TORONTO (CP)~Emile and Irene Hunt were warned ey Gets Colder @i=rii exchange between Prime Minis a Masiean. P ca Iwill be token away fo fer Pletenhaker and Liberal YA =n told Macteun, Bunter dhe Varad - if she ever oy ii Au gp front - henchers on unemploy COMmMISEIOn on publica: benefiting MacieanHunter more, PEMBROKE (CP) -- Arcticiing under & communications victim of their differences. ment, as cn 5 host Pde tions Thursday that unchecked than anyone else, garhed troops of the Ind Bat-|blackont, The chubby, rown-eyed gin mons. Ppeake Tt out ofl American competition in Conc "We wet be careful we are tao Joyal : nadie Keg : PPLE FLOWN » was ahandoned by the two Dee, , " ada is rapidly thrusting their not accused of promoting a ment, slugge her Rel ies are being BB on a central Foronts ore brief but fiery exchange publishing house into unwilling monopoly," he said sek Bo Goran swamp from Pembroke by 2 helicopter. after they had been to & askin ¢ 3 y excha : . he. fia fh ood id h 4 isday # ena P 1 AA ad gril p Rios, Bh Leader, nopoly in the Canadian con Mr Sholmars oid he hud ours oy Sperm (Pn I alan discuss #0 legal (Pearson, during question period, "Mer Magazine field. hope revi dporid le be picked up for Poh had refused to take cus ¥ Sarton, 4 Png Suestion 4 ext © 4. Laurin of Toronto, in with this pol in previous ap ari A" ei. of Ue' London [ihe Fonte, to Ay up for y of the child Js / ' - : ) ces with emphatic state- : ; | rans . ' {plain his Wednesday night TV, "hare of Maclean Hunter's pearances le 4 favors|Ont.,, unit will end & W-mile fl The baby was found by» |p magazines division, declared ments that bis company The RCRs were flown io the 4 istatement that unemployment that unless some relief is given more, not fewer, Canadian mag | trek today with a Fok ashault chere landing strip 0 parking lot attendant after the {in Canada Is lower relatively, to the publishing industry inlezines -- that it welcomes the on the #irfield al nearby AMP les southwest. of here last Sat. father had driven off in his car heh ihe United Slater. siCameda chances are consider: stimulation of truly Canadien Keravand Ui eqvernd the exer | Uday to begin their move on and he other ud ousted 8 | | i OM Pi ill competition, iter cold e ; "| Petawawa wel ear, en's {that he would he happy to de- oble hot ey vil pes cise area where the men have} ud Society placed the baby in [bate the point anytime Mr in the next 18 months MIGHT BREAK EVEN heen forced to ahandcr mechan foster home, Pearson wished, but that jt Mr. Laurin is president of the "We might conceivably reach|;,.q transport and hewl their P od ) ! would he improper during ques- Periodical Pres "Association. |# Situation where we Cola Sop cunnties hy hand on tohoggans, T ucers * Ition period, representing MAgazines a n a subsidizing our magazines," he A rugged march over ssh, i Paul Martin (L~Essex Bast): liusiness and trade journals of 544. "We might fears would) lien trees and rough outerop Seek New Deal Was the prime minister notlyaried anadian ownership tion where Maclean's Would! pines of rock lay ghesd, | | ardstick used break even, We might even The "attackers" are also fac , y valli ies |SEE BEN ke & profit," rR Ca-| TAVISTOCK (CP) ~ Calling was the same in niries, SEE BENEFIT make & p : ing harassment by the Ind Ca for 8 new deal for "the har a yardstick appro Pye in Floyd §. Chalmers of Toronte,! Holding a dominant position | ion Guard regiment from har ternational Labor Of¥ice? Maclean-Hunter president, was|the day's discussion was 8 SUE | petawawa, Both units are mo: assed hog Frode eons Ontariy Mr. Diefenbaker: There is an told hy commission member gestion hy the Periodical Press| rrr | HOPI, MEMIDIEY ari {added factor in the U8.; in that George Johnston that some peo-| Association that Canada allow Free Enterprise Hog Producers 2_™ maw yo Wider, Jomeory 10, 981 : 15neaker Cuts Maclean-Hunter Claims Cold Spear [Beck With and | | : Jonless Debate "Forced Into Monopoly' | (the draft absorbs many young ple would say that--if the com- completely unhampered eirewla:) Association Thursday urged the {men who might otherwise go on mission followed most of the!tion of American perindicals up A og hog producers on |the unemployed rolls recommendations of Maclean-to two per cent of their U.S selling methods WASHINGTON (AP) mw Vics 128 _unempio) AaB . domestic cireulation, with a tar- ne ' President Richard Nixon I . / tively, the government : [iff applied ahove this level, Alternatively, . pointed Thursday to a | On the hasis of earlier fig- should withdraw the Sompulaary road course for the Republican | ue ec a er ures given to the commission, | powers granted | nia 0 og party, from which he intimated |this would put half the present oducers on ohn ORY 0 he might seek the Republican total volume of U.S. magazines . J the association ' | Presidential nomination again in entering Canada into the tariff 1 [1 Trust Set Up oalegory, -| » § 4 PEACE PILLS Nixon, who leaves office to day, announced at 8 press con MONTREAL (CP)~1La Presse|foundation will be known as UK Scientist 'PACIFY PIGS ference that he is negotiating to {announced Thursday that Mme, La Fondation Berthisume - Dn GLASGOW (AP)~Scottish - |Join & Los Angeles law firm, He {Angelina Berthiaume DuTrem- Tremblay, carrying the names ) 2 pigs are being given tran. |did not name the firm, Play president of the daily|of the two families linked with Stages an 1 quillizers to stop them quar: He and his wife, Pat, take off newspaper, plans to set up alla Presse -- largest French. relling, The West of Scot Saturday for Nassau for » i oy hy foundation--the first of its kind|language newspaper in North land Agricultural College in | month's vacation, poe : " ¢ . Hs Mi oe in Quehec--to support charitable America -- since its earliest T pe Fast ; f Glasgow reported Thursday Nixon made it clear he in ii a ' ' RI wt works, education and the arts days those of Tref . damage done Jy oehting fends to be active in the role An application covering the 16 names are those of Tref-| OU i y ; 4 . Pigs has already been re: |. titular head of his party, He ALASKAN GUARD HAS WHALE OF A TIME |, Mihi, Sit ho haf t Son lt cucu, to, nove ORRIN anes pile "es Beli ha ne rie 0 Pen oe rial secretary by foundations of the prese lp hursday. (asta d in an effort to build w embe ska's Na- ( fully toss one of their mem: | large blanket made from |Quebee Proving al esident; J,|terprise and of the late Senator/dAne Thursday fasted for the n an p Members of Alaska's N y the 74 - year - old president; 1,16 T third day in protest against the | party tional Guard unit that is | bers into the air in front of whale skin to toss the man {Alexandra Prudhomme, chair-|Pamphile DuTremblay, former en oy otal ajainet Hh "a -- ada scheduled to march in Fri- | the capitol building in Wash high in the air, : {man of the hoard of directors|president of (he company and vi Wear | e U, ; ; z day's inaugural parade, play. | ington today, The unit uses a (AP Wirephoto) | of La Compagnie de Publication hushand of Mme. DuTremblay mation Ser vie " aa Commanist ko " Ps I i i ST de La Presse Limitee: and py, OUTLINED who adopted Indian nationality, ! Tl n ce, hd Id Jacques Belanger, je Rinse Goals of the foundation are claimed UBI8 officials pre: f ii ty utier 10 per's deputy general m i described as charitable and|yented him visiting student sei- . 1 n 1- as ' The newspaper Kays the philanthropic Aid to hospitals entists from attending a dinner : 4 'Come Home ---- : and other benevolent institutions with him and three Indian seis oe . : and to underprivileged Mem: ontists F Congo Tribesmen |i, bi ic" to oduca- Avthur Bartlett, Local U.8.1.8 HIS ELEMENT LEAMINGTON (CP)~Fi| rom | f ott, Li ' ' 'P)~Fifteen from the air, Helicopters f H tion and medical and scientifi Kor ; Charles G, Knudsen, the |x : 4 | A ed re) | | director, said he had written a aries ' fishermen~~including one Cana: (Selfridge Air Force Base near a hr t ly By Union Groups| siarve To Death [research and the neurage letter regretting the incident] man wha'll head the Weather dian -- were snatched from a Windsor, 80 miles to the north, 08 | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Three] GENEVA (Reuters) -- World Me" © ote ure and the arts, ony" aimed it was 8 misunder-| Bureau's New Yok tice iting ice floe In Lake Krie removed the men, their catches HAVANA (AP) -- Anti-Castro|baker, to put the record straight union groups Thursday de:|Health Organisation nutrition! The. Avp feation ays ie Handing. Holdave replied. tha alles Robi 4 is Jee oy Pursday by United States army and A done dog trapped on the oups in Havana have threat-|concerning trade with Cuba, manded recall of Bert C, But-lexpert Dr. Fran Awenstein without restriction as regards BFL ell 8 . d Id continue | his office in Rockefeller Plaza, | The men were all re orted in Only Canadian on the floe pped Canada with "'reprisals"| Mr, Diefenbaker told report-(ler, Canada's commercial trade|said Thursday reports of mags T1090 di ied him and he would continue his| h ' 0167) men we Pp Ad y an ' Canada continues to trade ers In Washington two days ago| minister in London, England, s0/starvation deaths among Ba [fhe religious beliefs of persons| fast, | Kiudsen, 45, of tole h Jlatna flood condition and left for thelr was 2 Yainaisch of Mandwieh th Cuba, it was learned|that the United States exports he can tour Western Canada and|juha refugees in The Congo's|' The amount of tal placed, The students were identified N J, has heen the principal (homes, i i : {Fast Township, near Win y hursday (seven times as much to Cuba|investigate the employment sit- Kasai province are "very much| og aunt 0 Pog faced as Garry Botting, 16, of Peter.| assistant of Frnest J ( hristie The dramatic rescue came The Americans on the quam 4 Letters have been mailed to|#5 does Canada, even thoigh it| uation. |exaggerated " A y aps RRNOONTE hi borough, Ont, and Susan whe, Will Jelire on Feb. 4 Ko BT. ahout Wire Noirs on on Tile wiuare floe were k on / A 4 , 8 p Ba phil i . > A " A f , Te 9g y New Yo "RF e, p p | Aas eve ra e Canadian Embassy in Cuba Maintains an embargo on all The British Columbia Federa-| Dr, Lowenstein returned to mediately, - Brown, 17, of Austin, Tex, head of the New York h etn on were lishing when i ) d to the external Affairs de.|CXports i opt foodstuffs and tion of Labor (CLO), Vancouver gyitzerland this week from Bak: "pro o DuTremblay became Haldane continued with his _--(AP Wirephoto) A Be Pi m, and began driff: Siweelows Ay aroyd Ross, artment in Ottawa hy Various mEdich, ope anadian sales And District Labor Councillwanga, South Kasai, ath rate| President and general manager normal work routine Thursday | ing into the lake before an off:|is Paul Gerlach, Bernard Bork, Supe bposed i Dremiet F hlto a oer, Canadia les ids and Vancouver and Dis. He eotiimated the death Fou ot La, Presse when her hushand|He attended the Indian Statisti Free Tri To shore breeze dw | Charles Morton, Mike Yancer, a ah: dio, 'story wamed|, ovember, 1 ; i among Haluba v died In 1056 cal Institute where he serves as P They were noticed by bait|iawrence Stevens Stan gainst "aid and trade with the(than in November, 1050, | the demand mitted to hospitals at between Her father, Treffle Ber ag Sissi ghia Lawrence Steven ley J, r ist government of Fidel a They were commenting on ala 1 30 weekly and said re:|thiaume. | ht the newspaper Po dealer Mike Jregri PM pmearby Foss and Joseph Bucelero' Jv,, ommunist governme ide 1€) ere © J mn a2 and | pe L (Haume, hought the newspaper,|" I Rmhe il : urgeon Creek, About the same of the Detroit aves, 'astro." Jodoin Char speech Mr, Butler made in Lon [ports that 200 are dying daily|then a struggling publication, in elke VN bases said Wed Visit Netherland time one of the fishermen lept " J ie ie 'were ii] imme group signing itself the ges don in which he said seasonallfrom Jack of food are untrue, 1860 and built it into one of MeSday Haldane ) across open water and ran fo. TWO Others b op | workers in B.C, making up tol He sald the so-called autono:|French-Canada's most formid. |lunched With the two students w G shore to give the alarm, diately Wentified, les Revolutionary Alliance Chamber Pressure 815,000 a year, drive in taxis 10, ous government of southiable publishing institutions, 1¢/1ve days ago and talked with ar raves " ) iq Rescue by boat was aban: Sopada WOuld Jace retedl LONDON, Ont, (CP)~Claud collect liquor money from un Kasai put the number of refu-|operates La Patrie, one of Que Ji for J fours. jal OTTAWA (CP) = Canadians|doned by police Chief Roy Boles a ny deb 7 , Ont, (C 'laude | employment insurance, f 4 100,-[bec's largest weekly newapa.| An embassy spokesman sa el®™ and possible seizure of Ca+| Jodoin, president of the Can ploy; gees at Bakwanga at abou | / ar dead buried in The|of Mersea Township when it 0 M h Cuba "wh i 'ongress, Thursday| ™ ® telegram to Prime Min:|jo0 rather than the 300,000 men: (Per, and CKAC, one of the the pair had been busy later Nop ead De ar alwas learned the po of the| TALLY-HO R 0 t¢8 1 property in Aha when dian Labor Congress, Thursday ter Diefenbaker the (hreels, ! od ther reports largest radio stations in Mont-|and could not accept Haldane's| yg day free stay in that country|floe were too thin to support the onl, Is overthrown" If trade| night 'accused 1 he Canadian| 'ter Diefenbaker the three tioned in othe nid famine in| real 'dinner invitation Monday, f5it the araves. It dis: (weight of 8 man with safety A good Place etAtinued, {Chamber of Commerce of put-| groups said: "It is obvious that| Dr. Lowenstein said familie In - rer ------ - ror - 4 Vist A, WB BAves a was dis ! To Meet and Relax Win The Canadian Embassy con- tng pressure on the govern: Butler is misinformed on the/the region probably would be} vioe B ret ay pi en. COAST GUARD ALERTED Btirmed receipt of various letters|ment for laws that would re. unemployment situation, We de.|checked in four to six weeks INTERPRETING THE NEWS ' Imperial W Graves) o Te United Sates Const lf HOTEL LANCASTER along this line but has refused! strict the labor movement inemployn a il 0 | With help from continuing eral of the Imperial Wa raves Guard was alerted and the Por further comment Mr. Jodoin told a meeting of| Mand hia immediate recall (onl WHO and United Nations food ommission, sald the offer igigtld Wi the men pinpointed . : y LL vhapter y Bo. tour atnlipto 4 ¥ ould from a Dutch civilian organiza Another letter said reprisals the 1 ndon Snaplor of the fo Canada to investigate the un aris, but olen tien ld tion extending a scheme avail: Would be taken against individ. Management that the chamber|employment situation," [2 h Kas ance or . » [able earlier in the United King: ual Canadians in Cuba, includ oC put pressure not only on the! -- -- South Kasal dom to kin of servicemen buried Mk members of the embassy| r or y | ) in The Netherlands Half | federal government but also on! FATALITY DROP In Rome, the UN Food . he : the provincial government for CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) - i Ron Organization (®) cce t 1na m. ig gid he weing vzisle p od sake ol H ' ( J f { : ade ] heg In Ottawa surprise was ex tha tunvion Muted at weakening Prince ¥dward Island recorded Thursday announced the pur trips. Once in The Netherlands Messed Thursday at the ¥llective bargaining process a 60-per-cent drop in highway chase of 800-tens of corn, pea i [the civilian committee would rts Labor is suspicious, Mr, Jo. [fatalities during 1060. There|nut and bean seed and 10,0000 By HAROLD MORRISON may become more and MOre handle hoard, lodging and other It w ) are ange! doin ss any law the hoes for planting spring crops| Canadian Press Staff Writer (difficult for the United States to {etal was considered inane) doin sald, of any law that/were 12 deaths compared with hoes for p L] Chester Bowles' statement be:|prevent C it China's ad." AHS that the anti-Castros should Still would make the tradé union re 1050, The highways depart.|" South Kasai, fon Ione 20Wles statement be (prevent Communist China's ad:|" tatters were heing sent out to flogging Canada after the| sponsible and liable to legal ac:|" '" 1930. The highways depart. 4 ore a fienate Investigating hody| mittance to the UN Canadians now in what was eat efforts made recently hy r the beh: of ¢ ment credits a newly inaugur leaves open the slim possibility a >a 2 [purely a goodwill gesture, Mr ¥|tion for the behavior of a single [of a US. swap with Communist INFLUENCE SPREADING {t § anadian cabinet ministers N-imember over whom the unionlated driver demerit system for| C 1 R t | ' Vv wpe {Fuller said he couldn' say im. fluding Prime Minister Dicfen:|has no direct control [the decrease, Lrime epor er [(una==American recognition of With the spread of her infly i diately the number of Cana: 2 Mao. Teg a 4 aolence, China appears mediate IW the Mao Tse-tung regime if Mao ar % Ra W akpeare ln fo mood dians buried in The Netherlands Killed Man In vields claims to Formosa A [The Communist leaders main. |from Second World War action But Bowles, who is to be y we many, mw l who is. | U0 tain that Formosa fs Chinege(2! it would be "many, many [dersecretary of state in the NeW | tarritary LAR y nal thousands." Self Defence Kennedy administration, is al\brritory: that {ero san be nal . . ; [realist who knows the United git 08 unless Americans M | HERMANN, Mo, (AP)=Crime| States would have a tough time) 0" Americans accept | a. sporter The 2 C, (Ted) Link] getting sue AEYOBIRRE : this view, H it Fl {reporter Theodore C, (Ted) Link getting such an agreement froma, J greatest threat. Bowles ewl own of the St. Louis Post-Dispateh|China under present world con. Was ited of rs dot I a. pi, asiland China murder Thursday in the slaying! what might have been poss: shortage of fond mi ht ho 0 n dain of a handyman, Clarence W, [pio tly . Iran tan El he) (of and) | le shortly after Mao overran tempted to move into the lush! ; Calvin, 35, last July 11 the mainland 12 years ago Is | 8 rie " | \ y f vice fields of southeast Asin, | LONDON (CM Hockey offi: 'alu re 0 i] A \ | Calvin, who had a reputation|less likely now following the!" "Ac "far as Formosa 1s con: jolal W. A. Howitt was flown "a cavlemaser, wis slain Dl malidation and growth of Red oorned, he told a Senate com (Mhursday night from Prague toll Let us help you with your heme building, a3 . "0 " J Ww Ji nN A 3 Link's summer home a fow days| Ada Stevenson, who will he Wiles: | Sply fon 0 RFE Lan 0 Same rough Yo modernizing or repair projects! We can save after Link had fired him from|iho new United States ambassa: Formosa, Wo are HONG to de:l An ambulance and three YOu meney, conserve your time, and remove his job as a handyman at theldor to the United Nations, has(fend Formosa at whatever the nurses were waiting at London : farm home. [Stated that as time goes by itloost and whatever the risk." (alrport to fake the 84-year-old oll bothersome details, | Link, 85, suspected Calvin of - -- "Canadian to Landon Cline, | acting the blaze. The vietim, where ho will bo under thell INDE MONEY DOWN J surprised as he rake ne care of Harley Street specialist! a rubble, was shot twice Metro To Change Dr. Hubert Dunn ae MONTHS TO PAY Mm With a shotgun and three times Howitt, seoretary-treasurer of] with a revolver, . . . the Ontario Hockey Assoeiation Link claimed he fired in self-| and vegistrar of the Canadian! defence; He said Calvin came| (®) 1Ce 18 TiC 5B Amateur Hockey Association, | at him with a three-pronged hoe collapsed Tan. 4 while hoarding] and a knife, TORONTO (CP)--~The Metro:|21 of Metro's 28 ders wera? Dlane at Prague, He was TE ------ 0A. TOIONG Police Commis: (solved compared itera or 16] on his way home after ACCOM: | . sion Thursday announced plans the previous year nanying W innipes Maroons on A for a reorganization of police! The number of indecent as. !'#ame exhibition tour Since dal way districts and a 100-man increase saults on females rose to 350/!hen he has heen in hoshital in in the Metra 'police force from 284 in 1068, but the num (bragwe fighting off the com. The plans involve construction ber of arrests for the affonces| MNO effects of a mild heart at: Blame n of five new police stations in the also went up, to 194 from 162,['*% and pneumonia, ? suburbs and four in the «city. | Magistrate Rick said the! © survived the flight well The four city stations will re:|crime ™te increase was ex. AN seemed in remarkably good : ; on stati 3 hape," sald Mrs, Helen Lit: place seven stations in a con ceeded in other oe y shay : AA Accident salidation of sub-distriets, "there 1% ho room nee, J tor, Secretary to Hewitts son, |. The number of police districts placency, and every effort must Mra Littler and Mu Foster § iy Hom Drake dy ui a Will be out ibe made to further erime pre- Hewitt accompanied the hackey Supreme Court jury has ruled/five from six, ention," {Hewitt ac Ante vi the CNR and one of its engin: Magistrate C. 0. Bick, chair:| The commission chairman Oltieind From. Prague, is hoped| eers was 80 per cent negligent man of the three-man commis: also announced that CONOR Loti will be able to travel! in & tralmear crash at an_Ob:/sion, said the 2 35-member PO-| ONCE are under way with cout i k to Toronte in about a tawa level crossing last Feb.lice farce needs more detece|cils of 'he 18 Metra munieipali- REE n 1" tives, traffic officers and con-(ties toward improvements in| Ve The jury Bos, the ShEineer, stables for the suburban areas walt Snineering and control Maurice Gaffney, violated a pro: Announcement of the rear T. Bick renewed his attack vision of the Railway Act Which nization coincided with ve-/®" the province's driver de-| Clarence (Smitty) I «MATERIALS... FINANCING calls for trains not to exceed 10/0000 "of a report by the com.|/Merit system, which he de miles an hour in "thickly-peo mission from the police depart: scribed as a "foundering suo-| Barber iba a . I HANDCUFFED SUSPECT BRINGS PET ALONG ol Jortany Lae 4. thee showing a Ry + a " yo sald motorists are starting | IS BACK AT | BROWN S LUMBER . crash which occurred during al to realize they will lose points Still holding his pet dog on ) into the Berkeley, Calif. PO | Wounded and an English pro- snowstorm. A car owned by CRIME SET RECORD only if caught by palice officers 21 PRINCE ST a leash, although he is hand. Jes statu altel his _-- fessor seriously wounded. (Dr. Alfred Crook was demol! The ,Tehont Showed an in following a violation, He sug. y & SUPPLIE L ° i ¥ In connection w a ished by the single-unit diesel creased number of o fences in/gested the system revised to) : cuffed, M-yearald John Har shooting on the University of | Farmer was once a student {ear train 20 of the Criminal Code's 24/allow police to issue summonses] Welcomes Mis Friends " rison Farmer 1s led by a | California campus in which | at the school, | Damage was set at $L642 with categories and rose to an all without apprehending the errant and Customers RA 5.4704 OSHAWA 436 RITSON RO, Plainsclothed police officer | one student was mortally --(AP Wirephoto) {the CNR's share $1,313, 'time yearly high of 65,085. But!driver. 4