OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Top Luce Soccer Talent Puts Up Spirited Display WW. MANTYRE Woow spur ial bondon, Kuddind { ariesponfen ¥ Fo The Oshavwn Times $4100 Jac RT £) VICTORY STRING Rjax Makes It 11 Wins At Lumberkings' Expense Frida Luymberkin place A) 1eLarie J irigl Bas fram hehind fram the Lan CAY'S TAK nie La five LEAD High (OREN Jim faster Harold Te n If 1§-4K Hill, Gap Bibheay the icon nel manvitl iI he Len Bill Jepma and Si NE HLL wa 4 11602, Russ Lane 1160 ided a doen 4 i 44 J 168, Dy. H, } them to keep Ca Jack Bopd 1114 Brock 102 and George AJAX GO Al AD hell, | 1066 The w» { | | 4 | f te With third quarter | [BLES I Bt Hal I 14 paint lead Ped Piniro ki, To Ebrick and Hi Dag hot Alax into their lead with | Lions Win First For St. Gregory's Bt. LVegn at the VETEsENLA Bow Hn ie Behe Karl Hundell Elton Piper ner nu naling trong eontender Oshawa, Whithw should contingent of pin fallowey invading Peterhorough when the Zone Fliminations are rolled in Feb FUary inne ueh I oming from ind Bo he quite the ng Ca manville, there a large five h GERTHUDE'S NT vin Tue {41 against Ho I Ni LL} hh first vietar ip Pull game with tour Lions. Allan Ha the second go Cros fom point In the first perio eared 8 goal Hryant's nal | i | ell Hadar he anly Holy Cro seeand period on ! { { " Chapman. The Li \ z fine defensive ame to TY their first vietary th TIGERS AT, JOHN'S In the ini l i y's Tiger etary aver the rng MARY'S Cre | put up a #1 Mi nen lin thi Chapman h WINTER anf hres oand ti just a few hours turned 1 from your door LL aL ecand . Mike hoanan was | Olu bat than Visit Muskoka, lahn's forward In Haliburton, Pleau who game fo assisted Eastern Trundlers Qualify Locally ni AROS OF FINK laved a the Tiger 11] th Georgian Bay ar any of Ontario's resort Areas and enjoy winter sports tor every carefree mood. You some of Canada's Of 108 skate on LOhOgEan he Esta Round af the BPAG | ion Eastern Canada Cha our SHIR wa nei | at v in Matar City Lav SNOWENO 3 peg hy Rowl, Whithy and Liber hd a ve a ¢ ar fish throug! } ') Bawmanville 0 leaguer i wi d Oshawa fran the te well represented in Elimination Round- w he held in Peterbaroneh or hefare February 13, 106) Matar City Lane hawlers and same Hing was served up hy qualifiers in the five game the hlock which was ratled h th Frank Zarowny was to \ | y German has with 138 for his fy \ vi nh af the GM soare and this 1s na ¥ \ n league, finished as Frank was one of the tap vith & nice 1913 sc and maler bawlers a fon } b friends lo hack but now confines hi nd should da in league bowling ta th M atari City Men's Stare League | war Oty is one af Oshawa's ty Second place was cape "Bud Morey h 10 | tahin Bud alse has had some 5 Na : SRA league oxporion hog! MAL ty present he is a member af 1 war Duplate League regery 1168. Jim Hard he third spel went ta Bob | Ron Jay L144. Fred Gallagher who was a member af 1143. Reg Hickey 1142 the 1980 AllCanadian M H I, R hte Championship «¢ the title was 1318 lohn Fa with 1268 and th # slong contender § STS BIR ES hobsled. f "an now for a week ana erre md or vacation of healthful hth went tn three members th han ner eluh gqualified 38 John Hreiea 1218 Ossie Keeler neat trund and Hank Sarnovsky 1813 the tap Hank wa 150 4 member af IM Canadian Champion nd eg family tun. Ontario offers vou good hotels, motels and many restaurants serving just the fy J 1213 A food you like te eal. Boos nomieal, toa! | A \a Ne LL FREE! Balan Dest @ TO nd Peay WE Ruban! bois Tow Deine are AY well Lanes Davies wu falda hating Onley Vel and wine L163 Harding | Don | (BRE wit | mh which w Hoh M } Ray Neshitt Bal i \ x \3 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY wm Cal wan Mover bh balan, Wisi MH; MEASTIINS Fog wu WAES © i289 7 CLOna Fil sion, bi ae BrP if Brighton FIGHTEST BACH the th i oy y & Lights ri } [ Lon ang Creve foathall 4 $i ' | close enow io have # HHA Mine ed th leg players who ik non the will that there » \Oshawa Lads Score Win In Bantam Play Free Wy the three-game formance of Glen Elbo HR ERE [Fh EEBAEIOR Wik this Frm mary ite Bam ams 4 , p i the Ciidren s Aine E > edicen'd Fe ¥ Yo 5 of § fa 4 be. oy REIRNA rns Wien --_ fhm; ( F wie pie Makoraw i And Deve ciaigen the Hher wo frenige B sid Boh Foesey SEGTER fiw the ing # £5 By Ihe AR ETE fend. rif The (RRgHE ET gre Mey wilh nel budge on the ¢ gin and transler con ERAS IR # nels & hor Wm mia PE Len NG £6 gs fara Murtie REMEMBER WHEN? , , By THE CANADIAN PRESS US women 77 PAF iri 4h rythong As dla istry of WREY. 55 KX WIN WHA EE TRETE WIE Te VIE BEELA BOWMABVILLE Arles Pork Hughes wish Fe ' on A We gre with & viedge of full HRIGREL RIA REY WISH NEYETE ABY ERIES yea win Aes wi i he Sectaren i have heen! | and mace FEC have wm ERATR IRIN hey min AE Hs ly mlieng #8. defeat ai with Kirhy by tw REE 16 THEY TREN: hesiia kK still confident 18 hale strike on Miss Kirby Aine Kirin hie SEY ETE} en they hs. Bit | sm I he no Ean Jan. 2) very worst, i « wil Fah hi stoned 16 round of the | me for further talks o i The allow er-par 74 J] Maloraw, Berne Waits, | anek Sution ond Iharsdey, Jongory 19, 196% Img Goma As |imes fai wife Edkinenn, Kio Bits Vaiom, (ey 9 frie 4 RII ada Yom Wison #e8 211 Kemp. Scones, Jim Shaw K. THOMAS FOUNDRY SUPERINTENDENT SALARY OPEN Mad rev mes Wn sanhidenss Foss pid By sr SPIRIT +» EROS JK. Thomas Industrial psychology |. 1261 Yonge BL sreculive placement "1s Toronto 7, Ont Westinghouse SPOUTLESS DC . COFFEE MAKER The autematic coffee maker with many ether uses fen In #® Boils wale i" 1s ® Makes ¢ Reg, 2095 * Rapid bol baile NOW ONLY ~ $13.99 ks eggs takles \ SCRUBS, WAXES, POLISHES and BUFFS YOUR FLOORS AUTOMATICALLY FLOOR AUNbeam convimonen COMPLETE * : pelishing rushes - th » : serubbing @ pads ® 1 bulfing pads # Aulametic liguid dispenser eptien® Reg, 39.95 $32.95 SR FATAL BL PRICE SLASHED ON THIS _PHILCO FREEZER A COMPACT MODEL WITH BIG CAPACITY tares 294 Ibs, of frozen fod wit 0 f ¢ space ol 5.12290 INOW ONLY EkbY "mm TERMS PRACTICALLY PAYS FOR ITSELF IN FOOD COSY SAVINGS ) ONECK THESE FIRESTONE PRICE LEADERS Polune 10 eu, I, FAMILY SIZE Virestone REFRIGE [ang | Farfect size far mast familie Helds 54 ths. of frozen fond bai EASY BUDGET TERMS Qur annual year end clearance of 1960 merchandise and one-of-g king\items at drastic reductions, PHILCO LOW-BOY 21" TV Special 199% with maximum rade ji i ft \ ® "Mastercralt" cabinetry #® Convenient top tuning ® Buin antenng ® Full pawer lranslermer ® "Qut-frant" sound Model 47-938 SAVE 5100-00 30" Features olectric RANGE camplete aulemalic spak: ing, pre-heat even, Calrod elements, 4 utility mutlets, pilet lights S198 or = NOW ONLY NO TRADE REQUIRED FIRESTONE VACUUM SLIANIR Firestone GUARANTEED Ay os fram $ reg 59, hi Lifetime all Wes! body, haked-an enamel finish, samplete with handy accessories jos Fionatons * CASH * CHARGE * BUDGET * LAY.AWAY * REVOLVING CREDIT FIRESTONE Ne WASHER $1.49 VALUE FREE WITH 2 GALS. 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