Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Jan 1961, p. 1

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Clear cold weather is expected to prevafl in the ares for the next 24 hours. Bnowllurries THOUGHT FOR TODAY Drive carefully and don't ine 5 dhe Oshawa Times Price L568 Car 16 Conte Por Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1961 Atiorizgs os Second Clos Mew Fost Cte Department, ONows THIRTY-TWO PAGES FLANKED BY POLICE, ABEL VOSBURGH HEARS VERDICT OF INQUEST Inquest Finds Father Responsible For Death eriminally all deaths uself testified for BEDFORD, Que Vashurgh, 63, was ally responsible Tuesda for the. deaths of his wife (CP )==Abel Abel Voshurgh held erimin- responsible for night Voshurgh | and 4 minutes Standing 11 of his 15 children akimbo, his back to the He was scheduled to he ar. he Improvised court room, he raigned and charged in district Answered questions by Crown court at Sweetsburg, Que, to. Prosecutor Claude Noiseux in a day, However, the arraignment defiant, almost belligerent tone wis delayed pending final de: nENIES SUGGESTIONS cision on the charge or charges yo categorically denied tes 19 he laid Following tue INGUERt ony given by six earlier wit Crown. prosecutor Claude Nol-|no ce. inotuding his 18-year-old seux sald the charge would be con" ino and unhesitatingly murder replied "No sir. no sir' flo Antonin Bourassa, countéaNoiseux's suggestions that he clerk and justice of the peace hit his wife and killed her dur for the distriet of Bedford, being a domestic quarrel fore wham Voshurgh was 10 ap: He insisted his wife was alive Wart today AM. decision * the. fire started Dec, 39 in # charge would he made WYithe Voshurgh's tiny shanty at the attorney-general's depart Noyan, Que, 85 miles south of ment in Queher Montreal In Quehee City, deputy at Two provincial pathologists torney-general C, F, Cantin sald testified that Mrs. Voshurgh he was awaiting a full reportiwas dead hefore the fire, that from the Crown prosecutor be: unlike the children who died fore deciding on the charge that night, she was not asphyx Vosburgh, under heavy police jated escort, was taken hack to pro In cases of multiple violent vineial police cells in Montreal, deaths a coroner's jury needs where he had heen held since only to find reasonable suspic Jan, § on a coroner's warrant, ion of criminal negligence in A five - man coroner's jury, one to hold a person criminally after hearing 2'4 hours of testi- responsible for all mony, took only nine minutes (0, Vosburgh sat calm hring in the verdict that there was criminal negligence in May jarie Vosburgh's death and that WHE Brm Jury mn and im of the occasionally DICE Was when how throughout most mumbling elf. But hi trong and clear called kplan and children died He he had gone to hed late the night of the fire without undressing. He was awakened ghout 2 am, hy the erackling sound of fire and he saw flames shooting up from the (floor around an oil stove He said he called to his wife who woke and then ran to. pump 25 feel away to try to get some water, leaving the door alm "My wife didn't come out but she hollered at Richard (one of the dead Vosburgh children)" he said Earlier five witnesses ing two of her testified that Vosburgh told them after the fire that Mrs Voshurgh had followed him out of the shanty and then turned hack At first Voshurgh said he was at the pump for ahout five min utes=he said he couldn't get any water out of it=then under pressure from Mr, Noiseux he reduced the time to about a minute PasSIVE hearing in him he w 10 his wife said includ sisters-in-law, 'IT WAS SICKENING' Commuter Strike Emergency Move NEW YORK (AP) labor commissioner took gency action today to settle harbor eraft strike that caused a vast rallrosd muter tieup and halted CHY'S emer has oom KIASARETHVILLI (Al) I'he Katanga government today on the New York Central's main confirmed that deposed Congo line between New York and premier Patrice Lumumba now Albany Is imprisoned in Katanga. He Commissioner Harold Felix was hrought here, a com sought to set up a topdevel munique sald, at the request of menting both side the President Joseph Kasavubu of strike plus Maver Robert Wag: The Congo ner and representatives of the Officials of federal mediation hoard owned Helgian air line Sahena Picketing hy striking vailroad had reported earlier that Lu harbar craft workers led to can. mumba was flown to Elisabeth cellation of service for the New ville, the capital of Katanga York Central's 40.000 commuters Tuesday under close guard and in the metropolitan Tues: In handeuffs. He had heen held day previously at the military camp Liberal Stand Fairy Tale' OTTAWA (CM eve Minister Nowlan VER Grimm's Fairy Tales i compare with the elect form drafted here last week a the national Liberal ralh He said in the Common gel debate Tuesday that Liberal promises amounted the ame ald hackneyed sla reduced and in erdased expenditures his has the salution SVOrY apposition party the years, meluding and 1 nevey service of in the government area Faking advamage of the tra ditionally relaxed rules of the debate permitting wide digves ions fram the business under disoussion, Mr. Nowlan said the Liberals promised ta out taxes And al the same time boost pub he works spending to encourage employment How do they twat" he asked Mr. Nowlan "followed J. W Pickorsgill (1 Ronavista Pwillingate) who said My Fleming is leading Canada into commercial 1s ol ationism, He ed the finance of hreatening the Reitish with ve laliation if they have bud the in reconcile these axes hen used hy thranizhout aur awn worked vel My. Nowlan prament members hate an the D te challen ha ACOH ministey othe wed 1 # haby and ANY closer trade relations with continental andl al the CRO ae Liberal Europe My, Fleming deserihed Piekersgiil's accusation as erroneous Piokersgillian sion. with ne the facts The Newfoundland 1 the Wine sions taken CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA S11 FIRE DEM HOSPITAL RA 322 Ay an ver io resemblance MP cast MNernment an unen My. Now lan RA (BLA E | the zavernment apne Ale prabiem of unemployment 1" much as the Liberals hut the { on d Friday at the | Police Beat Up «| Patrice Lumumba of Thysville, 80 miles southwest of Leopoldville, capital of The Congo Elisabethville 1s government of ane ba's arch « enemies President Moise Tshombe, whe defied Lumumba's authority as premier and declared his prov nee independent of the Leopold ville government BEATEN SEVERELY Swedish UN troops on guard at Flisabethyille airport when Lumumba arrived said he and two other prisoners with him gol 'a terrific beating from Ka tanga police al the airport, The other two prisoner were the youth minister in Lumumba's cabinet, Maurice Mpaolo, and the vice-president of the senate of I'he Congo, Joseph Okito I was sickening oldiers said Lar the of seal of Lumum provincial one af the mba and the other two were dragged the plane hey were trussed with vopes And ted together, Then the gen darmerie==African and whites wrrounded them and the Af vieans assaulted them over a longish period. Lumumba and the other twa fell to the ground where they were clubbed, hit in the face with vifle butts and Kicked and pummelied The gendarmerie let them lie far awhile and then resumed their heating The deposed premier ported hruised heating PRISON INABEQUATY The gavernment cammuniaue vd Lamba and his sfhviaty old hed off Was hy ve the severely wo had the offer Heal ' We not heen tran Physville did sufficient guarantees ' A Swedish souvee clined to be identified hy name sald they were in jail at Jadot ville, about 80 miles from Elisa hethveille famum Prison whe de ha A i when some of 1h vigted aver pay but did not get away from the camp ArTISOn (it send out a signal of Its track Canadian Wins Invention Award WASHINGTON (CP)=A Ca- it then that, but that's the hasic nadignhorn scientist, whe likes ideg 0 fool around with high fidelity: Taking this ides as a start electromes and mushrooms in McClure worked oul a system his spare me, has won & whereby four satellites are put £3000 LS. government inven: into an orb patiern for this tion award for brilliant work in purpose the field of navigation By The award, first of its kind tion in the satellites and listen hy the National Aecronatics ing to the satellites hy radio and Space Administration means you can find out where to Dr, Frank T. McClure, B-you are anywhere in the world year-old chairman of the Re und under any weather. condi search Centre Johns Hopkins tions," McClure said {University Applied Physi A family man, McClure phil Lahoratory finds the for hobbies, such as The fivedoot nine, 1I0-pounder electronic high-fidelity systems 16 a graduate of the University and collecting mushrooms, How pitting certain informa goes RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE 'THROW OFF SHACKLES' MR. K. URGES WORKERS ' 'Reds Can Win Without War' MOSCOW milestone published Premier (Reuters) 0 09 here Khrushehey word today civil war against ruling who resist communism's able The Soviet leader asserted no force in the world can halt the victory of communism over the minds of all men, and that vie "is not far off." "The transi communism peaceful or non-peaceful But he said if it was opposed the prole ory on by aria ruling must victory el a resolute war Khrushchev | results 1 summit ef His however of la crush ance, resort to arms and launch step hy step meeting' en, m st of {Communist leaders, festivities held in the capital in connection with his inaug- ural as president of the United AB Witephebn) to Col VANCOUVER (CP) ==Bouth western British Columbia, hard almost back to normal except for rail traffic to the east Torvential rains and melting snow during the weekend and Vancouver Island points, forced 150 families to evacuate thelr homes, cul transcontinen tal rall and road traffic and caused more than $2,500,000 damage, Two deaths resulted, a hridge worker killed in a mud! slide in the Fraser canyon, and a young boatman drowned near Ladysmith on Vancouver Island the main Canadian National and Canadian Pacifie rail lines will month of He described this as a continu About [INE Imperative 30 PEACE STILL ELUSIVE Eisenhower said he wished he could sav that lasting peace is in sight but it is not Looking ahead, the ald the UN, is pre-eminent the world today the strongest the most influential and most productive nation in the world.' of Alberta and a native of ¥4: gid he get into mushroom eol monton lecting? His invention, which he save, op | Jike to eat them and was conceived In Just 20 min: i io sus as well to find out utes but took three months of gieco pons (pings about different with a method whereby man made satellites ean he used | accurately for ship and aircraft | navigation in fair weather and a08 100 8 V | foul ? PREDICTS SUCCESS » "In 2 years it will be the riven aC principal method for naviga 4 | tion," predicted the award win States to do postgraduate work Into un le at the age of 22 and remained to hecome a rockets expert n ™ : » ; v1 conceived the ides in shout! . THA THOM, Laos (AP)=Pro-| 2 minutes while watching a Communist rebels bore down on| ; group of students tracking a/two key government positions in President-elect John F. Ken. satellite, Why not have the sal-/South central Laos today, and| nedy is right in the middle of ellite do tracking of the ground, the outnumbered defenders pre.) things surrounded by visitors I thought, and have & memory PAred fo take to the jungle oy and others on hand for a "Phe Reds are coming--there -- A ing operations. There's more tojis no question shout it," said Maj, Phong Kave, commander of the undersized hattalion at 0 ALL HE WANTED [vis Thom. . . "We are reverting back WAS MONEY guerilla warfare," said y we Kham Kong al Paksane OTTAWA (CP) Why Swarming through the jungles did they play this dirty trick on me?" a across the narrow waist of this Revenue Minister plan tiny Southeast Asian Buddhist told the Commons Tuesday kingdom canatitient wan: an. indica: The double-barrel attack seat Hg " y ig lh ie are tered government forces Mass. tating advantage of unem. (INE at Paksane, 90 miles north i 0 VANE east of Vientiane, and this for The constituent in. I ward outpost 40 miles to the Nova Scotia riding of Dighy: north, The rebel advance spelled Annapolis: Kings, whose let : | ter was addressed to "Dear [10 EOVernment plans to mount George," stated he worked An attack from Paksane and Tha Thom on the rehel-held fall. Then he trie. to col. (Plain of Jars and Xieng Khou leet henefits ang province to the north and "What do you suppose northeast they did te me, George?" ol. Kham, who was to have the constituent wrote led the offensive from Paksane, They offered me a job sald his defence forces for the George, why did they play oo this dirty trick on me?" ions, half of them in Tha Thom|¥ eer ed northward Thursday and the other hall scattered MEN for the second straight . through the mountains day, resulting in only a light Hit B Auto Col, Kham had only 70 men "8in where a deluge fell Satu Y n Paksane itself Tuesday day and Sunday On the western front govern ment forces were meeting with More NULeess Di I H » | The capture of Vang Vieng, WHITRY (Stal) Ms, for a flanking movement against W. I, WH. Richardson, BM, of 304 (he pi f Jar y the Plain of Jars | Kent street, Whithy, who was The forces of rebel com ast eec injured oat Mule - Pedonbint mander Kong Le offered only p hn Teno hd . di I Ho : token resistance in Vang Vieng, 4) AB a Pg era "then pulled back te guard the : Ms, Richardson was walking plateau, the rebel's important 0 da 10n ! y alr and communications area, | attempting to cross Mary !roCommunist units are seat: WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi: an auto driven by Harold" Shep. Of the way across the waist of tal presidential farewell Tues hard, 30, of 918 Donevan eres. 408 Which measures only 63 day night, asked for stability at cent, Whithy. No charges wepe Miles from Paksane to Ban Sop home and expressed hope for laid by Whithy police who in. Hang on ihe North Viet namese the achievement of freedom for vestigated the accident border. The pro. Communist all who yearn for it in a troubled confined to hospital since the scattered, but if they should To President-elect Kennedy he accident, Death was attributed succeed in solidifying their line, extended the wish for a prosper to the injuries she sustained, 'Laos will be cut in two ous four years in office . Eisenhower spoke from the - White House which already is a and relies of eight years as president, Friday he heging a new career: Private citizen In the message carried over 11 ' Airline Lists Proposed Stops major radio and television net regret that "so much remains carefully study serving Cornwall and Belleville if granted Tugel hat, nw 3 Hicance io Ypsrate a proposed fouls from Outawa and he old soldier said it is with ontreal to. Kingston, Oshawa and Windsor a "definite sense of disappoint : ment" that he lavs down his Most Belgians Back To Work RRUSSELS (Al) Loss than 10 vevcent of Relgium's # workable disarmament plan strikes and vioting that brought the country to chaos 130.000 workers still were oul mostly in the strongly alist industrial centres of Liege, Charleroi and La Louviere Six Escape Sinking Car, Toboggan RARRI field work to complele, deals varieties," ner who came to the United d {guerrilla operation ihe built into the ssiellite and haye guerrilla oy 5, ne. many. two rebel columns struck oul that this question from a doom, at least for the present, last spring, summer and entire area totalled two battal Whitby Woman on the road to Luang Prabang, the royal seat 140 miles north| of Vientiane, cleared the way e S north on Kent street and was street when she was struck hy 'ered more than three-quarters dent Eisenhower, in a sentimen Mrs. Richardson had been forces ave believed ta be still world emptied of personal mementoes works, the president expresse OTTAWA (UP) Quebecair said today that it would : i) q responsibilities in the search for 2.000.000 labor force still were out today after a wl A (CP) president oar SiN Tuesday A fissure vaped death \ phinged into of the ee on Lake I'he car skidded mite the open water and sank. But it immediately rose to the surface { long enough to allow its three occupants te escape persons all owing a lohoggan m Nmoeoe From Floods covers he re-opened through the Fraser canyon, about gers will be airlifted to Alberta cities to make connections with make such a statement, which by has absolutely no foundation," Qadir of east-hound trains 120 miles north. AS8ILA # h hit by floods last weekend, is east of here, Meantime, passen- "Urb. progressives" at home, The speech, made Jan party officials, was pub- n the Communist theor- Algerian etical magazine Kommunist, 'Castro's revolution Nehru D | Boviet lished envid their the In speech Soviet urged classe ney resist stuck to his be that the strength of the Communist camp meant there was a real possibility of averting an all-out nuclear war CAPITALISM DOOMED | statement proaching defeat of the | talist-imperialist states' led by {the United States was contained in a speech summing up the November's world he ap "eapl Khrushehey also held firmly to previous Soviet policy toward ending Western occupation of West Berlin and once again de: nounced what he called ' renss- cent West German militarism," The position of the USA, Britain and France has proved to he especially vulnerable in West Berlin. These powers still try to cling to the old positions, wit they cannot fail 10 realize that the occupation regime in that city will end sooner or later "It is necessary to continue, to bring Aggres- sive-minded imperialists to thelr sense, to compel them to reckon with the real situation. And if they halk, we shall take resolute measures, We shall sign a peace treaty with the (Fast) German Democratic Republic, for we are fully determined to conclude a German peace treaty, at long last, in order to pull out the thorn that the occupation re. gime in West Berlin is," He divided wars into three classes and spid the world Com- munist movement fully supports those of the third clasg § to "sacred" wars of national liber. ation, As examples, he cited the rebellion and Fidel Chinese Charge NEW DLEHI (CP) = Prime Defence Minister V. K. Minister Nehru today denied a Krishna Menon said Tupsday reported statement by Red Chi- that China's "stupid" policy un. China istance from the West and to traying" India's friendship, to get nese Premier Chou En-lai that derlying its incursion into Indian (India was capitalizing on the territory has thrown doubt on horder dispute with Communist|/the whole concept of coexist: larger "economic ence, He accused China of '"be- Today Nehru said India was "I am sorry Mr, Chou could irritated slightly by a statement Foreign Minister Manzoor Pakistan that China Highways Minister P. A, Gag. Nehru told his monthly press has agreed to negotiate a border Trans-Canada Highway be passable by tonight Damage fo the highway heen placed at more than $1,000,000, Temporary tion of service on the way officials estimated age to homes and public build: | Storms maving in the Pacific ings was estimated at another @ $063,000, should is large area through the Fraser canyon has then de Nehru was commenting on a restora: statement reported to have been CPR and made by Chou in a Peking in CNR lines will cost $700,000, rail: tepview with an American jour Dam: nalist published this week, Nehru told his press confer nee that a meeting with Chou in the foreseeable future "seems flooded numerous Fraser valley lardi sald Tuesday night the conference | Nehru said the border quagrel a very straightforward mat: ally holds ter--Communist China seized a Jammu and Kashmir state, of Indian territory, which gives Pakistan a border nied it Most of the families who fled unlikely," before the returned rising waters have to find their The Indian government settlement with Pakistan, India contends Pakistan illeg- part of disputed with China, Nehru said in the border talks which India had with China the Chinese were not eager to dis cuss that part of the Kashmir border which was under noms inal Pakistani control, Reuters quoted informed sources Tuesday as saying that ve- India has decided to lodge a houses fused to deal with the Sino-In. Strong protest with China and littered with debris, furniture dian border dispute "in an ad. Pakistan against any plans for ment ruined It will be several days before smashed, and electrical equip: venturist or excited way," he demarcation of the Pakistan: sald China frontier, "MORE THAN TWO DAYS UNDER CAR Seven old Mason spent almost 2% days Mapped under his father's wrecked station wagon, where VERY bank along a near Taholah, Wash ther Thomas wooded Mason, Michel | it had volled down a steep | killed road The fa Was The boy Is. shown In in the hospital with his meth. er, Mrs, Thomas Masore Mis chel was found Tuesday

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