WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY $ Th therman has no good : e weathe, A wish: that people who like to news. Sub-zero temperatures will live dangerously would enjoy prevail across the Province at this obsession away from the : least until Thursday, highways. . Price Net Ove OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1961 Pont Oftca" Deparment, Otlows TWENTY-TWO PAGES #2877 "U.S. PLANES CLOSE IN ON MYSTERY VESSEL Deep Freeze Portugal Claims Pirates Found I (o] Continue . 7 SAN JUAN (AP)--U.8, navy|ing the search for the Portu- planes closed in today on the guese liner said a radio fix had reported position of a mystery been obtained on a ship 500 ship in tropical Atlantic waters miles southeast of Barbados and Portuguese authorities said/that "might be the Santa and sub-zero temperatures and four below, & Gr Ihe Sapiive liner Santa Maria Mas of hat ares proved the weatherman said they willl Winnipeg's temperature is ex- - 7 US ng aid it will not | fruitless, probably be doing the same for pected to rise to 10 below today i The Uf avy sal by no British vadio monitors ex at least the next five days, and then drop again to the 20 ; 0 consider the Bama AA ied | pressed belief the Santa Maria Alaska appeared about the below that was recorded over- % jcated until X As been sig was on a course toward Angola, warmest spot in the northern night, South winds at 15 miles " Z ay ating This is about 5,000 miles across half of the continent--tempera- an hour are expected as a new y % 5 | But the Portuguese seemed the Atlantic from the West tures there this morning, the cold wave sets in, convinced that the vessel walled Indice, k 4 weatherman said, were in the CHICAGO (AP) ~ Winter's by monitoring of its radio is the, U.S. and Dutch navy planes Santa Maria, Rear - Admiral . 30s and 40s most severe cold gripped the P / Sarmento Rodrigues declared in and a handful of American sur- Elsewhere, it was mostly' a/nomhoactorn ha the Unite y or "will be sighted face craft took part in the case of how far below 7ero over-| gins om allo he Uiivd 4 Lisbon the lings "wil be sighted) coarch for the liner--seized on night temperatures dropped andi, 00 chicory and skidded in 4 D (Two British frigates dropped|the high seas with the avowed ; ; whether they would get muchigon)ing rain sleet or snow and ' ' out of the hunt, a Reuters dis. (8m of starting ouster of An- SANTA MARIA'S gangway | dream at a Port Everglades | they successfully carried out |above today | possible major ice-snow storm § patch from London said, It ee Jiveitn Sulusat, Por. in prosaic use -- Little did | stop, pictured here, that rebels | to seize the ship with more High winds predicted in many threatened the Gulf states, i quoted an admiralty announce- From the trim multi-million these crewmen of the Portu- | would trudge up this gangway | than 500 passengers aboard. areas would make the cold more ppe frigid weather in the / 1 ment that the 2,200-ton Ulster] qo 00 or et hele Broad. guese cruise ship Santa Maria | in the West Indies with plans ~AP Wirephoto | biting north, with temperatures far 7 was "too far away fo take part cast a triumphant "mission ac- A-------------------- The best spots for lovers of below zero, extended from the : in the search" while it sister complished" to the mastermind . warm weather to keep awayiplains to the Atlantic coast, A ship, the Rothesay, has turned| "sp daring plot, Gen, Hum- New Rules Set from were Northern Ontario|Readings ranged from zero to| PHM back to Trinidad for refuelling.) |p. + Delgado, ree us ra 1an {and Northern Manitoba, Church-imore than 20 below in the mid The Portuguese frigate Pedro] ill, Man,, had a 27-below over-\dje west areas and from zero Escobar put to sea and a ON HIS ORDERS ! or Coroners night reading and the high nity 10 below from the eastern| y standby order went out fo alll Delgado, who fled into exile the northern part of that prov-lynner Great Lakes to New Eng- Portuguese naval commands in after he charged the Salazar ] OW1 1S Burn Down TORONTO (CP)~The number, ince was expected to range|jang ' # ; f the West African colony of An-|regime robbed him of the pres. of coroners in Ontario will be around 20 below: 7 gola, the Azores, the Capelidency in the 1958 election, dis. é {Verde Islands and Mozambique! closed at Sao Paule, Brazil, that PERTH (Reuters)--Hundreds| In Dwelling Up only three reduced and their responsibility| BITTER IN NORTH ow ~all areas controlled by Port: the 70 men who seized the Sant: of smoke - blackened men, buildings were still standing--a| increased under an amendment] Warmest spot in Northern On- SCOTCH STOCK J 4 ? : 8 ugal, | Maria were acting on his ari nd children huddled hotel, a bakery and a hardware! to the Coroner's Act introduced |tario was Sault Ste. Marie at ' together throughout T ue d a 3|store. in the Ontario legislature Tues-|10 below. White River had 32 SHOCKS SCOTS 43 heag of the Tistional Inde By THE CANADIAN PRESS thermometer ranged a few de- Canadians east of the Rockies Brees below zero, Windsor, Can- woke up today to sub-normal ada's southernmost city, had |SIEZED BY FOE! hight aiter a raging bush fire) As tie first, vellet vehicles de by, Atlorney-General Kelsolhelow, Sudbury and Muskoks 21) Gr eco (APySeotiand HOFFA ON STAND | The 20,008-ton liner was seized Puen, Jus of Liberation. = ; h yemeles or Ie , JAS X : a hiv ul » fanned by fierce winds wiped/drove into Dwelling Up carly Jers come inte. ellect Autti below, and North ay an BaP"! has a problem that many James Hoffa, president of | day, Hoffa objected to being Sunday by Stier ui jie Sala. pealed to the United States and out three towns in the thickitoday they found it in ruins.) Je ip Soft ie stiect Atl ustasing Hb DelOW. {was bed persons would find a pleas. | the Teamsters Unim, puis u ) colo bi ie Inquiry into his [Eb CHER ot was between] BYitAIn to call off their pur- Jarrah forest, south of this More than 200 men, women andl, the i Stdinent re low zero everywhere this morn.| Ure in solving--it's making | cough drop in his mouth as he | alleged dealings with Anthony |the time, e Vem! wal bik 3 suers. Western Austaalian capits L fr wore huddled together Y % 1s more whisky than people | appears as a witness before'| (Tony Ducks) Corallo, New [Venezuela an orida, "The Santa Maria case does Two ning in trent. of soCtion under whieh "no oi ing Sabet In southwestern Noval are drinking. the Senate Investigations Sub. | York mobster, course to set some of its 600 got represent mi or f 5 an a other in "open: d . { Sto) ! y i -- ireph % ort Ever- Australia were threate ned by Tne ald dozens of smoke.| "an be held unless the attorney-| Halifax weather forecasts pre- on ks have mounted N committee in Washington to- AP Wire hind | gy are aL bu , , LH His" iase~whict has vazed oc blackened and exhausted chil. Seneral, the crown attorney or| dicted gale-force winds up 45| lons fo 4 o sty gal. "Four twin-engined Neptunes oy Ee report Wa it~ mie A peg wna "°° dren lay on mattresses in cor. SUPeTVising coroner so. di- miles an hour this afternoon, | and TS han, oan of the U.S, Navy circled over a Ral purposes" op A miles wide, fo ages ect shec ince it hit nine ; § h «= Navy tlre J . ards bln ond in the 00731 hres on 0860 "guy crn ss mim ns ven teers | C ONLAO BOSS es doar en FT i Aric Ambassdor towns of Dwelling Up, 68 miles could be found, . Behe Signin A ber will be able to consume all es wishin bok ' {John Moors Cabot an 8! from Perth: H ng vo ake and] Weary people, telling of their ®"Y person should notify a cor-|in Quebec, the whisky now maturing French possession in the Lee-Ambaccador Sir Geoggrey Wal. : : 3 sdiate 0 believe Five below was predicted for ola y ap . Nanga Brook. Many of the in. Nght of terror, said the town ones immediately if he belleves Ly Zo v 8 Pre Ae wid unless the rate of consump: ward Islands, They were follow: jinoar in Rio de Janeiro. " 3 sd" as the fire i 00 ast hd ing a radio fix, a method by| & habitants suffered minor burns fply exploded a8 the fires lence, misadventure, negli- night temperature dropped to 13 tion goes up fast, Jag a RE ROTI rs COM | he Pambansa , At the height of the blaze y ¢3-mile-an-hour winds gence, misconduct, malpractice, (below and is predicted to hit 13| Spokesman for one leading | al 1 5 1 pare notes to determine the|w.iohtnoliticlan who led the more than 30 women and chil. --engulfed it, by unfair means, during or fol-lbelow tonight, distiller, | 7 | WHght-D | i location ofa transmitter, 'b dren lined up alongside a water HOSPITAL DESTROYED lowing pregnancy, suddenly dnd| Sorte parts of Ontario had, rtugal's navy gave aprox. pid that_capiured the Santa | truck which sprayed them con:| The hospital, a sawmill. {he unexpectedly, from untreated their lowest temperature of the| . | LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)~|for a roundtable conference inififately the same position, They |me resis attempt to stantly. Despite this some of police station, two churches and| disease or sickness or under| winter, such as Owen Sound and on- p 16 President Joseph Kasavubu to-{mid -February drawing repre-|said the Santa Maria was HELA Ly ny p the women's pe caught fie the fire station were among the! circumstances that require in- Kingston whieh both Zepgried 11 |day called for a united Congo, sentatives from met political cated 550 miles east of the! lo UES CANADIAN but all escaped unhurt. Another |buildings destroyed. vestigation, 'below, In southern Ontario the but conceded the need for '"'alopinions in the country. (Windward Islands, southern L group of about 30 women and Ears today, 20 forestry work : : very large measure of auton: Ksavubu's press office oul fe of the Leewards, | Galvao reported everything children huddled in a drain anders were reported missing near DRUG PROBLEM ns Il a omy" in the country's various not say which parts of the coun-| The Santa Maria, with Hen- normal among the 600 passen- covered themselves with wet|Dwelling Up But slowly they | regions, try were represented at the rique Malta Galvao's hijackers/gers, who include at least 38 bags as the fire raced over|trickled in, or sent through ra- savubu spoke in a Leopold- meeting but it was understood|in command, paused Monday| Americans and one Canadian, them dio messages, They had to cut Issue Vote {ville theatre to about 100 dele- (there was no one from Oriental (off St. Lucia, one of the Wind-| One ship's officer was killed and 4 {gates attending a preliminary or Kivu provinces, now con-|wards, and sent ashore eight|several wounded in the battle | their way with chain saws : oy] i ; ne h i { . through the tangle of fallen oO o 0 AIS MONTREAL (CP)--Frank I, /meeting for a rountable confer-|trolled by supporters of impris- crew members, Including on that accompanied the seizure o Fire Sends 20 treeg~Which litters every road Hall, chief negotiator for 15 rail-/ence aimed at pacification ofloned premier Patrice Lu-|wounded severely by gunshot inthe ship, | 3 "yg " and' track in the area. way unions, won a vote of con.|the strife-torn country. |mumba, the battle for the ship, A flood of "safe and well "don " Early assessments of the ° fidence from the unions Tuesday| The theatre was guarded by| Lumumba, a strong advocate apr, WELL ad plowt ony Minit. iad Out Into Street damage put the figure equiv on his stand that the non-oper-\more than 150 troops armed|of centralized government, was Messages from the Santa|was broadcast to their families : alent to $1,120,000, but it could Oo o 1 bo) ating rail workers refrain from|with rifles and machine-guns, (imprisoned Dec. 2 by AYMY Maria this morning, handled in|ashore KIRKLAND LAKE (CP) -- Albe considerably greater striking until May 16, Among the 300 guests was the strongman Joseph Mobutu, an exchange with an RCA sta-| (At St, Lucia, Windward Is- fire which forced some 20 per TTAWA (CP Canath for individiial. s Mr. Hall, who was criticized|11-man United Nations concill-| Kasavubu's speech was seen (tion at Chatham, Mass, were|lands, Reuters news agency re- sons from their dwellings into . QO PAV Bh on ana is or. indivic ual addicts through for his views that the unions|ation commission headed bY|as an open appeal for a com: [all well--don't worry" assur. ported six shaken members of 20 below temperatures was! F m K 11 etting out to crush drug addic ation of spec ial institutions | should obey the federal gover |Jaja Wachuku of Nigeria, [promise with Premier Moise ances from passengers to their|the crew were' landed Tuesday A brought under control early to u es 1 ton and its associated evilsicatering to criminal and non:|ment's emergency, 1aws, Was gacavuby said the roundtable Tshcmbe of Katanga, * whose homefolks a and described the seizure by a _~" { day after raging in Kirkland through a program of quarantine criminal victims of the drug unanimously reaffirmed as the|, neo onoa void have to draft breakaway province holds 60] A U.S. Navy spokesman at group of "swift, wilh i Jake's business sect ) and cure, habit, sader 4 te ne oatiol i : | hours' Io Young Couple The new approach to the| Mr, Fulton said "details of tha] 2dr. 91 the union's negotiating), "colution for "the urgent prob:|pe: cent of the Congo's wealth.|8an Juan headquarters direct-' els, A pris lem of forming a central gov.| "or - -- - w-- re -------- The flames, which started in WINDSOR (CP) problem was announced in the legislation will be announced in| The 108 delegates of the non. i aie . the ceiling Between the first and| Sandwich West Tow nship an Commons Tuesday by Justice due course, but it is generally|ops' general conference commits grime hip h Wits woe second floors of a building with| were discovered dead in their/Minister Fulton in a statement Proposed to provide that any-|tee, as expected, also ratified pression ho he iy ro authorit two apartments, destroyed the small Spring Garden home made on behalf of the health/one convicted of frafficking|the 15-man negotiating commit.|"a!! Re hhdn] all." y structure, easing damage esti- early today, apparently over./department as well as his own may be sentericed to imprison-|tee's decision to call a nation.| Would be reco 280 id ly ob. mated by fire department offi- come by carbon monoxide ministry {ment for life, . , wide strike May 16, the day af- He adde hia » A e cials of $50,000 They were identified as Don. The most drastic of the pro-|qnen or ans ter the government's "emer-|vious that this unity will have No one was injured .but two ald Grono, 24, and his wife/posed quarantines is a sentence' pA "RVISION NEEDED gency laws expire. to take into accoun o Bron families occupying the second-|Barbara, 19 of life 'imprisonment for nar. The duration of the period of | ™ am 100-per-cent satisfied," |differences among the Dodies storey apartments were forced Sgt. Jack Pluck of the Sand. cotics pedlars--irrespective of probation or parole for such per-| Mr, Hall said after the meeting, which compose the state. . fo flee in night attire. Several wich West police said the two|whether they themselves are|*N$ Will similarly reflect the "Wo had a full and frank dis.| The preliminary meeting was eccunants of an adjacent apart: were discovered dead when al hooked by the drug habit, The|¥'*V that narcotics traffickers| cussion of internal disagree. [called to fix a date and agenda ment building also left their! relative stopped by and became/maximum penalty now is require permanent supervision, iments and these matiers were dwellings but were later able to! suspicious when there was no yours and must not be allowed to as-| resolved." | LJ] return reply to his repeated knock But there would be new hope "0ciate with juveniles or other| Mr, Hall has been chief ne-| | e de . pre ould he new hope addicts. Othor changes with re. gotiator for the unions of 110, n rin spect to sentencing will also be|000 non-operating railway em- | made | ployees--those who do not actu. * » | my A s | The new government plan en-|ally run the trains--since 1947. P act ce Castro, Reds, Losing visages a wide measure of co-|His position that the unions 1 S Shetation by Bi] Drovinces in| should "fight like hell, but obey M ' lelds where they have primary the law" hdd drawn criticism : G . I V ] [responsibility. from un-named union sources, | Confused Ilp inl venezuela : Another Ti er practices in the construction in. CARACAS (AP)=Signs read-|mainy a symbol of defiance to- day for nine hours, then su g Juste re the Must confused He TORONTO (CP) = Tendering ing "Cuba, yes -- Yankee, no" ward the United States pended again with an announce has ever known, J. B. Stirling, are beginning to have an old, Many a YOUng man in the un- ment of new threats of rebellion a iii Trsday and faded look here versity and SC s be- by C ists ita | ; x ee ; versity vig igh, jchools, be. by Communists and leftists. | un anne nadian' construction association. Occasionally one sces the slo Pdi) na doo! ro Betancourt once was a Com-! Referring to low prices being gan 'scratched out, and in Livi oh wr oh mation fom, munist, about a quarter century N quoted by many contractors, he place is scrawled something | he north and bendfits only a ago, but today he is among the NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- British officials said the duke's|said they are leading to unde. like: "Venezuela yes, Castro The young men ar: fmpatient| DEN Most hated by the Commu. Tigers still were the talking: tiger was 11 inches longer than sirable tactics which reflect on no ) 8 3 npatient nist party in Latin America. [point today as the Queen and}. 4 hy he stry's integr oe : t shange. But todty. eve ! first reported--nine feet eo the industry's integrity, Cuba's Premier Fidel Castro for change. But todey, even in Prince Philip attended a giant| eportec---nine feet, eight i Y has tin Venezuela's the university, Castr "and the| At one time Betancourt also P Mian ed a. gunk ches instead of eight feet, ni As an example of undesirable stil was support in Venezuela's Communists stem to be losing| WAS a supporter of Castro's rev- garden party for Commonwealth jnChes ¢ eight feet, nine |, actices. Mr. Stirling, who is cities 1.900.000! ground olution in Cuba, and Castro had citizens ; president of E, G, M, Cape and This metropolis. ut: 1.6000 Support for Castro = largely Other ardent admirers in Vene.| Plans for another tiger shoot | Meanwhile, Amrit Lal Jindal, (Co, Ltd, cited the matter of has painful contrasts hotwee "centred in the extremp Move. 2uela. Today, relations between Were announced as the Queen (35 year-old leader of an Indian claims against an owner during abundance and poverty. In Cuba and Venezuela are tense (and her husband returned to(non-violence sect, said he will and after completion of a con- iho / + inl mer the n : : many areas Uousands Jv JInjms no ne elute 4 eh "In a sense," said one high/New Delhi by special train after continue his four-day fast to the tr; shacks, 3 sre, Cas ¢ 2 Y 101 N Pras vg Betancourt government official, |@ tiger-hunting expedition in the| weekend in protest against the The claims," he continued, President. Rortily Joineoun Sp suppose we owe Fidel Castro/jungles of northeastern Rajas- tiger shoot, 'may be based on any number a CITY EMERGENCY In December, the unists| debt of gratitude. What hap-|t an, : . ral th ousand Indians of things but in the majority of , " gambled in an attempt r pened in Cuba centred United! icials said newly-completed cheered the Queen as she cases the contractors allege that PHONE NUMBERS {throw the Betancourt to el States attention on the affairs arrangements for the royal| alighted from her special train|/the owner, or architect, or en. BIG ROCKET ARRIVES IN KANSAS {ment. They called for a general [i Latin America, Castro so far|party's hy to Nepal nextito go to the garden party at the|gineer, has failed to disclose/ The first Atlas interconti- | long missile down the unload- | Atlases and Titans under con- 5 4 ' strike. It failed pverreac hed himself and _be- month cal or a tiger shoot {residence of British High com- fully the soil, rock or water nental ballistic missile to be | ing ramp after its arrival | struction' at Wichita and POLICE RA 5-1133 ON AGAIN. OFF AGAIN came so ensnared by the Com- from the backs of elephants, missioner Sir Paul Gore-Booth, |condition, failed to supply plans| based in Kansas was unloaded | from the San Diego factory, | Salina will bring to 39 the FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 Botancoit's Fovermment Sus Imunists that the eyes of others| The duke shot a tiger Tuesday| The party was attended by and information promptly or| from an Air Force C133 trans. | It will eventually be located | number of launching locations « RA 5-657 ern uur ona) us who might have looked upon from atop a 25-foot high tree some 3,000 Commonwealth busi- failed. to supply machinery or| port at Forbes AFB, Topeka, | at one of nine launch sites | in Kansas -- the greatest HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 {tees They were pr Bg Ril 3s a symbol of a new Atin/platform near the hunting lodge nessmen, officials and students equipment or other built-in -ac-| Tuesday afternoon, Workmen | surrounding T o peka. Two | number of operational sites in . » on rican era were opened." [of the Mahagjah of Jaipur. |who live inthe New Delhi area. cessories. | Mpwly maneuvered the 76-foot | other missile colaplexes for | a single state. » »