10 THe OMAWA ims, Wednerdey, bowery 8 198 THE AGE OF INNOCENCE Son of Mr. and Mrs David Tablot William | Central Park | wa Mrs, William and Mrs Talbot, Osha John Walsh Boulevard south, is David | Hastings, and great-grandson William, aged 14 months, Dav | of Mrs id is the grandson of Mr, and | William Shaw, Osh awa ~Fhote hy Hornshy Helpful Hints On The Care Of Your Hi-Fi Equipment The statistics on our cultural activities, as presented hy a periodical gfter an Intensive survey, are most heartening Just think of it, we spend more money on classical musi than we do on all sporis com bined ~ the atiendance figures at concerts are staggering! And we spend fortunes on good hi-fi equipment, on tapes, on fine records, with the majority of households interested in build ing a good record library And which is whal interest us al the momeni--we women are going In for assembling hifi home equipment. And that's a province that was sup posed to be exclusively male! Anyway, Wh the homeinasel who generally lakes care ol keeping the equipment and the FECOrds clean and in good con dition, so it isn't oo much won der that she has become inter:| ested in what's what in the hi-fi field, WHOLE REPERTOIRE | Never, but never, has such al wealth of fine music, magnifi cently played or sung and re corded, been so universally ivallable--~ihe whole repertoire of the concert hall, religious music, ight classics, good Jazz ballroom music 4e8d folk music al such reasonable prices Given good care, the records will give long and fine service | Records should he stored in| an upright position and always kept in Jackets or in albums Btore them away from heat radiators or a fireplace that is heing used, Handle them care fully, avoiding touching the rec ord with the fingers Alter playing, records should be returned to their Jackets Never pile uncovered records one atop the other Keep records as dust-free as possible, Dust affects the sound and, as the dust is swept along the minute grooves as they re volve, it builds up into a little wad that settles at the needle point {WASH AND DRY Records should be washed in NEWS IN BRIEF GLIDING RECORD VOLERUSY, Sonth Afnes EP --Mrs. Sane Brown, British weorhan Ehaing CRampon, Com | pleted & fat from Kimber) ley to Yotkrust to breck the) British and South Afncwn WOMEN § Mtanck reams. She won the gliding rward of theese diamonds (or her Visible ght, © firsl women (6 Remeve this Gis timation SPECIAL CASE QUEBEC (CR)~City connec has allowed the widow of & cab driver 19 sell her hushand's per mit, Permits normally revert (9 the city for redssue BOARD CHAIRMAN | NANAIMO, BE. (CP)--Mrs.| Marion Ricker, trustee with. the longest current service on the | local school hoard, has been) elected chairman for 1961. She} is one of two women members on the hoard HOUSEROLD WINY On a new clothing purchase check sil butions carefully and tighten them MW they are loose On suits and costs, reinforce those that will bear the most slrain warm water once in & while using a small pinch of deter gent. Rinse them under the fan jest in # gentle spray. Dry al once, using a hnl-dfree etn or, | all, a clean piece of hams leginer In between with special brushes avaliable at record shops. There pre also good commercial cleaners available, if you don't want to risk washing the records or MM & dedicated hifi enthusiast for bids the practice, And get aller the dust accumulations on the cartridge needle frequently, us ing & soft, clean brush also obtainable at a store, Never never, use paper tissued or Dares "VENETIAN BLINDS 'DRAPERY Thick s RUGS SPREADS RETAILERS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA TO THRIFTY €A NADIANS Soft, flannelette diapers, non-irritating fexbure highly absorbent, approximate size, 26" x 2 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dosen BABY BONUS SPECIAL! FLANNELETTE DIAPERS "BOUNCING BABY" BRAND = 3.47 A RC x ATTEN TION MOTHERS! DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST, PHONE RA 3. Tata CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES ZELLER'S BEFORE 1 P.M, MONDAY, JANUARY 23nd AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR A FREE $10.00 MERCHANDISE DRAW AT EACH STORE NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, . ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE E31) STEVENION RD, §, HONE RA 3.320% washings, dusi | JANUARY CLOSEOUT of Floor Samples Odds and Ends Room 1 ONLY -- LARGE 3.PC., SECTIONAL by "SKLAR" «= Chocolate brown nylon foam arms, back and seating Regularly 489,00, NOW 389.00 1 ONLY -- 4-5EATER CHAIR ~-- Loose cushion back, Brown, beige and silver. Regularly 359,00, NOW 299.00 1 ONLY -- 2.PC, FRENCH PROVINCIAL SOFA AND CHAIR ~~ Tufted airfoam back and seats, Beige matlesse Regularly 329,00, NOW 199.00 1 ONLY FRENCH PROVINCIAL CHES- TERFIELD AND CHAIR = Chocolate mats lesse. Alirfoam seats Reguladly 289.00, NOW 189.00 1 ONLY ~~ 2.PC, MODERN CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR by ""Sklar"==Lipstick red nylon Airfoam cushions Regularly 329.00, NOW 169.00 1 ONLY -- 2.PC, SLIM ARM 4.SEATER CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR by "Sklar" Turquoise nylen, airfoam cushions Regularly 329.00, nowl99. 00 1 ONLY == CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR ~-- Sea green, nylon tufted back, airfoam cushe ions. Regularly 269,00, 00 NOW . 1 ONLY - 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD AND styling, airs CHAIR -- Beige nylon, modern 149.00 foam mushions Regularly 199,00, NOW 2 ONLY ~~ LARGE MODERN DAVENPORTS AND CHAIR SETS -- Tufted backs, airfoam cushions, 1 set 2-tone grey nylon; 1 set 2. tone beige and brown nylon JANUARY CLEARANCE 189.00 1 ONLY = SKLARLINER DAVENPORT AND CHAIR -- Chocolate brown 219 00 LJ nylon, Regularly 269,00) NOW 1 ONLY ~ CHESTERFIELD BED with overs size spring-filled mattress, Airfoam cushions, chocolate brown nylon 169 00 LJ Regularly 199,00, NOW 2 ONLY «= 2.PC, CHESTERFIELD SUITES -- Red or green stripe tapestry Sofa and Chair Reg, 169.00, Less Than Half Price, 2-pe, 79.95 7 ONLY «= SKLAR OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Boucles, nylons, etc. Some swivels, slightly soiled. Regularly 59.95, 24 88 L Less Than Half Price 3 ONLY -- HOLLYWOOD DIVANS -- 2 beige, | green 38 Regularly 39.95, NOW 2 ONLY -- TUB CHAIRS by "Fry and Black. all" == Rich matlesses, Solid walnut frames Regularly 69,95, 49 88 . NOW ALL OCCASIONAL TABLES, LAMPS, MIR- RORS, PICTURES, HASSOCKS, HAMPERS AND READY-MADE 20% OFF DRAPES 2 ONLY -- CELLERETTES -- | walnut, | blonde, Double door with lock and key. Regularly 59,95, 28 88 . Less Than Half Price. Dining Room and Kitchen Suites 1 ONLY «= 6-PC, DINETTE SUITE -- French walnut. Buffet, table and 4 chairs. Arborite tops on table and buffet 159 00 . Regularly 229.00, January Sale Livin NOW 154 - 156 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA -- Damaged lems Discontinued Lines . . . Returns! -- -- -- -- -- -- Frankly, our two stores are crammed with thousands of dollars worth of brand new fur= niture which must be moved at once You just can't go wrong with these values , , , our loss is your gain Reductions of up to 50% and over in all departments house furnishings, appliances, T.V,, Hi-Fi stores open daily to 6, Friday till 9 p.m, 1 ONLY -- 7-PC, SOLID ELM DINETTE by "Knechtel" -- Table, 4 diners, buffet and hutch with glass doers. Mar proof Kaydura' finish. Regularly 349,00, 9, JANUARY SALE 26 00 1 ONLY -- 7PC, WALNUT DINETTE by "Kaufman" -= Buffet, hutch, table and 4 chairs, Soft-tone walnut, arborite fops on buffet and table, Reg, 289,00, 249. 00 JANUARY SALE BUFFET oo 1 ONLY -- WALNUT 90" 79.50 Reg, 119,00, JANUARY CLEARANCE 1 ONLY -- LIMED OAK (Arborite) 60" TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS, 69 $8 Reg, 99.50, JANUARY SALE } 1 ONLY -- 6-PC, LIMED OAK (Arborite) DINETTE dy Pg Buffet, table and 4 chairs Reg. 229,00, JANUARY SALE 49.00 7 ONLY « 5-PC, CHROME DINETTES ~~ Mostly black and white suites with extension fables) and 4 chairs, Regularly 79,50 to 129.00, to JANUARY SALE 54.00 99.88 4 ONLY «= LLOYD AND GENDRON CAR- RIAGES -- Grey and blue, Deluxe styling with chome mudguards and sun visors Reg. 39.95 to 59,50, to JANUARY SALE 29, 95 44, 00 4 ONLY---27 x 51 SPRING-FILLED PLASTIC COVERED ido AATTRESSS w= Slightly soiled, Regularly 13.95, JANUARY SALE 8.88 5 ONLY -- 3PC, STEEL PANEL BED QUTFIT Walnut finish full panel bed, spring-filled mattress and slat spring Reg, 59.50, JANUARY SALE 39.88 8,000 YDS, ~~ 6-FT, ENGLISH LINOLEUM Reg, 99¢ sq, yd. [' HALF PRICE, sq. yd, 9 ONLY wo ELECTRIC KETTLE by General Steel Wares -- Large size. Safety spout Reg, 11.95, JANUARY SALE 6.99 Cash and Carry . LINOLEUM REMNANTS -= Congoleums, Vynals, Inlaids, ete HALF PRICE 23 ONLY ~-- CARPET RUNNER SAMPLES -- Nylons, Wiltans, Axminsters, Size 27 x 54 Values to 22,00, 8 88 JANUARY SALE, each . 16 ONLY «~~ CORN BROOMS -- Large size Reg. 1.69, JANUARY SALE 99 Cash and Carry, each 22 ONLY ~-- BOXED 48.PC, GLASS CHRIST. MAS TREE ORNAMENT SETS -- Reg, 2.95, JANUARY SADE 1 99 . Cash and Carry ALL SALES FINAL NO PHONE, MAIL OR C.0.D, ORDERS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONLY NO EXCHANGE OR REFUND NMERENANDISI SUBJECT TO PRIOR NO DEALERS y ZA FURNITURE Act Now While Selections Are Complete . , , " JANUARY SALE We're over a barrel; If you need anything in Both Bedroom and Beddin 1 ONLY -- 3-PC, MR, & MRS, DRESSER, CHEST AND BAR BED ~~ In oiled walnut, Regularly 249.00, Now 199.00 2 ONLY --- FRENCH PROVINCIAL (Bone White end Gold or Fruitwood) DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST AND PANEL BED ~~ Reg, 339.00, 279.00 . NOW 11 ONLY =~ WALNUT BEDS 4/6, 4/0, 10.00 3/3. Regularly to 49,50, JANUARY SALE 1 ONLY 3:-PC, "GUNSTOCK" WALNUT DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST AND BOOKCASE BED by ""Knechtel" = Reg, 219,00, JANUARY SALE 169. 00 1 ONLY -- 3-PC, LIMED OAK BovaLE DRESSER, CHEST AND BOOKCASE BED "Vietoriaville' w= Reg. 249,00, 159. 00 1 ONLY ~~ LARGE 3-PC, SOLID RED MAPLE DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST, BOOKCASE BED Sanuary sack 249.00 Bedding 3 ONLY ---- 4/6 GRANDEE POCKET SPRING MATTRESS by "Marshall = 49. Reg, 89.95, NOW ONLY w= 4/0, 4/6 SPRING-FILLED MAT TRESSES by "Simmens' --- Heavy chenille icking Regularly 59.50 29.88 11 ONLY -- ODD BOX SPRINGS, 3/3, 4/0, 4/6 Simmons, Marshall, Serta, Sealy, Regularly te 79,50 Less Than Half Price 23.88 4 ONLY -- RESTONIC 3/3 CONTINENTAL UNIT Complete with tufted headboard, Regularly 119,00 JANUARY SALE, 3 PRICE 59.50 BLANKETS, BEDSPREADS, CHENILLE yHRow MATS, MiLOWS, 20% OFF 13 ONLY -- WALNUT, TAWNY AND SEA. MIST CEDAR CHESTS by Lane, Red Seal, Fone aee woe 35 OFF 4 ONLY -- HEAVY BRASS SMOKERS by "Electrolite' Compelte with lighters Reg, 19.95, JANUARY SALE...» 10.88 Appliances, Television and Stereo Y ONLY ~~ FLEETWOOD.GRUNDIG SCAN- DINAVIAN WALNUT STEREO FM SHORT WAVE COMBINATION 14-tube, 4-speaker, Naw 298.88 1 ONLY FLEETWOOD-GRUNDIG STEREO COMBINATION 6 speakers, Danish wals nut cabinet, FM shart wave 368 88 Reg, 469.95 NOW . Walnut cabinet. Reg, 129.50, NOW 17" walnut cabinet 4 8 Reg. 199,95, NOW 1} 1 8 Complete with brass stand 9 8 Reg. 299.95, NOW 19 8 1 ONLY -- FLEETWOOD HI-FI 99.88 1 ONLY ~ FLEETWOOD TV 1 ONLY -- PHILCO 17" SWIVEL TUBE TV A CALL TO THE STORE BRINGS A CAR TO YOUR DOOR SA