® INE GANAWA TIMES, Beturdey, Jenwery 18, 198) "» "" DO IT NOW" PROGRAM Mayors and reeves of | ects and heat unemployment, | mouchelle of Sandwich South Greater Windsor communities | From left: Mayor Philip F. | Maver Gordon Stewart of have proclaimed Jon. 16 to 21 | Morand Ojibway, Reeve Riverside. Reeve Robert Mag as "do it now' week. The idea | Lawrence Brunet of Sand bis Rr is to push winter work proj | wich West, Reeve Edward Du Donald of Sandwich east and Awaru Rev. W. A. Logan, Certificates Family Feted BROUGHAM ~ Mr. H. Mal INISKILLEN =~ The group, Miss Phyllis Howells eolm, superintendent of St John's United Church Sunday g School, gave out the promotion gathered at Enniskillen Church intrgining, Western Hospital certificates Jan. 8, Those pro- on Dec, 27, 1060 had mixed feel: Toronto, spent the weekend al moted from kindergarten to pri- IN8s #5 their heloved family at her home I i' aE i Mrs. W 5 mary were Kathy McGregor," l Hf i e Ie van Mi oh vy boy) Ogan # visited with the Elizabeth Harden, Barbara Mil- ere soon 10 move from their with Mr. and er, Marilyn Norrish and Rob:lyidst to in London,, Ont, Moore, Trenton ert Wennop Almost three years had heen with the Howell's Primary to Junior -- John An- enjoyed with their leadership. Miss Diane Aver: nary nis, James Miller, James Mc. and fellowship so manv harny weekend with Miss Wend Guekin, Bruce Willson, David memories remain with the En Mi William = Bryant M1 Miller, Richard Perkins, Janet niskillen Pastoral Chavge of Douglas Sproule, Oshawa, sp Ellicott, Brenda Wonnop, Penny Burketon, Enfield and Enniskil: Friday © with Miss Elizabeth Burrows len, Mr, Edgar Wright was MC Knap; Junior to Intermediate - Wen for the farewell party foi he Mr, and Mrs, Harold dy Kimura, Marilyn Roberts Logans, The program AENEd and hovs, were visitor Ted Hicks with readings fro Mesdames 1. .00 sis' 8 Rodman ue and IL. Larmer, Burketon yaa a Intermediate to Beniors Laura Bowman, Enfield M 1) iss Sheryle Dunn, Darlene Bugine- i. ed an enjovahle piano solo mori, Dianne Carter Mrs, 1. Ashton with Mr, Ronald Lorna Jean Diploma for those attending Ashton sang, Mrs, Milton Stain xhridge over 44 Sundays were; Eliza-lon rendered an organ solo. Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Pethick beth Harden, James Miller, Mrs. 0. C, Ashton read an ad- Robin, Toronto were with § Those received their second dress expressing the Pethicl year seal were Dianne Carter, (tion of the three congregations) Mr, and Mrs Pat Harden, Sheila Annis, Don- (for the excellent service given Bowmanville ald Campbell, Garry Campbell, hy My, and Mrs. Logan, Mrs, [Mr. and Mrs, M, Hobbs Penis Campbell, Gail White,|Argue and Mr. W. Bowman| Dr, and Mrs, Bryee Lark John Miller, The annual Bun: presented them with wrist ronto, were Sunday callers day School meeting will be Fri-l watches, Rev. and Mrs. Logan! E. W. Begley's day evening, January 18, It i8| replied expressing their thanks.| Mr. Wilfred Williams and Mrs hoped that there will he a good| pre:New Year party was Ralph Sadler, Caesarea, were attendance as this work 1s ims. oo oo mmm in the 88 room WI Mr, and Mrs. F. Toms, | portant In order to keep the Sun:| "nl anh nhs group en. Mr. and Mrs, EA, Wer day Bchool going tertained as their guests the Hetty Jane, and Hert Miss Susan The sympathy of the com: Sigma--C and some other spec, Wearn, Mr, and Mrs, Gran munity goes out to the famil-fia]l friends, The Seniors led in| WerTy were Sunday guests al tes of the late Mr, Robinson, game lively games. The popular A Werry's Mr, T. L. Wilson and Mr. P.ieenage lunch of hot dogs, ice and Mrs Welr cream and cookies was served, | were with Frank Dorland The friends of Lynda Barklay WELCOME WERE Mr. and Mrs. Liovd Ashton whlj be pisased 4 now that ' i are pleased to welcome Ronald and Ray, Mr. and Mrs . hie ftom the | Wa Raq our new couple at the parsonage Ross Ashton and family, Hay thoug! Ld y Mr. and Mrs, W. HL. Crawford, don, Mr. and Mrs, J, R, Ormi 3 Sunday morning service was at-|/ton were Saturday evening Mis, EL Crocker and Mrs (tended by a large congregation guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ivan b. Harrison of Toronto called 00a hear Mr. Crawford's first Sharp the formers brother, Mr, Wo Cilessage from the pulpit, The! Mrs. ¥. Davidson, Oshawa, | Willson on Sunday Senior Choir with organist Mrs. iwas a guest with F. W. Begley and Mes, Vernon Elicolbar giainton led in the service of and family on Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Griffin, ! Heather and Dale, were recent Mr. and My Allan of nur Camp Borden Howell's Mi Norman who are staying al present Doyle Joye erle ini erve the 'n spent nm Ashton at My Beurn u y WEAN Alu Wagg Mis. A, | vere with ( and and R appreciu Walton Pascoe were visitors at To Frank Hall, Osh Awa Mr, and Mrs Ve Th) had Sunday with Mr. and MIs: (oaise which included a beau ki, Campbell, Ken | {tiful duet hy Mr. and Mrs, ¥ Mr, and Mrs, Ken Pascoe and) weight alily called on My, and Mus, | The Hon Pascoe at Whitby Poroy the reguiar meeting of Joylcetting for a shower Hebekan Lodge was held marriage for Mrs Monday, January ¥, WILh ISLE ra.ke (nee Shirley Mae Phillys Ellicott in chavge 8 onan Mrs. Fllis and h sisted by bister Jean LadcoW, | ga onteng Mrs. G who reported for the sick eom:| opi fey nd Misses male dn and Pat Ellis were Blister Gladys dloneburg, Dis goses far the CGIT group trict depuly president, was in Shirley Mae is an woduved by Sister Amy Bur In addition to awe and welcomed 0 JOY oar few neighbors Lodge. disters Barbara Fascov oiacis alsa: Mrs. 0. ( Ang alse vps reported 10 piety spoke of Shivlev's career Ralph and Reenda were Satur the banquet and aance hew and od 'the congratula- dav evening dinner oF weently vy the lodge. A CORY ions an behalf of the group, A Alan Werpv's a the new bylaws was given Caringe was Diousd an the suet. THE A. Wermv's a Jevund Reading Plan IN of honor hy Miss Cheryl Rowan, were Sunday hade for doy Loage a past ti ress read hv Miss Rass Lea's he president s VSI On ganuary in Additess wd gall fi has \r and i al Alax lis prasented bride-elect and family the gioup committee of We with a lace table loth fram the and Mps, HW. J. Meqill 'rst Brock Plekering, Luu CqGIT group. A number of other Garth were Saturday wd Scout Troop mel al We wwetty and useful zifts were guests of the R wme of Mr, and Mrs, GOGO given ton: Shirley thanked all juests of and Mrs. | Werry's beautifull Miss Huh: priap to Snent the wee Rrvee Mrs, RB. Virtue Mills)! MP and Mrs. Ross Sharp and three family were miests of Getting Mrs. Carl MeLaughlin and boys Rlackstoek Mr, and Mp of Mr. and My home of Aly Ellis was the Virtue end with My Faranto and Ol her recent Hren Russell Griffin Wallace Griffin ex. Heather and Dale were Satur the day evening visitops at My, and were Mi Rav Dillshaush. Osha Ashton Mr. and Mys, Jim Mean hlin en-host vhich member A exnre guests family the and visitors with Kedron AE Fan Rowmar was Master Ay nd! the \ avenin Virtue's ADVANCED | Mayor WW. D. Baillargeon of | Tecumseh, Seated is Mayor Mike Patrick of Windsor LF Wirephmo 'New Officers \Are Elected BOWMANVILLE The Management reorganized Jan purpose of the meeting wis to select new offic ers and discuss the Ontario Farm Account Book Approximately 25 farmers en rolled in the tion that has heen organized. These far will keep complete di counts in the Ontario Farm As count Book on their farm busi ness management setup. The hooks will he handed in al the end of the year and analys) vill he made, From that it is hoped that the farmers may be ible to stud and thus increase the turn their farm Douglas Kemp of ile was elected he A Dur ham Farm As snelation was uary 6, The ne S001 nei net re to Bow president of ciation, with A, 0, Dal rvmple Agricultural Represen tative @8 secrelary-lreasurer nehip directors were selected Darlington, Allin Down; Cartwright, Harvey Gra ham; Manvers, Lawrence Bla Wi Cavan, Gordon Staples Hope, Roy MeHolm; Clarke William Allin The next meeting of the asso elation will he on Tuesday, Jun uary 24, at 1.80 pm. in the Department of Agriculture Board Room, At this meeting a wan set up of figures for a farm in| Western Ontario will provide the hasis for practice in using the Ontario Farm Account Book Anvone helonging to the Asso ciation or interested in the use of the Farm Account Book is welcome to attend this meet ing which will start promptly at 1.50 pm Jr. Farmers Hold Meeting BROOKLIN The Brooklin Junior Farmers and the Junior Institute met in the township hall Jan. § Alvin Blades, assistant agri cultural representative conduct. ed the election of officers and directors, as follows JUNIOR FARMERS, Past president, Fred president, Frank Barkey; vice president, Grant Carson; secre tary, Aubrey Carson; treasurer, Murray Jones; press reporter Grant Jones County Directors, Frank Bar key and Grant Carson Local Directors son, Bob Halliday and John Hill JUNIOR INSTITUTE Past president Jeanine Werry; president, Anne Dryden vice president, Evelyn Dunkeld; secretary, Gloria Cooper County divectors Jeanine Werry and Anne Dryden Local directors, Carol Neshitt, Helen Dryden, Retty-Jean Tran and Freda Draper Alvin Blades Taher; Glen Wil Garey Batty congratulated day on Sunday evening, Janw far the gifts and the party given ry 8, with 33 present. 40e Com, por hanar. The mainder af aittee decided 10 assess each ho cvening was spent In games amily $1 as well as the regu 32 for each scout and cub. this + being done to help meet they egwlar registration and assess rane Were. Ma. 1. C. Axhtan ent fees lar the troup Mies Fin Asian. Mr Ar Seas in order to augment this fund and Aiss Susan Wearn went to bake sale is being planned 108 g4 James United Church Peter an. 3 In the Piokering Town: haraugh to observe the wedding ip Hall at 3:00 pm. Each aeramany of Dr. and Mrs. Bryce imily is requested to send one Lake (nee Shirley Mills.) azen cookies or small cakes for) ao and Mes. Aneus King ie lea table as well as heir yiilo Britain, were Sunday vis. sgular donation of home bak: jars with . Avery's and Miss nd a delicious lunch was ser od Mrs, B. A. Werry, Mi CHARTERED A Announce the admi i Betty PARY HON. JW, MONTEITH, 1.CA, ME GORDON W. RIEML, CA, BLA ROBIRY F, LIGHTHOOT, CA 'MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & CO. in their Oshawa office of BURT R, WATERS, CA, CCOUNTANTS S500 10 partnership NIRS A via MONTEITH, § COMM A GEORGE |. TRETHEWEY, CA BURT B. WATERS, CA g Those contributing home Elizabeth Knann aking are requested to have It! Nfs © BR. Walton Kingston | the hall by 2 pm, in order spent a few davs with her nar at thease in charge will have & 'ents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ste ance to get it arranged jens. Mr, Ted Wallon was a i cht {caller Mr, and Mrs Nestleton, were Mrs. L. Lamb Ir. and Mrs. Lyval Brock and Mrs. Herman Haas Bowmanville with Corll Wilsan 'AR INDUSTRY PROPOSAL with Mr. and LONDON Socialist Com entary, monthly magazine of ¢ Labor Party, has urged that \ © government should take aver w of Britain's leading automo. And Renny le companies and transform it Keith McGill's to 8 pacemaker for the rest of MT. and Mrs, M. Stainton were industry. The article claims With Mr. and Mrs. EB Dickey at Volkswagen in' Germany Bowmanville # Renault in France are hil! Miss Ver Rats, Huntsvil) nt examples o fpublic enter sited her cousin, Miss Bethy he AW right H [+ Oshawa's DANC Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra POLISN NATIONAL UNION MALL \ Ld POOR PRIZES FOR LADIES FUN FOR ALLEVERY SATURDAY.--8:30.12 THE MUSIC OF ot the argest Public Dance » use of the thelr weaker points also \Durham H&S 'Board Meets | RONG The regular Jem ary meeting of the Durham County Distriet High Schoo Bogid was held Jomwary 1! MYRILE Tie January (with 14 members presen meeting of the Woman's Asso The report of the nominating "ation was held at the home commmitiee was Becepied and YW Mrs. Morris the chairman of the hoard for, The president npencd the 1961, will he John FT. MeCreery meeting with the Theme, hymn of Port Hope and vice-chairman snd prayer, Hymn, Standing at will be Carlos Tamblyn of the Portal, was sung and the (Orme The following committee devotional taken by Mrs. Lynde {Was sel up | Finance Fred Lyestt = M9 Chairman and Messrs. Herland, Roll call snswered by ail re | MeGregor, Tranmer and Felis, peating & verse of sciplure Management = Chairman and Messrs, Tam: biyn, Fallis, Richardson, Tink } a #nd Creighton report and the flower find re Property=W, C, Keyes, 1, A. ported 8 good halence, The ex Parker = CoAhalrmen an A eoptive for 1961 is es follows: hs Colwill, Allin and President, *Mrs., Ralph Lynde; vice-president, Mrs, 5. Notting New Society ! ed, treasurer reporied 8 very good Wright Transporiation -- Brice Tink Chairman and Messrs, Lycett Wright and Nichols Building eommitiees formed for each schoal consisting of all the local hoard members Is Formed It was with regret that the : hoard accepted the resignation! BROOKLIN -- A new hranch of the 1. W, Dippéll, principal of the Canadian Cancer Society of Bowmanville High School. wes formed here Thursday Over 30 classes of students have. Mrs. Helen MacKenzie of the ed through the school since Extension Cownell, CCS, To Mr, Dippell joined the stall, In rontn, addressed the groun 1928 there were six teacher and under 200 students. Now the he ed education and chon! 18 on #8 shift system with close eo-nneration with the dos 5 teachers and 050 or, so that no cancer goes with Mr, Dinpell will he out treatment because of lack membered hy his of funds for treatment or for dents : lack of transport The management committee Mrs, MacKenzie eongraty ill meet hefore the February lated Brookiin and the surround meeting and have & report as ing districts of Kast Whithy and to 8 new prineipal Whithy townehips upon their The secretary is to write the 'BWareness of health needs parents of all non-resident stu. 8nd urged them to press on and dents that after June 1961 no FAise health standards tudents will he accepted unless the fees are paid, The same lel ter 1s to go in nearby hoards students long re many stu Officers appointed were: Pres ident, Mrs. ( Hobson; first vice « president; Mrs, H. Doner An exchange of industrial arts Bi eeond vice president, teachers hetween Bowmanville Mrs, W. Manning; secretary and Australia is under consider: treasurer, Miss 1, MeBrien ation chairman of education, Mrs, M The Millbrook school opened Hobinson; chairman of Women's for classes Janugry 8 and is Berviee commie Mrs J nearly eomplete Hayes; chairman of campaign committed ars K, Law lvence; co-chairman of cam: the new officers of the two 8860+ pain committee, Mrs, 8, Egan; clations on their new appoint: jiedical advisor, Dr, A. 0 ments and wished them every giock. The directors appointed success In the coming year, He were Mys, J, Carnwith, Sr, Mi also congratulated the reliving i pown and Mr, J, H, Stroud presidents, Jeanine Werry (Jun ior Institute) and Fred Taber WA Members Hold Meeting seripture reading Provervs 1, A AH. Sirike With the word "Altar". Fh el minutes were read and ApIOY-he more wppreciated later. | correspondence read, The I benediction. A re (Downey, Lunch was served hy i We regret that Mrs. Marrs ANOTHER BOWLING MAEY (Hunter) and femiby wilh he [17 DOK ~ bn apphicstion {Coming away shortly. Whey wili eal of property millionsiry be greatly missed by ali Charles Clore 19 #y # bow The enchre party wt the hall Wg Whey and beer garden (wis well pliended last Friday '@rent in the west end of | Hight and will he held every Loy 20 bas heen made to the Lon weeks. A lucky Bram was held 1% County Connell. They would end Mr. Heber Down, reeve oo Ve pois of an Ji-storey hem; secteiary, Mrs A Dow: Py Township Grew the site on the north side of ney, pesistant. Urs, Perey; Why name. Mr. Barold Perey #0 rsinr Squpre. Mr. Clore trepswrer, Mildred Harrison, FECEved & flock radio ht he sie last fall Ion pianist, Mrs, Hedge, Mrs, Deem-l The last two weeks hase been VITV 00 ng, Convener for the sick,| Very busy with the snnuel meet -- Mrs, B. Percy, An executive 85 of the reiepayers of th meeting was held and & report) Noo section, community hall Unitarian Fellowship @ven coneermng the pro) cts AA this week the annual con lor the year and shows thet! BTEEstionsl meeting SUNDAY, JAN, 15h 8:30 p.m, Genoshe Hotel Prayer; Oech The Eng?" we are gong to be kept busy,| Sympathy is extended 19 ow Shut-n boxes will be packed for|[OFmer pastor, Rey. KH. H, Mil St. Valentine's instead of at|'o0 In the loss of bis wife re Christinas, All felt that every-|"ently and also to other heresy one 15 remembered at Chrisi-|#4 families in the it mas with so much snd i would) Sei "is The meeting closed with the ading on the New Year was given by Mrs. the hostess with Mrs. Notting ham, assisting and social time togeth Wer, ammo DANCE TONIGHT Modern-Souare T0 THE TORNADOS iL ATEAL RECORDS) CALLER, SOB FOWLER ADMISSION $1.00 THE "NEW" RED BARN ONTARIOS FAYORITE FUN POY J SEVEN THIEVES ec EWAED G, ROBSON 40 SIEGE OY ALN (Junior Farmers) on the fine job they did during the pasi Yeur Jeanine Werry, Fred Taber and Bah Halliday were present ed with past presidential pins EVERY SATURDAY Beginning Jan, 14th FREE Your First Dance Lesson Because we want you 10 see tor yourself easi! can learn the new dance steps how much fun yeu have while learning, and haw little it now costs, Consult your phone hook for the nearest ARTHUR MURRAY licensed studie ANTARIO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO ARLIAMENTARY NOTICE PRIVATE BILLS AMhen 1 A P Session of the embly Is resumed, an Order {will be requested extending the [date for filing Private Bills as fol | lows Jaruan | ne present Twenty-third day of will be the last day Private Bills with he Legislative As embly fres f penalt | RODERIEK LEWIS, Q.C, Clerk of the Legislative | Assembly | | Tarante, January 11th, 1961, | the next depositing Clery | dil | Januar f or the DANCING 9.12 Cue BAY VIEW DANCING TONIGHT For Reservations Phone MO 8.3191 EL) WALLACH Ge sy tt te Boy np + ts oe « Mood We Vitor oud ubecnd by STONEY BOE Boncied bn HENRY ATHY CivemaBecorE al MOWELS BARRY Hay CimraBeori COLON by DELUXE FUN FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY FRIDAYS Canada's top Record Hop Continuous Dang: ing to the Latest and Greatest on HI-FI SATURDAYS DANCE PARTY The most Dance = In ducing Music Ever! and his ORCHESTRA Featuring LOVELY JOAN WRIGHT JUBILEE PAVILION KIWANIS CLUB OF OSHAWA ING, World Travel - Adventure Series Presents JULIAN GROMER AND "Grand Canyon Adventure" "is a color travel Him packed with of aetion and excitement to be enjoyed by all ages. This picture dangerous the Colorado, amidst the celerful splen Thrills, adventures and surprises "Grand Canven Adventure $3.00 PER COUPLE plent was produced on one of the most rivers in the world dor of the Grand Canyon CANADA'S DRIVE FOR FOREIGN BUSINESS SPARKS INDUSTRIAL STOCK MARKET BOOM 0) One block ily and investigation ocks, we have come 1 with tremendous well established Dancing Tonite DNIPRO HALL DINE AND DANCE to the music of "THE CAVALIERS" | EVERYONE WELCOME are store for those seeing "GRAND CANYON ADVEN. TURE" In Central Collegiate Auditorium MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 8:15 P.M, SEASON TICKETS, 64 SHOWS FOR $5.00 AY EDITH §T, fast of Corner Ritson & Blow On sale ot the doer or from any member of the Kiwanis Club of Oshaws r=" "=r" ceeassssanm vith an excellent record t acquired a company's foreign sub PRN NEW JOHN A, MOSS & COMPANY Member Braker Dealers' Ann of Oataie, St. Voerante, Ontarie Mpls 24000 Services | Name Addrany Telephone LIL LAN ESLEY. HIS EVER LOVIN BESY IN ADMITTANCE 1 BEHIND THE CENES STORY EXCITEMENT THE SCANDALOUS EPIGRAMS OF THIS BRILLIANT BUT THE WORLD! OF THE FRIENDSHIPS | INFAMOUS HERE 18 THE | LE) BREATHLESS THE SPARKLING | GENIUS VATE RACING DOWN oo NELL'S NIGHWAY » WITH 10000 | CR wo i starting PHYLLIS CALVERT « DENNIS PRICE JOHN NEVILLE + ALEXANDER KNOX LAST TIMES TODAY o HIGH SCHOOL CARSAR™ DATE BAIT" Aduit SOWERY BOYS