TEMPLE LODGE, AF AND AM, No. 649, INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS Wor. Bro. R Wor. Bre. J from Janior Back row left, Bro. A, Bathe deacon; Wor. Bro. R. Coulson installing master bre. 6 Barron, nner guard; Wor Bro. B Btrewick, immedi dd ale past master DeCoe, chaplain { director of ceremn Bro, R, Flutter Bro, W. Wallis, jun W treasurer 1 Bre. O iy. Bre Cormsn, jun varder Won re. W worshipful. master Barron. jumaor warden Bro. A. Clarke D. Friend i Temple |odgs No. Ml Officers of AF and AM vested and installed Oshrwa Ma Tuesday night CREE, BERIEA Club Sees Slides Of Trip South Al the meeting Ww A made of special features which will be added to the programs at each meeting. The hopes these will be to the newer members _ club as well as the toned The main fealure INg Was a travelogue Florida" prepared and present ed by Miss Molly Sinclair and go neuaws RESIDENTS Miss Betty Bright. Their com: "of me" total admitted, #18 mentary had been taped with uo rocidents of Oshawa. 112 hackground music by Be rt gon Whithy, 22 from East Whit Boorman and Jim Dalley, Thishy Township, 45 from Whiths portrayed, in beautiful color Fownship, 14 from and 97 slides, their holiday in Florida. from Pickering Township an fellows. Ty private wards, 28 Leaving & snowy Canada Other townships In Ontario to semi-private wards, 34 to] they drove through country in|County accounted for 20 admis [Public wards, 701 and nursery! Oul patient bo MF during which some of the roads were sions (0 hospital during theladmissions totalled 209 December tolg ed 1687 as com blocked hy snow even as far month, The breakdown of these! During December, discharges| pared a 1636 the previous south as North Carolina. Then, townships is; Brock, one; Mara,| from hospital totalled 1851, In| month, The December out pa QING L_summ fhey Koon # ? the WETE A or Brey mes, Wor organist / 8 rm Bro and 1147 Patients Enter Hospital In December Hospital during December and the previous month and 1956 comparisons are as follows Patient days in December totalled 11,156 as compared to LL 266 in November, The 1060 pa tient days total is 131,116 as compared to the 10680 total of 125,156 The sions and fen Ti off ie The from Fé Jef 17 Wor J One resident of the U.8.A admitted during the month ADMISSION BREAKDOWN Oshawa admissions during De cember accounted for 71 per cent of the total number of ad missions during the month Whithy accounted for 10 per cent, Kast Whithy Township ac counted for two per cent, Whit hy Township accounted for. four per cent, Ajax accounted for 17 per cent, Pickering Township accounted for 2.5 per cent, other townships in Ontario County a¢ counted for two per cent and other counties in Ontario ac counted for eight per cent o [the December admissions The admission breakdown is Operating figures in all de was partments al the Oshaws Gen eral Hospital were higher in 1960 Nan during the previous year yiperintendent W Holland pointed out in presenting his De cemher the hospital hoard Tuesday nigh he of adulis and children admitted in the Oshawa General Hospital during Decem her totalled 1147. There were #71 in residence on Nov. 30 Oshawa Camera (Club announcement eOIveE helpful of the more Se f report in nf director number of admis births in December was 1808 as compared (o 1322 during November. Admissions and hirths during 1060 totalled 15,836 as compared to 14,018 the Previous year December dally averages totalled 350.9 as compared (o 875.2 the previous month. Daily averages for 1060 were 358.2, an increase over the 1950 dally averages of M20 H number total of the meet Come tn patient fl Alax | e | ¥ tient admissions brings the 1060 er weather, as one; Uxbridge, three and Reach| addition, there were 26 deaths | arer vouth, | Township accounted for 16 of/In the hospital, 211 births and total to 10,114 as compared to they visited all the points of inthe 20 admissions two stillbirths e 1060 out terest in historic Bt, Augustine Other counties in Ontario a total of 16,674 taking pictures of Ponce de|(0Unted for BE admissions dur DALY AYEnAGR J tients AVERAGE BED OCCUPANCY Leon's Fountain of Youth; thel! the month, Seventy-one of 16 Cally average of patients patient admission AVETrAR well-attended through discussion on many matters chiefly among which was the| proposed erection of new club. Midd ui in residence totalled 860. Adults| The average bed occupancy oldest school house with its|}nC%e Admissions were from oo iti te ounted for 817|during the month was 85.9, In and children a inted Durham County, Of the 71 Dur November, this bed occupancy windows of hand-blown glass; ham County admissions to hos.|®f the daily average of patients NOV mber, A fi Rey the old cemetery with the io "sed dents of Darlin residence and newborn hahies averaged R69 per cent i uring raves In small vaults above atin ; accounted for the remaining 43/the year, the average hed occu § lington Township i was 85.5 per cent as com round, and the oldest house in! of daily e of patients in| PANCY WAS Ba.h per ce the United States which has residence (pared with the 1060 average of stood under the flags of five S id p k Outpatient visits totalled 157," 8 per cent nations unnysi e rar x. department visits totalled The December hid Recupancy At the Marine Studios were ; 760, emergency operating room| breAkown Ie, maCica' And BU many views of under water life! Holds Election visits totalled 636 and Laboratory gical be BA oy paediatric = groupers, turtles and grunts examinations totalled vy in the| eds, 117.8 per cent Wy pd m arate erformed in the There were the fascinating por The Bunnyside Park Neigh wan ha room (otalled| cent of the nursery hassineties poises leaping for food, and the horhond Association laune hed a1 and operations performed] Were oce upied during the month bored pelicans Its 1061 season's activities re: and treatme red The average stay number of i atments administered in " od Slides were shown of luxur: (cently with an election of offic the emergency operating room days during December fotalle d ious homes along (he water: ers, and immediately proceed alipd 1 83 as compared with an 82 I totalled 740 id ways when a launch trip was ed to outline a program of average during November. The enjoyed; flowers of the south, events that will take place this COMPARATIVE FIGURES 1660 and 1060 average stay num such as hibiscus, frangipani, or- COMING year Comparative figures for the her of days remained the same chids and gardenias, as well as President John Calder led a operation of Oshawa Generallat 8.3 orange, lemon and grapefruit meeting 4 Kroves, and banana plants; and the audience was taken through AG ee ke ore Graduate Thrilling were the pictures of | house facilities. High hopes the water ski show which includ | We re held that the members ed kite skiing, ballet and tpick|would see completion of this skiing; and awe inspiring was! Project in the very near future urses mp oye the huge pieture at Lake Wales At an election conducted hy s Laat § ) A Chris. Mason, chairmé |, 4 a4 of the Lith upper dane in mo: LM Tason, cha nan of the Phere was an increase of 26and their friends at MeLaugh sale which took 27,000 hours to Central Council of Neighbor i » ids pA aie W is | the mhe f graduate lin Hall, Friday, Jan, 27, She complete hood Associations, the following|'t he number of EFaAuE v EUAY, #f; Ah on tf | officers were elected: Presi. Nurses on staff at the Oshawa said the Gideon Auxiliary will b Lig the Cine o wo HUE dont, John Calder: first vice General Hospital during 1060, present white Testaments to the hokweeh Ay CIA bo Braves oocident. Keith Smith: secre. Mes. Mary Telford, divector of (30 junior students at this recep ne Ae i HEo hy ROX Was( fo My Tohn Calder: trea nursing, told thie hospital hoard tion which will begin at 4.80 un to watch, and of interest surer. George Price parts di-'at its meeting Tuesday night, p.m also was the machine pulling pacar Colin Lavalee: assistant! Mrs. Telford said at the end| Senior class lectures will radishes, cutting off the top ports director, Danny Price; of December, 1060, 185 graduate commence Jan, 30 and continue and placing them in baskets Don Harper and nurses were on the staff, At the through for four weeks, Mrs auditors all in one operation Frank Davis end of 1059, the hospital employ: Telford said. Examinations will Then a visit in our awn ed 150 graduate nurses be conducted the fifth week Ni agara Falls Conservatory with . and will be completed Mareh 3 lore 43 MORE ASSISTANTS paar? Ihe ; many-colored tuliy Theatre Invite a | fi RN waiabias ul The senior students will be . Minor Players cyclamen daffodils and hyacinths, remind taken on a field trip to Lynd ing us of our own wonderful certified nursing Assistant. om hurst Lodge during the after oul played at the hospital increased noon Feb, 21 and junior stu to 15 from the 1950 total of 11 | hi Hime springtime Just around the ner, dents will be on the wards at Non certified nursing assistants the hospital full time during the decreased to 52 in 1960 fram §0 . . weeks Jan, 20 to Feb. 3M the previous year and the num K of min hook Each student will receive 1 ingside Park it SURI oo Onto ber of nursing ovderlies remain 3 ge Ne Names Executive oN weeks' experience on evening made a life time past ed at 19, Mrs Telford tald the " The annual meeting Oster, manager of Theatre and long Pap Biltmore honstey Ines wa duty under the guidance of clin president" of the Oshawa board eal instructors. There will be hd alr Minar Hockey Association at the, The school of nursing for 1960 ane instructor for each 10 stu tion of officers of Kingside annual Gel Pagether Banquet is composed of ane director, the dents Mrs. Telford said Park Neighborhood Association!" May, 1960 far his outstand: same as in 1030, seven instruc: Graduation date for the sen was held recently with lval NE contribution to all bays initars, an increase of ane More ior class has been arranged for Trotter presiding. The elections] ™ N07 hockey throughout the instructor and 87 students. The Friday, June 3 were conducted by Chris Ma students have increased from son, president of the Central wa | Minar Hos Ke¥ tho 1930 total of 82 nurses in Council of Neighborhood Asso Ne Wb Bah training Saturday, Jan. 3% THREE APPOINTMENTS has up With: During December, three ap ire in being host 10 paintments were made to: the A Rockey Sapo May. general duty nursing staff and attend the. Biltmore Wo appointments were made Satutday. dan 8 to the nursing assistant staff fan 98 Mrs. Telford accepted two . graduate nurses' resignations in December and two nursing as Inlant resignations min in Oshawa Enrolment in the \ grateful ta Mr, Qsior TINIE 13, SONIOY gn N ih 10 the second charge and noted <1 and that he will continue ermediate class Ma the court that, due te his participation in minar 100 class, 3. There has been! canfinement he had been un hockey for same years to. come. one withdrawal from the junior able ta pay the fine : He wishes to femind the bays class, Mrs. Telford said Magistrate Baxter remanded pnned far that th ve admitted free » p Lig when they present TO. PRESENT TESTAMENTS (M+, Maracle in custody an the A eA Hoek Ww Mis. Telford invited the 33 ai which me the Crown coach hoa members to attend a 1o will be ready 10 present its ception for the junior students| case Week mn 4] int od Maracle Faces Extra Charge BOWMANVILLE (Stath Nathan Maracle, RR 3}, Row manville, charged with rape had a further charge of having {quer in a place other than his residence, hrought ta his atten Hon in the court, Tuesday Mr, Maracle pleaded guilty clations The new officers are: H [ calf, president; Mrs. BR. Norton vice-president; Mrs, Alma Fer ly nandes secretary Ay Bley Ambrose, treasurer them ¢ thn): Ron Shaw The man; Gord Bell and Mr. Wh and S Ing, assistants; My Robins N and Mrs Spe noe and + Means cammitios Rou Jack Ovendon, Mrs off Mrs. Evenden, entertainment good, Mrs. Guy and C. Row telephone committee and Ay F. Buechler, corresponding se retary A bake sale Feb. 14 at 200 pm has affered to hold her hame at 3 Ch enue, Oshawa fan Pap ne ) Ostler Come minor (acclama sport hat lve an and pn turday y 1h i the week fra m way My Gled only n behind iasaciation most And trast ) \¢ and school of { was pl v will wsterton av W \ d Such a uckel---now The Oshawa Times SECTION SECOND OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1961 PAGE THIRTEEN Conservation Is Theme At Garden Club The Oshawa Junior Garden Chih met in the banquet hall of the Children's Arens with their leaders, Mrs, Earle Sandford and Mrs. BK. Hayward | Mrs, Sandlord opened the | meeting commending the group on their fine display and inter: est af their Christmas Show and encouraged the group 1o exper. ment with seeds of oranges and | grapefruit or any other seeds of {interest and see what growth Lean he made by the next meet ing. She showed them a dish of beet and carrot ewitings which made an interesting Arrange: ment for the winter months Mrs RB. MacDonald, of Oshawa, who is a member of the Federation of Naturalists in Ontario, was Introduced and spoke on Conservation She stated that conservation is the life line of any nation and fold her young listners that all in sects and living things #re placed on the earth for & pur pose. She stressed the value of the bees, snakes, birds, among many other creatures, to man's welfare AL the close of Mrs, Mac Donald's address Miss Debbie MacMillan presented her with a token of appreciation from the Garden Club The altendance prize was won hy Brenda Kavanaugh of the Monday meeting and Carey Childs of the Tuesday meeting Mrs. Sandford urged that she wished each one to bring in new members and announced that some 25 new members have joined already in this new year Stresses Value tase i oie wr | Work Standard n enue John DD, Copeland, | Kiwania the seal} al 408 Colborne street east and Maureen Michalle Bremner Conlin road wes! luncheon meeting of The Osh The first five persons N awa Kiwanis Club inform The Oshawa Time Drawing from his own exper of their birthdays each da® |jences and career training, he will receive double tickets (gave an interesting address on | to The Regent Theatre the value of "work standards' good for a four-week period, |as a cost reducing tool in man The current attraction is |ufgcturing operations Wait Disney's "fiwiss Fam The speaker outlined the im ily Robinson portance of good working con Reports on birthdays will ditions in aitaining top-speed { he received only hetween | production, eliminating con | the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 tract bargaining problems and creating a& high level of em ployee = employer relationship Vote Confidence In Tennis Board The Oshawa Tennis Club, who the members of the club plagued with financial ills and were {membership apathy, held a he He said a special meeting lated annual meeting Tuesday was called on March 16 last evening at the clubhouse to de: year to discuss the future of the cide the future of tennis in Osh: club, Prior to the meeting the AWA members, who were active at The key the club, were contacted and posed sale of notified of the meeting Proxy property for voles were requested from those charges made hy Miss Bernice Who could not attend the meet Tripp, club (reasurer that Ing President John Preston and oth oa er memhers of the club, had BYLAW PASSED kept her and several other mem At the special meeting, a by hers, "in the dark, regarding/'®V Wak passed to remove in. the sale Active members from the elub, Tennis Club Secretary Lillian AN9 the possibility of selling the Beamish stated that since, "cer.("2MPaNY (Club) for profit, or of tain accusations had heen made "®NVerting the company (club) |against other members, and|'® # Private or public company had heen quoted in an Oshawa W@% discussed, Another hylaw Times column, that the situation V#% Passed authorizing the di should be aired" reclorate to investigate the sale A vote of confidence for the ®f the property for §75,000 or to soll part of the property for $36, directors was moved by Robert 000. Mr. P Rrown and seconded hy Samuel ! reston noted the hy laws were approved hy the Venn. The wording of the vote ) membership, There were 16 was discussed and watered down half a dozen times until it met members present at the meeting the approval of the general and 34 members voted by proxy membership N Miss Bernice Tripp said that 10 1060 members y ' OPPOSED TO METHODS oir rr uiuliord fit ¥ Vothivg Donald Stiles, speaking on the "came as a shock to many of motion, said he was opposed (0 ys IL was pointed out to Miss the methods used and the action Pripp that she was at the meet taken hy the director ing The final motion of confidence moved hy Robert Brown and seconded hy William Givling ¥ G iH Crawford and Bro, | steward ro ro deacon SETINN Oshawa Times CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and = hest wishes (0 the following res dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their birthdays today George Hennig, 11 Fast haven; Gordon Tromley, Ji 167 Hassau street; Gordon Perkins, 821 Oshawa Boule vard south; James Lack 19% Bouthlawn avenue; Ted Gay, #7 Arlington avenue Marilyn Knihniski, 612 Hor top; Patsy Brown, Ritson road north; Mrs. Irene Bo lor steward hell, tyler SENInT Harrell amp Phots ] issue was (he the tennis elub 875,000, and the pro President Foster stated that although the club had the prop noted that although the general oy listed for 875,000, it did nat membership did not agree with Recosarily mtend ta sell. The the action taken hy the direc nave was made to stimulate tars. that the diretars had acl club interest, and to stir up a ed within the framework of thei eertain amount of interest in the authority given ta them hy the ity (0 the cause of tennis general membership. Only twa President Preston suggested members voted against the mo that the question of selling the tion. Twenty-eight voted for it olub property, and the disous The Tennis Club general mem. Hon and recommendations af bership found itself in the pa. M® OVeNIng be passed on to the sition that its property was list new hoard of divectars He alsa od fon and it had no way SUEEested the executive of the of withdrawing the listing waless © he abalished and replaced it paid the § per cent real estate WIth a board of trustees who tee until the listing expived would supervise the actions of The expiry date of the listing Ne hoard of directors could not be ascertained A new hoard of directors was Anpainted hy a nominating com REVENUE DOWN mittee, Members of the heard President Robert are President Ron Cox, Vice counted the chain wesident Samuel Venn, and which led to the problems Preasurer William Girling cussed at the Tuesda They called for a seneral meeting. He told the club that election at which the following the directors were with were elected: Membership com the hard facts that membership mittee, Carel Whinfield: canteen in the elub was falling off vear Sid. Stane socinal Jeanette Iv, and club revenue was down. Zambonelli: publicity, Art Hun or example not ane uniar develonment, Sheila the David Attley nrafit He wah Donald (Ruz) Cam lem faced directorate wd and secretary Gwen Rob was the difficulty to ascertain erts sale or Foster of event | di nigh faced Social ad vity Past vear acl n grounds saw ) hy of Another murpaments the Firefighter Rescues Kedron Boy From Well Fred Popham was to safety from the bottom of a|being rescued from the well by the Tuesday) 30-foot well into which he fell| Firefighter Jim Stewart of the FE ---- w ' {i > GERALD LEGACY, 7, OF KEDRON AND HIS MOTHER ing Monday and they wers afraid he may have caught cold, Firefighters sald they found the boy standing on the bottom of the well, They sald he did Members artment| old hoy| Hospital for student at Kedron Public School, was rushed to Oshawa General examination after KEDRON (Staff) of the Oshawa Vire Dep willed a seven - year | while playing around it in this|Oshawa Fire Department. He(not sppear to be hurt, but hamlet, about six miles north was examined and allowed tol seeme to be shocked of Oshawa, Tuesday afternoon.| return home, uninjured but! 5 A [slightly shaken up after his fall, WAS STANDING UP RUSHED TO HOSPITAL [" Firefigh p 4 " Gerald Legacy, a Grade Neighboring children, with Firefighter Btewart, who en. whom the boy was playing, said| tered the well to bring the boy | UAW Pl [he was climbing on a galvanized Up, #aid he was standing up (Firefighters at the top of the he children van screaming well pulled hoy safety to the house to tell Gerald's/then assisted Firefighter Stew. mother what had happened, The| art to the surface, Catharines, voted unanimously -- [to send delegates from every| UAW local in Canada to Ota Mr, Smith, who attended the |distriet council meeting during [the weekend, said delegates of {next month will "be one of the| Reed 8 Reid "al higgest things the congress ever| ~ ol eed, Busan; eid, Gloria; laid in Ottawa." He said Lovell Grade 0 Carol Dempsey, Richardson, John; Roe, Janice; 87.0 per cent; Judith Dalton, Sparkes, Frances; Webster, 87.6 per cent Ministers will be lobbied by flolcques Hum hy he count mw 4 per cent | ory, Irene; Lesnick, Julie; CLC nalicy for hy employment| Grade 13 -- Sharron Gomme, Malloy, Naney, Saunders, te | ! [80.4 per cent (Carol; Smith, Valerie unemployed across the country, | "The district couneil was un: [udith; Simmons, Elizabeth; animous in endorsing the pro a Slemmon, Linda; Stepinae, oun alins Stephen; Strynatka, Lynda; ; Margit, cals," Mr, Smith said GRADE 13 RRIEF PREPARED | Andersor : \, Douglas; 408 Mr. Smith said a brief has | 8 Loos, [with a committee composed of laine, an Tealdent curgtakers| Gomme, [the union of unemployed work. "Ve heen suggested for Oshawa pa hava ers for submission te the muni drive for §10,000 to build the Ted/years Canadian fishermen Bathe Memarial Hall \ | tains, he sald it was endorsed al Nombers. who ave. been netted from the unemployment {a meeting of the two groups at \ insurance fund nine times as ithe Union Hall during Decem Said Mr. Glee ary) Say My titcolt honorary | March 81, 1960, the fishermen Aamo \ r \ A000 A WT A [brief is directed, requesting that aig de S al a ne received $26,700,000 in benefits [they arrange a meeting Bund AF OB while contributing only $3,900, tween their councils and the of The question before you is Can | afford to give?! but tine Thomas has requested cop. 'Can 1 afford not to give? \ : planted in every ies of the hrief for all members Your investment toward the Park perhaps they can be of the Oshawa City Council and building of the Bathe Park Watered and looked after valun He said he has not heard trom He suggested miniature foun: park in Oshawa. There is much Maver W. D. Carruthers tains "in every neighborhood a caretaker can do to keep a Bowmanville ar Maver W park. They do not have to be park and grounds looking beaus wall, about two and & half feet| When he reached the hottom of boy's father, Martin Legacy,| Gerald is one of the seven wa, Feb, 2, to hack the Cana (locals from British Columbia to 222 will definitely be sending y Reginald Grade 10 \ across the dominion {GRADE 11 posed nation-wide mass delega Sutter, Gordon; Tubb, Gary; (Doris; Mark, Gordon; O'Reil heen prepared hy the co-ordin Rellly, parks by A. H. Glecoff cipal eouncils of Oshawa, Whit meeting in a basement elub| yi ch as they put inte it. Auds ber jective is at least $10,000. Weloaod to the fund ardinating committees, at whic informed him that a committee Recreational Centre will be a/lavily by residents of various (Martin, of Whitby, expensive, may even be donated tiful," ( I a | | ro-- Issue Honor List At Donevan CI Following is the list of top stu: Dalton, Judith; Dempsey, Carol; dents and those students who Forsythe, John; Hudson, Cheryl; secured first class honors in|Jacklin, Patricia; Kettels, their fall examinations at Dr on. Kettela, Pauline; Kitehs I". J, Donevan Collegiate Insti-|en, Gary; Mankowski, Janie; Carel Saunders (high, around the well, lost his|the well, He said he tied a res. (balance and fell into the near:|Cue knot in a rope and, when [empty well he arrived at the bottom, slips | ped the knot around the hoy, FELL IN CREEK Th sald the boy had been kept| children of Mr, and Mrs, Martin The Canadian United Auto: home from school Tuesday bes Legacy, He was removed fo mobile Workers' district coun: cause he had fallen through ice| Oshawa General Hospital in an ell, at a weekend meeting in Bt, on a nearby creek while skat-| Oshawa Civie ambulance, dian Congress of Labor proposal (for a "Policy For Full Employ ment", Maleolm Smith, presi dent of Local 222, sald Tuesday (Nova Seotia will go te Ottawa to back the CLC proposal |LARGE DELEGATION tute [Marzee, Christine; Mengie, He said the lobby fo OUAWA won STUDENTS Jacque; McGahey, Sandra; Mes OP § 4 {Laren, Arden; Prachun, Paul; The top students were delegates to join others from the| Canadian district council ' a. GRADE According 10 the Local iH M rade pd Monica Connolly Ravel Sally; Day, Vicki; president, MP's and Cabinet| . ie "Edd Tames: Hu [A : 02.8 per cent ddie, James; Huth, Traudel; Grade 12 = Carolyn Werry, Kasper, Marion; Kolynke, Joan; Mr, Smith said UAW distriet Slidents whe secured frat council representatives are not ©'@88 honors were Reattie, Gary; Britton, Ruth; [only going to represent auto GRADE § [Connolly, Monica; Eccles, Rone workers in Ottawa, but all the, gnker Bruce; Butler, Anne; (ald; Hobbs, Murray; Hoskin, | Joyce; Kellar, Bonnie; Rose, tion to Ottawa and unanimous Twentyman, Lynne; Vielhaber, fram all the Canadian UAW lo { : Suggested James; Rogers, Wayne; ( ating committees of the Oshawa! . 8 he: Rundle, officials of Local 299, together dined by residents, water foun: | GrapE 13 Mr. Glecoff's address to the, . ¢ § A lle A WW ' hy and Rowmanville ciation members kicked off their] OTTAWA (CP) In three to disclose what the brief con house since 1954, haope to reach itor + General Maxwell Henders He was instructed to write ne " ber, 1962 hat between April, 1937, and cipalities ta which the labor must have this sum to provide time the brief will be presente plete this building by 1962 Mr, Smith said Mayer Chris hot Would like ta see more of council will be set up to stu. Matter of vital importance to Parks 10 help keep cost down for the Oshawa meeting hood," said Mr. Glecoff caretakers established for every Sharron; Holmes, -- {in its decision to send delegates Bun alan ain. landa; Werry, Carolyy and District Labor Council and Hverareens watered and main: : " hil Bathe Park Neighborhood Asso FISHERMEN BENEFIT Although Mr. Smith deelined| their financial goal by Decem:/co. says in his annual report the mayors of the three muni the nece silities 10 co 0 necessary facilities to eom:iyy camo lover of beauty to each * ay park COPIES REQUESTED " evergreens dy the brief and arrange a date every child in the neighbar' "I would like to see resident of Ss