Big Labrador | Hydro Scheme 5 JOHN Wid (CP)--A proposal tn Aevelop bydeo power in Labrador thet would myolve shmipating mighty Hamilton Falls and cost §] 008 000 M66 was outhined Thurs dey by Premier Smallwood Mr. Smallwood wae unable tn say when the development might start but "most of us here inday will see MH come ahot The vlan = No News On Census OTTAWA (CF) Opposition members tried hard in the Com mons Thursday to pin down the government on whether the 1961 census form will be revised to meet objections from French Canada as to racial anigin ques finns The had little success Lionel Chevrier (L~Montreal Laurier) deew Prime Minister Diefenbaker's atiention in a res olution adopted unanimonsly by the Quebec legislature Wedne day calling for the removal of Canadiar and American from the ethnie origins listed on the census form. He asked what action the government planned tn take Mr Dhefenhaker replied that policy will be announced "when i 18 considered approprigie 10 do go Clinic Set Up For Alcoholics TORONTO (CF) hould pla in public affan ister Works Walker day night As the sconomic and social hase of our country has hroad ened.' he told the annual meet ing of the Engineering Institule nf Canada Toronto hranch society has hecome more eom plex and the engineer, esps elally al higher levels, faces the necessity of dealing to some ex tent In the social sciences Mr Walker pointed out there are only three engineers in the House of Commons, vel (he House governs 18,000,000 Cana dians and is responsible for al Incating the spending of $600 non non a vear He said the 81, Lawrence Sea way project was an Instance where engineers had to take intn account many economic and human factors as well as the standard skills of their pro fesgion. Tt involved the trans. planting of whole towns Aescrined 16 » Engineers ictive part federal Min ald Thurs a more etvik cligh lnchenn io Aig & cangl tn Mvert the Hamilton River from Ms present course The 4-mileiong canal would link with #2 negrby mountain ronghty wi the same sifiinde as the upper nver. From the end of the canal the Miverted water would be rowed via a man mad: tunnel 1,109 feet down the mit ainside Hamilton Falls drops 396 feet inn a gorge where the difficult ferrin practically rules oul: ihe erection of hydrn generating fan Al the new location, iH would he possible in generate three times the power hecause of the greater plunge. Mr. Smallwood said the potential at the new! created waterfall would be be tween $000,000 and 10.006 666 | horsepower, Niagara Falls gen erates roughly 2.500.600 horse POwEr Survival Centre Tenders Soon OTTAWA (CP)-Tender expected fo he called in the next few months for the re gional centre where authorities would direct survival and military operations in the event of nuclear war, in formants said Thursday night The gid this 15 & natural consequence of Prime Minister Diefenbaker's major poli speech on the Commons last August They said iL would be gues work to predict how high costs would run for the chain of ren tres fitted to keep in touch with a central headquarters near Of tawa where the prime minister or acting prifme minister and key ministers would direct op eration h the emergen nganization across Canada Messrs Appropriation for civil defence, for the current fiscal year end ing March 31 15 836,824 500 com pared with same 510.000 000 a ear earlier Central headquarter ould direct the army and civilian groups assigned key tasks be forehand and senior federal rep resentatives In each regional centre would assume the pow ers of independent action if communications hroke down A Commons commitiee wa told that the main government retreat near here would be proof against fallout but not hiast, It has heen anticipated that the regional headquarters will he close tn provincial eapitals NATIONAL PARK Kruger Park is an 8.000.mile tract in the Union of South Af: rica's eastern Transvaal matter in the Test-Tube Conception Infanticide' ALE is alien ha geked the sate An ornsecitne # Bologng 10 press wider char ggaingt three Erimeni eq oA Fesman seientiol who with the ferti)izat BEES 1 1881 Fhe The scienfist D Naniels Petree Heffastls Berna ben and Laws de Vaal » he mist #im to have aemieyved | I tune fertifiza tion 49 times and in have kept one eee alive for 1% As Fnder | 4! any cifizer ria IH aKE denunciation Wo the author sane they stspert of rs g A Crime ear-nid ed a de es police slleging thet M-Aay nid em ¢ of in Ard frie destroyed 1016n Broader Field For Engineers TORONT General BRoahert Aftorne Thursda ht ann f i fim hich will a 156 of a cline at the On formatory in Mimien a the proving first institution for y amation of alco Yorontn rhan hinlie He i fern council had ad the heme ed al fre in lieu on a that tions ir person with a fir econd. or any num he detained u 0 nq at RT Mr. Ro d nvern ment | f » establish similar institutions acrnss the province and hinted al the sxpansion of the fimis clini which now accommodate Person FILM NIGHTS LONDON (CP) Nichola Monsarrat is reported to have old the film rights of his la test novel "The White Rajah for £62,000. Now in London, the author will return to his Ottawa home next month WHATS T0 BE DONE ATYOUR HOUSE? ™ A DDITIOMNAL ROOM PAINTING AND WA 6 1 P ; By F LARAGE OR CAR R( ORCWES LL IMBING RNA INISHING AFF A BASEMENT BLAYRAS 1 P( WDER ROOM BASHMENT FALLOUT St | 8 & 1 A ATE INKING AND IMPROVEME AASOINRY 1 ALOORA ROOF BIN ATION CUPBOARDS BATHROOM OR F g me \ | F REPLACE TORM WINDOWS AND D HLTAN COOKING AND REFE CREENS AND AWNINGS LECTRICAL SYSTEM FOUNDATION WALLS I A AJ wN ¥ alterations a repainy exterior and interior of the Me, arage or putbuiiding oll as purohase and alation LRT DO IT NOW! with an NHA home improvement>loan, available through your bank Repayment natalment BN yearn Loans ara together wilh Nate to Landlords: This ve aan: are availabla fa suwmers of rental properties cluding apartments repavable in moanthiy torast, for perinds yp to ar, for the first time, these For Mors Dataila: Inquire at your bank and have the $ job gona this wintar when man and materials are FARMERS a3 MArOvama MNS Ava 0% throlgh voor Aang a $ | | | | | | 0 30% wth up fo ten | | 2» | | RITED BY AUTHORITY OF THE MINWTER OF LABOUR OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 19, 1961 HERE'S HOW il 'o FIND YOU A HOME You're sure to find the home that's just right for you listed in the "PROPERTIES FOR SALE" classification YOU A GOOD CAR The car of your choice can be found quickly under the "AUTOS & TRUCKS" co'umns . . , New Car listings, tool YOU A JOB Many jobs are listed under the "MALE HELP WANTED" and "FEMALE HELP WANTED" columns or you can place an ad under "SITUATIONS WANTE DD, FIND ITEMS YOU NEED The Want Ad columns are chock-full of bargains every day, Turn to the "MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE" section or use a "WANTED TO PURCHASE" advertisement, ITEMS NOT NEEDED Anything from lawn mowers to arch supports will find the huyer you're looking for. Place an ad in the "MISCEL- LANEOUS FOR SALE" classification for sure-fire action] CRAFTSMEN YOU NEED Looking for a painter, plumber, TV repairman? You'll find these and many other services listed in the handy 'BUSI= NESS DIRECTORY", e BRING YOU EXTRA MONEY By renting that spare bedroom or vacant apartment, Use the "APARTMENTS TO RENT' or the "ROOMS FOR RENT" classifications e FIND e FIND eo HELP eo SELL 'o FIND Save You Money -- Read Them Daily! WHEN IN NEED OF A WANT AD . . . CALL RA 3.3492 ASK FOR A FRIENDLY WANT-AD-TAKER