Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1961, p. 4

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AT TE TR I A ee | WHITBY PERSONALS | Brooklin Man WHITBY te 7 i a, Vicky, daughter of Mr, andiher ninth birthday, For the oc DAY-BY-DAY Mrs. Bill Wilde, Dundas $4. FE casion her mother entertained H ds G (®) e 4 4 celebrated her sizth birthday on number of her friends: Linda ea Tr WwW r in isieins, Ling of Wed Saturday, For the occasion = Collison, Karen Kernohan, Carol esters y a oF The Times, #§ party was arranged with the fol- Edwards, Marjory and SyWia. COBOURG ~Lerry Burt, iusual in controlled storage and was veporied that Hered Shep lowing guests. Jane Clark, Deb- Liddle, Diane and Debbie Jones, Brogidin, was elected president he felt they should think of Mar pard of $19 Donevan crescent bie Decks, Kathy Decks, Carol Terry Delaney, Barbara Mori- of the Northumbeniand and Dur. keting 5 steady supply rather was the driver of & car in Purdie, Cathy Andrus, Connie son and Peggy Thomas, ham Apple Growers Association then holding 100 much 19F yolyed in an secident at the in Andrus, Valerie Wilde, Patti Sharon's cousins Darlene ani zt *he Sth annual convention spring tersection of Kent and Mary King, Marilyn Horack, Lynne Debbie Grant of Oshawa, her of the association held at the Dr. Brown pointed out that siyeet Whithy, Chief Constable Paterson, Sally Anne Millian, sister Cindy and brother Dennis. community hal), Newcastle, Canadian apples sell for nearly George Rankine advises the Denise Clark, Parbara Corbett, Games were played and lunch! Jan, 12, four times the local price in Vimes that Sendra Loks Mollyneaux and Belty was served by Mrs, Syinyk and. Other officers elected for 1961 Great Britain, Canada should 8, of the seme address, was Mollyneauz, also her sisters, Sharon's aunt, Mrs, Mildred include Frapk George, Smith keep an outlet in Britain, he the driver of the car and Wap {Wendy and Diane. Mrs, Wilde Grant, of Oshawa, field, vice-president; Morley said, and it was wise lo remem old Shephard was the owner, \was assisted by her daughter -- Webster, Brighton, secretary. ber thet no matier where they, {Wendy & é Jesh v Immediate past dent is are shipped from in Canada,l SY. DAVIDS SOCIETY en ah Bevis wasty Rev Butler Fred a of Trenton, they do the market. The! Cenadicns of Welsh descent ! ; ' Northumberiand directors in- city of London, Eng, serves from Whithy and Oshawa will | 'Mrs, G, Richards, of Lee ave S ] er At chisde Gordon ¥ 1 y nn, Trenton; more people than sll Ontario! meet in the UAW hall, Oshawa, nue, entertained her group of {Burton Morton, Harold. David and Quebec on Feb, 75 10 honor their patron {Jadies last Monday evening {Ziiirzerman, Trenton, Bud Lit: At the noonday luncheon, Le- #4int, Bt. David. There will be {Games were played and the : {tle, Trenton, and Leighton Run- Roy Brown, sgriculiural repre- Sinner at 628, a speaker, com lucky winners were. Mrs, E nit uIc {dle of Brighton, Durham County sentative, spoke on European munity singing end finally ] Douglass and Mrs, M, Tunissen directors include Harvey agriculture, illustrated by eol- dence, The evening is being ar Rev. A. M, Butler i A anged by the St. David's Seo The hostess served a dainty) or Fe ihe Whitty Cini rooks, Raiph Hill, Clare Allin, lored slides, ranted. vr v hunch, pid on Sunday A oy Seldon Parker and Robert Car- In the afternoon, co-operative nt Brock Street South Home and in the form of & question == Hers. marketing was discussed hy Ar- EA School Association held an exec: "Where is the yay Now?" | PEIES HIGH thur Kemp, chairman of the ap- MINISTERS RETIRE utive meeting on Tuesday, Ar- The choir under the leader Dr. John Brown, secretary of ple section of the Ontario Pruit] TORONTO (CP)~The Pres rangements were made for the ship of Mrs, J, Beaton sang the Fruit and Vegetable Grow. Growers Association and he ur byterian Chureh in Canads annual "Games Night" to belthe anthem Toe § Bone ions £4 Aditi of gi ald ged 3 Sentral packing sil 2 i Wednesday announced the re held Feb, 13, The president! Firmament on High" by Haydn. thet at one tim d ovince this a ove eppi lool Mrs. A, Berapirom ~ Mrs, A 7 he Sacrament of Infant Bap- of Quebec took all the counties' advantage tirement of og Winisteth ii a Vallant and their committee willltism is to be observed next surplus apples but now the flow| Blair Heeney, superintendent They are Rev, Dr, C, K coll : be in charge {Sunday morning, It was an-|was the other way. Prices this of the Smithfield Farm, seid it!of Knox Church, Oakville; Rev, % - x vy pis nounced that the Annusl Con- year were nearly twice that of would appear fruits and vege. David Marshall of St. Andrew's PLAN FOR CONVENTION | Sharon, daughter of Mr, and rear ionl Meeting will bea year ago. He felt that there tables fit these counties which Church, Whithy, and Rev, A. G, Mrs. Alex Byinyk, celebrated held on Wednesday, Jan, 25. were twice as many apples then border the lake Scott of Bowmanville, of the French-Canadian Vdu convention, April 10-15, From | lingual schools; Adelard Dube Roland Berlault, administra cation Association of Ontario | left to right: Rt, Rev. J, Z. | Windsor area organizing offi- | tor of the Ontario Bilingual toured Windsor Wednesday | Noel, London, Ontario, diocese V cer; Association secretary | Behool Trustees Association : STEINBER | | § ties, We have a new counties ra [i Ashton Is Elected Warden ii ii TENDER - PLUMP - GRADE 'A' OVEN-READY - FRYING counties' home and new coun ties' garage and to this must » , he added the extensive develop Q nl e oun 18 ment of roads | "I know the responsibilities . 270 COBOURG = Bruce Ashton In the nominations which fol-| Roddy, Seymour Reeve C. which will be mine, 1 ask the Reeve of Cartwright Township, lowed the new warden was nom- Rowe, Clarke Deputy-Heeve R upport and understanding of 318, AVG, was elected Warden of the Unit inated by Deputy-Reeve A; Gib. Savery; Perey Depuly-Reeve A all, At the moment the times ed Counties at the insuguralison, Cartwright and seconded Warkman fifficult [ 1d meeting of the council held inlby Reeve D, McMaster of Mur Voting for Reeve Gray were are difficult and woulla sug Lidl | { ie 141 3 ny : Cobo Tuesday afternoon |! iy Township; Reeve Stewart) Hope Deputy-Reeve ¥, BEamse i to all that we mu t watch The new warden received 36iGray was nominated by F.|Campbelliford Deputy » Reeve A,| Care : Hy n wl at manner « very votes on the first poll as op-|Bamsey, Deputy-Reeve of Hope|D, Bennett; Port Hope Reeve R, counties' dollar is to be spent is, posed to 18 for Reeve Stewart! Township and seconded by, C, Everson; Camphellford WIFE, PRESENT Gray of Hope Township Deputy-lteeve Ted Prosser, Co- Reeve G, H, Free; Reeve Gray " s 3 hourg Colborne Reeve ¥, W, Harding; |.» : An ; a oh new warden, from Burker| "CE ocorded vote, Reeve Hamilton Deputy-Recve 0, N, "85 Mrs. Bruce Ashton whol SCHNEIDER'S SLICED ONLY X HIGHLINER OR BOOTH 16 OZ, PX0, on 18 een a memne J ne y ' R received the congratulations of United Counties council for the| Bruce Ashton received 36 votes Harris; Cramahe Deputy-Reeve all present : Stow - oJ. GG, Honey: Cavan Neeve | pd ey past six vears and was a for-|while Reeve Stewart Grey re % Short addresses of congratu COOKED HAM 49 J Y SOLE FILLETS 45 8 tf 0 § A Alnwick Reeve | ' py mer, chairman of the' counties coved 8 clin Anwick loes, Hr, ue of £200 ro, . ony DACA COME A Ee Tas FOR WARDEN Reeve M, McMillan: Cobourg Counties Wardens Farl Nelso a farmer, 18 married and ha Warden Ashton cast both Po, od] F 1. Pro ser us Garnet Rickard, Ray Bothwell] swggY PICKLED ONLY . (2% SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF 12 OZ ROLL KA, ' g Ilo no melas Mavhee three children Cartwirght votes for himself,| Clarke Reeve H, E, Walkey 74, Hooton, Dougie Mayes "Your responsibility as mem } I ' } tefeat R Reg McCann, Harry Campbell . 5 5 acking were n accepting his defeat, Reeve H ert Morrow and Mave : bers of council Is to trust one | Other backin nm I ind Herber row an avor anotios and in so trusting ex-| Brighton Deputy-Reeve P, An: Gray sald he particularly wish aichacl Wiadvka of Port Hope LS, THE STORE WITH § f 7 ts aay J t the new war 3 A 1 orf weet the most of one another," |son, Darlington Deputy-Reevel ed to complimen ind Mavor ¥, M. Rutherford of pet he ad "Ashell Grafton,| A. Blanchard; Haldimand Dep. den on the excellence of the BETTER VALUES Legion padre, sald in a short|uty Reeve G, Broomfield; Man-icampaign, The fight was clean dedication service, "Every man| vers Reeve R, Brown; Murray|and gentlemanly and he wi hed| OUT OF DATE . 26 etter| Deputy-Reeve ¥, Bruyea; Brigh-[to thank all for the courtesies n 4 : ng Shodld be uegid in eer ton Reeve RN, Carlaw Hamilton| extended to him, Above all he Warming o Po sar bas A STOCK UP YOUR hv, wn th shalom dc Hee GB, Carathrg, Now wih to make Rove Abin Hl, hl to nt FREEZER & SAVE ing each of you today is that|/ #stie Heeye ' nng-e ? \ ; He Ne because much land now Is free i . : " ham; South Monaghan Reeve G.lwould do by giving him the y ' A hh fu Tut "honor the Nolen OF Km inion Vile Doputy mont apport and Copersof 160 and Mow In he winio SEABROOK FARMS SWIFT'S FROZEN g Reeve F, IK, Denyes; Cavan! tion, . , BIG BUSINESS Denuty-Reeve 1, Farrow; Cart:| "I would like to thank you pt \ 3:{1y4d) FOODS y "In electing you to counell,| wright Deputy-Reeve A, Gib. all for the great honor you Clarence (Smitty) ICE CASTI 3 MEA rT PIE the electorate expects something son: Perey Reeve Grills; | have hestowed on me in elect [1 ¥.§. 12 OF. CELLO FRO " Lf - WINDSOR, Ont, =~ on au, | making plans for a weekdong | director of education for bi | Roger Charbonneau and Present with the new warden up TUE Camphellford of you, It is wonderful to see| Millbrook Reeve G, ¥, Harring-|ing me to the highest position Barber I two counties so united together|(ton; Port Hope Deputy Reeve! in the United Counties sald TY "BEEF & KIDNEY PIE n big business and I would sug. Deputy - Reeve | obbs 16 new warde articular in big Id D I I, M, Hobbs|th den, "1 particul (of Ih oe] ]]] tL re gest to you that this council be. Manvers De puty Reeve HM ly Wish i thank Nee Yo Stewart on CHI EN PIE Ome ly k fi the Jakeme Cobourg Reeve T., Gray for the fine, clean cam pi ing M8 " his ow wave! Ree ve, Piign conduc td and I accept 21 PRINCE ST. | [10.4] 11 OZ, CELLO PKG 1 PINT BRICK TURKEY PIE The Ire 5 thanked by| Little; Murray Reeve D. Me: his support gratefully." x 3 cals padre, Wud, Be co Many: nay ave WwW, R| "Looking back over the past Welcomes His Friends 4 VEGETABLES BEEF PIE Reeve of Haldimand and the| Peck; Cramashe Reeve G, B.|few years, it ean be said that ote of thanks was seconded by| Philp; Darlington Reeve G, B.|considerable achievement has and Customers ¢ - Gy 8 OX PKG, oo H, E, Walkey of Clarke Rickard; Haldimand Reeve F.'been made in the United Coun / HE [1] [of 1] "oz YOUR CHOICE ig CARROTS CELLO PKG, i $ (010) CUT GREEN ZU OR C1 UT I, oll : FRENCH FRIED FARM HOUSE FROZEN HIGHLINER FROZEN pensa RAISIN PIE | Gewe: 59. nox. 10¢ OFF DEAL F V4: {}} CELLO PKO. i > ISSUE OF + AR Dre SEABROOK FARMS FROZEN $100,000,000 0 STRAWBERRIES GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS a 9: Bank of Canada Is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for a loan, to be issued for cash as follows: 3 YEAR 3 MONTH 49, BONDS DUE MAY 1, 1964 BRIGHT'S FANCY . 48 oz, TIN ISSUE PRICE: 98.507, TOMATO JUICE 25¢ 0 YIELDING ABOUT 4.507, TO MATURITY HEINZ Non-callable te maturity KETCHUP Nn oF tome 21¢ Interest payable May 1 and Novembe TULIP REGULAR Three months' interest payable May 1, 1961 MARGARINE Y Ib, PKG, 4/95¢ Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 FLUFFO '3¢ OFF' DEAL 29¢ SNOW WHITE IMPORTED U.S, NO, | EACH US. NO. 1 IMPORTED FRESH FLORIDA The Bonds will be dated February 1, 1961 and will bear interest from that date, SHORTENING! 3. Ike. CAULIFLOWER venlg 250 Principal and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada, Principal is payable at any AYLMER CHOICE agency of Bank of Canada, Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any chart. TOMATOES 20 02, TIN 2/39¢ FINEST FLORIDA J IMPORTED U.§, NO, | ered bank without charge.--Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal 200308 | 2 wos TD and interest, Definitive bonds will be available on or about February 1, 1961 and thereafter RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TANGER E in two forma: bearer form with coupons attached (this form may be registered as to TEA BAGS 60's 75¢ principal) and fully.registered form with interest payable by cheque, Bonds of both forms will be in the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to denomination and/or X(RA [RA form without charge (subject to Government transfer requirements where applicable), HINA 1 FRE STAMPS STAMPS The new 4% Bonds due May 1, 1964 are an addition to $50,000,000 of 47; Bonds due | Wilh TL CBUGN AND ot S ° Wk 300 acl dy May 1, 1964 which Bank of Canada has already agreed to acquire on February 1, 1961 in A 11 or TN oF dads Auihad i i AR AE LEG of LAMB exchange for an equal par value of Government of Canada 37 bonds due May 1, 1961; DETERGENT SUE OLIVES If AS PEAS aclal Issues p WHOLE OR HAL Wil I ANB TAHA sizes' ! \TE This loan is authorized under authority of an Act of the Parliament of Canada and { WY ITY SOuton Init y ENA SNA soon rah ain find both principal and interest lare a 'charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. TRA XTRA RA BIN The proceeds of the cash offering will be used for genéral purposes of the Government of ' " 5 Ht 25 Bi : 25: : Canada. STAMPS STAMPS : pt i EXTRA EE -- , ib Vol ni | Ti \ eto / Ubt hy PAG or ANY "PINK Y " Subscriptions, subject to allotment, may be made to Bank of Canada, . AE | RE SCT ED | STAC id giao, Shas I] swe Nimavar Ottawa, through any investment dealer eligible to act as a primary distributor PAGHETTI PIZZA MIX MALADE Tooth aste, no. CARROTS wd OEE CRs STAMPS or through any bank in Canada. : SN | WEE felt EE a NTE. . An official prospectus may be obtained from any Agency of Bank of Canada. ry Si 2 Vn wi da oF $08 om. Sats Standard Tow OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. OTTAWA; JANUARY 18, 1961) Mw am ze AJAX eo Sur WHITBY COUPON LIF JAN. 25/8

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