THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwriey, Jonwery 14, 1961 s JC Fie Suiel Addon 4 71 With vicepresidens, Wis. Rg on some of oor 1568 (5s well Vel. MO, 84703 Morghall Wn the chatr, the first ss Wis own) with Wis feels on 191 inenting of the FEathieen "het covses sv many fires Bowe Uemorial Schont Wome Crrriessness Weng the mam 1c nA Behind Associetion was held (oF, DR tRe Ranger sms Ww the thie wer basement EL) elles, Mrs, Mar: Mrs. 6. Detlor read the min thamked Mr. Corner for wes of the last meeting which IVE Most enightening 1a a 4 The second soepker of the [were pAGARA BRA ROW A or Wir A 7 0 Wes Dect. eomespmang Tod why wes intiminced hy \secretary, rend (wn letters Mf in oo ierest. me being from the presi- Yrs WM. Melaon Mine Mel aod of the Bilcrest piss! ie the jocal YON Nurse and she : of 2 Hi me #¥ the many duties of £XIeRAInG an invitation 18 4 2 6 OF EARIIALION, (TRIE RIR 11 their games might and sles Bok oo og by the town 5s wel ws INE 16 Joi them Wn thelr Feb loll ll Cod & canons, shirt THATY MEAIBG -- RB MOOR Was phn ERDAS. Wien later carried to this effect Shales them, ia £hivy " Fhe It was aonownced thet Fel, § with bh of branches in ade Iwawid he the aiiel BRING Cor: which Wn tHIR SEIves Yer mie iv E that CARVREEETE WRIE thi (greatly needed for fhe coming ie uid ommation Ri A io Drive, Anyone interested members 5 further understand id contact Mrs, Urch this order. Before closing Wi The room count was then Mcleod mentioned that she | taken with the henners going 19 trying to gel classes formed for Mrs Dutt and Mrs. Bradey wll expectant mothers. Mrs. RB Bi Areasurops Sepoit wae Schieder thanked Mias Mel eon Even tonowe 4 TRWINg on f lame and of the Wcky door prize. this School Association sul month going 19 Mrs, Fden Refreshments were then sery | Mrs, Dilling introduced Brice ed hy the mothers of Mr. Di |Camer local fire init he ney's Foam wader the supery) spoke on Fire Prevention, He sion of Mrs Pasene, social pointed out he might be tread convener WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton Mr. and Mrs. Mersin are haidaying in Bt. Pelershurg, nell, of Byron street rida celebrating thelr 1th weddin | The United Chureh 4W's Con: anniversary on Saturday, Their ples Chih will, instead of their friends wish them many more regular monthly meeting, enjoy 4 # skating party this coming Sal-! Mr, and wrday wl Stonehaven Farm skat- of Hillerest ing rink. They will afterwards Park Hill enjoy square dancing and a chili season, the (con earne lunch will he served, Perry Mr. Herman Rombough is Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lyeeit, of 'Kinettes Join In March Of Dimes 7: Joc, Komese momen The Kinetic Clk held is lor the "March of Dimes" 1 mati Anner meeting #t the lake ace on Wondey, Jon. 73 Sprnce Ville mel. The mast WH will be One howe Witz. Peswie we ened with the "Guesn' BIE Reked 19 lense thew poreh wd the Kinetic song. Wn. the, hg om lo facials the work wiener of the present, Jem the KRY ReKiS Jetiery, whe was WH, past presi Past president Solvie Snel Aer. Bytoia Snelgrmve was in the grove on behalf of Binetie Ch har. Reports were read and thanked tresswrer Pam Dey RYE whe ie leaving Wiithy 1a estab Pring the wsiness meeting, "WR 1 in Sudhwry and final RIrARGEmEnts Were made Mentioned whet & veluatie for ""emtiemen's Wat" to he Member she has been held Sat. Jam. 1 ot the howmel The teeing sdioumes wad of Wr. nd Yrs. Warrey Biver| movies Were shown Hallet pvenne. Further pr CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON LTD, TANLEIEMS WEIR made (ov Painting & Decorating Cont WHITBY and DIS Family Monuments Whithy Brean Offices 111 Dundas $1, West Crsres To ina riduint po) Fasuirgments STAFFORD BROS, Meormental Works IB DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 Managers Lloyd Roherisoy Games Bight 1a take place Ww reactors Marri Mrs. Flo Dongid, member of wl THINKING OF PAINTING OR WALLPAPERING? the Oshewr Kinetie Cheb. TRY OUR LOW WINTER RATES dressed the grow snd al ar FROERINERIE WETE HS gremn CRANE WEIR £ nd var RIE EVER o FREE ESTIMATES » Phone OL 5-4441, Brooklin or vish iis i rImAtions = our sore of 675) on Rd, Home League Highlend Creek pear Bids Farewell To Secretary The Salvation Army Women's Home Tengue held is weekly meeting on Thursday evening # he Citadel, Mrs, Captain Rob pis was in charge of a short devotional service. This was fol lowed hy & presentation made 10 0 Fran Locke Home cagne secretary, whe is leav Whithy 1a establish res dence in Toros Mrs. Keniner made the pre ntation on behalf of the Home League members, Mrs. Locke will sadly he missed hy all. Mrs locke addressed the group briefly thanking each for thelr en-operation in the Home League Ware Al the close of the meeting # hot pot luck supper was served | and enjoyed hy all. The next meeting will be in charge of] Mrs, Bergstrom and her group FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Whithy offers for sale by tender the premises now oecupied by the Werks Deport ment of 310 Mary Street East. Inspection of the premices may be erranged Mondoys tg Fridove between the yrs of § am, and 4 pm. Tenders will be received until neon en Meondsy, February bth, 1961, possession to be arranged Ru | ih, are ing "Tender for 310 Mary St." must be ploinly marked on the envelope, and tenders must be addressed 1a Councillor J. Burns Chairmen, Town Property Committee, 405 Dundes 5. West, hithy, Further particulars mey be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. The highest or any tender will net necessarily be escepted Mis. M drive during guests McKenzie visited in the holida f Mis, M 0 J f Mrs, Joyes Burm, Chairmen, Town Property Commitee, Henry other league Photn Alix Av the Times ame teams 10% OFF DURING JANUARY You, Tos, Con Hove A MODERN BATH - Costs how Then You Think We will do the complete job . + from floor to ceiling! BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED Albert Randall & Sona LTD, 102A BYRON ST, SOUTH 8-299 WEDNESDAY, Jan, 18 Bl. John's Anglican Church WA husiness meeting Andrew's Preshyieens Robert Thornton H and § Association Knights of Columbus Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. 142 King Street H and 8 Association "i WHITBY MN Was Benefit Night We are still de in Mrs ROBRY TRIPP with manager ight for a f - tells ws that he THURSDAY, Jun, 19 Legion Aux, Grants To CNIB The Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion held its meet ing on Wednesday, at the Le. in all the games thus far this/in all the fans of this distriel week and appears to he headed are in for mighty good Jy for a good season hockey First Degree | Exemplified FRIDAY, Jun, 0 ANDERSON SENIORS NIP AJAX IN SEASON'S OPENER spending the winer months in Oshaws, were visors al the League. Ajax and and Mrs, W, A, Mcintyre of Athol streef (vised y . slum at Anderson Street High | scorer for Anderson with 23 | the opening In the SOLINA {shaw and son-in-law, celebrated his birthday. For the Mr. and Mrs stre. p were: M y treet, Guests were; Mr, and | oo "connol Sunday morning, It Wi , dan, ents, Mr, and Mrs, William Hol: p,. ap i M t Ki 4 ts WR Frank Allard, Mr and Mrs. | 00 snd' s vocal sole by Gil Oo J Explorers Vithel, daughter of Mr, and Kedwell, Mr. and Mrs, Art Cavel Con 5 inion service Sun the Whithy arena for what Vimy Ridge LOBA ho. bi {sion she entertained a few of her Heaver. Dancing was enjoyed Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hoskin, | ! Viscount Greenwood Chapte Issued a public statement yes ; Whithy Hillerests will he play i i Rel ; their son, Alan, and daughter | M7. James MeLauchian, of 1a guests of Mr, and Mrs held recently for Mi i breathing right down the necks chil-| of Mr, and Mrs, Genrge Warren, |\2%D Buests attending his party(lin, spent several days with Mr, thy hed Cross work roop or | of to play here earlier in the |iitby Hes ane Ran | "The Police Department, Fire wd hit head with United. Church WA annul {part in the success of the Rene: hers of Vimy Ridge LOBA No, tion in the Royal York Hotel in vord as a car hit head on Women's Christian Temperance di yer, Whithy. The lucky winners where sh { the d ith hv ) ey ) ate (where she spent the day with her| accident, several of the players lett sent to his department work that must h heen fn. | VIVE, Karl Gerhardt, is celebrat: Woodward, Lunch was served the former's sister, Miss Ida people in the car were killed, jl at must have heen in| jp Approximately {many happy retums of the day, next euchre will be at the home| Harold Yellowlees returned | on Monday night, hy a Hl ¥ iy. arabe and thelr son, Larry, Mr. and! gs [tion with his parents, Mr, and ara Falls Flyers 48 in a real k Mrs. Ed, Andrew, of Picker: treet, is opening her home oniogoonioe" and Mr. Tom West. it three wins in one week which| We challed Buelid street, during the holi- Chapter. Memhers are remind on Sunday Bobby Tripp, pietured here, is [hopes to have some information Ralvation Army Women's Home : (dr. attended a party in Mill is & hg strapping defenceman (ture, He has his sights set on All Saints' Anglican Church 8t.| H High Split {ton presiding, whe reported on enry J Pp 1 S + (Benlor Citizens Group [Fiorida hame of their uncle and aunt Baskethall thrills were chon) defeated SEIOrS '| squad from Anderson 24-11 Breet High School in Youngstown. New York Mr School, Friday when the local | points. Ajax dumped & bantam | COSSAA Lakeshore 'W bi Reg Eden OECRBION @ surprise party was = corn Mrs. Stan Millson » } Chief Thanks: 8 heir son, Jimmy, of Lachute 4 ; / i Mrs, Robert O'Hara, Mr, and consisted of a story rea hy United Church YI ley, of Dundas street west, ur: ya ee MeCarroll. Mr, and Mrs Milla i By CLIFF GORDON Palmerston 1 and § Association C { ih { Mrs, David MeKeng, celebrated '¢T% Mr and Ms. George qo, oo ning "A" duet was eon: LONIriputors promises to be a thrilling Jr All Baints' Anglican Chureh friends and a buffet lunch was served ot BN Co re nddaughter. 2 4 10D |terday thanking those who eon ; ing host to the fourth place Night! Nancy, of Grecnvand Grageant [Clarence drive, celebrated his Ralph Davis and Pat { : Richardson and her three of the local team were; Mr. and Mrs, J, D, Nich-|and Mrs, Bruce Tink and fam: | i eh UGLY ! ; but had th isfort Whithy Hapiist Church CGH | Pepartment and Mrs, Richard.|of 880 Centre street north, is of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs,| Mr. Wesley Yellowiees attend en ut ha ie misfortune meeting | y The weekly euchre club was Toronto. Mrs, Yellowlees ge: [Fit @®eht," said Chief Rankine 089 for the monthly meeting ron # the bus In which the players i Union a RA were first, Rose Barrington, sec-| sister, Mrs. Jack Marks, Mrs, J, were shaken up and others were ards valve \ : : g his fourth birthday on Bun: hy the hostess who was as: Reynolds, in Our Lady of Mercy The locals are hot off 8 hig nlved for your hoys will never| 4 ) | h raised from the of Anne Batherson, Kent street, (ta OAC Guelph on Sunday after seore, then on Wednesday night Hi: Mrs, Gerald O'Hallaren and : dandy, Therefore the Milkmen chardson's acount of To Mrs Mrs, Wes Yellowlees andy, Therefore h one u we pibaiod ing, visited at the home of My, [Monday evening to the mem: | bo Peferhorough, visited My, | is mighty good pleking in any Ivan Davie la day season led of the change of date Mr. and Mrs, Perey Westlake one fellow who will hear a lot !in regard to another hig exhibi League hrook Hall, in honor of Mr, and who is hack after an absence Guelph Royals, Marlie 'A's and Margaret Guild activities which happened since | 218 AM Radio Broadeest CKLB 945 AM Bible School Hour 11:00 AM REV, and MRS, KEITH DONALD Missianaries-elect ta Partugusse W, Africa, 7:00 PM Our Paster The team was congratulated hy all present on thelr fine portray al of the degree 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM, & 7,00 PM REV, THOMAS WEBB Cook, Bowmanville | BY) # Miss Helen Dechert, Mr [1 ™M™ Wi E Summers, A.T.CM, fit Mrs, Ormiston and ! hers ar ' qed The girl's basketball teams of mothers ave now dragged oul Mr. and Mrs. J, Lege Susan | Mrs Munro took Christmas Henry High and Oshawa Central of bed a half-hour earlier TH IE) Lager Satan ter, as soon as the degree was| Almonds' Home and School to | ; concluded, Bro, Glen Wanna: Association held its monthly | Their visits are alwiys wel: At Eastern Star Eastern Star Lodge No, 72 100F met Tuesday evening as usual, and after a sumptuous My Mr, and Mrs, H. J. McKeown provided in the new gymnas | 57-50. Jim Cornish was high | The win hy the Seniors wis entered in over the holidays with Donald McKinlay cele their daughter H $ Hill v t CLUB CALENDAR and Mrs, Ray Holley and arranged at his home, Maria arranged the PFOgram for Sun 0 1 C es 8 { Quehee, were guests of his par: ! 4 . . Mrs. C, Hilligrd, Mr, and Mrs Pat Davis, 8 recitation hy Glenn Wi Baptist Chu B efitN ght ing the holiday season c G ' ald [us di hi en ! ack Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Jacki Mac nevis was at the organ : A bi # : | , n a y a M Ww 3 H f, Tonight sil roads will lead tn House of Windsor 10DE Chapter {her 12th birthday, For the occa. Mowat, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred tributed hy Pat and Ken Knox, | Vi Tile Police Chief George Rankine I B hockey game, The third place ming Liulid do nine Mr. and Mrs. H. A, McKee, WW the hostess {Anda Hoskin, were Saturday : don. Th {tributed to the Benefi i ¢ Grr : Kingston Frontenacs who are Florence Davey Group Marley | visited in Preston as the guesis| rthday last Saturday, Out of Mrs, W, A. Ormiston, Brook: TUESDAY, Jun, 17 tdven The Frontenacs were schedul On Monday, Miss Eva Virgin|oll, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Stork, |1l¥ aon by Ra iy Faith Bapfist YEA son thank all those who took opening her home to the mem: | Leonard Hall, of Scarhore, ed the Milk Producers Conven ng tn an aceident on the Colhorne H and § Association | R ip v held at the home of Edna Baw: companied him to Bearhorough : Chief Rankine quoted from a Members notice the change of were riding. As & result of the ie Benefit Sieh and all the Sieard John, won of My, and ond, Anne Batherson, low, Mary | Vellowlees and Gladys visited bruised badly, and three of the Night and all they Ibe forgotten' ay, His friends wish him |sisted by Kose Barrington, The Hospital | win over the Pleton Merchants 2 | A said the Chief Mr. and Mrs. William McLean Whitby, with Cora Peel as host |spending the Christmas vaca: they nipped Hap Emms' Niag family, of Toronto, and Mr, and Ton Harvie, Green Miss Marilyn MeCarrell are looking forward to making an ; and Mrs, Charles G, McLean, of hers of House of Windsor 10DE and 'Mrs. Wes Hills and family | . league minutes and he 1 y uxc 6s Mr, and Mrs, Frank Westlake ' .-- of watching in this game, Boh|tion game here in the near fu Women's Institute HIGH SCHOOL NEWS | Mrs, Tom Westlake, on their| Whitby Baptist FAITH BAPTIST of four games, Bob has played the Peterborough Jv, A team, So Binclair H and § Association 26th wedding anniversary | glon Hall with Mrs, Earl Ormis: {the last meeting [] The ladies ate hr ames t d ' Douglas Dechert and Mrs, De The ladies donated and served 1 S wa Toca Sara Ri gifts Runnybrook Hospital, | goliided in thelr first seasonal ial to prepare breakfast for) oo Freitag, Randy and Dale! eluded, (B10. GIR NO ars. Bh ab dnl battle early this week, Fouls thelr athlete sons, This gets the yyice "yean" Cpyderman, Mr, (| maker i! poke | § : i 6 lodge, His address was very in: [siding in the absence of Mrs 419 Brock 8, N., Whithy Mr, and Mrs, Frank Westlake Church N N Ivef 4 " a srforme {ehert, ame ew Pres, refreshments to the performers [visitors with Mr, and Mrs This being the official visit of Game teresting and much appreciated | Elsmere, The meeting opened \ Paster; Rev, E, C, Corbett, §,Th, Ir, visited Mr, and Mrs, F. Rl Rev. Thomas Webb, Minister ~~ " At Al d H g at the Morley Richardson Bene By JOAN CALDER [to practise by 7.80 am. Whithy| Googe Knox and family | - T the Distriet Deputy Grand Mas: | mon 8 | ! hy all heaving him with the "Queen, accompanied Pears dinner served very tastefully hy| the Rebekah committee, spent a social hour before lodge opened During this time an auction was held and a sizeable amount real ized for the fraternal work of the arder Lodge proper opened at eight o'clock and regular business was kept to a minimum, Sick broth: ers Town, Darling, and Stevens were visited and reported to be progressing favarably Next Sunday morning there will he another hreakfast served This was a well attended (®t the piano by Mrs meeting, the hall being filled to Minutes were read and ap: overflowing. The usual jovial/Proved, and various reports presence of Bro. Stevens, who Letters of resignation were is in Oshawa General Hospital, |vead fram Ms, Ellsmore; presi was very much missed, How: dent, and Mrs, Racicotl, treas ever, if there are any who need rer. Mrs, Hear, vice presi cheering up, & visit to Hro dent, was appointed as president Stevens in Room 200 at the hos. 8nd Mes, B West will be treas pital will do just that urer Lunch was served after lodge|, 't Was suggested that one dol: concluded to complete a very '®F from each family would he fine evening donated towards Almonds' Home fect will be sent out, Mys, Bow | Members LANGUAGE BARRIER colt was invited ta speak on the MONT JOLI, Que. (CP)==Ger work of Home and School. Mrs ard Legare, a member of .the Weatherall followed with a few local Liberal Party Association words has complained that the CNR| A motion was made that a has shown "manifest ame guide post for Home and Schaal No, 88 from Bowmanville exem: gance' in sending English he obtained. Mrs. Atkinson Sug plified the First Degree for the speaking officers hére 10 in gested & panel shaw for the benefit of Bra, Harry Stephenson vi Campany employees, members taking a current sub at 8 a.m. until all have heen fed. | he proceeds will go to the fra ternal work of the order. This hreakfast is open ta all Oddie) lows, their families and friends Florence Nightingale Lodge comed by the veterans The Auxiliary's charter was {draped hy the president for the late Mrs, Martha Young, one of the group's elder members, whe passed away. A donation of $25 {will he sent far the blind in this district, Ladies available to can: vass for this campaign, please get in touch with Mes, CHI Gant {shay © are reminded that {the next meeting will be the An nual Birthday Dinner on Wed. nesday, Jan. 25, at 6.30 pom. and also Installation of new officers and executive, The men of the and School, A letter to this of local Branch will be doing the were Stan Charman, George honors. A large attendance 1s hoped for Guides Plan Theatre Night were handed out right and left by the referees as the game progressed, As one girl on Cen: tral team deseribed It, "A nice, dirty game, eh," The time-keep: hoy and the mother in training to stumble about all day from lack of sleep Anderson High has invited stu dents of Henry High to thely {Britiner, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Me: Speaking Evervane Welcome Gary and Rob: Mr, and Mrs, | and Mrs, Keith (Minn, Lynda {hie Oshawa; Iam Carr, My ICeyderman and My and '§ er's whistle ended the game and Mr 23:10 for Henry Senior's, Henry Juniors did not Jy 80 well in thelr game though, Cen. tral won 18:3, There was a good forward, Diane Haas, on Osh: awa Central's team, Since she got most of the goals for Osh: awa, they might not have won without her Nominations for Student Coun: oll Executive were taken by My Tutt, Nominees for president semi-formal, which is on 8 Ha: \Ross Cryderman, Ellen and walla theme, The dancers Willi pany were Sunday dinner sway to the music of Bl Rich: guests of Mr, and Mrs, B, Ory! ardson derman ( Extra = curricula activities| Mrs, § HE, Werry is visiting have hegun again, In the dark Mps, Sam Brooks, Bowmanville room, members of the mixed! Shelley, RR 2, Oshawa, Mr. | | Camera Club have had two and Mrs. Don Ferguson, Paity or three meetings, And theland Lovie, Prestonvale, were Wrestling team Is preparing guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce for some wrestling matches Montgomery against Oshawa, We would like : [ a Drama Club to prove we have | Upward Moves 1100 AM- Congregation will Meeting Chureh, January 15th 16, at 2:30 p.m Ashby; Cathy R Aa Dave| CHitural interests in our school Ashby, Cathy Hame ' St. Andrew's Presbyierian Church BYRON ST, §. AT ST, JOHN §T orm -MORNING WORSHIP BEGINNERS CLASSES == JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM --CHURCH SCHOOL be held immediately after Annual Congregational Meeting to be held Monday, January and not Just sports |Hoag. We will probably hear [their propaganda speeches with: in the next two weeks Boys and girls alternately share the gym at noon hours during the week. Each pursues their sports with equal enthu- siasm. Bays play floor hokey; girls play basketball, The Girls' and Bays' Athletic Associations clashed in an exhi hition haskethall game to prove that girls are hetler athletes | WHITBY By Industrials | WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev, John M. Smith Minister Rev. A. M TORONTO (OP) = Industrials | BA, BD ended their period of "correc How Friday to continue the ad vance that has marked them [these past five weeks, The rest , Butler, B.A, Assistant Minister MORNING WORSHIP = 11:00 AM, Mrs. 1 Beaton, ARY.C, Qraanist of the stack market was mixed, however Industrials went ahead 1.86 at A258 on index, with base mel Als up 81 at 169.47. Golds dropped 1.29 at 86.06, and West ern oils eased A1 at RAT Volume was 2.779.000 shaves compared with the 3561000 shares traded Thursday Howard Smith Paper jumped 3 al 3; following Daminion Far's shave-exchange prapasal Minnesota and Ontavie paper gained A at 2%. and Consol dated Paper went ahead 13 al 12. Eddy A dropped % at 8 31 Dame and Giant Yellowknife Gale INenced the gold index with ses of 3 at 27 and 14. Among 23], 211 K. Layst 351 2%: BD o metals, Ventures gained 3 Reh 3.3) 5 ) HH 2 3 hee I. Shaw 331, 3% My Noranda and Gaspe AM. Duncan 20: J. Hilliard 213 went ahead 3% at 413 R. Peleshok 213 Stevenson and 18 ; y . Alarm olocks are ringing BOWLING NEWS bright and early for hays on the send basketball teams. They) {must be at the school and ready Keystone Lodge of Eastern Star Lodge, This was Those who did not understand joct 10 be discussed well given with charges well English, he said, received no" A film is to be shawn far the taken and excellent floor wark, benefit, next meeting entitled "A Desk y . - gi - for Billy", 1 is hoped that this presentation of a film will at Tract a greater number of par ents (a attend the manthly meet ings 3 I'he meeting was then turng Installs Officers over to Mrs, Pears wha led in VO a sing song enjaved hy every-| It is hoped that the citizens off Keystone Chapter No, 34 one. The meeting closed with! Whithy will give their support [RAM held their annual instal the Lord's praver and vefvesh 10 this. The only fund vaising/lation of alficers for 1981 ve ments were served {forts made during the year on eently The next meeting will be held Dehall of the Guides and Brow The following Pp Feh NM ies, On Wednesday evening, [James Sandison, IPE; Perey Feb, 8 at 7.00 pom. the find Pies. HG SK Smith, & AF Mardi Gras" will be shown at | Foote, 1: D, MeKeag, PS; L, ¥ the Brock Theatre. there willl ampbell, Installing # and several draws doar Joribe FE! James Martin, First Vi ER. Stafford, Serie N Wilham W. Hoar, Tyler, A. Tay can be ablained fram lap. Second V; ND. Taylor, Third "WHERE IS THE CHURCH, NOW?" SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM Girls and Boys under 9 wa In February An executive meeting of the Whithy Distriet Girl Guides As sociation was held at the hame of Mrs. A. J. Miller, Hillerest Drive a n Puestday evening, Ar wd Yangements for "Theatre Night WHITRY LADIES CANDY LEAGUR Points for the day: Allsorts 2 Gumdraps 3, Humbugs 2, Jelly theans 1, Life Savers 3, Lallipaps Maplebuds 1 and Peppermints P45 AM Girls and Boy ? vears and 11.00 AM Infant Care Junior Worship PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE J07 BROCK, N REV. JOHN SCARR, Pastor Phone MO 8.5772 ------ A ---------------------- BROCK (Whitby) Evening Shows 7 & 9 p.m, over diseussed Triples aver 4 ~ 1, Mather sill 881, RK. laysl 648, H. Bas tarache 30, KE. Mason 623, 7 Shaw aT8, A. Mikacel 317, G Gale 473, D. Kehoe a8 and G Wiles adi Singles aver 2 | sill 200. 306; BE. Mason 267 H. Bastarache 258, 2; were elected Mathey ELIA KAZAN & me ---- $45 AM 2:45 AM OUR 11:00 AM RADIO BROADCAST, CKLB OSHAWA GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL THE WAY TO REVIVAL" SHOE BRAN BELFAST (Reuters) pitas and schools in ireland are bannin aamen Hos Northern Als he for LINgsmaSed = COLOR wy DE LUNE rie or P $ Wnt ELIA KAZAN woe » PAA DSRORN veéaring she with stilette | MUS = Bugs Bunny Canteen + Comedy \ i \ Nad Vo At the shoe vile SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS 1:30 . 15 unperturbed and even boom na | het Fiokels ny ow h of th CWY phoning the convenel r hy tel Mis. AV. Milley 5. A Brett, Fourth \ Randadl, J5 and Scelt Madill, 88, Albert son 303, A. Heuis 2M, B. Moase an n Ni. 301 We WN ™, aN La OF UrAMUMS Were strong Rin Algom wp 33 cents at 38.30 7:00 PM YE SHALL RECEIVE POWER" Jesus is Reol™ Whithy's | oh = Wheie Gunnar up 13 cents at 1.1