2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jensery 14, 196) GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN LOW BLOWS MARK BOARD'S DEMISE Whe seid that school bosrds on the wey out don't die hard and kick up #» fuss like 3 woman scorned? Even when it was breathing its last on Tuesday night (and & $500,000 inferno was raging not too far Eovh on Simeone street) the 1956-60 Board of Edu~ cation put on is most tems pestuous, name-calling ex ~ hibition to date, The personal attacks on # distinguished trustee ad- ded little to the dignity of # board that has been far too short on this desired quality for the past two YEeRrs There is much to be said, pro and con, about the wis~ dom of naming local schools and buildings after citizens who have served the community long and well, but the stitack on Dr, O'Neill was vitriolie, eruel, nurtured in defeat by desperate men, and to DR. A. E. WNEILL tally uncalled for The bitter resentment of "The Misguided 10" over the political demise of certain of their members (not to mention tMe poor election showing of one of their three elected members) is understandable; but should it blight their judgment to such a degree that they "gang~ respected revered election x ip" on a man whose name and ny (who topped race with a whopping 7214 votes)? formance, unworthy of adult trustee group the recent board It was a sad per group, especially thousands any a SCHOOL BOARD HAS BIG TASK The inauguration is the majority of the citizeny of Edueation conducts its business along mentary lines that of its predece strife«torn school board locally in recent memory.) Here's hoping that the to thelr much more quickly of $0 the fervent of is that the incoming Board over prayer more parlia than ssor, (Lhe mosi firmly if $0 that vith incoming trustees gt home, not PosEinle efficiently solve leave shooting irons then as is reasonably get along business WAYS, As ey £ S2rious achinery As the 1950-60 board fades is pains ully obvious that it operated under a great handicap developed into rough ng vendeltas an and administering the city's education from view, Il ling pre 00 many of its meetings braw affairs pett dominating with bicker personal trivia should yvasted on Council meetings) with plenty of relatively little valuable Lime was (like affal Toa mueh Board meetings he lively, give-and~take but there verbal ( free-swinging should be ran | cor ar invective There's & need for a more business-like atmosphere | around the board, The hour is late to point at past misdeeds, but the outgoing board get into a heap of trouble because it failed to buckle down reality and fashion sound policy on such things as conventions It lot of time, to the detriment of more important business, The new board should be quick to benefit from such errors of judgment, and likely will, because it includes some pretty solid business administrators The strength of the 1060-61 board | J, Murph entatives to A also wasted a up to 12 now a lawyer, with the appointment of Russell as one of two Separate repre sther being Rey, P, Coffey) Separate School. representa fives deal only with secondary school matters on the board's agenda, Mr, Murphy was an unsuccessful candi» date for City Council in the Dec J, A, Yanch, a Separate School representative for past three years Mr, Murphy's appointment raises to three the num her of lawyers on the board the other two are John Greer and George XK, Drynan, both successful candidates in the recent election School (the | more He replaces the A election outside periodicals must-hoth be FINANCE ILLS PLAGUE CLUR Financial ills plague The Oshawa Tennis Club The three-member board of directors (still in office from last vear because no election has been held) and the membership are split as to what should be done President John Preston has placed the club's val uable property at Hilleroft and Ritson up for sale (via co-op listing) with an asking price of §75,000 for the site zoned R-3 and suitable for 21 building lots Miss Rernice Tripp, elub treasurer, is one of the members who strangly protest the move sell the proaerty, She thinks there is an easier way out of the club's difficulties, She charged this week that Mr, Preston had "kept me in the dark" for several months regarding the club's official activities, but the president denied this Miss Tripp charged further: That a group of members and ex-members had taken it upon themselves to list the property for sale without authorization of the general mem- bership That a general membership meeting was usual- ly held in November, but that no such get-to- gether was held last November, "As a club director, I do not know what these sther people are doing," she said this week, The decision to sell this property is a big one -- despite what Mr Preston says, it lacks the endarsation of the majority of the members, "I think action should be taken to hring this matter inte the open." Said Mi, Preston in reply: : "The executive was given 'power of attorney' to list the property for sale, at any time it (the executive) aw fit hy more than 68 and two-thirds of the members present at a general membership meeting last March" Mr, Preston said he could produce the club's mins utes to substantiate this, He said Thursday some club members were in the process of organizing a meeting to elect a board of trustees (possibly five or seven) wha could administer a trust fund in the event that the property was sold, UAW HOLDS DISTRICT COUNCIL, MEET IN ST, KITTS President Malcolm Smith of Local 222 and a load of top UAW brass from Oshawa are in St. Catharines this weekend for the Quarterly Distriet Council meet of the UAW. More than 123 delegates fram Canada will alse be on hand te hear Canadian UAW director, give his report One of the important items future union policy Among local big-wigs attending will be Cliff Pilkey, Russ McNeil, Douglas Sutton, Abe Taviar, Ralph Cooke, John Brady, Sid McCormack, Robert Spender, Jack Meagher, Howard Powers, Willidim Rutherford and Ted McLaughlin, Atross Bunt George in be dis disturbed ( {to u form STUDYS VARIOUS COURSES -- a SN ar eX RESCUED FROM SINKING tal hy Or. D. J, Tusel, intern | Richardson was picked up hy the Tug Sally R and taken to YW J treatment in Richardson, #7 gets first ald Mary's Hospi- | Magazine Probe In Final Stages | By DAVE STOCKAND Canadian Press Staff Writer editorial matier aimed at Cang dian readers and carr Hsin olicited in CORNER AD MONEY They have heen gobbling more than 40 per cent of advertising xpendityre aaver Canpdg (CP) nada of na An impres organization heen 1elling ori sive and inh thi I number dual up royal commission on pub A Canadian maga If they enuine thought ulin hat 0 I in Canada from Bigh-ciy culating weekend magazine I'he royal ion nofar from impressed h used hy the ines need a hetier hreak aide ie to oul ] UIVIVEE BS # Ie for national and ha Lhe Iwo commi pinion I'he "ue ound of hi which Canadian tag th commission ni 1 Chalrman M, Grattan O'1Lear at oan Ollawa on asl week that they couldn't gxpect to he given the status of native Canadian periodicals a into final SLL it began last ha indicated it hy the hurrowing foreign periodical thao from iid 1] November power of specificall United Canadian publisher they don't stand a chance hatter future unless the govern 15 ta help them and to foreign competition ean-Hunter Publish Limited, the tor foree in the Canadign maga gine field, offered thi of the situation "The theory that wiblications should he granted a favorable chim 1n any handi non-Canadian pub 15 a delightful one that ecems to he difficult of mlementing in very practical the @ tite ald of § Have Tests Promised For Bus Drivers TORONTO (C1) Transport Minister Rowntree sald Friday all school hus drivers in the pravinee will he re « examined under new regulations to he announced next week Mr, Rowntree was speaking at the closing session of a three day road safety workshop of the Canadian Highway Safety Coun oil He said the new regulation will call for & new and higher tandard for tests of applicant for school bus drivers' licence and will set mechanical stand ards for school buses ment | hohhble I'he ng i wl Compan mu WINmanry Canadian operating ie, without way apping Heation any | Canadian Hest HEY of encouragement periodicals and discouragement to 0 of given consideration Panel Organized By Kaiser Steel FONTANA if (AP) The Kaiser Steel Corporation and United Steelworkers of America Friday announced a precedent etting permanent nine man panel of management, lahor and public representatives whose joh will he ta try to eliminate strikes . spokesmen for 'all three groups called the move a for ward step in labor-management velations and expressed high optimism it will work The action came as a recom mendation by the Long Range Committes which was set up in 1959 to develop ways of sharing I'he th ilon ha oe-man royal commis heen asked to consider every Ihe ble regulation quotas and excise \ combination types of 0 needed ter { magazines had a 160,000,000 copies no of ( avenue Postal tariff taxes, of possi and import action several well Hun action may ald Maclean very ale of in Canada in compared with 45,000,000 domestic periodicals, The ves total in Canada is double its sales in the rest of the | The major issue in the inquiry is that of the "Canadian edition" as distributed by Time. and the company's future economic Reader's Digest progress fairly among employ: These editions contain some ees, stockholders and the publio,! wor Ed Ea RS battle group the wind out of | od on n REHEA | on Okinawa the after participat: + Japan, is considered 10 be one A Mass practice The unit, station: island south of jump juny Face his parachute 5 10s RSAL ON OKINAWA Industrial Conference Dates Set TORONTO (CFP) ~~ The Dukes of Edinbwrgh's second Common wraith sthidy pon' rence will We held in Canada May 13 to June 962, nm was announced Kr day Simty five Canadians will be among the 19 persons engaged n the erossCanada study Agel ing with the human emse | ences of industrigl changes in| the Commonwealth and Empire W. 4, Bennett, president o Canadian + British Aluminium Company and chairman of the conference members' commit lee, said Friday application: from prospective members will he received at conference head quarters here until May 31, 1961 While & number of names will be proposed from industrial and labor organizations, he said, ap plications will be welcomed from individuals in sll parts of Canada, "Fhe conference is designed yice establishments would be ployed directly on site in carry!" particularly for men and women (aking advantage of the loans to ing out the work involved, and ¢ who are likely within the next decade or 50 to assume positions of leadership and responsibility in industry," he said, "either on the managerial side or in trades unions, First consider ation therefore, will he given to those between the ages of 256 and 45, The conference will open at Montreal May 13, 1062, After a plenary session there, members will divide into groups of about 14 persons to sludy some 20 communities in Eastern Can ada. A iwo-day meeting then will be held in Toronto -- date not yet sel--and the members then will head west by train visiting key communities before ending the conference in Van couvey Prince Philip BURGE hospital in West Palm Beach for checkup / AP Wirephoto Montreal Thuas Have Big Evening WL (CP) who started the conferences at Oxford in 1056 will attend the Canadian one called by him last year at the request of leaders in Canadian Industry and labor Tube Babies Shock Paper VATICAN CITY The Vatican newspaper atore Romano Friday against the quences' of test-tube periments It was commenting on reports from Bologna that three Italian researchers had achieved the fertilization of a human female ovum hy human male semen in i test tube, stopping the "hirth" after 20 days Condemning "the reproduce tion of human life outside its TONTRI real undey other full Frida fl handn Ihre I'he Mont world turned in an cale performance four haolduns - netted than $K.000 held (Reuters) Osser manne warned unmen up an tend branch of the Banque Canadienne ationale and caped with an estimated $5,000 hres 'nf ef hahy ex 08 unmen entered the pay I] Lines Lid,, and ih envelopes con Laining i256 I'hree suspects were later ar rested after a high-speed chase through the east end streets I'hey heing detained for J office escaped $2 are tioning \ driver for Couvrette-8auriol le grocers, told police he as held up hy a lone gunman and robbed of 81,000 Gerard Berthinume said the handit caped with a har con tpining the day's collections, A lone gunman accosted Tow rence Roloff, paymaster for La alle Engineering Lid, and stole cheques totalling $67 INTERPRETING THE NEWS India Leading In Laos Drive Hy Canadian |] naper sald: "To give life to a human heing is a thing that God has surrounded with the most sublime guarantees of love and assistance in nature and consel ence, through the spiritual and physical union of two conse crated heings--the parents "These conditions cannot he violated with impunity without (monstrous consequences," hole ALAN HARVEY | immediate decision to reconsti. Press Staff Weiter [tute the internation supervisory Ikely take the commission set up hy the Gen. role in bid for/eva agreements of 1064, The in Laos eemmission was adjourned in If Russia approves, Britian is/1958, largely on Canada's in expected to propose that an In| Stigation dian negotiator visit the poeket British emphasis on a speedy zed Aslan trouble spot to study recall of the commission has wavs of restoring ander diminished as obstacles to early The British proposal, devel: action have hecome anparent oped in a complex vound of Complications include the at. diplomatic exchanges involving titude of Russia and of the Lao: London, Ottawa and New Delhi, [tian government may "he formally announced, Russia comes into the picture within the next few days as co-chairman with Britain of To some extent, it represents the Goneva conference af 1954 \ compromise, Canada has sug An additional hazard is that not gested that a study group, com-|all of the powers involved in prising a, India and Paland make an on-the-spot study of pro-Western government of Pre conditions in Laos ta decide the mier Roun Oum, best course of action y : : ' | Britain originally favored an WOULD STAND RY | Under the new plan, India would name a "commissioner designate" to go to Laos, Rep resentatives of Canada and Po land, the ather twa members of the supervisory commission, would stand by te assist if nee essary After the visit af the commis | sioner « designate, a decision would he made as ta whether the commission might usefully he reconstituted, or whether . some other mave would be prefs erahle Canada would have mixed feelings about participating in a reconstituted commission, Ex perience has shown this to be a thankless task but Canadian L officials feel there can be no f shirking of responsibilities lo new India leading peace Ie a REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT Government Program Seen Taking Effect By MICHAEL STARR MP | Min'ster of Labor Resumption of Parfiament on Monday, January 16, with & full order of business, would bring members back from ihelr con stituencies all across Canada Main order of business wold Government's economic pro- gram and budgetary messuies designed to stabalize the econ omy, to reorient development slong Canadian lines, and 10 v vide jobs There were already seversl indications, even before the Bes sion resumed, thet the Govern ment's programs were having effect, On January 9, for example, the Retail Merchants' Associa: tion of Cansda estimated thet banks against losses wp to 19 percent of the (otal amount Meanwhile municipal parm Export | reported ppprovel of 1200 pro- for United Slates sowrces to pay fede 30 Wht Drorings. sade tater 6 slatistics toed ral - prov ' ¥ i WILEY Works Program. the. Dominion Bureau of ate {he continuation of dehaie on the These projects would provide tics in December showed that for some 15.000 men 895 exports had increased 74 the winter months opr Bolly Li AU Cost of the work will reach an ber period over last yesr, estimated $43,708,009, | The incrensed exports were & In the City of Toronto, & W-\ycicome hoost for the Canadian MON winter Works DROSS economy snd added strength in has heen launched, MARY Quarters, On January 6, the program for New umber, woolbuh the whole of Canada had re- sulted in approval of some 4. *lminum and 1d id h $00 projects calling for & total AONE the com, i showed gains, expenditure of $225,000 009, of ao A § that hs The Buresy which the Federal share was an "clos Canada reached re- some 15,000 retailers and ser small business program, This would launch construe: tion werk amounting to some $75,000,000 glone LOSS INSURANCE The legislation provides for an amount of $300,000,000 over a three-year period and insures | Apparently Misquoted OTTAWA (CP)= Canada still hasn't made up its mind whe ther to join the Organization o American States, a spokesman or the external affairs depart ment said Friday He said that Prime Minister Diefen bh a ke r was apparently isquoted in a. Reuters story from Kingston, Jamaica, Wed i which quoted him as SHYINE I'here is no intention to join the organization, We believe that we can enter into relations with the nations of Latin Amer cia and other nations which MONSIrOus Conse: eiane to the organization by dip. security blunder that brought lomatic means as we do today." External Affairs Minister (jreen subsequently spoke to the prime minister hy telephone and confirmed there has been no change in Canada's policy, the spokesman said "Whether or not to join is still under consideration,' said the spokesman, "An early decision natural conditions," the news. is unlikely, We are still sending has threatened to resign over an observer to the tion's next meeting at Eeuador, next spring," Mrs. Woodsworth Marks Birthday MANOTICK, Ont, (CP)=Mrs I, 8, Woodsworth, who recalls the era when her late husband founded the CCF party as "those wonderful, wonderful days," marks her 87th birthday today, Still keen and alert, she lives quietly with her daughter and sonsinslaw in this small commu- nity 10 miles south of Ottawa Mr, Woodsworth, who died in 1042, was the leading figure in the founding of the CCK party at Winnipeg in 1083, They were married in 1004 al Mrs, Woodsworth's farm home near Peterborough while My Woodsworth was a Methodist minister, organiza Quito, Toronto Builder Guilty, Perjury TORONTO (CP) Builder Mannie Raker Friday received a two-year suspended sentence fbr perjury in testimony before the 1950 judicial inquiry into _subur ban York Township land deals Judge Robert Forsyth placed Baker on a $00 bond and representatives of Can: the intricate weh of interna: warned him that he would be charged with comitting . infan: should tional negotiations recognize the sent to jail if he committed fur: |ticide Sept, 8 ther offences during the proba tion period After vetiving for an hour the $27,400,009, pL leord levels in 1099, for a total Some 84,300 men would be em CL Cor Torn 106000 an In vease of 128 per cent from approximately an equal number oilsits, high, but, #5 the M DOLLAR NEAR PAR National Revenue pointed out in In the monetary field, one of the House of Commons, this was the early evidences of the ef- due to a preferential ion fectiveness of new budgetary which had heen in effect for mensures was the return of the many years; and this situation Canadian dollar towards par, [has now heen rectified, Sales of foreign cars were inister of Diefenbaker Israel Excited By Lavon Affair JERUSALEM (AP)=All ls: labor party that is the mainstay rael is talking about the Pinhas of his government coalition, Lavon affair, It has grown for A crisis in the 160,000-member six years until today it threatens Mapai thus means a ensis in to destroy Premier David Ben- the government itself, Gurion's government Ben-Gurion is on vacation, His Except for Ben-Gurion's stub: most ardent supporters say Is horness, the Lavon affair now rael cannot get along without might be closed as tightly as him, His eritics say the attitude |the incident that first started the that Israel's fate depends solely {whole thing=--a lop secret 1954 on one man is dangerous, security mishap that led Ben- a x Gurion to replace Lavon as de. DISMISSED ARMY OFFICER fence minister As a result of Lavon's exon: Instead matters now stand ration, Ben-Gurion dismissed this way hetween the two an./[¥om the army this week an LREONISLS Israeli officer already sus Lavon, 57, has been cleared of [ended for his: connection with any blame in the mysterious he forged files, Evidence against the ex-officer was so bare that he is not to be prose: cuted Ben-Gurion still wants a judi cial body to sift over, for the fourth time, details of the affair, He wants Lavon cross-exams ined and says Lavon fears this hecause he may be hiding some- thing, Thursday night the prime ninister accused Lavon to his ace at a Mapai meeting, Lavon protested his innocence has been | proved, In a statement the premier described Lavon as "not only | arrogant and insolent, but also a liar and slanderer," nome observers here say Ben: Gurion wants the Lavon crisis to reach its climax with the fall of the present government, In that case he could form a new government without some of his left-wing coalition members, To this day the security mis: hap has never been made pub. his removal in 1066, His exoner: ation came last month when a committee of government mine isters decided that Lavon's sig: nature on the misguided mil. tary order was a forgery, Ben-Gurion, 74, has refused to go along with the Israeli cabinet in accepting Lavon's clearance, Foreign Minister Golda Meir |Ben-Gurion's stubborness, WANTS NEW PROBE Ben-Gurion wants a new In vestigation by a body of lega experts, He has threatened otherwise to resign as premier and as head of the Mapai, the A0-year-old Social Democratic Four Murder Cases Listed lig, TORONTO (CP) = Fourteen true bills, including four for gr murder, and two no hills were reported to Chief Justice J, C.| McRuer Friday by a seven-man| grand jury When a grand jury reports a true bill it means there is suf ficient evidence to justify a hearing. A no hill finding is al recommendation that the case be dropped True bills on murder charges | were returned against Louise Burton, in the death Nov, # of her daughter, Susan; J, Beck: ett in the death last November of Kathleen MeMullen; Degslo Bakonyi in the death last Sep: tember of Fva RBlumberger; | Mary Reinhardt in the death of! her husband, Raymond, last No: vember, | True bills were also returned against Walter Hrymalak, charged with attempted murder in the death of Sophia Hryma lak Oct, 7: Georgia Manta, RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8-4681 Earl Stuart and Victor Young will stand trial on rape charges. | jury found that Baker, 39, de libevately gave false evidence hefore Judge Joseph Sweet in May 1950 when he said he had never rented basement apart: ments in York Township, The jury recommended leniency, GULF WINDS APTS. * 3 > » BEACH 200 luxurious apartments an Gulf of Mexico's widest beach, Near fishing, golf, shopping, QQ attractions, | Imperial House wm Cuising & Lown ef ral 2 Kite 9 XL Y Gulf Wings St. Petersburg ST, PETERSBURG PHON pw MRS, MITENELL of th ahr SIQUN called into action 1 the event of a Far East orises « TORONTO Going SOUTH THIS WINTER? Let experts arrange your winter vacation . for you, Donald Travel Service Over 35 year' experience selling ave! WHITEY w= OSHAWA ---- BROOKLIN -- Fh, MO 3-3304 / = EB. IM 305 GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD, §, OSHAWA OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M, Specials ! Mon,, Tues., Wed. BUTTER FIRST GRADE h 66¢ BREAD CHRISTIE'S, SLICED 2 33¢ TOILET TISSUE ***" 8, 1.00 CIGARETTES Yout choc 3.09 PITTED DATES *** 190 SIDE PORK "®t sue . 49¢ PORK SHOULDERS "" owes 3Q¢ COOKED HAN 'tn sucee » 890 New GREEN ONIONS or RADISHES 3 sae 28° COOKING ONIONS °N™%e '»& g3¢ Shop & Save at GLECOFF'S Free Parking on our ot! Wa cash Pension, W Pay Cheques. Relist Vouchen accepted! OPEN any Vo eM ; ~AP Wirephoto