Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FUR TUUATY The person who never worries, BAAS to the Worries oF ARES, VOL, 90--Mo, 15 Price bot Over 16 Cents Por Lowy 4 VIRE-RAVAGED HOME ( Fire Destroys Home On Stevenson Road He has not IN STEVENSON ROAD SOI of the tahlished ald the fire yel heen ¢ tablish CRUSE hall neighhorin Arig there i i Adela mn A Ing hungalow undetermined Wednesday afternoon gutled six-room insul brick ran to a on Btevenson road south, caus Bhe left her ing an estimated $6000 damage phone off the hook when she and leaving a family out of the house homeless The fire | Mrs. Ernest Parker 166 tionist said she th Blevenson road ran crackling of flame the y through thick smoke and flames "phone, hut could not direct the "gre family ese aped from the Wednesday afternoon to rescue waiting firemen to the scene of yoning home in zero weather her youngest son, Barry, 3, who the blaze. A second 'phone eall "ayes" Bieinoff had got up to was standing frightened in a had firefighters on Ie puenare the formula for Deb hall soene orah, aged two months, when Ernest Parker, 85, owner the fire, Bhe she diseavered § 1 Te Ontario Sal A om, n | and Kath {| roused hep: hushand plant here, whan the fire started. the scene she "kept hollering ang Beenie arine, 6, Sandra, 4 The other children, five hoys|for Barry to come to me, hut he \ p and two girls were away atl wouldn't He just stond there Damage was set at $4500 school so 1 went in after him : Firemen battled the blaze for. TAWAS CITY, Mich DELAYED ALARM approximately an hour and a Four children died today in a Mrs, Parker, when she notice: half, but were unable tn quell fire that swept farm home ed the fire around § p.m. called the flames until the interior had near this eastern Michigan town the Oshawa Fire Department. heen completely gutted on Lake Huron Fire Department officials sald Fire Chief H. KH. Hohbs hen 1 med nen ond mis 1s son wo Dymond Opens Hospital Wing the outhreak and damage 1o the contents The frightened housewife said would he around $2000 PETERBOROUGH (CP) Health Minister Dymond said Harbor Strikers [iii bind vo Tie Up Railways 80 comfortable thal patient NEW YORK (AM) Biriking een tn helieve they may as vell take a rest cure rather than harbor craft worker up al already picket line outside Pennsylvania | eammutel he discharged in the harhor Dr, Dymond officially opened Station today in an attempt to extend thelr ma rallvond| 106.000 Peterborough Civie Hospital York 81,952,000 Hutchison add metro ing 19 heds to the RS { politan area hed building tieup to the largest carrier n't the United States I'he total The New Haven Railroad shut the New down most of its operations the Ne He said What amazes me is thal w H the § 45 a 10.000 on PAL With all the advances made Wednesday night==the fate that rode befell the New Yark Central twee hy mode day P p 10.000 wha MY Me lern-da patient are staying longer hospital Torsey Tuesday Pickets also marched today at he n railroad terminals in than ever the Pennsylvania Railroad Now and Manhattan I'he new wing is named after SOIViee stopped' when Di fohn Hutchison, pioneer vast Sunnyside yard in Queen where tongdistance and com he tarted in a contract Goctor in Peterhoraugh who died muter trains are assembled of typhus 1847 \ spokesman for the Pennsyl vania said the picketing at Penn station prabably would have no immediate effect on train sched ules, But he said the Sunny pickets might interfere train make-up aperations Pioketing in the 10-day hy H64 crew: members hapts and ferryboats of Fire ol a connection to the fire 0 she CHESLEY (CP)=The young est child awaking for her regu "lar bottle have saved the lives of a young Chesley couple Ir. and Mi William SBteinoff and their four ehildren early lo fd home own lel niagy of department could hea of south over soon nl LING Per {old reporters a The house was destroyed (AP) a sald in po f roads that operate il tranded the lersey-Cannecticul has A wing in New AXISLINE Ww sive le inoludes 40.006 an pr York Central Haven and ratlroad ferryhoats clence mn Ww ferry hoat the strike dispute Great-Hearted in ike wit strik fue rat YORK (AP) hoamas Doaley, lion-hearted young doc tor wha battled disease in the Laos Jungle even when he him elf hecame ravaged hy cancer died in his sleep Wednesday night at Memorial Hospital Death after his of NEW Police Question Boy About Death SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont (CP)=Palice are questioning 13: vear-ald iv with the fatal shooting day of Robert Allan 1] Robert was found dead 4:50 pom, al his home in Taren tarus Township, a Soa subdivi stom, by his mother, Mrs. Keng MacLean Coroner Dr. W wel weliminary showed he came. just one day 14th birthday hrought to the hospi hrace insisted his on and Dooley tal Det fram shouldey going his a wearing ta hips to continue iron maiden" gel around added to quit, | to guide and lead until my hack, my blood and my hones hay a connection Weodne Maclean he Was if abled him to acleristically work hot cha | vill continue \ ho A net going i m\ pals . hrain, my I. Sully examination had been About seven Himes with a calibre vifle. An autopsy be vwerformed today The ather bay was held over night by Palice Chief Allard CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 3.1183 FIRE DEPT, RA M6371 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 dedication | light the ling hay shit andes hos 4 the of teged nd An Was to VOArS ago while he was a doctor SAW REFUGEES At the end of the war in Indo china, his ship aided In evacua tion of refugees from Commu nist Narth Viet Nam Seeing and feeling hi hundred hahita bR Dooley TOM DOOLEY Harald role a best book, Deliver Us From Evil used the hoak's proceeds supplies donated hy pharma the ceutical © firms 0 return to Lao vith thy farmer navy and 11] \ elling He and a wm Doirke on. BACK TO US Dov wall bound org and & burning | n After leaving the navy in 1956 sw d in Mey hospital ave 107 18) first the o Loses Cancer Battle dhe Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 196) Stevenson Warns U.S. Of Rebufis AS PY ENSON Adlai amhas Nations that the Fin in re ind disappointments in including the ultimate d China » HINGTON { P designated gsador to the United warned Wednesday United Biales may huffs the 1 admi The enson Senate mitiee nomination ion of Re Bey hy the com his prediction came as yered question foreign hich an finns woved rel ™ Course Ordered For Dentists All iin afle take month post-graduate course he they can administer 8 gen one of many ident-elect Ken idministration commities on Blevenson of Pre neommg memhe nedy's who paraded rooms fo their nomination The da approval cabinet Dean Risk Douglas Dillon, secrelar reas hrah secretary of health, education and welfare; and Luther H Hodges, secretary of commerce Their formal nominations however, will not reach the Sen ate until Friday, Senate voles on the nominations are expecied Baturda) Stevenson attracled the mo attention as he testified for 24 hours He said he thought it was n yenate hearing commitiee nated Alison of member au four de (op dentist thi iE TORONTO aduatin late of the nicolt of eorelp) ear will have to an am it fore A hoard College eral anaesthetic, says member of the Royal of Dental Surgeons Dr. James Purves of the Uni versity of Toronto dental faculty sald Wednesday a new ruling will eliminate the course on anaesthetics from the currieu tum highly optimistic to believe that He added that ne graduate Communist China's admission to has enrolled in the post-grad: the UN would pave the way for uate course since it was offered international settlements in the last (all Far Kast ks Railroad Union Chief May Quit MONTREAL (CF) Angered hy union criticism of his role in conducting the wage dispute he tween Canada's railways and their 11000 non-operating em ployees, chief union negotiator Frank H, Hall plans to submit his resignation next week, usu ally reliable union sources say Mr, Hall, who has led the non aps in thelr negotiations with the railways since 1047, will offer his resignation to the 1h unions' general conference committee when It meets In Montreal, Jan. 24, the sources Asked to comment on the res Mr, Hall said Anything I have to on matter will be said to the conference committee meet next week I'he 100 + member cammitiee composed of the top officers of FRANK HALL the unions representing the non meeting to ratify the strike called for Dee, 3 wa trike date set last lawyed hy emergency the joint negotiating legislation after a nation-wide! The legislation which pre vented the strike expires May {1 i, the day before the new strike dale It was the cammittee's decision voiced hy Chairman Hall=to ahey the law, "even when the law is an ass, which has apparently heen the target of most intra-union oriielsm Threat Seen To Choice In Reading OTTAWA port SAY thi general when they out aps, Is federal May 14 month hy cammities Doctor jomt negotiating government, Then 1 was back to the United States tn raise more funds. He lee tured and appeared on TV Dooley raised mare money with another best-seller, The Hdge of Tamorrow, and ve turned to Laos to establish an other hospital. It soon was han dling 100 patients a day It was back again to the United States for more lectures and fund-raising In 1959 a award Dooley msurance firm went hospital in Kenva, But that same year he learned that a tumor on his chest was malig nant. A New York aperation was termed successful and he went hack overseas REALLY OLDER Even though told by doctors his cancer was arveste he remarked to reporters that his type of cancer was the fast growing Kind, but added I figure that what crammed inte my life me really fi He managed 1a get plane and flew hack and forth directing the haspital An ad nittedly avid fund-raiser, he deseribed himself A Laotian (CI I'he vindical Press Association today that Canadian oF dangering vather than aiding their freedom of choice when they demand completely un restricted civeulation of foreign magazines I'he arg $10,000 annual received from an to another Pe sad ar socinlion Humbey m represents a of Canadian oon ANd busing I made it ration through its ( I Laurin of Tw nm rebuttal submiss the royal on publications Mr. Laurin nesses wha the cammi something help ( have ¢ umer na rad new VER INng ane journal ded ident pre anto \ ion ) cammi on have makes | sald many wit have came hefore sion have id that hould be done 10 his own ana \ hen faal attitndd h Wi as he . \ harm and, 1) 10 tne, Just stealing far his and other hospi hw 0 Win |] with the fe aw af Hon In {United States mam me x hit tals the TWean Lanada ang 1 | Campos Mainly sunny and continuing eid on Friday, with light winds, Fost Gthes Department, Aoprariiad ge Second Clg MWe TWENTY EIGHT PAGES hd asked place Soviet citizens in st least MW key posts and promote other Russians now on the UN staff quarters by Times correspond ent Soviet ( communication listing the grade and FATHER CHARGED | found in the debris of the Vos burgh home following an ear lymorning fire Dec, 29 Bweetshurgh 1s 45 miles south eas! of Montreal (CP Wirephoto) Abel Yoshurgh, 63, 1s escort his ar ed hy Jail guard for ralgnment on charges of mur dering his wife and 11 of their 16 children, The bodies were Castro Grabs Base Dollars HAVANA (AP) «= Fidel Gass veried into a propaganda outlet tro s cabinet needled the United for the state department ftates today with a series of noon 000 Cuban nationals new decrees work at the hase and almost all In a session lasting until after of them live outside, In 1068, the midnight, the cabinet last year for which records are 1. Ordered all Cubans and for: available, they were paid nearly leigners employed on the U.K, 87,000,000 in wages, In addition 'naval hase al Guantanamo and the base in 1068 hought $1,500 living outside the hase to get 000,000 worth of Cuban produce special work permits from the and other goods Cuban government The new la © indicated that 2, Ordered all other persons one aim of the regime was (0 entering the hase-=meaning Cu. get its hands on all dollars paid {hans trading with it==to get spe- by the base to Cubans celal permits | INAUGURATION Hoopla, {the Spanish-American War mon ument In Havana 4. Decreed Cuban eitizenship {for Laura Menses de Albizu wife of a Puerto Rican (nationalist leader imprisoned hy the United States for urging {the averthrow of the U8, goy ernment h Decreed Cuban citizenship for Juan Jaarhes another, ASHINGTON Puerto Rican nationalist leader {huskies are ready, 80 are fi, Ordered dissolution of the 21 mules. the burre. the Cuban-American Cultural Insti the twa horse ambulances tute, charging it has heen con cowhovs and mountaineers dign buglers and Chinese drummers and the (Increased Share | heauties in pink tights for good weather For Auto Imports | Supercharged with a mixture of Hollywood hoopla and Roman OTTAWA (CP) == British and! ritual, the massed array of hu Furopean imports took a larger man and animal talent costing share of Canadian car and truck several millions of dollars has sales during the first 11 months finally heen gathered and made of 1060 ready for that earth-shaking me A repart hy the Dominion Bu- ment in American life the reau of Statistios today said to: crowning of a new president tal sales for the period were Americans tend to snicker al 186,412 new units, up 2.5 per cent. Europe's tradition of pomp and from the same 11 months of ceremony, But when it comes 10 1950 a presidential inauguration, it British and Furopean vehicles hears na equal in the Western accounted for 124.742 units, an world, And organizers say that imoerease of 9.2 per cent fram fram sheer brilliance of display the comparable period in 1980, (the John Kennedy inauguration Shotgun Killing Campus Mystery (AP)=An pressed to (CP)==The 10 the lion the In girl southern All pray ripped away part of Parkinson's jaw and blasted out a window behind him, The student writhed on the floor with a gaping hale in his back, He died later in hospital, Two emply 13-gauge| shotgun shells were ejected onto! the floor 'wo professors in a nearby of fice, Brendan O'Hehir and Ralph W. Radai, hurried into the corris| dor, The slayer ran toward them brandishing the shotgun 'Outta the way he said grimly ar I'l kill yeu He darted past them and fled Another 1 nog Lis h professor Garde 1D. Stout, caught glimpse of the gunman as he ran past a corridor poster ad vertising a French Quaker film entitled: We ave all Murderers. i nevey the man before stout told polices Relatives of the Were al a loss far any possible motive for he shootings HERKELEY hunt Call mntensive day foy gunman with bushy blonde hair wha Killed a heilliant University of California saduate student and wounded an English professor late Wed nesday Fatally wounded hy a off shotgun hilast in the haek was Stephen Mann Thomas, 29 v member of a pioneer ranching family at Ukiah, Calif He an assistant 10 ro fessor Thomas F. Parkinson, 40 who was. shot in the face as he arose fram his desk in his ser ond-floar office in Dwinelle Hall Parkinson and Thomas had conference after classes Was a stocky sawed VAN heen In The younger man's hack ihe LiL Was a OY SAW | Ww when th wna \ Wl i he WHRIN double ed 10 with Viclims fd weapon Birdshot fram the second blast barvelie For President SOVIET BID MADE FOR KEY UN JOBS Secretary Gets Detailed Lists NEW YORK in top posts. They headed their York Times ist with a request for two addi the tional posts of the rank of under: secretary, the next level below Hammarskjold The Russians now have one undersecretary, Georgy Arka ¥ 4 dey, in charge of political and Kathleen Teltsch sa the Becurity Council affairs. Three Union sent Becrelary-| Americans hold that rank or is Dag Hammarskiold » equivalent Ralph Bunche, Hammarsjold's trouble shooter Andrew Cordier, adviser to the secretary - general, and David Vaughan, director of general BETYICES "Miss Tellsch says Western circles at the UN linked the Russian demand with recent ef forts hy Premier Khrushchev to (replace Hammarskjold by a triumvirate representing the Western, Soviet and neutral blocs . The Soviet memorandum in Hammarsjold said 210 new posts are expected to he available in 1961 and that 141 others will be On Census Supported {vacated by retirement, It said y at least 50 of these posts should QUEBEC (CP)--Quehec's leg: go to Boviel eltizens, islative a s 5 ¢ m hly Wednesday night supported French-speak ing Canada's protests shout the 1961 Dominion census Jean-Claude Plourde (L~Robh erval) urged French-Canadigns to give their ethnic origin as "Negro" if the words "Cana dian" and "United States' are not struck from the printed list of possible answers (0 A census question on ethnic origin, | He had seconded a motion that the provincial government ask the federal government to drop the words from the New has 19 (AP) SAYS United The Russia Nations A dispatch from UN head energl each " number of wanis ' The Russians long have com plained that allocation of | jobs is stacked in favor of the West, with Loo many Amerncans Protests post ) N 'Protection Asked For Lumumba ELISABRTHVILLE (AP) = The UN command sald indny Patrice Tumumba's transfer to ob Tia Katanga jail is an internal i CONUS: | Conga matter, hut It appealed The motion passed UNAR (y acai authorities to place the mously, 75 fo 0 deposed premier under Red The federal government said Cross protection this year that al the 1051 census, A UN spokesman sald lan #0 many Canadians gave "Ca: Rerendsen of New Zealand, the nadian" as their ethnie origin=|UN eivilian representative in that year it was not printed on Katanga, called on provineisl the census but was accepled as| President Moise Tshbmbe and an answer and could he written (old him "The UN realizes that in by the taker-=that this year Lumumba's transfer to Katanga the government decided to print; is an. internal affair of The the word, at the top of the list.|Congo."" his talk "But Berendsen in with Tshombe advised him ta {contact the International Red {Cross to ensure that Lumumba was well treated," the spokes: man said Tshombe took foreign corres pondents to task for reporting that Lumumba and twa politi: eal associates transferred with him had heen severely as saulted, He denied the reports However, Swedish officers at the airport when Lumumba monies came in told reporters he had Every shape and variety of heen badly heaten up. Swedish American talent will he jammed sentries who were nearby cons into that huge, splashy street firmed this parade that follows the Friday! Lumumba now is in jail at noontime Kennedy swearing-in Jadotville, 65 miles from Elisa ceremonies hethville, Congo President Jo. In the ceremony goes a touch seph Kasavubu ordered his of Yankee shrewdness the transfer from the Thysville provision of entertainment at a army camp near Leopoldville price to keep Washington merch: after the deposed premier last ants happy and replenish the| weekend got "free for a few Democratic party's empty hours Lreasury | (A Reuters Leopoldville diss Highest is the §100-a-seat Hol: pateh said an 11.-man UN eons lywood extravaganza to be oiliation commission set out to. staged hy Frank Sinatra tonight. day to see Lumumba, Ritual will surpass all similar cere ha *- A Na HOLIDAY'S OVER wife | Beach, Fla. She and her huss the President-elect, puts | hand will take part in last gloved hand 10 her haiv as | vounds of festivities before she arrives at National Aly Friday's inauguration port after flight from Palm «(AP Wirephoto) Mys. Jahn F. Kennedy 0

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