24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Jensery 19, 1969 Coll The Direct Classified Mumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM to 5PM. MONDAY 15 FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 1 Accountonts BE DEWAR snd C5, Accmmtants and Auditors, Caday Glen Widg., 15 fw tars Greet, Oshews, Ostere A $a WILSON snd Burrows, Aasmaan ants, Vi Smene fOwhams. Roneid F. © Edmond Borzows, CA, Pry 27 MONTEITH. WONTESTR, EIEWL, Ca, Charred Accountants. BA nt Boris D AD RATES yd CLASSIFI Chartered nt Sones, gh; 5 ant wa wi CLANCY'S Serviens offe services for sm 15 Aan rin fmtans Acesunting ngs ookEesRg i Business. 84 Bord Btynnt West, Ron | (Hfice BA 5-000] Rasidance RA 37566 VALE. FRIEM ANDER, RENTER nd Acemuntanie and saditors, Liesgsed Trustee , 8% King Btrent East, Ostiaws Yue, CA; Friesiander, B CPA 57 HOrgise and (Camgany, Cart fied Py ants. 112 Ki Stemet East, Oshawn, Ontario wi BL hE - aad CERVICES ~~ Complete hockierep views fgg small lmsinesses, week. of as desired. Statements oe Lax returns. ME 2--Barristers JORN A CAMERON, barrister, soile tor and Botary 84 King Street East. BA and private mortgages arranged RUMPRREYS Barrists 8 Pathe WHA Boyehyn vi" Hiflman, (14--Household Repairs f RESTERFVELDS ia mew ¥ FER TRASGRAIE, Bit Mativanpes patie £5, 16 Bond Strnst > PROFESSION ML. Ranger, Earaniand nas Fran astimaiag BANE EFRALSTERY at jis best for (ste n estas finids, pe-amweged Fieg ov 21 Personal Service pursery, A or Balk Wi Gimane North renvared FETTER Fan dey AI0 fs EA R164 WATCH REPAIRS J, Cornish 299 King 5¢ West day 5a ikea wore? fy rales Hae antandt 1 ghalstary ral BA od NEW BUSINESS UNLISTED NUMBERS of anting flshaws Was ma paper and mate Coney, BA Rina war A ANN' S FABRIC SHOP Be rE-maiaiiad, rep easy (erme. BA 15--instruction : LEARN to dance, expert [getruetion balizeom dances. Private or class appiniment, inal BA 3k HARVEY BANCE ACADERY --Baton, Top, Rogai Academy, Ballet, High aad Magiser pow pi King West. BA hin PRIVATE teacher, student coupsefior, 6 yrary experience, by ierview only. | Act now. BA 24 EHLIIAN Mae Marsh, dance educator dancing soho, ballet, tap, baton, ac per-sehont, character. Friday Masonic Tempe. RA 37250 oeciahizin ld aad LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 ALBERT ST ME FREEZER SUPPLIES OUR SPECIALTY WE DELIVER--RA B-247) WILSON PLAZA SEA COVE RESTAURANT fegturing 'OLD ENGLISH STYLE" FISH AND CHIPS IVER--RA 8-315 RA 3.45 545 CHAPELHOLMAN 113 BYR COMP E BOOKKEEPING WHITBY --MG s £8152 SERY NCOME TAX RE- SPECIAL THIS MONTH TURNS NEW SPRING PRINTS 686 OSLER STREET REG. 65c NOW 45¢ OSHAWA, ONT, RA 5-9953 JED CHICKEN halt L.§ id 3 For yd ENVOY RESTAURANT HOME OF "CHICKEM IN THE ROUGH" 522 RITSOM DELIVER RUDY" « per EE hratic OUR Saturday 16--insurance SHAR A'S BAR-B-Q Ck R f "RA cher chicken frer Jigte J, ¥ pewen 5-8978 of Insirane of Uy Jrsephy General Insurance, BR ALLSTATE WE DEI 41 --Room & Board ROOM WODERN GRILL RA 5 22--7V - Radio Repairs radin en preferred fies packed, pr Carnegie Avenue VER i887 # i desired eferped Street epairs wd heard pe i p Very / 3.9762 (Fred) ne East BA SUFERIUR wtgages and 1 ntlemen red SA6IR "ep Parking for in "RA Oshawa als Telephone RA 1448 11 --Business Opportunities THOMAS MW RISDLE and nots puniie ' ne BA 817 Fe ASER DRYNAN i pol agp WER bes eet § CREIGHTON WERDOCH sry F and 4 " ask for # ] BE Esc ALTERATIONS of women and reves kis REVERSIBLY MURFPRY Solicitor, # Ontario, BA 8297 MarDONALD, BA ML 4 id Solicitor and Notary Pub mercial Bullding Ontar ent RUSSELI EA, LLB B y King Street E f IAMES H T sib : ' e, The Co Wye £ 4 avall HWANNING ¥ otary Aah SWARTZ Barrister Money to loan Mackey, BA King Street East, tial RA 35-4029 BLAKE DODDS 0 25% King Street RA 320m FURRIER and DRESSMAKER Alterat Barrister Fast Resi PONALD Business ¥ Ld Mon New Remode 22 ROWE oer RA 8-6706 13--Gardening & Supplies | work py expen ® 2" QC, barrister Office 14% RA 89231 MANGAN to loan Oshaws JOSEVH Kir eet East sce BA 53405 SALMERS, BA ' } Simeon Residence I barristér, solicl Street North RA 55542 Bolie Hest z7 Office i BOWMAN t 3 . sence, RA B0264, Mel in BON and BASTEDO, Barristers ents' funds available for 20 Simeone Street North, €. MeGibhon, QC; a RA 58 da Barrister RA 56682 ANY king of Hara » reasonan H MEL TER W eve th Charles Bastedo HA 53566 Edger F 3A--Chiropractors fi. EW. RROWNLEE, Doclor of Chir practic Moved to 86 Park Road South, Oshawa. RA 37443 than # werfu nated fewalk ond Free DIAL pave Demonstration RA € ment 9020 5---Nursing Services CEDARS Home, ice Quiet Brooklin, OL SUNNYBRAE, of Oshawa, Care for eld er! people. RN supervised, inquiries FAST SERVICE invited, reasonable rates, RA 15-2330. ELDERLY folk welcomed In our home Riri or aint Tiere) OSHAWA HOME | LANDSCAPING F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr, of Optom. | RA 8 6366 Convalescent and our graduste PUrsing serv beautiful surroundings, §-4031 SIDEWALKS CLEANED ness d FIRST SNOW REMOVAL APPL IA) ICE SERVICE 32--Articles Wanted Fe NO w Wires Red pa Cor to ' Toronie PH PIANO wanted immediate 49 PB ! or size sh. Howard 62313 5 1378 Queen Street sale Hen King mortgage ation ROOM | Kendle man, hesrd optional #il en hom. centre wi gity 40479 "BA Telephone ROOM and board itaiie for one » tun gentlemen. Close to Malleable and i Telephone RA 32625 or #7 1378 Queen § 19 and second mortgages AFrang W abzm an $i { Building MO 8333 any make AX East Whithy Frofe CLIENTS vy ad 7 I Mortgnge 0 : a 7 room and beard for gente irchasd WASTED National warm comiortabie oom, Cre giton, Fraser, Drynsn SAMSON pf Naniona home, ¢ ineation, Geographic Mag Lda ah r hone BA MONEY TO LoaN| 1.V. TOWERS = noo SANDE! Aloe Bit RA B8-8180 me, TY, home OSHAWA T.V. | vices: on baiement" floor (econ Fl 361 GIBBONS ST und TV TOWERS 40-1 HH all ei instor 40479 arent ROOM _ or gage . nira 53678 tiemen, single boarders wanted, good aking, lunches pack orth General Mo 51 Colborne East. RA $50,000.00 f First ond A yueant or $2000.00 ¢ r mmedic non gree d siden Second | € ments f ROOM, near pi for girl wid Evenings, RA 37887 RA ROOM and board, home pr legen |Blreet South or GENTLEMAN home excellent : SCRAP IRON, POULTRY ey Tanti finlenng, | AND FEATHER TICKS 95 I, TURNER service | FES. hE RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 | 5gow snd ios eniieman (callect) to downtown Ap i! Elgin East. Telephone d mpr perty, 1 f home, BA iis HARDWARE 3-4873 WEBBING city and Sum tiel ond yrban o ft for gentlemen, with pply 666 Simes oe telephone RA 5.8256 clean mer « Summerlar 112 f paint Morina elf-supporting wer zed. N with new quiet European home-cooked meal 5 ous hot water, park BI Park Road South t dip gulvar mpl channel stale Room and 240 Div good home cooking North General Mao bus at door. Apply and hoard close to Hospital sion Street | $59 r net TV Enterprises year et tors Al MONEY TO LOAN close Street Drew ROOM and board in private home, for ntiemen, close to North General and uptown. Apply 98 Agnes 4 SHAW 253 53 . two # ob ior all pes uF i. AUTO WRECKING CO, Mi "for first and second 40° TOWERS $45 Wants « for wrecking Foi on oll types of real 130: ROOF ANTENNAS $30 Ports for sale, ol in meals short tern age 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22| Saturday all day, Ph builders; first and second ; RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR I 5 mortgages and agreements With 2-Year Warrant for sale purchased, Apply ny {35---Employment Wanted (0 Ri LIABLE M. Swartz, 2642 King Street / fost, Oshawa, Telephone RA LEN & LOU S Tate Br avon 43--Wanted To Rent CITY TV. Oy yin, for Shiliren while, wiNTEY = Twa os 31-4697 comfortable, with good care, Telephone landind RA 5-7844 . HA 8.3600 her work 802 SIMCOE ST. S FEMALE hairdresser wants part time SMALL rv alls, $3.00 [Ray Telommons Bab oboa niin ous ahd pon DID YOU SEE OUR NEW ALL GALVANIZED EL r why hoard packed week and lunches en da RA § ROOM and hoard, five-day beds, lunches packed, home eook continuous hot water, parking, to South General Motors, RA for gentleman laundry done 547 Montrave also scrap ir vacant lands; ught. Open SIX OF Be mort for Aen week, sin impletely Installed man desires baby sitting, Telephone RA 34138 three unfurnished ta eave for ehild while Telephone RA 5-8971 elf-enntained far one middle pensioner. Not more than $35 Perry, Rowmanville Bearbore Write Box 416 Oshawa Times 44---Houses For Rent roam hrigk TV anten HA 18a--Mortgages IMMEDIATE MONEY apartment, flat aged hoard children week service { ec Phone RA | NEWLY decarated seven - house y rive, Harage na ventrally located, Telephone 6084 after 5 p.m THREE room girl weeks position as clerk, two years' ni cash, Willing Call RA 5:2549 large living kitehen, finished recreation bedroom home, ex to etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simeone North at Colborne), 38-4191 [4 --Tiousehoid Repairs ROOFING of evenings by appointment, RA OW, TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please | pay accounts at downtown Dominion | Bank or 74 Burk Street. invalids ex amined at home Dial RA 5-4587 roofing applied MURKAR, NEIL ( RO, Free estimates Suite 3, "The Dundas Bldg ohol das West, Whitby, MO 8.3671 ¥ A: RNITH) RE rel Mg ML. shia Wednesday ing, Bruce R Dalton, 75 Charles Street RA CHERTERFIELDS covered like at Modern South, Call mate YOUR local ehimpe neys built and repaired stalled, furnaces va ed mates, RA 3.206 PAINTING rates, Tel information FURNACE SALES kinds, new guaranteed repairs all All work RA 3.0815 and optometrist "308 Dun Closed repal red 37212 7 Surveyors 6G. T. HORTON and tario Land Surveyors, Professional En gineering, 306 Dundas Street West Whithy, MO 8.5081, Ajax 728 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue print Bloor Street East, RA 5.5632 chairs 7 less Simeoe free esti and old new. Get the best fo Upholsteris 142 RA & a Associates, On cleaner. Chim gas linings in Free esti ¥ winter further paper hanging RA 5.9397 for and hone Ontario Land Avenue East Trollope, H. FLIM and 216 Adelaide Survey 21h P RA 5.6881 8---Building Trades PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit] fixtures, new and used, chang m septie tank to sewer a spe | AND SERVICE H M ackie ( Ltd n and estimates free on any imbing. Dial RA 54241, J. | RA 5- 5954 M arm ati {3 Foley ALL - plumbing Phone RA § Lid, plumbing ing, 245 Simooe WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE IALIZING IN 30" TILE ONTARIO MO 8-2563 MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, W P.O. BOX 329 11--Business Cpportunities| HAIRDRESSING business, well estab | lished, 3800 down. Telephone HA 3.8112 ARE YOU CAPABLE? EXECUTIVE-TYPE SALES CO-ORDINATOR High Commission Earnings $20,000 Possible First Year | If have not had the of hearing the st about f d of th | £8 FUR supplies R. Stark, engineer heating 1521, Harold heating and Street South and $7 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Paperhanging Wall Murals, ag parts Painting Gyptex, Full ly aintie 1 BYRC ST DAYS 'MO NIGHTS RA Dra Vi 107 WHITBY c NHITBY WALL-TO- WALL CARPETING and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CLEANED IN YOUR HOME Quality cleaning at low prices RA 5.7488 SEGERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaners ADD A ROOM? KITCHENS? PANEL A WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAX RA 8.5 0 KING 57 AJAX REPAIR TRUCTION | | | | | | | | 5103 OSHAWA u re 1 ND LIMITED ry entation and N X us financial P the mult ow i This naustry | gre involved NACE 3k RVICE a H do } ar phenomenal in the Canad ) en } iy wth field (ST JOHN'S "HEATING | MO 8.2387 | Free burner f cust eaders extensive n We are | busines expe oking men service r fuel mers | SHAMPOOING | fields cesstul men capable of think 1 accept the idea of rugs, car Resonable rates RA 8-2795 January 19th, Room 101, Thursday kiloc Hotel, Cac | T.R.1.O, THAT'S ALL| AVAILABLE TO R A D E S 1S | HOME OWNERS T 0 WwW E R S 36--Female » Help Wanted | rates, #40 Verdun RA 56-5760 | ACCOUNTING department clerk with! TWo bedroom apartment hroadioom EXPERIENCED carpenter | BORROW ~Expert workmanship knowledge of accounts payable, pay: throughout, washer and dryer fre all kinds of carpenter work 196) All Wave Antennae roll and general bookkeeping, Aceurale parking, central location. Newly dee $1,600 p.m 37066 after 6 p.m YOUNG reliable : and reasonable typing speed necessary, |orated. $09. Telephone RA 5-038 Did You Know z Wf We experience with bookkeeping machines rou R + roam house, three-piece Pith, REPAY AS LOW AS | 4 | TRY US | $35.00 MONTHLY downstairs, for vent, on L Ochawa, For {nformation, Whitehall 2.4010. ee | FOO, mount Drive call Ajax Same Expert learn switchboard, Servic Lit \ " receptionist and perience in hi and ecomptometer preferable Anpl t and eold running water, oll heated 1 Mas ¢ Empl Technicians Centralah Canada Ltd, McMaster A Aal® a Take Calls till 8 sl e 10 NEE RA 8.0969, LADIES you ment your income manth during your lei your own home Interviews held Genosha Hotel, Corvalr Roam, § Friday, January 20, Thursday Jan Cadillag Hotel, Room 101 RELIABLE plete charge TELEVISION [hemi 171 BOND ST, EAST [6 nm RA 8-6781 ; Hable North of Bowman @, on paved road, all modern con veniences, Write Box 320, Oshawa Times lke roam house, $80 SU if would by to supple S150 time A NASH Road, 19th | hungatew, two Alle refrigerator dro, close to schools, RA 36018 TWO - bedroom brick hungalow, with arage, modern conveniences, central, $80 monthly, Immediate possession, close to schools and shopping, RA 8.6081 550 MONTHLY six-room house, no fur 87 Nassau Street, Telephone RA or RA 3.0210 |GRIERSON North, two-bedroom galow, with basement apartment, pliances available Telephone |6-0542 after 4 p.m FOUR room house, oil rage, modern conveniences RA 5.7014 after § p.m | IN AJAX, six room bungalow, alumi: | num storms, three years ald, attractive redecorating, available February 1, Tel. ephone Willowdale, BA 1.6867 FOUR room apartment, two hed roams in new apartment building, hard wood floors very clean, available now, {good logation. Phone RA 5783 JAPARTMENTS, stores, duplex, house, [Tmmediate possession, peasonable vent. For further information eall Jack WANTED intarm | Appleby, HA 43308 or 56544. John A, J EXPERIENCED | Balahood Lid, Ritr |alio elght week puppies, male and fe. | WAITRESS [FIVE + room house partly furnished, male, ASH registered stack, Reasonable - {ta share with awner, suit couple ar one Phone Cedarview Kennels RA 5.5062 y | we ntleman, Owner will share expenses. go TOWN & COUNTRY | Telephone RA 63233 for more informa [and Galile sro RESTAURANT 430 pm ling the breed OL 53654 Courtice, five-room hriek bedrooms, heated gar stove, oil heat, hy Current Interest Rates to take eam and twa ehil RA 8.3574 after housekeeper of Telephone | Fast Service Confidential home Mo Hidden Bonus twa furnished rooms to re woman or couple in exchange for part time care of children, Telephone RA 5.8507 OFFICE clerk Must he shorthand optional, State {perience, Marit tatus ed, Write 421, Oshawa {HOUSEKEEPER required immediately {for adult couple, in small home, Must {be pelinhle, five days a week, Write Box 392, Oshawa Times | PART time telephone work, three hours | evenings, experience not necessary | (hut helpful) e Mr Marks, 1 to 8 om, 1145 Simeoe Street South INVOICE typist with general office ex In, [Perience. Reliable position far right girl. Telephone MO 88101 Ne Chattel Mortgages Co nace Signers 9 i-0333 | No SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | DAY OR NIGHT | | hun | '"'TVv."and RADIO | ap RA Payments to Suit Your good typist Budget x ale, past salary ¢ Xpect Times | al lutely Na Cost To Ab ( ess Martgage Ar You Ur ranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY ST CALL RA 8-5286 All heating, ga : Telephone Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS |{23--Women's Column [SPENCER Foundation dividually designed, also Spirella Reg |Carsetior, Mrs, John Hendershot, 324 [Admiral Road garments 51 E 31-3993 Anytime ay Evening pointments 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO KING Phone RA For [ Ag |25--Pets and Livestock - i [POODLE or = two while, grown females six month old German Shepherd | 5 pups. Anybody know nows their value Phone | tion after THREE - room [two-piece hathroom, heated Ud bungalow, oil Apply in person central, close i - Recwiia para single and P EEA Centre and hus; HA MONTHLY, ton anfiivishel rome we RedEoome Pip HR, CEPRORIRS, EAE WOVE, WESSTE, (sg i Cages amd Thomas, ir ieee alia for cowiia, Indes or SRE: Loh BEC eriler shove ' wan. BA STIR. [IR Barrie Avene faibitins, O05 rmontity, A¥ op sind WREE om apartment, waturpish | WY | BA 86071 Wh Bimense SEIRet, pore speriment, conten, REY KIRAT FROIRE, WERtY oF cughains, | o4 ose 16 se and pete private math. BA BIAS 56. Avallamie now. Tewpmone RA LARGE. tires roam se-pantained, viv3 WAEAETRANER REATIIERL, WE ARRIRES- THREE KRERS, FiFR Miaas from Avwmown 9 ak maniily. RA 54344 \IRREE furmiched rooms od 3 bath, wi wiiities paid, TY sutiet acd FO PITRE EREAAR, AVRiaie (mmetiate- TRIE Bath and eptianes, water, Rest ly, aduits pesieried, Apply 211 Drew 968 perkag ih Can be sexn even Ade ris. Vacant : y Apt. 6. MW raat g A 7 i p WW Wagne Sirant LOWE od 2 Sapp RE Contes THREE ROE RPArtIent, wk mine RIRpes STHRE, Avatlatie. BAN Fo6i, wih ERrage, incaizd pt 46 yg won pig 4A oa 4 " RE Bliss J Avil 2 Charles Stxest after thy or % : UNFURNISHED (hise-room basemen hadrian APArLment in modern PDUAInG Rear hospital and | apartment and Bath. privatise edgy ONE. * y wing, heated, $05 monthly, BA FPEFIREH: Regslr wiring, Rests vacant wn or before February Telephone BA B00 want, modern Keen wn second feet, "KO WRimiehed apartments, ckntiwl location, reasonatie FeRt. i WEE, Very senital, PRIKIRE Speck Mary Street, BA 5-ifse Telephone BA 5-500 THREE » rows den apartment, pe-|¥ room apartment, furnished. Eriger ston and save, thie » pace Hath wnt district, centrally ioepted. Child Apply 79 Cenire Birest are for working mother desired 4 Ahstalners only. RA S-6004 We entrance, swtabie for TWO bedioom apartment WB modern s or bachelor, tives to North | RERFLmEnt ing avaliable mow ore Apely 22 Orchardiew Phone MO 83063 ster § f 40 iid #1 Craydon Road, Apt. 5, Whith; HWONRERN § Rom Rpartment, Rew: wed, close 10 bus and ship end, double drive, private One child welcome BA 448--Rooms For Rent ANE Jorge Pr aes per ed P nl det of pis A lady, centeatly locates. Apply 68 Warinn Avie NOUSEREEFING dat 5% ton pentiemen. Clipse (9 te nd F Phone BA 250% " ily #7 Wiens birest FURNISHED cian worm bedimom lady, prose Rome, Res: |ichawi £. Apply 9 Charles Stegst FWO furnished moms, Kicken snl BOR, SLANE for Re Berson, REE &ERERt. Apiy Bi Chavies plies § 9.0% TWO single rooms, cinse te Dorth Gene £ral Motors, firmishes. Amy 19 Cob borne Sireet East, BA 82146 yilaiie FROM Noses Apartment on Blanet, switalie for couple. Ga- FRie RY miata. Taiephone BA SAR wen PF vale - farge-roomed ppartment, po LL ok om, with FREVIBRT lt , Au we oF se Re -- With private eRtramex, ev § | space, Apply 156 Agnes Brest (FURNISHED Hat Risekeering wn Beverly Steest, bes sop BA 5-185 tor more Whtorination CLEAN, bright double furnished [twin beds; dion single furnished centepl. BA BH402. FURNISHED front bedron Rome, sential, good ns space. Feiephonse BA Fm for erther ir trmation PRIVATE entrance and hath, two fer | pished rooms, avalialie new, parking Convenient 19 Shopping Centra, £ontifie (ous hot water. Telephone BA 59297 |BOUSEREEPING room, alse Able Fhom, furpiehed, meals, laundry, op Eonel, near Shopping Centre. Bus sery iE, PAIKIng. BA 81776 or T1 Gibhons Street w-per duplex, self con FURNISHED FROM , rte thas oh trom South General Motors, A 4 ait Parks available imme. VEERS, PArking space Cad. Ph ? 50 Charles Bivest, south of Goh. | F200 108 move details King East TWO housekeeping rooms, NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, YE partment with bath Apartment building, refrigerator, | T00Faers wanted. Apply paved Farving #2 Park Ro ad Avenue. Telephone KA 37 BA 5-421 SINGLE, furnished bedrooms, housekeeping if desired branes, well heated and comioriabie Witham Street Eas BA 52173 A | rw moms, on Drew Street, sell contained. Apply 902 Oshews Bovlevard FRO. ApRELinEnt, Rass FRINIGETRAE, HavR bas stop, 4s 3 we - nm (large) furpished apart r FON ie wd BpArtment, main private ir water ad and § far ¥i om " AVAILABLE £n Bara hoards f three room Wii -in part ed five minuies wolk home priv Teleihone RA ne pri Bisa in 06 Pacific ght Beparste en ¥WO - bedroom LARGE che Wes erfie id ite, piter 3 p.m THREE ref rls, Table top rangs Fug for sple. 98 Brock © furnished tim tn 98 How FRom apartment cunbinard Pupiate ard Av entrance private self-contained roams and hath, | refrigerator and cupboards, three slove,; w Kitchen sink tainers. BA 55678 Asply #8 Drew Street Fox Ld room apartment. Incinding | South SAVE and relrigerator, Kround oor, HOUSEKEEPING room, private entrance and parking, very cen furnished, very clean irs Telephone BA 56064 for further Abply 328 Athol Street E nlarmation A 34470 UNFURN ; ENISHED three room pant LARGE rant Wwivele hath entr y fale bat fin nce, ad [envy | PUL Ohe OF two gentlemen, breskiast Telephone HA $6108 {optional, or kitchen privileges. 74 Osh Ae awa Boulevard South, RA 60852 ne emiple preferred. | NEW modern two bedroom apartment. | pnle FL BE foune kop el In new apartment hullding, refrigers [TWO large, warm rooms, completely tor, stave, paved parking, One block io furnished for light houscecping, in NICE two apartment for single (school or shopping, $9 5 monthly 7a (eluding electric refrigerator and stove, person. tier y 6; $10 | Monteave | Westmmnt Avenue. RA 86183 {heat, Light and 'continuous bot water, avs 3292 after : = use of washing machine and dryer, of RENFELL Sirest, Mrs Fics, central to downtown and Shopping Din CUEhORrds, Rear Shon [Gen ire, Wd one or two working girls § Centre, Private entrance, conting. | hot walter Parking BRAND new apartment for ent huilding twa ith General Motors, wy (hack door) TWO partly a couple preferred plier 6° p.m ATTRACTIVE five furnished housekeeping Hi o washing machine completely VEIY CRPFR ast. Telephone apartment child apartment, to comioriable furnished w thre No ¢ Also roam dren. Close hed hi room with single beds 81720 4p artment unfurnished i-contained, west-end BACHELOR ground floor, room wie available 7 LARGE two - bedroom apartment, mod ern kitchen, private entrance and hath room, TV outlet, parking, bus at door. | oy Apply 140 Rossland Road East wo and hus a a privileges, rent, In| willing bedrooms, | district $89 month NICE warm mom, housekeeping Private bathroom, sult two to share or couple Apple Hill BA 83814 furnished | oem, va cant, parking, continuous het water, abstainer, Near King and Ritson Road Apply 31 Rowe Street, KA 51365 large unfurnished room, rent 26 Prince Street ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail able in private home. 68 Park Road BACHELOR artment, upstairs, Tor | orth 7 pm RA 8467) comfortable light can couple, lady or gentleman, re: CLEAN, housekeep newly dee |frige; r, stove, T aerial, drapes, | DE room for gentleman, in nice home, VELFIREERLOF, hraadioom, fireplace, close to four central to North Geners) Motors, hus HA B-0028 and hospital, Reasonable, 87/204 hospital, stores, Apply 18 Rigi st, RA 5-085) | Street East apariment, self-con {ROOM for lady W fo 80, kilchen and hath and entrance, ga. Washing privileges, central. RA 86160 couple preferred, imme: | hetween 7 and § pm BA B-6115 [ONE clean yoom furnished, roam apartments, heated, wood |8F herman, hue ol ion, parking, close ta hus, Ap Fark" frofd South, RA & at 76h Bimeoe Street South for further [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, | information i > | able in Jrivate home, 88 Park {UNFURNISHED or furnished (hres. | North, 87 p.m, BA 88671 room apartment, uttities paid, central, Real Estate for Se Telephone RA 8-96 FOUR + voom TE one Bedroom, (sac RIFIO E, nearly new five private enivance, close to downtown, tibyngalow, east of Oshawa, paved parking, adults, 875. Telepione terms, W, MeAuley Realtor, 26 Prince i Yann soil. onh HA B8-0368 for further information | Street. RA 5.2612 or MO 8-5765 ree 007 elf-eo : heavy duty wiring, | APARTMENT building, three FORTE, | S700 FULL wr storey and half ail heating, Suit hus. Washer, aerial, parking, near Shopping home, five room , three piece bath, hot Aanuary 16, ApPIY 81% water, neay school, en highway 18 Phone OL 5-8084 THREE - room hasement apartment, ROOM, completely furnished (LOTS Only twa left, $608 i price furnished. Apply 172 Hibbert Street [apartment TV outlet, tile floors, pris] Earle Allen RA 57738 or RA vate bath, entrange and a rkink 7762, Don Howe Realtor FURNISHED apartment, private hath, water lights included, adults only RA ONE bright, spacious, bed-sitting room heat, light and walter, television out: |g fess let, laundry facilities, garage, abstain with modern furniture in an home, ers only. Ladies preferred elephons THRE E kieran uTniture In clean home RA 3.7055 ed, on William ute th ShOPRIng onire, eniieman Sin 36 Fernhill Blvd. RA § [eq ple, available AX, four room Ag good eon: HA 3-7058 AJ CENTRAL self-contained bachelor dition, 8500 down, total price $6600, Call {RA 8-B536 after 6 p.m apartment, immediate possession, 3 vo bedroom hrick bungalow, five: Arthur Street or RA 5.6184 ar RA 5-7 565 MONTHLY three + roam Apart: place, large lot, Kendatwood Ares L11F ALL with 51500 down, RA &-1 ment, unfurnished, heat, hydro inelud ed. One child weleome, 113 Hero | Drive, Ajax, WH 2 3236 SEVEN room hrick house with recrea: tion room, aluminum storms and screens, paved drive, Good finaneing, asking price 512,500, Call Phyllis Jubb, HA 3.8840. Miller Real Estate, RA 5.2003 WHITBY bungalow, three bedrooms, oll earner lot, owner, 8-617. $0 FULL down payment six-room brik bungalow, halance on one NHA mortgage, monthly payments of $60 Including interest and principal, Call Irwin. Cruikshanks, RA #5183 after hours, Call RA 8.5205. Lioyd Realty, Oshawa Limited HARMONY Heights, three modern rangh bungalow, many extras, now reduced owner transferred, must sell HA 8-466 SEVEN room, two storey brick, 228 Beatty Avenue, large garden, grounds fruit trees, garage, $1500 down, full price $10,700, easy monthly payments Immediate possession, Call § Macke Rewtlor, RA 8:4661 or Jack Sheriff, RA 3.3775, NEW five-room brick bungalow for sale, reasanahle price at 467 Dean Ave enue, Apply 520 Lorraine Street, NHA Six per cent, Three bedroom brick bungalow 170 #1. frontage in Brooklin subdivision, Will accept ear as down payment, Telephone OL 53180. THREE bedroom nicely decorated bungalow in new subdivision, near G south plant. Gas heat, divided bases ment, flower and vegetable gardens, One hlaek to public and separate schools and playground, Low dows pavinent, One Six per cent mortgage. Private. RA #6420 MODERN three-bedroom brick bun. galaw, air-conditioned oll heating, oak and tlle floors, newly decorated, ee ment Dock garage, paved driveway, 538. furnished, tral lose Street fig | aparty 19 near RA ground floor, | § NE I RNISHE two + room apartment, ean Vannes refrigerator and Mave RA 5.8704 for Very centeal, parking, RA 5-5 room apartment unfurnish I Motor f areh, een tov i ref re HA 8 rem apartment range. Ver cen Apply 183 Huron FOUR - room ap ent, private entrance, all A Telephone ed rh ces able na adults, Five Gener further THREE ed, large 869 monthly i couple B-6434 THIRFE arated slove NEW modern ment, in new frigeral ww and minutes wi $89 monthly, 858 0674 VE close to 4 in s plant and down town, gerator if desired. Tele 2185 ONE apartment, able front § hydro included prefered. Telephone room kitchen phone room apartment made ¥ parking. Teleph pubudigugs Elgin Ea THREE bedroom apartment buildin slave, paved parking, tained k to General Motors, | rae Malaga Road, RA diate apart | ve two room private working possession, sult one vy door, i room. self-contained apart: | ei ment, private entrance, stove, vefrig:| erator, washing machine heat and [light supplied. Only reliable tenants \with veferences, available immediate ly, Apply 71 La Salle Street, Monday | to Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, RA 8-0825, | SECOND biock from Shopping Centre four rooms and private hath, parking 112 Stevenson Road North | ATTRACTIVE tained apartment, automatic washer, |iness couple. 865 | RA #0703 alter § avail Hoad Available February 1 | Centre, availal | Stevenson South gy § unfurnish for Telephone voom apartment, Street, suitable February 1 4-ROOM APARTMENT LOWER DUPLEX North Mary Available February MONTH FREE RENT RA 8-2418 | - ADELAIDE TERRACE APARTMENT 329 Adelaide W., New Mad- ern Apartment; luxurious 2- that Street full price 810,000, bedroom suites, broadleomed ind Mohawk throughout, drapes, stove and refrigerator; all-channel TV, laundry facilities and parking, Immediate posses: sion. See Apartment 2 In well kept building provide 1, Lots of cupboard space 2. Modern kitchen 3, Excellent floor plan 4, Balcony 5. Paved parking 6. Complete laundry facilities 7. Central location PLEASE PHONE MQ 8-4770 APARTMENTS 2.bedroom apartments, near Shopping Centre, electrically equipped, Available Feb, 1st, 213 MONTRAVE AVE, APT, 8 hedroom stone front, in price, § Macke OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator . service, New building. Centrally los cated in downtown area Moderate rent. Leases now available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L, WILSON PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST, DISTRICT) residential street, 2-bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, Quiet, | bus, available now, Telephone RA 54235. 4.90 to 8 pm | Member | INTARIO MORTGAG BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for ONT ) MORTGAGE | EAT talking strain. Apply Mrs Thursday from | ta 6 pm Two { BROKERS' ASSOC Broad. 114 Elgin Street Bast 15 BOND ST, E | hungalow REGISTERED retrie Lah | [19---Personal [BRGISTRAED fold reiriaver Labia 37--Male Help Wanted | WANTED - Black Gald Tucker; dame, Sweet Sun houiidd Exhibition sot, HA 83308 PERMANENT position for BOWMANVILLE {RA 82303 men wha need finang acuity treet. Will decorate twa SAMOYED + Far a few selected men we offer spe Free parking, low rent year « okl solid brick six-roam newly decorated, all conven I, Lamson, Real Estate, RA gold ride ta Canadian National arriving 8 a.m, Telephone Opening al = heated store, main to sult tenant, | Walker, 63 King 5096 white Tele three all weeks old puppies eight at aired plirchire¢ A lal training at company expense with West, Apt. 7. MArket 3 Rhane O1 Advancement in four x nth _ |advang our to six mo {Earnings up ta $525 per wonth BOWMANVILLE and neat appearance a necessity For ruary 1. Heated Sit and hathroam |26~Farmer's Column | nlerview, teleph p MOhawk HOA. | DEAD farm stack picked up promplly. | ooo CRANE t0hawk 8-083, (000 Mk. MA 3 {Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.3721. | PAH time salesmen required to sell | K 4A 'West, Bowmanville { Ma | arm, Tyvione oriptio: Toronto newspa | largwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Liberal Ne Abhlieanta art [STORE or office for vent. Reasonable. | SELL vaur Heat, light included, central. Apply 26 Prince Street vo selling experience with an Oshawa NEWLY 4 Free rent to Feb three rooms, kitchen. | washer, electrie 006, Apt. 7 or 463 Removal of superfluous hair | | | Marie Murduff will be in | 31st and Feb sions cash Ad er foals Times for fast Oshawa, J Classitied 1st, Phone Gen these dates for appointment 0---Cartage 3-Y WANTED in stack 27 --Fuel & Wood DRY hardwood ends stove vered in door RA 3.9652 RA 3mm SALES bo WELL quire ressive representat voek Wn plumbing and heating in bales ar Must have 'sales ability of age giving due Oshawa Times PARTY have HA sha H a Hotel on roam house 225 Oshawa 54043 ated six ¢ monthly. Apply Narth or telephone RA tility ve ta' eall eantract aver 25 years car. Please ve us toe to representative local re started pigs for sale, 10 to valid RA 8.8820 € r i Al A$ 2 Telephone Blvd JOHN 5 Moving Storage, Oshawa hithy i R rates. Fully equip ped and and insured. Phone RA 8 366) Tele wheat hone \W MO 84692 evenings \adel lars status 4,900 SQUARE FEET PLUS OFFICES ON SECOND FLOOR light industry or storage Call ALGOMA RA 5-4612 44A---Apts. & Flats For Rent GROUND floo laundry room, parking, perience Box S18 [21--Personal Service NEW YEAR TUNE.UP ONLY $3.95 Regular $6.5( and jubricate Must Call time jewelry previous bench 33871 between repair ex; erience and 6 pom experience suitable far fur man fireplaces, ete. $3 large Phone HA 80818 FIREPLACE OWNERS A 1: aple L$ ammission ApH Deliver ¢ St, W Ld. 2a PHONE 3.7195 TURN storage goo fast cash igo Advertise them for al in the quic AFTER § PM ances load del 4 For Estate salesman Must be active and have Apply in person to RR Vickery tate, 46 King Street West SALESMAN REAL CRESArY a values Oshawa i racts Ay ta sell fuel oil ¢ n Gasalin ¢ Perry SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO STREE RA 5:5443 four - roam apartment private bath and en factign Oshawa Times' Classified Ads. | trance, 163 Verdun Read, RA ICall' RA 3-340 now 10 place your ad, [3.3086 RA SOLVE merchandise fast-action Oshawa Times Classified Ads. Call now RA 3302 for special husiness rates drapes, Rents parking, ete from $90 problems with Phone RA 3-3474 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Excellent location. New build: ing, with or without lease LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern and room apaftments, $85 and a up, best location, Telephone RA 8-8676 | Ee em - ~ [WARM {able for | housekeep [a-5683, [CENTRAL \ n monthly, FOR REAL ESTATE PHONE DON SMITH Business RA 8.6228 Res RA 8.4879 Member O.D.R.E.§ TWO BUNGALOWS One with clay brick screens wo double Kitchen other extras, priced to $10,400 and T E RA 5-5787 APARTMENTS to | electrically equipped. One large, and one small, or information call== RA 5-3815 or RA 8-6485 [44B-- Rooms For Rent [FURNISHED bedroom with kitchenette Adults, please, Central location. Park facilities. Apply 235 King Street] two bed { | PHON RA 5.7272 ot one large hotonlates and refrigerators stop, Simcoe Street North, op | Jackson Apartments. RA 8.6825. | single beds, suit to share Also Nght! § if desired, central. RA Celina Street | room alse bed siting roams, built in| attached storms garage, and doors, many posite large roam wa 2 storm 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AT BUS STOP ¢ : gy ette, senarate pathioam gentlemen 134 SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Elgin East. RA 3 ! COMPLETELY with ve table to an ® January Street East sinks. elean single sell at $10,90¢ MORTGAGE [6] MO 8-5366 furnished, housekeep CASH sink refrigerator and one gentleman. Avail Apply 37 Athol efr parking "RA 5. 3302 ing roam y A | 11