gh v RP ET " | : . - : TARGE tron room with single beds, LARGE room with two angle beds, Lad SACRIFICE, Aart), naw Ave oie alg dus . f Bd ation, TA EI rg ong Ta vig 1A COUNTER yadls for sole, in good | 4 [ne 5 adies, Miso single ngs * il fs W a ad lose | condition. Apily 1h Ritson Raed Soeth po Boi 4 i A agor a ed. one priviieges terme. W. Mchidey Resitor, 36 Prince may he financed. Telephone FHA BAA | motor Pave, RA > i : hu : 4 AUDLEY dani bil mre | AOTROROME RCA Vicisr, MM " ry gy #5 Warren Avenue Sunes, RA 11518 or MO 85765 | Reneswic Auta 144, Eatinton Eo, CAKRRORE WARE ival, The finest 8 19, Bih pos t : ans Borers dou m-- (iow PUGH price, worey and Wai] errors, (Rane cars for wincwing, Highett Dries PRE. vice, Wighest traden = sllowshce # FOR two or three gentlemen, Furi Loo Tol | BA 51 _| Parkway Television, ih Bimene Street TWH Irie, WHIM FO0NS, EOmPeEEy five rooms, three plese Wath, ROL! sass GME 15 ton. Will sell or accept Be a_i # AUDLEY = "_a fsmiohed fav Tw how sping, " 4 Logg ov gay agin Toi oarking | BRET, BERr SeRov, OF RERWRY id i dia car. TEIRghone | 1668 - 1h car, GH oF Ford Priduct me North, Color TY on _dispiey -- 2 a PA Edm dlactrie VEIPRRPRT IW water, spnee, Apply 16 Diviion Wrest Phone OF, 53054 lerees, NTE coRden none Sey a They at of Yauewong machine and dryer THREE . hedenom so0a rick ngs: CHEVROLET wich, pertect mer| Ho {1950 ME #0 the 4 LARGE bef - Witting room In PrVME jog newly decorated ! Ld ps " dq SHOPS rmiahed healed! on ondiion, radia, Bod ies, ! eae : canirnt lo Goeniown wnt Saovvind LAR, wendleman, 1g Rovsekesh | ocigution' room, immaculate condition ig or best miler. BA $4970 50---Articles for Sele commence) and thie gusrier bed | Oo Vi © 0 gh 4 ¥ y ¥ ¥ i be § oe. Ee ------------ . . RA ig LE dtd am os me ee Ves |W VAUKNALL oper, miles VLA, GREW ports ad FRReire for Wil makes mort CYETEORS, REY, BUSSE I C SARGE furnished 1oom, Rousehes ping ! po ass ol |he oWReEr, Wow Ges, AL CORINOR, of wrimger (pe WRINEES, Ys BE IMOOTE ALTO saxophone, compiles with Rew a privieges, private wathioom, sot tee GET gant Estate for Se LOTS Only two left, $999 fli price |62, Terms, RA SW 195 5 WN, guar TREmAnioned ood inserts, case Rd , treveie, | willing (6 share or couple Apple Hill 45--Reo dll Bo Men _BA +I ot DUBAFILOW Rick wean With oi. washers sad sioves, Paddy's Markets cor pest and caminalion Voces; siesl | OO UMBUS ~~ The Baptis- thoughts ta the "Church of the elected, Fred Pucknn as elder Ee in, How / i GA v ' i dutriet. RA 8914 ERR mo nt mal Service held at Columbus World" which is & demand for 3nd Frank Pucknn snd John 448--Rooms For Rent (448--Rooms For Rent (45--Reel Estate For Sele 47 Automobiles For Sole |48-- Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles For Sole | THE OSHAWA TIMED, WeSnesssy, Jonusry 18, 178) §J ' i. Hampton, CO VHA ' ------ --- ee WERE, Wee IW MeGinmis hanes TRH ---- » -- ed whisdbisfidlBain dB OWNER moving to USA, priced 8) or furnishedy Both wn eacelient cont: TELEVISION ~ Emerson, weed sof, wy y are, In good ' | Puck slew r FOR Lwels, or rent for rignt party. Two sores, Ton, Best Wher, 03 Buckingrom Av Hs int 80h CORIIIOn Telephone | gain, ol furnace, frag toe cme fur. United Church this Sunday was people working (ogether #s [ia arf ud Awards. Al 4 in ahstainer. Near King sad Ritson oad. | REAL ESTATE |ome grocery, LR pgp Bg Bi Ai he 4 x BA S80, ___I§eee; Bee IsTEe Jacket hepter, largely attended by #8 congregi- united body, The meeting was church had 8 successful Avy 35 Rowe Bisegt RA 536s i Westsire. Telephone WA FH #0 WORRIE Wins, nodes Th 48 ~ SKATE eichonse, new and aed i |raeators elethoa Ls 27a is ton of approximately 16 peo-orought 10 a close with the om tov Kaw " f ro m-- a - LORIN, EReRp LERRIpaTiation, BI WF gest selection, lengthwise REPERIAE. JANUARY Bale! Ex full panel baby § #" FURNISH D room bor Baht Wousekess PHONE OWE Bright, opaciris, bed ning oom hey oifter. Telephone WO 510 Given "harsany nd Fridny (a § Bo: | cribs, Rasotone oF naturel ssn smash ple. nnging, ol Gi Blest LJ m Piel ots, "mens fowniows, Appy $4 CHARS DON SMITH (with, modern Furniture tn cles Nome 7LECle pr Loy (or vale In good Fan SEOrIOman's Corner, 103 Byrom SUEeet inion on costore. hell price Wii cies | The main airactions for this that Binds" folio sirmet RA B40 : v RA B.6728 CE owing contre, gentlemen only, Alin, low mileage, reasonable, Tele: BOHR, Whitby re | BAER LA pad made) hihy Carmakey (blessed event were four young prayer ONE Taras wnlurmiahed 100m, rERson Busi #55 2A 1 "679 6 Fernhill Bivd. BA $799) hone BA 44:17 - a oy, Busi trate Telephone. RA i a nal sa em mat children; Jacqueline Dianne EXPLORERS amie rent 26 Vnges Street 7 £5 dudes th recres 8 DODGE, giaraniesd I condition, E999 FORGE tresses, spring Niled, half prise 8: (lato Scott, ® id A AITRALTIVE furniahed rooms, #onil Member ODREB, ~~ BEYER room ne Ti nd radio, heater and Mectionsl manele, 5955 for Further fd isd. LS FOEkers, commane Enairs, walkers, in Fatchell Jona ihe Nancy The Explorers mel Wednes#t Brooklin arens on Saturds ® privaie heme #1 Fark Rost - ag scrnens, paved Arve, Good DRencing, Bond (res, Aefpiiely Re Fist OPER WINE and cider barrels, soil Ook, dergarten sets, Wilson's Furmiure, @ Donna Lynn Bobi # nancy day, Jan, 11, with Mrs, H Moun-| evening, inviting the community 7 pm Rh S467) a Sire rice $12.600, Call Phyllis Jubb mileage (406. Private 1098 King West of wink Osmaws Hordware nd Fis | Church Breet Marie Spencer who were hap 1enay as counsellor, The insta) to join them ng he 0 returned oviah hos (RA 96. Miller Resi Estpte, RA KA 55 . He hreh 4 "rPul bedtime wary (10 FA Wiens tized hy the Rev. Ronald WH 4 4 CLEAR. sig ll ee ve WO duit 16 FORD station wegen, (aur Aor, RAINY, interior, esterior, $2.95 #allon {THE il h Wall price mattress sale, # Lave BA BD. He chose 8s his lation of officers was held and|lo the home of Fred and Mrs. fi p ' 4 central ta North Genersi Matar HITRY Bungalow, bull price $10.008, Yh, automatic (Fansmission ond vata All enlors. £ antend, Nat, Blass. OM: Coots corload Just Arrived, BEVEF he the following were elected: Puckrn gfterwards for » social 7% Ws w 4 low Mm § Church) ssage, "A Thought for the : nd hospital, sores. APE ; three Wedrooms, off heated, garage, Special $805 Barlow Mators awe Hardware and Electric, § € fore seh # saving hy the makers of INESSAR Ls Chief counsellor. Nane . hour rent East 4 BUNGALOWS corner lot 4 owner, Phone MOnawk Street West street, BA 3164 a ,--. lamina Soringwal mattresses vOrthe Future". Mrs. T. Flett present ch Ji oy, Naney i The men's and hoys' FURNISHED (wo roams ahd KHER: | $n ACKBTATE Aull Insurance, Save WP 0, Uakls Lies mont all ses 3 40d wp Be a0" each, ed each child with a white Bible 30 ell Co atrieia 16 0 he held on Salurdey eve- os. private entiance, He} $00 FULL down payment xvaom @ per cent. Bix HORE PRY. ¥ Garis ou = " re > he ' * 4 ' i frigerator. Al baie, Purmoned hn th attached gorage, |Wriek bungalow, balance on one MHA pervanal service ah your home ea RA | Lo Pe weivias, 10%, Tatras ond Won Spring or ted from he WA _ proud par Webber: Friendship secretary, Ming, Jan. 28, at 6 pm, of ROGBERERGIng Wi ds j] Ene with oie OF | nartaage, monthly payments of S64 32801 free estimates, Chair, table FERLRIS. | Sisco sull 307 continental hed with head ents of these children ar Linda Mountenay: correspond: church . Hie, V pent. 96 fr ck orm ' Hig ty p wincipal. Call a worl naar ites, VIB Cleve Fo 7 Nat 7 " [ : ) Gatchell, 1 He nsomatie clay br storms and tach me interest end bo Relial ¢ol il Fe kn & ol A wd tives, 5 \Cleve Fox #12_Bimeoe Wor 0 hows, halk price wn icluxe_ smooth and Mrs Robert Gatehel Me ing secretary, Betty Schwanz Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Betson and KOON for lay 45 Is 7 sereer two storm @0615, hours Calf RA B20. Lieyd Resity vail PF 1am lenge. | Mid weet | "o, wheel welded box. troller, ol try WIA ig ER LR and Mrs. Alan Scott, Mr and The worship service then Cheryl arrived home on Sunday ay 45 to 5 pe sper mil M a a 2 3 ' : p . P p el i washing priviesss Centre ws cuble kitchen sinks, many Omens Limited one wanes, sew GiEes, windohield wash Bist oiter. RA S06 Ari greatest Jununs A ele. Wilson ' 4h oa ve Soni} ni k an took place and the meeting clos: from # five-week holiday In w 7 am 1 Yury 95 cash g r #0 CREE Mrs . e i y #4 between 7 and 1 other extras, priced to sell a) ers, AL condition, $1395 cash: RA po Tow grey Tone on tone, |S LE . | Wham Bp FESPEC: od with, "Children Who Walk Florida prbag oom enhe: 10,900 DOUGLAS L A by 0, aise Ressir vacuum cleaner, BEY of drums, Belmer Saxophone ¥ flat tively in Jesus Way" Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mitchell, Bw ety ™ 4. 310400 ord 310.70) ' toe VAUNWALY Victor "wine Tow | Appi 298 Kaley Crescent wiier 3 p.m. | Gla U3 bank SCCEOR, AL EORTEOR| ppg chor, under the leader: Claremont, visited af the home Mag Boy ais 0 : ease iach, rad eather HBOS : 7 ; yor ; CVENING WMS ; ATIRACTIVE | ed 19 CASH TO MORTGAGE GOWER wmariate onion, Telphane aiver | RNIVTING machine, CERPGeR. SKATES, new wna used, said snd ex SID Of Miss Elizabeth Hayes EVENING WM of Fred and Mrs. Puckrin on . [ ¢ 1 x B i B2715 " / NICE warm farmished Bedenom CORE, PRTEING. COPLinwoNE Rot water, in er cae " , " » 4 ord veterence encvelopaedia, 15 vol |changed, Largest selection in tow: | and Mrs. Henry Pihe, chose as rr regular onihy Masking Sunday MO 8 5366 *3 FALTOR 4 PLYMOUTH four door silomatie: umes, walnut Woakease, $99. RA B20, | Dravion's Cycle Eps Rond Bigot East. their anthem, "Morn of Glad: ) umbisy we ning vi Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holline . dd wahe ae = Bs ipo ' £ shisd washers, £8 VAKE NOW cutting Cedar for use, poles |B F GOODRICH Stores = tires, bal-|pggy'? iliary was hi at ie home of ger and family, Cherrywood, 41 GLADSTONE AVE fi pouts, telephone pales, OFARF YOUTS pow, teries " Mii AR iid Irs, Ronald Love. The presi- visited at the home of Stanley pr an length 4 inch ta 10 ineh hotiem sion rity da ' ost OFFICIAL BOARD dent, Mrs. Frank Smith wel and Mrs Powell on Sunday, 10 SEE RA 84971 ! ls, Fr en pol | OVE ndise problems with YA ae, "anes, susan. The annual official hoard comed everyone and gave a 'The Kampman children have by or pa d. Will trade up H oct a addy Classified teed rebuilt machines Estimates free, meeting was held al Raglan New Year's reading. Mrs, Stal: chickenpox, Alice has recover: d tA 55) Call now RA 33492 for ial Rentals vas um | Jeane Repair berv: (1aited Church on Monday, Jan ford Cosway read the call 0 ed and is back st school, with GIge INCOME $ y JRINERE Tales ' ls dihidas / on an show Viough A 9 worship which was followed hy. Congratulations to Jim GOLDELL S bedroom suites, Ho 6, (lon condition. a or woree, Wi. WE pay ighes prices iw the chy for ELEC, MOY Te ey ee Mr. Frank Tee reported from # hymn. The Scripture was read Mitchell and his bride, the fo drapes, siorme @ : ners, KA tire Stover RA 39205, 44 Simeoe!® ver, ele. For top chsh eller cof the conference and Preshyter hy Mrs, Houlding after which mer Earline Taylor of Ajax, nd ders, For investment |Nmiuoed th red rn, Afi ire bial and there proves to he a Mrs. 8 Cosway led in praver. who were married on Saturday 196] ou shoiuld look af this as !avaiiahi tap Motors, RA hongl, STOVE, two Warner electric aise siee | OGR00 B06 condition. Telephone BA Serious need for more recriis wnother hymn was sung and the afternoon in the chapel of St he. Brice ; $79,000, CUMTOM (On 1 (Fansistor af phone WA B-3695 $5044 for more information for the ministry, A charge henedict ion was given George's Anglican Church, Osh: rms arranged. For appoint adior from 9 Dominion FOE | au Rson danke snd ohare shed (THREE piece bedroom suite, walnut, must have 75 families for ser Mrs, Frank Smith conducted awa, John Wonnacoit acted as 10. suite apartment Build " J {He ars, S20 down hot weter heating J bingh ol a Wal Bond § writers, calewiators, free delivery. Call with mattress. ching cabinet, alse pane oiooe of ministry, All reports the husiness portion during hest man. Jim and Earline are HOMES OF GRACE and SPACE [nent io as y fw WEL AIR Chaviciet, four G00 for demnsivetion, Mii -HAmilten, Ash a MATS An movie eam ate increases in member. Which the Rev, Ronald 1 ov e going to live in Ajax a hardtop eight 9000 miles, autem burn 4 Wa : : : Ane in stalled the o eo ET -------------------------------- Soles ; br two Lome, whitewalle BA 30000, | ey ards CRENTVRFTELD hed in new condition. Ship and large halances in fi install d the Office rs for 1961 . V/ER OCATEI Qur Sale v / Po ery gond condition, CIean, and wrapping paper, at Ritson Centre, grey tweed, $35. Telephone RA 8187 nances President, Mrs, Frank Smith; 0 CONVENIENTLY LOCA | f ad lp good tires. Apply 383 Buens Vista oF 436 Ritson Road South, next to Coin for further information All Official Board Officers first vice-president, Mrs, Grant A Mary Clarke 4 HA #2872 Laundry, open nightly te 10 p.m were reappointed to their pre Webber: second vice-president, | I | f TS wil y PT A ' 4 . ' Par Pa on av ) 1455 FORD hardie hape I 855, ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, worth $325, 18 EAN 6 A 5 PR Mrs F {| p p . or Patter finance All Ladd d Ie ephong MA volumes World Atlas, World's Great ONE ONLY A vi $107.94 10us POsILIONS Mr. Stewart Mu i his il Fm ge ii ord, 13088 for more par 4 € est Literature, with bookcase, Like new 10" radial arm sow complete | vison remained as the M and M|INE secretary, Mrs, Bia | BRAEMOR GARDENS i PLYMOUTH A condition. new FA B4125 with three drawer cabinel, |ipeasurey for Columbus and COSway; treasurer, Mrs, Don-| Tou ce ' tire; wii becent | Can finance ONE Anisting machine, Ranidex, in new brand new for heavy duty Mr. Elmer Powell as M and M gi : fchrane; Christian Wadd 3 / Bg oncian WH a iA 30811 service in your home or shop. | paioman for the Columbus: 8rdship: secretary, Mrs, Harry v (Stevenson Rd. North and Annapolis) Ley maven | SHESRULEY. bs Cir dor (Wood Pser Telephone BA SIS 91) Many. gccessarie $7793 |¥ adron charge " Mountenay; Christian Citizen: FRENCHMAN'S 'BAY ~-- The ( YOUR OVER y auto el nen ole r ( L] ] ' § 8 ars 4 r 80: 4 y d ' CE THEN CALL YOU y he seen # wen 0 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup ab tely J, ve ot $14 8 fhe annual congregational (Shin secretary Mrs, Bleve Bo | rat. cor to £0 through the ice OPEN DAILY N.H.A FINANCED CLOSE TO ADELAIDE APPTECHs 0, Ir plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent! Now Only 346 oF meeting will he held Thursday, bili Lit. and Missionary Month-|at Frenchman's Bay this year hat Jr is Haro 4 down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond) month Call Dow RA 54781 Tan 26 at 6.30 tarting off|1v secretary, Mrs Ronald Tove; lwas driven by Gerald Oldford AND PARK RD jt ecandition: | Breet West, Ha 56511 or RA B:2405 or RA 56-4240 dan 20 at b00 bm, staring {Supply secretary, Mrs. Harry D road, Toronto, Mr old: 2 vear old, three-bedroom d hod t od shape. BANKRUPT stock of children's shoes aith a pot luek supper in the Bupi oo a y, ? i, | Dawes road, Toronto, , t f ata | ng on ai bili nrands | §2--Legal Sunday School Room. Each or Mouniena) ation Friend [hed and 4 friend were Jishing brie Nga ile at a 4 7 vB . alent, ete. Midtown Furniture pa g 5 » ple: o Ship secretary, Mrs an Scott; | through the ice at the north pa | 350NGH rice of $172 hi CHEVROLET Brock Street North, Whithy, MO|5 John RW, Town. will not be responsible BANIZALION 15 FeOUE sted 10 he SN i | 900.00 %oF NHA mor 0 Pontiac, cheap on. Wii #4981 . shi for any dents contracted in my sure that their proper officers Baby ., an ¥ suneriftendent of the Bay nd Hr Oidtord do. p b Ag y N : wg (On oF after this date, January sph p 080 » a. M18 arry Mounten cided ol dnv § C REAL ESTATE LIMITED [ 888 caries t p 3 ¥ 0 | hs vin p J "3 A My Ry Without my 'written eoneeni aie hand (0 present their re press secretary, Mrs, Frank|the channel to see if the fishing wdes infer wrincipal and (soup » sontine with '57 283 } ' : 4 " | Taxes Phone Bill Miller af | motor, bored wih 12 to ane pistons, 8135 for further particulary Smith was better, He was fortunate to 40 King 5t. East Dial RA B8-4678 | 5 8.5123 Duntoff" tam v 1gnition, RA [SNYDER chesterfield suite, sectional DICIAL SALE [AFTERNOON WMS Mr. Frank Smith thanked] escape with just 8 cold ducking, : c { Su Li ee awe $ Jona conditlan; font JU » The f.rst meeting for 1961 of Rev. Love for his services, The! Although the Pickering Town: HARMONY HEIGHTS BRAND NEW BUICK Bn Be ne $250, 51 | ABRIY 75° Buckingham of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the meeting closed with The Bene: ship Police try to discourage % bungalow, aluminum storms and screens, large $900 DOWN $900 | Piymoutn i 41 Chrvaler OFFICE." stare and restaurant equip] 217 Johnston Street, in the woman's Missionary Society diction and lurch was served hy motorists from taking their ears enna. wired for dryer, well landscaped, Full Buvs 4 rodern Hn periect condition, motor, "no ment, We iy and wil, new or used | City of Oshawa, In he yas held at the home of Mr. T, the committee lon the ice, every week-end hun. 0.00 with one N.H.A. mortgage at 6%. After brick bunaalow on Athaboske . AN a aon, Broakiin County of Ontario, Flett, Jan 11 i {dreds of people take the risk of v bunge 1056 DODGE Crusader, (wo door, radio Hamilton Brook . DOUBI KS CLUB Barriage of 5.6243 reer, Spacious living roem, |, ow lires, good ¢ on, $600 oF WAVER, delivered. Phone Hampion.| IN THE COUNTY COURT President, Mrs. Ray Scott, HU Silky driving on the ice, There Is from ov Hollywood kitchen, and three | neares Bowmanville, MA 38322, | Colfax 8:2307 OF THE COUNTY OF ON: [opened the meeting after which The Doubles Club held a howl-| coven to ten inches of ice north SOUTH-WEST SECTION bedrooms, Choice of colors | ims CHEVROLET, good motor, solid . TARIO fev. 1. H, Love presided for Ing party at the Oshawa Shop-| of Wharf street, The channel ex: Lovely 3-bedroom «ranch bungalow with naturel fireplace, well throughout. For more infor. Ihady, white walls pearly pew shot 5ICKROOM EQUIPMENT IN THE MATTER OF The |the installation of officers, A PING Centre Raturday evening| ands from the gap to the east decorated and landscaped, large lot, paved drive. Owner mation call Jim GCruikshanks oc dq "0 sell, hest offer aver S100, MO FOR RENT or FOR SALE Partition Act. R50. 1950, (few thoughts on the New Yea with 17 couples present . | side of the Bay, south of Wharf ieaving country, will let it go for enly $12,500 with N.H.A at RA 8.5123 8.4722, 328 Dovedale Drive Hospital beds. wheal chairs Chapter 269 was given hy Mrs, Ray Scot After a great exhibition of | street and this has been kept mortgage at 52%. A real buy at this price $1,000 DOWN SPECIAL f Chevrolet sedan, $174 i walkare. beduides and and 8 New Year's hymn was Magnificent howling, the BrOUD| open by the tug and barge work: 36 Pontiac Station wagon, S166 i went to the Church for thei; nd sewer 4 . pe p auxhall $095; '68 Oh et $1465; '56| ¥ oF Ri SUNg ' ing on the water a MASSON STREET iby {lash oo gled Fn A ey ah AB; hi commodes, cruiches and Ha Te MATTER RF pe The officers for 1061 ape: Worship portion of the meeting. pipes in the lake, A thirteen A | evialet S475; 'M- Bi A ce : w '" " y AI was led hy Mr, Ray Scott ' old hoy fell through on Bat: Lovely 2La-stomy brick heme, 4 bedreams, modern kitchen, | Ronis 5 00 Chevrolet '$078; 'M-_ Buick 8300; 04 anes, alse rall-away beds "ont Past president, Mrs. R. Rati! ) Hay Reo: | year old hoy fe roug natural fireplace with mirror, vanity in bathroom, T.V. aerial, or. Luis tonss of 31 1300 pian S13. Yeu CAME Phone Ald Rentals RA 5:1odd Practice and oliff, president, Mrs, R. Scott; |The minutes and treasurer's re: urday and on Sunday a young venetion blinds. Full price $17,250.00 tall RA B:5123 Lloyd . mi Form tide Serr I IN THE MATTER OF the seorelany, Mra A Grass as part were both read and approv wri went in svt ie. ads Yeo Realt hape, radio, hea walls, $150 | " lands and premises known in sistant, Mrs oliday; pian: #8. ; The ice fishing nL SUBDIVISION LAND y fon, (oe over" sasments. wa aim | ALUMINUM DOOR Bo nd Em asin ist, Mrs, T. Scott; assistan,| The meeting was adjourned puis are now available fo rent 38'4-acre property, near shopping centre Liovd Realty Lid, Regliers AND WINDOWS! Street in the City of Osh Mrs, A, Smith; treasurer, Mys and a fine lunch was served hy the day from Bill Newman, RA 8-523, RA B.5124 C awa, in the County of On- |, Wieft; assistant, Mrs, [0.[by the committee whose con-\The Bay was a busy place over SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 8.5125 SALL CASH$ tario, being composed of Lot (White: Lit Lib. Mrs, 1. |veners were Mr, and Mrs, Ray (he weekend, with hundreds of f £ Special Reduced Pric and b-room split-level brick bungalow with ettached garage, recre 101 Simcoe at. N r Ret We gue Cash : Number 19, according te a [pawell; assistant, Mrs, A, |Seotl ; | people taking advantage of the ation room, patio ef rear, well decorated and landscaped Liens paid off ) y Plan registered in the Regis: Smith: Community and friend: For all Doubles Club mem:| good weather to fish and skate, Country living in the city fer enly $18,000.00 | $395 DOWN . i : and Carry try Office for the Registry hin, Mrs. N. Gimblett; stew. bers, King Street Doubles Club h NICOL'S MOTOR SALES a 2 AERy Division of the County of ardship, Mrs. N. Scott and Tem: | is holding & dance at the air< TEAM DEFEATED DUPLEX . IL HEAT | 512 BRC TN. WHITBY CALL FOR QUICK SERVICE Ontario as No. 433, and | 0erce "hp U5 P\iitenak port on Friday. Feb, 10, Tickets) The Whithy girls' team was Centrally located separate entrances and meters, large lof, Df ACHER OIL Hi ! MO 8-200) ALEX VAJ DA | igh partic ory deren? A short husiness perind was are 83 a couple and they must defeated hy the Don Mills girls well landscaped, 5-room apt. with sun-reom down, 3-room ap! $66.00 MONTHLY hod n3iumant Nimes 1 conducted by the president in{he Jurehiased hy Feb f Col in a fast action, game at Whithy upstairs, Live comfortably almost rent-free. Full price $13,800 ¥ ~ " 48) DREW 57 RA 3.9851 Whi yo 4 e § we on thelumbus members please con. Arena on Runday evening, After 5:30 call John Kemp at 8.2392 ONE N.HA. MORTGAGE SABYAN MO [OR Between whith ¥ HOFis Were given on ie tact Mr, and Mrs, Ken Powell. | though the Whithy girls seemed 4 | Dorieewett 1ill prices go awa ce ~ © ZOFIA WIATROWSK! ast ved FRAN (to have the edge on the play, FOR RENT up, A limited ro Hi A SALES LTD. PLAN | Applicant, ' N Jes announced that the PERSONALS | they failed to hit the mark with « . Was galows still left at $12,295 | STUDEBA} ¢ deal up or down Twi rey br ick home, three large bedrooms, Harmony Rd § WMS Preshyterial Rally will be 7: Merlin Hepburn, Fnnis:| their shots. Don Mills scored in Call RA 5:6204 | 1, VOLKSWAGEN u ' t f ee our models and have one | ALES and SERVICE FOOD & FREEZER] and held Web. 22 at Trinity Unit: Killen and Mrs. Arthur Hepburn|the first period and the Whithy AFTER 5.30 CALL color ) You may have tried the rest ! Hb day, Jan, 16 | chances to tie the 1:0 game, Don 5243 Everett Ellictt 3.9290 Joe Maga 5919) OSHAWA, ONT Now try the best. Eat better Respondent World Day of Prayer will be [Jd : : " Mr. Vernon Powell has re Mills tallied again In the last y Drew. 5:7610 John Kemp 8:2392 WE REPEAT Tel. RAndelph 3.3461 for less 80% groceries sup. | and hold Feb 17 ary Praver nar turned home from the Toronto] few minutes a play, It was a he Missionary Jaxer x [hospital to vecaver from an p< rough game for the girls and r $66.00 monthly t : ducts, highest quality meats, | IN THE MATTER OF the [ner for 1061 is Miss Helen 1 Ack, | sration several penalties were handed BODY SHOP | Lifestime warranty freezer, | application of ZOFIA WIA community worker, §t. Colum We wish to extend our sym:|out to both teams. Betty Clark WE REPEAT MERCEDES - BENZ | he anly_sne gudtantend av TROWSKI hid House, Quebee, give theip RAY to Mrs Morley Gilray in| Whithy defence, was treated by | Goo ousekeepin 0 nyone ( give their oo qa: - \ 8. Dr. OL } as p These bungalows are detach DKW RoW na WOH! A ow for | PURSUANT 16 the Judgement uses nristmas and birthday the death of her mother, Mrs Dr, Cuddy for a gash above the ed with private drives | 'and Order for sale made in |eards away, kindly send op ohn of Enfield [eye which required four stitches. Sates 3 I eet Sunday visitors of Mr, and] Dianne Wiseman held a per: ring the 8 OHNE Arps. Charles Grills were Mr, | fee ¥ " and from there they will be a les Gril e Mr. fect hand in eribbage while play | ons : \ ! " ] were in the hospital as of Mon:| : | - saratructed 'parent choice of 134 RITSON RD, SOUTH ROMAN WIATROWSKI od Church, Bowmanville, Th e|%! pital team. missed several good | One NH A mortgage plied, all well-known pro. | WHITBY CLASSIFIED | FOR RENT Nix room brick bunge: ROOM or poem and hoard for (wo n Jaw. lavge living and dining room, three gentlemen Apply 400 Dundas Street WE REPEAT \arge bedrooms, $100 monthly, Avail. | West, Whithy ahie Fehruary | Telephone MO 8:8424 ALES AN DSERVICH Demonstration ne obliga j ; 4 : y | ton this. cause, there will be af 408 KING W., OSHAWA | RA 5.3709 fered for sale by public au These homes -are oil heated "A §.7132 tion in one parcel, by the un and Mrs, Roy Jackson and Les ing with her brother FURNISHED Tight housekeeping roam six rooms and decorated in RA 5-713% distributed where needed | INR i Rill on " ) | Di Eh yy LL. gis dersigned, J. de N. Kennedy, od from Lindsay Sunday, She held three fives, the FOUR roomed apartment, central lo: (1 conveniences. cenivall lio BATE ils Sewers, schools, shop: | ABwAutomabiles Wanted | SEE HOME APPLIANCES | at the Judge's Office, in the The Jevplional Period hy Attention all farmers! There jack of diamonds and turned up cation, spacious i includes hea ake y 3 J TY A light ne Walter manthly Tele: [FOR RENT = Twa bedroom semi ping at your doorstep QSHAWA LTD Court House Whitby Gn jen J {will he an exhibition of farm the five of diamonds, for LJ total and industrial equipment from of 20 points, Jan. 25 to Jan. 28 at the CNE| The Frenchman's Bay Rate: 24th day of February, 1961, |was, "The Changing Glory of arounds, Toronto [payers and Community Assoe the following lands and prem- |Gind" | mT re ' rs, A. Me shone MO 84404 after § apartment, heat and water ingluded " ~ ud | tarie, at the hour of 11 | Pereman and Mrs a UmTavOy wanted from Whit: | Md imaniiy, Close Wh immediate pos AND SPOT CASH 90 SIMCOE SOUTH 'clock, forenaon, Friday, the |Kenzie, Their chosen theme Ania hiV Vi session. Phone 0 83630 after § pom a. x " A Riad a Pid FOR SALE = Shelled com patina 395 1S THE FULL PAID f OR FOR FRIGICAIRE | sp trav 1 i Ml RR BCR the vielnity of Whithy, Contaet Good clean cars, Trade up | © SALES AND SERVICE to Raa Ya 217 White hare of Master Philip Gilroy return-| tion will hold its monthly meet. ERENT Anertmeni we nicely | Maya, 47 Harvey Streat, Chatham On or down. Livia paid all il C " ne no le 21 John: | Murs. E. White took charge offoq "home Monday from theling at Fairport United Chureh oR ev, Hh AEH EG vai DOWN PAYMENT, 'D550 MOTOR Saves | Poneuc ond Commucal | ut, Bm ive Git of une dy _porod_B EVI gpl ater" operation on aon Friday at 848 pn. The andl stove. heat. light | FOR RENT ==Thres and four reamed A QTOR SALES 5 | Oshawa, in the County of | ) y day | aXbe chen, rofrigera RA 5.5332 {his tonsils the same day [executive members of the and water supplied Private entrance |apartments, close to sehools. Parking 114 PARK RD. § S . | Ontario, more particularly de 50---Articles For Sale { hi BY |S H 31 Palace Sireel space, Apply 300 High Street, Whithy RA 5 883] RA 3.9421 Sr ------------ scribed in instrament Num. |#0™=Article Monday evening visitors at| Squire's Beach Ratepayers have CLEARANCE Sater Bolween now and SEPT shia fleaned the Saninry way ! - BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS | ber 71917, registered in the |TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, home of Mp, and Mrs. Charles| been invited to attend, Any new New Year We are clearing our new tanks mstalle 'alter Ward 204 ] A Salk | BOATS sock. Al new low prices. Refrige Chestaut West. Phone MO 82363 . HOUSTON'S GARAGE J 2 { . raha ! Es 5 A Ae uty staves, $19 up: 31 DEALER Ve iive" poditey "and teatieiv| WW: T+ LAMSON REAL ESTATE 4 A istry Division of the County [41811 Mrs, Rachel Cook and Mrs, invited, Several topies concern: 3 ) FIBRE GL ASS BOAT | y 'oak ? : $19 up: ohesterflelds $18 wp [EAD : i AND SERVICE STATION RS inn RCH of Ontario pi eave sanaie A [Stanley Cook all from Oshawa,|ing the new Bay Ridges De. uedroom suites, like new Cantact Jake Parker, MO $3044 calleot : LTO > BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM 8 COVERING KITS avert attachments, s30. Mp, and Mrs, Norman Gime velopment are to be discussed, 9 sh ragist new and used, also re (ip or q WwW wk i Registry Office for the Reg. | Sash PREteCh QO Street South. RA Grills were Mrs, Lucey Beckett, residents in the area are alse \ n : t Sranare BL BRL RL BY PLETE BRAKE SERVICE a s rews, anchor fast | The property will be offered Telephone BA 8.1031 ar 336 Athol Steel pioit attended the 50th wedding] Mr, and Mrs, BE, Buck, Fair » n Boats repaired, paintir K North MO 84981 duty Westinghouse Freezer and ihe JOHN A. J MOTOR ~~ TUNE-LIR AND a Qi, Hg roll paning far sale subiect to a reserve | EA anniversary celebration of Mr. view Ave, returned home on APARTMENT in apartment building, [finest of foods procurahle, by Sennied GENERAL REPAIRS and varnishing, Matar ster: bid fixed by the said J. de N land Mrs. William Powell at §t,| Saturday after spending the past three roams, heavy duty wiring, park [Sth Thi of ity fair weather or toul, 67 KING ST. W, ae Kennedy The purchaser | [Stephen's Church, North Osh: month visiting relatives in Kin he three 0am AY ilabie Therember 1 |(0Ur siopning contre in your Kitchen \ ayn HANNAN MARINE SALES | hall it io tha V Stephen's Church, (month v I] I] 5 Your three months supply of food guar RA 3.7827 shall pay down to the Ven jawa, last Sunday | ston, Inlephane RA A-3314 antes better planned meals at far loss LIMITED 20 RAY ST : RA 8.8853 dor's solicitors on the day of FOR RENT Furnished roam with than you are now paying. The cost of REALTOR INSURANCE A sale 10% of the purchase | | fa BR private saira ice, In respectable home living being such as it is, it ix only » k M TORS AY Al No Youre ami tamiy, (hat 'vou 1o7 SIMCOE § CASH GET THAT money and shall pay the bel MERRY MENAGERIE ECONOMART, MO 85381, RA 67 SIMCOE 5 FREE ESTIMATE ance of the purchase money FOR RENT «. boat and No Down Payment. Ne Obliga hoice clean cat . inte Court without interest tan. Oui feed consultants will gladly Yoras y Trade up or down On that wor wit bathroom within JO days after the date January Sale ; a awa, explain our way ta better living, and - ha L $ a n oul ba . * abin_ trailers, chain saws, [XPM aur way te hetler living, and RA 5 6544 MACKIE'S MOTORS | today, phone of sale. Adjustments to he | Distributed by King Features Syndioste, ) ' a 303 RS | | made as of date of comple 1959 Johnston, electreie, | { fhe, TU fan be BURE a Weat:} FULL $7,900 FULL | \Ng'sT £, vARCOE'S RD. | Guscott Plumbing | 'ten of the sale. The pur used, iike new. Price $398 GERMAN "Shepherd pupnios. sham | Luth only $300 down and RA 5.5743 RA 5.5132 207 Simcoe § ha i shall search the ntle 1960, 40 electric hp. Scott pion bred, four females. sight weeks $75.00 monthly buys this al his awn expense The like new. $495 WILDE {TAL $30. Sive Kisinjohans-Adel Ven Haus! &.room home close to Simcoe | Vendor shall not be baund ta P nd Sal Pabst Dame Yemens Asta Second ! N yl} AC p : - ESTO 2 DO st of ti New 1960, 40 Manuel Was is Be 878.3226 [Cal Ma bihoe hers om. oS South OF heat good CASH FOR YQUR CAR BEST QUALITY produ. GRY abisact of BNE | g475. "Now 443 y Dundas wif Ec i , a \OV ask | 3 CE 5 U y ¢ 0 dene . FOR RENT -- Twa bedroom apart Br Pd or y "4% Ko Trade up or down FURNACE FUEL OIL tile ether than. these it Wet 1960, new, 60 hp, alec Eat better-for:le eniently pie Ly aRariment building Md, i 5 834 > ck ot R Liens Paid Off STOVE OIL | possession and control, In all tric Was §1,029 Now a wetter \ wenier close 1a sehoals, shopping, parking " or 3 : : A ante Q 4 a bh * : 13611 far further information d ig ] ER . | other respects the conditions 695 'E EXPERT SERVICE | HOMARKET FOOD NEW six room house. all convenisnos BUY YOURSELF | eit TW | of sale are the standing con 25 h.n.. electric, new. 1960 $50 monthly, available February 1. 117 ~( | 2 AA 5 NIXON'S dition f sale of the Court ¢ 650. Now $45 AND rir TIA 8 Badd AN INCOME | Ld RA 5.0732 , DIXON ditions « e e Cou Was $65( v $450 as modified by the conditions Tw 1960 Va hp new FREEZER COMPANY [For RENT Spacious (wabadrioam | Apple Hill Duplex. 2 bed RA 3-4663 | of sale settled by the unde and used Used S hp apartment, new building. refrigerator, rooms, kitchen, dining room Fit signed lok $85 stave, TV outlel, individual thermo . } c bi ehnston Whitt Hiak stat. equipped laundry, adults prefers and large living room in each AR AUCTION aluminum products == ) : bots ( ¢ Every nurday | a.m saws wnt mixer, statement, There are many substitu. | shotguns ei. MOhawk 82333 apartment. These are already ws. shower doors | On the premises is said to be ! All units may be financed 5 ) | SEPTIC tanks. cleaned the sanitary ented at $95.00 moatr - \ ¢ \as / towers, paving | erected a six room bungalow | way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward for each apartm Can be hi wood nothing down. | brick veneer with asphalt | v WM Chestnut West, phane MO 8 2563 handled with | down pa lect | ) 1961) wh ph Sates call | roof. forced air oil ndition | TED WHITE'S ment. To inspec n Je | ing and having built | SELLING AVON Appleby RA 5 6544 or Oshawa Car Auction Aluma Seal Co. About six years age and in an | IS FUN 1.3398 ( t, RA 8.51720 RA 5.93645 ANYTIME | excellent sate of ropa ROSE & MARINE | Fully Guaranteed SUBUR 1G -- Further particulars and con - | w U BURBAN LIVING BUYING OR SELLING SEE SALE ditions of sale may be ob KING VARCOQE'S RD Ask any representative, you est of awa by d ? tained from the County Court | . room bungalow only TED CAMPIN wm Products of the | Clerk. Court Mo Whitt : > can earn as you learn, makes | 'old, with every modern cor pe , quality at the best | a Dur Floule hny RA 8.5924 | vy { ew friends, pay back bills i venlance ¢ a MOTORS | pig fully guaranteed . 3 ap ( MO 4630 i w part-time work, high ction % Att : Double hung windows only DATED this 6th day of Janu 51--Llost & Found e® 1-18 A Phone <07 HAWA $18 it 1961 Ro ; ¢ ( W 8 Call now ary BICYCLE, LOST, BOY'S NEW "Vis 107A COLBORNE ST. W al commissic Call LE Member of Oshawa and ust East of Wilson Road) Lymer -Aluminum Co (Sgd.) 1. de N, Kennedy [Sount™ taces Bie and white. no Al 3 don't knew po SYR "4 WHITBY | 6.0827 eollect District Real Estete Board, | RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 1 RA 8.5385 County Court Judge, {achel Rewird. RA IN Tams