Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Jan 1961, p. 7

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: I GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES *, The Mrs, Robert Sholdre of Duichak and Mrs, | WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY Mr. Kenneth Bert Marden ( snd Mrs, L. C. Mason, Bow: Ein tot in ap | ol, a, he ders / 4 ) M hid) following their wed: it fhe don 1 i. i "a, bi 8 p Wi ade bh lunteers are needed Wishes, Dad WhE ma y Mrs, Roy Spratt. Mr. Kent is | Contributions are made in a 1 : } ( wa Sepa: unique ruler which holds fen!® member of the Oshawa Se 4 $ehs nad {dimes and the idea fs collect "™& School Boa D of Domestic Poisons ' Revealed at H&S Meeting TT Te Barvinok Franek) | masting, ' 4 film entitied "A Day's Poilierestiing talk, with hopin so2 Mr. Michael Dudes, Ukrsin Mes, John soning' was shown wt (he Jami | estions (oF reciGent comiisl iF fen instInetor, Wes # #ry meeting of Gertrwde Colpusithe home, The speaker was guest # the Jenwary Scholes Home and School Association, Ii henked by Mrs, Roger Morr mesting of the St. Jo's Can prever, Ns (wht fined In the Emergencyison wdian Ukroimien Women's Asso Aer, Who spoke af R PY Wing of the Sek ( EW | Another guest was Miss Vere ~ ha i dutad| Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Wal RA 3 Howgital in Tononio, and desk | Chomenchesky, & Vic Heath " we -- mm ely ChAT Wh Bad Cons wise, who visits Gertrude Col rhaws Hildren THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jonvery 18, 1961 7 ed varies types of Dosen and ous Sehont wud checks the chil! BED FECORSIRENAS the trestment which Guickty (ol Gren each moh im pmadiate owes, Of iol interest was The husiness meeting (otiow. ™ PERSONALS the Poison Control Centre, located with Mrs, Ross Edmunds big rv 4 dent (Wh) R speech corre ed in this hosel, Where every p ig The p hae ; " known type of poison wes Het-ied all who doweted @ifts, oy ie Osta Sourd of Eduention wo | Owtoltown guests at theithe postChristmas recess. Res ed, and Reom, wy money to purchase gifts for the a: begin better Aug A i NC ie a) Laing - Stone wedding were Mr. exvations have heen heavy for dotes wid emergency (7 &L\patients in the Ontario Hos FA hevisl hesith progr Tone a pnd Mrs nates am Capriesmn Capen, he annulment ig A intormation mer Je onal She _ sles thanked Mrs A a stony, formed leant wt eh a > Peterpormigh ¥ 75. dance IY yERng mained by aid cAor | William wen whe Le {Jack Witkiems and family, Chapter of the Women's Hospi-\ within minutes, from RRYWHere charge o prrchasing gifts and with Mr iy Morrison ed Wie aor Jui weed 195 Mastewich | Frankion, Mr, and Mrs, Arther tal Awxibiery, Among these in the provinces weing thet ell were delivered CHRINMeN, wotigais H h 4 | Bahn, Bowmanville, Mrs. EIhel making wp parties are Wor wd yk Cheries Bolton, health tn the Astribwtion centre sibility of holding & family night which was set for January o Blakely and Mr WO. Blakely, Mes. B.D. Werner, Br #4 airmen introduced the punt] A report wes read by Mrs int yur for the ot rs The Foun peovle ware Cothorne, Miss Stacey Mrs. y, and y oss F.amunds, who was # dele A ir aiutiod ented ening M John and Miss Dorothy Vandervent, Mrs _ Mr. and weaker, Mis Gertrude Tueker | ote from the Home and Schaotiwon by Mrs Fhewnrr Bods {allowed by refreshments dar wil Foronie; Mr, and Mrs. E. Dray, Mrs, W, P , Mr, and supervisor of the Rerang SOME council to the Mental Heslth O86 On Wednesdny, January 75 pects Whithy; Mr, end Mrs, Lioyd Mrs, 7, HB, Greer, Dr, and Mrs, Public Hegith Deparimen Convention. Two resolutions] The next meeting will be held "Barvinok" will hold & tum: wil Ld (Dawson, Port Perry, Mr. and g J Kimmeriey, Mr, and Mrs [the City of Oshawe A id from the convention which were Monday, February 6, and the mage sale in St, John's hall NOTED PAINTER Mrs, Albert Shite and Mr, andy A Norton, Mr, and Mrs [£7 commented on by . 4 ALRDIOvEd by members were: program will be on Citizenship, It was decided (0 have the sale ep m Mrs, Cecil Siute, Raglan Heywerd Murdoch, Dr. and in the Dim and S60 S56 REEL Some imedinte steps he Guest spenker will he Mis. in the evening as well as the Wek Kuhn (he AReRces B | Seversi dences are slated for Mrs. C.D. Russel, Mr. and every Home on eg id take! Aken for the implementation of Iioyd Aiken, an enthusiastic afternoon in order to give more portrait painter wi | January 2% making the end of Mrs, B. W. Bassett and Mr ation 0 Oshawe oul nity ofl Mental Health Clinic in On-inew Canadian, whe formerly people an opportunity 16 attend. 1949, staried his career Rs # -- and Mrs, C, RB, Tunn advantage 91 the opbpn er 100, 16 be located in the Cityllived in Jamies, "IA committee consisting of cartoonist In San Francisco, 5 > haps fewer res dents of this type Society On Aging On the occasion of his Tis id necur, She gave # most in| [ iwirthday on Sunday, Januery 15, WOW occur, PRE ERVE & TROP" 77 'Mr. Peter Kent entertained at ! Asks For Helpers a family dinner party at his HO. The Women's Committee of home on Gibbons rest Along the ( 50 y A the 7% guests were his three [the Oasis or lett 4 pA daughiers Mis Philip Glowark] ' 5 "Torom p y (Winifred) rs, William Nich: Crane gig gg BY ols (Mary) and Mrs. Roy Spratt Blacks for help from individuals and) (Lovise) who Were Accompan organizations who would help, led by their hashands and # son collect funds through its mile- Mr. John Kent and Mrs Ken STOREWID of-dimes project, Deadline isi Also 14 grandchildre SR fo the end of February and vol-|Wirthdey cake inscribed Bes CLEARANCE ENTIRE FALL AND WINTER STOCK SEMI -- ANNUAL CLEARANCE Al OF FINE sOeiety COATS SUITS DRESSES ENSEMBLES SALE STARTS THURS, JAN, 19th 9:00 P.M, OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. NEW LOOK FOR CHAIRS If you want to change the color of old plastic covered ~ cently in the Orange Temple, Lodge was opened hy Worthy Mistress, Sister Elva Van Slyke assisted hy Deputy Mistress, Sis their opinions regarding his con clusions. One mother and daugh- ter, who agreed with him, con: fessed that they cried them: selves to sleep most nights he: cause 'we miss the noise of the traffic in London," In many other homes in this boom town--halfway between ding recently at Trinity Upit- ed Church, Bowmanville. The | couple will live in Oshawa bride is the daughter of Mr. | hoto by Hornshy burbia, W Removed to Su ur 14, omen several miles of dimes to help. Mrs, Robertson Simpson, Rit ' v gt [the aged : son road north, has returned Sa N ves Are U t B 1et The Ontario Society on ABINg from an enjoyable holiday in ) & e pse Y |was established in 1957 on the|Chapleau, Ontario, visiting rel ra recommendation of 52 private!gtives and friends ' » h. MEINTERE Hoop London oy Brighton--tuishands | organizations and 13 govern pecial to The Oshawa Times and wives le awake until nerves! coi deoartments who foresaw LONDON---"The new town of|#re frayed and tempers hroken,| ihe need of such a in SOCIAL NOTICE Crawley, in Sussex, south of|ATBUINE about how they are 10|view of Canada's increasing London, is & bustling, hooming| meet their instalment purchases nonufation of the aged and af MARRIAGE community, but it is being|COmmitments tendant problems 2 The marriage of Barbara branded as 8 town of lonely] But E. E. H. Cage, the ehief| gyirg funds are needed 10 eX: Gerrow of Oshewe, widow of women, In it, women cry them|eXecutive of the new town 8e:|ienq the services of the OBA|opma Albert Gerrow, tn Mr.| selves to sleep at night for velopment corporation dis: which has heen called upon h¥| John Russell Heard of Port sheet loneliness, because they|®Erees with Dr. Sainsbury. Helpunareds of persons who are|Hone took place on Wednesday miss the noise of the traffic finds it hard to believe thal any-| concerned about age problems January 11, at the parsonage and the close proximity of old gine sin be a a loose end oF of their own--or their relatives. or Simone Street United Chireh riends that was part of their|""} AWIEY » The OBA aids communities in e Reverend J, K. Mof friend London no they moy:| Our amenities now," he de-| aeceising the needs of their old with the Rev rend J: R ed oul tn the newly-created fares, fore gt feast ia) ner citizens through existing or:| town | 4 y KH ganizations within the commun These are some of the con iro Years wil he ahead of any iry itself and other outside ones COCKTAIL clusions reached hy a psychia-| d n country that might he of assistance GOWNS trist, Dr. Peter Sainsbury, as a These co-ordination activities) oy clean the fabric thorough esult of a survey which he has LODGES AND are supplemented hy research| {MAES EERE CCE Tali nt and TSWEAR Joa making. Dr. Sainsbury is 2d Sdientiin on sich Siverse walter. and rinse: Hiovoughly SPOR y ' NES as ie le re ne ofl HE or yi inieat a SOCIETIES aged folk, where they live, home Then apply satin Fin and All | pital, in Chichester, 8 , He VICTORY ODOR oars, Juerition, rehabilitation ave the paint to a | Stock | | ft tt en: Y LOD and other complex social prob eaular Stoc has found that the Fale of m in| Victory Lodge LOBA No, #88)lems faced by elderly people in| HOUSEHOLD HINT | Keg { Crawley--population 55,000 -- is|held its regular meeting re-[today's fas changing society | Stalks of cauliflower are tasty il: ; igher than ganywhege else in that sometimes doesn't seem to|when cooked and served with a OUTSTANDING HE ha country. have the time or room for them. white or Hollandaise sauce VINGS Linked with this problem were SA - such things as loneliness, bore-| tor Mildred Carnochan dom and separation from rela: Tne seripture was read hy WE HEg HW 1 IB | Reduced up to { tives and old friends the chaplain, Sister 4 19abelle| & Ls a ll . oherts nutes and corre: | [¢) BARPLY DIVIDRD. tts Yor nd voi D0 IT : selves are sharply divided in ing secretary, ister Anne Bur: | gess, An invitation was accept: | ed from Queen Mary Lodge ta) NOW attend A social evening on Feb SPECIAL SAVINGS i] EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE ruary ' | The past mistress, Sister ® Add on extra Bath and more Margaret MeNevin, was pre | room sented with her past mistress DURING BURN " jewel by her mother, past mis. | tress, Sister Ann McNevin Winners of the evening's draw | rize was Sister Margaret Me: | evin, Welcome visitors were | Sister Betty Atkins and Sister Ann Derry from Queen Mary! Lodge | The next meeting is on Jan: uary 25 and all members were requested to wear short white ALL SALES FINAL Blacks. Ladies' Wear Ltd, 72 Simcoe 5. North ® modernize your pre- sent kitchen-sink and bathroom fixtures, For Service and Repairs CALL RA 5.5132 TODAY For FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIRS end NEW FIXTURES GUSCOTT PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD. 207 SIMCOE ST. §, OSHAWA REDUCED PRICES On All Children's Overshoes, SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS On discontinued lines of Boys' and Children's Footwear Georgina Stone Donald A, Laing Exchange Vows paring oyt winter styles in S SNOES _ The marriage of Georgina Lorraine Stone and Donald Al- exander Laing was solemnized on Saturday, January 14, at King Street. United Church The bride who is a graduate of class "60 of the Oshawa Gen: eral Hospital, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George Stone and the bridegroom is the son of Mr place, dresses as initiation will take| | DRAPERIE and Mrs, George Laing, all of Oshawa The Reverend Mervin A Bury officiated. The wedding music was played hy Mr. Rhyd: did Willams and Miss Dore thy Vanderbent sang Given In marriage father, the bride hy her wore a floor length gown of white peau-de:| sole, The lace bodice was de: signed with three-quarter length sleeves, The skirt, trimmed with appliques of lace, fell into a chapel train fastened at centre back with two rosettes. A tara of rhinestones and pearls held her fingertip veil. She wore wrist-length gloves and carried # nurses' testament covered with pink sweetheart roses. Miss Lorene MacDonald was the mald-of-honor wearing light mauve peau-dessaie. The brides maids were the Misses Marguer ite Stone and Diana Ivanoff both in dark mauve peau-de sole, All wore hats to mateh their gowns and white glaves and carried bouquets of white and mauve chyrsanthemums Mr. Joseph Collins acted as best man. Ushering were Messrs. Jack Harrison and Ray Sorochan A reception was held at the bride's parents' home, To re ceive, the bride's mother wore brown peau-de-sole with green HOLLIE he bridegroom's mother assisung was wm blue crepe with white accessories Each wore a corsage of roses Later the couple left for a wedding trip to points west. For going away the bride wore a beige wool dress with dark brown accessories. The newly 'wedded pair will live in Osh <8Wa, \ { Discontinued lines from | floor stocks price lines from last season's terns Choose from | Lined styles | 4 panely ide 19.98 nels ide 9.98 READY-TO-HANG accounts for included are some broken up to 50% OFF Children's COAT SETS SNOW SUITS BUNTING BAGS DRESSES--SUIT SLEEPWEAR our the famous Ou large low fram our clear-outs saving on finest pat ined or Un shades 6 panels ide 29.98 BULKIES Mohair BULKY SWEATERS , , | stock A chance to make a big Newest patterns on Boat Rall neck-lines Sizes Reg, to 14,95 line of Weel and Weel/ some and some factory sweaters Shaw! and good range of 0 42 these quality 36 + 8.99 | LINEN Attractive Tea Towels of drying , , that is very absorbent pastel color pattern ang Aqua, Pink or Yellow, L i about 22" x EE LTT 3 TEA TOWELS tel colors that are quick and lint-free a grand weight towel WARD'S SMOKE SALE SEE OUR LOW SALE PRICES ON OUR QUALITY STOCKS 21 SIMCOE ST. §, RA 5-115) FREE DELIVERY Woel woven pas tic plaids Stewart Kinnen Pretty and others i border in arge size is * 1.00 1 56" PLAIDS Rayon or Rayon Plaids for Skirts, Robes, Sportswear, ote , Chose from colorful plaids or authen of Min Royal Stewan Black Watch, Dress Margaret Rose, Me King George all 54" Reg. 1.98. 30 yard wide "KENWOOD' "RAMGREST" 40 x #4, Reg. 10.85 -- SALE 'RAMERESTY 72 x M4, Reg. 15.98 -- SALE Reg 15.08 = BALK "EAMONS" 73 x 4, I Reg 10.85 -- SAR I "PLORALTINT 73 5 84, Rep 30.30 -- SALE WISEROY" 72 x WM, Reg. 30.50 -- sALS WOOL BLANKETS A Once-A-Year reduction of these solom fast, pre-shrunk, washable weel biankets, RAMGREST" 72 x 9% Akl UP TO 50% off Regular Prices on Handbags--Gloves and sant Reg. 120 11.08 13.58 13.58 16,10 C1510 Lingerie--Blouses shed, fines Reg, to 140 BATIQUES patterns, 36 Reg. to 130 Hosiery-----=Umbrellas Foundation Garments : Bras spring galors Reg. to Fo NEW 1961 COTTONS SIRFORD CORD 20d "BAN RIVER fine deip-'n'sdey In new POLED COTTONS Wrinkig-resistant B 98¢ 95¢ we TR + Dawest 89+ 42 GINGHAMS wide 3" wide, \ 26% fo 40% DISCOUNT C.C.M, and BAUER SKATE SETS -- -- 25% OFF Discontinued lines MeBRINE ond TRAVELGUARD Luggese 20% OFF ALL WALLETS Women's Style Shoes SKYLINE b CLARK, PINELL) Reg, te 16.95 11.08 Women's SLATER SHOES Reg. te 10.95 SALE PRICE 9.98 " 11,05 SPECIAL CLEARANCE WOMEN'S AIRSTEP SHOES Reg, to 15.95 SALE PRICE 5.08" 10.05 CLEARANCE OF ALL WOMEN'S SNOW BOOTS Up to 1/3 ON Marked d SALE PRICE MEN'S DRESS SHOES Including RITCHIE, JARMAN and KODIAK, Reg, to 16.00, 9 08 . SALE PRICE Clearance of Discontinued Lines SCOTT MeHALE quality featwear, Reg. 21,00 vo 25.00, SALE PRICE 15.95 7s to rock-bottom prices AND SPECIAL up CLEAROUT RACKS 1800 pair Women's Dress and Casual shoes and Teen-age shoes, $1.9 BURNS CO. LTD. CORNER KING AND SIMCOE "Fine Shoes For The Whole Family" NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE ALL SALES FINAL NBN ITNT TN 7a I aN TaN TaN 17a ara aaa la zane rani

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