| , JANUARY UG 16 to 21st Savings ore important onytime, but particularly just efter Christmas! Here's SUING: vie Taner save wisrontoly on @ wide range of everyday drug store ITE commodities specially priced for our January Sele, Come in any time from WH January 16 to 2) for the products you need . . . ond save. 3 ISSUES 1,.0.A. BRAND : ba -_o ; cr comanient 19 Kh + tHervescon WAIT TILL HE SEES A CAT oy ae" = | MILK of MAGNESIA zm Quick-dinolving 1,9, Bobby and Vamels Mur: | lake & spin & ng ne Be: i Ji aeons onion opto E C ot bo 4 : Vassar Yeruda enildre wit J. SA CCHAR IN dock use their German shep dl Foro herd for motive power as they | The gir is still a little pippy | 6s his passengers s , " . . , rd " 4 \ ~~ 87% » 9% IEP . Save Be! Save 16c! f TABLETS % tor price 29¢ PF 6 ox. reg 43 32 ox. reg ey ' Dr. Koerber | Auxiliar . ) og ag Is Speaker y 27,20 49 3. 59 1 MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS : i Seve 20¢! | » J ¢ Ww mh p . . if 100 ¢ 00's ¢ se 39 1000's DUNBARTON -- The regule At Meeting car os in your home Red, 30% 39 Reg, 1.00 79 oh Reg. 75 59¢ morning service at Dunbarion United Church was conducted f vv 2c! dy Dr y Me Kay. The choir By GRACE MILLS days, can be preserved for pos Save Vie Save 2c ang y Y Lovel AJAX Y Gordon There rare many sang the anthen I Wi Ye AJAX irs. Gordo ARASH Thee, 0 Lord geeompanied| ditch presided for the Janua nse l In : 1 WW ! ' { f 4 nites ates, which are full of SA Pink /hite . = "a by Mrs. H. Stroud st the organ | meeting of the Hospital Au 8rge Coury " 5 ars elf tf r é resi such th and are in 8 won ; ello An important date to keep|lary held @ oe] , f ta of preservation ' PLASTIC Ren 7/75¢ Cy ¢ | DISH CLOTH srsda {dence on Monday € Ing H open Is Thursday evening, Jan, | adh " other this fiscussed consid that they were ( Ae i f %, when the annugl congrega-| / the satiny 40 of . instances made with very § ) { RAIN Open weave for best scraping ton meeting will he held. The "Hs © HE e tools : | action secretaries and treasurers of the) Mt th nigh igh b Rods Both M nd Mrs. Clarke : AN 7 HAY LOA gi (alos rom Ala ane iE ¥ 1] » { I i" ~ 8 oF 4 Vari ganizations are asked & Hae i ¥ RY of v various organizitio he hi Loring High Schoo h n|have visited museums in Car A 1% ti ¢ c 2 for 28¢ to hand in their reports to Mr o take upleds snd the U8, and hrought ; ih eqularly 55 » i i grrying | gradi Harry Pearce as soon as po ror Tis DOF wil | back a large number of interest ib} nursing. Th y will help) \ 0 NYLON BRISTLE sihle t ' on ing booklets and pictures, many Any children beiween th A y ainin his was ap-of which were on display at the ) : elain DA Brand Hesyy Grece BATH BRUSH ages of seven and 15 who are| oid ane ssed meet Mrs. Clarke spoke at ie atig pie CR Blac hi iitetosted In Singing 18 a Junior' #i Nala oried: length on the loca! mused, 14 ONLY 8c f ath Be. | 9b ¢ ® Detachable handle lets you use hie or the Vales AN } { Jue %, | £5 3 DE a yout pach Choir are asked lo hie a the process of heing estab church on Balurday mor ilar | ir ished In Broughat Bome of 10.80 for practice ace on | eh, 7 at the Ajax|the (3 interesting Sheets B80 BY and CURL IODA Brand po y Community Ce Tickets are|from there were on display, ane ND Brand PEIMONALA I lard H } from members, orla contest was held to tr) and COMB 100 ft. by 12 inches [4 \ Wesker 43k 1 4 i AI fh Mrs jnsch WHiidentify 1€5 whit 4d nr ot db and Bchool Association wa s| \ irs. W. Bosch i identity Ihese, h h rant Both for 8 Re 3 y M 4 y Mrs {from an instrument used in the ' 22100, in Ajax, or W greatly honored to have Di {Tomlinson at WH 2.0210 in Pick-lart of blood-letting, to an o¥| v W. 8, Koerber, Inspector off; | shoe, very old and rusty K Special Education for the Sear{ "0K Some colored slides were Save 10¢ Pink er Cresmy White c Save 1.07 borough Behool system, as oh 8 "94 | shown of the logal museum, as i Reg. 2/25 |pianned for Maren 1% and 3 from other 15-08, Size | ys ars "HEATMASTER" ELECTRIC guest speaker BL the regular|ye o'r owe of this later well as several meeting on Tuesday, Jan, 10. 0 tee y the! museums, A very hearty vote of '" ymmitiee In charge of Lhe ' Dr. Koerber stressed the im ' 0 thanks was tendered to Mrs | "TRU-YAC" HEATING PAD furnishing of the emergent ; : | : portance of having a child know waiting room reported that this| Clarke on behalf of the Au il OA 87 that he is loved and understood) had heen accomplished, and that! 8} : 80 p ; . . for his own abilities, The mem-| drapes had been donated by Mi Refreshments were served bh VACUUM mm E or ' bers were also pleased to have H, B. Ledson. A letter of thanks Mi Fleannr Carr and com Mrs, Vera Freeman give her{to Mr, Ledson had been sent mittee Aor Wa ilk rendition of a few [favorite] The guest speaker for the eve sll insu EE [) BATH NYLON STOCKINGS nd ngs. hy oy My Lynde| Icke id 3 i a " Failed To Give | , 4 | EPSOM SALTY Full-fashioned = Not Seamles: MAKE-UP OAPE 1 Yhgruen) { { convenient «= protects 13 0reg at the piano. A vote of thanks/Mrs. W. Tomlinsor 5 " Wh slaniss Dainty, A small quantity added to your gauge = 1. dene your dress when making up for was given to Mrs, Peggy Pad: ne P Si ] ; dison for all her work in mak GIVES TALK Noseni roper igna | Zi bath water refreshes you won Sizes B84 2 fo I ing possible the refreshments Her subje ; ) p | server ; and Architectural Conservan BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--Ro g t ¢ derfy Good for sore feet Reg ¢ and comb 2 which wa most interestin \ { Hicks Newcastle was . of air Pr ¢ m Do your spirits need a lift p hid ? l pal A 4 Mrs. Clarke dealt first with thelgined $15 and costs when found| ! 6-pound bag 33¢ Come and join the fun at the| : A | Vaughan Willard Home and|duestion of, "Wh hould| ouiity of failing to give a proper| | Seve 60: reserve oli architeculra wel | , 1 in | School Masquerade Valentine 4 tions, and| ENE! which resulted In a rol | Save 19 mens for future generations, and G i 0 - dance at the school on Friday, now some universities give prac: I90n ¥ith a truck driven byj KODACHROME FILM 'Stomach Powder Feb, 19 at § o'clock, For a pre | tient courses on this suliject Lorne Mollon of Lindsay, Dee, § " [ . . cover 8 party, Pockets for cosmetic: spring tonic, Mr, Terry Ryan|Then, "Why should we have | K135 «-- 20 Exposures | 90, 2.49 will he your master of cere museums?" To have places in Bl D » k INDOOR or OUTDOOR TYPES DA, Brand--4 and 16 on, 10g, Vis, monies [Various communities where old ame In ; " Solour. vides for. Jom. Yim 1.0.A, BRAND were pleased to receive a long| forefather in their' ploneer IDASAL TABLETS 79. HALIBUT LIVER OIL dintanes phone call from Wy For Dispute 3.95 eetaiion 1,D.A, Brand ASA 300s, reg " i CAPSULES J, W. Wilkinson of Pittsburg, ™ | PA, on. Friday, Januar 14, H 1d BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ; telling them of the birth of thels 0 unior sault charges brought against + | Bave 0 excellent Jrandson . 4 Nlewurt Strorg, 29, of Hethany| 1.D.A, Brand "ECONOMY \ source of Murray Balsdon and Terry Choir Fes ival by H. A. McMasters, 62, of the WRITING PADS | 23 ' | ' Rev, and Mrs, J, W. Wilkinson and rare objects used hy our Pare smith left for Florida on Mon Village, were dropped when it| Vitamins A and D DLA, In » 16 on, ] day for two weeks' vacation,| The Ontario County Junior was brought to the courts atl LDA: Brand==For medicinal wse~=16 ow, reg. 29¢ a € to-take They are joining Terry's par.|Farmers' Choir participated In{ienijon that on the day in Mote size, reg, |0¢ Latter size, reg. 15¢ | A gr - ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. D,|the Provincial Junior Farmers'| question, Jan 8rd both men | h d il Wh Ue ; form wth Chor Festival held at Toronto, ad heen drinking in a Hotel in| 8¢, 2 for 18¢ 12¢, 2 for 23 | amp ora [+ Save 80¢! r. and Mrs, Dick Pollard of [January 14 Lindsay all day and each was i . ot € 4 ave B0¢ TIRE Np UR RUL BL B B ECONOMY" ENVELOPES, pack of 20, Bie, 2 for 15¢| 10.4 Brand 1 and 3 ox, reg. 256, 40¢ i) v Save 2601 $ave 0c! Agincourt visited at the home| The choir festival was 000 gauaily responsible for the argu y ' of Mr, and Mrs, C, I. Fletcher|competitive, Mr, Re ginald| yoni on their return home 100's, reg. 1.15 250s reg. 225 50's, reg. 4.29 on Wednesday Geen, Oshawa, was the adiudh| "ne 'spoMasters told the Court Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hines ator. He complimented all the that 1,.D.A, BRAND Laurel 89° 1.89 3.49 several times because of and uae of Toro val: Junor Farner Choirs on thei aun anh, one of is "UTILITY" ELECTRIC BLANKET top teeth had been knocked out DA extract of malt and (ladys Cossar , on Sunday, Jan, [Pleased lo see so many rural kh y i Ivonne me and women taking ad N I bottom denture had HOT WATER BOTTLE Children's favourite = choral Vi Aroken igal for sufferers from arthritis and rheumatism because cod liver ¢ Miss Pamela Crawtord of (*" Active Inferest in fagistrate Raxier suggested : Pine Ridge road has been con A a Bay Jecelving such to Mr, MeMasters that he talk Guaranteed for 2 years Reg 1.99 it gives warmth without weight, Bedside control maintains : IDAMALTY fined lo bey home with 'fly the| In his remarks about the On. With Strong and his counsel to constant temperature automatically, Satin bindings top ' 31¢! Save 60¢! rio County Junior Farmers'|r€ach a settlement for the nec 1.59 and bottom Washes as easily as any good quality blanket Save 16¢! Save ' roy 15-02 |.02 6-02 mg. 19 reg. 1.29 ng. 2.39 . ta Mi, and Mrs, Guy Campbell|Choir. Mr. Geen said that the ®8sary repairs to his teeth 1] LJ 63 98° 1.79 of Oshawa visited Mr, and Mrs, singing revealed careful prepa! "I'll go along with that," said George Watson on Sunday ration, the voices were quite/Mr. McMasters, "where do we T Mrs, Oliver Gibb visited Mrs. capable, the text had been have the meeting?" GO A COLD? Get Guaranteed for 2 year Full double-bed size ¥ 19.95 Clements of Islington last Wed:|carefully studied and was de. Not here," suggested the nesday livered in sympathetic style, He! Magistrate Mrs lamas Owens con: {also sald tha 1e planissimo swscing. other ha after was ig ve [ ' SUSTAINED RELIEF er recent accident, She would) The other choirs In the fes Busload with "GOLIATH WRITING PADS 1.D.A, COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES be pleased to have her neigh: tival were fram Bruce, Welling bars call ton, Huron and Brant Counties Visiting ihe MeClewents and| Jeanne Pry hi Ry on ORNAL Note Size 25¢ Letter Size . ..... 4% 100s reg. 98c 79¢ an A" Thompson of Uieered the Public speaiing Con | IRQ pace 3 "GOLIATH" Envelopes, 100 cr ALL-DAY RELIEF Baseline on Sunday were Mr [petition and is to be compli with. just: ONE capsule In the and Mrs. Allan Corrigan of mented on her very fine show SAN ANTONIO, Tex, (AP) Sympathy is extended to the County, won the competition. [to "Hire a whole busload of as ip ig Friars family of Lakeview on tronauts into orbit" by 1908 or y . ! the death last week of Mr. Pickering Horticultural Society[$end three men to the moon and ALL-NIGHT RELIEF . -- ( Don Mills ing. Murray Mellow, PeeliThe United States will be able hg was held on Tuesday, Jan 7[back before 1070, Dr. Wernher INE r. Percy Cropley celebrated at the Christian Educat (VON Braun said Tuesday with just ONE capsule at his T4th birthday on January 18. ir in Pie Ap a Con Von Braun, head of the bedtime 241 KING ST, EASY 1204 WECKER DRIVE 360 WILSON RD, §. Cong al " 1alGeorge ©. Marshall space flig angratulations and we wish! The annual banquet was held] "oo ® farshall space flight RA 5.1149 RA L828 RA 5.8711 { leentre at Huntsville, Ala. said him many more \ and Mr, Gomme of Agincourt, " 1dn' " Master Gregory Westlake had/Secretary of the Ontario Horti {he "wouldn't be surprised" if MACDONALD'S the misfortune to fall and break culiiral Association, spoke the Russians try to send a man ny e reek » v i : : his leg last weekend and now ' bs Bran ha {Into space this week to coincide nas a big cast on his leg te avers Miss A. Lifiten, Dist the inauguration of Presi ORT ' ! ' M M 3 C1 Director of No, §, present-|dent-elect Kennedy i r. and Mrs, Frank Signoretti led the trophies. First, T. Eaton] -- - ---- ! ' ' and friends spent the weekend|Co. Trophy to Mrs. Howard SELLE OF BAL) 20% - 36¢ 25's « 4Bc isville Cross; second, Simpson - Sears! « o 5 ALL ¢ or p Greenfield has POP gg Mpa ', Soll resident James Madison's Export 'A' Filter Tip 28 KING ST. EASY 1% SIMCOE TY. N. J SIMCOE ST. N, Afne after spending several Messrs. Cyril -ar pslie gna ey was belle of the first y weeks in Scotland BY Ns ah Yynil how Losi dl US inaugural ball, held at 20 3 36¢ 25's . 45¢ RA 3462) RA 3704 RA JIN BY were presented wi L AWards Long The annual meeting of the of merit by the soc iety March I ashington