially add to the shrink-|the Donevan seniors, French fluently we must come ing panel of area donors, The Shree pasietall. trams to French clubs regularly for pH ROBE \went over practice, unter? workers hinges the future| TNUFRdRy. In the first game the |" The me, ibers of the Tumbling lof the Oshawa Red Cross Socie.| PANtaMs played tremendously Club continued tumbling Tues: ty's free transfusion service," |?ut 10st by a score of 16 to 15, day noon, and members of the d said Mr. Stroud ' |The juniors lost their game,| sketching went on sketching hr Bis d Mid fen BCOTINE 30 points against B0|their jazz impressions Wedness The clinic will be open from|g..ed by Bowmanville The | ds 80 to 4 p.m, and from 6 10 9 Geniors won their game 60:51, | = |p.m, next Thursday, Any person| Congratulations on & good week {who enjoys good health, who has| hoys! not suffered from jaundice or y An East Whithy farmer lost his barn and sll the stock it con | formerly part of the Beath Farm | holdings Mr. and Mrs. Drunen were {attending a church service in | Bowmanville Sunday evening when the fire broke out, A | neighbor ran to the Drunen {farm and warned Drunen's sis-| ter, Dianne, who was at home 'Blood Clinic 'Need Donors A serious shortage of volun- om or- a District Rotary Chilly Weather maid, Gordon Law, Jack Magee Tane proved a very impartial Mervin McLean W. Roy Mae: and capable referee and Grade Lean, Clifford Theberge # pupils emerged victorious with The following persons wereia 2.1 decision Goals were BY GEOFF HUSSEY with the same one high tem Six of the eight Oshawa peo- perature all the time. This cool ple, who were asked last week crisp air is invigorating ow they felt about our present . : h A pn JOSEPH GURAK elected fo the Session for a scored for the winners by Jack period of five years: G, Curley, 'Hall and Howard Stone, Mr hotel cold spell, replied that they 4 d oy enjoy natural refrigeration waiter, 7 Celina street They Robert Morrison, Arnold Schell Three of these hardy citizens an give this cold weather back were women - one of whom!'? the Jans 1 Jed the this reporter had difficulty in MONEY 1 would go south west Rogers scored the lone tally for Wilbur Down, president, open. lor basketball teams scored 'a the losing team ed the meeting, The devotional | triple win against Pickering a | period was under the direction|week ago last Friday, All three of Ross Clark. He was assisted (teams played Central last Fri. ind by pianist Harold Ellis and Roy|day night Richardson and E, George Per: assistance of James Henderson. Corina, who read the scrip The girls haskethall teams kin, Rev, Mr. Rackham was Constable Wm. Tane and mem. ue lesson ama played Bowmanville and OCVI made an honorary member of pers of the teaching staff, The Frank Cooper, secretary read|this week, Our seniors lost hoth Sanson 8 leg Bg 8 416 the minutes of the last meeting games and the juniors won school officer Mr, Pearson and|and reported on members who both, To many people it would ORDINATION SERVICE may parents were also present|have heen ill seem that the senior team is Announcement was made that to lend assistance, Races were! Thirty-four were slipping, However, this is not so the installation of the new stew. won by the following | present They are just getting warmed ards and the ordination of the| Kindergarten Girls Rose | up new elders will take place on narie Witzgall, Heather CAREER TALKS { Jean| » 8 ay, Feb, § - Sunday, Feb Tonkin, Jane. McConkey Car Hits Pole In our assembly Wednesday Ww J, C, B. MacMillan extended d | : abi Kindergarten Boys -- Kenny| |we were visited by representa. Andrew Suwala, C. A, Weldon R. Westcott, Re-elected for a five-year period were: Fred RACE PROGRAM Pearse, Harold Hawkshaw, Wil-| The races were conducted b fred Little, W. E, Mann, Robert Principal Armstrong, with members ly donate blood Red Cross offi clals state, The entire process takes about thirty minutes and Is virtually painless, Prospective donors who plan|the seniors really perked up and to attend the clinic this Thurs. day should telephone Red Cross headquarters at RAndalph 3-2038 to arrange for an appointment or to obtain information as to the best time to visit the clinic §0 as to avoid delay, G. E. Moulton Given Promotion G, E. Moulton, former mana- The last time our girls played against the junior and senior Donevan teams, Our seniors lost and juniors won, Last Thursday Clubs To Assist At Conference During the annual conference of District 707, Rotary Interna. tional, which will he held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Feb, 16, 17 and 18, district clubs will be playing a leading role, The Rotary Club of Oshawa will be host at the Early Bird's Breakfast to be held in the roof garden of the hotel at 8 a.m, Saturday, Feb, 18, It is expected a large number of the members of the club will attend, Prominent Rotarians from sev. eral district clubs will take part won their game but the juniors 0st, Howard Swartz, president of the Debating Club, tells me that he and his fellow members are planning to sit in on a meeting of the Council this week, Ap: parently this time it is going to a special private one, so the Debating Club will be having a regular meeting next week in- stead Because the Stamp Club, which meets every Monday with Mr, Wooster, has a member: 6:7 Years Girls Terry Lynne Lid j ster Lee Smith, Elaine fewer got Years, Girls CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and dis Valerie thi um breakfast 0 who re missing between | the same Barbark same building wristwatch apartment and 1 pm McCam MeGregor are Affleck, - material vears, (George F plant paint," trim 4 years: Ever truck chassis, 41 G, Karnath, ship department MH vears, fo Cane Dunbarton Man MacMillan maintens Injured in Crash 18 years; Russell CW AJAX (Staff) Hilton Nichol Palmer, north plant inspectios, son, Sr., 80, of Dunbarton, is in #4 vears John Pennington, |Oshawa General Hospital with south plant body paint, 30 years; |chest injuries and a possible] William F. Quick, stapdardsyconcussior. after an aute acci-| year Leo in samuel ve lance an accel 13 Ross plant understanding because her! WAROLD HAYES hank teeth were chattering, The other anager, 462 Rossland road two, interviewed at their jobs "This is wonderful, cold, were on the inside looking out. orisp and bright. 1 like this kind) The Arctic temperatures ap-|of weather pealed to three men whom it was necessary fo interview Jn ALICE REYNOLDS = house doors, The other two malesiwife, Bowmanville; "I feel more yea! were most emphatic in their dis- alive at this time of year than! Northminster Church raise Ford like, I do in the summer. months 1t| for all purposes an amount of 67 Years Boys -- Gary Be jeems more clean and hygenic, [$92,721.94 Tol Ppa i sr. Babi ary ne, ELSIE CAMPBELL, ales hut 1 suppose people would take| During the meeting the CGIT 89 Wi Yrocher, Eohhy oyke, clerk, Brooklin: "well I prefer baths in the winter, No provided baby - sitting service [89 Years Girls -- Linda Skins this cold weather to snow and wonder those Kskimos are so for the children who had attend. Mer, Suzanne Lidster, Judy Otis ice, My car would not start this'paealthy ed the supper Boys Richard = Mitchell, morning though -- but | a Chris Bone ride with a neighbor JOSEPH FLEISCHER = un . 10-1 A employed, 2656 Park road south t ] CYRIL CLOSS -- 261 Simcoe I hate the cold, It raises the in 0 e street south:"1 think this is a hair on my skin all over the real nice weather, | prefer body type of climate to a hot t ] mer." THOMAS ELLIOTT « per Is S 0 en ADS} Sras ms annel manajer: "In my opinion EVELYN TULLOCK = sales ji {5 pot aN as people Articles valued at over $1000 clerk, RR 1 Bowmanville think. So many people are not!including a mink stole, three actually enjoyed waiting for my fit enou th to face the cold wea: cameras and an electric razor trict who are celebrating bus Wednesday morning. 1 is ther. Those people who complain! were reported missing Saturday, their birthdays today better than living in Florida pave not enjoyed an adequate from an Adelaide street west Mrs, Mathew Andor, Wil would be indis. apartment son road north; Robert posed to cold weather, Internal! Police said the apartment of | Robertson, 435 Brock Send Delegates health is most important Arthur Irwin was entered some street north, Whithy; Rickey time between noon and 1 p.m Habeock, 448 Wooderest av- + . Saturday. No sien of entrv wa enue; Margaret Mary T C t ] found Rawks, 106 Agnes street; 0 onven 0n 12 GM Emp oyees Mis. Mary Donny Nimigon, 111 Cedar wo members of the execn . itreet, Whithy; Barbara tive of the Ontario County Fly Worked 427 Years ive Ey bi Cochrane, RR 2, Orono, ing Club, George Slocombe and from her Mrs. Ray Seager, 120 Allan Gordon Coulter, will represent Fhe retirement on pension of a.m street, Whithy; Kenneth Tills the club at the: 82nd annu y1|12 Oshawa employees who gave d % ing, 330 French street; Joy meeting of the Royal Canadian = Years service was announc.|"% Duncan, 215 « Court sreet; Flying Clubs Association at Of.|®d recently by General Motors! Police said the Irwin apart Mary Kim Hood, 1367 Cedar tawa Jan. 30 and 3 of Canada, Limited ment was entéred last Dec. 16 street; Bill Hood, 186 Nas. Approximately 150 delgate The new pensioners, with the Dut nothing was reported miss: gay street; Mrs, Clarence from the association's 40 mem: department in which they wark. Ng Miller, RR 1. Oshawa: John ber clubs, from all provinces/ed and their vears' of service! Det, Sgt, George Gales, 66 Kennedy avenue: with the exception of Newfound: are mond and Det B Sandra Olliffe, 188 Monk land and Prince Edward | William 'N investigating street; Linda Thornton, 311 land, are expected attend. | handling. 98 Adelaide avenue east; Rob. Monday's program will in south ert Greg Bury, 462 Simcoe clude an address by Hon Wal and hardware street north; Jack Forder, ter Dinsdale minister of North p Fioe 74 Rossland road east and ern Affairs and National Re John F. MePhee, 206 St sources and the presentation of Eloi avenue certifieates to 15 clubs which The first five persons to completed their flying of inform The Oshawa Times tions in 1960 without of their birthdays each day dent will receive double tickets to Alr Marshal F. R. Milles The Regent Theatre, good Salman it the Shoadian for a four-week period. The fs § | ve the 4 I (Y ' ol Bu i T eid " years Robert A dent on Highway 2, at the 1 iver furrent aliinction Ryu Another feature of the dav's|south chassis, 41 vears./pool read, in Pickering Town Hi 3 $ E program will be the presenta. Roy E. Salter, south plant seat/ship Sunday afternoon uo on birthdays will tion of the W. |} Tudhope trim years; Thomas Sebam:! The victim was taken to OGH he received only Yotween Trophy to Air Cadet Joseph M ki plant body subasr in a semi-conscious condition the hours of 8 am. and 10 chael Green, of the 285th Ld bly, 19 years and Lloyd W. after the accident. Details of the a.m. Phone RA 3-3¢74 Wonton Squadron, 'Wilson, sales, 34 years. |mishap are not available 4 i outh another alse | Robert McLean, an invitation, on behalf of the Scolt. David Dwalr: Pete Fa op I . d [tives from the army and air. congregation, for Rey, and Mrs They spoke on careers | Two people were injured and Mellow to remain for | more than $1500 damage resul: ted from four accident report by the Oshawa Police Depart ment during the weekend Robert Milford, 22, of Hamp: ton, is in Oshawa General Hos | forehead and chin | force in these fields Since most opportunities were Way Express office in Oshawa, for the boys, the army speak. |!ast week was promoted to sup er said he had little to offer ervisor of transportation, with the girls. This is not true, He headquarters at Toronto, {has the whole army, RAISE NEARLY $1600 {received Saturday night in an|conducted | accident Driver of the car was Morley | Black, Colborne, Ontario, who! was admitted to hospital Sat: {urday for observation, He was! raised, | released Sunday, Police said the car southbound on Simcoe north, struck a tele:| phone pole and ended up on a| fire hydrant, | $500 DAMAGE | | | Estimated damage of $500 was |: | reported by police as a result} | of a two-car crash Saturday no at the intersection of Bond street! east and Division street Drivers of the cars involved are A, J. Baumgartner and Jo. seph Kingston, both of Colborne street east Two cars were involved in a collision on Ritson road south at Olive avenue, Sunday at 12.34 am, One car was driv ¥v| Donald Dove, of 132 Brock street| east, The driver of the other car was Stanley Gerald Andress, of 287 Currie avenue. Damage! was estimated at $375, SUFFERS CUT CHIN Nick Vidulich, 25, of 454 Floyd street, suffered a cut chin when the car he was driving struck {a parked car on Simcoe street south, at 1248 am, Sunday The parked car was owned by George A, Dean, 37 Wentworth street west, Damage to the cars was estimated at $550 FAMILY LEFT HOMELESS INGERSOLL (CP)=Fire Sun |day night destroyed the home| of Alan Clifferd and left him, his wife and four children home less. My his wife in hospital during the {fire, which caused damage esti: |mated at $4,000, The officers of Court Osh. Clifford was visiting, awa, No, 501, Canadian Order Foresters of for the The a pita, with fractured ribs and| Last Monday night a large was transferred to Cobourg, §t.| lacerations, number of willing volunteers Catharines, then Oshawa, CANVASS {Town of Whithy in the interests children: Gordon, 18, in the Roy-|cais', of the March of Dimes, The|al Canadian Navy and Judy, 16, committee in charge is pleased in Grade 12 at Oshawa Central|dance of 56 and a programme of {to report that nearly $1600 was Collegiate Institute, Canvass March of Dimes is being car:|its home at 782 Cambridge Court group singing), {ried out in Oshawa tonight, of for ger of the Canadian Pacific Rail. in the discussion groups at the afternoon session on Friday, Feb, 17 Past District Governor Walter DeGeer, of Bowmanville, will preside at the group discussing vocational service, Past District Governor Ed Ruggles, of Co. bourg, will preside at the group considering international service Terry Moore, president of the Whitby Club will act as recorder for this group, Joe Abey, president-elect of Rotary International, will be the speaker at the governor's bans fet Friday night; while the on, Lester B, Pedrson will speak at the Saturday luncheon, ship of only seven, it is not offi. cially hig enough for represen: tation in Congress, Nevertheless these magnificent seven persist {in coming out alternate Mon: Mr, Moulton was born in Par: days to talk about and trade ry Sound, He has been a CPR stamps employee for 25 years, starting | "Le Jeune Club Francais, in Parry Sound. From here he|which meets every other Mon: day at noon with President Ray |Werry presiding, Is faithful to two its motte," Ici on parle fran: the, He and his wife have There is an average atten. games, contests, plays, stories, the| The Moulton family will leave|songs (quartettes, rounds and to take up residence in Toronto,| This makes a very happy and COURT OSHAWA, NO. 501, COF, INSTALLS OFFICERS ensuing were year at | recent meeting. From left are | D: Dunn, chaplain; W. Overy, installed J. Nutter, financial secretary; J, Graham, chief ranger; JI, McMillan, vice chief ranger; a | L. Ference, past chief ranger; senior woodward; L. Flavelle, junior woodward; D. Powless, | senior bheadle and D. Vice, recording secretary, Absent | when the picture was taken were J. Nemish and Ed, Steed, --QOshawa Times Photo