Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1961, p. 6

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. The Osha Times Published by Canadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King 1, E., Oshawa, Ont, Pose 6 Yiuwsdoy, Jonwsry 19, 196) -- Hard-Hitting Message About Cars And People It is a pity thet more people could not have listened to the sermon delivered lest Sunday by the Rev, C, D, Wilson, assistant curate of Bt, George's Anglican Church in Oshawa, It was & hard-hitting, downAo-earth message concerning # massive gvery-day problem -- the rela tion of the automobile to the individual end the individual to the automobile, His question; "What shell we, as Christ ians, do about the operation of our car?" There are three things to be done, he said; We must learn to drive, "not simply . , , selecting 'drive' on the suto- matic transmission end aiming the car down the road, but really knowing the limitations of the vehicle snd how to drive it under adverse conditions; we must constantly check the condition of the car ~ how would you like to have to pray to God for forgiveness for an secident that you caused by not keeping you machine in good condition?"; the matter of law ~= "a Christian will obey the law simply because it is there == his only excuse for violating a law is if it directly violates his Christian prineip. les... Traffic laws, established to protect society, do not violate your Christian principles and must be obeyed," He noted how cers can pervert the personality to produce recognizable types the hornblower, the lane jumper, the tirescreecher, "There is the strange Oshawa brand of driver who abandons his cor somewhere out towerds the middle of the road (usually facing in the wrong directions) under the guise of parking it, This resembles the aban doning of a ship on the high seas ~= I often wonder if the laws of salvage apply . . » Moreover this wonderful mas chine, thet can whisk you out to the country for a drive, or to the cottage, is seemingly unable to stop st the small country church, or to transport the owner three or four miles from the cottage to the church, Very strange" He noted the flouting of the law, "Consider parking. Bome Oshawa folk regularly park illegally in order to attend church, apparently without a qualm," There was this grim reminder; "Some of you may in the future or may now carry about with you the knowledge that you have maimed or killed someones by negligent or stupid driving, Your ear, then, demands souls and possibly lives" Tough, straightforward talk ~~ and we could do with more of it, Hockey Week Celebrated Minor Hockey Week, a Dominion. wide annual celebration, gets under way this coming Saturday, and as usual Osh. awa and distriet communities will have a full schedule of events to mark the occasion, There will be church services on Sunday, with special games, regular league games and other features each night next week, Details can be obtained elsewhere in this newspaper and readers are urged to check the new columns daily for reports and announcements, The Oshawa Minor Hockey Associas tion, which 'has been in existence as a bonafide organization for about 30 years and as an operating unit for about 33 seasons, has had a record of solid ache jevement and growth, thanks to the foresight of Harold Luke and a few colleagues who started the City League when the Oshawa Arena was built in 1031 There are four separate organizations operating miner hockey in Oshawa w= the Oshawa Minor Hockey Association, the Catholic Youth Organization, the Inter-Chureh Hockey League and the Neighborhood Parks Association, This means that a considerable number of Can't Afford The United Kingdom and the Soviet Union have signed a new cultural agree. ment, which provides for more exchange visits between ballet, theatre, music and scientific groups and for broader trading of information in the fields of medicine, technology, But net surprisingly the British failed to persuade the Russians to allow the sale of British newspapers within the Soviet Union and to stop the jamming of BRC broad. education and Casts, Georgi Zhukov, who signed the agree. ment for the Soviet Union, said that the jamming of radio programs was due to the "offensive, anti-Soviet attitude" of RRC broadeasts, Lately, he noted, the RAC had adopted a more "normal" tone in dealing with Russia and that in De- he Osha Times TL WILSON, Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY, Bdives ng The Cshawe Times ental Whithy Gasette and CRion ny a pubinhed daily N holidays excepted) Mamba of Canadian Daily Newsparern Publishers Amocition. The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Cusulation and the Untania Proving Babes Ase cat ihe Canadian Pram on ewehsively entitled 4 Ww use tor republication of all ews devpatehed the paper credited a od of ta (he Awesated Frgan on Routers, ond aa the eal news published ot special depalchen are ale The © All tighn reread University Avenue eel, Mantieal, PQ, PTION RATES A Oshawa, Whithy Brook | on Parry, Prince ompton, Figoahman's Bay, Dunbarton, Eanakillen, Burseton Llatemont, Raglan Blackvioek wi uni Newsastle, nat ower 4% in pravingg of Ontare) svhvios wean 12.00, ehewhare 1300 pw Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 Oiticay Toranto SUBSCRI Thomson Building \j Oniatia. 440 Cathar Alan, ¥ MHigry Kinsale Par week By ¢ ein delivery yea people are spending a lot of time and money to organize, coach, manage and referee, all to provide eity youngsters with healthy recreation and the sort of competitive athletic activity that helps to build sound character as well as sound bodies, There are several reasons for Minor Hockey Week, It gives the youngsters a chance to display their skill in special programs; it gives the sponsors and organizers a chance to demonstrate why they are willing to devote so much of their time and energy to this cause; and it gives the public in general a chance to learn about the aims, purposes and organization of miner hockey, If you are a parent and have not bothered about the hockey activity of the youngsters, this would be a good time to make up for the oversight, And If you are not a parent, it will be a good time to learn what can be done by a group of dedicated, community-minded people, In any event, drop around to the Arena and watch a few games, The calibre of hockey is surprisingly goed and you'll find that duty ean also be a pleasure ~- and the youngsters will appreciate your interest and support, Freedom cember, only 17 per cent of the BRC broadcasts had been jammed, The BBC's estimate was that over recent months, 30 per cent of its broadcasts have been jammed, Zhukov said that the sale of British newspapers would be permitted only when they cease "publishes ing sensational and untrue reparts about the Soviet Union," Russia did agree to allow the UK, to publish a Russians language magazine as a quarterly in the USAR, That was about all the British could have expected, Russian acceptance of untrammeled radio broadeasts and sale of newspapers would mark a change in Russian attitude of tremendous signifi cance, It would mean that the Come munists were prepared to give their people freedom of choice in reading and listening, and from this much wider freedom would stem, Once the Soviet people were able to read newspapers from the free world, it could not be long before they exercised freedom to discuss what they read, to compare with the reports and opinions presented by their own newspapers, Inevitably, there would develop a free. dom of opinion, This is what a free press means to a nation; it fosters and guards a much wider area of freedom, The Russian newspapers themselves would be foread to brighten and broaden their outlook and production, A Communist state cannot permit such freedom, It would erode the mono. lithie structure necessary for the operas tion of a Communist state, Bible Thought Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart, == Psalm 17:4, A right attitude produces a right kind of desire. And this kind of desire God will fality OTTAWA REPORT AFTER US, THE DELUGE w Left Field Stand Built For Lester By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA~Twa thousand Lib erals left Ottawa all pepped up after their three-day national rally here, I cannot report how they felt when they reached home on the "morning after," but here the sub gero dawn broke upon a monumental hang: over Liberal Leader Lester Pearson framed an Imaginative two. stage hullding program to res construct his party's platform First there was a small gathering of "the brains' =hand. picked liberally » minded Cannes dians"! met at Queen's Univers sity in Kingston in the fall, Then came this big rally in Ottawa of "the brawn," the rank and file who must fight the next eleetion campaign out in the ridings The brains ran riot, unveiling g sead of blueprints, some ters rifyingly appropriate to a lefts wing dietatorship, But the dis. asters of Kingston were hurrle edly swept under the rug Last week the brawn cul loose ton, shunning the leading-rein of working papers" prepared for its guidance by the party's hof fing closeted In Liberal back: rooms NEW STAND fo today Lester Pearson finds himself commanding his follow ers, not from a reconstructed Liberal platform on the pitcher's mound, but from an entirely un expected new turret erected 'way out in extreme left field QUEEN'S PARK iy Parts of that tower are ex tremely good, These are mostly the features which directly cons tradiet the ahandoned old ib. eral platform. Bul they are so at variance with the usages of the Liberals during their 1686. 1057 term in office that one must ask whether they are a mirage or just a practical joke Other features of that tower are so contradictory that they reveal the glaring lack of a master architeet's co-ordination The surprising location of the new edifice was prompted hy the fear that the New Party might attract too much of the voters interest, if allowed to frolie alone in left field, It was also dictated hy reluctance to fight the Conservatives on. their own territory which now sprawls far to right and left of centre field, But the most surprising fea: ture of the new Liberal turret is that it offers Its patrons A wide range of unexpected henpes fits, without warning them -that they eannot possibly afford the inflated new price of admission It is like a sideshow barker at a elreus, who offers not just a glimpse of the heavded lady, hut also a steak dinner, a night In the harem, and access 10 A fountain flowing with whisky without saying that the admis sion price of two bits will have to be considerable supplemented hy other payments after entry, Toughness Needed For Road Safety Ry DON O'HEARN TORONTO What about a night in the pokey? Recently we had three days of highway safety "workshops," Hundreds of people had a talk fest They talked about educating drivers to responsibility, of "morality campaigns in the churches, of teaching ehildren safety, of how the points system could contral accidents, and whether the courts were effec tive NOT PRACTICAL Well that talk wasn't wasted Educating the people about accidents is helpful, And if the courts can do more = which means getting magistrates to agree on some thing: a possibility which can only he conceived in oplume= then by all means let them do i But nobody at the conference was asking for mare cops, Or that there he jail sentences for some highway effences And so one reporter dismissed the workshops as not being very practical BEING RUFFALOED? We are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on pam phiets, billboards and educa tonal "kits" on highway safety (Mast of it is being parcelled oul through one advertising agency in Toronto (MeRim's).) here are thousands of sin cere and dedipated people who we working on this prepaganda and educational drive, They think they are going te solve the problem of highway safety, They are being buifaloed TWO Cures There are two ways 10 really foster highway safely in this SIEVIRCe or any other, One is to make sure there Is striet enforcement of the laws, The second is to make sure that the chronic offender 1s afraid to hreak the law, And to date we haven't put our hearts behind either, We have been too timid ONLY FEAR To properly police the roads the OPP needs another 400 men added to its present 1800 Unless there 1s a remarkable change in outlook here the force won't get them For three years two London, Ont, psyehologists==Dr, Willlam Tilman. and John Howeshave heen working on a study of the personality factors in accidents, Their experience has shown them that=exeept for drinking and actalsGod accidents == a "hostility" eomplex is the un. dorlying reason for irvespons sible driving A man has a fight with his wife and he takes it out in his driving \ man has an inferiority coms plex and so he identifies hime sell with hs big car and bes comes a big shot and arrogant, Is "education" going to cons trol these people? Ask yourself=-and Yake a look at how you felt the last time you drove after a fight with your wile What is going to contra! you Is fear of the consequences Let there be an automatio Jail sentences-even ane night for highway offences (say for speeding 20 wiles over the limit), and let you know there are plenty of traffic officers on the road and you aren't going to spoed Four hundred more officers, however, would cost nearly twa million dollars Messages printed on paper come cheaper, How could Lester Pearson, if he were to hecome Prime Min. ister of Canada, give us free health care, free education at all levels, higher old age pen: sons payable in late middle age, and still reduce taxes? How could he ensure full employment while admitting more immis grants end lowering tariffs? How could he aciheve defence neutralism, and yet employ our huge armed forces and still pro tect Canada? Feonomically these promises appear to he incompatible bed. fellows; politically, they are nul. lified hy their consistent rejec. tion hy Mr. Pearson himself and his leutenants through all those long years when they were in a position to implement them, yet did nothing That Liberal rally revealed ecartaln attractive points: admirs Able organization, and keen pos litical interest, But one must recall the warm. Ing words spoken at the rally by that politicians' politician, New: foundland's Liberal Premier Joey Bmallwood, He stressed; "A political party must he more than a erowd of hungry out-ofs office opportunists, whose real interests are the sweets and power and prestige of office," BY-GONE DAYS 30 YEARS AGO W, E. N, Sinclair, KC, MPP, was unanimously selected as House Lender by the Liberal members in the Ontario Legis lature, Russell Wilber" was elected president of the Blue Devils Rughy team for 1081 succeeding H, Clark, Oshawa churches contributed #300 to the British and Foreign Bible Rociety, A building committes coms osed of C, F, Schoenau, H, foraht, F', M, Dahner, H, Dies derichsen and N, Stire was aps pointed by Grace Lutheran eon gregation, Rev, A, C, Hahn was pastor of the church, The Choir of His Majesty's Chapel Savoy of London, Fngs land, who were making a tour of the principal towns and cities of Canada and US, presented a concert in the town hall, Whit. by, It was the first time in 700 years that the choir was pers mitted to leave England on such a tour T, K, Creighton was elected president and J, A, MeGibbon, vice-president, of the South Ons tario Law Association, at the annual meeting held in Whitby, A new dairy was being cons structed on King street west known as the Pure Milk Co, with J, R, Scott as manager, Under the Old Age Pensions Act in 1930 the Dominion Gove ernment paid 50 percent of the cost, the province 30 percent and the municipalities 20 pers cont, City of Oshawa paid out $1,832.70 as its share to 97 resis dents who were recelving pays ments at that time Mrs, © Terwillegar's resis dence, one of the landmarks of Harmony district and approxi mately 100 years ald, was des molished, - Fire completely destroyed the garage and 18 automobiles of the Carnegie Motor Sales In Port Perry. Damage was estis mated at aver $5000 A new record of attendance Was sot at the regular session of the Sunday School of King St. United Church when were present, The previous high was 783 the previous year Air mall service from St. John to Victoria had a honeficial efs foot on mal service in Oshawa, where mail was forwarded to Toronto by train and them. transferred to the plane servies, A REPORT FROM UK. industry's depressed date both wn Britain and sbroed, is making Way Spon ners Resitast shot ordering Cond, Prospects Varied I er Gn For Shipbuilders By M. MANTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Corresponfent For The Oshawa Times GLASGOW, Beotiand ~ Ship building on the nver Clyde has been ven a very good sart for 1991. Two Clydeside firms have won admiralty orders worth $16 460 899 in the face of compe tition from wll the warship ng firms in the United King dom. The orders, for two fog pies of the Lepnder class, have been placed with Seott's Engin eering and Shipbuilding Com. pany, 144, of Greenock, and John Brown and Company of Clydebank. A third order for # frigate has gome to the Tyneside firm, Swan, Hunter snd Wigham INSIDE YOU Many Diseases and the Ski ghniiding Einipoyerd Federation president, John Bete pie, Wn messRges issued at the beginning of the yewr, empha sized that prospects mie Bok Very reassuring, bt wneertanm, Richardson, 144 of Wallsend. and the order book is Siminish: Other admiralty orders WW ing rapidly. Orders, 199, wre shortly be awarded plier cof spread somewhat WREYERY VER sideration of tenders (oF 190 the vanious yards throughout large tankers for the Royil the country, Fleet Aumibiary ' i . VARIED PROSPECTS OUTLOOK UNCERTAIN For instance, on Wezrside, the In spite of these AOMIAMY Sunderland and Gateshead yards orders, however, the smphwild: ore confident thet they with be ing outlook for Writish yards ghie to maintain last year's ree generally is deserved as Being ord of production. Beversl good only in parts, Both bila: orders for new vessels have ing and repeir yards have mike been received for 1961 produc: ed feelings ahout the year 196%, tion, Some of the yards on Tyne: Modernization, Vow fixed prices side have also good prospects and the means 0 ensure Quick. for the coming year, But on the er delivery ought to pitract ghole the yards at Bellast more ship buyers from home on the Clyde are not so conf wna overseas, Fut the shipping thet 1961 is going to he & good year for them, Only nine of the berths at Her: land and Wolf's mammoth ship- yard at Belfast are occupied the present time, This repre sents only 50 per cent of the pe FE commodation of this shipyard, Created By Man By BURTON H. FERN, MD Even as he leaps into space, streamlined man is unearthing pew medical problems, The race peninst disease 1s turning into an endless marathon &s new diseases outstrip new cures Medical archeologists digging beneath layers of scientific ig norance are tirning wp and dusting off many ancient but unrecognized maladies, At the same time brand-new aliments are rolling off the assembly line, Modern industry keeps this disease - producing machinery well oiled, In his Franken. steindike rush for automatic Servants, man Is creating more and more occupational diseases - monsters which turn and at tack their creators, In spite of on-the-job training, on-the-job sickness often gets out of cons trol, JAW CANCER Luminous painted warnings of radiation + hazard shone through the darkness of medi: cal ignorance B30 years &go, when an epidemic of jaw can: cer swept through a group of watch-dial painters, The vie tims habitually pointed thelr fine-tip. brushes with lips and tongue so that their dainty strokes wouldn't smudge the ra- dium-containing paint For centuries, miners and monument-makers have found thelr occupations stepping: stones to tuberculosis, BINISTER HAZARD In today's motorizes electron. ie world, automobile exhaust has backfired inte & eancer: causing monster, Similar problems have mush. roomed on the farm, where hands who work threshers and fill silos often inhale lung-scarr: ing chemicals from moldy, spoiled hay, Now mushroom farmers are coming down with the same lung trouble, because they work around damp com. post Alr + minded Americans mre finding out that flying can he hazardous even when you've got hoth wheels on the ground, The booming blast of jet engines ean numb hearing temporarily; if the noise keeps coming through loud and clear, the victim may find himself liv. ing In a permanently silent world, CONTROL, TOWER DANGER There's more pressure in the control towers of large airports than in the pressurized eabing gliding aloft, In one hour a traf fie tower technician may have to guide B5 or 90 takeoffs and landings In and out of a large air terminal, Since even a minor miscaleulation may spell disas ter, control tower men have to do their jobs perfectly Crushed beneath this mechan. ileal avalanche, air-traffic cops are belching with uleers, throb bing with high blood pressure and suffering all sorts of nervous disorders BECOME, HOARSE The constant monotone which tells pilot that they're right on the glide-path and should start losing altitude turns hoarse after thousands of ground-cons trolled approach landings, Dope tors have had to remove vocals cord tumors from many a mis erophoning control tower opers ator, Who would have thought that the air age would give us new hoarse and buggy probs lems? In spite of these (and thous sands of other) streamlined digs eases, statistics prove that You and Yours are now living heals thier lives than ever Soro, Anyone who yearns for "the good old days" Is Just in a good old daze! On the Clyde, very few lar; ships are on the stocks, and ino spite of the contracts for the two admiralty frigates, orders at the moment are not Lo prom- ising, Lithgow's yard at Port Glasgow 1s now laying down the keel for a new 5360-4on hanane carrier for a Kingston, Jamaica, Company, On the repair side, too, there is considerable uncertainty on the Clyde, but one major pro) ect is under way at Liverpool in the reconditioning of the Union Castle 17,020 ton lner, Braemar Castle, a job which will take some 10 weeks to com- plete Shipbuilders on the Clyde sre still hopeful that the biggest plum of the coming year, the contract to build the new "Queen" Atlantic liner for the Cunard Company, will come the way of John Brown and Com- pany of Clydebank, The Brown concern, however will he in competition with five other Brit. ish shipbuilding yards for this prize of a contract worth some $64 million, 0, MIX KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) Motor oll mixed with cooking oll has paralyzed 40 persons here, government officials re. port. Four dealers were are rested and charged with adult. erating their own cooking oil BACKACHE? «snot mel For relief from [l JANUARY COFFEE SALE FREE Valuable COFFEE Instant SPOON This delicate coffee $poon desi \ M.A: J Oneida Ltd, ned by ogers comes ¢ free in every spe. cial label 6 oz, ar of Mother | 'arker's In. stant Coffee (limited of» fer)=a valu» ahle addi. tion te your fin. est flats ware, Actual LU) ey, Ww, WAL a NEW LOW PRICE When you buy Mother Parker's Coffee, you get the finest coffee at the lowest possible price, Compare the cost of the 6 os, special offer ~you'll be convinced, } oF 1 BL ee flavour" ha is mare than just a alos an at Mather Parker's, heir coffee beans are selected and roasted to highly exacting stands a 8, That's why Mother Parker's Instant makes such a good cup of coffee, Pick up the special 6 oz, Jar with your free coffee Shook and enjoy that "fresh-brewed flavour" tonight! - Mother Parker's

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