2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jonwery 19, 1981 OCH AUXILIARY RECOGNIZES FIRST PAST PRESIDENT | the death of the first presi- president's pin, the first to be | dent, Mrs, BK, 8, Mclaughlin who held office for over recedent was created in | C.D, Russell received a past: story of the Women's Oshawa General when Mrs A the Auxiliary Hospital recently GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES PMA CLUB Refreshments were served by The regular meeting of the Mrs, RB, G, Collison and Mrs Pleasant Monday Afternoon Duncan Nishet Club was opened by the presi Russell was | following | Mrs president awarded elected years sell is active Russell ceiving RW n this way Mrs the auxiliary's past president I5 seen, centre the pin from Bassett Rus first Mrs rer Mrs 4 |Many Hostesses 'For Miss Elaine Miss Margaret Elaine Rich ards whose marmage 0 Mr {David John Nichols, will take iplace in Novthminster United {Chusrch, on Saturday afternoon, January 71, has been feted at |seversl prenuptial events | Mrs. Ivan Richards, Oshawa her daughter at & troussenn 16a last Saturday afternoon and evening. To receive Mrs, Rich ards wore an afternoon dress of mauve flowered satin on white with # corsage of mauve cama. tions, The mother of the pros pective bridegroom, Mrs, Hugh Anderson, chose ice blue satin brocade and a corsage of white carnations, The future bride was wearing & dress of gar denia white lace and silk or ganza over silk faille with a turquoise carnation corsage Opening the door and in charge of the guest hook was Miss Lois Parker. Pouring lea iin the afternoon were Mrs {Newton Fdgar and Mrs, George {Durno, and in the evening Mrs EF. R. Smith and Mrs, George Sugden. Berving in the after noon were Mrs, Larry Mathison Mrs, Ronald Rich of Brooklin ley Battam, of Leskard, tario, and in the evening, Mrs Robert Eagleson, Mrs, Albert Gilbert and Mrs, Ronald Rich. ards, In the room containing the future bride's trouseeay was Miss Marilyn Jackson, and in charge of the shower and wed: ding gifts were Miss Mary Mathison and Miss Sandra ™enpasiyforbinnboothingandl/y BS BS BB BD BD OD OBO POOPIE BED Oshawa Times Photo [Clark ards of Oshawa and Mrs, Con-| On. 7 Entertain Richards Also entertaining were Mis; Mary Mathison and Mrs. Ron #ld Richards who were eohost- esses at a family miscellaneous shower at the latter's home Etna avenue, Oshawa. Assist ng Wn serving were Mrs, John Mathison, Mrs. Lawson Rich Boulevard south, entertained for #rds, Mrs. Mary Romnak and! 'Mrs. Eli Landry Miss Marilyn Jackson, Mrs Robert Fagleson and Miss San dra Clarke were eohostesses at 1# personal shower at the home of Miss Marilyn Jackson, Mas ison street, Assisting in serving were Mrs sami Jackson, Mrs. Samuel Jackson, Jr., Mrs Larry Mathison and Mrs, George Sugden Mrs, James McConnell, held a miscellaneous shower al her {Richa ds and Mrs. Clark Hub hel ! Mrs. Phillip Duncan and Mrs. | (James Woodward were en-host| esses # a shower at the lat ter's home on Byng avenue] when the future bride received! a eoffee pevesiator and a mix master. Those in attendance! were employees of Eatons of Canada, Oshawa shopping cen-| { tre : Following the rehearsal on Friday evening, the bridal par- ity will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Hugh Andersom,| Athol street east For tea with & special, re freshing flavor, grate a litle renee, FABER FINA and mix it with the COLOR DISGUISES |'eR leaves in & tea ball, In summer cottages irregular ceilings and dormer windows in|eP by using a single color on @ room can be made less appar- walls and ceilings, - home on William: street east, § Assisting in serving were Mrs George Fallon, Mrs, Ronald Cross, Fretty Baby I baby Is croms ox fren, it is wonally 8! * that something wn is or her luide vis "ove of order", And in many mild, genie Baby's Own Tablets can ty owe ik night', That's the tess more modern mrhers keep Waby's aber nd for invent wie when ond wprets, due in need of & corrective baby w be freshdl feverish and restless. Chipically snd nme wesied, Baby's Own Tablets see ughily dependable. Jus sex for yourself ow qiick y these easy ta-take swest-tasting little have baby ledling happy 20d com foriable again. Ask your docior about them Grr 8 package wx your drugpin. ® NEW! BARY'S OWN COUGH SYRUP whinving, . pleasant. won't upset digestion ad - 4 ; / HAPPY WAY TO START THE DAY ...golden-brown toast topped with sunny-sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine, Ideal for active people of every age -- nutritious because it's oll vegetable, ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE To protect the flooring against ; AUTO MATS | Touring time usually and debris in the means draining board car. 10x the floor in the sink TT LAUSDRY MINT the onsiought of wntily YORE fron or rust stains be re pers, et mats of cleat, moved from white abrilite"" by sprinkling salt ever the stain, moistening it with lemon juice MANY USES and then exposing it to strong A roll of clear, ribbed "fabri sunlight, renewing the |e mon lite comes in handy at the sum- juice oceasionally NOTICE! BAILEY FOODS Ar 24 SIMCOE 57, 5, IS NOW CLOSED The following specials are available of THE FOOD SHOP 42 Simcoe Street North BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajox THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY ; SPECIALS BLUEBERRY PIE 49° BUTTER TARTS doz 49° FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety, dent, Mrs, Elwood Bradley The roll was called by Mrs R. G. Collison, The scripiure lesson was read by Mrs, Blanley Harrison, the secretary's report by Mrs. Duncan Nishet and the treasurer's report hy Mrs, Wil lam Reed It was announced that Miss Millicent Luke would be the guest speaker on Monday, Jan uary 2 Favorite hymns and rerdings were Mrs. William Collins can Nisbet and Mrs Arkle were Sung given by Mrs, Dun Charles JESSIE PANTON AUX, The meeting of the east group of the Jessie Panton Missionary Auxiliary was held in the ladies' parlor of Ht. Andrew's United Church with Mrs, William Bear presiding in the absence of Mrs Grace Anderson, group leader The projects for 1961 were discussed It was decided to hold the meetings on the second Tues day of each month Refreshments were served hy the hostesses, Mrs Percy Mason and Mrs, William Bear. DAVIDSON'S Shoes for the 3 Our Semi-Annual Clearance of discontinued lines and broken color and size Concert By Junior Boy's Band Pleases Woodcrest H&S Assoc. com (the progress the boys had made ranges starts Thursday at 9 a.m, There are literally hundreds of excellent dollar Saving Buys in top quality shoes and winter footwear , , , Yes the event you've waited for:s here, , . DON'T MISS IT... STARTS THURSDAY AT 9 AM. LADIES! SAVE $38 On top quality famous brand name shoes including Clarks, Murray-Selby, Debs and Sandler, etc. Regular values 13,95 to 18,95 CLEARING PRICE 9.98 10.98 12.98 Broken and discontinued lines . . . a good assort- ment of sizes, but not all sizes in each style, The Junior Boys Band posed of students from Grades in a short time $ to 12, under the direction of By thinking, looking, breath Mr. Francis J, Francis, pro-|/ing properly, they learn to play vided an enjoyable program at together in harmony Mier the January meeting of Wood- scales and exercises, they learn erest Home and School Associa {10 play simple tunes, Gradually | {thelr confidence to face a crit: Mrs, K. BE {ical audience builds up and they Introduced by |are sble to play more difficult Markle, Mr, Francis, a familiar) oicoes " leader of music In OShaWa, |" mpe pand demonstrated the music teacher at OCVI and con-|gonata by playing "German ductor of the Ontario Regiment. Dance", Other selections were! al Band, spoke on "Music in|'Drink to Me Only", "Karly Education", He demonstrated One Morning", "Silent Night"| {with the audience joining in the singing, Their example of con | [ Rl h Go) NYY 1 cert music was an overture LOOK MEN! HERE'S VALUE! Men's and Regular values "Ambition", The Junior Band built up to a| great finale by playing "The Little ~ Grey Church" and "March Kingswood", concluding with "0 Canada" Mrs, Lila Wilson expressed thanks to Mr, Francis and the boys: and said that parents |should appreciate the efforts of {the Board of Education in pro {viding the leader, Instruments land facilities for their enjoy {ment of musie | Mrs, Glynn Pearse presided for routine business, Room at fd [tendance prize was won by Mrs V. KE, Rodgers' room, Grade 2 Mrs, W. J, Mathews and Mrs David Pugh read their reports {from the Home and School Con [ference held in Peterborough re cently, It was announced that the next Oshawa and District Home and| {School Council meeting will be] {held on Tuesday, January 24 at {the KE. A. Lovell School, Guest speaker will be Mr. Daniel |Coughlan, Director of Probation Services in Toronto, who will (speak on Citigenship. An invita tion was extended to attend {Adelaide McLaughlin H and § | Association's Night of Cards on January 31, A reminder was Imentioned of the regular Blood Donor Clinie held each first Thursday of the month at the St, Gregory's Auditorium, The 1060-61 budget of Wooderest H and § Association was presented | showing all the expenses and re ceipts up to date, Mrs, Glynn Pearse read an in teresting article entitled "Twelve Rules for Parents" Refreshments were served by the mothers of the pupils of Mrs. Marian Jones' room Grade 6 Discontinued lines and broken sizes , Young Men's dress and casual footwear to 16,95. CLEARING HERE'S A GOOD BUY! Broken sizes Men's Hartt Shoes, A good assortment of sizes, but not all sizes in the group, Regular values to ams 1995 CLEARING PRICE SPECIAL CLEARANCE Teenage Flats -- Queen Anne and Squash heel dress shoes . , . a good assortment of colors in both smooth calf and suede leathers, Reg, values to 10,98, 498 Other groups of ladies' and teen shoes, CLEARING PRICE LADIES" SHEARLING LINED SNOW BOOTS Best quality leather or suede uppers Reg, to $15.98 9.98 OTHER STYLES OF LADIES AND GROWING GIRLS SNOW BOOTS All with warm fleece or shearling linings Regular 6.95 to 12.93 CLEARING PRICE 3.98 t0 6.98 CHILDREN'S SAVAGE SHOES Special clearance of broken size ranges of Savage dress shoes, Not all sizes in the group, Reg. 4.50 to 6.98, BARGAIN RACK This group includes Slipper, Shoes, Casuals, Flats and a variety of odds and ends , , . be here early for these, CLEARING ae. 3.98 198 Listed are only a few of the many excellent BUYS offered in this SALE, FOR LINENS By ALICE BROOKS Flowers In cross-stitch and filet crochet pretty for linen you'll proudly display! Hope « chest luxury! Border towels searves, cases with eross-stiteh, crochet, Pattern transfer twelve 2 x 3 x Tig inch motifs; chart; directions Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Oshawa Times, Household Arts Dept Oshawa, Ontarie. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER JUST OUT! Our 1961 Needle eraft Rook, Over 135 designs for home furnishings, for fashions knit, erochet, embroider, weave sew, quilt toys, gifts, bazaar ftems. FREE six designs for popular veil caps. Quick = send 25 cents TODAY CLEARING PRICE CLEARING PRICE CLEARING PRICE CR DERE Ra BIG RUG SALE at NU.-WAY SEE PAGE 9 TODAY'S PAPER No Refunds or Exchanges on Sale Merchandise DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 5.3312 OPEN FRI. EVE. TILL 9 P.M. A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! -A