14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Berwrdey, Jonwery 18, 198) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT Ba oe _ Ascountont SSIFIED AD RATES | Weld Do : Ml a ae - Nr I PA) Te rg i Eiger dn Gi & . 2 a A Binet North, shaw; Mex § § coriskeut a add od Bins wiiand, Awiephane WA BIW4 IMMEDIATE ila i care I air ith. hppiy 4 Fermi Wok 2H ' en LE a TT te Br Br i le Uh, on gy 8 ig pares. bes ripley ra-enver | Ewe. Top on a . Ewan sua Co iy ry | Aguortduing 37% 418 Ring Bees BK Tontan, 76 Charies Brest. | AB, Coniee, Room © TT ects sett (i bon ara t, ewan. Onis, BAY W rot pes with | aor re BER 47303, Bovleion Bt, Roslon 16, Mass } Charge rote will seply -- a RR A Above roles spphy orty 15 right Youn toewl shimuny desper, Chim CONPTROLIER ~ WHAON apd Brno, Choriered} cides for corsec hive sarin, LReys built snd repeiied, gos Nungs W-| WEE AIH 3 ' 31 5 "east of Toroptis Accountants, V4 Bimeny Birewt Bovin, | Supequrt lmeriions ciess of 8 abet, gr Vasuumen. Free se AVAILABLE 10 Hed Oshare. Ropeld F. © Whaow, CA; G6.) igler dete sont tiie § new o gene rr------ AES pe ¥Amond By , CA, BA 828 p Tin heer ha 9 a --" y on 4 tb it 0 es 08 wr rat ering] Cimon swing 9720 gar Nluter Hearhone 05 $100 0 rorner| HOME OWNERS | ANN'S FABRIC | ( ANG'S on A cma mes Services offer complete boviheeping | 7100 Yor 3 Linas doy. Lach 66 ialot adios : YOUNG man, ropabie of Becepting Fe wervices fox Snel uamess Bond | Tone! hoe $140 par meet, CREBTERFIVIDE rob eenvered SHOP ik4 ! n SPREIINGES 4 BEY Be B KERR IDETEM Staast Went, Room |. Office RA S599 Bunions cogs (1 » $1800 Bike new, Why gor mars? tioned | BORROW 'a MEAT MARKET is piv i Toone, ¢ A Mogy Aiden Lan ow RA WHI¥ a van airie, Batisias wed. | ' Th Residence BA [LL B gt Ioitial letter bie igtion, +14 Hirgsier pleco rial WR | ory | . 113 BYRON § % Gon #0 Reset. Write Box 4 Ihaws | FIVE - room sweriment, heavy duty FOUR a] oa tos bed. s 7 n Fires wiring, TY owtiel, lowe -piece Wath, Ap rooms IB pew spbrtimest 7 PRIEMLANDEE, WUNTER nd | § ond « wg, Ngpn, coonts a & io Be 1B ri cn HTRY 10 BA157 272 ALBERT 51 ATONE Tas ain vn PY Wh Abert, Bgeet . ff 1 of Agi vials pe [Big Accountants and diary. Licensed | word Box hasge 5 Saris ol oi $] 600 SPECIAL THIS MONTH HOME CEE TER SUPPLIES A with at ent thre or mer (AVTRAUIIVE somiciisbie" spariment, E278 Josstion, Phone RA [£4 Fristoe in Wargs ar i Tide Al . Clowning Ag artes " PROFESSIONAL painter and paper NEW SPRING PRINTS | OUR SPECIALTY warn, rele herd pre eaperisnes ive rooms, furniohed. one bh wel inner lL es Frieaiander, B. av bi 74 torn publisatio anger Guarontas wokt Sonor, BA y REG. 65c NOW 395 per vd, | W/E DELIVER RA £247) bela home WA GTH8 (0 weTamgs Imer (come, mas Whee - romn SPertment (ed sel dies, on Sieve Biest - ? pa RR oF £ rials, Fras setimates, M IREDY REPA Y AS LOY N AS ' He [! y (dL 8/1) leis fupmienas, no ehiidren, sions to We. BA very clesn ramme, Wemiy of cophosene Ag reine i a 2 vet Be % pe yom pes TERY WERE pme r y ENVOY RES TAURANT| WILSON PLAZA VARY lime wewnid wanied, Apo | # rsie hath, WA B9445 fies Publis Accountepls d (#4 ned PRO Bt tis best for less - Fn to the pecietsr Canadian] ® new mi FOLK ed A iment rage, Street Eapt, Oshawa, Biase wf Beotine for id spaciplize Wh chesiariiens, weavers, | $35.00 MONTHLY / usin sociation, "30 Richmond Bissets Rass (14a Ton "sidrsime | {othe Aecorsied, po 4 44 wo will ons : ] : He 18 lov #350 2 alate Ss ' remodelled, repeived. Free estimates HOME OF West Oehan a [er South Gener! Motors, W0 month 155 howse, 15 mw ny in Cshaw, id eta At nad 1" iv Inlop A . es - - B14, BERVICER -- Complete bamikeep || BE A717 wasy terms, RA S460 Current Interest Bates RA viae Opoms Hh (Bg services (08 SMB DHHREISES, WANK The Oe ong Times » A be [EMERTERFIELDE and old chairs re . "CHICKEM IN RESTAURANT : a I Toons" ppart. bon aenthly or 8s desired Satem his responsi 10/ 44 r Jrovered Whe new. Get the best lor less Fast Confidentinl Se T ROUGH" teotiiring Field 5 Withem © pewly Aech (M6 MONTHLY ~ thier - room spas rupees Income fax rely . sted yi than st Modern Upholsiering, 141 Bimess HE J J fla) '" # Gl 15H £ T v [2 of pultaiie for couple, Ops © ment wnturished, id A Lohan nl b# Bowih. fall RA 88451 for # free ook Mo Hidden Borns ILD ENGLISH STYL 5 wy welcome. Aves Telaphone WA porch, centesl, host, hyde, 2 ish Be RB il Luin Meo Chottel Mortassces 572 RITSOM FD, § FISH AND CHIPS lepresentative | #0 wd at 1 og PI A pre brie, "inte or BAINNers ', ne : OSHAWA Times Cinssified As w 3098 WE DELIVER FA 58978 WE DELIVER--RA 8.315) GROUN Tass, for on rasan, 444 4 TET Pr tors ph vile 1 id Mo Co Signers 1H : J 5 Excallent opportunity for ad. |lswndry room, vi se he nl ATTRACTIVE spariment In wv dy Heian on Eo ARTES on tov] Te Savertisement / 4 ' +5 hay WW WF Hy ment with national {race poring, --_-- Hopi Hy plex Ath of wily, modern by ward Host amigas, i ioe Sireet wees. And Lid -- Payments te Suit Yo RUDY'Y 35---~Employment Wanted ner 108 company. Age $e Maher 42d Minette, mangeny Ha WA 3868 Inaries © Meliphon, MCI 12 ' ' « c Bud . f 3 98 4 CENTRAL private weil oniyined cine nlarte 3 A. Edges F, Basted, Gf pies FURNACE SALES FASHION HAIR STYLING WILE dive diy care fn Aven, (1aF i cf Grad 4 thal ie Sih -wopthina fn, ewiored Dslores, lion vemity we : . he cou of Aspley GO p- ba ' W : AND BARBER SHOP var Rosd ares Fete phone HA 64% wid stonti Pp HAVE, PEIREIRE 0B | or som ell b ud, Huw Fisk of on BOWMAN, David Barriste oli ' ' tb { A o A 4 v . A $ ied nm g eph bh (OF SNE hedinom Lute of siosets. Lise A i soni. "WA Soon Rew | To ; '] AND SERVICE ' jo ers tha newest ond bass in |TOVOK, Gres denies ents coi | wih company car, rel (1 Wt 5h wed rooearte 8 Gulf iliag" pine ASI i dence, BA BOI Mh Mack holrdracsing. for each and. 10 yr lo y mpany benef p A , wise A § : nairar fl g each 6 havi Fines NOWBTOWN tue or threes rooms LA JOHN A CAMERON barrister, # Gees he p BYE 7 avery member of the fon ') bit he fd ody PB Pi f $0 MONTRLY three rooms and hath, ihels po ¢ ' amily. (RELIABLE voung Duteh' women fe. TE e shone R A (ished oy 8 floor, tor « wiliitien paid, hes y tor and Notary J "A I A 0 5954 ALl If D tistaction Guarantee sires hoysewark. We out, good refer is A 5 653 speciabie persons. Fagen pr north of (1h edn OF Ts, Fast. RA 31086 HA and l . ¥ Al 71 _Ontane Brest NOFLEREEE ATT aNER] coll RA B LL For information, 1eiephone H My ' . 4 . Fer app 24 THREE room spartment ie bat : ' f on! Gines $ Ada TWO partly Iurnisned howsekeestn + DEivals bith y " hi 0 ' i $ ab His A c i TS UP TO %10.000 4 THY ENERncE, PREKInG, AY, wane' "Eo Boyehyn sod HiLnoR, IN J VE J | MEN N) DUTON iri would Wie housework In / rome, Wk: uke OF washing machine: | elophps IA al dr We [ pe i a kA [. FURNACE SERVICE COMPANY 22-TY - Rod 0 Repairs Ws tesa' five dvs 8 wee, Telephone not toe much for the |i her ad Blysik, Wi Windsor Avenue { limes "Lis . ng Bireel East | . | d 3 Vi Ib =k y e want, because ve MODERN sail cont pined : v v 9 TWA Foo Suartiment, self-contained, | Tange rairineraior, ied Wl Phones: Office RA on 39 fours P Ne b MG | yl rin or Whithy, MO #416 RA 453% MODERN 23% | er Dn ; : | Pe WHEN YOU WANT 36---~Femaols Help Wanted poy Our top men up partly furnished One child welcome $upilien Locnind st Brookline, Call Maney Lo lose y ne | 3 DAY OR MIGHT rt $10,000 in a year. The open Apply B78 King. Braet West i GREER and Kells, Barristers, Holic ST. JOHN'S HEATING Do f . rv RADIO KAMER make money wt home Wore Goo" this. area 1s worth es FIVE : room spartment, 6 month | ses WONTILY 1R 7 0 4 and your friend: and neighbors, new | " three - room ete Tih Bimeoe trast Bouih a RQ / d ethod of "Beiter Hopse Kiesning",, much to the right man, Are |! Reider Dest, Baro, water, FR: iiained apartment, contrat, poy gle" Ti Wimcse Stpest Routh | MO 8.2 Appointments ALL RA B-B2B6 [Tre sil yu arsamiat ws sean tod] te ronan 28 ond 08) € vile entrance, bath, TV outlet, Runge. |[uerater, tun veomte ohly os J Greer, BA, Bg, HA . Free p ' fue how, Far full partievisrs and free de You between nd bi 460 on Simcoe North, RA 80874 decorate, immediate possession ones V. Kelly FA, BCL #2 S88 ui d 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES All Work Guaranteed | mansiration, phone Kieener Berviee RA| (24 make short Guia 1Np87 |S MONTHLY thiee room spariment, #412 7] JONER, BA, snd , I] ACROSS ONTARIO OSHAWA #260 Will you cgll on city or rurg) private entrances, heavy uty WIRE. Ay AICABILE pow three Associates Barristers #ot ELECTRONICS EXPERIENCERN wallress, weekends dwellers? | hope to hear from famadiate RAIN Parking pecs: oni, hardwood fioors, i IPA #0 King Brest East, Fi [RL] ADD A ROOM? Membe v aver 18 years of sue. Telephone Mrs you right away and | would | ul hoards, heavy wiring, Grousd ly 0 (0ans #yeliabie KITCHENS? ONTARIO MORTGAGE Merithew, Bandalwond Restaurant, BA like ta have you start soon TWO - mom apartinent, furnished, re. reasonable Apply 1 Howard ool, 7 MAE WM RUNDLE, barrister, soll PANEL A WA di 184 A id LU ABER f oh 1 f (rigerator and range, very centers), |sorner of Beatty or and notary public, 26% King EPAIRE OF TV TOWERS FIL or ra Tie suis sin "To and stay with y a long 1ime. (Close ta bus, Apply 148 Huron Birest {PRIVATE agg PRT Ty RTE Sree East Phone RA B1763 FOR LEASE REMODELLII indies interestid In cosmetie career Your reply will be confider dd roam apartment, fully furnish | modern spsriment, upstairs, 2 CREIGHTON FRANER, DRYNAN snd - ok REMODELL IN we So [Full training, ond remuneration. For tial Write Ted Risdill, Gen sitable for two gentlemen op Roth, hesyy wiring pita, br CH, Barristers, Boliciiors No ARGE OF SMA RITRRE wanled 10 Verona: eave A041, self-supporting tower {a pyointmen Telephone BA 34084 eral Sales Manager, Box B17 Li couple, Apply 116 Adelnide | $61 Fairleigh Avenue, RA § tary Publi, Hank of Compe ee: 7 Bag] in Oshawa and Ajax CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL Oshaws, 6 om. For information, (aie | Hot dip galvanized. Neo paint GIRL lo help with housework, goed! | ondon, Canada Sireel West (TWO mom Apartment, lye oo" # Simeone Street North, RA dy § x Districts h A Na ahane RA 55680 Complete with new Maring with ehildren, live in Telephone RA ATTRACTIVE three - room self. in. (trance, hepted, hydrs and walsr, 48 Creighton, GF BC Eaner 0h' mort. | RA 85103 IF YOU drink that's bust " i thes Ing further detsily 38---Maole or Female Melp | 10 iment heavy duly wiring, site |Josliy, Velephone ¥Ukon for oman, G.I. Mirdesh dtd aay abt 110° KING 61. OSHAWA IF YOU drink that your husinese) I 61 all channel amtenne. | au an te mind eid while P [matic washer, ofl healing, sult business |fether" Information apporiuny d 4 / J 4 Total price installed and mother works, bi ein preferred hut Wanted |poupie, $65. RA BOoéd {FIVE "room spariment oF Fy i foal Write PO Box 64, Whith MURPHY, BA HB Y iblish themselve AJAX REPAIR ANI guaran weed for year $57.50 nol necessary. Write Bax 343, Oshaws weer | THREE room unfurnished apartment, (refrigerator, parking, washin| 4 ANA BacieiAr, | CONSTRUCTION LIMITED . Time with 1ght, heal and water, suitable for |Ues. Available now, Bear 1] y busi ¢ ah sus, Ontario, RA B21 | _€ | Fl EC TRO! YSIS | 0 prompt sel service TR Pal {I per SALES | Pusiness coupe, ressonstie, WA 33061, |b Salle Avenue A MacDONALD, B A Experience preferred but not WALL. TO.WALL CARPETING LEN. . (I | TV Enterprises shorthand options), State age, Past SELF-CONTAINED "unfurnished three. |UNFU D Three y Apa h Barrister snd bolleitar and on 41 K essentio bL-1Q 9 Remaval of superfluous hair perience. Marital siatus. salary expect | ~ . | poem apartment, with hath, 878 month 4 Us, The Commereisl Bul | 28% 6 #0. Write 481, Oshaws Times PERSONNEI iy, including heat and hydro, near Gle, [Ing wiilil 65 EA and West, Doheny fntario. CUent PATKINE) vo ining provided oll lessee UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE | Marie Murdutt will be In Crew ROTSEREEPER reauired Immediniely vofl's, suitable for ben suite. KA 57414 [850 wiring Wershons HA § n RA 3.3553 g 7 ad. a CLEANED IN YOUR HOME | Oshawe, Jan. 31 and Feb - 5 for adult soups, 1n small home. Must |BIMOOE Btrest Bouth, near Weniworth, [THREE - nom apartment, on MANNING ¥ fHann. ' Barrister, | Contact MR. D. BLACK s gp jst, Pi ( ha Hotel be reliable, five days ek. Write. Box We would like 10 add 10 our \second floor, unfurnished spartment, | Wining, JTree, Anite 3 A Solicitor Volar) honey oan Sue Quality cleaning at low prices ne Ger 3 el 40° TOWERS $45 324, Nshaws Times present staff two experienced |INTee 1arge roams, four-pisee | copie Ton hedinte i vg Street East HA 3.4687 | C | E.748B these dates tor appointment F x $2 WEEKLY for wearing lovely ol I p , i (bathroom Sphcious euphoRr hone KA Residence disl HA 3.4009 Cities Service Qi SEGERS 30° ROOF ANTENNAS $30 dresces given you gs bonus, Just show | *9/ESPECRIE, 10 sell seasona ed verandah, Heetrie save THREE furnished roams, Ld A i erator, closed Math BLE ida 4 wet Hob | Company Limited 20 . 9 20' ROOF ANTENNAS 4 North American Fashion Frocks tal fastest selling items. Must Ht adult eouple Yele, HOVE Washing machine, io) elicitor 4 ng reel n artage 0 CARYARRINE Investmen!, ex a ia | Phone BA B.662 Aownlown and who yy contre ni ; 4) BOOTIAN Cant for fast dependable perience necessary. North American! have late model ear and be ||P! v home, 'Inlephone RK "bo i Sriephons/ Busiten RA 334 eh {CENTRAL unfurnished, self contained % |serviee. RA 80014. No Joh too big or Completely Installed Fashion Frocks, fd. 5485 Tndusteisl| free 10 travel Telephone fer | 14, " ET LL" . | " {too small A th , WwW y Biva, Depl, (G-2608 Moniresl 49 bachelor apartment. Immediate posses JOSEPH F. MANGAN, me 4 Carlaw Ave. PODD & § SOUTER ; #-Yoar Verran | YOUNG couple in new home will pro | Personal interview (lon. ui Krthur Biel. TA b61he, HAL HA 3 and Upholstery [ leaner ¥ eitor. Money to loan PAINTING & DECORATING JOHN'S Moving end Borage Oshaws / {vide room snd hoard for working girl LL " diately a Sireet Fant Alay bd | CONTRACTORS whith, Ressohanie rele wy quip LEN & LOU S or student in exenANES for & few Noise n 8 3A | wa hedrooin apariment modern FREE © ro rl Eh Rofl " arrisier, sliel: | Toronto Painting Paperhanging, |= 3 ipod. Thine ! iiold duties and baby sitting. RA B-0708 MO . 501 (gnariment " builain allable Row, |foar share om, 0A Ime i § arrister, ailiel, | in b bo - ans MO) 850803 aller § p.m. or appl ' 19s Bimeos Street | Gyprex, Full Wall Murals {21 ==Parsonal Service CITY T V 37 Male Help Wanted | 101 Croydon Rosd, Apt 8 Whithy Pi¥ mare information, tels, Wy RA 5.3741; Residence, RA 4 HH - h - CO aie Nelp ante 4) Room & Board | Erman re wil voninined, i room spar ! i | main level, J ny NIGHTS RA 5.7426 { holete Waard. Contact Pon HOW: [A7her Breet. Telophone HA b4id7, (Monthly, HA bd 0, RA b365 3 En 4 A . ' R THREE room unfurnished apart 8 Pa | TRY OUR 802 SIMCOE 57, § |EXCELLENY Income from Wil er ag Bl ain Rad iA ment, ground floor, ERrage, antliren | n y th, Oshawa a FRE -- / | | PHILCO- BENDIX b. {afr ion | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN | T.V. Service Calls, $3,00 Avertmmg thesisities Flere S| without" bosrd, Phim home ATL PS Aivet wo i RA Pr pray Painting J H 107 BYRON 51. 5. WHITBY [VETER Pan doy nursery, oil or ball) - REAL alnie saleaman, musi Nave ox . finished . " Md 1a MM I 1] N ROOM and bhobkid, gentlemen, ain, rnlh: ol 0 J 35] ] DAYS MO B.523) Fy LE lo 8.50, M1 Bimeos oth RA h.7844 perience and he a member of the Real | Cog B00 Lt eked, Parking we mi fra PY) Whier od WHAWNT, practic. Moved | room apartme IVATE teacher, student sounsellor, | od: | {raasonahie HA § Hi Nursing Services tap commission, Heply; Kedeo Birest after 8 NORTH oss, 1 Woden i6 years' experiency, hy Interview only Chicken plate, hall chicken wets, Brockville. © Ho i feet after § pM, -- : BHADTUATE nurse, ar liable for home UIPPED Act now, RA 51084 with french fries, fish and |23Wom in r Column io, recive, om - [Rody and hoard, vl gentlemen. wilh MODERN (ourronm apartment, new i a fg ity Telephone HA 37410 ORUHESTRA = Caley Amadio's Quin ehips, hamburgs, hot. dogs SPENCER Voundntion Pry "In IF YOu ARE Kireet Bouth br telephone RA 88456 Iv desorated, close to bus and Sh p ily WA 83008 Ha " CEDARS Convalescent and Nursing | < - {tel, European snd American musie, bes | i shahes we " |aividuslly designed, also 8 A TICVOR Toll week sult Ton: searafe pin, north nd, Anihie Arf priviia Wi #, Shor graduate nursing dren. COIN OPERA ED [Caley at, Ontario Barbershop or tele: ™ " re Mrs, John i BETWEEN THE AGE [beds and bathcoom, five minutes a he " we _, Quiet pegutiful surroundings phone oh L | ODERN GRILL " south plant snd Houldallle, 1883 £ TTR per pk Mus oe OL 5-403) g " i - tv F 1 ROAWMANYILLE hy nT of Ouhaws, Care for wid: | LAUNDERETTE HARVEY DANCE ACADEME. Baton, WE DELIVER == RA 85-3887 LADIES you and your friends will on OF 25 and 40 ude) nA #0904 : Ti- RWMARIILLE © Tres tent i yeh: private ath, ehirance, torres, RA | ] J are party in ye home F > gr one or two gentlemen, sep h ; y people. RN supervised, (nquiries [ind Wenister naw, 434 King West, RA [Jor 4 Tianerahre Barty in your home| Louk A LATE MODEL CAR [This beta nraskiost iF dened' Toi he, 0d hafinain, Wather Seine! ERNE soos periment, shraioned (Bvited, vessonable vales. RA 5-353 SHIRT LAUNDERERS § 4 yer, Boos, Apt, ¥ or 4 4 pe on urn 4 1 hams Featuring TICE NN Won Marah. dance" sdioaiar ) x ERD ing guaranteed. Tupperware Depler, ARE AMBITIOUS AND phone RA 8-4818 for more Information. | King West, Bawmanvills, self gontained, healed, " {4 pi nour ham o 08 # A Exouliont [dancing seh 140, halon, A6F0 ZIPPERS REPLACED [foan Gembell WH B2018, Alex, eo} WILLING TO LEARN " d, gentlemen prefer. P-- Water upc, Wired 4 for {leg king at us wto) Hine' ol Commercial Type gu olen, Friday lest a , b: beds, lunch k bt! valiahle' M I'v i P k RA +7I0) Sharten or lengthen garments |24--Market |} ket WOULD LIKE 10 MAKE orth Aran orb hn ¥ WA LOWER DUPLEX LRU fia | | | Double-Load TEARN To dance. supers instruction tn] Cults and pockets renewed SELLING REAL ESTATE A | | - - (RL po hres roam Spartmenl, gar Bsmt d dddidi - I dannes, P | Complete stock, all types of [CARROTS 48 hag, B y CAREER w= PHONE : : RICHARD WLACK, Doctor of | Double-Protit Te WA 8 5008 om. 00 buttons ¥ cam of Whithy 4 Pig Hihasy HH] ak KE or four gentlemen, single or 4. ROOM Me. ld Na irate : ny 1 Ovomeiry, the sxemination of eyes | [Tail wast on rd Concession, firstl DAYTIME RA 3.2265, [i 8 ber webk, lonid pbonel of $85.00 monthly, Heated reasonable. Tolsphane Selhorne evenings hy appointment Washers and Dryers { 16==Insurance 1] A five poven diye, five minutes from = TD RA 5.3588 EVENINGS RA 5.1726 North General Motors, Telephone RA Mary St. Available Fab, 1 MOF FING ail RA 34101 - PTT rere rrr ; SEL] {ORDERS taken for Ontario Polatosy, Ly J WURKAR, WEIL 0. RO, optometrist plus Coin Operated Lh i nou rance or Res) Vitale, | $0.00 far Jhpound has. Delivered 88k] And ask for Bill McFeets KOON "snd hoard, willable (oF one or RA 8. 2418 GILLARD'S CLEANIT SERVICE | fem on left re fully equipped, hor and i. phe) | [urduys anly, Phone RA 5.8080 wn gentlemen. close bo Mulesvie wna immedisie a yop ¢ LT Dundas Hidg 308 Dund Th f Uy oh Bosen Healer, | Wart, Wiiny, MO B4T1" Closed Wed. Dry Cleaning |General mwrance. na oon | WATCH REPAIRS | ers, Real Estate Manager viii DM BB adh A. | HA" 8344 or HA 8 1 € WYUCK, "WO, spiomairisl Fiepse Machines (ACLRVATE Alla Tawurades, "83% "il J). C | (28~~Pets and Livestock schofield Insurance As. [Flens Street ONE MONTH SHA, Wah? n abs mart . OwWhiaw " I LL ih PAY by | nic or 14 Bark (reel. invalids | DeraoRs] serves AF FOUF home, ell] ornisn FOR ALE -- Three Fox toy terrier | SOCIates Lid 43-~Wanted To Rent only, near Shopping Cen ve, Abnly i amined at home, Disl RA S-45087 HA A741 er---- -- 4 | puppies, ihe ' " A Ll n Road South | 299 King St West wilt oh five weeks old, Telephone OF SOLVE merchandise problems FREE RENT rena " PHILCO-BENDIX coin oper ol oki Bg Lg NEW apariment, twa hedrmams, wil Members of Oshawa and /] 7 -=Surveyorn ated laundereties aquipped [17 ==Meoney te Loan | Specializing autematis ro Pies pit German "Bhapherd | District Real Estate Board Mataction CARINE iNet or Modern one: and two « bed: | kilohen, siove, hutliin even, fridge, 48 AR. - | ( 5 A | we hie is QO ATVTHORTON and Associates, On with COMMERCIAL WALH | FINOY and ascona mortals, sale] watches ax oh nid Lanne i} Bond husiness rales OOM @rarments, $85 and p! A A A homes, Telephone RA 80814 Member at Oshawa and B . ' Ph Weal tarie Land Burveyom fessional En | ERS AND DRYERS are deliv Bie purchased and sold Hea | RA 3.4545 ENGLISH pointer pups for sais. Teje:| Ontario Real Estate Board WANTED ~ approximately 800 square) Up. Best location ONE Wo Team furnished & pe ineering, M06 indy ' ering fulltim. welts wit Henniek Barristers 81 King| fF feel for Light manufaeluring business | I] e profit with | Iphone Franklin 38150 or write 189 fo A - Aistriel centrally hithy, MO #400 spare time monagement HA igh {Chapel Breet, Cobourg Member of Canadian Assoc. RA 84a RA 8 8676 RONEVAN 2! Pinta HMAN. Onl WE WAVE clients' monies available L SCH {APEL H( ha MAN | a of Real Estate Boards A tarin Land Surveyor commerotal bine | Complete information on 10p [for loans on first and second morighges POORER = (wo while grown females 44.--~Houses For Rent TT printing 8 Wea: Street East. BAL locations, valuable help in all And Alo purchase of morigages and| COMPLETE BOOKEEPING ght week punple le and | 1 MONTH FREE RENT THREE roam Apariment 10 | fol VJ ER o man | , mals "Li registered stovk, Hess able 5 TWO bedroom brick bungalow, ell ADELAIDE TERRACE private home, all convenisnoes 1 raise Baris Lang | PANS 81 planning financing deresments of sal ghee Hyman SERVICE, INCOME TAX RE | Phone Cedartiew KennelsRA §AOHS COULD THIS [ heating, hardwood and tiie floors, WIEN: | 329 Adelaide W., New Mod: phe, i couple. 303 Pacific Avesue, od Tra ntarie i | 4A " y 39 ALLL MS Adelslte Avends East | 9nd promating Bendix [5.4000 | TURNS REAUTIVUL baby budgies ready for BE YOu 2 land Ra hada monthly, vasa Men | CO Apartment; luxurious 2 . 6-688) equipped Laundereite |» von : « 2 CTR Lralning talking strain. Apply Mrs {day | , FIVE room upper au hone HA $uibped pas) dar A [HOLT AY np ou down ' Anyone 686 OSLER STREET Broad 114 Elgin Street Kast FIVE © oom iwe bedroom brick | bedroom suites broadipamed [ing parking, water, ' fir oa, of Joh ea at OSHAWA 5 ¢ 4 10 fired included, reli : N p {od In Oshawa Times od will | MH , ONT PERKINESE registered dog. fem 50 womewhers In the Oshawe bungalow, Cadillae Avenue, all conven throughout drapes, stove 8--Building Trades hy laundry distributor in [E00 NOR You naive your problem. | Fanon eA A dog, female S51 area thers Is a salesman over {\ences, 868 ta reliable tenants, Avall:) and refrigerator; all-channel [LONG ITeeh wh of Daw Clinie, | | " p King East WOME Owners-- roofing: siding. oa yes FINAY "and ascond morse es APFSRE RA 5.9953 [Cloverdale Sireel 40 whe would lke to settle [able Fohruury | RA 8.4113 after § p.m TV. laundry facilities and froughing, inaulal a LARLY il iF od W, Nehalemann, Mortgake Broker hh [LOOKIN Gor apartments, houses, du : | p a arking. Immediate posses Arps, Whithy, M6 FET) IF IT'S COMMERCIAL Pp \ MO 84388 194. ' down in a steady, BIQ-PAYING I5iey "stares | have new and oid goes] , E DUPLEX Wik Dulldin i vonling 11% PHILCO BENDIX 7 Teltatiote) Bude. oo [32==TV » Radio Repairs 26--Farmer's Column business where he can be sel le Sell or vent. Call me anytime. Jack| sion. See Apartment 2, UPP R Ad bbe ol Ad pals, | at, ¢ to 'ous itt art | 4 p DEAD farm stock pleked up promptly far life HH RA 36M or 3.3508 Joha A Mary §..3 rooms, $78.00, walks, stoops. RA 80804, Gordon Ma WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE Ww) mortgage arranged. [YV, vadia ear vadin repal All {hone Silent FnpIn Colfax 3.8781 a shood Lid, Realtor ? BEDROOM . oy ined rel erator | KOIN LAUNDRY SALES ), |Crelgnion v, Dynan and Mur (ma Thompson Flectranies, 157 DAES AF: T¥rone We have an opening fer such ~ [8IX rool house, all healed, hol waier sati-sonigined. : PLUMBING and DALE ions JNDRY SALES, LTD, |Crelg : 4 a | Collnn. ARply 361 APARTMENT ave, TV outlet, Adults onl h fixtures: Bow ARG weed SHANE 20 College Stree! [daeh . Ell Avenue WA 3 Wid (Fred) {27 Fuel & Wood a man if he iy sincere, alent Aerts TA 8 378 ' Nove, TY Sule i fram septie (ARK 10 sewer 4 spe 1 { and worthy of future ad v. Ine ans §) reasunElie Tales to, Ontari | y , 300 Clark Wi oll AT BUS STOP . fates Mi has RE he a wi wu. Telephone: WA 5.45158 HOLIDAY CASH | SAMSON BRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur vancement, Our records show SIC vam howe " 4 Ag So : i 4 Phone RA 3 3520 nanpes, staves, fireplaces, ete. 88 large SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND a ---- ype of plumbing: Dial HA BAL J | oem load delivered. Phone RA 60818 this franchise Is worth [ply 338 King Street East hiss 2 12-=Dressmakin | | T0 RS rm-- ---- V Ament, clase 18 Norn | Stove, refrigerator, parking, W( ) ( X M ALL TGANRE AA heating winnie, | So 1 - | PHONE FOR A | OAN ! TV, WE |31--~Articles For Rent $12,00 IN A YEAR [fthers Dotars wiant and dows iawn, RA 5.3302 T BEDR we RA Harald WH Sack, HEVERSIRLE skirts 8 specialty Minas 3 > | ' {stove and Seitigeraor it desired, Tele - plumbing: heating and engineer alterations an lade alse ohi £50 ta $5000 RA B.B180 | Nove ad San a od APARTMENTS 45 Mimeos atest South Li dren's HA wiiy, ¢ FLOOR SANDERS That's not 100 much for the Avenue, Vark Road Sout RA 8.6281] OSHAWA | V JANUARY SPECIAL man we want, because we [NEWLY devoraied LAIR AR OFFICE SPACE Excellent location. New builds \ . . - ' ' > . have a nation wide sales [5s centrally located. Telephone RA ing, with or without lease, | WwW. WARD ALTERATIONS of all Kinds to " 36] GIBBONS ST Reduced rates Clearance | A ha eGR Lond afiey § pan i women and ehiidven Formal Ma h LE. 3 ! : oF aS 00 orce al top men wha ea WELL DIGGING BY reversible skirts a specially. HA 5-488 Sea boar d Fir ance ! a prices Fol Sasement floor JO i a | Lt a Sh Ty aro FOR RENT LLOYD REALTY Wf hand and Briok hungainw, two hedraams, heated MACHINI FURRIER and CO OF CANADA LTD SUFERIUR phe toels en our Rental We require no investment |garags, refrigerator, wove \ deniiad RA 8.5123 hig samings in ad: [SR heal, hydra, close 10 sehoals Passenger elevator service . '2 rd RA op 291% SIMCOE S71 APPL IANC AAV and pa mir ¢ I SPECIALIZING IN 307 TILE DRESSMAKER OSHAWA APPLI NCE SER VICE | WEBBING HA DWARE vanes. Write me an informal [18014 Er kl and New buildin Contially lo - ala . i» downionn I 5 awnta WHIT 4 ONTARIO ? Alterat ¥ ¢ w het ( Re foros I | letter about your experience | ET 1ophaNS HA 3600 Mode ivy nw ed: APARTMENTS t 5 4 3: A ew Iterations nedelling ashers Lisi + and Oven | ' p aund |= - , | odera rent, ne a Ma 8-309 n pllw Prices MONE Y TO L OAN Control Repair Specialists 33-=Articles Wanted }:8 Nf pgroun |SYony et oar nnd ovation, '| available 2-badroom apartments, near 204 Cries TNUT ST. W 22 ROWE STREET 000.00 te $50,000 PH. RA 8.4873 PTAND Wanted (mmediaial, aby wake | NP. Stephens, Vice:Pres, [hy 1 RA 6197 y p ' 0. BOX 329 { . Ly ar aly | eash, H 3 : . Shopping Centre, electrically 1 | a RA Jove n o oh Lh on Fast Pudligiy Lt i Ris 4 unwie Mo Wile Ween shee! w| B A on ah Th as | 37M Help Wanted THE TIMES equipped. Available Feb, 1st -- runitie Second go V ast Ser * ensibia Rates |Toronia Ox or ¢ 3 x b . NY udiegs Oppo ey, Ta--Gardoning & Supplier] rents for sae cweant and PANG SRT TRAINER BUILDING 212 MONTRAVE AVE 19 youre ald, showing good arafil oe - noe wan "wpen | (mproved property, teviden: | DID YOU SEE OUR isa FOUTS 137A Queen Street Ea USuU OP ITY -- reer Wawntows ication Pressal reat 310 pot | tol and incuitiia) et ite | NEW ALL GALVANIZED Masia 8 Ee Vai wl UN Al PORTUN Contact T, L. WILSON APARTMENTS wmanth Equipment, supplies frm | REMOTE | pp ApESS (eid WES FOR SALESMAN OVER 30 | Phone RA 3:3474 | x in sere sae John Field, RA & 1600 WANTED, student plana, in good con | pha here 30 times faster and led 12 8 § " » For information galls RESVAURANT -- Located on Mala h 13 : ditlen 1 you da have one call RA { 00 : Sireet of oy tn Kawartha Lakes tour | More powerful than Rock Sal th, Oshawa one R T Q WwW E R 0 im Opportunity for quick advancement, high commission PARKW D RA 8. 3815 or 8 area. Seals 80 Grossing 100.060 Labor co eliminated, harms. orient peburn. Call Glen Huner 84) jess ta sidewalks and paves . ha | earnings and solid future with a growing company. | 0 NH de Sackville Agency ad - Al Wave ARIAS WANTED | Sell world famous Goodyear maintenance products | MAN R RA 8-6485 14, Pelerbareugh | tent. Free Demonstration 5 J = bo LL) . DIAL RA 3.9020 MONEY T0 ou Know That We SCRAP ion Pautay | 10 industry, institutions, governme nt and farm trade APARTMENTS APARTMENT ue | growth . t me Ox ervice WR ON. F | N your aren Yack AND PEAY ' Products accepted in over 50 countries. Many are \ pert vielany J FATHER TICKS : 5 lopments 1 non-competitive. All pro g Sen alls vil 8:30 exclusive developments and non-comy f N =n. MO | LOAN By I TURNER ducts are repeat items. Age is no barrier---many ot ) well kept building thet g pr : \ ) A \ a SAGUENAY AVENUE Aron ides J MDEWALKS CLEANED : ¢ RA 1.2043 RA 3-1374 our best men are 60 and aver utomabile is essen 4 Lots of cupboard SPACE. This opportunity will FAST SERVICE | Aonies for all types of man (ollect) tial Qur top men earn over $10,000 Year around (PARK RD. & KING SV.° Nader kitchen > ; RY A yoga at and wend | - --_- sales because of diversified winter and summer line. | DISTRICT | i 3 stond strictest invest an all of 1} ] Excellent floor plan . Q0ges on all types of veal | T.R.I Q. | SHAW Full time man wanted but part time acceptable to and will prove far me , { 8 including vos \ | a i Bolen ' is OSHAWA HOME Ng ate eh ng Vacant \a . TEI EVISION ALITO WRECKING CO start. Complete Canadian operation including fac Quin Madang: 2lceat wy RA " | tha unerative an 2-bedroom Apartments tory and & warehouses assure prompt deliveries. No Stoves frigs. T.\ outlet, | Complete laundry facilites. capital required Many fringe benefits including apes parking. te free lief insurance Write Consclidated Paint and Rents trom 390 me nvesiment. We ech Xl LANDSCAPING | piss ant "spesgunts BOND ST EAST ( tral location nied, Sacked & AM ' $ \ : ds 3 oR apEToximately § 2 aot. Cahn. Tokahory . Varnish (Canada) Ltd, East Ohio Building, Clevelond | 2 3 PLEASE "HONE ST Rar. Any Sen wy] RA 8-6366 | aes, RA 8-6781 IRA $2311 89 BLOOR £ | 14, Ohio. USA. BE I TOR Shay TTT MO 8.4770