(ME. Patien Rad seid {rowne mada the Walsment | # speak tm HMewlowndiond, 3 HEELS aa, of v ci sq No Race Bars Broadcasting fo Bart post Sparks Anger | TOROWEO (CF) ~ Ontarie's FRSEHL Aeris priser Wed ; " PON MANKIGHT wm and Mr. Diefenbaker 19 fester Rot 19 Mecriminsts --- | Press Sal Weiter [Butt thelr spesches waning Jews or Negroes, bt "ECETOIE Ceremony ow Bi (he judgs sits ih Swestohig. less (ederarl spending hed | OFTAWA (CF) ~ The Com: Mr. Argue said thers showid said 1h would reserve the CREA Abst Yoshie eh charged. Welneslay s procselings OF caused Wem ioyment noma 41% 4 toate Wednesday ofihe no wt on Mr. Diefen [the postin d Wednesday with murdering We iginally were scheduled for 160 The prime minister gre tn refuse recommedation p 5. B00 if dan $i oud 4 y as bitterness thet ex haker's time, Fit he swggrsted (or amyone for had behavior or el I ann or I ee ry weked In the Commans by Hor: lots over bessdcasting quesie Beis of 9 mines oF #6 4 The shergs, wis 160d betops 3:90 pm. by Smouliations he man M, Batten (L-Homber ; i lowing # lengthy Aebhate, Vor h in eomty '8 yan government oificials $0, George's) for comment oF i" Ag 98 4m more prs iy DIRE the Association of Towrist Te HGR #6 RewrDy Swestobwrs Wi sey Corti sail he with sesk| FEPONTS Win) Hh # plate J. W._ Pickers (L~Fona sonts of Ontario passed § reso Pe WOKS than 16 hours MISE Bly change of venue for the trial |TF6%. 10. MF . New: isin + phaned, WANTS EXAMINED lution recognizing Lhe 195 COPOROT 8 Jy hed decided Rely, ried unonecesstully 19 are mtiand #6 Dresentative thet wader the present system) Wr. Piekersoil sid the em Ontario F a) 1 Accommodation "Ws CONnaly Tespomomis 10% the nae moved from Bed "og "ars Cabinet of CRC financing there is # ten mite look ito 156 Practices Act which sutlaws the the multiple deaths tovh because of what he cated) WF Pistentiier said he had dency for the peblicly-ownedl Who auestion of CBC Beane color bar md race discriming. THE hoes of Mis, VOrRIEn, emotionalism | possible not seen such & report "hut tion 19 "ek the boots' |e. THE COrpOTRtion show rot! tio nd the chiidren were fond Wn oociiar [+m sure (hat sich & Matement of Ponence Minister Fleming mi" IF money Oh 156) ye vocotution seid; "I Is the 8 TW aol the tiny Voswrgh™ "0 of Wednesdoys! TIE NEVEr Mads: the hope of ging more oper whim othe EOVETRIMERS OF the policy of our members to com. Teck wt Boyan following en 7 sort bd yi Voting money pnnudl rppropniations by Parlor in fare as in the wast with ETH morning five Des, 19, proceedings, Mr, Bowrasse 'Vosburg Facing Murder Charge |r ze. BEDFORD, Gue, (CF) ~~ APeianay Rest Tuaslay, WHER crsl Browne never seid that OTTAWA (CF)-Prime Win ister Defenbaker swguented liamuant his Roled Yoshurgh We name, age Herold Winch (CCF ~Yeneon- \ver Bast) suggested the Fowrd of Broadeast Governors is inter] sling rules on comreversial Droeteasting in # wey thet i is come 19 the cabinet and preue Hs case 1 becomes r crepinee of the government--not of Par ft The moment an sgency has 9) fe laws of the Dowimon and Vorbergh slood quietly, the provinces." fsrnscarred hands resting on Association President Didace WER Teception counter Wn the rise said the subject was Es, as the charge wis Ted raised because of "isolated in VY Justice of the Peace Antonin a #4 residence Then he poked "What grade did in school?" F. RICHARD BLACK, 0.D 136 SIMCOE MN. AT COLEORNE you reach "in the process of wrecking" some of the finest radio pro- grams in Canada Louis Joseth Pigeon (PCM X Joliette - 1/ Assumption » Mont calm), a stern entice of the CBC, suggested B Rew OIL ption of parents, educationists and clergymen 15 sand guard) 5 mmorality in the eer. Proadeastin against poration's programming WOULD SEY IT UP And so it went, The vehicle for the debale was RB BOYER ment motion under which the oommitiee Commons' special which lam: om broadeasting hasted the CRC in 1958, would) be put back to work this yesr for what Is foreseen Bs # searching look at the BBG and private stations The debate will continue {later However, the Commons 6d set up two other committees One of them will -consider the study of House rules. The other lis B continuation of the joint Nenate-Commons commitiee on Indian affairs Prime Minister. Diefenbaker, | Opposition Leader Pearson # con |CCF Teader Argue displayed | rare unanimity in debating the | motion to set up the rules eom- (AP Wirephoto) | mittee, 'Their praise was for the speech-shoriening action taken by the committee st the last session LIMITS SPEECHES Now being applied exper mentally gre new House rules reducing the times of most speeches to 30 minutes from 40 Exempt from limits are Mr Diefenhaker, Mr, Peprson members moving a government measure, or the first opposition member replying to a8 govern | " -- LAST CONFERENCE President Eisenhower holds the final news conference Wed: nesday of his eight years as Ohlet_ Executive, Almost 49 MAGAZINE PROBE Villains Named By Publishers By DAVE BTOCKAND [would have the effect of en ant mation Canadian Press Staff Writer (couraging Canadian business 10 "ifn the normal range of de OTTAWA (CP) Allied in|advertise in Canadian publica: pate nothing is more effective principle, Canadian magazines Hons than & shag well-reasoned and and periodicals have individual] The Montreal Standard sald It| jucid argument," said Mr, Dief: views on naming publishing en-|is clear that the immense re: ephaker, Mr. Pearson agreed emy No {sources of editorial material and said the next p Is for All their barbs are directed to- available to Time and Reader's) I ---- ward the United States, But|Digest must give their Cana | they are suggesting a variety of (dian editions an advantage over| remedies to the royal commis: | genuine Canadian periodicals, | * Eisenhower slon on publications 'Vor example, Time Incor| The Montreal Standard Pub.|porated in its annual report to| LHS [] lishing Company Limited told | ockholders for 190 showed to-| res 18 the commission Wednesday that tal revenues from all sources in | » Final Shot reporters crowded the ference room the Canadian editions of Time the consolidated statement of in and Reader's Digest are at the come at $271,874,088 with rev sore of the problem of inequit: enues from magazine advertis " able competition originating in|ing at §174,000,000, This is quite| the US The Maclean-Hunter Fublish ing Company Limited identi. fied the leading villain as the enormous overflow elreulation of American periodicals--=Mag azines that don't solicit adyer tising in Canada or offer spe elal Canadian sections hu swamp the country by sheer numbers The Montreal Standard Com pany publishers Weekend mag azine, Perspectives and The standard, Maclean-Hunter is the leader in the consumer maga sine field In Canada with Mac lean's, Chatelaine and Canadian Homes among ils offerings GIVE REBUTTALN Both companies returned be fore the three-man commission with rebuttal submissions re lying to American elaims that here is no justification for pen: aliging thelr Canadian opera tons, Also heard was a brief by Toronto Star Limited on behalf of the Star Weekly advocating "suitable tax legislation which! Scientist In Huff, Starts Fast CALCUTTA, India (Reuters) Aritishi-born biologist J, B, §, Haldane, O08, an ex-Communist who has adopted Indian nation. ality, began a seven.day fast Tuesday In protest against what he called an insult by the United States Information Herviee, alge, now teaching here, med that he had agreed days go to a US Embassy re: 0 meet on Monday two sclence students--=Cary Botting, 16, of Peterborough, Ont, and Susan Brown, 17, Austin, Tex Botting recently won an inter national award in Washington research in biology aldane sald he arranged to meet them at a dinner and had invited three Indian solentists as well, But, he charged, the students were forbidden to at. tend the dinner and were told to dine with an American offi: nate A UR Embassy spokesman) ve A different version, saying two students--in India for a conference w= actually crease {OF an operating base Maclean-Hunter sald that If Canadian policy resulted even in the existing market being divided 60-60 between imported magaeines and native maga gines, there would be an in of 47,500,000 copies a year to he shared between ex isting Canadian magazines and new publications M. Grattan O'Leary, royal commission chalrman and pres ident of the Ottawa Journal sald he was worried about a possible tendency to hlame everything on the Americans Might not had management Ingdequate Judgment in fi naneing be responsible for the demise of some Canadian maga gines? he asked Floyd B, Chalmers, Maclean Hunter president, sald this was seldom the case, The general ¢limate has not heen suitable for magazines already estab lished, he said, let alone being | favorable to anyone seeking to start a new publishing venture He could not agree there was any lack of Capadian enterprise or daring, "You have to have al reasonable chance of success, | Otherwise it isn't enterprise, it's] foolishness," | TOGETHERNESS | TO EXTREMES VICTORIA (CP) = The drivers of both cars in volved in a rear « end col: liston last week pleaded guilty Wednesday to ims paired driving and were ined $340 each, Police sald a car driven | by a man srtuck the rear of a oar driven by a woman, | The licence of the woman was suspended, The male driver was Hen: dry Sekkemo of Sidney, The woman was his wife Housing Starts Below Estimate OTTAWA (OP)=The number of housing starts in Canada last! Year appears to have fallen short of Works Ministery Walker's estimates He told the Commons Wed nesday that preliminary figures covering centres of 5000 popu. lation and over show more than 100.000 units were started in 1060, It was expected that fig met Haldane four days age tunched with him and had a six hour discussion with him Since the pair had a ght ures available later would show! 8000 to 10.000 starts in centres tavia Command and of the Ob: hiteh-hiking on Highway 4 last) under Early 00 papulation last year Mr. Walker 'Dumbells Buried WASHINGTON (CP) = Pres ident Eisenhower, in the final press conference of his eight year tenure, Wednesday ae cused Soviet Premier Khrush chev of encouraging revolts and demanded Communist recogni tion of the Boun Oum govern ment of Laos, a step the Russians have refused to take Iisenhower, who leaves office Friday, maintained there Is lit tle point in holding a 14-country oonference on Laos as proposed hy the Cambodian government "unless everyone thinks it 1s a good idea' More popular, he suggested, i§ the idea of reviving the three-country truce commission of Canada, Poland and India to supervise a Laotian armistice But the United Ktates won't agree to such a revival unless the present Boun Oum govern: ment is recognized "Actually," said Eisénhower, what caused the trouble is the determination of the Communist hloe as expressed again yester day in Mr, Khrushehev's speech, to exacerbate and support what he calls wars of liberation and which are revolts of Communis! elements to averturn constituted governments in authority" In this the last of his 108 press conferences, Eisenhower joke with the more than #00 report: ers who filled the room Asked whether the press had been fair to him, Bisenhower sugeested lightly there wasn't much that a reporter could do to a president, His greatest dis appointment was that he left office without a permanent peace in sight, His greatest sat: isfaotion was that he was able to do something to keep the cold war from turning het, EE AA One Of Original Hement, #nd the public ~ no meatier how many theoretical safeguards sre written into the Mr Pickersgilh The CRC should be guaran teed is income--tike the courts Mr. Pickersgilh said, He giso called for commities study of costs "which must give even reckless minisier of finance (Mr. Fleming) we have wt present some concern from time to time" Improved Indian Act Hoped For OTTAWA (CP)~Hope for # better Indian Act in tune with modern conditions WARS 6X pressed Wednesday by Ciitzen ship Minister Fairclough It would follow recommends tions expected to flow from a third and, Provably final, study by the joint parliamentary com mittee on Indian affairs estab lished in 1959, she told the Com mons In approving the committee' renews! this session, member 5 stances' of rlleged race - dis enimingtion in resoris which caused bad publicity last som mer Mr, Crise 19d the meeting he had heen recused of diserim inating sgainst Jews rt Wis re sort at Honey Harbour No only was this untrue, he said, but i hed cost im # Jot of business from his Jewish prs EY BoNrassn "Grade three," Yosbwrih re He talked briefly with his Ped. i lawyer, Jom Gotlieh of Mont real, then was led hack to the cells BIG RUG SALE READS CHARGE STILL GOING ON AY Mr, Bonrassq read the charge NU-WAY SEE PAGE 9 WEDHESDAY'S PAPER The Examination of eyes Fitting of Contact Lenses And Glasses in the absence of district Judge Patrick Delaney, Yoshurgh will be formally wmrraigned on the Children's Visual Training EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419) murd sr charge hefore Judge . spoke strongly shout the af flictions they fell hear heavily on Canada's fast-growing In dian population of 179,000 Often the Indian is denied the fundamental rights and priv leges guaranteed under the Bill of Rights for Canadians, sald Hubert Badanal (L~Fort Wil liam) Perhaps the federal govern ment should let the provinees handle Indian health and wel fare to improve service, said Frank Howard (CCP-~8keena) Many Northern Ontario and Quehee Indian children get only four years' schooling and are much older than other students) when they do get it, said Arnold] Peters (CCE=Fimiskaming), | Mrs, Fairclough annotinced that=as planned = the Com mons this session will be asked| to remove the mueh-criticized Indian Aet provision permit ting compulsory enfranchise ment, Never used, it allows In-| dians to he stripped of their special status | Seek Check On Rural Hydro Rate TORONTO (CP) = The On| tario Fruit and Vegetable Grow:| ors' Association called Wednes:| day for re-examination of rural hydro rates in the province to eliminate thelr "irregularity," A resolution passed hy the as: sociation's annual meeling| asked that the investigation in clude a comparison of rates "from area to area, and from farm to hamlet with a view to reducing and standardizing rates to all farm users," [ The resolution, from the Ni: agara Peninsula Fruit and Veg: | etable Growers Association, | was one of 25 passed or referved| to committee or the Ontario Federation of Agriculture | Another resolution called for legislation specifically prohibit: ing trespassing in orchards and vineyards, It said plifering of | fruit has Inereased with the] growth of highway traffle and| the nearness of many orchards ta new subdivisions | Calls for tariff adjustments on squash, tomatoes and green beans imported from the United States were contained in three resolutions, For tomatoes the | growers asked for a contrac: tion of the present three-month free-duty period to January and February | Delegates approved a request for an amendment to the Farm| Products Grade and Sales Act to permit vegetables other than green topped species to he priced by unit instead of weight a8 now required, f OTTAWA (CP)=Fuperal ery: ices were to be held today for) Henjamin Wood Allen, ¥4, one of} the original Dumbells of First) World War fame Mp, Allen, a retired employee of the velerans affairs p as ment, died at his home here Tuesday . He served in the First World War with the Canadian Soottish| 16th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Foree and came part of the entertainment troupe after being seriously wounded In 1917, A past president of the One branch of the Canadian he was assistant man awa Legion [charge of Failed To Remain | At Crash, Jailed | RRANTFORD (CP)=A Ca nadian Army soldier was failed] for six months Wednesday for failing to remain at the scene of an accident in which one man | [was killed and another injured. [§ Pte. Paul Guirey, 31, of the) Royal Canadian Regiment, Lon don, pleaded guilty to a second driving while dis qualitied and was given a cons current jail term of 30 days, | Guirey was charged after Daniel Melntyre, 20, of Brant. ford was killed by a car while] October, Charles Donoghue, 31 also of Brantford, is still in ho schedule, the spokesman sald, predicted 135000 starts in 1980. ager and divector of entertain: pital they couldn't accept Haldane's, dinner invitation for Monday, Last October he dropped his estimate to 120,000, ment for Canadian war services during the Second World Wan ¥ A third hiteh-hiker, Allred Gamble, was not Injured, ! LEAN ANB MEATY SHORT RIB ROAST MEATY SIDE SPARERIBS REDsWH Swift's Branded Tins ITE FEATURE-~YORK PORK & BEANS 4 : IN SAUCE 20.02, -- ¢ ' FEATURE--~SAVE 126~~WALKER'S SALTINE SODAS 148, PKG, 21° 4 PRATURE=BAVE B4eROBINHOOD CAKE MIXE REGULAR VARIETIES 1:00 MINCED BEEF "** SWIFT'S ORIOLE = BY THE PIECE BREAKFAST: BACON ib, FEATURE=-SAVE Bc~~CADBURY'S BLADE BONE REMOVED - BEST BUY--Save 10¢ WAGSTAFFE'S main JAMS BEST BUY~--Save 6¢ LIPTON SOUPS CHICKEN NOODLE OR TOMATO VEGETABLE BEST BUY-~Save 4c QUAKER OATS INSTANT OR QUICK BEST BUY~--Save 6¢ SALADA TEA BAGS BEST BUY-~Save de BEEMIVE CORN SYRUP BEST BUY---Save 13¢ GEM MARGARINE DANISH PASTRY **" TOMATO, CREAM OF CHICKEN NEW LIPTON SOUPS SLICED BREAD "*" 24.0Z, JAR PKGS, LARGE PKG, 60 BAGS 2:18, TIN 1-LB, PKGS, CHICKEN CHOP SUEY PhAtoN kano CHICKEN FRIED RICE Paden shane SHRIMP EGG ROLL °tAcoN sane FULL 24.0%, LOAF WE BERR EE BEER SEE SER BRR ER ER BER Se. Dragon Brand Frozen Chinese Foods I | C INSTANT CHOCOLATE 1ok8, 53° a] Feature--Save 6¢ Off Pack AUNT MARY'S JUMBO COFFEE .:%. 1.25 PALM GARDEN LARGE NO. 1 GRADE PACKAGE OF 3 19° Tomatoes on. | PEARS SUN FLAVORED ANJOU FANCY GRADE 5 1OR 39 SNOWBALL CALIFORNIA CAULIFLOWER NO, 1 GRADE HEAD 29° ALL PURPOSE YELLOW 318, CELLO 2 "Ra 20° funen 33° 73. 29 89 6 FOR 35° 2 PRES. 31+! ONIONS 0. oun | BROCCOL] "HH TENDER No. 1 aha | a9) 49¢ | 49°, 19° 14.0x Pha, 12.08, Pha. LEH Pha. CANNON PILLOW CASES ot fi LLRL SPROULES CORNER KING AT RITSON McKENNA'S Supermarket 948 SIMCOE ST, N, BROWN'S Markoteria |MAPLE GROVE MARKET BROOKLIN MAPLE GROVE SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL ll