Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1961, p. 13

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HOME OF THE WEEK a | fc TLERACH ) HOME DESIGN NO, The large place in thi A convenient tween the entry and living area. There are In hook shelves between the living-din ing combination and a closet in dining. Good closets with sliding doors are shown in both bedrooms, Bath and there | terrace just off the kitchen tno, the ample tahle space in kitchen, You will he pleased with the excel lent traffic circulation in this design one doesn't have o the living In get hath, Plans fire Mle room pro hving hame separation' he hu china zed contains a vanity A small Notice go throug! to bedrooms or call for a full basement, an attached l-car garage and other attractive features such As a picture window, planting hox and hip roof Standard Real Estate BY a PLANT BOS 7 4 % 359 Builders $0.75 a sel Canada for blueprints costing are obtainable in this Design 499. Now avallable at vewspaper Office from address helow) a new and en larged Book of House De signs entitled "A New Sele tion of Low Cost Homes for Canadians," price 81.00, Con No this (or Cesare I8r.) WH signs including one two storey home plus information on building terms and require ments. Order your copy to day. Also ipcluded in this Design Book 15 full mforma tion on how to order the hiueprints tains 114 de storey, 14 storey and spit level much useful The Bullding Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Onlarie, Enclosed please find $1.00, for which send me Book of House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost Homes For Canadians ahle to The Oshawa Name Address (Please Times.) make remittance pays FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C, WHITMAN KEEPING FIELD MICE OUT | Douglas L. Gower ® REALTOR o For all your Real Estate Needs PHONE RA 8.4651 LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING We are Experts In all Plumbing problems RA 5:1044 QUESTION vent field mice from taking pos: session of our attic when colder | weather arrives? We live in the suburbs and this is a problem with us during the winter | ANSWER: Be careful to keep all doors, screen doors, cellar vindows, ele, closed, Close any menings such as louvers hy vhich the mice might enter us ing insect screens, Sprinkle {moth balls or flakes around gen: erously, As an added precaution, keep all food in tightly covered containers, If they do take the attie over, burn a sulphur candle there, being very care ful of the fire hazard. Of course, a cat 1s ohe of the finest |mouse-deterents ever invented, Sheet Metal MODERN SHEET METAL 313 OLIVE AVE, OSHAWA RA 8.8163 RA 8.8163 LEAK AT RADIATOR VALVE QUESTION: What makes old fashioned hot water heat radia Itors leak at the valve? What can he done to remedy the situ. ation? ANSWER: The packing may he loose or worn, If loose, it can he tightened by serewing down the six-sided nut under the handle, If this does net remedy IF IT'S RUGS , , CALL NU.-WAY Wallsta: Wall Broadloom Carpets = Stan Run ole 171 Mary St RA 8.468) McLaughlin Heating tor eo FUEL OIL « STOVE OIL « Prompt Delivery 104 King W, RA 2.340) IT'S DIXON'S Far the BEST in FUEL end Heating Souipmen DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St, RA 3.4663 | | Building MTT ED NARLEIGN SUPPLIES | (OSHAWA) LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 33012 FOR THE FINEST IN FLOOR COVERINGS cal ROSS E. MILLS 80 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 80200 the leak, the valve should be re-packed, Free the handle hy unscrewing the. screw or nut ecuring it, and remove the nut heneath, If the packing wash: ers on the valve stem are worn, they should he replaced, Or pack with cord impregnated with graphite hy wrapping around the valve stem: this will he compressed when the packs ing nut is screwed down again, TAR STREAKS QUESTION: The builder spill ed several long streaks of tar on the cement driveway. What is the hest way to scrub. or scrape them away? What should he used as a solvent? ANSWER: Always a difficult ations, the kind used hy build ing cleaning contractors, are the mast effective. Your mason ry supplies dealer should he able to get it for you. Or try the following method: Scrape off as | -- lh. Concrete seleaning prepar | much of the tar as possible with' a dull knife or putty knife. Then apply kerosene which is a sel vent for tar. Map up with clean cloths, not to spread the streaks If the stains are stubborn, make a paste of dry Portland cement, powdered whiting, or other ah. sorhing powder and kerosene and apply in a thick layer over How can we pre: the stains, covering with a sheet | of plastic or glass to retard eva. poration. When dry, brush off) and replace with fresh paste] until the stain disappears. Re: sults are rarely satisfactory MASKING TAPE-BARBECUE QUESTION: We put in an ine door barbecue two years ago and didn't remove the masking tape, having never used it, Now it won't come off, What can we use to get it off, or can it be burned off? ANSWER: The masking tape can be removed with a non: flammable liquid spot remover or denatured alcohol and steel wool RUSTPROOFING PIPE POLES QUESTION: We recently pur: chased used pipes and cemented them down for clothes line] poles, They are flaked with rust, How can | prepare them for aluminum painting so that| the rust will not come through? ANSWER: Remove all loose and faking rust with steel wool and turpentine, Then apply a rust + inhibiting primer, with a/ fish oil base, available most paint dealers this works down through the remaining rust and combines with it to form a per manent bond YY PLUMBER oe AVeRe 08 H Ly DERTAKE ! J J. FOLEY == GE LL WHY NOT !! 00 IT NOW ® Add an extra Bath. room ® modernize your pres sent kitchen-sink and bathroom fixtures, For Service and Repairs CALL RA 5.5132 TODAY Por FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS and NEW FIXTURES GUSCOTT PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD, 207 SIMCOE ST. §. OSHAWA werk jean Banvety 71 well the old fathbsis: W, J. Fawkper 91, M Fawilcnuy #1 and 6 We wie trying wasted, sn WH oon armed ing Gomes ovary B96 ~ (VBijen 51, Ted Powers 254, A. Kennelly 222, M. Fike Vern Bosiay 35, baie Burden 13, 207, A. Howson Wi, B Flynn BR, 114, ein favies 211, Mary Corvwelt BH. MeGiwive Wi, 204, €. Ward 08, W peu Mary jong Wi, bespe Severs U6, Rosier 218, 223, 271 HB, Move 5 56 ® #6 hers woe pois 3 Hagen Copeiand 5, Marion BD. Dionne Bi, Father Beriaoit 28, RK # bnpian Wihwms We, Maron Mekenns WL, 454, RB, Pednesnt B4, A Madeline Morrison, War) Borkash 209, E. Enker 5, 4, W 4 # Fuoger 0% and Yers Bint Bi HI HM. Role 26, B. Fionn 26, B Chippers, Echons Blasiivds, Witty Wonmng 235i, 17 wd Teresn Powers Kats, Lucky Kievan, Resvers (00% =, # thine pais from Cakes, Lemons, Bw Lemon Leagues ~ WM. Hardie 99, #5 tons and Bows, Mowmies, Boney Bess, F. Wilkinson 9, J. Malley 75, BR Busy Bass wha took one pons each. Watts, 85, 18, 4. Inonne 96, ¥. Novedmen Rackets. Wishing Wells, Rosettes snd a8, UM. Is Pere 86, FP. Beavis 79, E Lisetcy Six sphit. with tw points each, Rombangie 74 snd FP. Karsh 9 BIB CTA: WW. Rass BIS (555) Congratilations tw the Rosstias whe on Bes (UL; YW. ERngman BR (243): wen with 25 pois in the thes section BF. JANE LEAGUE F. Brnwn 506 (250) and A. Metcalie #51 and wisn the Cakes whe won the third Team Sandings ~~ Miss 11, Laliss Fd section with a nial of V7,084 4, Wot Rods, Pigstes 8. Obits § Tenm Standing Pog Patahess 7 Tewin Bansings -- Rosetias To, Lucky Bobusas 7, Lackies 8, snd Splomies 3 Beatmichers 6 bight Soms 6, In and 9% 17%, Cokes, Biaeirns V7, Rockets We pre sertpinly prod othe (hsiers 4, Clowns 4, AL Stars 3, Mise Echons, Maowics, Cmppmis | Kohasas for taking 4 points from & we fis 2 and Bobcats | Kats 19a, Lucky Eleven, Busy Bess. colicd" crack team. Boy, | Rever saw Lemans 13, Honey Bees 11, Butions #08 Coiia with # longer face ahi year, She Baws 10, Wishing Wels snd Beavers B. Los sven resigned as Campin of the team. You can't win pil the time Celia Whe 2 sport Bho ERA Mt jest COREIRtIaIE the WIRING lepm Nest time Allows sre still leading the growp snd showid be the winners of the section Hike was #8 serious howler last Tues # TRERW ORITE WIKER WAJOR Taglar 28, Banay Wiore 20, Ethel Patatiars i" ww, Busia Gruey 10. Bde Mekias Thaerha ed I aad jt le oh 1hk heavy side the they fanpry th ses whit nna Aang atiay ik on ling ail i (278) at Yetres Ld foniiam 6. Pedverineks TI8 (18%); F wid To 2% 4 (80s €. Collins $08 (292); & 27%): LE. balnne My (148) Cllr s Marie Batman MH Trick 540 (208, 297) BR (TIE, WE) Morrison WI6 (218, 28), (ik) iNy Rae OSHAWA MIXED TEN PIN LEAGUE Harrison 18, Wh wy Genige Reid 9) Waldinsperarr did Paul Burnett 206 yA SHERIFF'S TANORING LEAGUE Our seeond section was figiahed this week, and (he scores were Rotng 19 Wow" phat There were no ox hundreds, bt how oratie mention goes to Tommy Warlock with $06 (207), Rese Craviord #4 (216), and Gwen Rovwerts W% (221) The bigh singles were led by Hewith, with 2 lovely 298. Mary Gikes Crawimd 10%, Walker adm Fant wi am Lsrmond Wh, Fred sow WR, Nick Infier 93 and Mike Dh Hopeful Six 13, Strikers Han Gay Garth Dowgles #9 #5, David Dyek 47 Hen Maney and Hitshots 6 Rabert Beares over 4% We bad » very good turnowt last 5 let's heey W thie way fiom | {mow om | Jin Gloss Winers Pete Bapmicsi 99 snd Erne Liz 94 Garlic [asgue was # Wille hepvier this week and we Rave # REW FREWIET The sheers sre prethy Fe = d Clmme Fhaaiwk 7] 5 Bat § HALE PIVLY yk BRVENL BOL MRAIES The sascwtive Rave Rotiasd that the Ele Mx Eriting and it in he he samin Rare CORE more SWfiesit oy MOTOR NT Y WIKER BLENESS LEAGUE Madeline Morrison is top howler this week with TI (U6, 28, 513) and pew 218, 4 Hm Borne / ik, Art Bait #8 (015 Bothy Mclawn High singles were Dave Moker 258 Zk, BA Wetman 27 Wikgine B24, Guy Marey 221, 218, Irene Wehwinr i Martiyn Cooper and Bay Crawford 217 Veggiek ayia Fred Fusco and Fred Wakes DH, Jerry doch Laverty 22, Gwen Bane and George Helen Yay Team Standings Are Eseoy Acts 14 y 14, Rockets and #y Fuscky Strikes 18, Bumdingers 9, Dukes Betty on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwdey, Jonwery 28, 196) 13 BUSH LEAGUE BOWLING (wake Claptors #, ©, The Second Section wes won by Lan 96d wd wel Pin ln Po 41, . wt Low's TY onvincing fons, TNA ' # id » s ": tof 4 y Com pe wih when they willoped fhe CHR Flosrs ped B i 778 18% G40. Aelmore RVING Ended Wn seed 537 (08 1258), we nary / HaAtynesd Ti Coen hogh they lost sn 41 veidiet 19 Reading 99 (199), J Beatty Mawlage snd Trio TY, WR # Bruce 918 (250), wid B LE mit wR Piakwmick (eaners, won (183) His pace. Evans Band and Gravel --o the trighe clase gt ROVING a iy lout Bach Bhess 449 snd Owhaws Bent Lines made god with # 1 win over fone wigle weve J - the Mars Siandings, Besond Section, Len wd Low's TY 408, Ashmore Fok 2 Tne TV 205, Bepity Hawiage 38, Pick ola the Lemon langue w thie Garland 97, €, holm Wr en Ain wi 2h 236, Mithe Glowasks 235, Joan Conk 228 Wi, Anne Blasineki 212, June Wurst 22 farion Blight 221, Doreen Fyre 22 Mildeed Bowks 218, Anne Broskin 215 and Joan Wall 196 he points taken were Jets one, Ares thee, Dinoper theee, Joker one, Gin worm Wree and [iihe one il Therese Conlin Wi Tm # Shirley Bowers 461, Blk $98, duck Lee 405. Rav Bean $96, Dwg Bright 46, Jak Ben Allen 434, Tal Boyan play 432, Bi Yon Min on 429, Brenda Bracey $28, Tony Ga ant 428, We Welsregny #16, Doras | Water Softening Salt hiles 25 Jets 16, Glo Casmrn M2 Bowers 40, Ins Bow The team sanding are "4 sawaon 414 Jokers 2, Droopers 19, Blwir' #4 Kan §eoni Hele i wi 4 and Aces 13 Aids 4 Jerry Casvie Wi, hp As the niles had wpleeady wn dE) MT, Mike Bi Cesarn (J first section, this makes the second Ferry Dougherty 464 and Gord Boomer place Jokers eligible for the play oils see # kood close min by al John Isabela won the Sow let's of the lepms | WEA septing The Lemons were Helen Brown 97 Key Middiemas , snd H ean't be Helen Garason with 93 could 1 Cain Jun Fertile with 81, Marge Datoe #5 Standing Henderson Barber Shop 2 tole 2) 9, Luh Block Hows Modern J 1] nes Delivered Prices Quoted CATHOLIC LEAGUE oiled # large tnple halon 4 ast Mgt to capture the ladies high for the year, 76. Her threes Ermes were 200, 258, 277. Ken Henning milled # 834 triple for the men; Bennie OBrien gob 5 Wigh single of 1, for the week The second night Dick Hurniman's team closely followed bh Any bets on whe (LL ders 6 and Vil- Mase Beau Terese Powers tripe MOTOR CITY LADIES LEAGUE 600 triples Isabelle King was tops week with 734 (305, 216); Helen Fetehison 725 (276, 02, 247); Ev, Stats y (208, 278) and Isabelle Creamer 610 i the third section mave ng Erme will Tid Yops was Ev, Redpath first plare Carnngton 248, Pru Fkket's team Hodgson, B take this section Ethel Freeman Team Standings Harriman 7 frie) 16 CELINA STREET Mut Ekker ROX BRAND (100 Ibs) .... 2.80 CRYSTAL BRAND (100 Ibs.) 3.15 boopen omit ca RA 32312 --| Ler A I] cuIDE YOUR HOME BUYING! Want a compact home? Then stop wasting precious time , , , see @ recltor! He has @ great variety of home listings , , , and one is just the right style, in the right area, of the right price -- for you! See him first thing to- day . . , he's sworn to a strict code of ethics, pledged to give you the professional service you want! LIST CO-OP TODAY You Can Depend on A Realtor OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Nettie Pullen 8, Powers Houston 5, O'Malley 5, Blanche Beith, Vi Burrows 3, Giles | and Halk 0 NOW! ELECTRICAL HOME HEATING ... The Greatest Advance In Comfort Living! ol contractors were presented with certificates by the Electric Heating Association of Ontariogon successfully passing an intensive course on Electric Heating, Photo fram loft te right; Mr, Gee, F, Shre ABOV of Oshawa PUC; Chairmen Henry B PU.C; H, Cornish of Hill:.Cornish Elestrie Ltd; Ted Toser of Hill.Cornish Eletrie Ltd; and E Hill of Toner Electric Ltd, RIGH Shows F, Ball of Eastern Electric Construction Lid, receiving his certificate fram Mi, Henry Baldwin, chairman of Oshawa P.U.C.; while R, Hegadern from Eastern Electric Construction Ltd, another successful contractor leaks on, Many Homes Now Being Heated ELECTRICALLY! Oshawa District Electrical Contractors Get Certificates For Electric Heating Course With some 230 total elect homes in the sector of the province served by Ontario Hydra's Central Region, and the demand tor. the comforts and benefits of electric heating by new home awners steadily growing, interest by electrical contractors in this type af heating. has been mounting steadily An indication of this interest inc eleciric heating was evident at a dinner meeting held in the Genasha Hotel, Oshawa, when sixteen leading electrical contractors from Oshawa and district, also five utility representatives were presented with cers tificates of merit from the Electric Heating Association of Ontario on their successtul completion of an intensive course of instruction dealing with all aspects of electric heating This which covered a period of about a month and required a full day attendance at 2 vs, dealt with cial and industrial heating with special emphasi wed 10 ensure that those who completed it and took the tinal examination would be fully qualified and cc heating installations aces the exacting Triple Seal of Quality standards three separate The course npetent 10 certificate course neste, ¢f wn electric house heating was do electing ding f the certificates from the Electric Heating Association of Ontario 10 the electrical contractors wha came Pickering, Part Perry, Whithy, Peterborough, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Gormley and Uxbridge. was made by Baldwin of Oshawa P Utilities Commission. G. F General Manager of Oshawa. P.U.C.. acted ot ceremonies and spo ngratulating the contraction Presentation from Oshawa v Henry Shreve Many Electrical Contractors in Oshawa and District are now qualified to: install and advise on Electrical Home Heating! ~ 900 Electrically Heated Homes Latest, figures available en the number of homes heated totally by electricity in the province of Ont» ario show that there are approximately 900 at present, most of these having been built in the past year. In Ontario Hydro's Central Region, which embracestMetro Toronto and is bounded by Lake Simcoe on the north, Lake Ontario on the south, stretching from Bronte in the west to Oshawa, Bows manville and just beyond Newcastle in the east, 170 electrically heated homes have been com. pleted and occupied, with 60 more presently under construction Oshawa Public Utilities Commission HENRY BALDWIN, Chairman, GEO, F, SHREVE, General Manager, .

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