i f ' ' ! 8 THE OSHAWA VIMES, Thursdoy, Jonuory 19, 196) __|MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL ' { BOUSERND WiNy mp IYIE Do not wring owt chamois. The hensom cil ~~ B horse: glover Wer washing. Saueere drawn enclosed carnage with Husband Gives His Mother | Money They Cannot Afford ! | By Pear Mary Haworth hand is 45, | am W mained three YeRIs REN second marniage) | knew was contributing to Ws mothe { suppori--$100 a month--and was fine with me. He had fiveAfigure income then But a year ago he job and had ta take another B46 less had a haby MARY HAWORTH When car and moved ino @ hase! He mother (rented) His mother apartment stocks, has 9 in savings and 1s very achive banked about § (I've ing she can't afford (because it) to take trips with friends, ets As things got tougher for us, psychology I wanted Sam to tell bis mother, can change his views or actions hut he refused, saying he would hy direct evangelism meet his obligations to her re {1alist gardiess and | wasn't to m tion It. either. His twa brothers terested in knowing the truth serve the Cubs and Scouts with y less and profiting by i also contribute (though than he) to her support DEPLORES INJUSTICE When | ourselves going without net MR sities 1 just get fed up, We hi Wide Circle Of Friends Honors fe fi sos Well-Known Pair on Anniversary as he won't let me, and don't have a dime in the ha On his bigger income he money around A well-known North Oshawa of 1 know families living on eouple, Mr. and Mrs. William Ii than Sam makes H. Powell, were honored on Bun day whe manage te put mor day al a reception on the neca aside, hut if 1 speak of thal sion of their 50th wedding anni avs I'm nagging, We don't Versary Several hundred shared the happy event which was held in the ladies' parlor and Bunday| Honorable Leslie Starr, MP and Mrs, Btarr; the out and entertain, School rooms of Bi tea table! Greetings were received from { am afraid to say anythi Tawny gold rosebuds and fern) Wiarton, St. Catharines Aas well ems (0 me heart-shaped hase of gold silk Mrs, Powell is the former ahout thi AND MRS, WILLIAM H, POWELL Telegrams and mi congratulation were received), from Their Excellencies the Governor General and Madame Vanier; the Honorable Michael Ages rarely hecoming won't sit down things, He wo work nights that he puts Right Honorable John Diefen situation | imp haker, Prime Minister nd the| sible. He M FO8L discuss these Stephen's! Premier of Ontario a h oH listen United Church. The was centred with a threestier| friends in England; Ladner : wedding cake, flanked hy gold! B 1 Albany oN y Hersey | 10 Wi mothel ! foe} he thou floral and candle arrangements, Michigan; Agincourt, Markham But 1 know he won't a 4 Hamil-| *# nestled in tulle surrounding the(tan, Belleville, Toronto H he was to hase of the cake, which was|as a host of good wishes from} I think that in m topped with a golden silk helllOshawa and surrounding dis:| frst an il aa on iu and Hie of the valley om A trict TA be fist, What can I headed with pearls, Dainty re-|Margaret J, Glover and the GK ' freshments were served in gold- couple were married Januar colored baskets 117, 1811 in the parsonage of Beautiful arvangements of Brooklin Methodist Church hy golden roses formed the back-|the Reverend R. Allin, They} ground of the table of gifts and were attended hy the former other guest tables were deco-|Miss Clara Glover (Mrs. 1 rated with yellow and hronze| Solomon of Oshawa) and Mi chrysanthemum and gold Edgar Glover now deceased eandle tek After one year at Thornton Ihe ceived by Corners, Mr. and Mr Powell Mr. and Charles Little: farmed for eight years on the field, Mr Mrs, Georgeisite now occupied hy ( Tavior and ind Mrs, John! Samae. They have lived for the Powell past 41 years at their present) CASY CONBEIENEL mn Mi Dearborn, Mrs. | location on Simeoe street north, (her, At heart he Frank Hoag Miss Donnal Mr Powell worked some With unfilial dislike Powell and My Arthur I. years with the late Samuel (10 countenance these Sistirh Atkinson were in charge of the Bone, contractor, and spent|S€ntiments which he fot RA guest hook and Mrs. John! many years in. the Body Room R Sin against love and duly Glover acted as tea hostess 8s-|of General Mootrs | He has never admitted, mu sted by Mrs Gordan ¥ Tomlin] The couple have three living son and Mi Idney Haldwin | children Mrs, Charles Little Pouring tea were Mrs, Regllgiaiq" (Verna); Mrs. Geor ge nald Luke, Mi Arthur Cocker [Tavior (Wilma) and Mr, John ham Mr Elgin Glover, Mrs Powell who is president and Donald MacDonald Mrs Ren anager of Powell Transport gon Dunn, Mrs Elmer Powell;iyq" Whitby, A son Howard is Mrs. Stephen Saywell, and Mrs.| 5... + deceased Charles Pogson ps There are ten grandchildren Kole +h and four great-grandehildren Miss Eleanor las Scott, Mrs Mrs. Jerry Bent Mrs. Carson Heard Smith, My Mi Jarman Boynton For the nccasion, the bride of fifty years ago chose deep royal| blue crepe with a eon of tawr gold rose She ware a gold necklace and pip, her wed ding gift from the bridegroom and a dd wrist wateh, an an nive gin i / rr FAMILIES THRIVE ON THE SUNNY-SWEET GOODNESS of Blue Bannet Margarine. Can't be matched for fresh, delicious flavar nutritious because It's all vegetable thraugh and thrdugh ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE FERRER EEEEEEERERNNERR PAYING FOR DELIVERAN( Dear 6, ¥ You married mature fellow despite dle conscinus! HEE YEAT It control of him ent i uneonseiously igainst her alicitude, he mueh as you re Het rebellion demand and candle ¢ f HESS Were re au h Mi and Mr TH an his alwa an the relation rejects hut refu Fred h BIG RUG SALE STILL GOING ON AY NU-WAY SEE PAGE 9 | WEDNESDAY'S PAPER were Mrs, A. R.| Margaret Powell, | Hall, Mrs. Doug David Jobh and isted hy Mrs. Ray Randall ] lames age Solomon (nee Clara in of the hride) iid al the Lhe couple hand printed of gold klace, an BS id ne to Mr and Her Tham wha called felicitation were Thoma MPR + Mayar Christine a former mayor, Mr Lyman Gifford, with Mes. Gil ford, their daughter and grand daughter ! *K BIG SAVINGS ON. Richard Hudnut » Hair Products! | SAVE 1/3 ND RINSES RICHARD HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO The original Egg Creme Shampoo made fram veal eggs to beautily your hair as it-cleanses, In two types: for Dry hair: for Normal to Qily hain, RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE A v fragrant rinse that adds a glassy salon y to all types of hain, Eliminates $2.00 VALUE, ,,NOW $129 ry + i | tang L is, RICHARD HUDNUT CREME RINSE'N SET A unique conditioning vinse with "setting action." Se sim to use--just shake on hair directly fram the bottle after shampooing and comb wWhroug? LIMITED TIME ONLY MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3.3401 mother-dominated. man, an im | his mid-| wha probably un ents his mother's openly ahsolute griddle of an un | My bus negative feeling WE) (his! sense driven Whndly 16 atone for WM Mis. Terry Smith & new mem hy being as generous to her as ber. Mrs possible outwardly, in termes of retary read the Lreasurer's re maney fis rs jt # 1st his IEALOUSY A PROBLEM A a week Meantime, we'd) analyst, or the real significance hought a second|0f Wis adamant resolve to gi 7h, has a mice expect he would discover thatlconveners of the home baking good clothes, owns he price he pays, gladly, to he free Mrs iearned)|9f her--io the limited extent|room convener Yet shelthat he is free--tia marry, £9'Gien Swindells. Publicity will be cries about her high vent, say- ME OWR way, ete in of her! some idea of the elusive factors £n ease your stress, probably the ee this old house and hest you can do Is to pour out (i AVE ely nd ey welt nk. | sues of envy, jealousy and emo Ohi threw | tional you aig in ey he go he| UL and| il n't | ng Id as vill give her that money her| 1} Ife do § Es al i a ily relations eounsellor wha will It help WIFE PRESERVERS i ouced he sues. time (J them in the hands and press the Aniver's seat Heh om the HRD SCOUE MOTHERS AUX Regiment Association wis heldicial visit wi, Febuary 14, Be- in a dry towel. Pall into shape back--wis patenied by J, A, The 20rd Seow Mothers Awe. recently with the president, Mrs. fresh is will he served # and hang in dry in the open wir. Bancom in London in 1534 ary met recently wt South Henry Davies, presiding COC Bf DHginess minster United Church, Mrs, The secretary, Mrs, Betty Plans for the spring hazasr Benjamin Cousins presided in Sherdan, read the minutes, Mrs, | Were discussed and the date set 272 ALBERT 57, RA 8.2471 ess examined, this underiow of Therefore he [IF Agha Wm nine si that i produces and the ahsence of Mis, James Wiliam Mele gave the trea for April 75, Convener for this Moore, president surer's report, Mrs, Aired Gow. Wilk be Mrs. Edward Bouckley b Cri oduced EF reporied on those on the sick with Mrs, Norman McEyers #s Mrs, Jerry Craigie ints ofuced oe | i wm ¥our 5 WEIR Mrs. De Mille of Picton, On i» helo at the nt m iano, sent in a donation Loward {0 help at the refreshment siandi splendid work done by the at Hillsdale Menor. A the w , Christmas Dazaar Mrs, E auxiliary, This was received Giigan of Agincourt won the wiih hams and greatly appre yi ona Mrs Wiiom Borrow The excewtive will meet next The Chr wi WR, J of +441 Tuesday #7 pm. and the busi iP va party was ness meeting will follow at 7.0 # h) / : n pm, A better ptiendance of ie folly g members for 1061 18 hoped fo ' The foils wing officers wer ped elected for 1961. President; Mrs. From now till the hazasr goods Fes Fred Porter vice-president, will he available for members Mrs Mrs. Harry Wood; treasurer, to sew, embroider or knit, The 5. Mrs or iam, MaNelll secret money is urgently needed 10 ary, Mrs, Betty Sheridan; ways carry on the good work dons care of by Mrs, Jervy and means, Mrs, Clifford Bould; iby the auxiliary and the bazaars sick Vist convener, Mrs. Alfred help considerably toward this A report was given on the Cub Gower, press reporter, Mrs, Ro-| donations toward any of the and Seoul Christmas parties by bert Andrews; sergeant-at-grms, booths will he gratefully re Mrs. Glen Swindells, The next Mrs, Elwood Cos ceived. Reported sick at home wk A Spee paper drive will he held on a a 5 Mrs, William Beaton and Mrs might lead him to the January 21 and Mrs, George CENTRE WiiEE] WA. Milton Osler ast 6 ele ralgie | AL & previous meeting, Mrs ¢ Were g Peters and Mrs, Craigie will) F if he were urgently in Group leader 18. W. B. Herbert Baihe was appointed . R i ler, presided gt the January kitchen convener, Mrs Ary chocolate and cookies meeting of the East Group of the Conk table convener and Mrs tefreshments were served WY Wa of Centre Street United | William Reed, press reporter Mrs, Glen Bwindells, Mrs, Ben: Church. held at the home illiam Reed, press reporter, a i 5, he a ie home of amin Cousins and Mrs, Thomas Mrs, Gordon Wonnacott, Mrs Robinson. The next meeting willl Fred Ti s de your grievances to a good fam: he held A February 13 ii ol AL Yel in the devation , in ; : wis pereed to have the ri BCOUT MOTHERS AUX, conner teams again for 196) The January meeting of the! and the captains for this year bth Beout Mothers' Auxiliary ave Mrs, Stanley Jackson and wis held at Northminster United Mrs, Erie Buechler. It was also ireh with the president Mrs. | decided to hold a Spring hazaar Ronald Trewin presiding on May 4 and Mrs, Earl Bileox| Mrs, J. BE. Rupert the secre- and Mrs. E, W. Howard were read the minutes followed! named convenors for the apron| by the report of the treasurer, hooth, The other convenors will Mrs. J. C, Bentley, Mrs, Trewin he decided at the next meeting reported that money donated The January meeting of the hy the members at the Decemn senior WA will he 'held on ber meeting went to help # January Ki and the econgre id ational meeting on January 19 needy family at Christmas ime. | A" rummage sale will be held | Mr, Harold Hawkshaw, theiin the Chureh Hall on January|" {group chairman, introduced the dl, The February meeting will {leaders of the three eub packs, he at the home of Mrs ¥, | The program for the even Mechin ling was in charge of the blue LEGION AUXILIARY (patrol, Mrs. Keith Taggart read) The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal a poem and Mrs, William Baker Canadian Legion, Branch 48, and| met on Tuesday evening, Janu: Mrs. Harold Pascoe, who show:|ary 17, with President Mrs, Ed- Driftwood decorator items are ed coloved slides of the activ {ward Bouckley presiding ubject to color change from|ities during the summer of the| Mrs. N, Hopps transferred moke, To bleach, wet with soap|seout camp at Hallhurton {from the Whithy Auxiliary to | ere i ; A f [Oshawa as she now resides nd walter, ( ace -- " | ! it ae and place In sun,| ONT, REGT, ASSN, AUX, [and was given & hearty wel: Ading more suds from time to, The monthly meeting of the come, Miss Rose Bate, Zone Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ontario' Commander, will pay her offi i; ointed Hen Bwindells, see fwrt A BISCHSHIOn OR SPORSOIINE & £a party and home haking sale lwas held, This will be held at ve Sonthminster United Church "that money if he Cedar Street, on Saturday, Feb firuary 4, from 2 16 4 pm. Co if he were to dig, with an FRESH SPARE RIBS Ib. 49c LEAN Rik PORK CHOPS Ib. 59c FRESH VEAL PATTIES 1s, 35° as to work mghis for it,' fixed cash allowance is alare Mrs, Lionel H, Clarke and Thomas Robinson will be taken I mention ali this to give you Craigie you are wrestling with, in Sam's I doubt that you SHOULDER Lamb Chops ww, 30° FRESH FARMER STYLE LOOM SAUSAGE | WIENERS 1, 29° 3 185, 1.00 SAVE MONEY On Best Quality Meat In Town FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT REAR OF STORE light As for what you can do to Attention Ladies!! All Perms Cut 107% Mon, Tues, & W For The Remainder of January GENOSHA BEAUTY SALON 64 KING ST, EAST (ever Metropolitan Sirs) BLEACHING & PERMANENTS OUR SPECIALTY TINTS, We sls speak Ukrainian smooth, speedy, you distinguish between your real financial problems in he situation and the side is strife from lear on thal score will improve that are, keeping acting wisely, Gel and things ' ary fas is 1] tn er 0s ed re safisfying! INGLIS CANADA'S No.1 WASHER Gerber Cereals, like all good-tasting Gerber Baby Foods, are prepared hy specialists who work in the interest of better nutrition for your baby, Baby hungry? It's a cinch to fix really smooth cereal in a Rash, Gerber Cereals v alir to ereamiy perfection in seconds when mixed with formula or milk What's more, the consistency stays smooth throughout the serving, Ne wonder these quality cereals are so satisfying to a baby, Digestibility assured, Gerber Cereals are thoroughly pre-cooked and twice tested to insure easy digestibility, Nutri tionally speaking, they are enriched with the ron so important to your baby's needs, 6 tablespoons provide over 100% of the Recommended Daily Dietary Allowance, In addition, they're enriched with B-vitamins and caleium SALE PRICE "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 5-471 See this outstanding Washer value, complete with Lovell Wringer and Automatic Pump. BARLEY CEREAL MIXED CEREAL PROTEIN QEREAL FOOD | RICE CEREAL | WHEAT CEREAL 1 \ i | OATMEAL CEREAL ! Babies are our business ... our only business! Gerber py CEREALS GERBER PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA