Published by Canadian Mewspopers Limited, B6 King 5 E , Oshawa, Ont Foge # Satinaey, Jar Canada Should Follow _ Realistic China Policy It is # pity thet the Liberal rally backed sway from the question of sup porting China's id for 8 UN seat, Had they nat done 89, two of Canada's three mam political parties would now he taking the reslistic view of recognition of the effective Chinese government, and the third, the Conservative party, wold he forced to give the subject mare thought There is no doubt that the new ad ministration in the United States will be taking # close look st US, policy in relation ta China, President-elect Kene nedy and his colleagues are fully aware The Eisenhower policy has put the new administration in & very difficuls pasition. For years the people of the United States have heard nothing but evil about Ching, Newspaper correspone dents have heen refused permission 1a visit Ching. But each time the question of Chinese membership comes before the UN, support for the US, dwindles, If the Eis the United Btates will have to use the y is maintained, nhower poli veto to keep Ching out of the UN, and that would force the U8, into a position of wolation. Mr. Kennedy and his ads 18618 ATE SUrely ton perceptive to permit U.K. OPINION "hy General Distrust Noted Of Eisenhower Policies By M. McAINTYRE ROOD special London (Eng) ( rTrespondent Fn The Oshaws Times FONDON = The ensis over Fans, and The lense situation in which the United Bates has be come involved in Cube have in vecent days deepened the gen eral British distrust of Amencan foreign poticy. This distrust 1s not directly apparent in official circles, where there is a len dency to play down any differ ences of opmien heiween the twee governmems, But it is very RUpRTEnt IN, NEWSPRPEF CON ment, and in the views which fre expressed hy the Rverige CiiEns, whose Ereaiest concern 15 to see the world remain at peace, almost gt gli costs | have heen quite surprised in the last few days to find thal the average Brtisher keeps re markably wellinformed on Wn ternational affairs, He reads his newspapers avidly, (nes tg sor wit the facts, and then does a mliside world. But my Brussels informant is quick 1a pont ow hit the greater expansion of in sult of eight months of intensive study hy A commities of 18 bers of the Bow Growp, WM ternal trade is not Iaking place # the expense of trade with non member countries. On the con trary, he points owt, the exis tence of the Common Market his rather tended (9 Increase frade with the non-member COU IES The key point, from the Brit ish angle, however, is whether this trend will continue with the latest reduction in 1anffs he tween the Common Market Bix and the imposition of & common external tard which in many cases is higher than the farmer tariffs of some of the six coun: tries, And there 1s considerable concern as 1g what will happen when the Common Market starts is system of protective levies against agricultural products from the outside world The influential Bow Group of young Tories, whose views have often had a profound influence is embodied in & pamphlet of some B00 words, and hecause some respects it is closer 19 the Labor opposition policy than that of the government, Hs proc posals lor sweeping changes in defence will inject 8 new nots of inierest ike the parkas mentary Aehate on defence pol ey nest month In effect, the Bow Growpers are asking that Britain give up is independent nuclear deter: vent, anil help to hwild up # stronger deierremt under NATO control, By making # larger comnhution ta the NATO deter: vent, It is wrgued, Britain would have more control aver i Specifically, the pamphlet asks that the government (rans: fer is 20 V-hombers and the Thor missiles, 1a NATO, that i$ build six Polaris submarines, and hand these also ta NATO; that it offer France al least one of the fact that the question of UN y i lot of thinking on Ws own ac on Conservative Party polities, squadron of Victor 11 bombers, the this to happen hey might well we count. In conversaion Wh pas prepared a defence state: to deliver the French Ahomb, peaple of varying classes of We, ment which will come as a wn return for France undertake I hive found tht they have Been shock 1p Mr. Macmillan and bis ing to place her striking force dang a lot of thinking about the capinet colleagues. The propos: under the new-siyle NATO ume membership for China will be on y ativ w Cana thi UN agenda again in 1961, and that this COME BGIME initiative by anada that time the vote might he favorable. In would permit them to shde slowly but any ease, it is only & matter pf time Sirely out of the corner mie wiveh they Lis troubles, and have in A als in this statement are the re. hrella and { Ie time before African have been forced ust majority of cases come In ; nd not a Teng Him Adhd ' the conclusion that the United and other votes overwhelm UB, opposi here are solid reasons why Ching " Plates 18 playing a dangerous QUEEN'S PARK b y y ha 4 pr -. i | that their awn coun tion to the seating of the Chinese Com should he recognized, The country has . -- EAINE, Ane e ing o Hn ¥ . a ly should play is own hand munists, Kennedy, Rusk and Co, ma an established government, and it is ) Y pi and refuse to hecome entangled " well decide to prepare UB, public absurd to contend that effective opposis I DON T MIND A TAILFEATHER BUT in the power polities of the Less Boisterous ] or . . opinion for a reversal of the policy tion can be provided by a government fying Washington administra Hon ' pers bce, 800 WE SE TE Lok FOR ORANGE Legislature Now he distrust of American oy followed hy the Eisenhower administra in exile on & hittle island, It is just as tion, And let's face it: Canada has onl absurd to try ta wall off the most pops OTTAWA REPORT r t in Britair Fadi 4 wre heen following the US, lead in voting lation on earth from mternational delibe i 4 or ain, To A . Are clan policy. sems very largely By DON O'HEARN against the seating of the Chinese Com: rations; indeed, it is asking for trouble G d R ! pasture: we: are just signing 700 the knowledge that the poroNTO Gone are the My. Drew was making » very munists in the UN to try ana a equires conventions agreeing tn talk, TASEnRower administration his go. serious speech lalk, talk only a short Lime 19 say in of Al one time this legislature He was constantly interrupted i fice, This Weng 80, IhEre 16 8 used (0 he a4 rousing place as his color constantly roses Allies In Trade PROBLEM UNDERRATED Ivong feeling here that there There was a lob of carousing, hy interjections of "Sex vou," n | ruth Fo hegin at the beginning, should he no drastic action ab free and easy parties in Ihe "Ha, ha "That will he the rong e By PATRICK NICHOLSON why does Finance Minister this stage, and that the present potels and some hoisterous hi day" and other remarks quite Fleming lead for Canada al group in pewer should vefrain mor in the House off. the serious mond of the ('T'TAWA I'vade or pei ing told (he House, are 'to pro { ks? In the Lik | fertak obi ' p i ie | ven this oni y . REV. N, G. SIBLOCK fierce and ambitious. They rule their aol AI : uch trade talks? In the Liberal from undertaking any action The past decade has se momen BY THE REV ¥ al smb ish would he an apt and pun: mote policies, that are designed: peaime. the late "Trader Howe'! which might present the new change And the most disturhing point Ritson Road Pentecostal Church, Oshawa millions of subjects with a rod of iron, gent slogan for Canada. 1 18 (a) (0 achieve the highest suse would never have allowed his president with an undesivahle The members being sent in was thal they were apparently As news emerges from the United ruthlessly inflicting their will without eammon aid thal onethiEd of laimable economic grOWIH 0 fiaid 1g he thus pre - empted hy fait accompli from the province are one rea: coming from some Unknown gard to | n welfare, They defy Wi anadian wankers o { IE mEmher cowsines, (0) 10 600: ministers of finance, Yel ou I'he comment on the Laok sii: son eulprit smack in the middle of Nations we are reminded of the 37th Fegard to human f ey Y johs ta our trade with foreign tribute in ond economy EX farmer trade minister, Gordon ation 18 very much along this They are a Tare staid crew the PC henches an auntie pansion ino member and non val ¢ p g than in other days Psalm, With so many heads of state God and mar ' Churchill, always walked three line, but there is an underlying the PAVER THAR | : i with f ' But lel {ik Bur. ania A the Bosak his proportion is infinitely member countries, and (€) 10 aa008 pehind Fleming in this hope in the public mind that My And Premier Frost has had ral EN TEANER thar fut there, one's soul 1s grippec ith acing i fel us [ix aur gaze Hpan th 4 higher than that pertaining contribute to the expansion of yasuect, our new trade minister, Kenned when he becomes ® hand in if wi he N ne a anole J . 3 p TU " Mi ° oe : tion and fear, The clever manoeuvres of Books, in arder to get a better pers ithin the harders of aur great: World {ride Gearge Hees, is already follow: president, will adopt methods My Prot oe Joh Li loving the "atiention of the # ner ang aur falest sl ne wi Vi 4 " 456 , Members stes u J Ll A of the Communist "strong men" recall pective of the situation I'he qualities | pple . in hut Ly ie LL hy | , id ord ih Ing Sat i ample Fue ' hich will L, od 58 Phavhe Avy black marks in his little black House IR} | LAR LL LL Ik a revi Han a fauthutler "E818 80 new In the 1 some o 1088 Which have ) i H 3 st, ! y \ ad tl ei les luence . p » feared He looked around and saw the words of the Psalmist, "I have seen that have had the greatest influence {/'y"y | prohahly higher OFEC, which was just another job that he could he excused for characterized American foreign "09K #re things te be feared that mast eyes were on Mr, the wicked in great power, and spreading upon the human race in the past are nat than in any other country in the mantle under which politicians (hinking (hat the "Inner 8i 15 policy under Eisenhower, The THE LAST Meinzinger's desk himself like a green bay tree" Are these pride, selfishness and cruelty, hut humi, Atlante Communit and hureaucrats could "awan" the centre of the Argonauts de. British people have a vital in: Phe last of the really hois doe also was a "paper Yel successive Canadian Gay. 10 International debates al the fepsive line, But surely this mat: terest in the preservation of terous members was Joseph tearer ernments since the end of World taxpayer expense despite a ter, aur future in the world peace, and they have a strong Meinzinger, the (hen former He could take a newspaper schemes to re-make the world? Will that have had the deepest and most lasts War Two--let's not go hack into consistent record over many (rade picture, is=after the nu: antipathy to anything which Mayer of Kitchener and Liberal and from it produce various men destined ta succeed in their wicked lity, love and righteousness, The qualities they wipe out all religion from the ing effect upon manhood are not those earlier history--have shown a Yoda! nf absolute failure to ore clear disarmament question avars of heinkmanship member from Waterloo North, novelties 3 remarkable, obtuse and unima: Ate even ane additional job for the secand most impertant prob aa Mr. Meineinger ornamented This night his project was 8 earth as they say they will doj #8 seen in Communist hoses, hut rather cic ios"enimity in daing eye Canadian workers lem facing us today, Interna: COMMON MARKET the house from 1043 to IMB. Chiistmas (ree The Psalmist reflects an many another #8 exemplified hy Christ and His Apost= = grything they can to huild Can Pwo hundred and fifty million Uonal trade relationships in this PROGRESS His one great contribution 60 While the premier had heen les and all humble servants of God Ada into a defensively - walled citizens of Western Europe have context are not a tide affals Iheve 1s considerable interest far as the public was concerned speaking he had heen making man whe climbed to great power hy trading citadel isolated on a decided that small national trad: they are a high-level political In official circles in London in was a dramatic gesture a great show of vipping pieces ! wicked means, and added, "vet he passed down through the ages lonely high - priced plateau, » ing units do not offer an open topic. They call for the whale. the repart of the 1060 trade oper He foserted the Lives A i " o He folded eri ) 5 5 hi p as as SHR i tatand. ations of the European Common made an overiure 10 eros Ie ow he was unveiling av, and, la, he was not We think Be true to God and put vaur trust It is astonishing that a month gateway to mass prosperity and tme attention of an ou \ ! A Manoa e iad A ; AWAY, so \ naw has passed since a deci- high living standards. 80 they ng minister - without portfolio Market, The report shows that floor le the Conservatives=--0nly masterpiece, As My, Drgw sl between the six countries 10 he met hy a laughing mouth lently watched he slowly-very hut a cold eye fram Premier slowly:-pulled up the paper hy a Drew, peak until he had a tree more bli by our minister of fin: These (wa Kuropean groupings, to the pete minister. The eam: Creased hy 38 per cent, imports whose wicked influence long since last wicked shall be cut aff, But the salvation ™ | AULT | ' But in the House itself he than two feet tall standing on k ance, Hon. Danald Fleming, and destined one day to amalga: bination of commercial exper: from other countries of the 8 2 " " . 3 le nee » . of Pharoah, Nero, Hitler and others wha in Him, We need not fear the threats Jo tep towards this undesir: have agreed to join together in working with our foreign min: rade in their day gamed great power, hut of ungodly rulers, far in time, the able ahjective was taken in tariff-free economic alliance ister and with direct approach of the Common Markets in pale } alle 5 sk its force, ; of the righteous is of the Lord: He 8 jai a ward has yet been vaised mate, are known as the Inner ience political sagacity, pep. World vase hy 31 per cent, and Prado wuch mere attentio. We desk Mr, Drew's reaes Foday's "strong men" are proud, their strength in time of trouble" Against it Soe and the Hurapean Free sonal presence, facile longue inhi lo whe countries Wate a man of some unusual talents. tion? No vou don't VET MORE TALK Frade Association and quick heain are not readily ah \ cent ligher than in 163 One of these was the ability This recollection has heen \ ho are we, eighteen million found: Hon, David Walker, now he significant point is that o theaw his voice hrought on by the fact we note hd . On De i M Ils ang ld Canadians, to know better? Yel minister of public works, is the trade within the Common May In vecollection there was one My, Meinzinger has once again ce 18 1n n ars the Hou ie 0 oInane. thal Ne we have failed 10 negotiate ow type of man who could serve kel area is growing at a more night in particular which stands heen elected mayor of Kite and the minister of (rads entry inte either of those pros: Canadians well in sueh a vale. vapid pace than trade with the aut, ohener, (ienvrge Hees, had recently -- wl signed, on hehall of Canada, the Fishing huts are out on the ice again, that about 400 peaple are trapped and _ tse EA -------------- convention establishing the Oy a I -------------------------------- all the way fram the bays along the drowned each vear in North America ganization for Eeonomie Coan: wo RH SS SE SSA, north shore of Lake Ontario ta the blue in cars which have plunged inte water evation and Development, ice lakes of the north, The Lake Simeoe Most of these fatalities result from AN, bi the: segneavent] ive-fishing community is flourishing, as panic and frantic attempts to get out I'he aims af this newly con it does each winter From Carnwall of the sinking vehicle immediately, The stituted arganization, Mv. Flem cames ward that the huts are now Safety League advises those unfortunate dotting the wind-swept, frozen 8 Law enough to came nta this predicament BY-GONE DAYS rence to remain quietly in their places until 10 YEARS AGO A steam heating plant had light cavering of snow aver the ie and outside pressures equalize, the car heen installed and the tawn af In many places, there is only a fairly the car fills with water, When the inside which means that mare than ever fisher doors swing open quite freely, allowing flees moved ta Oshawa's new municipal building, the Old Ped f } \ err cars i the ac ants | Ws n ) men are tempted to drive th cars to 1 OCCUPA a push aut and up, If all lar House, Simcoe St. South where the huts are set up. There's no windows are closed, it may take 10 ar Tack Miner, famous conserva reason why they shouldn't if they 15 minutes ta fload the car inteviar, tianist of Kingsville. arvived in know that the ce is thick enough and If the automobile remains upright, a Whithy ta lecture to capacity 5 in the Me il Tahe trong enough ta support thew vehicle pocket of air remains inside the vehicle, ing nthe Methodist Tabes Flie troubles. 1s, some al them dont mare than enough ta delay the time it N W \ { Wilson velurned hather ta hind out . . : 4 vs len \ takes for the car ta Hill with water, A i Oshawa afier spending sev According ta the Ontario Safety Lea: small pocket of air will remain trapped eval months visiting mission helds wm Japan, Korea and gue, ice fishermen and others who drive in the roof even when the doors have \ {hina | cars anta frozen lakes and rivers alten been apened Oshawa town council endorsed the work af the Community Wel well be memorized hy anvone venturing fare Association and made it a tof 1) | an out anta the ice in cars, lee fishing is EVant of $1000 )¢ L) Jana ames increasing in papularity each vear. Result A minor epidemic of small | PON was reported in last Whit i run unnecessary risks, The league reports I'hese are instructions whiche might L WILSON, Publisher and General Manager 8 that mate and more autamobiles are (0 (00 ORE CASE Was 19 C GWYN KINSEY. Editar driving out on the frozen expanses of parted tn Oshawa \ Vie A . uw Wwaler, We sincerely trust na ane will be \ A heavy snowstorm provided a6 4 Nod da called upon ta make use of the advice wark in cleaning the streets for given hy the Safety League. But in Case A large number of Oshawa un ¢ 3 A ¢ \ # en ; employed The ¢ } ) tal emergency such knowledge frequently The Mast Rev. Neil MeNeil, ed Can mean the difference between life and 1) . . nea \3 ND. Archbishop of Taranto, can As ea Ceath firmed a class of 83 candidates : A Anis he ¢ i A i, . i al 0X LLearges Anghocan ee Church \ rollin, Tum, Sang An Bible Thoughts Mice of dronped five Cents a do ran the Oshawa SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 delight ta do thy will © my Ged: Market 10 sell at 8 cents . 0 ved by an in Quy N R, ; yea, thy law 1s within my heart =--Psalm . A delegation of 30 Rotavians 4a Ta Maat R hey 40:8 foam Taranie paid an inter 1) » t ¢ club visit 18 the Oshawa Club ' Bove Boke Care To have the law af God, which is for PEER Kinsale. Rage Blaskaech OUT BOOS x Gur hearts causes us to dao Local National Council of Wamen asst the divectors af plans of argan » 8 \¢ ladies' auxiliary ¥ Average Daily Net Paid All the days of Noah were nine hums 10 SUL R Ci Chih wark and : Oshawa, ladependen 16.999 Vion ved oY py Tia and aimion 1, ot The Times Is Read Daily In 'More Than 17,000 Homes . . dred and hilly years: and he died os of April 30, 1960 a A Cowtt \ death ¢ bypassed It ws wisdom As ha Na Ww MOR Was ¥ -- io MOPaie We a he nevitabie pes A Pr aie, stalled Court Dep ar 193)