12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pride, Jenusry 16, 196) 1960 DEMONSTRATORS NDER 3,000 MILES TITY ~ ONLY ONE TO A FAMILY omplete 10 10 35 miles toVhe gaifo; pletely equipped n by highly skilled "Guardian warrant J anty Beautiful color com AT ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. during their JANUARY CLEARANCE priced way down low, lew, "OK" USED CARS in spotless condition | ind over 90 to choose from! Your chance to really save plenty, and " get that car of your dreams. 16 salesmen af your service day and night f COME, SEE 'N SAY we're open fram 9 a.m. until 9 p.m, Monday through * Friday, Saturdays until 6 p.m, 8 compact car that is ¢ USED CARS Your Guarantee 1959 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR SEDAN, Spotless Grey and Ivery 2-tone. Complete with radio and automatie, One owner NOW ONLY 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN 4.DOOR CHEV, SEDAN with beauti- ful 2-tone paint, radio, etc One owner A STEAL S AT 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN 4.DOOR SEDAN in spotless condition green with matching trim. A real sharp buy "our $1449 1957 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4:DOOR MODEL vith famous autamea mati Includes rade AM EXCELLENT VALUE "push-button 1057 PONTIAC HARDTOP 4:DOOR HARDTOP, Automat paint oy $1349 ONLY § : and radia. 2-tons 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR ? DOOR SEDAN, VB engine and aufematic drive Complete with radia, Exceptionally clean A GOOD BUY 8 FOR ONLY \ 95 1057 FORD FAIRLANE 2:DOOR HARDTOP, 28,000 miles Radio, aul $1375 NEXT TO NEW FOR ONLY 1057 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4-DOOR SEDAN with VB engine, autemalic tam mission and radi EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE $895 1957 OLDSMOBILE "88" 2: TONE SEDAN in green and ivary, Mas Hydramatic, ete, Law mileage "or $1395 1055 DODGE WAGON STATION WAGON with autematic drive and eustom radio. Warth hundreds mere that eur list price we $54 ONLY $ 5 1955 CHEVROLET 2:DOOR MODEL with radio. Good mech anical condition $575 '1955 PLYMOUTH » mechanical condition. Good body $375 1954 PONTIAC 4.DOOR SEDAN $335 VOLKSW 1960 N KARMA will we 1] with 1a conVERTILE Toa any LED | $2400 ne 1 5 CHEVROLET 2:DOOR SEDAN Bronze and Beige 1953 FORD 4.DOOR with radio $145 S195 1953 PONTIAC 1953 BUICK 2.DOOR HARDTOP V8, automatic, radie, power steering $195 4.DO0R SEDAN Ivory with grey cap S275 Radio, 1953 FORD immaculate condition $395 1959 cl CONDITION CONVERTIBLE wr veer JE VROLET C Windaw | ' 'owerg|ide Steering Ifts, whit : radio, | 3: Power brakes ® walls power. | P : AND f Wer Top "or S595 140 BOND WEST TOR OSHAWA SALES RA 5.6507