4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jonwery 25, 196) -- -- I -------- -------------- Ask Ajax Continue To Aid Charges Up |1aid under the Highway Traffic Retarded Children Group | ! "Patrol Sergeant Shaw, as sisted by Constable Mephenson, | | continued to work on school (safety, 2nd the Safety Patrols did an excellent job, often in very bad weather conditions," "Charges he writes, "f am grateful, as I believe all Act increased slightly to 343 parents should be, to the chil from 3% 150 persons were cautioned for school boards, Highway Act AAX (Half) ~~ Liquor Act » in 1999, and a further dren in the patrols, and to the under the Liquor Control Act Amount and the prin. numbered 72 in 1960, as opposed to property, which is very often minor traffic infractions where cipals of the schools for their to 74 in 1959" stated the Annual difficult to pin down to the per- "This figure," states tory for a town of this size, but! Chief er very satisfac, THEATRE GUIDE ANNOUNCES AWARDS TORONTO (CP) ~ John Bas {it must be remembered that ek (Whithy) -- "All The es 72 onl veniles committing ser- , . a ious Be are taken prod | Fine Young Cannibals", 7.00 {there is still a good deal of #nd 9.90 pm. Last complete 1%60 Oe eoehetsin Negent Bete Family Robi aff) = *C) from stores, and a eo 7) p - "Swiss Family hin AlA% (aif) Charges Jala of wilful damage son', 145,428 655 015 pm Last complete show at 905 p.m sett, publisher of The Telegram, Tuesday night announced the newspaper's awards of six scholarships for Israeli students to attend two Canadian univer sities. The six students ~ four men and two women--will study at Bishop's University in Len noxville, Que, and the Univer AJAX (Staff) --~ The Ajax other twothirds was being re in Ontario at the present times was not considered neces. alters per: of the Alax Police De. sons responsible, but which is 8 Marks -- "Hideous Sun Demon' Pickering and Whithy Associa quested from the Whithy andand that their education would sary (0 take them before the AO nh a ji Tapert of ch pax submitted creat source of annoyance, and] 12.45 325, $16, $89 pm tion for Retarded Children sent Pickering councils, constitute a serious problem | oourts 7 states the annual 16port dren" states the report, thatlio eouncll on Moray, the investigation of which takes "Goliath an' the Dragon" # one-man deputation to Ajax "Over a three year period the burdened upon local organiza of (he Alex Police Depart: yas submitted to Ajax council, Police Chief George Dunn, In # great deal of police time," 2.00, 445, 7.90, 10.20 p.m Town council on Monday ve grant would amount 10 $2555 tions, ment on Monday by the Police Com (he report, said that one "Boot. Last year a total of 57 Bi 2 -- "From the Terrace' questing that the council should per year," he said, "and we will. He asked the council. to send, mp. report states that there mittee, legger" was arrested and that charges were laid as compared ho ST 546 934 pm. "The continue supporting the seven make similar requests to the a resolution to the Provincial yoo one traffic fatality during "ihe believed the yaiiiewlar with 514 in 1998. A break-down Third Voice" 1235, 4.22, $.12 Ajax children attending the 1902 and 1963 councils," Government requesting. that theiiwe year involving a ehild » nuisance Wad heen abated for of the 1960 total follows p.m, Last complete show at school, and requesting a capi In supporting his first request education of retarded children|ine way home from school, the time being Criminal Code -- 44; Highway p.m tal grant of 97,066 over a three for the council 16 continue should be made the responsibil inquest was held, and the During 1960 in Ajax raffic Act -- 3; Liquor Con- sity of New Brunswick at Fred enclon MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN OSHAWA January 21 to 28 "DON'T SEND -- TAKE YOUR ' URGES LOANS OTTAWA (CP) ~~ Mrs, Jean #2 per T year period us Ajax's share of (monthly grant for each of the!ity of the Provincial and Muni-liury found no blame attributed Casselman (PC -- Grenville the outstanding cost of the new seven Ajax children attending school the school, Mr. Bird reminded Representing the Association the council that the school had was Albert Bird, chairman of received a monthly grant of $20 gratulaied the Association gens Investig the education commitiee, who\for each child since 1956 stated that the cost of the schoollUP TO 30 was $67,000 with $21,000 being! "Our present enrolment Is provided by the Provincial Gov- 21," he said, "and this is expect ernment and $23,000 being met ed (o increase to 30 before the by the local association spring." In addition he told the "In order to complete the council that the Association school," Mr, Bird told council, might have to employ another "we had to obtain & bank loan|teacher to. meet with increas of §23,000 and the $7667 repre- ing applications from the three sents one-third of this amount," | communities a He told the council that the] Mr, Bird said that ixre -- -- were 180,000 retarded children Ask Approval Of Debenture AJAX (Btaff) -- Ajax council on Monday announced that it would ask the municipal soliel-| tor, W. H. J. Thompson, to rep-| regent the town at a Municipal! AJAX (Staff) -- The annusl Board hearing on Feb, 7 to ap report of the Ajax Police De- prove the issuance of a deben- partment was submitted to Ajax ture for $24,500 over a 20-year town council on Monday by the period for the town's share for! Police Committee the cost of construction of the| gine being appointed Chief bridge over the CNR right of constable in August 1959, Chief way George Dunn. was submitting The 824.500 represents the pis second report town's 20 per cent share of 8 my. ier oF 4a ba $67,770 estimated bill for the oon i Suction of Le pe construction of the CNR dual {major erimes of any sort in lane bridge, which will be foot Ajax in 1060 ed by thé CNR, The town is sub: | Chief Dunn reports "Charges ject to & Department of High- laid under the Criminal Code in. ways subsidy for the 20 Per orensed slightly from 40 in 1950 een share to 44 in 1060, and in addition I'he cost of construction of a five persons were arrested with! similar bridge ucross the A010 p stolen from other muniei Highway will fall to the De: nqiities and a further three per. partment of Highways, | sons were arrested in possession I'he two dual-lane bridges willl, property stolen outside the cipal Governments, | In answer to the deputation Deputy Beeve Pat Sheehan con through Mr, Bird for its out-| standing service to the commu nity since 1956, "The new school is possibly the best building in the province," he said, "and | think that every consideration should be given to your re quests," The council decided to turn the matter over to the finance commitiee for the preparation of a resolution at the next meet- ng, Ajax Is Free Of Major Crime partment with an extremely en viable record, "The great reduction in stolen propetty during 1960 is a great and outstanding feature of this report," said His Worship, "and we were very fortunate in that there was no major crime com mitted last year "We have a police force to be proud of," he sald "People don't realize what a large area the police have to patrol and protect," injected Deputy Reeve Pat Sheehan in support of the Mayor's remarks, Dog Control Report Given AJAX (Staff) = During the first two weeks of January the Ajax Dog Control Officer had to destroy six dogs that were stricken with distemper So learned the Ajax Council from Councillor Owen Ashley of the Police Committee, On behalf of the Dog Control Officer, Ben Bevers, he publicly appealed to the people of Ajax to keep their dogs under control during the distemper epidemic The counell also learned from Councillor Ashley that the Dog| Control Officer had employed Mr, George Bell as his assistant at no additional cost to council isons were charged with bylaw trol Act -- 72 Bylaws ~~ 52. Plaza ~ "The Sundowners'"' 1.55, to the driver of the vehicle con Dundas) advocated in the Com offences, and two under the Juvenile Delinquents Act -- 2. 420, $45 pm. Last complete cerned "The numbe; mons Tuesday r of traffic acel- loans be provided to assist Ca ated showed an padians, whether young or oid, | increase over the previous wishing to attend universities. | years from 93 to 110," states The loans would be distributed Chief George Dunn In the re: 'inot particularly" on the -basis port, He continues "There was of need or academic excellence, fi considerable increase 10 they primarily according to de volume of traffic on Bayly sve to learn, street in particular and more can be expected when construe. tion of the new sub-division gets underway." "I believe that in view of these factors and the fact that our present speed timer is fast becoming obsolete we should give serious thought to purchas ling a radar timing device," re {ports Chief Dunn SORRY DANCE PARTY SOLD OUT SATURDAY, JAN, 28th Jubilee Pavilion BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ' Litdddis OUATY » IDTIES 3 | DRAGON ¢ onSeore' [88 WIT #euie HY Seoomd oak! AFTER-SCHOOL MATINEES DAILY AT 4:15 P.M, THE GREATEST am a ADVENTURE )Yi LW Iv STORY OF THEM ALL! 222 1 eh Toitoy Feature of; 1i45--4,20 6:55-9:25 RECOMMENDED FOR THE FAMILY § - wp | DEBORANW AO, KERR - MITENOM- USTiNOY AE As ) W TECHNICOLOR® PRESENTED BY WARNER BROS, PAR (RI Times 1155 « 4130 « 6:48 Last Complete Shaw 9 pm, RINK TOTAL | MONTREAL (CP)==The Mont. serve the north-bound lanes of [iawn and handed over to the Pres: Departments concerned for ap ent bridges will serve the south propriate charges to he laid bound traffic ' The report continues "The Included in the town's share|,, gratifying feature of the the purchase of land north of the of property stolen showed a "bridge on Harwood avenue|!most marked decrease from where the two north bound | 835.798 in 1050 to $5224 in 1060 thoroughfare, continues, "only $2143 worth of The Department of Highways property was still outstanding at called for tenders earlier this/the end of the vear. while in tenders closed on Jan, 18 To $23,271 date the council do not know " what company has been award.| ELEMENT OF GOOD p ese results, | At present the two wolg (OF 800d a db bridges are being surveyed by! hreak-ins, I feel that some credit is due to the hard, routine work | NEWS IN BRIEF . . Y se ght patrol, the op " Police Give clally those on nigl I i fw RECORD PRODUCTION evidence of their careful check-| LONDON (CP) Britain's ing of vulnerable buildings, par- Re a ord 24,305,000 tons last year says Report Somimereial an An fn shown by the Iron and Steel Board, This 10 TACL that they Tound Bd Int1ic an per cent higher than the! by Ajax Police Chief George|compared to 404 in 1050 than the previous record set in Dunn was the annual report off "On a number of occasions 1957, | the Ajax Police Department persons with known criminal \ council on Monday, ed. during the night. This sys.| SAINT JOHN, N.B, (CP)=Deos Under the section of "Train tematic checking has a very spite freezing weather, men ows : criminal element, even when modern buildings here pour cons : am very appreciative the {here are not sufficient grounds crete under summery conditions, | council made financial provision), prefer charges against them," | Plastic greenhouses cover the fehded in Jatt aad report, | pancludes ature at 60 to 70 degrees ANd As A re y sult during the year In answer to this section of able to attend a week's course FREDERICTON (CP)=Work| on Criminal Investigation afl, Commented that the town oflis to start in the spring on a MeMaster University, IP a t p o 1|M#X had an efficient police de-(§7 000,000 south - end housing two weeks at a Police Traffic cludes 306 houses, 106 apart. Training course at the Univer rders Remand nes and a shopping centre, Constable Robert Joel complet HELP RETARDED ed a seven-week identification {Newfoundland's third school for fingerprinting at the RCMP| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) - "®tarded children has heen School In Ottawa Magistrate R, B, Baxter Tues. Pened in this Conception Bay LM tremely well, and 1 should par:|than Maracle, charged 'with foundland Association for the ticularly mention the keonness rape and bodily assault, to Jan. [ein of Retarded Children, Oth. of Constable Joel, who volun: uary 30 to give the accused an ers are at Corner Brook and St accumulated overtime in order! counsel | . _Srder| \ | DUMP PATROL, lo he able y:/ tend Ve Soutse Maracle pleaded not guilty to] CORNER BROOK, Nfld, (CP) . © compieted the ine offence, allegedly committed RCMP have been asked to pa! a en 0 eh SnIAG Crown to proceed follows reports received by city should be aware of the great] Maracle cross-examined one officials that some people are witnesses, Dr, /making off with food and rub the good results that he ob. I: K. Miller, i tained." je Vorship ordered the re nang ATTENDS COURSE S---- - ing the year I attended a one N C 3 week course on Police Admin ew ruiser istration, held at MeMaster Uni . and 1 also attended a course of Due For Rjax evening classes in Criminal ] . Law at Osgoode Hall, AJAX (Staff) = The town of lectures for the Constables with. #et a new cruiser with all the In pur department, given in the 'rimmings main by Sergeants Chambers! So decided Ajax council at studied while on their resper:|Police Committee report from tive courses and these proved) Councillor Owen Ashley, who very suecessful, and were veryiasked council to approve pur REO chase of the vehicle In addition two very instrifetive After extensive enquiries the lectures were given by the committee selected an offer Crown Attorney, Alex Hall, and The 2 new eruiser will be a 1981 Pon. It is proposed to continue tiae Sedan == six oviinder == our dpeartmental lectures in built for extra heavy duty he able to continue our train \ \ p ing program by sending our| hed Bog Shere! fo the NCO's on the Sergeants' Course first three months and a eral's Department, and possibly|year one of our senior constables onl Combined operating costs for the Criminal Investigationjthe two cars in 1980 was $3749.08 geant Chambers, These courses/cents per mile. The Palice are only of one week's duration, drove the cruisers a total of and the cost to the department 51.774 miles gnd consumed 4048 Harwood avenue and the of the southerly bridge will be vear's work was that the value lanes will merge into the main | Of the latter figure," the report year for the project and the|1050 the comparable figure was ed the contract "While there is some element | crews of the Dept, of Highway, [°"Ible to prevent all major put in by the constables, espe ticularly in the industrial ond o's production reached a roc AJAX (Staff) = Tssued today Secure buildings during the year, yo.c", Fo and 12 per cent more that was submitted to Alax{records were stopped and check: | SUNNY WORK Ing" the report states as fol | definite deterrent effect on the working on construction of two for all the courses that I recom the crime section of the report Working area and keep tempers Serge T 8 C AE WAS HOUSING PROJECT erieant Thomas Chambers was the report, Mayor William Par i PROJ Sergeant William Shaw spent project here, The project ins sity of Western Ontario andl T 30 BAY ROBERTS, Nfld, (CP)w course in photography and 0 January "All of these officers did ex:|day remanded the case of Na. '9WN: It 18 operated by the Now tarily gave up three weeks of opportunity to obtain defense "ONS: course with an average of 93), December, and asked the|trol the 2ity dump. The request interest th display of the Crown at he displayed, and Oshawa, before Bish, Chief Dunn continues: "Dur versity for Chief Constables "We have started a serles of Ajax Police Department is to and Shaw on the subjects they [their last session following the well put aver by the two } Mditrom a Plekering dealer his assistant, Rruce Affleck I b 1941, ¢ : 1, and 1 hope that we shall During 1980 the Police Dept sponsored hy the Attorney Gen. Chevrolet far the balance of the Course taken in 1880 by Ser with an operating cost of 5.3 is purely nominal* igallons of gasoline, real Parks department this wins! ter is operating 189 rinks, in| cluding five outdoor artificial ice! sheets, and expects to surpass {last year's total of 1.603.901! [skaters, Sixty-six rinks are used {exclusively for hockey, played by 18,105 on 1.213 registered | teams, GUN COLLECTION YARMOUTH, N.§, (CP) « If principal Arthur Thurston nets more than usual respect from! his students, it may be that they're aware of his impressive arsenal, His fine collection of pistols and revalvers includes a single-action Colt taken from a wounded Indian during the Riel Rebellion of 1888 and weapons used in the US, Civil War, the! Crimean War and fighting in South America in the 19th cen. ry | CAPTIVE AUDIENCE | PORT ARTHUR (OP) Al hooklet containing manufactur ers' advertising has been banned! from Port Arthur schools on the recommendation of school board chairman Ken MacGray who said: "School children are one of the few captive audiences still {open to advertisers." The haok {is ABCs of Canadian Industries, AAA AAA OTIONS INTACT! EDMOND O'BRIEN JULIE LONDON LARAINE DAY Pedram Toa Powe MAURY DEXTER 7 HUBERT CORNFIELD + HUBERT CORNFIELD ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ; SHG Toy that federal|/¥ venile Delinquents' Act, and Petty Trespass Act 4, show ath 9 p.m, BOY TO THE ARENA Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK | SAY GOODBYE TO CONSTIPATION, NEW, IMPROVED FRUITATIVES Fresh Fruir Extroct Netire's Herbs and f flies tiny Money-Saving SPECIALS! 00D LIVER OIL CAPSULES "796 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 29. REG Bc REG 38¢ 79: LDA. BRAND QUELLIDA Cough Syrup REG, 65 19 Vitamin BI " B ] | \| Ag | J 39¢ 75¢ (|; TWIN TOTS STERILIZED COTTON SWABS Safe hygienically clean for cleans 55. KEG 99. HALO SHAMPOO CLEAR SHAMPOO HELENE CURTIS 98¢ CREME RINSE 19¢ PEPSODENT DENTAL CREAM 49¢|. REG 1.95 124 OUNCES T ing baby's nostrils and ears, Also for applying for First Ald REG 99¢ cosmetics and Sterilized Cotton Swabs he only cotton sweb with "'Cuse tom-Cushioned" Safety for delicote baby core and numerou the house first-aid and hygiene, other uses around 39° 59° 98s 1,00 OFF $2.25 SIZE ~~ MAGNUM ROLL-ON 1,25 STOPETTE DEODORANT 13¢ NAIL FILE AND COMB WITH 73¢ SIZE WILDROOT CREAM-OIL 39¢ Size SUPER ANAHIST Cold Tablets plus 590 SOLO 39¢ 98¢ low price 3Va-lb METRECAL for weight control new a 98¢c size LISTERINE 08 SAFETY-TIP Ay "ee [ Coy alae Antiseptic PLABYICYIPPED Both for $08 FING Block Menthol and Wild Chemy Stops Throat Tickle | SAVE "as one flo Y MULTIPLE A VITAMINS "8 days supply FREE when you buy 100 days supply REGULAR SPECIAL *598 *449 75 for 25¢ "MINSTER" HOT WATER BOTTLE 98¢ V son waly oi Chest Rub Cold Capsules BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup 85¢ EEE EE reser < Mead's Tri-Vi-Sol Frosst Ostocco Drops Horner's Infantol Drops IDAMALT Medicine with d-Methorphan for children olieves coughs due to colds quickly = effectively Rand at ---- Srirebrmie 1 mg Bron! Ge To Sadun Gil Wn Paarl, bey booed EFFECTIVE | i= PLEASANT TASTING! 1.65 SNOW WHITE FACIAL TISSUES For bay care, removing cosmetics, wiping up spilled liquids, etc, As useful in your car as in your home, Paramette Syrup .,,, Paramette Junior , , , Mead's Mulcin Mead's 10-D Cod Liver QUlcK I.D,A, HALIBUT LIVER 100's .. 1,15 - 2560's Abdal with Minerals Ayerst Paramettes Frosst Beforte Tablets Geriplex Vita Diet . , Viterra Plus (Pfizer) Waterbury's Compound 400's (2-ply) 814 x 934 inches 29¢ 2for 57¢ 8 Vitamins - 30's..2.50 Wampole's Cod Liver Extract IDAVITES the new |.D.A, brand Vitamins and Minerals VITAMINS 1.65, 2,95, 4.25 1.45, 2.40, 4,25, 6.00 1.50, 2,30, 4,10 7%9¢, 1.29, 2.39 9.85 1.95, 3.25, 5.50 Oil 1.05, 2,35 OIL CAPSULES 229 500s 4.29 3.95, 5.95 2.00, 3,50, 6.00 1.60, 4,25 vee 2.95, 875 1.95, 4.95 2.98, 4.80, 6,50 1,50 . 1.59, 2.89 12 Minerals 100's.. 6.00 LAW M 1204 WECKER DRIVE RA 5.352% POWELL'S 3514 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 5.4734 JAMIESON'S 241 KING ST, EAST RA 5-1169 KARN'S 28 KING ST, EAST RA 3.462) M ? A ¢CORDICK 360 WILSON RD, §. RA 5.8711 ITCHELL'S SIMCOE ST, N. RA 3.3400 _-