PERSONALS Northminster WMS & WA Officers Installed In Joint Ceremony ime gh Place 16 be IRR nL i ley Winter Program 8 At YWCA Offers 88 Diversified Interest Several new IORIMRE RIE starting # the YWCA within the newt few weeks, One of these, # series of Lalks on the investment oh money showid be of interest 19 everyone hecause WH gis tonches on wills and estaies The weekly, evening talks starting January 19, st B pm will be given by men, well quali fied in their subject, Mr, A, ¥ O'Neill will speak on Invest ment; Mr. BH. B, Armstrong, in surance; Mr. Jom JLameron mortgages, Mr. W. B. Drynan Toromta stocks and bonds, Mr Ernest Marks, Q.0,, estates and wills and Mr! 1) Arey Bell, gov: ernment bonds and annuities Also new is & haliroom dane ing class (or teenagers, boys and girls, 12 to 16, Mrs, Or Waku licz will he the instructor every Thursday evening from 7 to # o'clock In February classes in floor loom weaving and moseie tiling] workshop will be formed, In ad-| dition 10 these new programs there will he classes in bridge sewing, keep fit, painting copperAooling, aluminum etch ing, ballroom dancing for adults and junior gymnastics Miss Ursula Stroeter is start ing a junior leadership course on Tuesday, January V7, at 7 p.m, She will also have a junior crafts class on Monday after school hours | SOCIAL NOTICE Tens, Wirthdays, periies, we BRE AORLYEISRIILS, LARing Anh Eng of guests, and Yow vp holiday SOS MIR Bweys M4 interest this column. Writs oF Visi the soos deppriment with your Wem of news for which there is wo charge. Telephone BA 35474 Alt fifty women pilended) € joint mesting of the WHE wend the WA of Borthmmnsie United Chwsch, with Yrs. Kel The nest sermon grows of nth Weneter residing he WHE will be held on Wed Mrs. BEohent Pelerson EAE | pesdivy February 16, with Miss fhe popyal seo elary © report Eilcen Ratz as guest speaker Miss Lowise Poole, a member #04 Mrs. John Collins gave hel Aer 4 brief worship services (of the stall of Winihy Collegiatn SIF#WIRT E TROON Evartlicd by Mrs. ©. §, Besley wrd will be the guest speaker pil omish reponied a 142 of PW Mrs RB. Gelbraith, the Rey: the regwler meeting of the Osh eet-well corde. and Mrs. Dose crend H, A Mellow has install. ea Business pnd Protessionallios Mclaughiin 1eporied Wiled the pew officers for 1061, For i Womens' Chub. Miss Poole who visits made 18 new members the WMS: president, Mrs, BH. A, is 8 memher of the Board of ord friends dung the pastisielion: first vice-president The Canadian Association of i56rs BB. Carat second Consumers has chosen for he H Mellow presided] vice president yin " Gesr topic, "Busy Pees Who Mind he WHS meeting. Mier | Jewels serTelary Mre E 5 Your Business", short business period Mrs, E, 8.1 pafoe treasurer, Mrs Robe rt Margaret Tooley, daughter of, |/#10e reporied on While Of Nicholls, Christian stewardship, Mr, and Mrs, Chis Tooley |e Verr showing whit a well srs, Corl Theberge; associate Grierson street, and Jimmiel nd Wosy year J bad been. members, Mrs, B. B, Galbraith Moriseit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Donsia Bootl reported oni Christian citizenship, Mrs, E John Morisett, Mary street, re. "7 work of the Laurels Mellow! y Basley, community friend. ceived their Kelly - Kirby kinder. Evening Aunhiary. The ahocs- shin Mrs. Wilbur Perkin; liter garien plano certificates at @ of both groups were Wet. ature secretary, Mrs. BE. HK, demonstration and recital held Mrs. Mellow annownced the patos missionary monthly, this afternoon at the home of Preshylenal Executive meeting Mrs 8. G Carkeek, supply sec their teacher, Mrs, Robert Kong 4 he held at Borthminster retary, Mrs, John Humphries; lsh, Mary street press reporter, Mrs, Ewart Core hireh on Janwary 2. Also the nish; pianist, Mrs. Frank Hor: top the WA for 1961 do Adwinekle, Editor Digl BA 35-3474 A or 10 BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH IN MONTREAL Miss heen arranged to take place daughter of Mrs, Elmer on Saturday, February 25, in Fouls Ot of Montreal for Malachy's Roman Catholic merly of Bowmanville, and i the late Mr. OH, and Mr Church, Montreal, Quebes SOCIETIES LODGES AND SCCIETIES Bister Amelia Weel Mister Evelyn Fiche rl Peacock gave 1) report, Past Nelda Thompson Pp ented with a gift from Rhett Carlton Peter Lawson son of Mr. and Mrs, James | Gordon Lawson of Montreal whose engagement is announc: | ed today, The marriage has Sally Adete Ou i Officers for are: past president, Mrs. Ken neth Wooster; president, Mrs Victor Cubitt; first vice-presi dent, Mrs. George Fisher; re cording secretary, Mrs, 7. W Payne corresponding secre: tary, Mrs. George Fisher; reasurer, Mrs. John Collins; ress reporter, Mrs, David Me- Duff; committee rconveners lowers, Mrs. Herbert Atkins; visiting, Mrs. Douglas Me Laughlin and Mrs. Robert 1a Special Program Will Celebrate | 40th Anniversary | eorRiiury 7] Bister CP am dem LEND-AHAND CLUB The 1end-A-Hand Club, PNG Rebekah Lodge No held it meeting and installa officers, Bister Neldi rer Pe I (ey Women's BROTHER AND PLAYMATES 1 ] Yeguiar heth tion of England Den slreel THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Jenusry 14, 196) 7 H Manitoba Peter Ww one year They are Eliza and Bons of Mr. and Mrs Jefferson, Birmingham | Photo by Ireland ENGAGEMENT The engagement is an nounced of Bally Adele Off daughter of Mrs. Elmer Louis Ou of Montreal, formerly of Bowmanville, and the late Mr Oi, to Mr. Rhett Carlton Peter and Mrs Phompson, president, welcomed the members hack after the Christmas holidays, The roll eall and minutes were read Sister Gladys Blyth reported or isiting shut-ins in Toronto ane town and taking Christma son of Mr for an efficient and sful term of office hy Sis ter Gladys Blyth and an aoprop vigte card read hy Sister Vvelyn Fickes Ihe meeting followed bh bingo and refreshments the Te own Wi MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Widow Wants Legal Adoption ham; cards, Mrs. E, Cornish; kitchen, Mrs, John Humphreys catering, Mrs. Gilbert Jack communion, Mrs, Mae Blessor iterature, Mrs. Kenneth Woos ter; manse, Mrs, Merwin Cry: derman gifts ny Sister Evelyn Vickes, treasury Harton her annual report and ol Bagshaw A New president of the WA then presided and presented Mrs, Kenneth Wooster with 8 WA the nuptial vows with Life Membership pin for her additional tis in" services during the past year children ranging in age from pledges, binding Mike by legal! Group 2 will have charge of four years to 24 years, Two of istic surname changes (0 the the next WA meeting held the the older children are estab: younger children their sec: first Wednesday of next month lished in business ond fathey al 2 pm. The annual congrega- I am contemplating marriage, In any case, whatever the tional potluck supper will be to a hacheloy my age, I am reason for your nervous striv-\held Friday, January 27, financially independent bul con: ing, i tends to-create problems! r------ -- Slder # Dushand, desirable Jo ath r than salve them, I think.| market price, 1s it all right for the | p pan on My advice 16 to drop the sub: them to take up consistent petty iregoy ship, love and to give the ject and, if you marry Mike thievery to get what they want? ed hy the Na Phi Mu Chapter younger children a father's in: let the new format for family What do you think? I would say Mico hy hs Onlatio Robios PRESIDENT OF the Home fluence : life develop hy mutual accom: ig is a very risky, insidiously caper had charge of the TUCK og conool and Parent: | 1 would want Mike (I'll gall modation, M, | sell-hetraying practice, M, H, Shon at Hillsdale Manor, re him) to adopt the younger chil! Dear Mary Haworth: 1 have - ------ cently Teacher Federation of Cane dren, whieh would involve heen going with a very wonder: ------ The program wap Mr, Douglas Walkington |changing their surname. How-!ful man for over two years. We ; House" with special will he a guest of honor at the (ever, my older children are op- Are in college and love each FOR BEAUTIFUL to the decorative theme {0th anniversary celebration (posed to this, They feel it would|other very much, Marriage is PORTRAI| duction the speaker J Lovell he disloyal to their real father out of the question until we are John Beupre, was made al hd om and would split up the family both out of school, If two per Dorine Kennedy Monday night Ito some extent, sons are mature and love each| Refreshments { other very much, is light petting! the hostess, assisted The executive of BE. A Lavell, MY Mitmate Soiutian would permissible? 8, '0, ad 8 Marvin Perkin, Home and School Association name to ours, The children's Dear B,C. If two persons has well-daid plans to celebrate| reaction to that is an emphatic|d jy Mg gL its 40th anniversary on Monday High They sr "Mom, in do them) that they a I rome bo oli 8 . [Ing that you e robbing the, Wii oh ¢ Special guents will he Mr. oor man of his honor and his| eireumstances affor ol Douglas Walkington, soul," They suggest I marry the of the Home and School andiman and forget all about adop Pavent-Teacher Federation of tion, name changes, ele Canada and Dr, C, M, Elliott,| Mike and I have discussed if superintendent of Oshawa Pub briefly but without sriiving ol lie Schools | this problem should he resolved Mrs, Harold Weir, Mrs, J, W.lio me FOR THEIR KINDNESS Broadbent, Jn, 4 Ei Rath I consider it inappropriate for | 10Ne, 10ronto; Mrs, ira Travel, ivau to he trying to foist adop:| Mrs, Ross Clarke, Mrs, E, Fi |{jon plans on Mike in advance We are sorry for the Inconvenience, but A, Powell, of marrying him=or Wi will be happy to serve you our Complete Bakery Variety at , , , Invitations have heen sent to|before we marry, Your com past presidents and among those ments will be greatly appree Crouse and Mrs, CO, Former teachers have alsoleither, T might add, 42 SIMCOE STREET NORTH who have accepted are Mrs, C lated, F.8 {heen Invited - including Mys.| If an adoptive relationship is Also at Ahe hostesses, Bisters Coala Couch, Amel and Isabel MacDonald BETA SIGMA PHI The Epsiln Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its reg war meeting on Tuesday even ing, January 10, at the home of Mr Harold Ball, Glen Forest ? | Sireet I'he ident Mrs Br Cal ded Wi Of Children By New Husband Dear Mary Haworth: I am reinforee the widowed mother of several certain er thanked Bistey for auditing the The installation with Bister Mary falling officer ter Viola Keeley Sister Ann Holl a Luella presided at Those installed were ident, Bister Nelda president, Sister Gladys EAVE Luella honk took place Jacklin in sisted hy Si marshal meeting of Wes! er and Behool As held recently with I Graydon] The regular mount Home ciation was the president Gutsole presiding Mrs. H. RB. DeMille gave secretary's report and Mrs. Hon ald Thomas, the Lreasurer's re port, $25 was voled to Mrs Lloyd White, hazaar chairman A donation of cents from it Sods 20 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES nts 50 nano TURNING GREEN? fi a8 jewelry that dis 4 skin may simply good hrushing with Costume and the H fide, pistel the piano past pres hompson Blyth the "4 when pre nis Jefferson, Oxford and Mr, and Mrs are Paul Dennis Payson Winnipeg James, Paul Is old and Peter, four the grandsons of My » ' Discussion On Mental Health |i [lames Gordon Lawson of ' | Montreal. The marriage is (o Of Interest At H&S Meeting [take place on Saturday, Febru ary 25, in St, Malachy's Roman Catholic Church, Montreal, Que Refreshments were ed hy phe the mothers of the pupils in Miss Joan Windroms' and Miss Marilyn Storm ela es Home and Bchool Council will meet al E. A. Lovell School on colors January Mr. Daniel need Coughlin, director of probation Warm, seapy water Then rinse an ervices, Torontn, will speak on and dry thoroughly and coal Announcement citizenship with colorless nail polish the for coming dance in St Auditorium, sponsor pre made of th h mn her will he solicited to in purchasing a record player for the school A film entitled "One On Bvery Street' loaned from On tario Department of Health and TOPS club (Take Off Pounds New hased on Retapded Children's goood was held ooan a. Th fichool at Orillia was review: oo cpa' nuilding, Mrs, Dorothy he held at the home of Mrs. on April 45 and 6 at the Re ed, Following the film a panelin. reliving president, en Clavence Scott; Kingston road gency. Towers Hotel, Toronto of five members discussed and couraged the members to con. West, on February at 2.80 p.m. and it was hoped that teachers answered questions on the film ' " " ; aR ' from this distriet would make Moderator My. Thomas Heath ing With thets fier and fave NT, STEPHEN'S M.( hg Bid) inspector of Public Schools; [MWh 1 aking ol what a The January meeting of the am nd Ls 3 Miss Elizabeth Schaefer, Pub.[MAS IIMMINES And. see " Bt. Stephen's United Church WESTMINSTER WF le Health Nurse; The Heverend wim faster Bunny they would mission Circle was held at thel The regular meeting of the | Clinton Cross; Mrs. June Hinze, MeCOME, : {home of Miss Pauline Zyvitsky Women's Federation of West Grade 1 teacher at Westmount) The new executive was on January § minster United Church was held b School and a pavent, Mys, H, Stalled ag follows: president,| "mpe "president, Miss ByIVia pecently with the president. i R. DeMitle, Westmount School, Mrs. William Mitchell; vice: gndie" read the worship ser: Mys. Kenneth Young, presiding. Opportunity classes are prov president, - Mrs, Gordon Dodd viee and the seripture was read| The minutes and the treasury ing tn he heneficial and the treasurer, Mrs, Ronald Puffer) py Miss Elsie Fice, The sec : reports were read [ panel and member agreed that secretary Mrs L, " Brown retary's report was given hy The schedule of monthly eon a Mental Health Clinie, lo pled Wels ht record, Mrs, Mary Me: Mpg Marilyn Jackson followed veners was arranged, Mrs. Ches in Oshawa for Ontario County|bonnen reporter, Mrs. hy a report of the past year's ley Burton and Mrs. Ray Hat was needed with emphasis plac: GW {activities read hy Miss Carol to were nominated to arrange ed on ehild guidance, The Glen Ihe new president spoke| Alexander for necessary flower Arrange Holme School for Retarded briefly and congratulated the) Following the annual report ments for the church Lis Children 1s fulfilling its pur Wolght losers for the past year, the treasurer's Feport Was "neo meiion (a he obtained pose in this distyiel with the Mrs, Vincent Russell received| given hy Miss Dorothy Fish and from the Literature detachment help of dedicated teachers, par: special mention for her good a stewardship report given bY on oreanieir , "ul yoni le! ents and eitizen attendance and co-operation as Miss Carol Alexander, T hel © hi \8 & young people's Mrs. Gutsole announced &n weight pecorder for the past Study Book was read hy Mrs " | _ Rioup ad by Ml exeCutive. meeting #0 hoch three years Marilyn Jackson which eon Tag a Aout f o school on Monday an: sla New Ways of Speak 4 Aids: | ha 14 Miss June Hinge's| ATH PARENTN' COMMITTEE ph I Yom Th hook \ he period was led hy Mrs, Gordon room won the attendance prize The 6th Parents' Committee Turning World" Clarke, A duel was sung hy dn Girl Mrs, Leonard Carvington and of Guide Association] Miss Kay Wallace read a CLUB CALENDAR held a potluck supper on Mon: chapter from the hook "The Mrs, Eileen Rowden day evening, January #6, at/Ship Under the Cross' which Hostesses for the evening were Guide House was "The Vision Recovered' Mis Mrs Miss Vera Moyse, acting which consisted of the working leonard Mrs MONDAY Commissioner for the Kingsway together with Christians of dif Gordon Clarks Women's Distriot, installed the following! ferent denominations . alle 8 vi Rulhwhine + Moth AL officers the 1061 executive A business period followed It| sl VARY fith Beoul Mothel 5 | pauls Ath Seoul Mathers' Aux KE. A, Lovell H and §& Assn, | Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club president, Mrs, Edwin Higgins; | Was decided to use the mite} SHAR | vice-president, Mrs, 1. W. Huy: boxes for the year 1061 and that Calvary Baptist Women's Pel Ing as general convener for held Rus. and Prof. Wamen's Club td Ath Scout Mothers' Aux \ 4 eM » Na lowshin was n Janu the Snowflake Rridge to he pent secretary. Mrs. James! towel Kits be sent to the Nelson Pp Wi ¢ 0 Ary in Conant H and Assi BR TOPS CLUB Thought for the day was given names to Miss Ida Arnott not The regular meeting of the by Mrs, Sully, "The Old Made later than February 11 A It was announced that the will Zone Convention will he hel on "Our ada reference Intro Mi Mi Fehruary meeting | / of ° A hi hool hy served hy hy Mrs were 40 King E. RA 5-018) president press Parfitt {Fred Ball, Mrs, Elmer Dixon, your attitude doesn't, it seems, Ross carvipgton IA. Kinnear, Toronto; Murs SINT? Charles Patton, Mrs, 0, | WHY INSIST! Your older chil: wii 7 [Arthur Barton, Mrs, Thomas|to be a boon to the children, if i Miss Evelyn Found, Miss/ must he embraced wholeheart: {Hobhs, Mrs, G. BE, Curtis, MVS. | dren's views make sense and CONVENER ita Robinson, Miss Irene Knee: edly by the principals. Thus it | a" Frank Burrows is act Bradford: Mrs. A. W.|18 8 mistake to he figuratively Miss Etta Holmes and| shoving Mike and the children at each other, Why are you so anxiously in sistent, so managerial, on this seore? Tt would he well to ex plare the question with a good psyehologist and get rid of the [compulsive tensions that are Hospital Aux Rebekah Lodge haw, laekhn Miss Maude Ramsay, Among the guests of honoy will he Mrs, KE, A, Lovell, Mp, (George Fletcher who will speuk| on mental health; Mrs, J, € Gaskell, president of the Osh awa Home and School Asso BAPTIST meeting of the BWF Mrs of Hey recognition of service were presented hy Mrs A part of the meetin Oshawa Times 1} Dabbing: treasurer. Mrs. Mur. House in Manitoba, Tt was also/§ at the home Mrs. Neta| held hex! week des the aus H y 1 decided to have charge of the Hoagland, Highland avenue, with] Pees of he ellowship Group worship service at 8t, Stephen's 33 present of King ttreet United Church A United Chureh for the Sunday| The first Photo ifs College Hill H and § Assn Baia Willing Workers roun ta Ars 20th Keowt Minhert Jo ast president, Mvs, Michael coronation Hand 3 Ah 'adoski and Mrs, Charles Hall Al . Ips, Tonks alse made a presen TUEMDAY tation to Miss Mayse Daughters of England new members were en Aer BL a WA rolled by Guide Captain, Mrs { a Avery Wiskin, the enrolment 8A Home League pins being placed on their math Christ WA hy their respective daugh Fellowship Group 1 enrolled were the Canadian 1 nembors of the new exeoutive Holt id WA iso Mrs. Charles Hall and Mys Norihminster George Tonks Helping Ho : a Far entertainment Lourtioe Ald \ 1 WA were shown Vestmount \ The committee was reming St Paul's Guild 4 the next meeting date Victoria Lodge Thursday of February Albert Street WA Knox Preshyvtervian WMS THORNTON'S WA, St Joseph's OPTA The Thornton's Wamen's As Onward Group sociation first meeting of the v Year was held al the hame Mrs. Herbert Schuermann The president, Mrs. Leoanawd Arash, welcomed all with New Ye Greetings, The reports Wawed which were very en wraging. Thank you notes were alse read fram the shubting who ere remembered at Christ The ways and means com 1s working and planning wnday Sehool Ponks on hehalf of the Jack MaeDanald IX Chureh ors Aux gion Wa ah two films Asan lod Wf the LR vst WEDNESDAY of Queen Mary Lodge 1st Scout Mathers Tih Scout Mathes King Street WMS 168th WW Cedardale br 1} Patriarch Militant Pearl Group St. Christopher's CPTA Centre Street WA ars WA Thorton H Aux ! HY n wert ivory hard for the § § Community devational Aohuarmann Mis, RH Anderson was led hy and .cammit Sully, Mrs Mrs. Wilived Harris who mad New Year's Mrs. Sully vead a New Year's Hymn and Mys. Sehuey the th Psalm, The THURSDAY Court Chariene roy | George's Eve. WA Happy D Club Calvary fist WMS Christ Chareh " Eve St. George's WA St Andrew's WA Harvey Humt Aux Sunbeam UF Challe 17th the St Mark's wa Jaycelies bh 8 at % NANR "WAIT WATCH FOR RUG SALE Alen NU.WAY (8 Al oy Seat Sohoal on Sunday, February 13, was spent in addressing letters! at 0.48 a.m, It was also suggest: for the Rible Club Movement od that the members read the| Tha devotional period which wedding at Cana from 8t John was in the charge of the exoeu | Chapter 2:11:13 and prepave itive for 1061 opened with al for Mscussion at the next meet sing-song after which each offi hg eer presented a short message ORMTA on her alms under the direction The first meeting of the New of the Lord foy service person Year of the Oshawa and Dis:"aly and as a group for the yeas trict Music Teachers' Associa. 1961 tion held at the home of The president brought the dif Ms. | Parrott, Mary street, fovent projects for the year he In the absence of the presi: fore the group and annaunced dent, Mys, Charles Naylor, the the next meeting "Nurses meeting was presided aver hy Night" on January 31 to be the vice-president, Mps, Ted held at 119 Briar ereseent Jackson; Members were pleased ie ta hear that Mys Naylor Was FAITHFUL GROUP making goad progress after hey accident iy Mr. Reginald G. Geen, wha is .a member of the Road of Examiners for the Royal Con servatory of Musie, gave dem onstration examinations in Grades TV, VII and VIII, This was followed hy a general dis cussion of examination work Miss Helen Willard offered her hame on Tennyson Avenue for the February 33 meeting Members were yeminded of th Students' Reeital on February 18, and were asked to submit # Was W as od the meeting with a "The Door and the Keeper,' Mrs, William Mitehell had charge of the devotional, the ex soutive taking a part and each gave readings, "The New Year" | was read hy Mrs. Wellington Prainer, A hymn was sung with Mis, Edward Goodman at the plane, The scripture and a pray or were read hy Mrs, William Mitehell and "Miracles of Na tare," hy Mes. William Short The "Miracle of Snow," by Mrs. | Gordon Pirie: "May 1." with! FINER BLEND YOULLBE PROUD TO SERVE! Myps, Wellington Trainer open: Hood alse thanked the group for verse, flowers and cards at Chyistmas | tion: Mrs, Lloyd Courtice, N H, L. Donald and Mrs. Ral Broadbent Mps, Nicholas each passing day hy Mrs George Twiddy he minutes were read hy Mps, George Twiddy and Mrs William Mitehell gave the finan elal report and called the rall There were 14 present Lakas will y has heen planned to include troductions and greetings, brief but pertinent address pian solo by Janet Kerr, candle-lighting eeremaony party refreshments at the ol flower moneys alsa dues far the and were eallected Ng voar y Mrs, William Short gave the siok report, Mes, Edwin Michael| and Mes, William Smith are ie | ported 111, Mes. Norman Legs thanked the group for flows | cards sent to Mrs, Avthwy Legge at Christmas, Mrs. Ray Copper [8] SPRING? THINKING OF ( new nat hade rane takes lease of with a of paint, Wark in and if indoors in shed spread newspapers oateh paint drippings. Bl ng 18icolors look hest agains {green of and tre widen furniture life o 1] I'he congregational me 10 be held an January 25 BIAS h 10H Mike We in a and-or Assuming you are nagged hy v 4 a such and! feel {E1Y) fueling the urge Possibly you feel uncertain of i's staying power in double harness and also unsure whether he is side and an interesting program! companionship oy ist reasons such as social status BAILEY FOODS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE marrying you for love and for material} Until @ more convenient location can financial appartunity be arranged! misgivings, perhaps you impelled, unconsciously, to 1 A esh the on to a the Smart mothers IMPORTANT NOTICE! To the Public of Oshawa and Distriot!! HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS LIMITED 20 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH (ONLY) TEMPORARILY CLOSED! + + + Due To The Disastrous Fire! WATCH THE OSHAWA TIMES FOR OUR RE-OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT!!